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US/UK state brainwashing/torture/murder
Midnight 26June2015, wall-thump ref from No.18 to "heavily made up" from QI; interpreted as me writing falsehoods - I'd stake my life that everything I've said/written is 99% accurate. 29June, Channel4 prog on Trent Park ([size=12], MAE clicking to "They'll do anything to stay in power" - the idea that I'm telling untruths is firmly written into 'their' narrative, and is false.

From book: 'How Corrupt is Britain', David Whyte, Ed.
Part3: Corruption in Government & Public Institutions.
Ch7. British State Torture: From 'Search and Try' to 'Hide and Lie' by Paul O'Connor
Individual references I've had are (usually-) single word underlines.

In June 1975 an eminent Harley Street doctor flew to Dublin, The purpose of the trip was to carry out a medical examination of a patient in the St John of God Hospital in the lrish capital. The patient was suffering from severe angina My medical book says of angina: "a sense of suffocation.."; angina pectoris - "pain in the centre of the chest". There's a breathlessness I sometimes get, which has been ref'ed with "oxygen thirst" & "The man who forgot to breathe". It may be [neuralgic pain pulse there] a stress reaction, but it never 'feels' organic and is very closely associated with the imposition of an arrhythmic heart beat pattern whic I know is inorganic/indigenous. When anxious, the heart reciprocates; equally, when the heart has a pattern reflective of a stress/anxious state, the mind reciprocates with an anxious state, a kind of two-way effect which 've had an awful lot of, for years. I've also had an irradiated simulation of angina pectoris, a poor imitation of heartburn; of the character of a simple microwave heating effect, just above the solar plexus, a condition which is 'always associated with the risk of sudden death according to the doctor. The doctor was Dr Denis Leigh, a leading consultant psychiatrist at the Bethlem Royal and the Maudsley Hospitals in London, and more importantly, medical consultant to the British Army. They have quite an ability to influence the heart's operation, which they're very fond of using - any muscles in fact.

The patient, Sean McKenna, was a former member of the IRA who had been subjected to so-called 'in-depth interrogation' following the introduction of internment without trial in August 1971, He was one of the 14 'hooded men' whose infamous treatment forced the lrish state to launch a case alleging torture against the UK government at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Leigh's medical examination was being carried out on behalf of the Crown to bolster the UK defence that the men had not suffered long-term physical or psychiatric damage as a result of their interrogation. I had a weird msg a while ago, saying it would take yrs to push this thru' Strasbourg courts (I hadn't even considered it - I'm 'just this guy', this is well beyond me, but a boys gotta do what - etc.). I think it was saying for me to "just get on with your life" - ie, abroad.

The 'in-depth interrogation' that McKenna and the others were subjected to consisted of five techniques that had been widely used by the British army in counter-insurgency campaigns in Aden, Cyprus, Malaya, Palestine ard elsewhere - hooding, white noise Absolutely masses of white noise for yrs, from what I assume to be radio-frequency irradiation from the moment I wake to the moment I sleep, including when they wake me up to do a heavy footed walk-past to whatever they just played into my mind, and for a siren to go off; also, mic auditory effects., deprivation of sleep 180days of torture (synthetic migrainous neuralgia) from the moment I'd put my head down on the pillow, for 6-12hrs/day and food poisoned and/or tainted with smelly chemicals & hematuric toxins, and finally, wall standing in a stress position I always have a stiff and sore upper neck - a focus of the hissing sound; also masers(?) to limbs, causing soreness and stiffness. There was a sixth technique not alluded to in the training manual, regular physical beatings of the men I was set-upon recently by 3 lads who are a part of the organised attack - bruised & bloodied [neuralgic pain to left temple there]. Codenamed 'Operation Calaba', the in-depth interrogations took place at a former military airbase at Ballykelly outside Derry which had been specially modified for interrogation. Until 2013 the men and the general public believed that the torture had in fact occurred at a different military base. I've had what were supposed to be threats of this, being kidnapped & 'interrogated', including Gitmo, ffs...

Dr Leigh reached some alarming conclusions. He found that McKenna's angina was known to British army doctors before the interrogation went ahead, and 'it would be hard to show ... that it was wise to proceed with the interrogation, and that the interrogation did not have the effect of worsening his angina'.

McKenna complained of a number of psychiatric symptoms 'mainly of an anxious and fearful nature' This is the Holy Grail of the 'influence technicians', along with inculcating paranoid schizophrenia (what's not commonly known, is the direct mind invasion technologies, that are now available [right big toe starts to hurt there, a very frequent effect]). The night the analogue Radio4 Shipping Forecast came thru' saying "Cromarty, 999; Finnistaire, 999.." etc, I made the mistake of moving heavy boxes to my front door, as a hindrance to anyone who was clearly threatening to come in. This was a mistake; no matter how much I'd prefer ppl who want to do me harm were unable to access my home at night when I'm asleep (they'd done it before, moving furniture), the 'correct' response would've been to unlatch the door. according to Leigh, who concluded, 'with regard to his other psychiatric symptoms I think that one will probably have to regard them as being the result of the so-called 'deep interrogation' procedures'.

In fact McKenna's psychiatric condition was such that he had been released from Long Kesh internment camp in May 1972 directly into the care of a psychiatric unit. Within one week of his arrest his shock of black hair had turned white. His daughter described 'a very broken man, sitting crying, very shaky' A primary aim of 'the programme', to completely 'break' a person (I'm 'just this guy', the people who do these things must have an enormous ver-capacity, whilst being ravenous & intoxicated). Four days after the June 1975 medical examination Sean McKenna died. He had suffered a massive heart attack. The notes of this medical examination, discovered aimost 40 years later in the British National Archives, may yet come to haunt the British state.

In 1976 the European Human Rights Commission (EHRC) upheld a complaint by Ireland that the treatment of the 'hooded men' Lots of references I've had to 'hoods' & the like constituted torture, and referred the case to the European Court of Human Rights for judgement. The Commission had condemned the five techniques as a 'modern system of torture' with 'a clear resemblance to those systematic methods of torture that have been known over the ages'. The employment of electromagnetics & radio frequencies leave no evidence, hence the torturers 'field day'; the imposition of extreme & chronic pain, for eg., can be done at arms length & evidence-frei, and so they're happy to do it.

The stakes could not have been higher in terms of the legal and political fallout if the United Kingdom, one of the original signatories to the European Convention on Human Rights, had been found to have sanctioned torture They're torture-murdering British citizens - Englishmen, on frabricated and trumped-up so-called 'charges' & in consequence of their own deliberated iatrogenic machinations; their current ways of the mind, again - their 'one size fits all'/'get out of gaol free' card/magic wand, are all entirely evidence-free, except perhaps, for the implants and the what-seems-like-general knowledge. I'm 'informed' by reference, that William Hague & Theresa May have signed-off on this. One memo warned that 'the security forces will be on international trial and we must do everything possible to minimise the risk of losing this battle'. This is absolutely the case; they've done so much to me that if it were to come to court (a magnificent proposal), they would be seen as Dr. Mengeles heirs, the worst of the worst, & liars, fabricators, frauds - consequently FTW - anything goes, they hound me 24hrs a day, awake & asleep with dream choreography (last nights, 29June'15, being hyper-aggressively attacked by a smiling Damian Lewis look-alike, becasue i'd said a couple of days ago that I liked him; and hounded thrughout the day and night with apophenics, tv pic/sound breakups, mic auditory effect sounds, and neuralgic pain pulses and headaches - all very SOP. After writing about their heart effects, the same night I had a very strong heart palpitation for 5seconds to a usual reference from tv, just so I know that I'd already known [neuralgic to right temple] that they can stop me dead at any time. Frankly - "Fuck 'em". I could speak for days on each aspect of their attacks, I've had so much and for so long - they have absolutley no boundries on their being pro-cess and they call themselves 'teachers', 'doctors', 'gods' & 'superheros' where they deserve to be at a new Nuremberg). This was until recently one of the few inter-state cases taken to the court that ran its full term. As this chapter will show, the case and the subject matter dealt with in the case would also have major international implications many years later in lraq, Afghanistan and at Guantanamo.

The United Kingdom successfully used the pretext of 'security' to ensure that British witnesses gave their evidence to the EHRC at a secret NATO airbase in Norway. In these hearings the United Kingdom argued that the use of the five techniques did not constitute 'administrative practice' and had not been sanctioned down a chain of command. It was further argued that the men had not suffered any long-term physical or psychiatric effects.

In his evidence to the Commission Dr Leigh testified that the psychiatric effects of the interrogations were minor and their persistence was due to the conditions of everyday life in Northern lreland. His confidential report on Sean McKenna cited above painted a very different and alarming picture.

The lrish government had enlisted the help of two expert witnesses, Professor Robert Daly /'daily' who had worked with the RAF and Professor lan Bastiaans who had treated Nazi concentration camp survivors. Both men were adamant that the 'hooded men' had been tortured and were suffering serious after-effects on both their physical and psychiatric health. Dr Leigh weighed in on the side of the UK government. He failed to mention his own medical assessment of Sean McKenna. This was not the only evidence being withheld from the Commission and the court.

The Irish attorney general, Declan Costello, had no access to military or police witnesses, no ability to cross-examine, and cruciaily, had been denied sight of hundreds of documents which were extremely damaging to the British case. By this stage the tortured men had also initiated civil cases against the British government alleging torture. The legal advice within the Ministry of Defence was blunt: the cases should be settled out of court to avoid embarrassment or worse. Officials feared that the
minister for defence at the time of the interrogations, Lord Carrington, could face conspiracy charges if evidence were heard in open court. So anxious was the government to settle out of court at all costs that a recommendation was made to pay compensation to one of the men despite the fact that he was believed to be active in the IRA at the time the recommendation was made. Both the prime minister and the attorney general were advised of this at the time in a letter which warned. 'Given the interrogation procedures themselves were unlawful, it would constitute a conspiracy to arrange for these procedures to be put in place.'

Some of the documents that the European Court did not see have now emerged from the archives. These include memos between ministerial aides and a Lt Col. Richard Nicholson. [strong neuralgic pain there whilst underlining to the side centre right of my head - they start to play games, over-referencing anything & everything, when I start to note their references, so I stop] He led the interrogation team that had been brought in from the Joint Services Interrogation Wing in Ashford, Kent to train the Royal Ulster Constabulary special branch officers who carried out the interrogations. Nicholson admitted that some of the men had spent 36, 45 and even 49 hours in stress positions against a wall, but 'never more than 6 hours at a stretch'. The ministerial aide reported that Nicholson had assured him that if a detainee collapsed he was allowed to get a 'second wind'. The memo continues, 'In our own interests we did not want detainees to be in such a state of collapse that thev could not talk to us.'

A detainee who was not cooperating also faced deprivation of sleep and a bread and water diet ref'ed separately: 'once a prisoner was cooperating he was allowed to sleep ... in some cases an interrogatee (sic) could go for a couple of days without sleep' The excruciating 180 consecutive days of synthetic trigeminal/migrainous neuralgia I had, always started very soon after I put head to pillow to sleep, 6-12hrs of unbelievable pain to the right side of my head/face each night. Nicholson reported that a diet of bread and water was provided every six hours 'until they began to talk'. This led to an average weight loss of between 6 and 7 lbs in less than a week, although the official record notes that one prisoner 'who had not provided much useful information lost over a stone'. In addition the 'hooded men,had to endure ongoing sensory deprivation in the form of white noise, which was described by one of the victims as 'absolutely ear piercing'. I've had this for years and have always referred to it as the 'EM hiss' (electromagnetic), tho' there's what I take to be the radio frequency 'reception' causing a variable hiss (corresponding to the power-setting/number of people 'logged-on' - odd and casual as it sounds, I've come to terms with this shit). There's also a rage of mic auditory effects - MAE, from hissing and clicking, to high-pitch tones, car horns suddenly sounding in my pillow-side ear when I'm about to sleep, and the spoken word in hi-fi (since I got a firm science-jargon & hence a tangible understanding - right or wrong, but with a firm logic to it - of the means behind many of the effects I was being subjected to, most of the smart-arsed showing-off has stopped). The MAE comes thru the hearing system, which is very different to sounds actually inside the head/mind. It starts as soon as I wake, goes all thru' the day, indoors or out, and as I lie down to sleep, the relative increase of blood pressure in the head causes the pulsing hiss, to my heart beat, to get substantially louder. Right-side heavy (everything's right-side heavy). From very very loud, to more restrained & quiet. Mornings are very 'busy' times.

Needless to say the records make no mention of the ongoing brutal assaults on the men. Nicholson, who was later awarded an OBE, made the astonishing Kafkaesque claim that the hooding of the men was a voluntary process, and offered to provide statistics on voluntary versus mandatory hooding. His statistics claim, with no trace of irony, that two of the men spent 120 per cent more time 'voluntarily hooded than mandatorily hooded'.

The circulation list on these documents show that ministers, their permanent under-secretaries, and even the director-general of intelligence (DCI) were being copied in on these exchanges and were well aware of the situation. In one letter the DGI explained to a minister of state that some of the men volunteered to keep their hoods on because there were 'windows in the cells'.
By 1974 the Labour minister for defence, Roy Mason, was aware of 'substantial medical evidence of lasting psychiatric damage' to one of the other men, Pat Shivers, who had lost 16 lb in interrogation and developed a facial tic. From the moment I ordered this book from the library, I started getting facial RF shots causing a tremor of the local muscles; cheek, eyelids, corner of the mouth & more. The book arrived some 4-5wks later & I sussed what the gig was. A possible effect 'they' can induce, is uncontrollable 'shivers'; this has happened to me one time, entirely extraordinarily and out of place, early one morning one a warm flat when I'd got-up to have a snack - large amounts of physical pain seem to make me quite hungry.

From 1971 to 1978 both Conservative and Labour governments conspired to withhold evidence and mislead the EHRC, the European Court of Human Rights and lreland, a member state of the European Community. In 1978 the European Court ruled that the treatment of the men constituted 'inhuman and degrading treatment' but not torture. The judgement thus overruled the earlier finding of the Commission. Four of the 17 judges disagreed, and the Irish judge argued in a dissenting opinion that a site visit should have taken place to properly establish the facts. Had such a visit taken place (as occurred in another contemporaneous investigation involving allegations of torture during the military dictatorship of Greece) we can only speculate which of the interrogation centres would have been shown to the learned judges, since Lt Col Nicholson had warned Whitehall that it was vital to keep the existence of Ballykelly secure. It was 'not known that it existed', he added ominously.
In its judgement the Court found that 'the five techniques, as applied in combination ... were used systematically, they did not occasion suffering of the particular intensity and cruelty implied by the word torture as so understood'.

A 'special stigma was attached to the word torture, the Court opined. In 1977 the British attorney general, Sam Silkin QC, solemnly promised in Strasbourg that the five techniques, which no longer carried the 'special stigma' of torture, would never again be used as an aid to interrogation in Northern lreland or elsewhere. That appeared to be the end of the matter.

ln 2013 the Pat Finucane Centre, an independent non-governmental organisation (NGO), discovered hundreds of documents about the lreland v UK case that contradicted the judgement. It approached Ireland's national broadcaster, RTE, whose investigative journalists then began their own research in the National Archives in London. They made a dramatic discovery. Buried among the thousands of documents was a 1977 memo from the then secretary of state for Northern lreland, Merlyn Rees, to his Labour prime minister, James Callaghan, about the ongoing case. Rees wrote, 'lt is my view, (confirmed by Brian Faulkner before his death) that the decision to use methods of torture in Northern lreland in1971/72 was taken by ministers - in particular Lord Carrington, then Secretary of State for Defence.' In a hand-written note on the margin, a senior civil servant commented, 'this could grow into something awkward if pursued'. The allegation that a minister of the Crown had sanctioned the use of torture would indeed have been awkward, had it been pursued, The special stigma attached to the word torture is reflected in international law, which allows for no departure under any circumstances from the strict prohibition of torture. There is no statute of limitations in respect of possible criminal charges, so seriously is this violation regarded.

In 'Combating Torture: A Manual for Judges and Prosecutors', academic Conor Foley refers to the Search and Try obligation on states:

The four Geneva Conventions ... require states parties to search for
people alleged to have committed or ordered grave breaches of the
Conventions, such as torture and inhuman treatment, or who have failed
in their duties as commanding officers to prevent such grave breaches
occurring. The 'search and try' obligation is without frontiers under the
Geneva Conventions.

Successive UK governments, rather than comply with their legal obligation to 'search and try' allegations of torture, adopted a policy more akin to 'hide and lie'. This was to have consequences many years later. The inquiry into the 2003 murder of an Iraqi civilian, Baha Mousa, by British soldiers was told that the five techniques had again been used in Iraq by every single battle group in the field. The failure by the ECHR to attach the special stigma of torture to a member state in 1978 had fatal consequences for Baha Mousa. Others took note.

In 1999 the High Court of Israel ruled that certain interrogation practices used by the General Security Service against Palestinian prisoners, while illegal, did not constitute torture, and specifically referenced the Ireland v UK judgement in doing so. The US attorney general also took note when seeking to justify torture in lraq, Afghanistan and at Guantanamo Bay. The infamous 'torture memos' prepared for President Bush made direct reference to the lreland v UK judgment. On page 31 the memo reads:

The European Court of Human Rights ... recognised a wide array of acts
that constitute cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment,
but do not amount to torture. Thus they appear to permit, under international law, an aggressive interpretation as to what amounts to torture, leaving that label to be applied only where extreme circumstances exist'.

ln 'Cruel Britannia: A Secret History of Torture', Guardian journalist Ian Cobain provides damning evidence that the UK government did in fact 'do' torture, and had been doing so for decades in counter-insurgency wars from Brunei to Aden, and from Ireland to lraq. In June 2013 UK foreign secretary William Hague apologised in Parliament for the torture of Mau Mau suspects in Kenya during the 1950s. Over £50 million was paid out in compensation to some 5,000 Kenyan victims. ln 1972 prime minister Edward Heath had promised Parliament that the Ballykelly torture techniques would never be used again.

As the declassified documents make clear, both he and his cabinet colleagues actually went to great lengths to ensure that those responsible for torture would not face any sanction. The international legal obligation to 'search and try' those involved in sanctioning and carrying out torture was ignored. Successive governments adopted the motto 'hide' (the evidence) and 'lie' (to the court). The process was corrupted from beginning to end, from the interrogations at an isolated airfield on the banks of Lough Foyle to the office of the prime minister in Whitehall.

Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Stephen Grey's book 'The New Spymasters' seems likely to be an interesting one; I've called 'these people', "fat & drunk, ravenous & intoxicated" many times; in the same context, in a days flicking thru', I've found "intoxicated" 2x, "false narrative", and that due to the surveillance and technology, the 'new spymasters' have "lost their ability to see beyond their security bubble and think like normal people".
I know all these things to be precisely the case. They're absolutley batshit.
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Couple of passages taken from books Cruel Britannia & New Spymasters, that form something of a narrative. Bit of uncouth but necessarily expressive language, might edit that out later, everything takes so long at 1hr/day and occaisionally I'm in a shitty & I find it healthy to say so.

The New Spymasters, Pt2, New Spies; 'Thunderbolt' (long-established refs: Cyprus; Andreus/ Andrew [Antonides]; ant; Stanley, 'Holloway' [Hollowday]; Liverpool; heroin)
....Snitch, snout, tout, informer, grass, sneak, stool pigeon, double-crosser, canary, nark, rat, squealer, turncoat, weasel: criminals use many words to describe those who betray them. The British police came to prefer civil service jargon. In their world, a spy was called a covert human intelligence source or CHIS. I've had some of those as refs, as often as not, with a pulse of pain to the right side of my head. I get alot of 'liar' too, usually by a neuralgic pain; what do they want? What are they on about? Why should they give the tiniest shit about referencing 'liar'? [neuralgic to centre-right side of my head there] Idk, >tuts<. They make it up as they go along. I've not assimilated their sexed-up bullshit, perhaps that's it. It's not like they need me to play ball to ref to me "7" a thousand times and more (I think this is the licence to kill).
Law enforcement - whether police or national agencies such as the customs or National Crime Agency - has always had its own sorts of spies. As the saying goes, there is no honour among thieves, and as criminal organizations struggle to control a larger share of territory and illicit earnings, tipping off the cops has always been part of the game. But those called informers by the police were usually a different breed of people from those defined as secret agents or spies by secret services. Some of the difference was in the language. Policemen and spymasters used different terms. In 'spy-speak' , an informer was often a mere tipster, someone who sold titbits of information, as opposed to an agent, whose activities were more closely directed. A former senior French counterintelligence officer put it like this: 'In our work an agent is at a much higher level than an informant. An informant gives you local information and points out targets. Then you can send in an agent and he'll make contacts and work his way up.' But in other secret services, the terms were not so tightly defined. One former head of CIA covert operations said that 'source', 'informer' and 'agent' were used interchangeably. Some were just more reliable and more under control than others.

A bigger difference was that while the police in most countries both needed and had the legal authorify to pay acrive criminals to be their sources, most secret services were barred or, as a matter of good practice, simply shunned contact with criminals. Working with criminals was seen as too risky because they were deemed unreliable and likely to reveal secrets. Such work could bring the agencies into disrepute or, when their agents got into trouble, draw them into revealing their hand in a courtroom.

As part of its covert attempts to overthrow Cuban leader Fidel Castro, the CIA made contact with several members of the US Mafia. This revelation dogged the agency for years, illustrating the cost of such relationships. In all, then, police informers were usually a different breed from the people recruited by secret services as agents.

As the twenty-first century approached, however, some of these distinctions were challenged as the lines between policeman and intelligence officer started to be blurred. One impetus was the growing political power of gangsters. Several leaders of organized crime had reached such powerful and influential positions in their countries that it became of stategic value to infiltate their circles. One example is Russia, where in the 1990s barely disguised mobsters became billionaires and began to wield huge influence in the Kremlin.

But the biggest driver of this blurring of the lines came in domestic politics with a push to use intelligence tactics to reduce crime on the streets of America and Europe. It was a two-pronged assault: the secret services were redirected towards crime fighting, and law enforcement tried to emulate them.

The collapse of the Iron Curtain and international agreements to liberalize trade helped to free up the movement of people and goods across borders and, as a by-product, also let well-organized criminals like drug smugglers roam freely and establish allies or branches of their gangs in other countries. And drug addiction - fuelled by this illegal international drugs trade was commonly held to be behind most burglaries and robberies in the US and Britain. These patterns led influential people in law enforcement to argue that effective action against crime in local communities meant taking the battle to the ringleaders of the trade. Raymond Kendall, secretary-general of the international police agency Interpol, urged 'using intelligence to crack the criminal at source'. Hence blanket saturation surveillance, they've lost their way and want to be able to 'hit' anyone; the system employs psychopaths, and the systems gone rogue - they're brainwash-torture-murdering ordinary people, to justifiy their
existence, a total attack by a military organisation, on a no-one, on the basis of convenience and deliberate fabrications, to test their toys and techniques, because they can.

Kendall and others argued that the tried-and-tested methods of solving crimes were failing to catch the most serious offenders, particularly those who operated across borders, as well as gangsters at the top of large criminal empires who let their henchmen do their dirty work. The solution was to use more aggressive methods: proactively targeting criminals by tapping their telephones, bugging their cars and homes, putting them under surveillance, recruiting spies within their gangs and networks, and introducing undercover operatives to collect evidence and mount sting operations. They make it up as they go along, then paint their picture and throw a person at it, and it becomes the narrative, and it's a pile of shit; they know it, and I'm not supposed to know how they've done it - the grasping, lying, frauds, and so they constantly refer to 'law' & 'police' & 'justice', because they're superdooperheroesssss. Business must be slow, or the firm's strategically over-extended. I have to be far-right, fascist, racist,
mysoginistic, criminally-minded, "revolutionary". Except that I'm not, so I've
had 4yrs of them telling me that's what I am, because I'm supposed then, to
assimilate those things into my identity with the Pavlovian pain and torture-inducements to help-along the pro-cess. Knobheads. Just before this bullshit started, I'd 'phoned the cops about some lads nicking shit from a building site (leaving no name - I'm no hero-complexer), 'phoned an ambulance for a lass, collapsed, late at night (alcohol probably), 'phoned about a Turko-Kurd, threatening a lass, and another call about a verbally violent domestic and 'phoned the gas board about a chronic street gas smell - all in the last 10yrs. Things like this helps to make me a "criminal" - n'est fucking pas? 'cept I don't drop litter.

Law enforcement called these tactics 'intelligence-led policing' and both police and customs units created new departments devoted to intelligence collection and covert operations. But such theories were also sweet music to agencies like SIS, MI5 and the CIA: assisting the police or customs by taking on an anti-criminal caseload was a way of staying in business in the absence of the Soviet threat. When talking ro the press and lobbying politicians, intelligence officers floated the theory that spying on gangland might be at the heart of a new form of espionage. 'No enemy - no KGB'. There's no glory in torture-murdering a 'just this guy', so that's not what the picture they paint says; it's a picture of Super-/Spider-/Bat- man saving the universe. Frauds.

Getting involved in crime fighting meant, for example. MI5 sharing some of the technology they had developed against the Russians: helping to install covert bugs to listen in on a drug dealer's conversations, electronic surveillance to watch his every move or computer analysis to mapout his network of contacts. It meant SIS (which established an 'organized crime operations group') offering techniques of 'disruption', covert actions like emptying a criminal's foreign bank account or liaising with foreign agencies to raid drug factories. Always getting 'bank' this, an'
'bank' that. Tools - fat an' intoxicated. I'm pretty sure that the apex of technology is being used en masse & for effect here. Crazy, man. Fucking nutters.
The new role for SIS required a change in the law, which took place in 1994. Its role was now defined as being not only to protect national security and the economy but also to act 'in support of the prevention or detection of serious crime'. Within two years, other legislation was
amended to give MI5 the same tasks. There is no law. Last night 13July'15, No.18 ref'ed to "It's a sport anyone can get involved in" (ref source is rarely relevant, and I've forgotten); I wrote in my log "as in, if the SS co-ordinates the shite, then everyone can shit like a goose-stepping simian". Today(Mon13July), at a bookshop, a fella, chatting to
the owner about the SS (MI5 - MAE 'click' there), and the same fella chatting to a librarian I know when I get there. I'd've maybe liked a chat, but he legged-it.
Hint of a maniacal grin. I should probably give a shit, but they're so totally full of it, and they behave like... words fail me... absolute shits, & because it amuses them to do so, and they can get away with it. Think of 'Britain'; these people work at dragging everything you think you know thru' the mud, and more. Absolute scum.
There were some fundamental cultural clashes that took years to resolve. Intelligence officers, for instance, had little experience of the process of bringing their targets to justice in a courtoom. 'They couldn't really get their heads round it. I had to explain our world, working towards
evidence and court cases,' said one former customs officer. As for M15, 'They were terrified of courts. They didn't altogether understand why you had to finish up before a judge.'
And then, along came the ability to manipulate peoples minds, and they became so intoxicated, that they lost their minds.
In the years ahead, MI5 surveillance officers became accustomed to appearing in court to give evidence. But a more delicate problem for the new crime fighters was how or if to deploy secret agents in the criminal underworld. While it was obvious that a spy inside an organized crime
group could be invaluable, recruiting or deploying such agents meant dealing with thorny questions that secret services had rarely had to think about before, such as how a court would react to the presence of a government-employed agent inside a gang. Would they have to disclose the presence of that agent to lawyers defending a criminal? Or would the agent be considered a provocateur that had instigated the crime? These questions were just as challenging for the police and customs, as they too began to make more use of human intelligence. The increased use of intelligence methods in law enforcement came at a time when, in Western
legal systems, judges in criminal cases were requiring prosecutors to disclose more details of any undercover work used during an investigation to lawyers for a criminal defendant. This would require careful handling.
In the past, secret services like SIS and the CIA had shied away from recruiting criminals. They were dangerous, unreliable and their mindset was just too different. As they pitched to get involved in crime fighting, intelligence officers tried to think laterally. They suggested hiring people
on the edge of gangs who might be more reliable and who could avoid participating in the crimes, such as the girlfriends of gangsters, or rheir accountants, or shopkeepers who sold them mobile phones. Another option for police and law enforcement was to expand their army of professional
undercover operatives -policemen or customs officers who lived under an assumed identity, organized sting operations and could then testify against criminals in court. Peripheral agents and undercover operatives were tried out, but, as when confronting any serious adversary, sometimes only a real insider, a trusted member of the gang who was privy to secrets, would really do as an agent. As both intelligence agencies and law enforcement sought to expand their ways of gathering human intelligence, they needed to ask whether it was possible to handle spies
among criminals when the danger was the operation could backfire, particularly in a courtroom. But while working with criminals might be unpalatable for most intelligence officers, they had to work with the intelligence targets they were given by governments. As non-state groups,
whether crime gangs or terrorists, began to be designated the new threat and the new main target, would men like Keravnos turn out to be the spies they needed?
To rely on such men was to enter a violent and chaotic world. Andrew Antoniades might be unknown in the wider world, but under his nickname Keravnos in his native Cyprus he is both legendary and unforgiven by many. The only thing that seems to divide some old comrades is
whether or not he had always planned to betray them. Some even wonder if, should he return, it is not too late to kill him in revenge. Antoniades was born in Foini (also spelled Phini), a village about fifteen miles north-west of Limassol, one of six children. His father died when he was five years old and he left school early to become an apprentice tailor. By all accounts, he was the classic tearaway, often in trouble with the police. His greatest love was motorbikes. One day he was arrested by police after climbing down the chimney to burgle a house. One of the police officers asked him to fix his bike, but after he had done so Antoniades jumped on it and roared off, crashing through the gate. The policeman said he sped away 'like black lightning' which is how he earned the name... Loads of refs to this fella; a mix of 'their' reading matter, but
also, I'm pretty sure that 'the programme' when it hits, it'll take what it can get; the idea that I've been psychologically attacked and brainwashed for purpose of actually turning me into a double-agent, seems abso-fucking-lutley nuttso, but I think they'll take what they can get - if the victim/target can be moulded in such a way - they'll take it, for whatever purpose. This is the only reason I think for the "Insolent" message, as all these cases are apparently run by 'agent handlers', a piss-take in itself. I was perhaps not amenable to this fucking shit, perhaps hence the odd & paraphrased "Respect" - as in to me, so they went for the kill to keep it tidy - I knew from the off that it was science, and not their fucking "gods". How weak the powerful.
Cruel Britannia, Ch7, 'Standing Shoulder to Shoulder on the Dark Side', p.207-211
That night, Cofer Black locked himself away at his office at Langley and within five days had drawn up plans for the CIA's response. It would entail a vast expansion of the rendition
programme. Hundreds of al-Qaida suspects would be tracked down and abducted from their homes and hiding places in eighty different countries. The agency would decide who was
to be killed and who was to be kept alive in a network of secret prisons, outside the US, where they would be systematically tormented until every one of their secrets had been delivered
up. The United States had been blindsided by al-Qaida on 9/11 and that situation would not be permitted to occur a second time.
Black's plan was presented to the President and his war cabinet in a series of meetings during the days after the attacks. On Monday 17 September, Bush signed off the paperwork:with a stroke of his pen the CIA was granted the power of life and death over al-Qaida suspects and could arrange for men to be detained and tortured indefinitely. All this, Bush later said, was to remain invisible.
A few hours afterwards there was a brief glimpse of the manner in which the United States would disregard the restraints of international law when responding to the attacks. Speaking at a
press conference, Bush said: 'There's an old poster out West that says, "'Wanted: Dead or Alive."'The President then checked himself before saying that those responsible for the murderous attacks should be brought to justice.
Cofer Black's master plan had already been presented to the CIA's closest overseas allies. The evening before Bush signed off, Black and a handful of other senior CIA oflicers went to the
British embassy on Washington's Massachusetts Avenue, where they told senior British intelligence officers what was about to happen.
At the end of Black's three-hour presentation, his opposite number at MI6, Mark Allen, commented drily that it all sounded 'rather blood-curdling'.Allen also expressed concern that once
the Americans had 'hammered the mercury in Afghanistan', al-Qaida would simply scatter across South Asia and the Middle East, destabilising entire regions. Black was dressed in the same suit he had been wearing five days earlier and was clearly exhausted, but he appeared to relish the vicious retaliation he had planned. He told Allen that all the CIA cared about at that moment was killing terrorists. One of the CIA officers at the meeting, Tyler Drumheller, could see that while the British appeared laid-back, 'it was clear they were worried, and not without reason'. According to one account, even Black joked that one day they might all be prosecuted.8 (Mayer, The Dark Side, p41) But the CIA's closest ally had been put on notice: the British could never honestly
claim that they did not know what was about to unfold.
Much like Himmlers speechifying to the generals at Sonthofen on May 24, 1944, where mutual responsibility was declared, for the Holocaust (
Shortly afterwards Allen departed for London, where Blair and Foreign Secretary Jack Straw were waiting to be briefed on the Americans' plans.
At the end of September 2001, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1373, which required member states to do more to assist the US and each other in eliminating
international terrorism and called for a series of measures 'in conformiry with the relevant provisions of national and international law'.
The need to maintain a lawful response to the horrors of the al-Qaida attacks was stressed again and again throughout the resolution, but it was already too late. By then, Dick Cheney had said publicly that the United States was going to 'work through sort of the dark side' and that 'it's going to be vital for us to use any means at our disposal, basically, to achieve our objective'. And they've gone completely batshit, shifting military technology & techniques well into the area of domestic civil law, instigating programmes to drive people insane & torture-murdering people who've done nothing at all - completely rogue. As they say to me, "We're worse than ISIL". In the old days of the torture-murder campaign against me, they were quick to say that it wasn't 'personal'; now, they're adopting my observations & insults for them, and they're assuming the identities of the SS, Nazi's, murderers, much else besides and constantly threatening violence & injury - & now it's "personal".
On 2 October, members of NATO met at the organisation's headquarters at Brussels and agreed that they should invoke Article Five of the North Atlantic Treaty, under which an attack on one member is to be regarded as an attack on all.At a second meeting two days later, the US representatives presented a number of specific requests, all of which were granted in a series
of agreement documents that the US had itself drafted. Eight of those requests have since been made public. They included enhanced intelligence sharing, taking 'necessary measures to
increase security' and granting blanket over-flight clearances for the United States and other allies' aircraft for military flights engaged in counterterrorism operations. However, NATO has
since admitted that a number of other requests were granted; all of them remain secret.9 ('Alleged Secret Detentions & Unlawful Inter-state Transfers Involving Council of Europe Member States', 2nd report of Senator Dick Marty). For what it's worth - not much as it's nigh-on the arse-end of the V-manner ladder giving the refs, but I've had absolutley masses of refs to the US & Obama in all forms.
By now, the US had a broad agreement from its key allies that it would conduct its 'war on terror' in line with Cofer Black's secret plan. What this would involve was spelled out in further
detail at a subsequent meeting of the heads of the intelligence agencies of the US, UK, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. These men and women gather once every year to discuss signals
intelligence-sharing arrangements, and after 9/11 it was New Zealand's turn to play host.The venue was a house on the edge of the small South Island resort town of Queenstown.
The threat posed by al-Qaida, Tenet is said to have told the gathered spy chiefs,'is a challenge which redefines the way we work, the way we think, the way we act'.The CIA would accept
no restraints and would in future work with the intelligence agencies of any nation.'-Without them, and their help, we have no fucking global effort,' the head of the CIA is said to have
declared.'We'd be walking through the Arab world wide open and half blind.'As far as the CIA was concerned, he said, 'the shackles, my friends, have been taken off' [neuralgic when reading this - the slobbering apes]. And the CIA must not be alone in working closely with the intelligence agencies of the Arab world: ''We must work as one."
Cofer Black used similar terms during a subsequent Congressional inquiry into the 9/11 attacks when asked about the degree of freedom given to the CIA. 'All I want to say is that there was "before" 9/11 and "after" 9/11 he said-'After 9/11 the gloves come off.'
By November 2001, with the supercharged rendition programme about to go live, Bush issued a barely concealed threat to those allies who failed to offer anything less than full cooperation.At a press conference before a White House dinner with President Chirac of France, Bush said:'A coalition partner must do more than just express sympathy. A coalition partner must perform. It's going to be important for nations to know' they will be held accountable for inactivity. Either you're with us or you're against us in the fight against terror.' Chirac offered the view that it was Resolution 1373 that set out the obligations of member states. Bush, clearly unimpressed,
decided the press conference was over. 'The soups getting cold,' he said. If I had a penny for every ref to Gitmo and/or caves & holes in the ground, not to forget the recent cliff-edges...
New Spymasters, 'Faith in the Machine', p209-210
And all this scientific espionage was also bewitching. Cool gadgets and smart techniques inspired awe and a confidence that was comparable to religious zeal. lt defied good sense....
Obscure and remote as it was, the assassination of Zabet Amanullah in September 2010 caused a shock. This is the fella who was killed in the airstrike on the election campaign convoy.
He was widely known back in the Afghan capital, Kabul, including by some influential and well-connected people. It was their anger abour his killing that motivated their efforts to discover how he was targeted. Their investigation has provided a unique window into the twenty-first-century intelligence machine....
What [Michael] Semple noticed was just how often those in the secret services convinced themselves of false notions. And just such wrong-headed thinking had led to Amanullah's killing. Semple had known the man for years and would not accept that he had been a secret Taliban commander. Even years before, when the Taliban ruled the country, Semple remembered
that Amanullah had helped research the regime's human rights abuses. And then, after the US invaded and the Taliban was toppled, the pair stayed in touch. Semple remembered introducing him to a delegation of British Members of Parliament in Peshawar one week in 2003....
Senior US officials involved remained adamant. According to one:
We are very very confident that Mohamed Amin the individual who was targeted in that strike was an insurgent leader, a member of shadow government in Takhar, and actively involved in insurgent activities. We are very confident that the name Zabet Amanullah was an alias for the individual we know as Mohamed Amin. The individual we targeted used the alias Zabet Amanullah.
Petraeus responded, 'Well, we didn't think, in this case, with respect, we knew. We had days and days of what's called "The Unblinking Eye", confirmed by other forms of intelligence that informed us that there is no question about who this individual was.' But how was it that the man who was killed was living openly in Kabul and Afghan government officials said he was innocent? What had convinced him? 'Very precise intelligence that tells us exactly what he was doing when he was in Kabul, and exactly what he was doing up there. So again, there is not a question about this one, with respect.'
The truth, as all outsiders who investigated found, was different. It showed that US intelligence was not only questionable but - with respect - completely wrong. It revealed the Ant, Zabet Arnanullah, as the Taliban double agent who wasn't.
"I'd rather die than do this to an innocent person", so spewed a hound of shite to me, whilst patting hisself on the back for a crime well commited, as he accepted the plaudits and raised his glass to the legions of psychopaths who wouldn't give a shit either way, only a couple of months ago, around the time of my "Falsifying Precrime" blogpost. And they know it full well.
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
[size=12] A Direct Brain-to-Brain Interface in Humans

We describe the first direct brain-to-brain interface in humans and present results from experiments involving six different subjects. Our non-invasive interface, demonstrated originally in August 2013, combines electroencephalography (EEG) for recording brain signals with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for delivering information to the brain. We illustrate our method using a visuomotor task in which two humans must cooperate through direct brain-to-brain communication to achieve a desired goal in a computer game. The brain-to-brain interface detects motor imagery in EEG signals recorded from one subject (the "sender") and transmits this information over the internet to the motor cortex region of a second subject (the "receiver"). This allows the sender to cause a desired motor response in the receiver (a press on a touchpad) via TMS. We quantify the performance of the brain-to-brain interface in terms of the amount of information transmitted as well as the accuracies attained in (1) decoding the sender's signals, (2) generating a motor response from the receiver upon stimulation, and (3) achieving the overall goal in the cooperative visuomotor task. Our results provide evidence for a rudimentary form of direct information transmission from one human brain to another using non-invasive means. I've long suspected that this technology, BBI & BCI, is being used to brainwash/schiz 'train'/psych torture me; I've had this for over 4yrs and it's clearly established, 'whispers', a verbal narrative direct to the mind, imagery & dream choreography, possible motor.
This study was funded by a grant from the Army Research Office (grant no. W911NF-11-1-0307) to RPNR and by a grant from the W. M. Keck foundation to AS, CSP, and RPNR (
[size=12]​page=181[/SIZE], [size=12]​earch/medical-research-grant-abstracts/s​cience-and-engineering-2014[/SIZE]). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Many of the greatest contemporary technological developments have centered on advancing human communication. From the telegraph to the Internet, the primary utility of these game-changing innovations has been to increase the range of audiences that an individual can reach.
However, most current methods for communicating are still limited by the words and symbols available to the sender and understood by the receiver. Even when they include non-verbal content (as in the case of visual and auditory information), communication constraints can be severe. A great deal of the information that is available to our brain is not introspectively available to our consciousness, and thus cannot be voluntarily put in linguistic form. For instance, knowledge about one's own fine motor control teeth/jaw 'clacking' is completely opaque to the subject
[size=12][1][/SIZE], and thus cannot be verbalized. As a consequence, a trained surgeon or a skilled violinist cannot simply "tell" a novice how to exactly position and move the fingers during the execution of critical hand movements. But even knowledge that is introspectively available can be difficult to verbalize. Brilliant teachers may struggle to express abstract scientific concepts in language [size=12][2][/SIZE], and everyone is familiar with the difficulty of putting one's own feelings into words. Even when knowledge can be expressed in words, one might face the hurdle of translating between the many existing spoken human languages. They've been doing this for a while, so the questions it raises have been adressed by them, hence their peremptory "We can only do this in one language" where I had in no way put thought into this aspect of what they do; Rifat makes the point that across humanity, drugs do the same things to different peoples Can information that is available in the brain be transferred directly in the form of the neural code, bypassing language altogether? We explore this idea in the rest of this article.
The idea of direct brain-to-brain communication could potentially be achieved using a Brain-to-Brain Interface (BBI)
[size=12][3][/SIZE][size=12][5][/SIZE]. A BBI rests on two pillars: the capacity to read (or "decode") useful information from neural activity and the capacity to write (or "encode") digital information back into neural activity. In recent years, we have witnessed incredible progress in these two capabilities with the development of Brain-Computer Interfaces, or BCIs [size=12][6][/SIZE], [size=12][7][/SIZE]. BCI is used to morph words on tv into similar sounding but 'messageful', 'trigger' words & etc. and to recognise and accelerate emotional responses I assume in much the same way as autonomous robotics. BCI researchers have demonstrated the possibility of decoding motor [size=12][8][/SIZE], visual [size=12][9][/SIZE] and even conceptual information [size=12][10][/SIZE] full 'read and feed/feed and read' capability from neural activity via a range of recording techniques such as implanted electrodes [size=12][8][/SIZE], electrocorticography (ECoG, e.g., [size=12][11][/SIZE]), electroencephalography (EEG, e.g., [size=12][12][/SIZE]), functional MRI (e.g., [size=12][13][/SIZE]), and magnetoencephalography (MEG, e.g., [size=12][14][/SIZE]). A variety of stimulation techniques also exist that permit users to encode digital information into neural activity using implanted electrodes [size=12][15][/SIZE], [size=12][16][/SIZE], transcranial magnetic stimulation, (TMS, [size=12][17][/SIZE]) and focused ultrasound (FUS, [size=12][18][/SIZE]). Prominent examples of BCIs that use stimulation include the cochlear implant [size=12][15][/SIZE] I'm certain I have something similar in my right ear, a knock on the right side of my head sets a very hi-pitch tone going for a while and deep brain stimulators [size=12][16][/SIZE].
Given these advances in BCIs, two recent efforts have addressed the question of whether direct brain-to-brain communication is possible with the technology we have today. Pais-Vieira and colleagues
[size=12][3][/SIZE] explored the possibility of directly connecting the brains of two awake and behaving rats. In their experiment, cortical microelectrode arrays recorded the neural activity of "encoder" rats performing either a motor task or a tactile stimulation task, and guided the stimulation of motor and sensory areas in the brains of "decoder" rats. Because the actions of "decoder" rats mimicked those of the original "encoder" rats, the authors concluded that information had to have been transferred between their brains. An alternative BBI was proposed by Yoo and colleagues [size=12][5][/SIZE], who successfully demonstrated the transmission of information from a human brain to a rat brain. In this case, visual evoked potentials in the human brain were recorded with EEG and translated into FUS-based stimulation of the part of motor cortex that controlled the tail of the anesthetized rat.
Both of these BBIs rely on stimulation technologies that are either invasive or experimental in humans, and thus are currently confined to animal models. In this paper, we report results from the first non-invasive BBI that can be safely applied to humans. I'd estimate this technology was established around 15yrs ago. Specifically, we show that it is possible to use EEG to decode motor intentions from a "sender" brain, and TMS to deliver an equivalent motor command to the motor cortex of a "receiver" brain, allowing the receiver to perform the hand movement that was intended by the sender. To test the feasibility and applicability of this procedure, a task was designed that required cooperative information sharing between pairs of participants along the BBI. The rest of the article describes the BBI in detail and presents in-depth results from 6 human participants who played the role of either sender or receiver of information in the BBI. Results from the first demonstration of this BBI were announced in an online report in August 2013
Materials and Methods
Human Subjects and Ethics Statement -(ethics, schmethics)
Six participants (aged 2138; see
[size=12]Table 1[/SIZE]) took part in the experiment over the course of three months. All participants were recruited through word of mouth, were fully informed about the experimental procedure and its potential risks and benefits, and gave written consent prior to the beginning of the experiment. They were divided into three pairs, with one participant playing the role of the "sender" and one playing the role of the "receiver." Because the TMS procedure is inherently more risky than the EEG procedure, participants were allowed to decide which role they wanted to play. To maintain their decision free of any external influence, all participants received monetary compensation that was independent of their role and proportional to the total amount of time devoted to the study.
Both the experiment and its recruitment procedure were reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Washington. The individuals in this manuscript have given written informed consent (as outlined in the PLOS consent form) to publish these case details.
Experimental Task
During each experimental session, two participants had to carry out a specific task in the form of a series of consecutive trials of a computer game. The game was designed so that the two participants had to play cooperatively, and the required cooperation could only be achieved through direct brain-to-brain communication (
[size=12]Figure 1A[/SIZE]). The goal of the game ([size=12]Figure 1B[/SIZE]) was to defend a city (located beyond the left visible part of the screen) from enemy rockets fired by a pirate ship on the lower right portion of the screen (represented by a skull-and-bones insignia). The rockets followed an arc trajectory, traversing the screen from the lower right to the upper left corner of the screen. A cannon, located in the lower center portion of the screen, tracked the rocket as it crossed the screen. To defend the city, the subjects had to fire the cannon by pressing a touchpad. If the cannon was fired before the moving rocket reached the city, the rocket was destroyed and the city was saved. In 50% of the trials, a friendly "supply airplane" flew across the screen instead of a pirate rocket. In such trials, participants had to avoid firing the cannon to let the supply airplane enter the city. Note that this task stresses the real-time nature of our BBI because the participants have to destroy the rocket before it crosses the screen for the trial to be successful.
Brain-to-Brain Collaboration Between the Two Participants
The two participants were given different and complementary roles. One participant (henceforth, the "Sender") was able to see the game on a computer screen, but was not provided with any input device to control the cannon (
[size=12]Figure 2[/SIZE], Sender watching the game screen, which is not shown). The second participant (henceforth, the "Receiver") could use his/her right hand to press a touchpad, but could not see the game. The two participants were located in separate buildings on the University of Washington's campus. Specifically, the Sender side was stationed in the Computer Science & Engineering building while the Receiver side was stationed in the Psychology building. The two buildings were located approximately 1 mile apart. having been in a block of flats and currently a terraced house, I've only been a few feet from neighbours, but they have blabbed-on about 'Middlesborough' quite a bit, as tho' they want me to think this is from where they operate, why would they bother to 'tell' me that? - bullshit, that's why. (masses of MAE clicking at that, left ear). The two participants could only communicate with each other through a brain-to-brain communication channel.
The brain-to-brain communication channel was built using two existing technologies: EEG for non-invasively recording brain signals from the scalp and TMS for non-invasively stimulating the brain (
[size=12]Figure 1A[/SIZE]). During rocket trials, the sender conveyed the intent to fire the cannon by engaging in right hand motor imagery. Electrical brain activity from the Sender was recorded using EEG, and the resultant signal was used to control the vertical movement of a cursor ([size=12]Figure 1B[/SIZE]) this allowed the subject to get continuous feedback about imagery performance. When the cursor hit the "Fire" target (a large blue circle) located at the top of the screen, the Sender's computer transmitted a signal over the Internet to the Receiver's computer. The two computers communicated using the standard hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). I've long suspected this, but the mo''pho' network as well as custom built portable capability is also a surety.
The Receiver's computer was connected through a custom-made serial cable to a TMS machine. Whenever the Receiver's computer received a fire command, a TMS pulse was delivered to a pre-selected region of the Receiver's brain. The stimulation caused a quick upward jerk of the Receiver's right hand, which was positioned above the touchpad. This up-down movement of the hand typically resulted in enough force to trigger a "click" event on the touchpad, causing the cannon in the computer game to be fired as requested by the Sender. In successful "supply airplane" trials, the Sender would rest and refrain from motor imagery, allowing the cursor to drift towards the bottom of the screen; in such trials, no signal was sent to the Receiver's computer.
An analysis of the log times revealed that the transmission of information across the internet took approximately 10 ms, the activation of the TMS machine occurred approximately 1.4 ms later, the generation of the electromagnetic pulse occurred approximately 4.0 ms later, and the receiver's entire motor response (corresponding the end of the downward trajectory of the hand, following the upward movement generated by the TMS) occurred on average 627.1 ms afterwards. Thus, the transmission of the signal along the BBI channel took ~650 ms. Seems reasonable, my tv reception is on a very slight lag I think, which would therefore approach 'real-time' effects.
Each experiment consisted of two experimental blocks and two control blocks (see below), the order of which was randomized prior to the beginning of the experiment. The length of each block was initially set to 10 trials for Pair 1 to make sure that the experimental session could be completed within 1 hour, so as to minimize the discomfort for the TMS participant. Since the setup procedure was significantly faster than what we had initially estimated (based on our 2013 pilot study), the length of each block was extended to 16 trials for Pairs 2 and 3. Participants were told in advance of the presence of two conditions, but were not told to which condition each block belonged. Trials were separated by 2 seconds of set-up time plus a 20 second visual countdown. This large pause prevented two consecutive TMS pulses from being delivered less than 20 seconds apart, thus reducing the maximum amount of magnetic stimulation delivered to the Receiver to a level well below the strictest safety guidelines
[size=12][20][/SIZE], and setting the upper limit of information throughput to 0.05 bits per second.
During experimental blocks, the non-invasive brain-to-brain channel was fully operational. However, during control blocks the brain-to-brain channel was made non-operational by changing the coil position so that the TMS pulse could not cause the desired movement of the right hand. Note that the electromagnetic pulse was still delivered at the same intensity, thus making the two conditions identical but for the target location. As will be clear in the discussion of the results, the control condition affects the performance of the receiver but does not have detectable effects on the sender's behavior.
EEG Procedure
Participants playing the role of the Sender came in for two consecutive sessions: a training session and the BBI experimental session. During both sessions, electrical signals were recorded at a frequency of 512 Hz from the Sender's scalp via a 64-channel Ag/AgCl electrode cap (actiCAP, Brain Products GmBH, Gilching, Germany) and amplified using gUSBamps (Guger Technologies, Austria). A Laplacian spatial filter
[size=12][7][/SIZE] was used to reduce artifacts common to nearby electrodes and emphasize local activity. Signal processing and data storage were managed through the BCI2000 software package.
Changes in the "mu" band (typically 812 Hz) have long been linked to motor imagery signals and used in BCIs (for an introduction, see
[size=12][6][/SIZE], [size=12][7][/SIZE]). During the training session, subjects learned to control the vertical movement of a 1-D cursor by imagining right hand movement. The power in a low frequency band (the "mu" band) was computed across the electrodes and the electrode most correlated with the subject's motor imagery during an initial training period was selected as the control electrode for the task. The computer translated the power in the mu band to vertical movement of a cursor, which provided visual feedback to the sender. Specifically, the decrease in power that accompanied right hand motor imagery was mapped to upward movement of the cursor, while a lack of suppression in the mu band caused downward cursor movement (see [size=12]Figure 3[/SIZE] for an example). All the participants underwent the same amount of training. Although participants differ in their response to training, and it is reasonable to assume that increased training may improve a Sender's subsequent performance, we did not make any attempt to optimize or manipulate the duration of the training sessions.
During the BBI experimental session, a monitor displayed both the cursor window and the cannon game (
[size=12]Figure 1B[/SIZE]). Depending on the type of projectile in each trial, the Sender modulated activity in the mu band to guide the cursor to either the "Fire" target at the top of the screen or towards the bottom of the screen.
Note that this procedure tracks the Sender's intention of moving the right hand and not the hand movement itself, which was, in fact, not necessary to trigger the remote action. Motor imagery is frequently adopted in BCIs developed for disabled patients, who have retained control of such imagery but whose motor activity is disrupted
[size=12][6][/SIZE], [size=12][7][/SIZE]. Imagery is central to the demonstration of brain-to-brain communication, as the movement intention that is initially imagined in the Sender's brain is remotely executed by the Receiver's brain.
TMS Procedure
Participants playing the role of the Receiver came in for two consecutive sessions. During the first session, as part of informed consent, they were asked to complete a TMS safety screening questionnaire, aimed at identifying potential conditions (such as family history of seizures or frequent migraines) that might represent potential risk factors for adverse side effects of TMS. Only one potential candidate was rejected for failing the safety questionnaire (due to frequent migraines). Synthetic trigeminal/migrainous neuralgia - 180days of this every single night, unbelievably painful. Whatever the means they use, pain can be induced anywhere, as can muscle contraction effects (currently, the eyelids and top lip is very popular - very very intrusive, deliberately so. The big question, is do I have a material or device(s) inside my head, that act as an aerial/reciever or similar.
Participants who passed the safety questionnaire underwent a TMS parameter estimation session, whereby the appropriate stimulation site and intensity was identified. The procedure worked as follows. The participant was asked to wear a tight-fitting swim cap, where the location of the inion and the vertex were identified using the 1020 system procedure
[size=12][7][/SIZE]. A 4×4 grid of dots were marked on the upper left region of the vertex, each dot placed at a distance of 1 cm from its neighbors. Each dot location was then stimulated in sequence, using a single pulse delivered by a 90 mm MagStim circle coil connected to a Super Rapid[SUP]2 magnetic stimulator (MagStim, UK). This search procedure continued until an ideal position was found to stimulate the motor region that controls the extensor carpi radialis. Notice that, because this muscle extends the wrist, it produces an upward movement of the hand.
The circle coil was always placed so that it was flush against the head, the current was flowing in clock-wise direction ("B" side), and the coil handle pointed horizontally and leftwards from the participant's head ([/SUP]
[SUP][size=12]Figure 4[/SUP][/SIZE][SUP]). The stimulation intensity was estimated as the minimum amount of power that was needed to solicit a consistent upward response of the hand. Once identified, the coil position and the stimulation intensity were marked on the cap, and the cap was put in a sealed envelope to be re-used in the experimental session. The parameter estimation session lasted between 10 and 30 minutes. The stimulation parameters for the three participants who played the role of receivers are given in [/SUP][SUP][size=12]Figure 4[/SUP][/SIZE][SUP]. The intensity of the stimulation for each subject is expressed as a percentage of the maximum stimulator output. The maximum intensity of the electric field for our TMS equipment is 530 V/m, and with our coil, the maximum intensity of the induced magnetic field is 2.0 T.
During the experimental session, the returning participant wore the same cap while sitting on an anatomical chair designed for TMS (BrainSight, Rogue Resolutions, Montreal, CA). The participant's head was accommodated on a neck rest ([/SUP]
[SUP][size=12]Figure 5A[/SUP][/SIZE][SUP]) and kept in position by an adjustable arm equipped with padded forehead prongs ([/SUP][SUP][size=12]Figure 5B[/SUP][/SIZE][SUP]). The participant's left arm was accommodated on the chair's armrest. The chair's right armrest was removed, and the participants' right arm was placed on an adjustable table, so that the four non-opposable fingers of the right hand rested on a wireless touchpad (Logitech T650, Morges, Switzerland) connected to the Receiver's computer. The Sender's intention to move the hand caused the TMS machine to fire a single pulse at the intensity that was established during the parameter estimation session, Note that because the TMS pulse causes an upward jerk of the hand, the touchpad is actually pressed during the downward part of the moment, when the hand falls back in position. Before the experiment, the TMS coil ([/SUP][SUP][size=12]Figure 5C[/SUP][/SIZE][SUP]) was mounted on a dual rod articulated arm (Manfrotto, Cassola, Italy: [/SUP][SUP][size=12]Figure 5D[/SUP][/SIZE][SUP]) connected to the left swinging arm of the anatomical chair.
To keep the Receiver subjects blind to the course of the experiment, the TMS room was set up so that they were facing a blank wall with their back to the experimenter and the experimental equipment, including the TMS computer and the TMS device. In addition, participants were required to wear a pair of noise cancellation earphones (Bose QuiteComfort 20/20i, Framingham, MA). Before the beginning of the experiment, participants were instructed to bring either music or an audiobook of their choice to be played through the earphones. As a result, the TMS participants were not given any visual or acoustic cues about the experiment. At the beginning of each new block, the TMS experimenter moved the TMS coil away from the participant's head, and changed the position of the coil. During experimental blocks, the coil was placed in the exact same position determined during the parameter estimation session. During control blocks, the position of the coil was changed so that, with the same power output, it could not trigger a hand response. Specifically, the coil was simply rotated 180 degrees on the axis of its handle, so that its electrical current was flowing in counter-clockwise fashion ("A" side facing up). None of the participants could distinguish between the two coil positions.
Overall Accuracy in the Experimental Task
Because our task was designed so that it could be carried out successfully only if participants cooperated though the BBI, one way to gauge the efficacy of our BBI was to examine each pair's accuracy during the game, and specifically, to compare the pair's accuracy during the experimental and the control blocks. Overall, the three pairs of subjects correctly identified and destroyed 83.3%, 25.0%, and 37.5% of the rockets respectively during the experimental blocks, and 0% of the rockets during the control blocks (see [/SUP]
[SUP][size=12]Table 2[/SUP][/SIZE][SUP]). The difference between the two conditions indicates that the BBI was crucial in enabling the two participants to collaborate. [/SUP][SUP][size=12]Figure 3[/SUP][/SIZE][SUP] shows examples of two successful BBI trials by Pair 1.
The percentage of rockets that were identified and destroyed provides only a partial measure of the participants' behavior. Each experimental trial can be categorized as a "true positive" (a rocket correctly destroyed), a "false positive" (supply airplane that was mistakenly destroyed), a "false negative" (a rocket that was not destroyed), or a "true negative rejection" (supply airplane that was allowed to fly by). Therefore, the collaboration between the two subjects in the three pairs can be quantified using signal detection theory, and in particular, by calculating the area under the corresponding Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve [/SUP]
[SUP][size=12][21][/SUP][/SIZE][SUP]. Because the ROC curve plots the proportion of true positives against the proportion of false positives, optimal performance corresponds to an area of 1, and chance performance corresponds to an area of 0.5. The results of ROC analysis for the BBI interface are visually represented in the first row of [/SUP][SUP][size=12]Figure 6[/SUP][/SIZE][SUP]. In each plot, the red line represents the ROC curve for the experimental condition, and the grey line represents the ROC curve for the control condition. From the ROC curves, it is apparent that Pairs 1 and 3 were overall successful in cooperatively playing the game (i.e., the area under the red ROC curve was larger than 0.5, and larger than the area under the grey ROC curve), while Pair 2 was not (the grey and red curves have approximately the same areas), due to poor discriminability of the Sender's EEG signals as discussed below.
Behavioral and EEG Data for the Senders
Because of the cooperative nature of the task, the overall performance of the pair is constrained by the performance of both the sender and the receiver. Thus, poor performance of the pair might not accurately reflect the efficacy of the BBI per se, but only of one of the two participants. For this reason, we estimated the ROC curves for each sender and receiver separately. In the case of the sender, the ground truth is represented by the object on the screen (whether it is a supply plane or rocket) and the response by the participant's success in moving the vertical cursor to the target. Thus, moving the cursor upward in response to a rocket represents a true positive, while moving the cursor upward in response to a plane a false positive. In the case of the receiver, the ground truth is the TMS pulse, and the desired motor response is the corresponding touchpad press. Thus, a touchpad press in response to a TMS pulse is a true positive whereas a press without a TMS pulse is a false positive.
When the ROC curves for the Sender and the Receiver are plotted separately ([/SUP]
[SUP][size=12]Figure 6[/SUP][/SIZE][SUP], middle and bottom rows), it becomes apparent that Pair 2′s poor performance was due to the Sender's failure to consistently move the cursor upward to the "Fire" target during rocket trials. This is confirmed by an inspection of the task-related EEG activity of the three senders, as summarized in [/SUP][SUP][size=12]Figure 7[/SUP][/SIZE][SUP]. Each panel in the figure plots the average power of a Sender's brain activity in the subject-specific mu control band during the 2.5 seconds before the cursor hit the target and a "Fire" command was sent to the TMS machine. In the figure, data from Rocket trials are plotted in red while data from Airplane trials (during the same time period) are plotted in blue. Notice how, in the 2.5 seconds preceding a response, the EEG activity for rocket versus airplane trials are well separated for the Senders in Pair 1 (top panel) and Pair 3 (bottom panel). This separation is indicative of the Sender's capacity to control the cursor's position by engaging in motor imagery and successfully reducing mu band activity during the rocket trials. In contrast, EEG activity was essentially identical for rocket versus airplane trials in the case of Pair 2 (middle panel), suggesting that the Sender, though successful in completing the initial training session, was unable to properly control the cursor during the BBI experiment, resulting in poor overall BBI performance for Pair 2.
Behavioral Data for the Receivers
The performance of the three receivers was close to optimal in all the experimental blocks ([/SUP]
[SUP][size=12]Figure 6[/SUP][/SIZE][SUP], third row). Thus, even when a Sender's EEG signals could not successfully discriminate between planes and rockets (as in the case of Pair 2), the BBI system worked properly, and the two subjects could still collaborate on the task (albeit with low accuracy).
In contrast to the senders, the receivers' performance was at a minimum during the control condition (corresponding to 0% of rockets correctly identified: see [/SUP]
[SUP][size=12]Table 2[/SUP][/SIZE][SUP]), reflecting the expected lack of response when the brain-to-brain channel was blocked. Notice that while the receivers' performance varied as a function of the experimental condition (as evidenced by the difference between red and grey curves in the bottom row of [/SUP][SUP][size=12]Figure 6[/SUP][/SIZE][SUP]), the performance of the senders was unaffected by this manipulation, reflecting the fact that the manipulation of the BBI condition did not affect their behavior. This fact rules out the possibility that the apparent drop in performance during the control condition was due to the Sender not responding.
Finally, it is worth noting the extremely low rates of false positives across the receivers' responses (only one response was recorded in the absence of TMS stimulation), as well as the complete lack of touchpad presses during the control blocks. These facts lend support to our statement that the Receiver could receive information only through the BBI. If the Receiver was responding based on an arbitrary strategy, or responding to some environmental cue (e.g., residual noise of the TMS pulse), then at least some false positives would be expected, at least at the beginning of the control blocks.
Measures of BBI Efficacy
A more specific measure of the efficacy of the BBI is the degree to which a behavioral response of the Receiver can be ascribed to a pulse that was sent by the Sender, rather than to chance or response guessing. This measure can be computed by creating two binary vectors S and R for each block, each element of which corresponds to a single trial. Of these two vectors, S represents the Sender's performance, and contains 1 s if the Sender delivered a "Fire" command to the Receiver, and 0 s if no "Fire" command was sent. The Receiver's vector R, on the other hand, contains 1 s if the Receiver pressed the touchpad during the trial, and 0 s if the touchpad was not pressed. The efficacy of the BBI is proportional to the extent to which R is explained by S, which in turn can be measured by the slope coefficient β in a linear regression model R = α+β*S. Note that, if the Receiver responds randomly, then the two vectors are completely uncorrelated, and β = 0. On the other hand, when the two vectors are identical and perfectly correlated, then β = 1.
[SUP][size=12]Figure 8[/SUP][/SIZE][SUP] visually depicts the S and R vectors across all pairs of participants and all blocks, as well as the values of β for each block (blue dashed line). In all six experimental blocks, the value of β was significantly greater than zero, ranging from β = 0.4 (Pair 3, second experimental block, F(1,14) = 6.42, p = 0.02) to β = 1 (Pair 3, first experimental block). Also, β = 0 in all six control blocks. Thus, by establishing that the effect of the Sender's pulses on the Receivers' responses is greater than expected by chance, we are also implicitly establishing that the effect is significantly greater in the experimental conditions than in the control conditions, as would be expected from a working BBI system.
Finally, it is useful to calculate the amount of information that was effectively transmitted between a Sender and a Receiver. This can be estimated by calculating the mutual information [/SUP]
[SUP][size=12][22][/SUP][/SIZE][SUP] between the Sender and Receiver response vectors, i.e. I(S, R) (see [/SUP][SUP][size=12]Figure 8[/SUP][/SIZE][SUP], red line, and [/SUP][SUP][size=12]Table 3[/SUP][/SIZE][SUP]). The value of I(S, R) ranges between 0 and 1, and represents the mean number of bits per element in a sequence. Thus, the total amount of information transferred during a block can be estimated by multiplying I(S, R) by the number of trials within that block. The results of these calculations, given in [/SUP][SUP][size=12]Table 3[/SUP][/SIZE][SUP], show that no information was transferred during the control blocks, while about 4 to 13 bits were transferred from one brain to the other during each experimental block.
Discussion and Conclusion
Our results show that information extracted from one brain using EEG can be transmitted to another brain using TMS, ultimately allowing two humans to cooperatively perform a task using only a direct brain-to-brain interface (BBI) as a channel of communication. In conjunction with our pilot demonstration in 2013 [/SUP]
[SUP][size=12][19][/SUP][/SIZE][SUP], these results represent the first working BBI in humans.
We believe that our results are noteworthy on at least three fronts. First, they show that current technology is sufficient to develop devices for rudimentary brain-to-brain information transmission in humans. Such devices (which have been long cherished by science fiction writers The language of researchers is always thru' rose-tinted glasses, completely ignoring the reality of horror and the agonies of psyche & phys torture-murder) have the potential to not only revolutionize how humans communicate and collaborate, but also open a new avenue for investigating brain function. Second, our results show that working BBIs can be built out of non-invasive technologies. Because non-invasive technologies are currently simpler and safer for humans than invasive, surgically implanted devices, they have a potentially wider range of applicability, and could be used to develop BBIs in humans for a diverse array of tasks compared to animal BBIs. Third, by demonstrating a proof-of-concept BBI in humans, our results highlight the need for accelerating conversations between ethicists, neuroscientists, and regulatory agencies on the ethical, moral, and societal implications of BBIs whose future capabilities may go well beyond the rudimentary type of information transmission we have demonstrated here.
In comparison to invasive tools for stimulation [/SUP]
[SUP][size=12][15][/SUP][/SIZE][SUP], [/SUP][SUP][size=12][16][/SUP][/SIZE][SUP], non-invasive technologies, such as TMS or transcranial current stimulation (tCS: [/SUP][SUP][size=12][23][/SUP][/SIZE][SUP]) are currently more limited in both the number of available stimulation sites and the spatial resolution of stimulation targets. Thus, the development of BBIs that can truly replace or augment current means of human communication depends on significantly improving these technologies, or developing alternatives (such as focused ultrasound (FUS): [/SUP][SUP][size=12][3][/SUP][/SIZE][SUP], [/SUP][SUP][size=12][18][/SUP][/SIZE][SUP]). However, current established technologies like TMS or tCS could still be used in interesting ways beyond what we have demonstrated here. For example, rather than focusing on the transfer of motor intention information, TMS could theoretically be applied to almost any area of the cortex that is close to the skull, e.g., primary visual cortex [/SUP][SUP][size=12][24][/SUP][/SIZE][SUP]. Indeed, after this paper was submitted, researchers from a company called Starlab reported results from a BBI that builds on our idea of combining EEG and TMS but uses visual rather than motor stimulation. Their BBI, which was tested with only 1 sender, operates in an asynchronous mode using email: the sender does not receive any feedback from the receiver. The sender-receiver pair are therefore not cooperating in real-time to solve a task as in our case.
Another viable direction for future experiments is the possibility of using non-invasive technologies to implement one-to-many or many-to-one BBIs, whereby a signal from a single sender is broadcasted to multiple receivers, or multiple senders can submit signals to the same receiver [/SUP]
[SUP][size=12][4][/SUP][/SIZE][SUP]. Such a scenario is indeed already possible within our software architecture ([/SUP][SUP][size=12]Figure 1A[/SUP][/SIZE][SUP]). I've long been aware that it is as tho' I'm both sender & reciever, with many sender-recievers-by-selective-command function providing the gyp factor.
Because the neural underpinnings of sensorimotor information are much better understood than those of conceptual and abstract information [/SUP]
[SUP][size=12][25][/SUP][/SIZE][SUP], [/SUP][SUP][size=12][26][/SUP][/SIZE][SUP], BBIs in the near future will likely be limited to transmitting visual, auditory, or motor information. In the long term, the development of more powerful BBIs will be predicated on understanding how abstract thoughts and complex cognitive information are encoded within distributed patterns of neural activity in the human brain. We see this as both a challenge and an opportunity for future research.
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09 Jul 2015
03:58 GMT
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[SUP][size=12]TMS as a method to disrupt cortical processing[/SUP][/SIZE][SUP] Posted by [/SUP][SUP][size=12]MikhailLebedev[/SUP][/SIZE][SUP] on 13 Nov 2014 at 22:26 GMT
Disrupt cortical processing? - too bloody right, they can over-power & scramble the minds operation (does the 'mind' comes from the cortex?) at the press of a button, so that you literally, have, lost your mind. Nice people... It was in 2013 when I was saying, "It is as tho' they're connecting a sane mind with an insane one".
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Remote Controlled Humans Via Internet In Real-Time Now A Reality (Update) -
TOPICS:Activist PostMind Control AUGUST 8, 2013 Activist Post
Bold notes & underlining is true; italics emphasis are all mine: & more than this was possible in >2011
Every day seems to bring new revelations in the area of neuroscience.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8072&stc=1]
image: University of Washington
Over the past year we have learned that scientists have been working on "neural dust" to create a remote-controlled computer pathway to the brain; that scientists have been successful implanting false memories in mice; an experiment at Harvard enabled a human to remote control a mouse by thought alone; and the world's first "telepathic e-mail" was sent.

However, when it was announced last year that remote-controlled humans via the Internet became a reality, it was still met with disbelief. The research team from the University of Washington who conducted this experiment is now announcing that they not only have duplicated their original experiment, but believe that they have moved a step closer to making this a viable technology that could be rolled out in the not-too-distant future. Their full press release with video follows our initial report below.

We recently reported on the release of a secret DARPA mind control program at Arizona State University. Part of that research was focused specifically on the attempt to replicate through language the same results obtained with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, which is a way to directly control movements, speech, and one's perception of reality via electromagnetic waves aimed at the cerebral cortex. Julie Beal also reported on DARPA's solicitation for portable brain recorders that could eventually be used in every classroom in America. Clearly there is a will to put research into action. Internal EEG & no TMS, unless it's subtle & local.

But so far, the ability to remote control an object from a distance with the mind alone has been limited to video games, drones, and the above-mentioned mouse. However, as you can see in the video below, a human-to-human remote link has been established. A researcher was able to control the hand movements of a person jacked in to the "brain net" in a completely different building: - jack/Jack' is a very frequent reference I get; plays to the schiz training' as there are so many confusatory separate meanings.

As is typical, researchers are downplaying the technology by stressing that this type of stimulation is only possible through consenting participants. NO they add it surreptitiously to food and/or put you in a radio-frek induced deep sleepstate, break in to your home, and implant the victim'. Yet they repeatedly tout how wonderful it is because it is "non-invasive." With nanotechnology such as that used in neural dust, a pathway can easily be opened non-invasively (or surreptitiously), and control can be achieved wirelessly. Julie Beal has speculated that perhaps this type of wireless control over another human being's brain contributed to the strange "short circuits" that have been seen in many news reporters. It's no longer beyond the realm of possibility. ?

What once was the craziest of conspiracies has now entered the daily news cycle. And there is more to come:

"The Internet was a way to connect computers, and now it can be a way to connect brains," said researcher Andrea Stocco, assistant professor in psychology at the University of Washington.
Rao noted that his study managed "a one-way flow of information." It's firewalled; it's 1-way or 2-way by command, A/V

"The next step is having a more equitable two-way conversation directly between the two brains," he said. This is fully established as of at least <2012. This is synthetic telepathy; they' spend 24/7/52/+4 sitting inside your mind, 1-way; they can see what you see, hear what you hear, and are tapped-into the mind itself; the 2-way channel is opened as part of a scheme to drive you out of your own mind, by "malevolent god" impersonators, who reference, by auditory effects and pains everything msg'ful' that you see, hear and think, even the very act of thinking is referenced for purpose of shutting-down the autonomy of your own mind. Every time the tv mentions "death", or when you read the word "suicide" or anything at all related to anything at all bad', you get a reference to it, usually by neuralgic pain, or sharp pain to the eye, or click', or muscle spasm, or an echo/'whisper' inside your mind. Words & pictures both; conversations with friends & family. AI bots substitute similar sounding words on tv instantly (tv reception is on a slight delay); pic/sound breaks to death, suicide, buried, drowned, enemy, ice/fire, thirst/hunger etc. I've actually had conversations' via subvocalising, & via vocalising out, and getting the words in clear, and the notions' back, in the early days, 2012, but pathologically deranged psychopaths who blab-on about how "powerrr"ful & "evil" they are are on the other end as it's a murder program, and they have nothing at all that I want to hear everything they say is shit. A lot of this research is under the PTSD cover; what they intended doing to me, is instilling PTSD to destruction by commanded suicide. AI research is involved too.

The future is now; all that remains to be answered is whether or not ethical considerations will evolve along with the technology, or will simply be bypassed altogether. Given that the U.S. Army is funding this research, those who are skeptical of this technology only being used in a beneficial way have quite a bit of historical precedent upon which to base their concern. Ethical considerations act as a blueprint for what not to do. This is a part of a much greater program, where the operators' use pages from law books as toilet paper, for effect to kill; stalking, poisoning, physical as well as psyche torture, break-ins, tainted food with volatile aromatics, electric shocks, full-body static charging, neighbours who watch you in your own home (and shower) and also ref "death" etc from tv with wall-thumps, Derren Brown tactics the full Zersetzung and much much more.

UW study shows direct brain interface between humans
by Michelle Ma

(Activist Post emphasis added)
In this photo, UW students Darby Losey, left, and Jose Ceballos are positioned in two different buildings on campus as they would be during a brain-to-brain interface demonstration. The sender, left, thinks about firing a cannon at various points throughout a computer game. That signal is sent over the Web directly to the brain of the receiver, right, whose hand hits a touchpad to fire the cannon. Mary Levin, U of Wash.
Sometimes, words just complicate things. What if our brains could communicate directly with each other, bypassing the need for language? As I say, this program' & the technology, were beyond this document in 2011.

University of Washington researchers have successfully replicated a direct brain-to-brain connection between pairs of people as part of a scientific study following the team's initial demonstration a year ago. In the newly published study, which involved six people, researchers were able to transmit the signals from one person's brain over the Internet and use these signals to control the hand motions of another person within a split second of sending that signal. This is potentially an infinite' number of people-to-one in realtime, at the same time, with full read'n'feed' audio/vis & more. The day I was induced' to attempt suicide, I sensed what I thought to be 30 of them', tune-in to experience death from inside my mind & senses they were excitable, I heard their whispers, giggles and foot shuffleings.

At the time of the first experiment in August 2013, the UW team was the first to demonstrate two human brains communicating in this way. The researchers then tested their brain-to-brain interface in a more comprehensive study, published Nov. 5 in the journal PLOS ONE.

"The new study brings our brain-to-brain interfacing paradigm from an initial demonstration to something that is closer to a deliverable technology," said co-author Andrea Stocco, a research assistant professor of psychology and a researcher at UW's Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences. "Now we have replicated our methods and know that they can work reliably with walk-in participants." I suspect this refers to the successful wi-fi/directed energy implantation of cognitive feed into ppl who have not been implanted/impregnated (with nano-tech); I see' this a lot, genuinely ordinary ppl who suddenly use words/phrases that I've been primed/'trained' to recognise as trigger' words, cues and refs., as well as being induced to cough & sneeze it's very much the realization of the dark side of the likes of MK Ultra/Manchurian Candidate/IPCRESS File programs that they can actually put things into ppls minds without them knowing it. As for me, I'm science-minded I knew from the first, that even tho' I'd never heard of any technologies along this line, that what was happening certainly wasn't malevolent gods. Zeros & ones are very plastic, and I knew something about millimetre waves & submarine ELF microwave communications, & one or two other things. Ch4 of book Cruel Britannia is good on the psyche attack methods; Tim Rifat on whale/to is good on the ELF microwave mind control -
Collaborator Rajesh Rao, a UW professor of computer science and engineering, is the lead author on this work.

The research team combined two kinds of noninvasive instruments and fine-tuned software to connect two human brains in real time. The process is fairly straightforward. One participant is hooked to an electroencephalography machine that reads brain activity and sends electrical pulses via the Web to the second participant, who is wearing a swim cap with a transcranial magnetic stimulation coil placed near the part of the brain that controls hand movements.
A transcranial magnetic stimulation coil is placed over the part of the brain that controls the receiver's right hand movements. Mary Levin, U of Wash.
Using this setup, one person can send a command to move the hand of the other by simply thinking about that hand movement. I'm sure that this is so, but they've been guarded on one or two things, I'm sure; glances, smiles/grins; so they set something up in the street, and can induce' a sudden glance sideways at it.

The UW study involved three pairs of participants. Each pair included a sender and a receiver with different roles and constraints. They sat in separate buildings on campus about a half mile apart and were unable to interact with each other in any way except for the link between their brains.

Each sender was in front of a computer game in which he or she had to defend a city by firing a cannon and intercepting rockets launched by a pirate ship. But because the senders could not physically interact with the game, the only way they could defend the city was by thinking about moving their hand to fire the cannon.
The sender is hooked to an electroencephalography machine that reads brain activity. A computer processes the brain signals and sends electrical pulses via the Web to the receiver across campus. Mary Levin, U of Wash. Internal EEG cap

Across campus, each receiver sat wearing headphones in a dark room with no ability to see the computer game with the right hand positioned over the only touchpad that could actually fire the cannon. If the brain-to-brain interface was successful, the receiver's hand would twitch, pressing the touchpad and firing the cannon that was displayed on the sender's computer screen across campus. Cochlear implant, right ear a slight knock to that side of my head causes a long, very hi-pitch tone.

Researchers found that accuracy varied among the pairs, ranging from 25 to 83 percent. Misses mostly were due to a sender failing to accurately execute the thought to send the "fire" command. The researchers also were able to quantify the exact amount of information that was transferred between the two brains.

Another research team from the company Starlab in Barcelona, Spain, recently published results in the same journal showing direct communication between two human brains, but that study only tested one sender brain instead of different pairs of study participants and was conducted offline instead of in real time over the Web. Regular refs; misdirections.

Now, with a new $1 million grant from the W.M. Keck Foundation, the UW research team is taking the work a step further in an attempt to decode and transmit more complex brain processes. Much more as of >2011

With the new funding, the research team will expand the types of information that can be transferred from brain to brain, including more complex visual and psychological phenomena such as concepts, thoughts and rules.

They're also exploring how to influence brain waves that correspond with alertness or sleepiness. Eventually, for example, the brain of a sleepy airplane pilot dozing off at the controls could stimulate the copilot's brain to become more alert. As very deep trance-like unconsciousness can be induced by RF, so too can instant wakefulness (& sleep dep.) by e-caffeine', so that you can be woken to orchestrated skits' or emergency vehicle sirens each day for 6weeks, precisely.

(Read a Scientific American article by Rao and Stocco about possible uses of sending thoughts directly between brains.) Where thought becomes a crime, they can confer on you a death sentence, where, like with me, there is no crime: schiz training', godbluff', psychological & neural research' to destruction, just like Herr Doktor Mengele.

The project could also eventually lead to "brain tutoring," in which knowledge is transferred directly from the brain of a teacher to a student.

"Imagine someone who's a brilliant scientist but not a brilliant teacher. Complex knowledge is hard to explain we're limited by language," said co-author Chantel Prat, a faculty member at the Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences and a UW assistant professor of psychology.

Other UW co-authors are Joseph Wu of computer science and engineering; Devapratim Sarma and Tiffany Youngquist of bioengineering; and Matthew Bryan, formerly of the UW.

The research published in PLOS ONE was initially funded by the U.S. Army Research Office and the UW, with additional support from the Keck Foundation.

Updated 11/8/2014

They practice on mental patients because no-one will believe them I have a schiz friend, I see them at play inside his mind, taunting me. They can also of course, connect sane minds to chaotic & profoundly insane minds, to force-in the mental disintegration that they work towards achieving; they've done this to me, and I knew what they were doing.

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."

German | SpanishThe Executive Summary:
Neuropsychological and Electronic
No-Touch Torture Report

Based on "The Torture Memos" and the Senate Intelligence Committee's Declassified "Torture Report"

By Robert Duncan, A.B., S.M., M.B.A., Ph.D.


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Torture is a horrific topic and most minds will turn away from it because it can't be comprehended that humans can be motivated, or computer programs can be run to do this to other sentient beings. Just when we believed we were becoming more civilized as a culture, the technology for torture has advanced more than a hundred fold in recent decades.

This summary will get into the minds of the dishonorable monsters' of the psychology of torture. Those like Dick Cheney who helped authorize it under certain administrations and regimes of the U.S. government which have been proven to be criminal under U.S. law, treaties, and the International Criminal Court. There are many people involved in the conspiracy and cover-up including General Hayden.

The full report discloses the spectrum of techniques of interrogation and torture used by the U.S. and its allies. The United States government will officially deny the claims of this "no-touch torture report" but in time it will stand firm.

The technologies used are still classified as state secrets and will not be discussed in this summary. The torture methods have been leaked through thousands of American citizens who have survived the no-touch torture programs. The research and testimony has been accumulated since 2002 and merely used as examples but the names of the victims are withheld.

This report will not use skewed, misleading language such as "enhanced interrogation" to describe the torture techniques.

Why torture? The CIA claims it works. The assumption is that it works to gain actionable intelligence. Torture is often used for revenge, punishment, interrogation, and behavior modification. In other terms torture is used to remove the continuity of thought to confuse the target to reveal information, erase brain patterns such as values and beliefs, or to break down the human spirit to make them submit and obey their handlers.

The downside of torture is that the countries that do it lose "moral soft power" in world politics. Without due process, over 25% of those reported in the Senate Torture Report were declared innocent. Blowback is always a repercussion of torture. Torture often takes a long time to affect the target from months to years. Torture has shown to be unreliable except for getting false confessions and bad information but the U.S. and its allies are improving on their tactics and techniques.

The purpose of this report is to draw the parallels between physical torture techniques and no-touch torture methods used in secret by governments who possess the technologies that still go on today. This is a brief summary of offensive psychological and information warfare methods using traditional methods and modern cybernetic techniques while exploring hyper-game theory to walk the target to the desired path: leak intelligence, commit assassinations, or change beliefs.

Numerated Torture Methods for
Interrogation and Behavior Modification

(A comparison between physical and no-touch torture tactics)

1. Induction of Depressive/Manic states
The idea is to shake up the emotional states of the target because different information can be accessed at each state. Making the target feel despair and helplessness is the objective. This cycle of hope building and then breaking is done in many ways. The techniques between the physical methods and the no-touch technological methods are similar. Speech is very important during this process of emotional manipulation. Such examples are, "We have imprisoned you without due processes or hope of it. You are indefinitely detained." Hope building examples include, "Sorry. We have mistaken you for someone else. You will be compensated for false imprisonment and torture." The main difference between the cybernetic technology and physical is that emotional state clusters can be entrained into the target mind which speeds up the process. The communication is done differently but perceived as human speech. In the no-touch torture methods it is helpful if the target is labeled with mental illness that is being created for discrediting purposes so as not to draw human rights groups' attention.

2. Memory Erasure
The military and CIA have been researching memory erasing drugs for half a century. The focus of this summary report is on interrogation. Memory erasure is an important technique during interrogation. It is used in combination with sleep deprivation. There are many drugs that have been developed for physical memory erasure. One such interrogation method requires acquiring information from the target while on these drugs and recording the subject. After a sleeping cycle, the interrogator claims that the target has confessed. Of course the target remembers nothing of their conversation. The interrogator will play samples of the subject's conversation back to them making the subject believe that the interrogator knows more than they do. Similar techniques are used in the wireless, no-touch torture and interrogation programs. The cybernetic methods of memory erasure have additional purposes. The memory erasure can be used on the cybernetic target to make the target believe people have broken in and moved their belongings. While physical black bag jobs do occur, it is a way to make the target more paranoid.

3. Electricity and Shocks
Pain and fear of death are common tactics during interrogation. Shocking by electricity is a traditional method of torture and exposed in the CIA's secret prisons. Shocking the testicles and nipples are the most common due to their sensitivity. Interestingly, the thousand of interviews of no-touch torture involves "stings" and "shocks" to various parts of their bodies over long durations.

4. Fear and Terror
There are many techniques to induce extreme fear in the target. In physical renditions dogs, power drills, guns, insects, mutilation, blow torches, water boarding, suffocation, mock burials, and mock executions are just a few the United States government have used. Remember that many targets of torture die from the physical effects. It is torture to death.
Let us compare the no-touch torture methods used to inflict the same terror and mental anguish. In several of these techniques the target needs to hear their handler's voice. This report does not describe the technologies used to broadcast voices to the target at a distance. While the subject can be broadcast mental images to their mind using hypnosis and other suggestions as well as visual entrainments, the more invasive controls of the brain manipulation technologies can be used to entrained the brain's autonomic nervous systems such as not breathing causing the target to not be able to sleep from fear of suffocation equivalent to water boarding. The neural linguistic programming can add fears such as heart attack, stroke, and cancer threats. Even motor cortex mapping can cause twitches in any part of the body. One example used a swift neck movement with a voice transmission, "We are trying to break your neck." Directed energy effects such as Active Denial System can make the target feel that they are on fire indefinitely without the target dying from burns. Maximum pain and torture weapons have been evolving. Every drug effect can be artificially induced into the target mind including those of poisons.

5. Imprisonment and Isolation
Isolation is commonly used as punishment in prisons. Many whistleblowers like Bradley Manning suffer this condition. In soft interrogation it is used to get the target to talk to their interrogator since humans have the need for companionship. In no-touch torture the target is driven from their friends and family using different techniques in order to isolate them so that the electronic mind control has more effect on their psyche. Like in Guantanamo, the target becomes isolated losing their job and medical care. Part of the method involves slander in their community. They end up on the most part in poverty and paranoid about doctors and other people from false correlations that are purposefully induced into their lives. Isolation is also a form of sensory deprivation which will be discussed later. Days and weeks lose their meaning.

6. Sexually Disturbing Tailored Pornography
The Summary of the Senate Torture Report disclosed the disgusting revelations that in the secret torture prisons the targets were forced to perform homosexual acts on each other against their will and religion in order not to be beaten or killed. This is a common break down tactic of belief systems and the human will. In no-touch torture the techniques are more psychologically specialized for each target. Most common examples include homosexual targets that are forced with voices that are derogatory to their lifestyle and similar mental images. Almost all targets are forced to view child pornography in their minds. And vice versa is true, that heterosexual targets are forced to view homosexual sexual acts like in the secret U.S. torture prisons.

7. Mutilation
Also mentioned in the declassified report on torture was mutilation of the human. Cutting the naked target's penis and scrotum, pulling nails or teeth is common. In no-touch torture mutilation is done by trickery. Let us look at a couple examples. There have been several targets who believed that the microwave hearing effect and other voice induction methods were done by microchips implanted in their teeth or ears. They had all their teeth pulled because they believed it was a technology called bone conductance. Others have poked out their ear drums in the belief they had micro implants in their ears. There are many more examples of trickery used to make the targets mutilate themselves.

8. Personal and Spiritual Defamation
In physical torture the CIA and other groups use propaganda and defamation of character for those they oppose. For detainees they try to disenfranchise the target from their religion. They will defecate on their Bible or Koran for example. They might say, "Why is your God not saving you?" In no touch torture and behavior modification they might try to make an atheist believe in god. It is just a mechanism to alter belief systems for control and experimentation. Perhaps the target may wish to confess their secrets to a "voice of god weapon". Information warfare covers the gamut of electronic communication as well. The government training exercise uses language like "befriend", "infiltrate", "mask/mimic", "ruse", "set-up", "disrupt", "create cognitive stress", "use deception", "ruin business relationships", and "post negative information on appropriate forums" - in a malicious effort to target bloggers, activists, journalists, social event organizers and anyone else deemed to be a emerging leader' or voice in the public sphere.

9. Psychological Intimidation
This is a topic for a target at the beginning of the trials and programs. Physical break-ins are common even if the target has an alarm system. The NSA has used stalking of foreign officials in the past for economic gain. The FBI does black bag jobs to invade a home without a warrant. The point is to let the target know they are being watched and to increase their paranoia. The NSA easily hacks all computer systems and causes harm to the victim's intellectual property and their relationships from that endpoint. In the no touch torture false correlations between pain and a neighbor coming home can be induced.

10. Rape
Rape is a common practice in torture. It causes much psychological trauma. In the United States methods of rape in their military and CIA secret prisons it is often relabeled. It is commonly done by prods but "rectal rehydration" is the more common misnomer. Often they call it forced feeding through the rectum but it is meant to induce psychological scaring and trauma. Several have died from the technique due to rectal bleeding. In no-touch torture the psychological trauma of simulated rape takes on different forms. Using technique often called EEG-heterodyning the targets will receive molestation effects of their genitals. In men this can be the anus and genitals. Similarly women can be wirelessly raped by the analogous function of perception.

11. Dietary Manipulation, Forced Weakness and Sickness
The idea behind dietary manipulation is to weaken the target. This is easily done in a physical setting but in no-touch the hunger trigger needs to be suppressed. Sometimes a false correlation between eating food and sickness is induced to make the target believe they are being poisoned. However, poisoning is common in physical renditions too.

12. Repetition
Verbal breakdown is most important during interrogations and torture. Obviously speaking the language of the target is necessary. This is why there are interrogators in all languages. Repetition is an important neural linguistic programming interrogation tactic to influence the target mind. During the breakdown process, threats to kill and to torture the target's family or friends are common. Repetitious questioning and breakdown phrases are automated in both the physical and no-touch versions of torture. An interesting technology that is used for no-touch torture is called chatter bots. Chatter bots, an artificial intelligence program, automate much of the repetition so that the interrogators don't drive themselves crazy during the neural linguistic torture and programming phases. Let us not forget the Chinese Water Torture, a single drop of water on the forehead of the detainee for months. Repetition is a form of torture.

13. Sensitization of Pain Impulses
While the reverse can be obtained, optimizing perceived pain and misery is the objective in torture. Each trauma adds to the overall misery throughout life. Optimization of pain has been studied by the military and intelligence agencies. In the past the CIA has used drugs such as LSD to enhance fear and terror in the subject. Other methods such as hypnosis can increase perceived pain and the power of suggestion such as telling the subject his pinky finger is going to be cut off before it is done. In no-touch torture the same psychological manipulations are exerted. Subliminal and overt suggested are often told to the subject before the directed energy or EEG heterodyning pain inductions in order to maximize their effectiveness.

14. Sensory Overload and Deprivation
Again, this technique of overloading or depriving the human of sensory stimulus is ubiquitous in torture around the world not just in U.S. secret prisons. Torture subjects in the United States have reported the use of repetitive bad music and noise campaigns. An unusual torture technique used in the U.S. secret prisons was of a use of a plastic suit filled with ice while they beat the target. Ultra bright lights for days on end in the prison and hot/cold temperature changes in the environment are frequent. In no-touch torture, the target's brain is forced to release dopamine which causes pupil dilatation. This acts as a sensory overload. For example the non-lethal microwave weapons research done by a professor in University of Nevada has shown this capability. Body metabolism can be altered with these weapons causing cold and hot flashes. Targets of no-touch torture often hear endless tinnitus.

15. Sexual Humiliation and Lack of Privacy
Often used in common prisons is a lack of privacy. It is both necessity for security and a form of sexual humiliation. Also in prison many people are raped. No-touch torture offers the same sexual humiliation and lack of privacy by using through wall radar, cameras, and EEG visual cloning to let the target know they are being watched. Degrading comments are often used on the no-touch torture subjects while they are naked or in the bathroom.

16. Maximum Sensory Pain Techniques
Basic torture involves brutalization, i.e. physical strikes, kicks in the groin, pepper spray or tear gas, etc. Anything that involves maximum pain is the objective. Amazingly, these same basic tortures can be done wirelessly into the human mind. All forms of sickness have been reported without any real illness behind the suffering. All suffering can be entrained into the minds of no-touch torture subjects.

17. Sleep Deprivation
This is the number one torture method along with the popularity in the press of water boarding. This is done in every country that uses torture. The United States is number one in torture since they are currently the world's only superpower. A repetitive sleep deprivation cycle is generally done 180 hrs/7.5 days at a time in the physical renditions, or in no-touch torture five days awake and two days of sleep. Sleep deprivation accomplishes the objective of memory loss during interrogation and induces hallucinations which help with the interrogation process. In behavior modification and programming it is necessary too.

18. Stress Positions
Keeping detainees handcuffed above their head and to walls so that they must stand for days is a common ploy in torture. These types of poses are called stress positions. They can be mimicked in no-touch torture. An example of one such trick requires the target to believe they can deflect radar energy using pots or pans and that it is directional. The target is being given an ample amount of pain until their hands and arms are spread apart holding the pans trying to block the signals. They must maintain that position in order to get any relief from the torture signals. However the stress position itself is physical torture. Often accompanying this technique are voices saying to the target, "You are doing it to yourself."

We will finish off this summary of U.S. and its allies' torture, interrogation, and behavior modification experimentation with ideas of why they are done to the general public and falsely accused detainees. Anyone can be put into these programs. Justice and rule of law does not exist at the highest levels of government. Treaties are worthless because the #1 agreement in the rules of war, a ban against torture, is not obeyed. This creates a more brutal and barbaric society lead by example.

No-touch torture uses the same interrogation tactics as physical interrogations but with some new twists. Techniques such as "Jeff and Mutt" a.k.a. "Good Cop Bad Cop" are used. The bad cop tortures the target and the good cop tries to gain their trust. In mind control, trust games are commonly employed to manipulate the beliefs of the target. Creating hatred of groups through false correlations and deception is a common CIA method of trickery.

In the CIA programs, the target is put through these phases as written in the documentation, "Disorient and confuse the target. Use them for our purposes, and then dispose of them in any way possible." We can only surmise by our sample set of a thousand people what "dispose" means: prison, suicide, or perhaps a mental hospital. Coercing and torturing people to suicide is very common. Both tactics in physical or no-touch torture involves plausible deniability.

The no-touch interrogations are better than physical rendition techniques for exposing support networks. Traditional NSA tracking of email and phones calls are useful but if the targets are taken into a secret prison they can't contact their networks. In no-touch torture, the target will contact everyone who might help them. Then those relationships can be destroyed to isolate the target. All these techniques rely on the target having a fear of death and pain.

Deception is very important during interrogation. In physical interrogations the targets are often drugged. This creates the confusion necessary to pull off certain trickery. In terrorist interrogations, for example, the CIA uses fake newspapers to make the target believe whatever event they were suspected of plotting had already happened, obviously looking for a confession. Sometimes the government in charge of the torture is looking for a political gain through a false confession. None-the-less false flag operations are commonly used in both forms of torture and interrogation. The trick is to make the target believe another foreign country is doing it to them. In no-touch torture the trick is to make them believe someone related to them is behind their suffering.

Voice transformation and morphing is an interesting technology also used in both physical and wireless interrogations. It is a form of deception used against a target to trick them into believing that they are speaking to real people that they know. It has been used in war to trick generals. Obviously spoofing email and other identities on internet forums can be used in this manner too.

Finally, the topic of human experimentation for improving weapons, torture, interrogation, and social disruption methods will be breached. Most of the techniques mentioned above work most effectively if the target has no SERE training (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) or psychological understanding of the methods to influence the human mind. Unfortunately, every sample point in the world's society needs to be studied to improve the weapons systems. This is why many random people are put into the torture and mind control experiments. There are some devious uses of a secret army of remote controlled assassins in every country in the world. The samples must include different education, language, culture, and economic factors. Obviously, silencing dissidents, oppositions of political parties, and whistleblowers are included in the lists of applications. The most disturbing of the trends in torture is testing and improving it. No-touch torture is much more complex than physical torture. Testing design flaws and weaknesses of the signal intelligence is one reason why it is necessary to test on innocent targets. Often the subject will be taunted by the statement, "Try to stop us." This statement forces the torture subject to try to figure out shielding and jamming techniques to stop the wireless torture and helps the weapons designers to improve on the system.

However, the psychological and perceived physical pain is only half the story with no-touch torture. It also involves a set of scripts, mind games if you will, to walk the target to murder and/or suicide. This is called "Hyper Game Theory". It is used in war games to determine how to control your enemies and targets. Game Theory can be used on governments, individuals, or for determining propaganda to alter cultures. The experiments on the public provide a means to test the efficacy of these scripts and determine under what circumstances to use them.

One last comment on why "We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex" as President Eisenhower warned. During these torture programs run by the United States and its allies, accurate "truth" data points need to be used to judge the efficiency of the interrogation methods. This is why there is a dispute between the CIA and Senate Intelligence Committee reports about the usefulness of torture. Subterfuge buy the CIA hacking into the senate oversight committee's computers is a big deal; a rogue agency has been formed. Data fusion centers, Homeland Security Data Fusion Centers, NSA, and FBI collect data on Americans. This data in turn is used during torture and interrogation of Americans in no-touch torture.
Those who must silence others for speaking the truth cannot be innocent.
'Stentrode' Goes Deep Inside the Brain Without the Need for Brain Surgery - Written by Michael Byrne - - this is consistant with me having no knowledge of an invasive surgery procedure, & yet still being convinced about the 'cortical modem effect'; for what it's worth, I've had references to "sheep"; "wire in the blood", "match(es)", "Melbourne", "oxcart", "3", "nickel", "alloy", "epilepsy/seizures", & a click-ref as I read "obsessive-compulsive disorder"; also a 'msg' about tinnitus being caused by obstructions in the bloodstream.

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[Image: 1455393476262561.JPG?crop=0.582987551867...quality=90] [Image: 1455393476262561.JPG?crop=0.804120761196...quality=90] [Image: 1455393476262561.JPG?crop=0.414568925772...quality=90]
Image: Oxley et al

New 'Stentrode' Goes Deep Inside the Brain Without the Need for Brain Surgery

[Image: 1440444642031704.jpeg?resize=300:*&outpu...quality=90] [/URL]
Written by

Michael Byrne


February 13, 2016 // 04:30 PM EST

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Whether it's to allow for the control of robotic limbs or just to watch neurology in action, to really get at the inner workings of the brain it's still necessary to access the gray squish of the brain itself. Unfortunately, accessing the brain up close means brain surgery, and most of us would rather avoid having our skulls opened up if at all possible. Alternatives, however, are limited.
This might not be the case for much longer. As described in a study published this week in Nature Biotechnology, researchers from the University of Melbourne have developed a matchstick-sized stent that can be inserted through a vein in a patient's neck and the delivered to a suitable eavesdropping location within their skull. From this outpost, the stent (a small mesh tube meant to be implanted in a blood vessel) sends signals through wires to a transmitter in the patient's chest.
The Melbourne group, led by neurologist Thomas Oxley and funded in part by DARPA, tested their technology in a sheep brain for a period of six months, comparing electrical signals received via the stent with those received via a more traditional brain implant. The signals matched.
Brain interfaces are often pitched as consumer-grade technology, with EEG headbands going for all of $50 on Amazon. That's cool and all, but the skull greatly attenuates the brain's electrical signature, allowing for the exterior detection of frequencies of only up to about 60 Hz. The most useful frequencies for brain-machine interfaces are between 70 Hz and 200 Hz, however, because this is the activity linked to the brain's motor cortex. Getting at these frequencies means penetrating the skull.
"Although penetrating cortical arrays have achieved the highest spatial resolution for neural recordings, they are invasive, may cause trauma to brain tissue during insertion, and may result in chronic inflammation, gliosis and disruption of the blood-brain barrier," Oxley and co. write. "Furthermore, existing cortical implant design and implantation procedures are associated with difficulty in accessing deep cortical regions, such as within sulcal folds, which may be information-rich regions. Therefore, there is a need for interfaces with improved biocompatibility, high-resolution signal transduction and long-term functionality that can be implanted with minimal trauma."

[Image: 1455392802226254.jpg]
Image: Oxley et al
The brain requires a whole lot of blood to do its thingaccounting for some 15 percent of total cardiac outputwhich means some beefy blood vessels pass through even its darkest neuro-corners. The idea of inserting electrodes into the brain via these vessels is itself not brand new, but until now they've only been implanted for a few hours at a time. Meanwhile, stents have been implanted in the brain for other purposes, such as reinforcing aneurysm-damaged arteries, and pacemaker electrodes have been implanted in cardiac tissue, but putting the two technologies together is only now becoming a reality.
The stent itself consists of a 3 centimeter-long, 3 millimeter-wide mesh tube made from a nickel alloy called nitinol. Its net-like surface is then covered in an array of electrodes, with each electrode registering the activity of around 10,000 neurons. In the first six days of implantation, the signals sent back by the stentrode were fairly poor, but they then improved over the next few weeks. The group attributes this initial noisiness to the interfering effects of blood flow, which would have been mitigated as the mesh and the surrounding blood vessel began to grow together.
"We envisage that future applications of endovascular arrays may include motor cortex sensors in brain-machine interfaces and seizure prediction in epilepsy," Oxley and his group note. "Applications in neural stimulation open the possibility of achieving deep and superficial brain stimulation therapies without the requirement for craniotomy. Multiple deep brain stimulation targets have been identified as being accessible via arteries and veins, with targets for Parkinson's disease and obsessive-compulsive disorder being particularly suitable."

You probably won't be able to buy a stentrode on Amazon anytime soon, but some things, like invasive brain operations, are probably best left to the experts.

Topics: brains, neuroscience, biotechnology, eegs, machines, neurology, studies

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
I get alot of muscle contractions as per apophenics, and cardial arrhythmias (both short & long 'stress tracks'), they can be almost anywhere on my body, recently it's started at the middle of my right cheek. Seems there's a load of refs that I've had in this article -
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
There's a couple of intangibles I can't get much of a handle on; I had a recent 'dream' with me being in bed with my sister, hand on her boob; the sensation was very tangible it seemed, soft, warm, wobbly & squishy. I've mentioned before that with alot of the dream choreography, that places have no discernable identifier, so when I have a dream of walking thru' a concrete underpass, I still somehow 'know' it's 'Berlin'; same thing's happened with ppl, the 'dream' where someone's bending over in front of me, I still somehow 'knew' who it was, by name. It puzzles me, how without visual or audio etc 'identifiers', I still get a handle on who-what-where. I'd put this down to a possibly separate 'incoming' 'cognitive whisper', ie, BBI. My 'sister' in that 'dream', looked nothing like my sister, but still there's that incoming cognition. The film 'Inception' has, logically I think, the maxim that you don't think-up anything 'real', 'cos it'll have holes in it, flaws. There's a logic to that being followed, hence that 'cognition', as I'm theorising it. The fact that the boob was very tactile's an interesting one, it's almost as tho' that too was coming thru' the BBI and at the other end of the transmission it was a real boob. I've not had a tactile sensation like that in a dream before. There would be a reason for the effort; the program's 'all' about instilling shame and guilt which are intended to dissolve/corrode from the inside - THIS IS VERY MUCH THE CRUX OF 'THE PROGRAM'. And, 'course, I'd start getting a load of "incest" refs.

I was cogitating over a bit in Pentagons brain a couple of nights ago, 'Drone Wars'; I've had alot of these refs, but I think I'd only recognised the point in parallel - I'm the drone. There's been a million-gazillion times I've had my mind & senses refed in realtime, vis & auditory; this is why, I suspect, they do this - schiz 'train'/torture-murder, 'cos if a gaggle of psychopathic silicon chimps're in your head all the time, they're going to take-over it - surely, that's certain... The bit in the scans below (the Chapter26 is thrown-in for fun), about directing biohybrids with a 'reward' sensation (just a couple of weeks ago I got "rewards good behaviour" - & this is the point here I'm going to try to make-); that's all well & good, but what about the tandom sensation of 'threat'/disincentive. I've long wondered how it is that I 'get' msg's that don't come with any auditory, visual, pain, muscle twitch or other overt synch-ref; what it is that makes me 'heads-up' to this & not that. I'm theorising that it's that 'threat' thing, tho' I think it's possible to still be a 'cognitive echo'-type thing, literally an immediate repeat but ever-so slightly out of phase, so that it 'echos'. But the thing I'm thinking, is that, I really don't like heights, and whether by later suggestion/false memory, I 'feel' I can trace this to when I was 2yrs old, & was held over a waterfall at arms length (it did happen); same type of thing with cats/kittens; all mine have been strays (and I've had quite alot); the adult strays take a long time to come-'round, but when they do, they really do - under yer feet & on yer chest like shadows, but the kittens who're rescued at c.3-6months, they never seem to loose it, that 'edge', 'cos it's been the only thing they've known, to be 'edgy', where the adult cats've gone-thru' it and learned other stuff. So that 'fear'/'threat'/"run"/"hide" thing's very potent. So, I'm pondering as to whether the 'msg's are cued with that sudden, subliminal, sense. So, when you get "die muthafukka die" it comes with an emotional package of radio-frequency "oh shit", & when you're asked "How do they make all the crows fly into the barn?", the answer is that "You 'tell' 'em there's food in there"; in the same way, if 'they' want you to do, think, like, you get the incentive vibe, & then they kill you with a manufactured intent.
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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Regards those 'msg's; I've had direct to the mind 'msg's both vocalised & 'notional', & they can be synch associated with 'clicks' and very hi-pitch tones, & with any other of those blatant effects I've mentioned previously like in the 'biomachine' diagram; what I'm on about above, is where something shouts itself silently, where it 'presents' itself. Surely they're varied(?)/dual-/multi-, and no doubt a few falsies that just happen​ to be 'on-msg'. 'Silent sound's another possibility, but they have their ways.

Something of an example from last night, more-or-less as directly transcribed from my log:
"Distinct precise thump from 22 to "thought the aliens were chasing him", the mad axeman who attacked a copper(s) a few days ago in sheffield - "aliens" is a not infrequent ref, as is "axe" (& "Daniel" & "Morgan") - which reminds me, yesterday, I had the usual "space"-type [thump] & time-frame/date/years refs, then a ref to "be careful what you wish for" - a follow-on [short sharp neuralgic, right temple] as I've mused that it seems [neuralgic] to be following-on [siren 741pm] from [22 thumps] something I'd chatted with 'Ben' about [siren continues anew +2mins], on "What would you wish for [sirens closer & louder], as in, from a Genie in a lamp?" [siren starts again]. I'd said 'space-time travel' would be fun, taking digi's of the 7 ancient wonders of the world would be [thump] a jolly. Yesterday the 'cogitive whisper' after 4yrs putting them together - what I was thinking of as the library at Alexandria or the colossus of Rhodes, they're choosing as the Milky-milky Way & 10,000BCE for narrative purpose."

(Bit of an aside, just found a great old tune - ​ - edwyn collins Out of This World)

Not long after that, i got 2 distinct 'clicks' to "broke his neck", of brain-chip fella.
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."

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