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CD87 p92 - SS tells us the rifle Kleins shipped to Hidell was a 91(T)roop (S)pecial carbine
I've heard it said that the best way to FUBAR a military op is to follow your orders exactly. Maybe a lot of these guys were simply and literally doing exactly what they were told and not a smidge more. That doesn't excuse thier crimes.

Photogrammetry is the science of making measurements from photographs.

Drew... in 2d representation of 3d space the process of measurement and comaprison is much more complicated than counting pixels and replacing items within the image...

Distance, focal points, and a variety of other items like parrallax come into play... we can make general statements about size and distance within photos, but comapring two different photos to each other accurately requires
photogrammetry software.

I'm sure that Bob is correct about his identification - all I am stating is that the rifles in the BYPs is not the 6th floor TSBD rifle. And for good reason, Oswald never had C2766 in his possession.

- why haven't we been able to see the douments related to Klein's June 18th 1962 shipment as described by Feldsott?
- and why does a 100 rifle order take 10 months to prepare and ship.... RUPP removed 434 cases, 4340 rifles, between Aug 29 and Oct 31 - 2 months - and yet the only shipment to Kleins is of 10 cases, 100 rifles, in FEB 1963.

Where did all the other 4240 rifles go? and which rifles did Kleins send to those who ordered C20-T750 while on ad from 3/62 - 2/63... if they NEVER got any 91TS rifles?



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Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
David Josephs Wrote:

Photogrammetry is the science of making measurements from photographs.

Drew... in 2d representation of 3d space the process of measurement and comaprison is much more complicated than counting pixels and replacing items within the image...

Distance, focal points, and a variety of other items like parrallax come into play... we can make general statements about size and distance within photos, but comapring two different photos to each other accurately requires
photogrammetry software.

I'm sure that Bob is correct about his identification - all I am stating is that the rifles in the BYPs is not the 6th floor TSBD rifle. And for good reason, Oswald never had C2766 in his possession.

- why haven't we been able to see the douments related to Klein's June 18th 1962 shipment as described by Feldsott?
- and why does a 100 rifle order take 10 months to prepare and ship.... RUPP removed 434 cases, 4340 rifles, between Aug 29 and Oct 31 - 2 months - and yet the only shipment to Kleins is of 10 cases, 100 rifles, in FEB 1963.

Where did all the other 4240 rifles go? and which rifles did Kleins send to those who ordered C20-T750 while on ad from 3/62 - 2/63... if they NEVER got any 91TS rifles?



What makes you think the BYP rifle is not the same rifle found on the 6th floor?
Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.

Warren Commission testimony of Secret Service Agent Clinton J. Hill, 1964
David Josephs Wrote:Something you may wish to investigate Jim... There is a page that follows the Waldman #10 that shows a $2116.91 total. If you look at the top left of the #10 you posted you will see the same number as a subtotal and first entry on that tape.... they go on to add to that total to reach the final total of $3804.67.

It's a little hard to read, but it looks to me, squinting, like that first entry on Waldman 10 is 2,216.something. Quite a three-digit coincidence, though, if they represent different totals.

David Josephs Wrote:The PROBLEM is that Bank VP Wilmouth tells a much different story about the deposit, the date (3/15, not 3/13) and what the Fed Res Bank would have done and when. The MO should have a 3/18/63 stamp from the Fed Reserve at the very least. The numbers $1536.11 and $6178 have no relationship to this deposit... and the $21.45 transaction identified as Hidell's MO was actually the American Express check....

It probably should have also been stamped by First National Bank of Chicago before it was sent along to the Fed Reserve. John did some digging here and also wrote that it should have been stamped by the Fed Postal Money Order Center in Kansas City. In recent years, endorsement stamps and the like on some personal checks and other financial docs have been streamlined a bit, but I remember some years ago that there were stamps all over the things. The fact that NO ONE stamped this thing proves that it was never processed beyond Klein's, if there.

David Josephs Wrote:The other problem being that this USPS Money Order would not be considered "Checks on other Chicago Banks" but as a "Check on out of Town Banks" in the $9992.43 total. There is no $21.45 in those columns adding to that total.
Yep, JA thought the same thing. Geez, could there be anything else wrong with this picture? And that's not to mention all Bob Prudhomme's stuff.

David Josephs Wrote:[ATTACH=CONFIG]5974[/ATTACH]

That Kleins would microfilm the envelope and coupon yet not the money order is also very suspect. John's section on this in H&L is quite thorough with documents not offered elsewhere. At some point along the way the COST for shipping these rifles via Lipschultz is also changed from $.76/lb to what LOOKS like $5.27 for a total of $3953 instead of the $570. or am I reading this wrong?


I'm not sure what that 527 rate is supposed to mean or if there is something screwy about the charges, but All the evidence of the so-called murder weapon appears about as legitimate as a three dollar bill. Anyone seen how WC apologists address this stuff?
I don't have photogrammetry software. The measurements I make, with my pixel counting software, are all exclusive within each photograph. In all (but one) of my measurements there is either a scale in the actual picture, or something of a known size, at a similar distance from the camera lens, with which to compare.

The problems that I have reported with measurements are when what is purported to be one item appears to be one size in one photo (as measured against other objects a similar distance from the camera lens in that photo) and a different size in another picture (as measured against other objects a similar distance from the camera lens in that picture) No 3d trickery involved.

All along I have assumed that the photographs (such as in NARA) were not made with a fish-eye lens or otherwise deliberately distorted. Perhaps that assumption is naïve.
Bob - They don't have the same detail characteristics....

the image I posted shows at least 4 areas where the rifles do not match.... they may be the same models, but they are not the same rifle.

Can we at least try to remember that Oswald did not do it. that Oswald did not have the rifle nor did he place that rifle on the 6th floor.
C2766 was not used that day at all... it was a set-up, a conspiracy, with Oswald the patsy.

While most intelligent people had it figured out that weekend after Oswald was killed... the boys in charge of the evidence knew that it would be years before anyone figured anything out and would be in a position to prove it.

One more interesting piece of evidence about the BYP... The black on black outfit Oswald is supposedly wearing was never found in his possessions... Someone else's paycheck stub from years before, yes... but not the clothes he is wearing in one of the world's most famous photos...




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Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
David Josephs Wrote:Bob - They don't have the same detail characteristics....

the image I posted shows at least 4 areas where the rifles do not match.... they may be the same models, but they are not the same rifle.

Can we at least try to remember that Oswald did not do it. that Oswald did not have the rifle nor did he place that rifle on the 6th floor.
C2766 was not used that day at all... it was a set-up, a conspiracy, with Oswald the patsy.

While most intelligent people had it figured out that weekend after Oswald was killed... the boys in charge of the evidence knew that it would be years before anyone figured anything out and would be in a position to prove it.

One more interesting piece of evidence about the BYP... The black on black outfit Oswald is supposedly wearing was never found in his possessions... Someone else's paycheck stub from years before, yes... but not the clothes he is wearing in one of the world's most famous photos...




This is why it is so easy to criticize the work of so many JFK researchers, and why we are referred to as "kooks". So often, statements such as "they weren't the same rifle" are thrown out, with no hard evidence to back them up. Assuming C2766 did not shoot JFK, could the rifle in the BYP's not be planted on the 6th floor?

Outside of the fact there is no clip and there is a blemish seen on the magazine of the rifle carried by Lt. Day, what other differences can you see?
Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.

Warren Commission testimony of Secret Service Agent Clinton J. Hill, 1964
One more time then Bob...

1) There is not strap ring at the bottom of the rifle, it is on the side of C2766 and on the bottom of the BYP rifle - also notice the metal band itself is wider on the BYP
2/3) There is not metal cap nor metal parts under the barrell or at the end of the stock
4) There is no round metal anything next to the Strap ring on the NARA rifle.. wood does not give the impression it is metal

So Bob... how did the clip get back into the rifle as seen in the photos of DAY outside?


One last question... 133-C did not exist until 1976. How did they know to position Det Brown here in this pose EXACTLY replicating the pose discovered 13 years later?
Unless someone at DPD was aware of that other image...

Given that the order, the inventory, the shipment, the payment and the retreival of the rifle are all shown to be fraudulent... why would you think that rifle and the TSBD rifle are the same?
as if whoever it was carted this rifle around for months given the timing of the BYP to begin with.... and was able to get THAT RIFLE onto the 6th floor THAT DAY...


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.jpg   BYP with stand in in 133-c pose.jpg (Size: 134.81 KB / Downloads: 24)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

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Not only is the Oswald in the BYP too short (assuming that the gun in the photo is in fact C277 the Carcano 91/38 in WC evidence) but his eyes are too narrow and his ears are too wide (as compared to his booking photo) . Can anyone do a photo overlay?

The cop in the BYP above isn't in the right place for him to be used as the cutout. Look carefully at the cops shoulders and the shoulders of the cutout area, they are clearly in different places.

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