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Peter Dale Scott has just finished his latest book - THE AMERICAN DEEP STATE - WALL STREET, BIG OIL, AND THE ATTACK ON U.S DEMOCRACY, due out in November. Beyond mentioning how tremendously pleasing it is to see Peter at the height of his powers remaining so productive, this volume seems of special interest for its focus on a unified history on the deep events of the USA. I'm looking forward to reading it - I find the overt mentioning of Booz Allen Hamilton and SAIC to be of interest too. Both companies should be familiar to 9/11 researchers.

[As a random aside, in a mundane call centre job in Melbourne a few years back, I took a local call from an American man with a clipped - very serious - voice enquiring about booked flights on a particular account. When I asked him for particulars of the account (probably for email purposes), he replied "Booz Allen Hamilton..". I laughed out loud, as I'd recently read articles and watched online lectures that singled out that company for a likely covert and unpleasant role in the noted events from a few years earlier. After a long, hearty chuckle, I eventually said "Ohhhh..... I've heard of you!!!" There was dead, glowering silence at the other end of the line as I continued to work.]

The synopsis and Amazon link are below.

This provocative book makes a compelling case for a hidden "deep state" that
influences U.S. policy far more than American citizens realize. Prominent political analyst Peter Dale Scott examines the decline in American global power and prestige, together with a rise in income disparity, from the long and costly Vietnam War era to the present. He argues that the decline is partly explained by a series of what he calls structural deep events, from the assassination of President Kennedy to 9/11. Scott does not attempt to solve these mysteries, but he points to elements they have in common, ranging from overlapping personnel and distinctive modes of operation to shared sources of off-the-books funding. Scott traces these commonalities to what he calls the deep state, a second level of government behind the public or constitutional state that has grown much stronger since World War Two, and especially since 9/11. He documents many ways in which the deep state is partly rooted not only in non-accountable intelligence agencies like the CIA and NSA, but also in private corporations like Booz Allen Hamilton and SAIC, to which two-thirds of current intelligence budgets are outsourced. Behind these public and private institutions is the powerful influence of Wall Street bankers and lawyers, allied with international oil companies that operate beyond the reach of domestic law. With the increased importance of Gulf States like Saudi Arabia to oil markets, American defense companies, and Wall Street itself, there is now a supranational deep state, which this essential book demonstrates is repeatedly at odds with official American policies and public interest. Specifically the American state has waged an ongoing war against Al Qaeda and its allies, while elements of the American deep state have repeatedly assisted, used, and protected them.

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