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US/UK state brainwashing/torture/murder
John Knoble Wrote:On the captioned topic, this must be very expensive, you'd think government would only do this for reasons like covering up serious mistakes that threaten careers of complicit spineless bureaucrats or to hide corruption on a breathtaking scale.

Private security is more likely to account for a lot of these stories.

I raised this same point to 'the walls':"We're self-funding"they'msg'ed.Yesterday,Inoticedthatthecostofcyber-fraudtotheworldeconomy,is£445,000,
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Michael Barwell Wrote:
John Knoble Wrote:On the captioned topic, this must be very expensive, you'd think government would only do this for reasons like covering up serious mistakes that threaten careers of complicit spineless bureaucrats or to hide corruption on a breathtaking scale.

Private security is more likely to account for a lot of these stories.

I raised this same point to 'the walls':"We're self-funding"they'msg'ed.Yesterday,Inoticedthatthecostofcyber-fraudtotheworldeconomy,is£445,000,000.


A long time ago, in NuT, I'd asked the walls that this program' must be costing a bundle the ppl, the techs, the full-on 24/7/& 52 of it. Some ppl tho' are psychopathic shitworms & just get a kick out of this sort of thing, they have fragile egos (& enormously over-inflated gossamer-thin airheads they be), so like the CIA's assassination programs, the psychopaths just get a kick out of it it fills the void in their souls. But the cost must be substantial. I get shitloads of "bank"-type refs. I'm clear that these otherwise toothless cogs in the Soylent Green machine can see what I see, & then there's the cortical modem effect no privacy, no secrets', no passwords, nothing it's all done. They can do whateverthefuck they fucking like and the circle-jerks are at it. That's the "We're self-funding".
I've already mentioned Ben' & his psychonauts Megaupload account, a lifetime one, pass- "Carbotron"; "So, what happened to the fella whose account it was originally?" "Oh, he, er, died". So I'll not be kidding myself about these fuckwads & their state quartermasters.
Their "helped" & "protected" between 5:40-50pm Tues2Nov by clicks or neuralgics (it was clicks' but I give not the tiniest shit a click' inside my head is as much a "Fuck you" as a neuralgic' to my left bollock) are risible. Yesterdays "Denmark" dieing in synthetic neuralgia agony in a Danish ditch is much the same as a French one.
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
William Shirers 'Berlin Diary' was mentioned on RT-Cross Talk last night; nvr heard of it before, but it was mentioned in the context of the US/Rus, how Nazi Germany had viewed Poland & Czech as threats to it's existance. Ironically, I've been chucking "Gleiwitz" at the walls recently. Coincidences, eh? "The goal was to use the staged attack as a pretext for invading Poland. This provocation was the best-known of several actions in Operation Himmler, a series of unconventional operationsundertaken by the SS in order to serve specific propaganda goals of Nazi Germany at the outbreak of the war."
OH! wtf - >spaces<!
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
I thought I'd posted this earlier, but can't find it now, so a re-post(?), slightly polished (but not typed-out with that frozen, sharpened turd that the shitehounds use to pen their own narratives). This is an add-on to the next doc to distribute.

Notes on the Torture, Oct/Nov2012-Ap2013. Nov2016
It started with me suddenly getting headaches which is unusual for me & they felt odd. I'd take a Lemsip & the pain disappeared. This went-on for a couple of weeks, I suspect that this was to teach' me that drugs take the pain away'. They suddenly got a lot worse & didn't feel at all organic/indigenous'. Lots of strange things were happening & I knew full well that these were artificial, at which point I'd bang on the ceiling (block of flats) to the ppl above, which is where very many of the precise & synchronous apophenics'* to popping a spoonful of coffee in the cup came from, in the form of sudden loud stamps on their floor (block of flats), & the pain stopped very quickly, even instantly. This happened for about 14days, almost every night/early morning. It was absolutely obvious to me that the ppl in that flat had eyes- & ears-on me, and were following me round my flat from above, to footstamp at opportunistic junctures (incidentally, I eventually went to the police station in NuT, Market St, & reported this; the copper left the interview room to check-up on the occupants of that flat, came back with something of a poker face, beckoned me out of the room, gave me a scrap of paper with a Log No., & told me to report it to the nearest copshop to me, West End. I have the report of that, saying that I'm "a very strange person". This is on their records, so that the follow-up to any further call/report I made to Northumbria cops was tainted' with this verdict; this seems to be a very common aspect of painting' someone in a shade of brown, as it happened further times, quite unfairly). *"the human tendency to perceive meaningful patterns within random data", ie. the coincidental' short, sharp noise referencing'; these create ideas of reference' after a while, a diagnostic feature of schizophrenia, but with many & constant eyes- & ears-on, this aspect can be fabricated/'trained'; my reverse-engineering of this program' started on a hunch, looking thru' a book on schizophrenia, where I found this term & it all started clicking into place. From this I found apophenics' & pareidolia', both of which are used (remember, zeros & ones' are plastic). Next I found something on microwaves & mind influencing, from where I eventually found synthetic telepathy' & Tim Rifats writings, & coercive psychological techniques. Also books: Pentagons Brain', Ch's 18,24,25 & 26; Cruel Britannia', Ch4; & Mafia State' for the Zersetzung' (the last two there are Guardian' journos). These are available from D'ton library. The film Inception' is fundamentally correct (hidden in plain sight), & Shutter Island' neatly illustrates the intended effects.

I'd reasoned that at 3am, it wasn't fair to the other block inhabitants, that when the pain started I bang on the ceiling, & as soon as I stopped, the pain, the synthetic trigeminal/migrainous neuralgia (as was later diagnosed' in Darlington, much later) really got going. Two descriptions of the pain type & level I can give as; 1) as tho' the right side of my face were being drilled-out by a broad (3-4inch) jagged, cold, slowly rotating drill on hammer action 2) as tho' 5mm of skin had been removed from the side of my face, & at 3,000rpm I was being punched with an ice-cold copper gauntlet with 1,000volts & 3amps running thru' it. Astonishing pain levels, for 6-12hrs/day/night, til dawn usually, where, according to NHS docs, TN' is supposed to last for "up to 2minutes". Organic' TN' is so painful, it's other name is the suicide disease'. This happened every night except 1 for around 180days, consecutive; that single night was the enclosed police log record, where 2 cops came round soon after I'd called them saying quite clearly that I was being tortured; as they were leaving, one asked "Are you going to be alright now?" I'd replied "Yes, it's daylight now & it stops at dawn". This being a torture-murder program', the operators/influence technicians' (I call them shitehounds) couldn't let me have any sort of control, and it started again 5-10mins later, for another 6hrs, making 12. That night was the single night I slept in those 180days; what does that say?

I knew from the very start that it was artificial. When you' know that, there's no point in pain-killers. It grinds you down tho', & eventually to have it on an official record, I went to my GP about it, Dr. Esednu(sp), Westmorland Rd Surgery. A curious thing; she took no action at all for tests, despite my description of the pain levels, instead prescribing me a bucket full of Ibu & Co-prox., an astonishing amount, something like 8 packets of each & they weren't small-dose. I'd had thousands & thousands of "suicide" & related refs by apophenic' & vocalised words inside my mind/head - "Death is not the end/death is peaceful/death is restful" etc etc., so the first thing I'd done on getting home is to pop-out 3quarters of them & chuck em down the buildings bin chute; as I'd done this, the flat above had stamped very loudly on their floor (one of them in that flat, No.23, looked like Reeta Chakrabarti).

These calls I was making to the police & the rest of it, were becoming messy'*, & I think this is why I'd got that msg' of "Respect" shortly before the command murder-by-suicide excitation potential/behavioural set; that day, 15April2013 was unpleasant. They knew that I was considering moving home at which point the program' meets the problems of the victim not living alone, so they'd made a push' to end it. *The Feathermen' don't like to push any harder than they need, don't like to make waves, don't like leaks'; this program' has ratchetted-up constantly as I've resisted it and they've had to pull more & more tricks out of the bag. In consequence, & because I have a good observation of their ways & means, they're as locked into this scheme as they locked me in they had a lot to hide; I have every intention of informing as many ppl about their ways & about who these ppl are, as is possible, & they can pick an' choose when to "machine gun" me, or give me a "heart attack", or run riot with one of their "out of control ambulances/lorries", or "disappear" me via their "corpse disposal operation from Grimsby".
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Fri4Nov'16, BBC txt 11:31pm, clearly audible No.18 footfall up/down stairs (new pat' referencing vector nvr heard before mum died), "Domestic abuser made ex- play chess"…

A lot of refs come from films; The Anomaly' last night (missed the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] half hour); "Russian(s)"; "Picasso"; refs to the basal "everything goes thru' the basal ganglia" (ref'ed during film, but not so much as of my experiencing, I get it to the 11''s back head/top back of neck when I 1[SUP]st[/SUP] mentioned this in NuT in >2012, the shitehounds had a bit of a flurry of excitement); "beetle" logo's & implants- "This technology is too good for governments", a standard distancing' theme, and that old "Beetles inside your head" howling shrill microwave auditory effect that I used to get in NuT after laying my head to the pillow, before and at the beginning & during the neuralgia time, where I'm to think there were insects eating-out the inside of my head, like a strong wind thru' many stringed instruments; Brazil; flitting from place to place (like Adjustment Bureau, the dream choreographies or maybe hacking with a theatrical twist; "black man"; "blue eyes", had one clear msg' of that; "Simon"; "Ryan" if it wasn't for the coincident >click< in one ear to that, I'd've missed it.

Sat5Nov'16, 1:55pm siren precise to reading BBC txt, ''Flasher' frog discovered in Australia bright orange groin… found in Newcastle… named after Prof. Michael Mahoney"…

These refs it seems to me are very much part of the narrative played to hook the V-manner drones (in the big scheme of things, generally, shitehounds trump v-manner), those same gushy evangelist muppeteers who: "were to be recruited among those having as little culture, common sense, objectivity and logic as possible."
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
The shitehounds can focus, but they can't change people the species I mean, or the organics of being, & they seem to be at war with the human species, under a pinkish & gossamer-thin plastic banner of a greater altruism, but it's just self-indulgence really, excreted thick on their narrative networks PR paper for public consumption (by public', I mean V-manner fools).

Sometimes their refbollocks goes astray & I have to chuckle*. An early one I was getting in <2012, was "Tesco". I assume this is "Every little helps", a kind of self-justification. But Tesco were then found to be cooking their books, then they were found to be fraudulently selling (Holmly Farm, genuine Somerset sausages, 100% British', when they were made of Polish ponies in Bulgaria & simply packaged in the UK)', then they were found to be underpaying their staff, the majority of whom are women (& I get shiiitloads of a ref-narrative along the line of "We're feminists, & killing you will be a great victory for women everywhere" I've literally had that, verbatim, & much more and a lot of it (like their "technology" refs, this is a kind of change of loyalty'-type tactic, to make me afraid' of technology, women, etc., Britain even whilst these same knuckle-draggers from the Dirlewanger penal battalions "We're the Totenkopfverbande", are out of space and out of time, & completely batshit), and all the accusations that follow on that feminazi'-front, of "rapist/sexist/misogynist" etc. it's all bollocks, or tits if you like, but that's the narrative that they sell because a lot of ppl are thick as pigshit &'ll buy it. Along with all the "bank" etc., refs that I get, seems Tesco' have had some banking problems 20,000 ppl have had their accounts raided. All perfectly in tune with the narrative. There's a very definite psychology to this scheme'-front & to the tactics, including kinaesthetic anchoring techniques of neuro-linguistic programming. * I'm almost hoping that Trump wins tomorrow the shitehounds have invested in that script' for over a year solid (in fact, I hope neither wins).

So, I've had Emma Watson' refs too (even before this kill-op' started, Ben' was big on her); she's a feminist of sorts so she says & would like ppl to think & know (y'know, she's ok', no opinion either way really), but I've had the refs when she's on tv or in the paper, the last time being a week ago or so, where she's book faerie'-ing it, leaving "books" around "trains" for ppl, some with a msg or short "letter" in them. All's fine & dandy. (A lot of "Watson" refs for a looong time too).

She turned-up in the paper yesterday, I'd like to say "turning the shitehounds blue with her straying from the path of truth & righteousness", but the shitehounds could only give a shit as far as I'm laughing my socks off (the dust around their ankles):

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8702&stc=1]

Naughty; verdict: "Guilty" of being an ordinary hume. ...Harpers Bazaar Women of the Year... >chortle<

In a similar way, one of my ex-'s who i've had/get refs to, really liked this tune:Warren Zevon, Excitable Boy:

Shitehounds're sooooo​ full of shite & "There's a special place reserved in Hell for women who don't vote for Hillary"....

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
'Brain wi-fi' reverses leg paralysis in primate first
By James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News website
10 November 2016
- [URL=""]

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8714&stc=1][/URL]

Dr Gregoire Courtine, one of the researchers, said: "This is the first time that a neurotechnology has restored locomotion in primates."
He told the BBC News website: "The movement was close to normal for the basic walking pattern, but so far we have not been able to test the ability to steer."
The technology used to stimulate the spinal cord is the same as that used in deep brain stimulation to treat Parkinson's disease, so it would not be a technological leap to doing the same tests in patients.
"But the way we walk is different to primates, we are bipedal and this requires more sophisticated ways to stimulate the muscle," said Dr Courtine.
Jocelyne Bloch, a neurosurgeon from the Lausanne University Hospital, said: "The link between decoding of the brain and the stimulation of the spinal cord is completely new.
"For the first time, I can image a completely paralysed patient being able to move their legs through this brain-spine interface."
Using technology to overcome paralysis is a rapidly developing field:
Brainwaves have been used to control a robotic arm
Electrical stimulation of the spinal cord has helped four paralysed people stand again
An implant has helped a paralysed man play a guitar-based computer game
Dr Mark Bacon, the director of research at the charity Spinal Research, said: "This is quite impressive work.
"Paralysed patients want to be able to regain real control, that is voluntary control of lost functions, like walking, and the use of implantable devices may be one way of achieving this.
"The current work is a clear demonstration that there is progress being made in the right direction."
Dr Andrew Jackson, from the Institute of Neuroscience and Newcastle University, said: "It is not unreasonable to speculate that we could see the first clinical demonstrations of interfaces between the brain and spinal cord by the end of the decade."
Dr Gregoire Courtine, one of the researchers, said: "This is the first time that a neurotechnology has restored locomotion in primates."
He told the BBC News website: "The movement was close to normal for the basic walking pattern, but so far we have not been able to test the ability to steer."
The technology used to stimulate the spinal cord is the same as that used in deep brain stimulation to treat Parkinson's disease, so it would not be a technological leap to doing the same tests in patients.
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8715&stc=1]
"But the way we walk is different to primates, we are bipedal and this requires more sophisticated ways to stimulate the muscle," said Dr Courtine.
Jocelyne Bloch, a neurosurgeon from the Lausanne University Hospital, said: "The link between decoding of the brain and the stimulation of the spinal cord is completely new.
"For the first time, I can image a completely paralysed patient being able to move their legs through this brain-spine interface."
Using technology to overcome paralysis is a rapidly developing field:
Brainwaves have been used to control a robotic arm
Electrical stimulation of the spinal cord has helped four paralysed people stand again
An implant has helped a paralysed man play a guitar-based computer game
Dr Mark Bacon, the director of research at the charity Spinal Research, said: "This is quite impressive work.
"Paralysed patients want to be able to regain real control, that is voluntary control of lost functions, like walking, and the use of implantable devices may be one way of achieving this.
"The current work is a clear demonstration that there is progress being made in the right direction."
Dr Andrew Jackson, from the Institute of Neuroscience and Newcastle University, said: "It is not unreasonable to speculate that we could see the first clinical demonstrations of interfaces between the brain and spinal cord by the end of the decade."
However, he said, rhesus monkeys used all four limbs to move and only one leg had been paralysed, so it would be a greater challenge to restore the movement of both legs in people.
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8716&stc=1]
"Useful locomotion also requires control of balance, steering and obstacle avoidance, which were not addressed," he added.
The other approach to treating paralysis involves transplanting cells from the nasal cavity into the spinal cord to try to biologically repair the injury.
Following this treatment, Darek Fidyka, who was paralysed from the chest down in a knife attack in 2010, can now walk using a frame.
Neither approach is ready for routine use.


This is quite consistent with what I've had shitloads of since Aug2011; & "Pain is all in the mind", c.mid2012

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8717&stc=1]

I fisrt cobbled this diagram together a couple of years ago, or so; there are a couple of add-ons to the original, which I did last Sept. '16.

Oodles of "paralysed" refs, and "leg loss/wheelchair"-, oodles.

Thing is, I get OTHER ppls brain command signals, & recorded signals via computer; they 'tell' you that you're not in control of your own body; the cognitive whispers tell you you're not in control of your own mind. [staccato clickings to my right ear there]

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Further Aspects of Brainwash-Torture-Murder: Science & PR'/Narrative Networks Nov2016

We're bathed in hi-energy hi-data traffic radio frequencies constantly; these can carry frequencies that are directly similar to brain function frequencies. There are new technologies, materials & processing powers that are being created & assimilated that need' testing & R&D nano-techs & implants, self-powered with energy-gathering antennae that can make of living creatures bio-hybrids', cyborgs', on the internet of things', whose biometrics, biorhythms & brain & sensual activity can be both up- & down-loaded & logged onto in near- & realtime, & which can influence' & dictate' an organisms thinking & behaviours by command, including humans. People are found & created who are judged "disposable" who blackstate' uses these devices & capabilities on (this is very likely the origin of the recent & current zombie' craze). Aspects of these influencing' controls (dream choreographies, synthetic telepathy, locator trig., mind & senses eyesight & hearing) are sold' to nominally non-state cut-outs' (to distance from the nation state) to explore & develop a synthesis of capabilities technology & techniques, to destroy entirely the autonomy of the individual (a modern realisation of all those MK-Ultra-type programs), creating sheep-dipped silver-bullets', for further criminal purposes; as far as I can gather, as drugs mules, insertions (after psychological conditioning) into organised crime & terrorist networks etc. etc. as spies & money-making machines'; or simply to destroy them by command suicide, effectively, light entertainment (the experience will be recorded for play-back at will via maybe $50 headsets from Amazon. In the very early days of this program', I had the msg' of "Mr. Big, the cocaine smuggler in Bournemouth, is very angry with you"). This is the terminal human experimentation of "lab rat" who are "not a real person" (all those last refs I had via apophenic' wall-knocks, in one half hour in c.Spring2016, from my neighbours one night No.18 Eskdale St., & I've had tens of thousands more just like it, over 3yrs (+5yrs total) Lisa Round', so I'm led to believe). There's more to this; those non-state actors are largely top-flight hackers; it's a give-n-take' scenario the hacking mentality is one that flirts strongly with anti-social psycho-pathologies obsessive & sado-narcissism. I suspect that a lot/all of these are recruited from a darknet group/forum called Luelinks' (apparently life, universe, everything'-links; they have almost everything & anything in zeros & ones films, .exe's, etc, stored online for immediate & free access, fully working; they used to use MegaUpload, & maybe still do). The group comes with the thrill of the secret membership of a self-promoting elite'.

Long after the agonies of the neuralgias stopped, I had the odd msg' of "An MI5 officer was always present". I'm guessing, in their skulking & sordid world, this represents some sort of legitimising validation/justification for 6mths of extreme & artificially induced pain; there's nothing to say it's true or not. I get "going underground"-type refs all the time, constant, for years (these docs represent a fuck that'). Other msgs I've had long ago, are "Knickebein" & "Lorenz"; both are direction-finding radio transmissions (click' to left ear - veer left , etc. to our nearest operations base/your destination for when I've become a dissociative paranoid schizo- cabbage, to their plan of attack). I also get "burnt" very often, & refs to everything that can be interpreted as similar to that concept "incinerated" I think is a product of my obstinacy- because they can't use me, because I resist, & particularly because I'm pushing back. I also get "Syria/ISIL" very very often, the latest being "Your own rifle", not "gun" that's maybe telling', & "We'll train you".

Luelinks creates a public internet footprint', or more accurately, narrative', to this new Phoenix Program'-type scheme; for instance, I began using the phrase "V-manner" of them as it accords directly with the Gestapo scheme of recruiting Vertrauensmann', trusted/confidence' man, informers, who "were to be recruited among those having as little culture, common sense, objectivity and logic as possible.", (Oxford Encyclopedia of WW2); V', from V-for-Vendetta', is their public masque, 1[SUP]st[/SUP] from the comicbook & film. The point about this narrative' tho' is that it's entirely false; it's about one man standing against an oppressive government, which would effectively be me, but this is narrative networks' or N2', this is the PR machine; I've been implanted, psyche- & physically tortured by these ppl, poisoned, brainwashed' & indoctrinated to a scheme, traumatised quite purposefully, & an enormous amount more, & they claim to be exactly the opposite of what & whom they are for public consumption to deceive, & in the absence of a counter-narrative, what they say, stands. Except that like the Fake Sheikh, they're frauds, & at Nuremberg2', they'd drop. So, their reclaiming' of V' is that they've set-up a site called "V-manner" to paint themselves big & pink & user-friendly, because the similarity with what & who they are & do is precisely as per a neo-Gestapo. In a similar but deliciously dark' PR' viral advertising sort of way, this character Parker/Slender Man' is theirs (they''re amorphous, the net is amorphous, there's no copywrite to point at one person for; this is both deliberate & organic, in the same way as they're individuated', & easily shrug-off the consequences of their games; "The Slender man is a fictional character who kills children… who has been spotted' in the States and the UK - ON May 31, 2014, two 12-year-old girls invited a school friend over for a sleepover, lured her into the woods, stabbed her 19 times and left her for dead": this is from The Sun', which along with "Sky/sky" I had very many refs to in the early days; note what prince Harry says about The Sun's hacking Glenn Mulcaire had said MI5 were giving him ppls PIN No's Leveson2'? dream on [size=12](2 more ref sources just found, 11-11-'16, from Wikip- on Mulcaire, Note 10 "Wombles" & "Trigger"- "'Real' Wombles on the march again". Irish Independent. 14 July 2001. Retrieved 7 September 2011
. Trigger is a shadowy figure who, said his dad in the bar, works for an agency which works for British intelligence agency MI5. So secretive is his employment that even dad doesn't have his phone number.."). I've also had a lot of "Parker" refs & cognitive whispers', a year or so before this started, in Aug2011 when the big machine was being calibrated & tested - a new gaming name suggested/whispered' "Boat5", = bot' = robot. They want all your data, all the time.

It's all very simple really; Britain & the US have a technological capability where they can directly influence the minds of people by hard'-into-&-from-mind brain functions, & thru' a variety of techniques can bend people to their will. They're willing & eager to do this, but need to hide the fact & the capabilities of the technologies & techniques, & this is what they've done by muddying the waters darkly. This is science-fact & as time goes-on, will become ever-more common, frequent, & more & more people will gain access to these capabilities. See BBC news (today, as it happens, 10Nov2016 - 'Brain wi-fi' reverses leg paralysis in primate first' this is precisely some of the technology I've been writing about for years, as having been implanted into me, against my will or knowledge, & has been used in a scheme to brainwash-indoctrinate-torture-murder.


2:10am this morning, 'click' right ear to film 'The Negociator', "I know you're scared". -Eat shit.
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Michael Barwell Wrote:
John Knoble Wrote:On the captioned topic, this must be very expensive, you'd think government would only do this for reasons like covering up serious mistakes that threaten careers of complicit spineless bureaucrats or to hide corruption on a breathtaking scale.

Private security is more likely to account for a lot of these stories.

I raised this same point to 'the walls':"We're self-funding"they'msg'ed.Yesterday,Inoticedthatthecostofcyber-fraudtotheworldeconomy,is£445,000,

I think I mentioned the masses of "Tesco" refs I've had just the day before this:

Tesco Bank pays out £2.5m to 9,000 customers after hacking attack -
9 November 2016 at 7:17am -

Tesco Bank has paid out an estimated £2.5 million to 9,000 customers after suffering a hacking attack.
The business said a full service for customers had resumed after the attack at the weekend saw the bank freeze online transactions for customers in an emergency security measure.
All accounts which had money fraudulently removed have now had it replaced, Tesco Bank chief executive Benny Higgins said, adding: "We'd also like to reassure our customers that none of their personal data has been compromised."
The chief executive of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) described the hack as "unprecedented" and said authorities were working to find the "root cause" of the breach.
Andrew Bailey told MPs at a Treasury Select Committee hearing that although all money would be refunded to affected customers, "that's important but not by any means the heart of the concern.
"The heart of concern is what is the root cause of this and what it tells us about the broader threats."
The threat appears to have only affected the "debit card side of online banking", but Mr Bailey said "further urgent analysis" is required.
Tesco Bank said that suspicious activity was tracked across 40,000 of its 136,000 current accounts over the weekend.
Customers affected by the freeze on online accounts were still able to withdraw cash and use services such as chip and pin payments, while bill payments and direct debits continued as normal, the bank said.


It may well be a product of saturation surveillance & somebody being given a shitload of PIN No.'s by someone.
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Michael Barwell Wrote:Further Aspects of Brainwash-Torture-Murder: Science & PR'/Narrative Networks Nov2016

We're bathed in hi-energy hi-data traffic radio frequencies constantly; these can carry frequencies that are directly similar to brain function frequencies. There are new technologies, materials & processing powers that are being created & assimilated that need' testing & R&D nano-techs & implants, self-powered with energy-gathering antennae that can make of living creatures bio-hybrids', cyborgs', on the internet of things', whose biometrics, biorhythms & brain & sensual activity can be both up- & down-loaded & logged onto in near- & realtime, & which can influence' & dictate' an organisms thinking & behaviours by command, including humans. People are found & created who are judged "disposable" who blackstate' uses these devices & capabilities on (this is very likely the origin of the recent & current zombie' craze). Aspects of these influencing' controls (dream choreographies, synthetic telepathy, locator trig., mind & senses eyesight & hearing) are sold' to nominally non-state cut-outs' (to distance from the nation state) to explore & develop a synthesis of capabilities technology & techniques, to destroy entirely the autonomy of the individual (a modern realisation of all those MK-Ultra-type programs), creating sheep-dipped silver-bullets', for further criminal purposes; as far as I can gather, as drugs mules, insertions (after psychological conditioning) into organised crime & terrorist networks etc. etc. as spies & money-making machines'; or simply to destroy them by command suicide, effectively, light entertainment (the experience will be recorded for play-back at will via maybe $50 headsets from Amazon. In the very early days of this program', I had the msg' of "Mr. Big, the cocaine smuggler in Bournemouth, is very angry with you"). This is the terminal human experimentation of "lab rat" who are "not a real person" (all those last refs I had via apophenic' wall-knocks, in one half hour in c.Spring2016, from my neighbours one night No.18 Eskdale St., & I've had tens of thousands more just like it, over 3yrs (+5yrs total) Lisa Round', so I'm led to believe). There's more to this; those non-state actors are largely top-flight hackers; it's a give-n-take' scenario the hacking mentality is one that flirts strongly with anti-social psycho-pathologies obsessive & sado-narcissism. I suspect that a lot/all of these are recruited from a darknet group/forum called Luelinks' (apparently life, universe, everything'-links; they have almost everything & anything in zeros & ones films, .exe's, etc, stored online for immediate & free access, fully working; they used to use MegaUpload, & maybe still do). The group comes with the thrill of the secret membership of a self-promoting elite'.

Long after the agonies of the neuralgias stopped, I had the odd msg' of "An MI5 officer was always present". I'm guessing, in their skulking & sordid world, this represents some sort of legitimising validation/justification for 6mths of extreme & artificially induced pain; there's nothing to say it's true or not. I get "going underground"-type refs all the time, constant, for years (these docs represent a fuck that'). Other msgs I've had long ago, are "Knickebein" & "Lorenz"; both are direction-finding radio transmissions (click' to left ear - veer left , etc. to our nearest operations base/your destination for when I've become a dissociative paranoid schizo- cabbage, to their plan of attack). I also get "burnt" very often, & refs to everything that can be interpreted as similar to that concept "incinerated" I think is a product of my obstinacy- because they can't use me, because I resist, & particularly because I'm pushing back. I also get "Syria/ISIL" very very often, the latest being "Your own rifle", not "gun" that's maybe telling', & "We'll train you".

Luelinks creates a public internet footprint', or more accurately, narrative', to this new Phoenix Program'-type scheme; for instance, I began using the phrase "V-manner" of them as it accords directly with the Gestapo scheme of recruiting Vertrauensmann', trusted/confidence' man, informers, who "were to be recruited among those having as little culture, common sense, objectivity and logic as possible.", (Oxford Encyclopedia of WW2); V', from V-for-Vendetta', is their public masque, 1[SUP]st[/SUP] from the comicbook & film. The point about this narrative' tho' is that it's entirely false; it's about one man standing against an oppressive government, which would effectively be me, but this is narrative networks' or N2', this is the PR machine; I've been implanted, psyche- & physically tortured by these ppl, poisoned, brainwashed' & indoctrinated to a scheme, traumatised quite purposefully, & an enormous amount more, & they claim to be exactly the opposite of what & whom they are for public consumption to deceive, & in the absence of a counter-narrative, what they say, stands. Except that like the Fake Sheikh, they're frauds, & at Nuremberg2', they'd drop. So, their reclaiming' of V' is that they've set-up a site called "V-manner" to paint themselves big & pink & user-friendly, because the similarity with what & who they are & do is precisely as per a neo-Gestapo. In a similar but deliciously dark' PR' viral advertising sort of way, this character Parker/Slender Man' is theirs (they''re amorphous, the net is amorphous, there's no copywrite to point at one person for; this is both deliberate & organic, in the same way as they're individuated', & easily shrug-off the consequences of their games; "The Slender man is a fictional character who kills children… who has been spotted' in the States and the UK - ON May 31, 2014, two 12-year-old girls invited a school friend over for a sleepover, lured her into the woods, stabbed her 19 times and left her for dead": this is from The Sun', which along with "Sky/sky" I had very many refs to in the early days; note what prince Harry says about The Sun's hacking Glenn Mulcaire had said MI5 were giving him ppls PIN No's Leveson2'? dream on [size=12](2 more ref sources just found, 11-11-'16, from Wikip- on Mulcaire, Note 10 "Wombles" & "Trigger"- "'Real' Wombles on the march again". Irish Independent. 14 July 2001. Retrieved 7 September 2011
. Trigger is a shadowy figure who, said his dad in the bar, works for an agency which works for British intelligence agency MI5. So secretive is his employment that even dad doesn't have his phone number.."). I've also had a lot of "Parker" refs & cognitive whispers', a year or so before this started, in Aug2011 when the big machine was being calibrated & tested - a new gaming name suggested/whispered' "Boat5", = bot' = robot. They want all your data, all the time.

It's all very simple really; Britain & the US have a technological capability where they can directly influence the minds of people by hard'-into-&-from-mind brain functions, & thru' a variety of techniques can bend people to their will. They're willing & eager to do this, but need to hide the fact & the capabilities of the technologies & techniques, & this is what they've done by muddying the waters darkly. This is science-fact & as time goes-on, will become ever-more common, frequent, & more & more people will gain access to these capabilities. See BBC news (today, as it happens, 10Nov2016 - 'Brain wi-fi' reverses leg paralysis in primate first' this is precisely some of the technology I've been writing about for years, as having been implanted into me, against my will or knowledge, & has been used in a scheme to brainwash-indoctrinate-torture-murder.


2:10am this morning, 'click' right ear to film 'The Negociator', "I know you're scared". -Eat shit.

After posting this yesterday, something a tad odd happened:

Curious one; almost immediately after posting yesterday, 4:24-5pm, approaching home for a quick squirt & a biscuit before heading back out for catfood; entering Duke St from Larchfield St., a slow 3-car convoy' of cop cars, not ordinary, almost 4x4-types, with blue flashing lights on them coming from either side of the rear view mirror inside the windscreen, were ahead of me slowly pulling into Outram St., with another further back down Duke St (behind me) heading up DS. As I'd walked to-, & was turning into Outram, they're slowly turning into my street, then as I got to my street, they're emerging back into Outram at the other (Woodlands Rd) side where the road's been bisected for traffic calming. Twenty minutes later, as I came out again, after checking I'd plugged the doorbell in this time (it's been out for a week after hoovering >facepalm<), a police tranny & an ordinary cop car are at the corner of the street, just sat there.

So I've posted it again as an experimental control.

Nil bastardo carborundum.
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."

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