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On Edwin Kaiser and Related Topics
This is from me Pete, the rest above is all Chirs, and perhaps, you should get someone who's seen what I'm talking about over to Newman, that is if you want to solve the case as I have solved my father's.

How many people have read FOIA documents that refers to someone involved in Kennedy's assassination? You probably have 100's of documents referring to someone involved right? This guy said this, and that guy said that, right? At a meeting at South Florida Research I was informed they are now up to 186 shooters. Can you imagine that? You know what I'm talking about right? Now, how many have read FOIA documents that details not just the event, but every bit of detail in how it was carried out?

What do you mean Scott?

I mean, men intercepting intelligence, taking photographs, carrying concealed devices, which according to every agent I've spoken to topically refers to weapons. Agents trying to escape, and exfiltrating three men from North of Del Rio, Mexico may be? And, Poyle's name all on the same documents. During the week ending November 23, 1963. TSB (Technology Strategy Board)

Maritime Ops, OWWT (French in North Africa) holding elections in Miami on November 24, 1963 on who would be the next president of Cuba, but Fidel Castro "Boycotted" and disrupted that from happening. A recap of events from November 17-23 1963.

And the plot to assassinate JFK in Miami. This is what I'm talking about, all this and more on just three little ole documents. Has ANYONE ever seen anything like this? Has any information ever come to light such as this in over 50 plus years of research?

And, you don't want to acknowledge what's been written in black and white, you'd prefer the continued theories, bullshit and more theories as more books are written? No doubt 4 or 5 more books will find their way in on or before November. Truthfully, I can only find all this information and more on (3) documents of the millions of pages already out there that discusses Kennedy's assassination in full detail, NOW that's what I'm talking about!

And, the truth will set me free!

I challenge John Newman, whose name has now come up more than once to interpret, decipher, analyze and dictate in detail the three (3) documents that have been 'freely given.'

I'm not asking for me, so, please my haters! Get off it! But, for the respect of the riderless horseman.

Let's settle this once and for all, isn't that what this is about? Him, not you or me!

Hell, I don't even want the recognition, y'all can take all the glory, I just want anyone who is not willing to hide behind some curtain to shed some light on these documents is all I'm saying (for YOUR side.) That would be my reward, [corroboration,] to be, or not to be, that is the question.

It's as simple as asking, do these documents discuss the "Big Event" or not, how hard can that be?

If Newman says it's a no go, or both he and Chris agree, then I will accept, but if Newman agrees with Chris, then, YOU the researchers may have it and do with it what YOU will see how that works? I'm finished, and do not give Newman Chris' assessment, let him do his own so there will be no influence, we shall see.

After all, these documents have got to mean something, how can information of this caliber be so vague?

:Read: + ::rofl:: = :Violin:
The condition is, the documents go to Newman, and only him. And, if you have any curiosity whatsoever, please do get back in-touch with me, and let me know what Newman, and ONLY Newman says.


No problemo....but you have to contact me with the docs to Neuman only.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:

No problemo....but you have to contact me with the docs to Neuman only.

Sure I have NO problem sharing! Here I go, again! I did send Newman a message on FB and if unless he checks his messages on FB he won't get it, but if he's a regular on FB but is one of those people who enjoys reading others posts, but rarely posts himself, I understand, there are many who does that.

Quote:Dear Mr. Kaiser,

I have read the three documents you sent me. Let me say, it is of the highest regard that these documents be considered of the utmost important discoveries. As an analyst, I have had the opportunity to interpret, decipher and analyze methodically in detail our departments documents.

In many instances, parts or elements distinguish components and parts make up the language in these documents, such as the substance, the process, an operation, and the situation. All of its counterparts are true in nature and the relationships that determines what the author(s) are discussing.

Having said that, let's take all three pages written up, they are not all dictated by the same author, but by several agents having to deal with the noted dates on these documents. RYBAT is just another way of saying, these documents are Secret, and could be classified as Top Secret and, YOBITE indicates there is more than one group working with or for high officials in government to resolve whatever circumstances may be of conflict.

The reason I say these documents should be considered as of the utmost important discoveries is for three simple reasons, the first document appears to genuinely discuss a plot to assassinate Kennedy in Miami. You are correct, JFK visited Miami November 16, 1963. A number of compartmentalized groups or instances that seem to happen at the same time, meaning, there are groups reporting to a high officials in government trying to reason with Kennedy's administration over the conflict in Cuba. However, it appears to be getting nowhere, then they are planning JFK's assassination in Miami.

The next relevant page the author points out is the happenstance of the report itself which is dictating the events taking place after November 16, 1963, this is why I say these documents are not just an implication of events, but a gold mine.

We know by the "general elections" they wanted to appoint those within the exile Cuban Lawyers to be the true "National Group" taking over Cuba after the assassination of Fidel Castro, this was to happen in July 1963, another plan was for December 1963, [they] believed in a better chance for elections after the assassination of president Kennedy, these preparations would allow elections and lawmakers to dictate a new Cuban Constitution. The elections were to be held on 11/24/1963, however, Castro "boycotted" them by sending Havana's Lawyers to disrupt any elections that would have taken place. Fidel Castro was very aware of what was going on. AMWEE are agents who interact with other agents or they are on a mission to complete, most of this is in regard to Mexico, and I am led to believe that AMWEE [1] or [2] may have something to do with Poyle. It would be very interesting to read Poyle's case.

What I find most interesting is the dynamite they planned on using to kill Kennedy during his Miami visit was passed unto agents though its network. Kennedy's next visit from Miami was Texas.

Operation Kumquat is a reminder of our plan to bomb the Chinese, so the company is referring to their plan to bomb president Kennedy. They were also "cooling off" "escapees" AMWEE -2 and AMFAUNA -14. This is just another way of saying these two individuals were very upset over something, therefore, they escaped from wherever they were.

Now, Op. AMSAKI has to do with the president's trip to Miami. With so many different cryptons you can see how difficult it is to follow who's doing what and where.

Here's where everything gets quite interesting, the author has identified a weekly "summary and maritime ops." A recap of November 17-23, 1963.

Maritime Ops. Are operations that took place during the week of the assassination.

The author leaves out the 16th of November, the day president Kennedy visited Miami, however, the author reiterates what took place between November 17-23 without directly implicating the company, this is why AMWEE 2 & AMFAUNA 14 need some cooling off, they may be holding unto some very important information that otherwise could be a threat by exposing this information.

There is a number of things going on in the authors third document. I noticed that it says that AMWEE -2 and AMFAUNA -14 has "successfully exfiltrated." Now, the difference between escapee and exfiltration is something they did on their own vs sending in others to withdraw them from their position.

I'm led to believe these are agents who otherwise didn't want to participate in the planned actions.

When you say that AMFAUNA 14 is apart of (14) men involved in the assassination of president Kennedy is not far-fetched considering these documents reference the plot to kill Fidel Castro in July 1963 and December 1963, woven in with the plot to kill Castro is the plot to kill Kennedy in Miami, however, the author is extremely careful of replacing the date with the city, in-regards to the obvious situation, meaning, November 22, 1963, is referring to Dallas, and this is why I say finding these documents is like winning the lottery. They clearly indicate the company's complexity of actions without fully indicting themselves.

By examining the third document, it identifies the officers processing 41 messages, two agents in photography, others processed intil intercepts, there were seven "conceal devices" reports and documents from AMOTS who were intelligence agents in the Cuban community.

To sum up your question, it is in my professional analysis, these three documents are exposing the plots to assassinate Fidel Castro, the plot to assassinate president John F. Kennedy, and the actions taken to assassinate president Kennedy, thank you for allowing me to keep a copy of these three very important, overlooked documents, this of course was in our most critical time in history, within these three pages, is a wealth of information.

C. Carter


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I suppose I can say, my father is who solved Kennedy's assassination?
Newman said in his interview you posted above talking about the CIA, and I quote; "(Carefully) crafted secret documents and memos." That's all I needed to hear as his words have carefully corroborated what Chris wrote me, thank you!

My father is the first person to have successfully solved Kennedy's assassination, not just by his words in the letters he wrote, but also by the very people he himself was linked to, and the FOIA documents that corroborate it, thank you! The ONLY thing that matters is what I know, and what my father knew, everything else, doesn't matter.

Scott Kaiser
These images are too small to be readable. They need to be scanned at a higher bit rate. If you want, send me better scans and I'll send them to Neuman.

Since Neuman doesn't know you, he will likely not even look at the documents. You need someone who he knows to present them to him. He is working on several books and lectures at the same time, and usually only responds to those he knows of.

With all due respect, I don't think any one person 'solved' the JFK assassination. It has been a collaborative effort by an often unorganized group of researchers over the time since Dallas....and there are still gaps in our knowledge, although the general outline is certainly known.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:These images are too small to be readable. They need to be scanned at a higher bit rate. If you want, send me better scans and I'll send them to Neuman.

Since Neuman doesn't know you, he will likely not even look at the documents. You need someone who he knows to present them to him. He is working on several books and lectures at the same time, and usually only responds to those he knows of.

With all due respect, I don't think any one person 'solved' the JFK assassination. It has been a collaborative effort by an often unorganized group of researchers over the time since Dallas....and there are still gaps in our knowledge, although the general outline is certainly known.


I see I have to be the one who goes that extra mile. If you've downloaded my PDF (which you've done) you would notice the very same documents are in there, if you've followed me around on Facebook (like everyone else does) you would see I have posted them, so please don't make it sound as those I'm trying to pass on a set of documents no one can read, that's crap!

A response to your second sentence, perhaps, YOU oh mighty whatever you are should get ahold of your buddy Neuman and tell him "Scott's father already solved the Kennedy hit" I expect Neuman to not know who I am, as I've said in the past, I'm no one, but my father? How could he not know who he was? Just mention his name Pete, you'll do just fine!

Do you honestly believe I care what anyone is doing or how many lectures or books someone writes about JFK? Do you think I only took Chirs' word for it? You do know I keep (in-touch) with many, many CIA agents who have interpreted these documents to be a direct result of leading into Kennedy's assassination, and the aftermath? Within these three documents alone displays the date, time and place as the author "carefully replaces the date for Dallas" as Chris says, the first page discusses the plot to kill Kennedy in Miami, this was AFTER his Tampa trip, and where did Kennedy go after his Miami trip, oh yeah TEXAS! Are folks following what I'm saying so far?

The second page refers to Richard Poyle in Mexico, he arrived there on November 21, 1963. The plot to hold elections on November 24, 1963 for a FREE Cuba, and how was Cuba suppose to get free? Why these elections were being held by exile lawyers who were expecting to rewrite the Cuban Constitution after the invasion of Cuba and the killing of Castro, but... How was Cuba going to get invaded? AFTER Jack was whacked, right? Are you with me so far? HOWEVER! Fidel Castro knew 'exactly' what was going on in Miami, therefore, he, (Castro) sent his lawyers from Havana to 'boycott' the before the elections took place.

Fidel Castro made sure to deliver his speech on November 23, 1963 the day AFTER Kennedy got whacked, Castro's speech was given the day BEFORE these elections were to take place to disrupt any elections from taking place, or Cuba from getting invaded, oh well, shit happens. Fidel was very smart to do what he did without hesitation or ignoring the fact Jack just got whacked, very smart of Fidel to do what he did indeed. I mean, how many other heads of state around the world also gave a speech the day AFTER Jack got whacked? Which kept his country from getting invaded.

Do you believe the three and a half speech Castro gave about Kennedy the day after the assassination was something he just whipped up?

I know what I have, and what I found, I know what my father had and why my father went directly to Richard Poyle of all men he could've approached, and Poyle just returned from Cuban prison? How about that? How would my father know if Poyle was CIA?

I bet Neumen doesn't know anything about any of this stuff, but, if he does know how to read documents I pose the challenge for him to dictate 'in detail' exactly what those documents are saying. I already know.

I'm not on nobody's sides, and that's the beauty of this, now, you may take the information I've FREELY given you, and do with it what you will, gee, where did I hear that before? Use it for what it's worth, and put some of that intelligence to work, or, you and everyone else may continue ignoring the facts while everyone displays their broad ignorance as they continue to write theory after theory.

The choice is yours!

Scott Kaiser
I do not go on facebook - never have. The images you uploaded here are too small to be read.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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