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Height and Shoulders
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Documents including photographic evidence show that Lee Harvey Oswald was impersonated over a span of a several years. This conclusion flows from a comparison of the height and shoulders of subjects represented and misrepresented as Lee Harvey Oswald.

The official height of Lee Harvey Oswald as determined by the autopsy differs from the height given on other documents. In itself these disagreements are no cause for concern. One can almost expect that random errors would cause the height on one document to differ by an inch or two more or less than the height on another document. However, in this case the differences in height are not randomly distributed. Instead the various documents fall into two distinct categories which have an unchanging two-inch difference in their heights.

Two documents give the height of Lee Oswald as 5' 9''. These are a Marine photograph from the late fifties published as JFK Exhibit F-166 by the HSCA and the autopsy report of November 24, 1963. The Warren Commission published this report as CE 1981.

Four documents list the height of Lee Oswald as 5' 11''. The first document, CE 1989, summarizes the contents of a Department of Defense identification card. This undated item carries an expiration date of December 7, 1962. An application for admission to the Albert Schweitzer College, CE 228, completed while Oswald was still in the Marines is the second document. The third document is the passport application of September 10, 1959, CE 946, completed one day before release from active duty. Likewise the fourth document is the passport application of June 24, 1963, CE 781.

Some people have squared shoulders and others have drooped shoulders. In most cases, the shoulder either squared or drooped on one side of the body matches the shoulder on the opposite side. This is the case for some photos of Oswald. However, other photos show an Oswald with unequal droops of the shoulders.

Three photographs show Lee Oswald had shoulders with equal and moderate droops. These pictures are the Marine photo, JFK Exhibit F-166, taken when Oswald was stationed in Japan, the mug shot taken on August 9, 1963 by the
New Orleans Police Department and the Dallas Police Department mug shot of November 23, 1963.

An unequal droop of the shoulders may occur in two ways. The left shoulder may be more drooping than the right or the right shoulder may have the excessive droop. The photographs on the passports of September 10, 1959 - CE 946 and June 24, 1963 - CE 781 show excessive droops of the right shoulder.

The various documents describing Oswald enable comparing the eyes, height and shoulders of the subjects.

Height is rounded to the nearest inch. This practice calls immediate attention to the absence of any document which gives 5' 10'' as the height of Oswald. The absence of reported heights of one inch less than 5' 9'' or one inch more than 5' 11'' is also noted.

The droop of the shoulders could occur in one of four ways. In one way an excessive droop of the left shoulder may accompany a normal droop of the right shoulder. Alternately unequal droops of the shoulders may occur with the excessive droop on the right side. The photos on both passports illustrate this second possibility. A third possibility arises from the unobserved case of an excessive droop of both shoulders. Finally both shoulders may lack an excessive droop as seen in the mug shots taken by both police departments.

Each reported height of 5' 11'' could have belonged with excessive droop of both, the left, neither or the right shoulder. However, these two documents show that the 5' 11' height was accompanied by excessive droop of the right shoulder. Likewise the 5' 9" height could have been associated with shoulders behaving in four different manners. The Marine photo provides a direct link between this 5' 9" height and excessive droop of neither shoulder. Documents produced by the Dallas authorities provide indirect corroboration of this link by associating the 5' 9" height given in the autopsy report with an excessive droop of neither shoulder in the DPD mug shot.

The logical inference of these multiple regularities is that two people used the name of Lee H. Oswald. One Oswald stood 5' 11'' tall and had an excessive droop of their right shoulder. The other Lee H. Oswald was 5' 9'' tall and had shoulders with equal and normal droops.

A photograph of Lee Oswald appended to the visa application presented to the Cuban consulate in Mexico City and included in JFK Exhibit F-194 shows shoulders with equally moderate droops. These matching shoulders conflict sharply with the excessive drop of the right shoulder seen of the passport application of June 24, 1963, CE 781.

These results make a convincing case for an Oswald impersonator who was active over a period of several years.

A letter from Lee H. Oswald strongly suggests that he knew an impersonator used a passport bearing his name. He wrote:

Source: FBI 105-82555 Oswald HQ File, Section 72, page 65

"I have not violated; Section 1544, Title 18, U. S. code, therefore you have no legal or even moral right to reverse my honorable discharge from the U.S.M.C. of Sept. 11, 1960 [sic], into a[sic] undiserable [sic] discharge."

The cited law, section 1544 of title 18, pertains to misuse of a passport.

Source: Source: Legal Information Institute - 18 U.S Code 1544

Whoever willfully and knowingly uses, or attempts to use, any passport issued or designed for the use of another; or
Whoever willfully and knowingly uses or attempts to use any passport in violation of the conditions or restrictions therein contained, or of the rules prescribed pursuant to the laws regulating the issuance of passports; or
Whoever willfully and knowingly furnishes, disposes of, or delivers a passport to any person, for use by another than the person for whose use it was originally issued and designed -

Shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 25 years (if the offense was committed to facilitate an act of international terrorism (as defined in section 2331 of this title)), 20 years (if the offense was committed to facilitate a drug trafficking crime (as defined in section 929 (a) of this title)), 10 years (in the case of the first or second such offense, if the offense was not committed to facilitate such an act of international terrorism or a drug trafficking crime), or 15 years (in the case of any other offense), or both.

Perhaps Oswald learned or surmised the existence of an impersonator during his unfriendly interrogation by the KBG in Moscow.

Appendix 1 - Look Them in the Eyes

Eye color varies from one person to another. Brown or blue are the most common colors with gray being an unusual color. Many shades of these colors frequently occur. Brown eyes may vary from dark to light. The variations of blue eyes are more complicated. In addition to variations of intensity from dark to light blue, the tonal quality may vary from hazel, slate or gray.

Almost invariably, people have eyes with matching colors and tones. This situation is pictured on the Minsk photo of CE 2892 showing Lee Harvey Oswald.

The two mug shots of Oswald taken by the New Orleans Police Department and the Dallas Police Department show eyes with matching colors.

Both applications for passports bearing the name of Lee Harvey Oswald contained photographs of an individual with eyes of mismatching colors. The application of September 10, 1959 - CE 946 showed that the right eye was lighter in shade than the left eye.

Likewise the application of June 24, 1963 - CE 781 showed that the mismatch of the eyes occurred in the same manner as on the earlier passport with the right iris being lighter than the left.

Standard forms reflect the rarity of eyes with mismatching colors by omission of separate spaces for the description of each eye. Instead documents provide one space under the heading of eyes. The cited documents of CE 781, CE 946 - Continued, CE 1981 and CE 1989 illustrate this practice.

Comparison of eye color inherently allowed four outcomes. Several photographs showed that both eyes were equally dark while a few pictures showed one eye lighter in shade than the other eye. This latter situation could arise in two ways. Namely the lighter eye is on the right side or on the left side. However, mismatched eyes only appeared with the lighter eye on the right side. The actual photographs place the eyes in two of four possible categories.

The mismatch of the eyes could have occurred with either reported height of 5' 9'' or 5' 11''. However, the available documents group mismatched eyes only with a height of 5' 11''. Likewise the mismatch eyes could have accompanied either an excessive or an equal droop of the right shoulder. Again, the available documents show that the mismatch of the eyes belonged exclusively with the excessive droop of the right shoulder.

In every image of these two there is a marked difference in the slope of the shoulders... and in every case the sloping matches either LEE or HARVEY....

Attached Files
.jpg   Oswald - Harvey square shoulders - LEE dropped shoulders.jpg (Size: 252.48 KB / Downloads: 15)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

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