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How the Odessa massacre was orchestrated by the CIA-controlled Interior Ministry
Paul Rigby Wrote:The attack came with a built-in "justification-cum-trigger" courtesy of some seemingly pro-Federalist ("Russian") attackers, marked with red armbands and decked out with the ribbon of St. George, who were nothing of the sort:

Quote:Analysis of the events of 2 May in Odessa

The conclusion is that "special operatives" from Kiev colluded with the police to instigate the violence.

The picture of a masked man shooting a pistol, which picture has since been widespread with claims that the gunman was a "pro-Russian" (because of the St. George ribbon on someone standing by him), is shown at the beginning of the blog and it is pointed out that the police officer standing behind the armed man and, seemingly, looking on nonchalantly at the events, resembles none other than the deputy Odessa police chief.

"The procession of Ultras [pro-Kiev football hooligans] along Greek St. was attacked by people equipped with bits and pieces of combat equipment and wearing St. George's ribbons and RED BANDS on their arms. Exactly the same red bands were on the arms of SOME Ministry of the Interior servicemen. Most interesting is that it was exactly at this place where such Ministry of the Interior servicemen were located that a disruption of the rally occurred.

Moreover, in the photo below, behind the man with the gun is standing someone who resembles the Odessa Deputy Chief of Police, Dmitry Fuchedzhi.

Above the pictures following that of Fuchedzhi it reads:

"Are these red-ribbon wearing combatants receiving instructions?"

"Armed persons quietly strolling amongst the police."

The remaining clips and photographs show well armed persons in masks firing merrily away from the police ranks at the "pro-Russian terrorists".


Provocation by armed men, who began shooting at the football fans apparently took place with the knowledge of the Odessa police. No one tried to stop the firing of weapons at the trade union building, where unarmed supporters of federalization had sought refuge. Deputy police chief Fuchedzhi arrived to ramp events up. Russians were blamed for everything, including arson. I think it is now clear to everyone who the organizers were."

Version is confirmed

In the killing and beating of Maidan opponents in Odessa there participated servicemen of the Ukraine Ministry of internal Affairs Special Battalions East' and Storm', who were dressed in civilian clothes and who are stationed in Dnepropetrovsk and Odessa. The battalions were recently staffed by trained activists from nationalist organizations [read: Pravy Sektor]. This explains the passive behaviour of city police, which was also in the midst of the clashes and was ordered to withdraw its units from the scene', said one of the high-ranking officers of the Ukraine Ministry of the Interior."

РИА Новости [video][/video]

[From the above RIA link:

"One of the senior officers of the Ukraine Ministry of the interior has stated that in the killing and beating of Maidan opponents participated Specbatal 'East' and 'Storm' members dressed in civilian clothes. He said that this explains the passive behaviour of the city's police."]

Above the next-last video clip:

"UPDATE: Mykola, a man who is firing a gun at the people in the trade union building (it should be recalled that according to the Ministry of the Interior no weapons were found on the dead inside) is a centurion'. He is with the police here and his people are asking for a way through [a "corridor"] so that they can do their business'."

The CIA and FBI in control in Kiev:

Quote:The Ukrainian transitional government in Kiev will be dozens of specialists from the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation advice. The learned Bild am Sonntag from German security circles.

The officials should help on behalf of the U.S. government Kiev in ending the rebellion in the east of the country and establish a functioning security structure.

"justification-cum-trigger"... It seems as though a lot of us men have the same problem.
The CIA Coordinates Nazis and Jihadists
by Thierry Meyssan

The world is changing. Formerly, there was a capitalist right and a socialist left. Today, the world is dominated by the United States and the first question that arises is whether to serve or to resist them. As in World War II, we find all ideologies in each camp. For now, Washington coordinates the alliance between the Nazis and jihadists in Europe with the blessing of the anti-Putin Russians.


Quote:The confrontation between the Kiev putschists, backed by NATO and Ukrainian federalists, supported by Russia, has reached a point of no return. On May 2, President Olexander Turchinov and Israeli oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky organized a massacre at the House of Unions in Odessa. The Western press at first minimized the scale of the atrocities and then went mute when the testimony and evidence was accumulated [1]. After these horrors, it is no longer possible for two peoples to continue to live together.

Three scenarios are possible: either the United States will make Ukraine a new Yugoslavia and cause a war in the hope Russia and the European Union will be bogged down; or else they will multiply confrontations around Russia, starting with Georgia; or else they will grow non-state combatants to destabilize Russia itself, Crimea or Dagestan.

Whatever option is chosen, Washington has, as of now, a mercenary army in place. The Defence Council of Kiev sent envoys to Western Europe to hire far-right activists to come and fight against the Federalists (called "pro-Russian"). And a Pravy Sektor France cell, whose members will soon be integrated into the Ukrainian National Guard, has already been created.

In addition, the Kiev Defense Council intends "to grow numbers" to add jihadists who already have real military experience to these Western European neo-Nazis.

In fact, if we are willing to ignore the symbolic bric-a-brac on each side, Nazis and jihadists today have in common both the cult of violence and the Zionist dream of world domination. They are compatible with all other organizations supported by Washington, including Sergei Udaltsov's Left Front and his friend, Russian anti-Putin leader, Alexei Navalny. There are already numerous contacts between them.

Rather than applying the right/left division of the Cold War, the only relevant cleavage line today is imperialism/resistance. In Ukraine, Kiev folks refer to the fight of the Wehrmacht against Jews, Communists and Russians, while those in Donetsk celebrate the victory of the fatherland against fascism during the " Great Patriotic War " (World War II). People of Kiev define their identity by their history, real or mythical, while those of Donetsk are emerging as people from different historical communities but united in their fight against oppression.

Proof that this dividing line is the only relevant one, it is that the Jewish oligarch, Ihor Kolomoisky, is financing those chanting "Death to the Jews! ". This is a mobster who has amassed one of the largest fortunes in Europe, seizing at gunpoint large metallurgy, finance and energy enterprises. He is supported by the United States and has placed various personalities including U.S. Vice President Biden's son, on the Board of Directors of his gas holding. [2] Not only does he have no problem financing Nazi groups, he was jubilant when, following his orders, they murdered anti -Zionist Jews in Odessa.

Collaboration between Nazis and jihadists is not new. It finds its origin in three Muslim divisions of the Waffen SS. The 13th division "Handschar" was formed of Bosnians, the 21st " Skanderbeg " Kosovars and the 23rd " Kama " Croats. All were therefore Muslims practicing Islam influenced by Turkey. Indeed, the majority of these fighters defected during the war against the Red Army.

More recently, Takfirists and Nazis fought together again against the Russians during the creation of the Islamic Emirate of Ichkeria (Second Chechen War, 1999-2000).

On May 8, 2007, in Ternopol (western Ukraine), Baltic, Polish, Ukrainian and Russian Nazis and Ukrainian and Russian jihadists created a so-called "anti- imperialist front" with the support of the CIA. This organization is headed by Dmytro Yarosh, who, during the Kiev coup in February 2014, became Deputy Secretary of the National Security Council of Ukraine, then Pravy Sektor candidate in the presidential election of May 25th.

In July 2013, the Emir of Caucasus and local leader of Al Qaeda, Doku Umarov, called on members of the "anti-imperialist front" to go and fight in Syria. However, there is no clear documentation of the Nazi participation in current operations to destabilize the Levant.

Finally, a few dozen Crimean Tatar jihadists came to fight in Syria, and were transported by the Turkish MIT to Kiev to participate in EuroMaidan events and the coup of February 22nd alongside Dmytro Yarosh [3].

The measures taken in Europe, at the request of the U.S. Secretary for Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, to prevent the return of jihadists at home shows that the CIA intends to use them on a new front. [4] The forced April 15th resignation of Prince Bandar bin Sultan, at the request of Secretary of State John Kerry [5] and that of his brother, Prince Sultan bin Salman, May 14 on pressure from Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel [6], attests to the US will to recast the jihadist machine.

Will European and Arab Resistors ally themselves too?

Thierry Meyssan
Roger Lagassé
Al-Watan (Syria)


[1] "Crime in Odessa", by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network, 6 May 2014 "Genocide in Novorossiya and swan song of Ukrainian statehood" Gérard Jeannesson, Oriental Review / Voltaire Network, 12 May 2014 translation; "Bloodbath in Odessa guided by interim rulers of Ukraine," Translation Gérard Jeannesson, антифашист / Voltaire Network, 16 May 2014.

[2] "In Ukraine, Joe Biden's son mixes business with pleasure", Voltaire Network, 15 May 2014.

[3] "Jihadists in charge of crowd control in Kiev protests", Translation Alizée Ville, Voltaire Network, 5 December 2013.

[4] "Syria now a "matter of homeland security" for US and EU", Translation Alizée Ville, Voltaire Network, 10 February 2014.

[5] "Prince Bandar steps down", Voltaire Network, 17 April 2014.

[6] "Reshufflement in Saudi Arabia", Voltaire Network, 17 May 2014.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Ukrainian Police Find Traces of Chloroform at Site of Odessa Fire

Quote:KIEV, May 19 (RIA Novosti) Ukrainian investigators have discovered traces of chloroform in garbage and ashes removed from the House of Trade Unions in Odessa, the site of a fire where dozens of activists died on May 2, acting Ukrainian Deputy Interior Minister Vitaliy Sakal said Monday.

"There is an expert conclusion that in the garbage and ashes, where there were already around 30 investigations held on the premises; a like substance of chloroform was discovered. It is used during surgeries, but how it ended up in the Professional Union Building is currently being investigated," Sakal said during a press conference.

He said that inhaling large amounts of the substance leads to respiratory arrest, which is what happened during the fire, in which 32 people died from an unknown substance, not extreme temperatures.

Clashes in Odessa broke out on May 2, between pro-federalization activists on one side and fans of the Odessa and Kharkiv football teams on the other, joined by Euromaidan activists.

Pro-Kiev radicals joined by Right Sector militia blocked the anti-government protesters in the House of Trade Unions and set the building on fire by hurling Molotov cocktails inside. Those trapped inside had little chance of extinguishing the blaze, as fire hoses in the building were out of order.

Six died of bullet wounds, 32 suffocated, and 10 fell to their death by jumping through the windows of the burning building. Another 214 were injured. According to some information, another 48 are reported to be missing.

No plausible explanation has been offered for the fact that many of those who died did not try to take refuge on upper floors or the roof, prompting rumors that they were poisoned by an unknown chemical.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Who was Maidan snipers' mastermind?

By Adam Larson

Thu, May 29, 2014

Quote:The probe into the Maidan "snipers problem" by the new Ukrainian government underwritten by it continues. On May 13, the fascinating interim findings were partly revealed, at a press conference called by parliamentary investigation head Gennady Moskal. Bullet forensics exonerated the previously blamed Berkut security force. Something in the findings also placed the unidentified shooters somewhere unspecified among "the ranks of the protesters." It could even have been the EuroMaidan militants, he admitted, but MP Moskal thought infiltrators from the government's security service SBU made more sense.

He predicted decades of debate with no resolution, and a week later he announced that a number of key documents were destroyed, complicating the search. But whatever led the investigators to this apparently dead-end admission, it seemed like a break in the script that put the snipers in areas secured by the government of then-president Viktor Yanukovych. For those following the details, the May 13 revelation seemed like a bit of realism creeping in.

But then the current Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Andriy Parubiy stepped forward, hinting at a divergent probe delving further into fantasy. His investigation blames Russia and Vladimir Putin for the snipers, even though it was Parubiy not Putin who was supposed to secure the "EuroMaidan" where, the evidence increasingly says, the problem snipers operated.

Sniper Commandant?

While he insists he's not a fascist, Andriy Parubiy co-founded the Nazi-inspired Social National party, now Svoboda, in the 1990s. Outwardly, he went mainstream early on, and joined Yulia Tymoshenko's Fatherland party, running security operations on the Maidan for the 2004 "Orange Revolution."

In 2013-14's more violent regime-change "protests," he was given the same responsibility. As Euromaidan Commandant and head of the Self-Defense Committee, he was in charge of security for areas where the mob's authority had overridden the government's.


We now know (partly from MP Moskal) that on the pivotal day of February 20, which will remain the main focus of this report sniper shots first hit police forces, and came from buildings Parubiy controlled. Ukraine's previous head of the Security Service (SBU) Alexander Yakimenko said so in March, after fleeing to Russia. When the Commandant proved unable to stop the sniping, which everyone claimed to be against, Yakimenko says he offered to send in a unit to help. He only needed a guarantee his men wouldn't be shot by Parubiy's, but he says that was denied. From all this, the SBU chief deduced the snipers were under Parubiy's command and protection.

In truth, this failure to stop the killing could be due to malice, or incompetence, or some mix. Whatever the case, the resulting bloodshed was all but necessary for the Kiev Cabal to finally take over. And considering his eminent competence, they made Parubiy security chief for all of Ukraine as soon as they could.

Sniper Investigator?

Reports from early March, before the Yakimenko accusations, spoke of a parliamentary investigation Parubiy himself was selected to lead. The apparent conflict of interest may, or may not, be why MP Moskal now seems to be in charge of that.

But in a May 21 interview for Euractiv, Parubiy speaks of a probe that sounds different, a probe blaming Russian Special forces Spetsnaz for penetrating his security cordon.Asked about the snipers, with the note "you must have first-hand information," he sidestepped his own direct knowledge and told Euractiv:

"Now that we are conducting investigations, we have found that 18 Spetsnaz, including snipers, were in Maidan. The investigation will reveal from which points they were shooting, but I can already say that they did everything they could to spill blood and provoke civil unrest."
"We have a working hypothesis which would be confirmed or rejected by the investigation, that in the most difficult days they shot equally at Berkut and at the Maidan activists. Their aim was to instigate a more violent civic unrest … that Russia could warm its hands at this fire."
"We know that Russian snipers shot at both sides."

As Washington's Blog noted in March, "everyone agrees that the snipers were false flag terrorists sewing chaos and confusion. … they only disagree about who the responsible party is." This is another example, and (as we'll see) the worst theory yet. And just look at who is trying to feed it to us.

Master Thug

From February 18-20, security forces and civilians were, as Parubiy says, killed somewhat "equally" by these snipers to create "violent civic unrest." But there was a telling pattern to how different parts of that were timed.

First, consider how ten unarmed policemen were shot dead the night of February 18th, forcing a decision to bring in armed security forces. That allowed later killings to be realistically blamed on them, as happened. (Were these the same provocateurs present a day and a half later, or a different shift?)


By the 20th, a force was assembled on the Maidan adequate to stomp the police out by noon and shoot the Berkut out of their nearest posts by 12:45. They even blocked the train bringing in the Army support, and readied to march up to the central government's buildings and stomp whomever they wished. This force was under Parubiy's leadership no later than his announcement early on the 21st that "all the leaders of the hundreds are declaring their consent to coordinated action, including the hundreds of the Right Sector … We're in control of Kiev. We have seized control of the government quarter."

It was only at that shift in power that Parubiy "Spetsnaz snipers" unleashed their main killing spree. On video and within bare minutes, they picked off at least 30 unarmed civilians sent in behind the Hotel Ukraine, to top off "Heaven's Hundred."That is, this unambiguous, unforgivable "Yanukovych crime" was delivered as soon as the natural punishment for it had been placed.

Commandant Parubiy, who oversaw the distribution and timing of much of that violence, couldn't deny its pattern helped them, as he said to Euractiv, "oust Yanukovich." That prompted the question:

Q: So you recognize that you ousted Yanukovich?
A: Yes. He ran away.
Q: But he ran away because he was afraid for his life?
A: Yes of course. After so many deaths and such national tension, he understood that if he didn't run away, the personal consequences could be very bad.

Under this plausible threat, the president fled. An 1:36 pm announcement from the Maidan ordered members of Parliament to meet at 3:00 to vote him out for good. They were given "a guarantee that the Parliament would not be stormed during the session." The "hundreds" just snatched that option, but promised not to use it unless maybe they were provoked by a wrong vote. In the end most of Parliament was willing to show up on the 22nd instead, and those agreed unanimously to impeach Yanukovych and not be stomped. After all, Parubiy's Maidan machine still controlled Kiev.

Confirming Yakimenko's Charges

When he spoke on May 13, investigation head Gennady Moskal did not specify any sniper perches, just implied that they were behind the lines Parubiy was in charge of. By noon on the 20th, this had expanded to include at least the Maidan at large, the Trade Unions Hall (Maidan HQ), the Conservatory, and Hotel Ukraine. The October Palace and unknown other buildings fell into his hands just after noon.

Former SBU chief Yakimenko said in March the first shots "came from the Philharmonic Hall," probably meaning the (musical) Conservatory. After that, "many have witnessed 20 people leaving the building" with their sniper gear in bags. These "split into two groups 10 men each." One of these "took a position at the Ukraine hotel," right next-door, and "the Security Service lost track" of the other sniper team.

Parubiy must know by now where the snipers were, but he doesn't want to tell us yet. The probe "will reveal from which points they were shooting," he promises.

Yakimenko said "no weapons could be brought to Maidan without Parubiy's permission. Hand guns, rifles, scopes he had to agree to all of that."

In one report, Parubiy gave a rough count of those armed with handguns about 100. But he said "those people are not ours, they are unorganized," just like the snipers. "This is kind of a problem." This when he also said "we created a headquarters in the Maidan and we will not tolerate any action without coordinating with it."

As mentioned above, Yakimenko says he offered to help Parubiy flush out the gunmen, but was rebuffed. If true, that suggests either a criminal denial of his incompetence, or the commandant's active approval of the killing.

The SBU chief has a 20-man sniper team in Parubiy's turf. The man who would know might refer to the same group when he speaks of "18 Spetsnaz, including snipers." Maybe 20 was a visual estimate, and the "Russians" split up into groups of nine?

One might expect Parubiy to be embarrassed that his own secured buildings were so infiltrated, but he puts the villains "in Maidan." The original claims of February had the snipers in or on government-held buildings further southeast. Why can't he just say that now? Why openly claim such a humiliating security breach unless the alternative is even worse?

Parubiy even claims he failed to stop the snipers on the way back out. After sneaking in and unleashing this mayhem, they walked away from the Maidan undetected, and "I think they escaped from Ukraine," he told Euractiv.

But it was reported at the time that two snipers were caught by his teams, one at least in the Hotel Ukraine. At mid-day on the 20th, an official tweet said, "members of Maidan Self-Defense captured one of the snipers. He is currently in Maidan headquarters." But a different "Maidan commandant" Stepan Kubiv said he was just there and didn't hear any such thing. A message of the 21st said a "sniper was caught on the 10th floor of the Hotel Ukraina … Personality to be identified," but it never was. A later one heard that "maydan activists caught two snipers" total, but the source said nothing about their fate or identities.

If they were caught red-handed, why doesn't Parubiy mention these snipers now? Did they even exist, outside these vague reports? Were they real, but managed to escape? Or did Parubiy order them released? The balance of reasons suggests the killers were under his command and protection, as Yakimenko said, and as the evidence always suggested.

Clearly Commandant Parubiy, of the February "Failures," is not the best one to be speaking about the Maidan snipers. Expect the May interview to be his last word on that bloodshed.

Postscript: "Ensuring Peace and Safety"

In more promising areas, Andriy Parubiy remains the go-to guy. As the head of Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council, he's now tasked with the brutal and confusing "antiterrorist" operation in eastern Ukraine, and apparently in Odessa. This he wages with a "National Guard" that grew out of his murky Maidan machine, against those Ukrainians who dare to vote against the Kiev Cabal, pushing Ukraine deeper into civil war territory with violence he always blames on "Russian terrorists."

Helping overturn two popular votes for Yanukovych, ensuring a third overthrow will never be needed, plus his new "security" work, has earned Parubiy friends in the "Democratic" West. He spoke to Euractiv while in Brussels, he said, "to participate in a session of the Ukraine-NATO working group" regarding the Russian "hybrid war" against Ukraine. As he explained it:

"When we speak about fighting terrorists, the best way is to find their centre of coordination, of financing. In this case, this centre is one person, it is Putin. That's why I say we have no crisis in Slavyansk, in Donetsk, in Luhansk. We have a crisis in Putin's head. … if Putin succeeds in Ukraine, nobody can tell where his tanks will be tomorrow. … To stop Putin is not only Ukraine's major goal. It should be the goal of the entire civilized world."

In Parubiy's dangerously unhinged thinking, even the massacre at the Trade Unions building in Odessa on May 2 "was a classic provocation in which pro-Russian groups had to seize the administration buildings in the same way it happened in Donetsk and Luhansk." But this time, the anti-Putsch activists were clearly chased in, and followed in, by an ultra-nationalist lynch mob. He also contradicts himself by claiming the building was already "a kind of headquarters for the separatists," where "the substance that provoked the blaze" was brought in by them "a long time ago."

That's why, he says, "when Molotov cocktails were thrown from the fourth floor at the participants of the Ukrainian rally, the substance inflamed" and an "explosion happened."

Of course, on-site video and photos prove this was terrorism, and it seems the mob torched the building largely to hide their brutal murder of perhaps 272 citizens. That Parubiy was there to help coordinate it, after attending a top-level April 24 meeting to plan the Odessa "counter-terrorist" operation, makes it seem like state-sponsored terrorism. A former deputy head of the Odessa police, now fled to Donetsk, blames Parubiy for personally organizing the massacre. He was seen there on April 29th, delivering bulletproof vests to one Mykola Volkov a criminal deputized as a "sotnik" (the term used for commanders of "hundreds" on the Maidan). Volkov was later seen shooting a pistol at the Trade Unions building, wearing a bulletproof vest, and phoning in a false story possibly to Parubiy himself.


With Ukrainians all united but Moscow's agents everywhere, the "security" chief told Euractiv, they needed an "overhaul" of "the entire security and defense sector," and maybe civil society too, including "criminal groups" and "ethnic groups."

The NATO allies had just heard the same and understood, promising "extensive support to the Ukrainian delegation" including this false-flagging fascist thug considering their "crucial role in ensuring peace and safety in Europe and the world." Further, they "expressed readiness" to help in "reform" of the Parubiy's defense and security sectors.

Events in Odessa, Maruipol, and elsewhere might have convinced the Cabal's double-speaking Western allies that civil society "overhauls" are best left to Parubiy and his "Ukrainian rally" types.

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"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
The secret of "red bandages": new about Odessa tragedy May 2

Today, 17:32. Posted: pressa24

"Новоросс.info" A - browser, "Duma" Sergey Dibrov tells about the work of the group "may 2, which conducts an independent investigation of the events that happened on that tragic day in Odessa, and the first results of its work.

Our working group, "the Commission may 2, was created on the initiative of Zoya Kazanzhi a few days after the tragedy. By that time it became obvious that the results of the official investigation, whatever they are, will not accept any part of citizens. In addition, the situation began to acquire many rumors and speculations, inadequate statements of officials, and clearly there is a need for objective and unbiased investigation.

When the phone rang, and Leonid Stekel announced the intention of the regional administration to create such a group, I put the condition that the Commission should enter the chief editor of the edition "Timer" Yuri Tkachev. And it's not the fact that the day before I had time to negotiate with the Jura that together we can recall the chronology of events and analyze massive amounts of video. Everything is much easier. The group consists mainly of people who do not hide their sympathies to the "Euromayday". The presence of their colleagues with opposing views, in my opinion, is required. First, it will allow to avoid suspicions and accusations of being biased and one-sided. Secondly, the Commission will need information from both sides, and only Tkachev could become a "bridge" to the supporters of the "Kulikovo field", which generally trust him more than me or Stokely.

At the first meeting of the group was proposed format of the Commission's work: journalistic investigation, which together leading journalists from different publications: Yuri Tkachev and Faith Zaporozhets ("Timer"), Sergey Dibrov ("Duma"), Valery Ivashkina ("Rollback") and Leonid Steckel (Odessa daily).

Journalists who are members of the group, indeed, have different views, but you know and respect each other and have experience in conducting their own investigations. We are limited by the framework of the legislation, we care about our reputation and are guided by ethical standards of journalism.

I want to pay tribute to Zoya Kazanzhi and the leadership of the region. The regional administration has helped to find qualified independent experts prepared on a voluntary basis to work hard in our group, and for the past three weeks more never interfered in the work of the Commission.

In General, the work of the Commission is very informal. In addition to journalists, us voluntarily are the two engineer who handle huge volumes of video information from the Internet and write, which share with us colleagues-journalists and bloggers. There are in the team toxicologist, a forensic chemist, an expert on firearms and explosives, consultant on informal youth communities. We also consult with specialists in other fields, particularly psychology and fire too. In General, the work of the group "may 2 coordinates journalist Tatyana Gerasimova.

It is expected that the conclusions of our Committee will be presented in the form of joint material, which will be signed by members of the group of journalists and which will be published in the most popular Internet-editions of the city. Naturally, in the course of the investigation we share the facts and information, turn to the readers, the event being discussed.

In General we try to conduct our work extremely open and publish much information. Moreover, it so happened that his most serious findings we have made in the presence of a kind of "witnesses". So, bullet holes in the glass and alleged firing point inside the House of trade unions we found and examined together with the correspondent of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Nigina Bekoeva. Evidence activists of the organization "Kulikovo field" we listened to and analyzed together with the correspondent Bi-Bi-si" Tom Wawelem. A hole in the outer glass hall on the fourth floor of the building we studied simultaneously with the crew "Kiselevsky" TV channel "Russia", and with the relatives of the victims spoke in the presence of Romanian TV personalities.

As I said, the events of may 2, immediately began to acquire a lot of rumours and speculations. Began to appear absolutely incredible versions that were issued for the truth in the last instance. Unfortunately, this "stood out" all: and activists of the warring parties, journalists and high ranking officials. So the first days of work of our Committee were mainly dedicated to critical analysis and refutation of these rumors and speculation from the standpoint of common sense and our collected facts.

Another problem was the fact that the tragic events were actively used for the election campaign, to be exact - for General accusations of opponents and the PR on the tragedy. So we never stopped working, but with the tacit approval of colleagues took a pause and made no public statements before the elections.

We understand that the interest in our work is very large, and may 30, held a short press conference at which he shared some intermediate results. We also told where we direct our main efforts and, what information we need.


One of the most controversial circumstances of the day 2 - may-dressing of red tape. They were in the hands of the activists of "Odessa squads", many of which are known to us by name, despite masks and Balaklava. The same bandages at seven o'clock in the evening my great surprise, noted at the hands of police officers that were sent from the Greek square towards the Kulikov field. This moment can be seen at around 5:00 video of my stream.


Unregulated red bands on the hands of the police was superimposed on the events of may 4, and immediately gave rise to disturbing conspiracy version. Here is the "distinguished" the Russian television, which is one of the plots had forged subtitles. Finally got the impression that the police in the midst of the battle is not just acted together with activists of "Odessa squads", but also directly supervised by them.

The flames were fanned by the statement of one of the MP, which passed the information from one high-ranking official of the Prosecutor's office allegedly tape (wound near the wrist) was necessary to the police in order to hold Chevron (which is located just below the shoulder). Any sane person immediately recalled comic thumbnail about the bandage on his leg, which slipped from his head, and knew that the matter is unclean.

Given that suspicions were very serious, persistently explained all the circumstances connected with this red tape in the hands of the police. I talked to the police, who anonymously answered all my questions. Their responses formed the basis of the hypothesis. To confirm or deny it, I turned for help to the readers of "Duma", which also helped to shed light on the situation. I received invaluable assistance from their colleagues-journalists, who helped to put the final point in question. I double-checked the version on the four independent sources and today I can say confidently.

So, first the facts:

1. Red tape in the hands of the police came several hours after the start of street fighting is closer to 17 hours.

2. All photographs and video recordings of the red bars in the hands of the police are below the elbow - in contrast to the activists of "Odessa squads", which bandage are located above the elbow, with just one exception.

3. All photographs and video recordings strips of adhesive tape wound not on the sleeves and on the plastic shield that protects the hand and elbow.

4. Some policemen Scotch there is only one (right) hand, for some it is on two.

I could not find evidence that red tape was from the police officers above the elbow or just on the clothes.

So, ammunition employee PPP or a serviceman of the internal troops, in addition to the helmet, body armor and shield, includes protective shields-elbow pads worn on the forearm. Plate is mounted with two not very wide "Velcro", which grasping his hands across. While the panel is new, this mount reliably. However, with time, "Velcro" gradually becomes unfit for use, and as it turned out on may 2, lose flap in the confusion of battle - simple.

Activists of the "Odessa squads" had a number of people in uniform and equipment that is similar to the police, with red armbands above the elbow. If you look closely, you can see that they are without shoulder straps, they have no chevrons PPP or the Ministry of internal Affairs that behind them is a purely civil backpacks. Long (below the shoulders) the hair of one of them, clearly show that he is not a police officer. There are photos of these people are often misleading.

Initially, the staff of the regiment PPP, apparently, did not expect a fierce battle and did not bother to fix shields stronger. My colleague, the operator Dumshit", which in that day he was in the ranks of the police, has told, that somewhere at 17:00 overheard a conversation between two policemen. One, equipment PPP, built up on the arm of the red tape, which they found somewhere in Greek. The other, in everyday blue uniform, was asked why from it. Fighter explained that wants to put a shield, so as not to lose.

The situation began to dawn. Left open the question of why the tape was red and he was in Greek. In the end, transparent or, say, gray tape is much more popular and more accessible. The answer was found too. As is known, the activists of the Kulikov field, being surrounded by on the street Greek, actively called for the help of his friends and supporters. Among those who came to the rescue, there were two men - as it turned out, straykbolisty, my friends who earn the organization of corporate airsoft games. On that day they came in Greek with what was at hand. Immediately useful first aid kit, and next to it was a roll of red tape, which they usually mean the players. Then this tape they took Pesnicki, which by that time had already realized that the mounting plate provides reliability, and began to shake him up.

By the way, you can see the video from the airsoft "postrelushka", which was held by "Odessa squad":


This video shows that "the terrorists" were at least familiar with the organizers airsoft games. In addition, at 0:45 you can see that in that game, the parties were designated bands of red and yellow tape. Do not be surprised, if on may, 2nd on the area of "arrived" the same roll that was used in the game.

The tape was not very much time, too. So Pesnicki during rearrangements and rotation hastily tied the hands of one or two turns. Who had time is fastened two flap who have not had the time is just right.

The question arises: why is such complexity, why the police simply didn't buy a roll of clear tape? The answer is obvious. Those who were on the square, you know that the activists Kulikovo Field and the policemen were in close encirclement, and all the shops in the surrounding streets were tightly closed, away from sin.

Finally, I spent a kind of investigatory experiment. A week ago, leaving the regional administration, I "accidentally" caught with the hand guard at the hands of the soldier of nazvanii, who was on duty on the ground floor of the building. To my surprise, the flap is very easily broke away, and the soldier that not even surprised and baasil that old "Velcro", overlapping, the load is not kept.

By the way, after the events of may 2, when the aggravation of the situation policemen were mounted shields in advance and my colleagues watched it repeatedly. In particular, on may 9, when it was expected provocations, attached with Scotch guard at the hand of the policeman recorded Konstantin SAC. And on may 26, when the hot heads somehow predicted a massive collision of two activists Maydanov, Scotch on the guards fighter of nazvanii near the municipal electoral Committee photographed Alexey Kravtsov, for which he also thank you very much.

Thus, today I have no doubts that red bands at the hands of the soldiers of the regiment of the patrol-guard service are not a crime and has not appeared there as a result of collusion or conspiracy. If someone from the reader there are facts or evidence to the contrary set forth version - I'll be glad to read them.

Of course, the story of red tape in the hands of the police, which I found out is a small and not the most important episode of the events of the second of may. We plan step by step to answer questions related to the disaster, to get more and more complete picture. The work of the "Commission on may 2," continues. At the press conference we announced the serious claims to the leadership of regional police, which, in the opinion of our experts, did not prepare adequately for the expected unrest. We have identified a time frame in which restored full chronology of events.

Also now we apply maximum efforts to clarify all circumstances of the fire in the House of trade unions. To establish the truth we need the stories of eyewitnesses who were inside the building. Understandably, these people are reluctant to speak. We are ready to listen to them anonymously and can (us law this law guarantees) to remain incognito our interlocutors. Please, tell us about what happened in the House, any member of the Commission of your choice. For the sake of peace and tranquillity in the town - please get in touch. We really need your input!

The Author - Sergey Dibrov

Video from the press conference from The story of Sergey Dibrova about red bands on their arms policemen from mark 16:20



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"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
The CIA appears to have three whitewashes running simultaneously - "by the government in Kiev, the national parliament and a group of investigative journalists."

As Ukrainians vote, legacy of Odessa fire that killed 48 has port city on edge

McClatchy Foreign StaffMay 24, 2014

Read more here:

Quote:ODESSA, UKRAINE As voters go to the polls Sunday to choose their first president after a street revolution ousted Viktor Yanukovych in February, Ukraine is on a knife's edge. It is sure to grow closer to Europe, the aim of the uprising, but it also could come apart in a civil war that would invite a Russian intervention.

Armed pro-Russian separatists have grabbed the headlines in the past six weeks as they ambushed security forces and seized city halls and police stations in eastern Ukraine. But in the tug-of-war between Russia and the West, this port city in southern Ukraine, Odessa is, perhaps, the biggest prize.

Odessa, a cosmopolitan port city, with its tree-lined cobblestone streets and laid back atmosphere, its statues of the Russian czarina Catherine the Great, who founded it, and the writers and poets who were born or spent time here, seems an unlikely venue for a battle over Ukraine's future.

But three weeks ago, pro-Russian militants demanding closer ties to Moscow provoked a street battle that ended in the deaths of 48 civilians, many of them pro-Russians burned to death or asphyxiated in a fire at the Trade Union building that had been their headquarters. It was the worst violence between civilians since clashes began, and was abetted by police who appeared to side with the pro-Russians and did not intervene.

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks emotionally of the "nightmare and horror of Odessa." At an international economic forum in St. Petersburg on Friday, he justified Russia's annexation of Ukraine's Crimean peninsula in March as meant to avoid what happened in Odessa in May.

"If we didn't do this…we would have more tragedies (in Crimea) than those we see today in Ukraine, in Odessa, where unarmed people have been burned alive." And he demanded a "very thorough investigation," and that "criminals have to be found and punished."

But his real interest may be strategic. With a population of 1 million, it's a vital Black Sea port and would be a prize catch for Russia. Odessa is part of what Putin calls novorossiya or "new Russia," a term the czars used for eastern and southern Ukraine. Odessa Oblast, the "state" where the city is located, also controls the land link to Trans-Dniester, the breakaway pro-Russian enclave in neighboring Moldova that has repeatedly called for annexation by Russia.

Odessa is also at the heart of the political struggle between the two front-runners in the race for president _ Yulia Tymoshenko, the former prime minister whose protégés were running Odessa when the conflagration occurred on May 2, and Petro Poroshenko,the so-called "Chocolate King" whose close aides were installed after the melee.

Tymoshenko, 53, who had been imprisoned on corruption charges during Yanukovych's rule and freed after he fled Kiev, is seen by many here as a symbol of the corrupt old order. One day after the melee, she traveled here and publicly defended the police force, which was widely criticized because almost none of the top leadership was on duty, and those who were seemed to side with the pro-Russians during the street battles.

"They did everything they could," she said, an astonishing assertion that contributed to the collapse of her campaign.

Odessa is Poroshenko's home region, and the new crew now running the town and the oblast are solid, many observers here say.

A billionaire who served as Ukraine's foreign minister and as minister of trade, Poroschenko, 48, earned his fortune as the country's biggest chocolates manufacturer. At the Maidan Square protests in Kiev that led to Yanukovych's overthrow, he provided food and drink for the protesters and tried to calm their passions at crucial moments. He leads the field of 21 candidates by a wide enough margin that he may be able to win on the first round, eliminating the need for a runoff.

Whoever wins, lowering tensions in Odessa will be a big challenge.

"The only thing that can make this city calm is an honest investigation," said Zoya Kazanzhy, a former Maidan activist who's now deputy governor of the oblast.

Three are now under way _ by the government in Kiev, the national parliament and a group of investigative journalists.

"The main problem is that even if the investigation is honest, the level of disbelief in government is so high that people will not believe it," she added.

Greek Square, with its mix of neo-classic and nondescript modern buildings, is where the melee began. Today, the only signs of the carnage are floral tributes to the six people who died there, gaps in the street where cobblestones were repurposed as missiles and broken windows in the restaurant next door to the Russian Dramatic theater.

Pro-Russians had called for a massive rally there to coincide with a march through town by soccer fans heading to the match between teams from Odessa and Kharkiv. It was an incendiary invitation; the fans largely were supporters of the Maidan revolution. "Don't let the Fascists march through our city," read the online posters, using the common pro-Russia shorthand for the anti-Yanukovych movement. "Help us defend our city from Fascists."

What the organizers didn't grasp was that the Maidan activists also were seething with anger, in part because of repeated attacks by pro-Russians crowds on peaceful meetings.

The pro-Russians also overestimated their support. The 500 who showed up were vastly outnumbered by the 5,000 or so soccer fans and Maidan backers, among them a militia that calls itself the "self-defense force."

"The anger was collecting for a long time," said Andrei Yusov, a Maidan veteran who's now a senior official in the upstart "Kick" party.

Some of the pro-Russians arrived with guns, and in the course of the two hour melee, five Maidan backers were shot dead. Police separated the two groups for a while and then allowed the pro-Russians to attack the others, Yusov said.

There were weapons on the Maidan side as well, and someone _ Yusov and Kazanzhy say they don't know who _ shot a pro-Russia demonstrator.

Under a hail of stones and Molotov cocktails thrown by the pro-Maidan crowd, the pro-Russians fled to their rallying point, the Trade Union building, about a mile and a half from the city center. A column of some 2,000 Maidan backers followed.

The pro-Maidan crowd torched a tent city where the pro-Russians had been encamped for weeks, forcing the pro-Russians to flee inside, where they barricaded the stairway to the upper floors with furniture taken from the offices, set up a small medical clinic on the second floor and a sniper position on the fourth floor, to protect the rear entrance, said Sergei Dibrov, an investigative reporter with the web site, who's on the journalists' investigative team.

"They were prepared to defend it for hours or for days," he told McClatchy.

Maidan backers threw stones, but after pro-Russians started hurling Molotov cocktails from the roof, the Maidan crowd responded in kind. "They will be burned," a Maidanist told Dibrov, as both watched the scene.

Dibrov said the fire inside the building apparently started on the ground floor, where the barricade of furniture, and papers scattered all about provided tinder. A gasoline-powered generator full of fuel that had been brought upstairs from the encampment exploded, feeding the fire, as did large drums of gasoline brought to an upper floor staircase.

Flames were leaping out of the windows and some of the estimated 250 pro-Russians inside went to the windows and jumped.

"There was a lot of liquid, wood, and flammable plastic material" in the building, Dibrov said. The temperature rose to 700 degrees on the second floor.

The police and fire departments had stations close by but did not arrive at the scene for a full hour, he said.

Police that night arrested 180 pro-Russians, but two days later a pro-Russian mob besieged Odessa's police station, and police released them.

Today, the Trade Union building is a shrine to the fallen, but it's evident from the posters and memorials outside and the graffiti painted on the inside walls that militants hope to turn it into a launch pad for a much broader separatist movement.

A sampling of the graffiti: "Odessa is a Russian city;" "Remember this blood. It is Kiev's fault;" "Novorossiya: glory to the dead guys." There are many signs reading "Remember Khatin," a World War II Nazi massacre of civilians in Belorussia. There are several anti-semitic and racist references, with multiple references to U.S. President Obama as a "black monkey." Reads one: "We hate you, American rednecks and black monkey Obama."

If the early May clashes and carnage were intended to provoke a wider response, it so far hasn't worked. A rally held here last weekend drew perhaps 1,000 people, but there was no central speaker and the crowd broke into groups and passed megaphones around, allowing anyone to speak.

A middle-aged woman who did not give her name summed up their dilemma. "They arrested all of our people, so there is no one left to lead," she said.

She's right, said the Rev. Andrey Humburg, a Lutheran pastor at St. Paul's Cathedral here. When Germany's foreign minister came for a visit, Humburg was asked to find a leading figure among the pro-Russians. "There is no one," he said.

He said the militants who answered the call to rally May 2 had completely misread the size of their own constituency.

Still, Election Day will be tense. Pro-Russians "will try" to stage incidents, predicted Anatoliy Boyko, head of an election watchdog group.

"There is a very high level of fear in society," he said. "A toy grenade, people in camouflage even with toy guns may seed panic."

But in the absence of an active, trained police force that supports the law instead of a political party, he said, Maidan self-defense will also be ready to counter any challenge, opening the possibility of more clashes.

Email:; Twitter: @roygutmanmcc
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Paul Rigby Wrote:
Paul Rigby Wrote:Many victims were taken down to the basement and murdered there, apparently by beating. These bodies do not appear on any stills or film footage I have seen; and the Kiev junta seems intent upon suppressing details of this element of the massacre.

Odessa Massacre: Eyewitness Account

Stephen Lendman

Another survivor:


Quote:Those who were collecting the bodies said: we were walking on the dead bodies … [How many people got killed there?] If we take the whole day, 116. … They are burying them secretly. They were collecting the bodies and finished off the wounded. [Did they poison them with some gas?] Not only with gas. They used stan granades, guns, traumatic guns, pump-action rifles. They chased the people into the building and finished them there. Two guys were clubbed to death with sticks. Is it normal? Is it a fking united country? They burned a woman with two children alive. In the first floor this woman and two children were killed. … And the Media called us … I'm sorry but I will talk [to the media]! The Ukrainian [Kiev] Media call us terrorists. But the Right Sector [a Western-oriented neo-Nazi party, prominent in the new Kiev government], the wankers, chased us up to the roof of the builing. They threw Molotov Cocktails at us and cried Death to enemies'. To what enemies [he asked them]? And then they cried [out in support of] United Ukraine'. [He replied] Fk the United Ukraine. Fk this country [the newly installed government in Kiev]. [How all this was going chronologically?] Chronologically? They came … [Were there any children killed?] There were many children, women and old people murdered. They finished off the wounded. With headshots. They jumped on their heads. The police couldn't do anything, they only cordoned off the building. The police tried to come up, a grenade burst among them, and they jumped on the dead bodies. [Where are the rest of the bodies?] The rest of the bodies are six kilometers from Odessa. We need to go there and take them. [unclear question] My name is Vania. [He turns to go.]

Survivor testimony with English subtitles:

"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Beginning at 7 seconds:

"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche

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