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Chris Matthews is an Idiot !
Thursdays "Hardball" on MSNBC Chis inormed his viewers that "Hillary Clinton is a center-left Democrat", when President Clinton signed the so=called "welfare reform'bill", Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan called its signing "the end of the New Deal", someone should inform Chis that the Clintons and Al Gore were founding members of "The Democratic Leadership Council" whose main objective was to make the Demcrats even more of a pro-business party and rid itself of "economic liberalism", Hillary is also a neo-con when it comes to foreign policy and a war monger of the first rank. The "military - industrial complex" is alive & well under the General Dynamics Presidency of Barack Obama. IMO Bill Clinton has been a tool of Wall Street by this policy of supporting so-called "free trade", via NAFTA. A week or so ago Ryan Grimm, of The Huffington Post, was on a MSNBC show, I don't remember which one, "that Jed Bush is not running for President", this is political commentary ? IMO the fix is in & Jed Bush will be the GOP's pick in 2016. Was Chis Chrisie set up via 'Bridgegate ? I can't prove it but the whole "bridgegate" scandal smells to me or is Christie and his top aides just insane. Btw MSNBC "the liberal news channel", has followed the U.S. State Departments line on Ukraine. Early in that clash Chris Hays had Professor Stephen Cohn, a Russian expert, on where Professor Cohn called the Ukraine revolt " a U.S.-EU backed fascist coup", Mr. Hayes is now following the "party line" on this.:Depressed: The always a champion of freedom & deemocracy. ::headexplode::BTW Chris Matthew is fond of calling Warren Commission critics "Grassy Knollers.":Turd:
Kenneth Kapel Wrote:Thursdays "Hardball" on MSNBC Chis inormed his viewers that "Hillary Clinton is a center-left Democrat", when President Clinton signed the so=called "welfare reform'bill", Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan called its signing "the end of the New Deal", someone should inform Chis that the Clintons and Al Gore were founding members of "The Democratic Leadership Council" whose main objective was to make the Demcrats even more of a pro-business party and rid itself of "economic liberalism", Hillary is also a neo-con when it comes to foreign policy and a war monger of the first rank. The "military - industrial complex" is alive & well under the General Dynamics Presidency of Barack Obama. IMO Bill Clinton has been a tool of Wall Street by this policy of supporting so-called "free trade", via NAFTA. A week or so ago Ryan Grimm, of The Huffington Post, was on a MSNBC show, I don't remember which one, "that Jed Bush is not running for President", this is political commentary ? IMO the fix is in & Jed Bush will be the GOP's pick in 2016. Was Chis Chrisie set up via 'Bridgegate ? I can't prove it but the whole "bridgegate" scandal smells to me or is Christie and his top aides just insane. Btw MSNBC "the liberal news channel", has followed the U.S. State Departments line on Ukraine. Early in that clash Chris Hays had Professor Stephen Cohn, a Russian expert, on where Professor Cohn called the Ukraine revolt " a U.S.-EU backed fascist coup", Mr. Hayes is now following the "party line" on this.:Depressed: The always a champion of freedom & deemocracy. ::headexplode::BTW Chris Matthew is fond of calling Warren Commission critics "Grassy Knollers.":Turd:

He's a party hack. And on the assassination he is simply a liar. Like all of MSM.
He has to know better. I NEVER watch him.

MSNBC is part of the controlled media. It's the sandbox for the "liberals" to play in, while Fox is for the "conservatives" and CNN is for the "centrists."

Matthews is always going on about how great Reagan and Tip O'Neill worked together. Oh, it was such a golden age. The man is a real twit.

My "favorite" Matthews moment was from about a year ago when somebody started talking about the CIA plots to kill Castro (no mention was made of the Mafia), and Chris denied that the CIA was trying to kill him. They were only trying to make his beard fall out or something. ::facepalm::
Tracy Riddle Wrote:MSNBC is part of the controlled media. It's the sandbox for the "liberals" to play in, while Fox is for the "conservatives" and CNN is for the "centrists."

And Alex Jones & Infowars is for conspiracy theorists, then?
NBC was CIA controlled back to Walter Sheridan. It is sad to see Rachel Maddow forced to do lip synch to this programmed meme.
Drew Phipps Wrote:
Tracy Riddle Wrote:MSNBC is part of the controlled media. It's the sandbox for the "liberals" to play in, while Fox is for the "conservatives" and CNN is for the "centrists."

And Alex Jones & Infowars is for conspiracy theorists, then?

I sometimes think he is. I would like to think he is sincere but emotionally unstable, because he still has some good guests on his show, but he also does a lot of damage.
Tracy Riddle Wrote:
Drew Phipps Wrote:
Tracy Riddle Wrote:MSNBC is part of the controlled media. It's the sandbox for the "liberals" to play in, while Fox is for the "conservatives" and CNN is for the "centrists."

And Alex Jones & Infowars is for conspiracy theorists, then?

I sometimes think he is. I would like to think he is sincere but emotionally unstable, because he still has some good guests on his show, but he also does a lot of damage.

It's strange how those who have an available stage re these subjects do appear to do damage don't you think...
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
The last few days Chris Matthews has been, IMO, qay over the top on the Bergdahl release, he won't listen to his guest, which he does very often, no matter what the subject. Mattews has repeated rightwing talking points by the bushell basket. This is the same guy who in 2000 reapeated the mantra "the American people want someone that they can drink a beer with for President", and his admiration for Bush43 at the "Mission Accomplished" affair was a disgrace to journalism, if you can call what Matthews does journalism. Btw this morning on C-SPANs morning call-in program a Republican caller, from Alabama, said the Obama, in 2008, received a $200 million campaign donation from the PLO. Obama has been bankrolled by the Crown & Pritzter crime families from Chicago since his run for the U.S.Senate in 2004. The U.S. media and politicians are making me sickier by the minute. Senator Feinstein is mad that Obama did what he did, not consult Congress about the Bergdahl release for 5 "terrorists", but she was an eagar backer of Bush's rndless wars. Talk about priorities.

I don't know if Bergdahls actions were justified and if the manner of his release was kosher, but whatever the circumstances, I do know that Bush41, Cheney, Rice, Powell, et al, should to put on trial for War Crimes and that their victims, including Bergdahl should be, at least given some slack,dou to the miseries that they have endured because of Americas imperalist foreign policy. If Berdahl had killed unarmed civilians Fox & their ilk would love him as "a great American hero." So much for my rant !
Kenneth Kapel Wrote:So much for my rant !

Don't give them the benefit of lowering your truthful input by calling it a rant.

I wonder if they fired Olbermann because they knew he wouldn't knuckle under for the JFK official story?
Thank you for your kind words, they are much appreciated.
Keith Olbermann dropped a peg, in my book, when a few years ago he said that "Gerald Posners JFK book was the best in that field". That isn't an exact quote but is very close. Keith was still at MSNBC when it made that statement. I guess all so-called journalists work in the mainstream media know how far they are allowed to wander into the truth. JFK truth telling isn't one of them.

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