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US/NATO War on Russia
Quote:Interesting question, the Kiev one. Several solutions suggest themselves, none of them particularly appealing, but I suspect a Kadyrov-type solution is being given earnest consideration. Then again, that option may be reserved for the Galician heartland of the UNA-UNSO death cult.

An interesting thought keeps recurring: Amidst all the understandable debate about whether the US has spun a web from which Russia cannot extricate itself, it's been almost entirely ignored the extent to which US actions have served Moscow's purposes - from swinging elite domestic opinion behind the turn to Asia, to radicalising Russian Ukraine - rather nicely. Just a thought.

What is a Kadyrov-type solution? And the Galician heartland, etc?

Yes! I have been working my deep political brain (I upgraded it and bought a couple of extra transisters) on this. I have given up thinking that doing endlessly stupid things over and over again, is not a glitch in the matrix but a feature. Are we talking skulls and bones mixed with Hegelian dialectics and the creation of a new set of enemies? If so, is Putin in on the fix?
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Quote:What is a Kadyrov-type solution?

That's the one the Russians are about to implement on their CIA Crimean Tatar problem:

Quote:Against this background, the head of the Crimean government Sergey Aksenov flew to Ramzan Kadyrov. Officially declared the visit as "the development of interregional relations in various fields." Reported on a trip to his ancestral village of Kadyrov - Tsentaroy about Chechen kebabs, the protected springs and folk ensemble. Although significant highlight of the trip was different. "Of course, showed Sergey Valerievich modern ultra-mobile military equipment designed for special forces," - said Kadyrov.

Press office Aksenov refused to give details of his current negotiations in Chechnya. However, informed sources report that "a multidisciplinary delegation of Grozny is ready to contribute to peace and stability in Crimea during the holiday season 2014."


A full-fledged, Cold War-vintage MI6-CIA campaign is up-and-running in support of planned Tatar terrorism:

Quote:If any extinct state is a candidate for resurrection, the Crimean Khanate qualifies.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
An interesting play opened here by Putin. Pushing back against the US encroachment. Is this a blank cheque? Obama already opted out of doing much unless Maliki went. It also further protects Assad in Syria. Was thinking that the US was going to use the threat of ISIS to go bombing in Syria to get them. So that move has been checkmated now.
Quote:Putin offers Iraq's Maliki complete support' against jihadists

[Image: 698408c1-2e1e-44fd-9858-f6fae7309d25_16x9_600x338.jpg] Russian President Vladimir Putin confirmed Russia's complete support for the efforts of the Iraqi government

AFP, Moscow
Friday, 20 June 2014

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday offered Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Moscow's total backing for the fight against jihadist fighters who have swept across the Middle East country.

"Putin confirmed Russia's complete support for the efforts of the Iraqi government to speedily liberate the territory of the republic from terrorists," the Kremlin said in a statement following a phone call between the two leaders.

Maliki, increasingly under pressure at home and abroad, told Putin about steps the Iraqi government was taking to turn back a lightning offensive by the radical Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), that has overrun swathes of northern and central Iraq.

"It was noted that the activities of extremists conducting military operations on the territory of Syria has taken on a cross-border character and now threaten the security of the whole region," the statement said.

The conversation came after U.S. President Barack Obama stopped short of acceding to Maliki's appeal for air strikes against the Sunni Muslim insurgents, prompting neighboring Shiite Iran to charge that Washington lacked the "will" to fight terror.

On Friday the Kremlin's top foreign policy advisor Yury Ushakov told journalists that Putin would soon hold phone talks with Obama, in part, about the situation in Iraq.

Russia has blamed the latest violence sweeping Iraq on the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of the country and said that any strikes on jihadist forces would have to be authorized by the United Nations.

Russia is one of the staunchest allies of Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad and has helped prop up his regime during three years of fighting against a hotchpotch of rebel groups, including the ISIL.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
CIA's yobs on the rampage yet again:

"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
From Brzezinski's, The Grand Chessboard (p. 46)

Quote:Ukraine, a new and important space on the Eurasian chess-
board, is a geopolitical pivot because its very existence as an inde-
pendent country helps to transform Russia. Without Ukraine,
Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire. Russia without Ukraine can
still strive for imperial status, but it would then become a predom-
inantly Asian imperial state, more likely to be drawn into debilitat-
ing conflicts with aroused Central Asians, who would then be
resentful of the loss of their recent independence and would be
supported by their fellow Islamic states to the south. China would
also be likely to oppose any restoration of Russian domination
over Central Asia, given its increasing interest in the newly inde-
pendent states there. However, if Moscow regains control over
Ukraine, with its 52 million people and major resources as well as
its access to the Black Sea, Russia automatically again regains the
wherewithal to become a powerful imperial state, spanning Europe
and Asia. Ukraine's loss of independence would have immediate
consequences for Central Europe, transforming Poland into the
geopolitical pivot on the eastern frontier of a united Europe.

It's either/or. If Russia regains Ukraine, it becomes an empire again. Russia will naturally want this result. On the other hand, if Ukraine is brought into the EU and westernized, Russia will only be a regional power. This view has clearly set the stage for the conflict we see today.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Something interesting happening in Moscow University. Alexander Dugin and his head of department have been summarily dismissed and so has the whole department of Conservative Studies which is at the forefront of the Eurasian Project. It was the Rector Sadovnichy an academic from Soviet days who ordered it. Sadovnichy claims to have done it because "MSU is a place for study, not politics. Dugin spends too much time on politics." It seems there has been a battle going on in the university (amongst other places) between the old soviet guard (and the new conservative ultra - nationalists. In the university there is also a scandal involving the head of the sacked department and a dubious dissertation. Vladimir Zhironovsky is rumoured to be a replacement but I don't know if that is seerious or not nor the source. Putin is expecting an apology fromSadovnichy for his actions.


Соцфак МГУ без декана и философа

Декан соцфака МГУ Владимир Добреньков и философ Александр Дугин рассказали о причинах своих отставок

[Image: dobrenkov.75.098_sm-pic510-510x340-78007.jpg]
27.06.2014, 21:22 | Евгений Сафронов, Елизавета Антонова

Социологический факультет МГУ переживает серьезные перемены. В пятницу стало известно об отставке его декана Владимира Добренькова, а также философа Александра Дугина, возглавлявшего Центр консервативных исследований. На место Дугина прочат Владимира Жириновского, сообщил сам философ, пожаловавшись, что его убрали из-за его активной политической позиции. В вузовской среде высказывают надежды на позитивные преобразования на факультете.
О своей отставке декан соцфака МГУ Владимир Добреньков, возглавлявший его последние 25 лет с момента основания в 1989 году, лично заявил на состоявшемся в вузе совете деканов. Новость тут же обнародовал в фейсбуке доцент факультета глобальных процессов Олег Иванов.
«Я бы сказал кратко, причина тому собственное желание, к тому же истек срок полномочий, рассказал Добреньков о причинах своего ухода «Газете.Ru». Хочу сосредоточиться на своем здоровье, перейти на щадящий график. В то же время я остаюсь заведующим кафедрой, профессором, буду заниматься наукой, как и занимался. Никакой политики или интриг, с моей точки зрения, здесь нет. Отношения с ректором у нас дружеские».
«Официальное заявление и приказ появятся 30 июня, в понедельник, рассказал источник «Газеты.Ru» в деканате. В этот же день состоится большой ученый совет. На нем ректор МГУ (Виктор Садовничий. «Газета.Ru») объявит кандидатуру, которую представит совет». По данным источника, исполняющей обязанности декана социологического факультета будет назначена профессор кафедры истории и теории социологии Надежда Осипова.
Имя декана тесно связывалось с волнениями в среде студентов и некоторых сотрудников соцфака, которые произошли в 2007 году.
Они высказывали недовольство как бытовыми условиями на факультете и высокими ценами в столовой, так и низким качеством образования и установленной руководством факультета «личной диктатурой».
В итоге несколько студентов были отчислены, как они утверждали, по политическим мотивам.
Кроме того, имя Владимира Добренькова и его соавтора по учебникам Альберта Кравченко мелькало в скандале о плагиате. Критика и претензии к качеству образования на социологическом факультете МГУ в 2007 году звучали и в Общественной палате.
По мнению члена профсоюза «Университетская солидарность» Михаила Лобанова, уход Добренькова с поста декана факультета социологии «событие, которого ждали многие в университете». «В университете многие сходились во мнении, что при нем факультет, особенно в последнее десятилетие, превратился в нечто, что было «темным пятном» для всего университета, утверждает Лобанов. Факультет сейчас нуждается в кардинальных изменениях, непонятно, достаточно ли для этого будет смены личности декана. Может оказаться, что и после этого ситуация может остаться такой же». И все же смена руководства факультету была необходима, отмечает Лобанов ее добивались сотрудники, а также студенты и аспиранты. «Всем в университете хотелось бы, чтобы соцфак преобразился и чтобы там появилась настоящая современная социология. Будем надеяться на перемены, хотя не очевидно, что смена руководства к этому обязательно приведет», завершил Лобанов.
Действующие сотрудники факультета, пожелавшие остаться неизвестными, в разговоре с «Газетой.Ru» также высказали мнение, что смена декана в данном случае мало изменит ситуацию, потому что «факультета давно не существует».
С ними согласился заместитель директора Центра современной философии и социальных наук философского факультета МГУ Александр Бикбов. «За почти 25 лет, когда Владимир Добреньков оставался в деканском кресле, факультет был настолько подровнен и зажат системой, которую он создал, что трудно делать прогнозы на ближайший год. Будут ли попытки сохранить какой-то компромиссный баланс, ничего не менять и ни с кем не ссориться со стороны нового руководства, будут ли попытки привести каких-то своих людей или появится возможность набора на факультет по конкурсу все это станет понятно в течение ближайших двух месяцев, сказал Бикбов «Газете.Ru». По поводу временных фигур трудно строить планы. Нередко случается так, что временные становятся постоянными». При этом он выразил надежду, что при решении вопроса о том, кто сменит Добренькова, «будет присутствовать какой-то минимальный элемент академической демократии, как со стороны коллектива факультета, так и со стороны ученого совета университета». Все же, по словам Бикбова, сам по себе уход Добренькова с поста декана соцфака дает надежду на какое-то минимальное обновление и оздоровление ситуации на факультете.
«Лично Добреньков засветился в защите липовых работ сравнительно мало, говорит эксперт «Диссернета» Андрей Заякин. Под его руководством была слеплена из чего попало диссертация депутата Госдумы Елены Николаевой и защищена в диссовете 501.001.01 на соцфаке. Еще около пяти работ из этого диссовета сейчас у нас находятся на рассмотрении. Однако наиболее грязный диссовет на «добреньковском» соцфаке 501.001.03. В нем нами отловлены десять диссертаций с некорректными заимствованиями. Эти тексты стыкуются таким образом, что между ними не остается ни одного зазора, куда диссертант мог бы вставить хотя бы пару своих слов: переделывался только титульный лист и все. Думаю, что руководство МГУ должно по заслугам оценить деятельность руководителей этих диссертаций. Мы же хотим поздравить профессора Добренькова с уходом на заслуженный отдых».
Также в пятницу прояснилась судьба учрежденного в 2008 году Добреньковым и философом Александром Дугиным Центра консервативных исследований при социологическом факультете.
«Дугин сообщил мне в частной беседе, что уходит из университета, его не будет. Думаю, он заберет с собой и Центр консервативных исследований, который возглавлял. Тем более что структурно центр не был в составе Московского университета. Он также изъявил желание уйти и заняться самостоятельной деятельностью. Никаким приказом это пока не оформлено», рассказал Добреньков.
«Да, действительно, Центр консервативных исследований прекращает свое существование, подтвердил «Газете.Ru» Александр Дугин. Ректор Садовничий отменил свой указ о назначении меня завкафедрой социологии международных отношений за мою позицию по Новороссии и поддержку ополчения юго-востока.
И если Добреньков ушел сам, в силу возраста, то в отношении меня другая мотивация. Со мной ректор этот вопрос не обсуждал, но объяснил это декану. Что любопытно, на это место назначен Жириновский. Ничего не имею против Жириновского, но как же аполитичность МГУ?»
Философ отметил, что получал приглашения в самые разные университеты в России и за ее пределами, но пока хотел бы взять паузу. «Ожидаю, что Виктор Антонович [Садовничий] принесет мне лично свои извинения за то свинство, которое он осуществил. Эта картина выглядит настолько аморально, на мой взгляд, когда за патриотическую поддержку Путина и Новороссии российских профессоров преследуют по политическим причинам, это скандал. И потом, меня пригласил на факультет Добреньков, и скорее всего бы сам не остался без него. Ректору надо было подождать всего три дня», заявил Дугин.
На своей странице «ВКонтакте» Дугин пояснил свою политическую позицию. «Моя позиция по Новороссии: полная и безоговорочная поддержка ДНР и ЛНР, жесткая оппозиция хунте и украинскому нацизму, истребляющему мирное население, неприятие либерализма и Запада, и в первую очередь американской гегемонии, и последовательное отстаивание шагов Президента Путина в его противостоянии с Киевом и Вашингтоном.
Какие «круги» вынудили ректора МГУ Садовничего это сделать, я могу только догадываться. Ректор дал этому решению еще и такое странное обоснование: по его словам, «МГУ место для науки, а не политики, а Дугин, мол, слишком увлекся политикой». Но дальше интересное: на место заведующего кафедрой Социологии Международных Отношений выдвинут Жириновский. Видимо, Жириновский никакого отношения к политике не имеет, и занимается исключительно чистой наукой», написал он.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Heart-rending stuff from those on the business end of America's Kievan fascists:

"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
The German government is acting on its own accord as an accomplice, not a vassal of US strategy

by Dagmar Henn

Quote:The EU-association contracts the Kiew Junta signed binds the Ukrainian economy to the zone of German hegemony (the EU is now completely submitted to German interests). Signing the IMF contract was an EU demand. So the economic trap that actually forces the junta towards exterior aggression (just to save their own skin) is not a US invention, but a German one...

Steinmeier, the German minister of exterior, was head of the chancellery and therefore coordinator of secret service activities from 1999 to 2005. So he was deeply involved in Kosovo already. Later he pushed the association of Ukraine to EU. He is neither innocent nor someone interested in peace. He was the first one to talk about "territorial integrity" immediately after the coup.

Everybody remembers that Nuland in her famous phone-call demanded Jazenjuk for government. Nearly everybody forgot that she also said "no Swoboda". It was Steinmeier who opened the door for Swoboda. And if US media are silent about ukrainian Nazis, German media are mute. Even though it should be much easier for a German journalist to recognize them than for an American.

Not only in this blog, also in Russian media (as far as I manage to decipher them through Google-Translator) Germany is seen as a US vassal that could be a potential ally. (Putin repeated this idea in a speech to various ambassadors). If this position is aimed at the German public, it might work as a propagandistic idea, but it doesn´t even reach this public (there is no German channel of RT until today). If it is aimed at German politics, it is based upon a flawed analysis. It might be possible to create a split between Germany and it´s european neighbours (after they have been sucked dry economically in the last years to stabilize German industry and German banks); it is wasted effort between Germany and the US, because this is complicity, not dependancy. Like it was in Jugoslawia - the US gets the military bases, Germany gets the colonies.. (and if you remember the role of Croatian fashists, guess where they were stored all those decades before their reuse? Yes, in Munich).

German political rhetoric rarely tells the truth. Ask the Greek about it, who got "saved". Nothing that is said can be trusted. It´s just the deeds that tell the truth. And if there were any serious intention from the German side to move from escalation to diplomacy, there would be a breach in the information blockade to legitimize it. There isn´t. Not the slightest one. Just once there was a single information that went through - when Bild, Germany´s most awful journal, wrote about PMCs in Ukraine. They referred to a source in the BND. I think that was some kind of internal retaliation for the fake OSCE-show.

The relative stability of German economy is based upon a consequent "beggar-thy-neighbour"-policy. It´s result is the transformation of the EU into a semi-colonial structure with just one political and economical center: Germany (and just think of Hollande no longe being allowed to phone without Merkel). But this structure is far from stable, because it ran out of neighbours that are not yet beggared, and the fundamental economical crisis is far from over. So both sides of this partnership in aggression share the same problem, and no trade balance with Russia can fill this gap. Both need a real destruction of real values on a large scale, and they need it soon.

When the Wehrmacht started losing in 1943, they tried to analyse their errors. They came to the conclusion that before they ever started a war against Russia again, they should take care to secure all of Europes economic potential under their control. So it is a bit spooky to see that exactly this has been achieved during the last years.

It´s impossible to prove how tight the connection between German authorities and the Ukrainian Nazis are. German archives are tightly closed; all the dirt accumulated since 1945 is still hidden. As the CIA documents are accessable, US acts are public, while German ones stay hidden... But there are strong indications that the worst parts of the Ukrainian forces are German puppets, not American (starting with Timoshenko and Klitschko, but continuing into the full Bandera spectrum). They don´t need to be controlled directly. They run like on a track into the right direction, as soon as they are called on stage.

Around Munich there were more Nazis in official positions and more Bandera exiles than ever reached the US. German secret service BND (located in Pullach, a few kilometers from Munich) never dropped the old connections and it was formed out of the same people that held those connections during the war. There was a Ukrainian exile government in Munich, residing in Zeppelinstraße, there still is a ukrianian university; Munich was the headquarter of the ukrainian terrorists after 1945.

Right from independence there was a strong German influence in Ukraine. 1992 the German embassy in Kiew employed more personel than all other western embassies together (including the American). While British and American government officials at that time warned of strengthening nationalist tendencies in ex-SU-countries, the German government did everything to do exactly that (not only in Ukraine, by the way, but also in the Baltic states and...). So a floor full of CIA agents in Kiew might be not a sign of US strength in this drama, but rather the opposite, an attempt to catch up with German connections.

There is one strange historic resonance in the list of ukrainian events. Up to the 9th of May everything followed a timetable that somehow aimed at a reversion of WWII (culminating in what would have happened in Mariupol, if local police hadn´t rebelled). This timetable was mainly based upon historical events in Ukraine. But there is one exception. The Odessa massacre has two historic resonances; but both are not placed in Ukraine, but in Germany. On May 2 1919 Munich was conquered by the counterrevolution , followed by several days of massacre with up to 3 000 victims; the bloodiest event in German interior politics until the Nazis came into power. And on May 2 1933 the Nazis stormed the buildings of the German unions. That might be a coincidence; but if it isn´t, it is a strong indication of a German mind behind it.

(German Nazis are obsessed with historic references. Do you know why the first Concentration Camp was built in Dachau? The Bavarian Red Army won a battle there early in 1919... they wanted to extinguish even the memory; and they succeeded)

And then there is the basic question - the whole story looks too much like an attempt to revert WWII not to be exactly that. Now why would the US be tempted to revert WWII that lay the base for their present position? No reason at all. The ones who want to revert this war are the ones that lost it.

Even the new scandal about this NSA-spy in BND won´t have any consequences, as the whole NSA story didn´t. And won´t. Why? Just imagine it were the other way round, Germany being the country eager for war - what would be the consequence in relation to the USA? They are needed as nuclear shield... so they would have to be involved one way or the other, even if it were an exclusively German plan.

I might be wrong. I would love to be wrong. But Russian strategy at the moment seems to be aimed at a split between Germany and the US, and if I´m right, this strategy is completely futile. I see no plan B. Not even a serious attempt to reach German public. It preoccupies me profoundly.

German governments like to talk of peace. Until 5:44 in the morning.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
It should now be abundantly clear that another crash of a Malaysian Boeing 777 over Ukraine is some kind of black op with indications pointing at the US/NATO/Ukraine axis as the perps. The final piece that situates this explanation is that the Western press has a unified position -- Putin, Putin, Putin, and so on. This position has been disseminated with breathtaking speed. And now we have Samantha Power speaking before the UN saying that the missiles could not have been fired without Russian help. Obama says ""This outrageous event underscores that it is time for peace and security to be restored in Ukraine," Obama said, adding that Russia had failed to use its influence to curb rebel violence." Europe is not being pressured to put an end to this war, once and for all. Does this mean NATO/UN "peacekeepers?"

That the Ukrainian Maidan was nothing more than a Western orchestrated putsch and should be seen as an act of war against Russia.

The question that remains is how far are Western powers willing to go? After this act of sacrificing an air liner to further their agendas, the answer has to be that Putin will be dared and even forced to intervene. So far, he has been the master of the diplomatic rope-a-dope. We now know how far the Western powers are willing to go to bring about a hotter war. Is an intermediate goal to force a direct conflict between UN peacekeepers and the Russian military?
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl

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