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US/UK state brainwashing/torture/murder
A very clear diagram of somethign ever-so mildly oddish - Maybees

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
At 7:56pm last night (15Nov) to Ch19, Yesterday', Medieval Dead', on the Battle of Dornach(?), I had a sudden rapid inside & underside right eyebrow multi-twitch tremor to the sentence "…but they were thought to have been used just for display or parade". That effect I had a lot of last night, maybe 6-7times, as is standard with effects you' get a lot of a couple of types of effect, then the next day you get a lot of another type very faddy, the shitehounds. The tv program was on about forensic testing of skulls that had been found the discovery that a flambard' had been used to which, a minute or two earlier, I'd had 1x twitch to the same spot, propagating the shitehounds "burnt/burned" narrative thread.
What was being referenced was the "display or parade" aspect, & isd entirely consistent with other long-term & very recent references I've had: Monday14Nov'16, at 9:14pm, there was a noise apophenic' 18-side to "his head on a spike" (possibly from s5 Game of Thrones' itself a narrative thread, & the enjoyment of which they were marring thru' a variety of auditory effects long, oscillating hi-pitch tones to my right ear-side. On Sunday last, 13Nov, at 1:43am, I had what I take to be a MAE (microwave auditory effect) chirp' to "We need you" over 2-3yrs, I've had up to 10 of those, almost precisely verbatim.
So - & this is exactly as I've known the programme' (of brainwash-indoctrination-involuntary & terminal human experimentation-torture-murder), what they're saying there, is that they need my head on a spike, for parade & display.
About 3yrs ago, I got the message', possibly from "Stow-it" himself, that "I'd rather die than do this to someone who didn't deserve it": in the same way as in early 2012, I'd asked the synthetic telepathy voices in my head, if this was "personal?" & they'd denied it vigorously, I now get msgs of it being precisely that personal; that "I'd rather die than do this to someone who didn't deserve it" is just so myuch verbal diahorrea, along with they "need my head on a spike, for parade & display."
More tomorrow on this.
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Continued from above:

That they need my head on a spike for display & parade is true, I have no doubt, & for a variety of reasons: extreme authoritarians get very annoyed when ppl don't jump to their tune & have very insecure & weakened/fragile egos, being inadequate little men, whose egos bruise easily (I always get a respone when I say to the walls "You shitty little people" (speaking of always getting a response I mentioned that eye-brow twitching/tremor as an apophenic reference yesterday, fully in the knowledge that these faddy-caddy shitehounds would give it gyp ye bigge style, and they did, all thru' last night including for 10minutes after laying my head down to sleep, & again as I woke in only a few minutes, the1st being to BBC txt, NZ gay quake pastor claim', & the c.3[SUP]rd[/SUP] being of BBC news, the Jo Cox trial, "..he just walked away without a care in the world" boogeymen dancing to a tune (and several more thru' typing that like the leg muscle contraction almost causing the leg to give way, and several others, they seem to lose interest when an effect has no response, then work it later-on). That "caddy" is a "golf"-ref that I get, backhanded & returned, from an IS9 search Intelligence School 9 [oooh neuralgic, right temple, the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] of those today I think] a WW2 POW escape club reference.

The shitehounds also expend energy coping with feelings of being seen as weak it's "much better to be thought of as a hardened Nazi & brutal murderer than a cissy" (p.310, On the Psychology of Militairy incompetence, ch. Extreme Authoritarianism, but a great deal of the things in this book/chapter I'd already sussed of them, so I'm not simply lifting & applying by convenience).
Their list of crimes that they happily commit are long & ultimately extreme with a legally profound consequence; the certainty that they'd enjoyed as they embarked on this torture-indoctrinate-brainwash-poison-terminal-human-experimentation-murder jolly has crumbled to dust around their ankles; the exercise of control aspect of extreme authoritarianism has surely been shredded - & for years; these are murderous sado-narcissists who need gratification.

The programme' involves an extensive damning & othering' PR campaign directed outside the loop, which has become discordant with the facts that a) I'm alive & kicking, sane & rational, b) with the information counter-narrative I'm producing. Potentially, counter-narrative chatter' can cause trust to crumble, the sane & rational to question & reject (at this point in my note-making at home, 6:34am, 16Nov, in bed, there was laughing from No.18, just behind my head standard fare). Like I say, these shitehounds can focus but they can't control all of the people all of the time, & they being they, are afraid of that.

So they need "scalp"s for personal satisfaction & for public acclaim & the adoration of their maggots (a deliberately heretical turn of phrase there a two-fingers to their "Doing gods work"), to nurse & attend their over-inflated egos & to justify who & what they are & do. But despite their "We've had too many people spending too long on this to let it drop now", of c.3yrs ago, & despite their tech-evangelism & the hard-to-mind influencing/indoctrinating (dream choreography, subliminal-to-mind in a hypnogogic state, synthetic telepathy, NLP, Pavlovian dogmas, gang-stalking, electrocuting, poisoning & the long-term excruciating pain of [sudden cough there from behind me standard I always get something when I mention that tho', course, I'm not necessarily claiming it specifically wibble] the synthetic trigeminal/migrainous neuralgias etc etc etc & the psyche attacks of the "Personalised attack"), they were just circle-jerking all along, & sound-boarding off each other. I think it's fair to say that aside from a betrayed-in-ignorance wobble long ago, they've had - & have no chance of-, having a telling, discernible effect upon my organic cognitive/mental autonomous functioning, emotions, beliefs or identity; I'm still a libero-conservative secular western democrat in a NW European mould, who drinks, smokes, likes art & architecture & big grey ships (I've changed my cats name again, from Mr. Peters', who used to be Putin', is now called Admiral Kuznetzov' just my ickle joke; I'm sure he couldn't give a shit either way). (& now Word's starting to play-up, losing type…. standard, with neuralgic pulses to the right temple, and a regular coughing from behind, that I suppose I'm to think is the source of the neuralgic there hassle this is a very standard tactic too; there was a case in the paper a long time ago post Aug2011, where a fella, bit of a grunt, had attacked some ppl cos he'd thought that they were talking about him behind his back & all around him; I sadly don't remember any more details than that, cept it was in Brit, & he was subsequently sectioned under the mental health act; big neuralgic to above right temple there; this is very much what the programme' is intended to do, at first base', this is what it's for. As I'd read that report back then, I'd had a cacophony of effects directed at me to say "That's you". There was a free bookshop here; I'd been in a few times; at the jobcentre, two lads had been talking about it, how good it was. One of these lads didn't know what a fucking book was as thick as pigshit, the other, a tad smarter.i knew it was bullshit setup, you could tell by the tone/rhythm of the chat. After a few weeks, I'd popped in; the two lasses behind the counter held it together well, but their conversation suddenly filled with words, names references that were being directed at me the pace of their convo was stilted. Pratts & snot monkeys, old Soviet style, sold a yarn, woven in N2 diahorrea).

Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Siren went-off today at 3:19pm, at the precise moment I focused on water swirling down a plughole*. Altho' a siren also went-off on Thursday 17Nov 2:21pm at the precise moment I verbalised - in response to an auditory ref from tv news on the state of Nimrud - "Shitehounds & ISIL - two peas in a putrid pod"; and a siren also precise to me entering my bedroom a few days ago (which is regularly ref'ed in one way or another, like when I'm feeding the ducks, I get "You're on camera") & coochycoo'ing big fat Okki cat with a big fat morsel, I'm struck by how few sirens that have gone-off precisely to something that could be construed as an entirely & organic (uh-huh..) coincidental apophenic reference [ooooh, neuralgic top right head] in the last 3-4weeks. In fact, there have been far far fewer such 'coincidences' in the last 3-4weeks than I usually get in a half-hour of a busy day.

* That's "water", swirling down a plughole... No references or owt else to read into that at all, just my own over-active imagination wibble. [oooh, another neuralgic..same place]
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
New tactic mash-up new twist on old; I'm finding that I'm waking soon after sleeping to very light doses of the e-caffeine, very precarious' state held between sleep & wakefulness, but after so long & after what I write, the shitehounds don't just have observation, they've had shitloads of my input actually, I'm kinda surprised they haven't done just this a lot sooner. So I'm held, hovering, with one leg in sleep & one in almost-awake. Then I get lots of bitty clips, img, cognitive whispers. With that comes a lot of very irregular clicking [right eyebrows started twitching again] in one or the other ear, & an occasional siren & streetnoise. I've been half-wondering why I'd been sleeping so late recently, every couple/few days, like last week I'd set my alarm to 6.5hrs hence, & slept for 9hrs after quite a busy' night of disturbed sleep. Really, it's much the same as I've had before, but they're playing with the dosimetry's, vectors & influencing effects, hence the mash-up'. It's an effect that they want to instill/install in victims' heads & minds, that they become afeared of sleep itself, & everything else. When I rail at the walls these days take the piss I've recently added to "brainwash, torture, indoctrinate, poison, murder", "electrocute", & it's is just so; they

-at this point I've come in to DPF to continue typing, as 'Word', for the 2nd time, has started playing-up badly, with me unable to type or copy or any soddit

& it's just so - & every time I mention it - to the walls.. they react - as they did just then by fucking-up Word, but it IS so - they spent 10days-14days static charging me; now, I don't think I've EVER had a static charge from a department store escalator or anything else, & there I was, in my established flat, all of a sudden, finding that every few minutes, I'm static charged; also, my toaster (this is a reference that they've liked for years) suddenly went 'live' - the case, & not just that, it started tripping the fusebox & started not ejecting toast; this is simple stuff to do I'm sure. Immediately after that - max 1day, they started dropping-in 'whispers' that the water in the loo was live - I've had a very severe electical shock before & they know full well that i really don't like it, but I guess it's almost certainly a standard attack vector anyway; & it was very close to this time that I was in the bath one evening, sitting in a few inches of luke-warm water 'cos they also screw-up yer boiler/central heating/immersion heater, when there had been a sudden electrical discharge sound from directly beneath my arse, which I more or less ignored. I've mentioned that before 'cos I had to giggle - 5minutes later I'd shifted my position in the bath & made a fairly loud wet skin-on-plastic 'skidding' sound, quickly adding out loud & to myself .. & 'the walls'.. "-Not for the first time tonight", 'skidding', y'see; immediate loud >thump< on the ceiling, even as I was finishing saying it. No sense of fucking humour.

I have a couple of other things to add shortly; suicide day, & the synthetic telepathy 'discussions' - they googled the lethal dose of the pills I had & we found that I was short, so I'd said that they should go get paracetamol (sounds so shit now.....) & for an hour we'd 'tussled' over them saying I should get them, but I was in no mood to go-out, returning that they should get them, leave them outside my door & knock, then i'd pick 'em up. Interesting one really; i suspect this is their morality/legality hijab - that they pretend not [eyebrow again] actually get physically involved - I think they use 'Ghandi' as a false totem for the maggots (shouldn't really call 'em maggots if I'm informing them of the deceptuions that they've too willingly fallen for, like dickheaded V-hilfswillige in jackboots, but "fuck 'em", they haven't got the fucjking brains they were born with, stupid cunts), but it's very very false - agonising pain for 180days each & every-; very very painful poisoning - 2x bloody piss & stripped urinary system, clots and flesh & stringy bit - 18hrs; 100's of thousands of painful pulses and sharps & cramps & heart punches & long-track palpitations - fucking idiots.

Also, a visit to the GP's which was hi-jacked; & the last synthetic telepathy, nov2013 can be given a bit more airtime, it illustrates their dickheadedness quite well.
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
New gig, or at least, one I've not put my finger-on in clear & definitive terms;

Word association.

What happens is, I'm lying in bed, remembering how nice it is to snuggle-up to someone u love, & I get her name dropped into my mind, followed by "ISIL".

Probably happened 10,000 times before, but it's nice to see it en claire. Couple of nights ago. And me one of those awful secular, libero-conservative western democrats who drinks, smokes, is an athiest republican & who likes old buildings an' that...

Keep it up boyos - 2-out-of-10 for effort.
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
I'm prep'ing a new doc. I think in consequence of it, last night at 7:25pm, to Channel4 News, I had my 1st neuralgic pain pulse apophenic referencing neuro-linguistic programming episode of the day - AT 7:25PM!!! That's AGES & AGES after getting up. Usually, it's seconds or minutes - supposeing that I hadn't had at least one whilst I was still in bed. It was to "sedition" - "the act of stirring-up rebellion against the government, state or monarch". Funny, but simply not true, unless u consider that some daft cunts finding it a lark to use ppl as terminal experimentation fodder for the shits an' kicks of it & both surviving it & then getting in something of a profound shitty over it & telling ppl about it constitutes 'sedition'. That being the case, "Guilty", & happily so.

May as well drop the part-finished doc on the day i was almost dead by murder-by-torture-suicide-traumatising-brain-fuck-implants, there's only the nitty-gritty to add, like not being 'allowed' the privacy to write a note to mum, & the stamping on the floor from Reeta Chakrabarti-lookalike in flat 23 above as I wrote it anyway - didn't seem decent not saying "Tah" & "'Bye":

After 18months of the programme' which started in Aug2011, on 15Ap2013 I was finally "driven" to attempting suicide if they don't get the diagnosis of insanity of you, & if you're not amenable to their indoctrinations & brainwashing', murder-by-suicide is the aim. My memory of this time is clear altho' or because it was an intensely painful experience, psychologically & physically those twin attack vectors of blackstate shitehound' torture-murderers. The agonies of the synthetic trigeminal neuralgia' had been going-on constantly at 6-12hrs/day (NHS docs say "up to 2minutes" for 180days/nights, & the psychological attacks constantly, including during sleep with dream choreographies & sleep learning', or hypnopaedia' stressing & indoctrinations, & the constant eyes- & ears-on with a sarcastic running commentary whilst I was awake, both at home & outdoors with the overt gang-stalking etc.
A month to a few days before 15Ap'13, I'd been calling the police about what was happening & I think the programme' was accelerated to a conclusion. One week before 15Ap, 2 things; 1) that it had come across my radio that the torture was being "Redlined"[as I was writing these draft notes, 21-11-'16, at 7:05am, a siren went-off precisely then]. This was a sleight of hand to create the impression of separate factions', hence muddying the waters; this was & is a common feature of the programme', voices/msgs' going over my head, to & fro. 2) A msg came across my tv to me, "Respect"; I took this, possibly wrongly, as an acknowledgement & cap doff' to, as they said, my being "resilient" in coping/rejecting the constant 360-degree' stressing-indoctrinating-schiz- training-traumatising scheme, but it was also the kiss of death. The TN' continued (to propagate the factions') unchanged for another 10-14days & sporadically for a month or so after that, at the same intensity-duration, but less frequently. I was also making arrangements to leave NuT & return home to Darlington, to the family' home, after 30years; this would have neutered' the program [wall tap 18-side 7:13am] as the vast bulk of the extremely overt psyche attack would've a) been very obvious, b) the set-up would've had to have been re-established in a new location c) my mother would've been subjected to many of the schiz- training' effects (tailored' tv/radio feed, coincidental' apophenics very much including very loud & sudden noises to create ideas of reference', ie. "Killed himself/rope/pills/train line/evil/the devil/was murdered/run-over" etc etc from tv/radio) & I strongly suspect drugs & poisons had been fed to me thru' the daily(?) home enterings & tainted foodstuffs I got a lot of notions' & msgs about my water supply being tainted/drugged, in mid & late 2012, & I'm getting those again, c) the Zersetzung tactics of psychological corrosion' moved stolen, broken & damaged items/foodstuffs with their "invisibility cloak" mind-game to account' for events that happened whilst I was asleep, such as furniture tipped over at the foot of my bed (just recently, Nov2016, since my mother died in Aug last, these "invisibility cloak" references have started again) d) a whole new crew' would need to be briefed' & emplaced.
The day of 15Ap2013 I woke feeling unusually leaden' & emotionally & psychologically compressed; it is exactly as tho' what Tim Rifat writes about, excitation potentials (or I think they're also called behavioural sets') were being used: "Particular excitation potential, is then broadcast by pulse modulated microwave transmitter. This pulse modulated microwave beam has the ELF excitation potential frequency imprinted upon it. It was found that each behavioural set in humans had a distinctive frequency. There was one for: anger, suicide, hysteria, trauma, serial killing, paranoia, lust...etc…. are routinely driven to commit suicide. having the excitation potential for suicide beamed into your brain day and night by microwave mind control weapons, soon resets the brain into a cycle of depression that spirals out of control ending in suicide. Many intelligence and technical officers in the UK, who have spilled the beans, or could be a potential leak, are driven to commit suicide by the special mind control teams run by MI5. If you look at the long list of UK military and intelligence experts who inexplicably commit suicide, one can see an underlying mind control logic that drives them to kill themselves." Microwave Mind Control'.. I am not a conspiracy theorist. I know a retired army psychologist, who, when I mentioned these excitation potentials, didn't bat an eyelid, accepting them as fact without hesitation, casually, even. I've previously mentioned the e-caffeine' & e-soporific' effects of waking/'sleeping' (deep, unresponsive trance-like torpor they used to do this to my cats; cats were used in the early experimentations I gather) in a moment; literally, these represent an on/off switch to the brain & therefore body with a more powerful signal than the brain ordinarily runs on, overriding/overwriting it.
I'd wandered aimlessly for a while & more-or-less made the decision. I returned home & collected informations that I thought relevant, writings, & mailed them to a copper in NuT who I'd had some dealings with, regarding the program', PC King 2392 ("king/King" had been a reference I'd had for a long time & very frequently; after talking with this fella, I'd been somewhat surprised to find it was, maybe coincidentally, his name).
I'd already had a lot of synthetic telepathy chats' (both cognitive whispers' & vocalised voices inside my head & mind & also coming thru' the hearing system itself microwave auditory effect) with these shitehounds, responding to their enguiltifying' & stressing/suggestive accusations & "bullying" etc., but the discussions I had that afternoon were full-on, lasting an hour or so. There were several people on the other end of the transmissions/brain-brain-interface, but it was one that I spoke most to, me vocalising out loud & getting the return direct into my mind; he claimed to be Ben', Ben Russell Everhart'/Lockmat/Lockmat666/Lucifer/, a fella I thought I'd been cyber-buddies with for 2-3years, but it seems accents (his legend' was b.1987, New Jersey, living in Halifax, Nova Scotia), but it seems voice tone & accents don't come thru' the direct-to-mind received cognition, as opposed to the spoken vocalisation inside the head.
They wanted me dead, "I wish you'd never been born". I'd not taken any of the pills Dr. Esednu (Westmorland Rd Surgery)had supplied in bulk, after having immediately thrown 3quarters away, after counting them, there was a pause in the synthetic telepathy for a minute or two while he'd checked-up on the toxicity/lethality of what I had (about 30 Ibu & Co-prox). I was told that there wasn't a lethal dose there. I'd already had many "rope/hang" & very many other suicide refs for a year or so, & these started again more directly, or directedly'. For the next half hour or so, we'd argued about it, with them suggesting I get Paracetamol, & with me suggesting that they get it & leave them outside my door & knock once, when I'd pause before getting them. I refused to go out, & they refused to get them. There's a line of PR that they have for the V-manner' (volunteers that they control & direct), "Gandhi", clearly, "non-violent/ce", but it's just PR, they cause extreme physical pain for extended periods of time, & taunt, gloat & laugh in the face of their victim as it's happening, for such as the moaning noises that they make, & else I had a lot of this; then there's the poisoning, causing caustic & bloody piss, stripping-out the urinary system with clots & strings & lumps' of tissue & lining; they've done this to me twice, each lasting in the acute effect for 18-24hrs. I don't know how the poison/toxin was delivered, but I assume it was by contact, a doorbell or doorhandle, as the first time it happened, I was visiting. They torture-murder in detail & under a microscope to the point where the agonies of it break the mind & then by direction, the body; punching your heart thru' your chest from the inside is just one little trick they play. They're the most violent of all people - "We're worse than ISIL", they say. One element of the program' is the inculcation into the belief in the existence of paranormal phenomena', hence all their "malevolent gods/devil/ghosts" & "Cthulhu" refs that I'd had from soon after Aug2011; they use a cortical modem effect linked to a brain-brain-interface & brain-machine/computer(AI)-interface so it's a cheap trick; Chapter4 of book Cruel Britannia' is extremely good on how the structure & effects of the psychological attack is worked, very much including "the manipulation of stress & anxiety to induce artificial neuroses", following the works' of Alexander Kennedy et al., & the use of sleep learning' hypnopaedia' & more. From early-on, having a belief in science & a derision for gods, ghosts & wizards, I'd reasoned that the attacks were technology-based & in fact, a "man-machine-interface" even tho' I had no knowledge of such technologies; for this presumption, I got from the shitehounds "Sharpnose"; incidentally, I later learned that close to GCHQ's Bude, Cornwall base, there's a Sharpnose Point', & even before this, I'd sent a txt to the i-paper saying that I was under an "EM attack" electromagnetic.
[Docs like this take me at least several days to complete; the drafts, then just 1hr/day typing-up in the library (as they've broken both my computers this program indeed was specifically timed so that they'd have a brand new £1,000 pc to destroy, & much else, for maximum effect; I've nvr spent that on anything before), print, spell checks & corrections, all the while, monitored by the shitehounds 22Nov'16, 7:25pm, the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] neuralgic pain pulse of the day (uniquely, that it was so late in the day), to the right temple, precise to Channel4 News, "sedition", which is "the act of stirring-up rebellion against the government, state or monarch". These ppl are completely insane, or, in psychology, extreme authoritarians, & then some.]
It seems like a different world & a different time & place, their "Matrix" world, as they're so fond of saying. I'd suggested that I cut veins to increase the toxicity of the pills & this the shitehounds had quickly agreed to.

These ppl have said' to me, by apophenics', muscle twitches, neuralgic pain pulses, very sharp & painful sensations to face & eyes, tv pic/sound breaks & squawks & other means, thousands of times accumulatively, that they represent "law", "justice" & "democracy" that I've been "elected/voted" by them into this; you reading this, if you are to assume that I literally couldn't make this shit up (true), & this is just a % or 2 of what's happened & is still happening, then you make your own decisions about whether or not you'd have these ppl assuming to represent these things in your country today - & it'll only get worse with the spread of this technology all those trolls in cyber-space who bully people to death, & this is part of what's happening to me & I'm certain are some of the same ppl involved in this & using the same techniques you decide if these ppl who claim to act on your behalf are even fit to run a whelk stall on St. Helena, or not, let alone have power & organisation & the capabilities to literally torture people to death in Britain in the C.21, to gloat over it, to record it as entertainment, & to consider themselves elevated far above all you know.
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
2nd thoughts - I might've added something of interest to that >above< doc on murder-by-suicide, so the 1st finished article is below (not punctuation/grammar checked & it's an absolute bollock how much i'm having to miss-out, but that's 45pence ffs, printout)

They Call This Killing Softly'; 15April2013 Nov2016
After 18months of the programme' which started in Aug2011, on 15Ap2013 I was finally "driven" to attempting suicide if they don't get the diagnosis of insanity of you, & if you're not amenable to their indoctrinations & brainwashing', murder-by-suicide is the aim. My memory of this time is clear altho' or because it was an intensely painful experience, psychologically & physically those twin attack vectors of blackstate shitehound' torture-murderers. The agonies of the synthetic trigeminal neuralgia' had been going-on constantly at 6-12hrs/day (NHS docs say "up to 2minutes" for 180days/nights, & the psychological attacks constantly, including during sleep with dream choreographies & sleep learning', or hypnopaedia' stressing & indoctrinations, & the constant eyes- & ears-on with a sarcastic running commentary whilst I was awake, both at home & outdoors with the overt gang-stalking etc.

A month to a few days before 15Ap'13, I'd been calling the police about what was happening & I think the programme' was accelerated to a conclusion. One week before 15Ap, 2 things; 1) that it had come across my radio that the torture was being "Redlined"[as I was writing these draft notes, 21-11-'16, at 7:05am, a siren went-off precisely then]. This was a sleight of hand to create the impression of separate factions', hence muddying the waters; this was & is a common feature of the programme', voices/msgs' going over my head, to & fro. 2) A msg came across my tv to me, "Respect"; I took this, possibly wrongly, as an acknowledgement & cap doff' to, as they said, my being "resilient" in coping/rejecting the constant 360-degree' stressing-indoctrinating-schiz- training-traumatising scheme, but it was also the kiss of death. The TN' continued (to propagate the factions') unchanged for another 10-14days & sporadically for a month or so after that, at the same intensity-duration, but less frequently. I was also making arrangements to leave NuT & return home to Darlington, to the family' home, after 30years; this would have neutered' the program [wall tap 18-side 7:13am] as the vast bulk of the extremely overt psyche attack would've a) been very obvious, b) the set-up would've had to have been re-established in a new location c) my mother would've been subjected to many of the schiz- training' effects (tailored' tv/radio feed, coincidental' apophenics very much including very loud & sudden noises to create ideas of reference', ie. "Killed himself/rope/pills/train line/evil/the devil/was murdered/run-over" etc etc from tv/radio) & I strongly suspect drugs & poisons had been fed to me thru' the daily(?) home enterings & tainted foodstuffs I got a lot of notions' & msgs about my water supply being tainted/drugged, in mid & late 2012, & I'm getting those again, c) the Zersetzung tactics of psychological corrosion' moved stolen, broken & damaged items/foodstuffs with their "invisibility cloak" mind-game to account' for events that happened whilst I was asleep, such as furniture tipped over at the foot of my bed (just recently, Nov2016, since my mother died in Aug last, these "invisibility cloak" references have started again) d) a whole new crew' would need to be briefed' & emplaced.

The day of 15Ap2013 I woke feeling unusually leaden' & emotionally & psychologically compressed; it is exactly as tho' what Tim Rifat writes about, excitation potentials (or I think they're also called behavioural sets') were being used: "Particular excitation potential, is then broadcast by pulse modulated microwave transmitter. This pulse modulated microwave beam has the ELF excitation potential frequency imprinted upon it. It was found that each behavioural set in humans had a distinctive frequency. There was one for: anger, suicide, hysteria, trauma, serial killing, paranoia, lust...etc…. are routinely driven to commit suicide. having the excitation potential for suicide beamed into your brain day and night by microwave mind control weapons, soon resets the brain into a cycle of depression that spirals out of control ending in suicide. Many intelligence and technical officers in the UK, who have spilled the beans, or could be a potential leak, are driven to commit suicide by the special mind control teams run by MI5. If you look at the long list of UK military and intelligence experts who inexplicably commit suicide, one can see an underlying mind control logic that drives them to kill themselves." Microwave Mind Control'.. I am not a conspiracy theorist. I know a retired army psychologist, who, when I mentioned these excitation potentials, didn't bat an eyelid, accepting them as fact without hesitation, casually, even. I've previously mentioned the e-caffeine' & e-soporific' effects of waking/'sleeping' (deep, unresponsive trance-like torpor they used to do this to my cats; cats were used in the early experimentations I gather) in a moment; literally, these represent an on/off switch to the brain & therefore body with a more powerful signal than the brain ordinarily runs on, overriding/overwriting it.

I'd wandered aimlessly for a while & more-or-less made the decision. I returned home & collected informations that I thought relevant, writings, & mailed them to a copper in NuT who I'd had some dealings with, regarding the program', PC King 2392 ("king/King" had been a reference I'd had for a long time & very frequently; after talking with this fella, I'd been somewhat surprised to find it was, maybe coincidentally, his name).

I'd already had a lot of synthetic telepathy chats' (both cognitive whispers' & vocalised voices inside my head & mind & also coming thru' the hearing system itself microwave auditory effect) with these shitehounds, responding to their enguiltifying' & stressing/suggestive accusations & "bullying" etc., but the discussions I had that afternoon were full-on, lasting an hour or so. There were several people on the other end of the transmissions/brain-brain-interface, but it was one that I spoke most to, me vocalising out loud & getting the return direct into my mind; he claimed to be Ben', Ben Russell Everhart'/Lockmat/Lockmat666/Lucifer/, a fella I thought I'd been cyber-buddies with for 2-3years, but it seems accents (his legend' was b.1987, New Jersey, living in Halifax, Nova Scotia), but it seems voice tone & accents don't come thru' the direct-to-mind received cognition, as opposed to the spoken vocalisation inside the head.

They wanted me dead, "I wish you'd never been born". I'd not taken any of the pills Dr. Esednu (Westmorland Rd Surgery)had supplied in bulk, after having immediately thrown 3quarters away, after counting them, there was a pause in the synthetic telepathy for a minute or two while he'd checked-up on the toxicity/lethality of what I had (about 30 Ibu & Co-prox). I was told that there wasn't a lethal dose there. I'd already had many "rope/hang" & very many other suicide refs for a year or so, & these started again more directly, or directedly'. For the next half hour or so, we'd argued about it, with them suggesting I get Paracetamol, & with me suggesting that they get it & leave them outside my door & knock once, when I'd pause before getting them. I refused to go out, & they refused to get them. There's a line of PR that they have for the V-manner' (volunteers that they control & direct), "Gandhi", clearly, "non-violent/ce", but it's just PR, they cause extreme physical pain for extended periods of time, & taunt, gloat & laugh in the face of their victim as it's happening, for such as the moaning noises that they make, & else I had a lot of this; then there's the poisoning, causing caustic & bloody piss, stripping-out the urinary system with clots & strings & lumps' of tissue & lining; they've done this to me twice, each lasting in the acute effect for 18-24hrs. I don't know how the poison/toxin was delivered, but I assume it was by contact, a doorbell or doorhandle, as the first time it happened, I was visiting. They torture-murder in detail & under a microscope to the point where the agonies of it break the mind & then by direction, the body; punching your heart thru' your chest from the inside is just one little trick they play. They're the most violent of all people - "We're worse than ISIL", they say. One element of the program' is the inculcation into the belief in the existence of paranormal phenomena', hence all their "malevolent gods/devil/ghosts" & "Cthulhu" refs that I'd had from soon after Aug2011; they use a cortical modem effect linked to a brain-brain-interface & brain-machine/computer(AI)-interface so it's a cheap trick; Chapter4 of book Cruel Britannia' is extremely good on how the structure & effects of the psychological attack is worked, very much including "the manipulation of stress & anxiety to induce artificial neuroses", following the works' of Alexander Kennedy et al., & the use of sleep learning' hypnopaedia' & more. From early-on, having a belief in science & a derision for gods, ghosts & wizards, I'd reasoned that the attacks were technology-based & in fact, a "man-machine-interface" even tho' I had no knowledge of such technologies; for this presumption, I got from the shitehounds "Sharpnose"; incidentally, I later learned that close to GCHQ's Bude, Cornwall base, there's a Sharpnose Point', & even before this, I'd sent a txt to the i-paper saying that I was under an "EM attack" electromagnetic.

[Docs like this take me at least several days to complete; the drafts, then just 1hr/day typing-up in the library (as they've broken both my computers this program indeed was specifically timed so that they'd have a brand new £1,000 pc to destroy, & much else, for maximum effect; I've nvr spent that on anything before), print, spell checks & corrections, all the while, monitored by the shitehounds 22Nov'16, 7:25pm, the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] neuralgic pain pulse of the day (uniquely, that it was so late in the day), to the right temple, precise to Channel4 News, "sedition", which is "the act of stirring-up rebellion against the government, state or monarch". These ppl are completely insane, or, in psychology, extreme authoritarians, & then some.]

It seems like a different world & a different time & place, their "Matrix" world, as they're so fond of saying. I'd suggested that I cut veins to increase the toxicity of the pills & this the shitehounds had quickly agreed to. Put a load of food & water out for my cats & a tin outside the front door as they knew I fed a stray outside each night, forlorn hope that. Made arrangements in the bathroom with the very strong sense of many eyes-on. I asked the walls' for the privacy to write my mum a note rejected, & as I wrote it regardless, a very loud stamp on the ceiling from No.23 above. As I prepared to do it, I could both hear and sense the excited shufflings, whispers & giggles of what I'd thought were about 30people, watching, as tho' I was in a Victorian style dissection theatre. I gagged with so many pills & bled heavily, in a minute going thru' extreme nausea, cold chills & to a wave of hot, prickly heat & slipped into unconsciousness to those sounds of the shitehounds, sneering & gloating at the spectacle (remember, I'm saying that they use a cortical modem they were both quite literally tuned-in to the experience, & recording it as light entertainment.

A few hours later, I came to; I picked myself up & shuffled into the kitchen for water, hobbling on a large towel as all my carpets were brand new; after a few steps, I'd noticed I was squelching each time I put weight on one foot, blood was spurting-out of one of the wounds 6inches [as I was writing this draft, at 6:54am 24Nov'16, a siren went-off precisely at that last this is the shitehounds via the cortical modem effect they had a lot to hide]. I collapsed in the kitchen, vomiting, & aside from a fairly long psychological recovery period of 6mths or so, the wounds festered & didn't heal for at least 3mths. Ten days later, I was back in Darlington & for another couple of weeks that excruciating synthetic trigeminal neuralgia' started-up again to maintain the effects of the psychological damage; I can't thank those 2 parameds at Dr. Piper house enough for their genuine concern, & shocked disgust at Dr. Esednu.
As the shitehounds msg'ed me 10mths or so later, I'm "as hard as a rubber ball"; before too long, I was in the library looking for & finding answers; those sudden & coincidental referencing' noises (10's of thousands) became apophenics', causing ideas of reference', from a book on schizophrenia; their effects direct-to-the-brain, became microwave technologies, (embarrassed to say, from a single page from The Rough Guide to Conspiracy Theories', which led to pulse modulated extremely low frequency signals on a microwave carrier' & Tim Rifats writings, which were almost like reading my diary). So, the techniques & technologies suddenly began falling into place; this was before 2013 years end & there was a lot more to learn (eg. see Jack Gallant', Youtube, & consider it very much higher definition, realtime, portable, & a read-&-feed/feed-&-read system, & think of your dreams being choreographed, playing on your fears & indoctrinating you to stress you and to influence you very Inception' film, & there you have another 1 or 2% of the program').

The shitehounds used to threaten me with "Your mother won't live forever"; mum died in Aug2016, quite a long & horrible affair & leading to very many refs such as "incinerated/your mothers dead/orphan/ no more family/nothing to live for/gaol-shot-beaten/died of a heart attack during his sleep" & thousands more of the same stuff I've been getting for almost 5-&-a-half years now, awake, asleep, overt & subliminal/suggestive.

These ppl have said' to me, by apophenics', muscle twitches, neuralgic pain pulses, very sharp & painful sensations to face & eyes, tv pic/sound breaks & squawks & other means, thousands of times accumulatively, that they represent "law", "justice" & "democracy" that I've been "elected/voted" by them into this; you reading this, if you are to assume that I literally couldn't make this shit up (true), & this is just a % or 2 of what's happened & is still happening, then you make your own decisions about whether or not you'd have these ppl assuming to represent these things in your country today - & it'll only get worse with the spread of this technology all those trolls in cyber-space who bully people to death, & this is part of what's happening to me & I'm certain are some of the same ppl involved in this & using the same techniques you decide if these ppl who claim to act on your behalf are even fit to run a whelk stall on St. Helena, or not, let alone have power & organisation, the immunity of being Anonymous'(with the very active support & quarter mastering of blackstate & ordinary policing, a rogue & entirely unaccountable securitate') & the capabilities to literally torture people to death in Britain in the C.21 - remotely, to gloat over it, to record it as entertainment, & to consider themselves elevated far above all you know. This program has & will percolate down from the shitehounds thru' internet chatter & social media so that over time, more & more cases of ppl being bullied to death by wannabe & actual serial killers in competition with one another, to find susceptible victims to make their lives hell & then "drive" them to committing suicide by using quite sophisticated psychological techniques originally developed for the military; BBC3 had quite a good docu on cyber-bullying recently, & plain to see, a distinct psycho-sexual element to it, young & pretty victims, their grieving parents taunted later, for the kudos of being recognised as insanely cruel, in the peer-group these are the same people, the same techniques, the same deranged opportunist sado-narcissism-cum-self-loathing.

I was an ideal candidate for a progression from bullying schoolgirls to death; I lived alone (essential), had few friends & family, lived in a block of flats - & indeed was soon to be moving to another block to a new & refurbished flat; there were a few things this meant; that sound-making devices could be placed behind skirting boards & in window frames & under the bath towards those sudden & coincidental apophenic' referencing noises; my neighbours certainly directly opposite & above (Flats 16 & 23) were emplaced specifically for the program'; a flat in a block is ideal, as there are no cameras on the individual floors, and line-of-sight from only one or two other flats hence No.16 directly opposite; the flat above is for causing more loud apophenics and for my being followed around my own flat from above, because this is so easy to do, so easy to deny, & an allegation by me to ie. the police that this is what's happening is easy to paint as being delusional, which is precisely what happened the very first time I reported it. So many more psychological tricks & confusions' played, many of which were in a Derren Brown program, where he'd convinced a lad (early 20's) that he'd committed a murder at a weekend lecture (it starts with simple stuff, like an authority figure the lecturer, changing their top 1x half-way thru' a lecture, & someone changing their name from ie. Michael your' name, to ie. Sean/Shawn', with associations' behind the façade to further' it. Just directed mind game stuff, in their "personalised attack", based on 3yrs of chatlogs & probing for your background, beliefs, likes, dislikes, etc, anything that they can twist or refute, taunt & deny. Standard stuff really, having reverse-engineered over 5yrs of it.
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Fuck it - I think it's finished now - with added bits. Shitloads of not good refs incoming from the putrid shitworms.

They Call This Killing Softly'; 15April2013, Induced Suicide as Murder Nov2016

After 18months of the program' which started in Aug2011, on 15Ap2013 I was finally "driven" to attempting suicide if they don't get the diagnosis of insanity of you, & if you're not susceptible to their indoctrinations & brainwashing', murder-by-suicide is the aim. My memory of this time is clear altho' or because it was an intensely painful experience, psychologically & physically those twin attack vectors of blackstate shitehound' torture-murderers. The agonies of the synthetic trigeminal neuralgia' had been going-on constantly at 6-12hrs/day (NHS docs say "up to 2minutes") for 180days/nights, & the psychological attacks constantly, including during sleep with dream choreographies & sleep learning', or hypnopaedia' stressing & indoctrinations, & the constant eyes- & ears-on with a sarcastic running commentary whilst I was awake via sudden loud noises, clicks to the ears & shrill tones, precisely in synch to everything I did & said, both at home & outdoors with the overt gang-stalking etc.

A month to a few days before 15Ap'13, I'd been calling the police about what was happening & I think the program' was accelerated to a conclusion. One week before 15Ap, 2 things; 1) that it had come across my radio that the torture was being "Redlined"[as I was writing these draft notes, 21-11-'16, at 7:05am, a siren went-off precisely then an idea of reference']. This was a sleight of hand to create the impression of separate factions', hence muddying the waters; this was & is a common feature of the program', voices/msgs' going over my head, to & fro. 2) A msg came across my tv to me, "Respect"; I took this, possibly wrongly, as an acknowledgement & cap doff' to, as they said, my being "resilient" in coping/rejecting the constant 360-degree' stressing-indoctrinating-schiz- training-traumatising scheme of mind control, but it was also the kiss of death. The TN' continued (to propagate that factions') unchanged for another 10-14days & sporadically for a month or so after that, at the same intensity-duration, but less frequently (so painful is it, that it's alternative name is the suicide disease'). I was also making arrangements to leave NuT & return home to Darlington, to the family' home, after 30years; this would have neutered' the program [wall tap 18-side 7:13am] as the vast bulk of the eventually extremely overt psyche attack (it begins subtly) would've a) been very obvious, b) the set-up would've had to have been re-established in a new location c) my mother would've been subjected to many of the schiz- training' effects (tailored' tv/radio feed, coincidental' apophenics very much including very loud & sudden noises to create ideas of reference', ie. "Killed himself/rope/pills/train line/evil/the devil/was murdered/run-over" etc etc) & I strongly suspect drugs & poisons had been fed to me thru' the daily(?) home enterings & tainted foodstuffs I got a lot of notions' & msgs about my water supply being tainted/drugged, in mid & late 2012, & I'm getting those again, c) the Zersetzung tactics of psychological corrosion' moved stolen, broken & damaged items/foodstuffs with their "invisibility cloak" mind-game to account' for events that happened whilst I was asleep, such as furniture tipped over at the foot of my bed (just recently, Nov2016, since my mother died in Aug last, these "invisibility cloak" references have started again) d) a whole new crew' would need to be briefed' & emplaced. The program also seeks to make you look the part', by tainted food leading to lost weight, "toothpaste" msgs', & unkempt electrical discharge sounds beneath your arse in the bath & msgs/notions of being broadcast live on gay dating sites whilst bathing.

The day of 15Ap2013 I woke feeling unusually leaden' & emotionally & psychologically compressed; it is exactly as tho' what Tim Rifat writes about, excitation potentials were being used: "Particular excitation potential, is then broadcast by pulse modulated microwave transmitter. This pulse modulated microwave beam has the ELF excitation potential frequency imprinted upon it. It was found that each behavioural set in humans had a distinctive frequency. There was one for: anger, suicide, hysteria, trauma, serial killing, paranoia, lust...etc…. [victims]are routinely driven to commit suicide. having the excitation potential for suicide beamed into your brain day and night by microwave mind control weapons, soon resets the brain into a cycle of depression that spirals out of control ending in suicide. Many intelligence and technical officers in the UK, who have spilled the beans, or could be a potential leak, are driven to commit suicide by the special mind control teams run by MI5. If you look at the long list of UK military and intelligence experts who inexplicably commit suicide, one can see an underlying mind control logic that drives them to kill themselves." Microwave Mind Control'.. I am not a conspiracy theorist. I know a retired army psychologist, who, when I mentioned these excitation potentials, didn't bat an eyelid, accepting them as fact without hesitation, casually, even. I've previously mentioned the e-caffeine' & e-soporific' effects of waking/'sleeping' (deep, unresponsive trance-like torpor they used to do this to my cats; cats were used in the early experimentations I gather) in a moment; literally, these represent an on/off switch to the brain & therefore body with a more powerful signal than the brain ordinarily runs on, overriding/overwriting it.

I'd wandered aimlessly for a while & more-or-less made the decision. I returned home & collected informations that I thought relevant, writings, & mailed them to a copper in NuT who I'd had some dealings with, regarding the program', PC King 2392 ("king/King" had been a reference I'd had for a long time & very frequently; after talking with this fella, I'd been somewhat surprised to find it was, maybe coincidentally, his name).

I'd already had a lot of synthetic telepathy chats' (both cognitive whispers' & vocalised voices inside my head & mind & also coming thru' the hearing system itself microwave auditory effect) with these shitehounds, responding to their enguiltifying' & stressing/suggestive accusations & "bullying" etc., but the discussions I had that afternoon were full-on, lasting an hour or so. There were several people on the other end of the transmissions/brain-brain-interface, but it was one that I spoke most to, me vocalising out loud & getting the return direct into my mind; he claimed to be Ben', Ben Russell Everhart'/Lockmat/Lockmat666/Lucifer/, a fella I thought I'd been cyber-buddies with for 3years, his legend' was b.1987, New Jersey, living in Halifax, Nova Scotia, but it seems voice tone & accents don't come thru' the direct-to-mind received cognition, as opposed to the spoken vocalisation inside the head. "It only works in English" was a puzzling msg' I got early-on, when musing the technology.
They wanted me dead, "I wish you'd never been born". I'd not taken any of the pills Dr. Esednu (Westmorland Rd Surgery)had supplied in bulk, after having immediately thrown 3quarters away. After counting them, there was a pause in the synthetic telepathy for a minute or two while they'd Googled the toxicity/lethality of what I had (about 30 Ibu & Co-prox). I was told that there wasn't a lethal dose there. I'd already had many "rope/hang" & very many other suicide refs for a year or so, & these started again more directly, or directedly'. For the next half hour or so, we'd argued about it, with them suggesting I get Paracetamol, & with me suggesting that they get it & leave them outside my door & knock once, when I'd pause before getting them. I refused to go out, & they refused to get them. There's a line of PR that they have for the V-manner' (volunteer stalkers that they control & direct), "Gandhi", clearly, "non-violent/ce", but it's just PR, they cause extreme physical pain for extended periods of time, & taunt, gloat & laugh in the face of their victim as it's happening, for such as the moaning noises that they make, & else I had a lot of this; then there's the poisoning, causing caustic & bloody piss, stripping-out the urinary system with clots & strings & lumps' of tissue & lining; they've done this to me twice, each lasting in the acute effect for 18-24hrs. I don't know how the poison/toxin was delivered, but I assume it was by contact, a doorbell or doorhandle, as the first time it happened, I was visiting. They torture-murder in detail & under a microscope to the point where the agonies of it break the mind & then by direction, the body; punching your heart thru' your chest from the inside is just one trick they play. They're the most violent of all people - "We're worse than ISIL", they say. One element of the program' is the inculcation into the belief in the existence of paranormal phenomena', hence all their "malevolent gods/devil/ghosts" & "Cthulhu" refs that I'd had from soon after Aug2011; they use a cortical modem effect linked to a brain-brain-interface & brain-machine/computer(AI)-interface so it's a cheap trick; Chapter4 of book Cruel Britannia' is extremely good on how the structure & effects of the psychological attack is worked, very much including "the manipulation of stress & anxiety to induce artificial neuroses", following the works' of Alexander Kennedy et al., & the use of sleep learning' hypnopaedia' & more. From early-on, having a belief in science & a derision for gods, ghosts & wizards, I'd reasoned that the attacks were technology-based & in fact, a "man-machine-interface" even tho' I had no knowledge of such technologies; for this presumption, I got from the shitehounds "Sharpnose"; incidentally, I later learned that close to GCHQ's Bude, Cornwall base, there's a Sharpnose Point', & even before this, I'd sent a txt to the i-paper saying that I was under an "EM attack" electromagnetic.

[Docs like this take me at least several days to complete; the drafts, then just 1hr/day typing-up in the library (as they've broken both my computers this program indeed was specifically timed so that they'd have a brand new £1,000 pc to destroy, & much else, for maximum effect; I've nvr spent that on anything before), print, spell checks & corrections, all the while, monitored by the shitehounds 22Nov'16, 7:25pm, the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] neuralgic pain pulse of the day (uniquely, that it was so late in the day), to the right temple, precise to Channel4 News, "sedition", which is "the act of stirring-up rebellion against the government, state or monarch". These ppl are completely insane, or, in psychology, extreme authoritarians, & then some.]

It seems like a different world & a different time & place, their "Matrix" world, as they're so fond of saying. I'd suggested that I cut veins to increase the toxicity of the pills & this the shitehounds had quickly agreed to. Put a load of food & water out for my cats & a tin outside the front door as they knew I fed a stray outside each night, forlorn hope that. Made arrangements in the bathroom with the very strong sense of many eyes-on. I asked the walls' for the privacy to write my mum a note rejected, & as I wrote it regardless, a very loud stamp on the ceiling from No.23 above. As I prepared to do it, I could both hear and sense the excited shufflings, whispers & giggles of what I'd thought were about 30people, watching, as tho' I was in a Victorian style dissection theatre. I gagged with so many pills & bled heavily, in a minute going thru' extreme nausea, cold chills & to a wave of hot, prickly heat & slipped into unconsciousness to those sounds of the shitehounds, sneering & gloating at the spectacle (remember, I'm saying that they use a cortical modem they were both quite literally tuned-in to the experience as well as watching it onscreen, & recording it as light entertainment.

A few hours later, I came to; I picked myself up & shuffled into the kitchen for water, hobbling on a large towel as all my carpets were brand new; after a few steps, I'd noticed I was squelching each time I put weight on one foot, blood was spurting-out of one of the wounds [as I was writing this draft, at 6:54am 24Nov'16, a siren went-off precisely at that last this is almost certainly the shitehounds via the cortical modem effect they had a lot to hide, this affair makes the phone hacking scandal look like shoplifting penny chews; it all started with me waking for 6wks precisely to sirens in NuT, & now, Nov'16, it's happening yet again]. I collapsed in the kitchen, vomited, & aside from a fairly long psychological recovery period of 6mths or so, the wounds festered & didn't heal for at least 3mths. Ten days later, I was back in Darlington & for another couple of weeks that excruciating synthetic trigeminal neuralgia' started-up again to keep open the psychological wounds; I can't thank those 2 parameds at Dr. Piper House enough for their genuine concern, & shocked disgust at Dr. Esednu.

As the shitehounds msg'ed me 10mths or so later, I'm "as hard as a rubber ball"; before too long, I was in the library looking for & finding answers; those sudden & coincidental referencing' noises (10's of thousands) became apophenics', causing ideas of reference', as per schiz- training' & neuro-linguistic programming, from a book on schizophrenia; their effects direct-to-the-brain, became microwave technologies, (embarrassed to say, from a single page from The Rough Guide to Conspiracy Theories', which led to pulse modulated extremely low frequency signals on a microwave carrier' & Tim Rifats writings, which were like reading my diary, answering all my questions & observations). Both the techniques & technologies suddenly began falling into place; this was before 2013 years end & there was a lot more to learn (eg. see Jack Gallant', Youtube, & consider it very much higher definition, realtime, portable, & a read-&-feed/feed-&-read system, & think of your dreams being choreographed, playing on your fears & stressing, influencing & indoctrinating very Inception' film, & there you have another few% of the program').

The shitehounds used to threaten me with "Your mother won't live forever"; mum died in Aug2016, quite a long & horrible affair & leading to very many refs such as "incinerated/your mothers dead/orphan/ no more family/nothing to live for/gaol-shot-beaten/died of a heart attack during his sleep" & thousands more of the same stuff I've been getting for almost 5-&-a-half years now, awake, asleep, overt & subliminal/suggestive., "The boy who killed his mother".

These ppl have said' to me, by apophenics', muscle twitches & tremours, neuralgic pain pulses, very sharp & painful sensations to face & eyes, tv pic/sound breaks & squawks, carhorns, sirens & other means, thousands of times accumulatively, that they represent "law", "justice" & "democracy" that I've been "elected/voted" by them into this; you reading this, if you are to assume that I literally couldn't make this shit up (true), & this is just a % or 2 of what's happened & is still happening, then you make your own decisions about whether or not you'd have these ppl assuming to represent these things in your country today - & it'll only get worse with the spread of this technology, their "purge" all those trolls in cyber-space who bully people to death, & this is small part of what's happening to me & I'm certain are some of the same ppl involved in this & using the same techniques you decide if these ppl who claim to act on your behalf are even fit to run a whelk stall on St. Helena, or not, let alone have power & organisation, the immunity of being Anonymous'(with the very active support & quarter mastering of blackstate & ordinary policing, a rogue & entirely unaccountable securitate') & the capabilities to literally torture people to death in Britain in the C.21 - remotely, to gloat over it, to record it as entertainment, & to consider themselves elevated far above all you know. This program has & will percolate down from the shitehounds thru' internet chatter & social media so that over time, more & more cases of ppl being bullied to death by wannabe & actual serial killers in competition with one another, to find susceptible victims to make their lives hell & then "drive" them to committing suicide by using quite sophisticated psychological techniques originally developed for the military; BBC3 had quite a good docu on cyber-bullying recently, & plain to see, a distinct psycho-sexual element to it, young & pretty victims, their grieving parents taunted later, for the self-indulgence & kudos of being recognised as insanely cruel in the peer-group these are the same people, the same techniques, the same deranged opportunist sado-narcissism-cum-projected-self-loathing.

I was an ideal candidate for a progression from bullying schoolgirls to death; I lived alone (essential), had few friends & family, lived in a block of flats - & indeed was soon to be moving to another block to a new & refurbished flat; there were a few things this meant; that sound-making devices could be placed behind skirting boards & in window frames & under the bath towards those sudden & coincidental apophenic' referencing noises; my neighbours certainly directly opposite & above (Flats 16 & 23) were emplaced specifically for the program'; a flat in a block is ideal, as there are no cameras on the individual floors, and line-of-sight from only one or two other flats. The flat above is for causing more loud apophenics seamlessly and for my being followed around my own flat from above with stamping feet, because this is so easy to do, so easy to deny, & an allegation by me to ie. the police that this is what's happening is easy to paint as being delusional, which is precisely what happened the very first time I reported it. So many more psychological tricks & confusions' played, many of which were in a Derren Brown program, where he'd convinced a lad (early 20's) that he'd committed a murder at a weekend lecture (it starts with simple stuff, like an authority figure the lecturer, changing their top 1x half-way thru' a lecture, unseen, & someone changing their name from ie. Michael your' name, to ie. Sean/Shawn', with associations' behind the façade to further' it. Just directed mind game stuff, in their "personalised attack", based on 3yrs of chatlogs & probing for your background, beliefs, likes, dislikes, pets, ex's, etc, anything that they can twist or refute, taunt & deny. Standard stuff really, having reverse-engineered over 5yrs of it.

There's an enormous amount I can write about all this; I wanted to see a psychiatrist/psychologist when I came back, to prove I was sane & mentally autonomous'; the shithounds want a state & diagnosis of profound mental illness & that's problematic; with schizophrenia' as with what was diagnosed as trigeminal neuralgia' (by a GP at DPH who told me what I was experiencing, then almost ran-off his NHS 3page printout saying "Up to 2 minutes of shooting electrical pains", where I had up to 12hrs of a constant grinding pain), it's the symptoms that lead to the diagnosis, so to say "I hear voices inside my head" isn't too good, "synthetic telepathy & implants" sounding even worse note that I've been writing about all these things for years now, in docs I've given to the police & online they know it's true & is technology-based. Incidentally, I'd addressed the docs I handed-in to D'ton copshop to the head honcho there, a Graham Hill/Hall, since moved/retired by no means all cops are as bent as U-bends or are axe-murderers check "Daniel Morgan" on Bellingcat', a frequent reference subject area I get, such as "golden" & "lion", the "pub" where he was found, "dead", with an "axe" embedded in his "face", in the "carpark" of the "victory" pub in "Gillet" Street, "London" with a fella called "Rees" involved in "planting" "cocaine" on a "woman" in a "custody" "battle" with the Met cops lauching "Operations" Two "Bridges" & "Nigeria", etc. etc etc I'.). Long story-; I had a few meetings with a CPN (Community Psychiatric Nurse) to demonstrate my cogency. We had an easy rapport. The last meeting c.early2016, was interesting. I'd just written & distributed a large doc on all this, to police, press, politics & legal, & given a copy to her. We'd chatted at Blacketts, & then she'd seems to change tack suddenly & came-out with the suggestion that I take a psychotropic to act as "a filter". I'd said "Hang-on, you're being disingenuous here" (not the actual word I'd used, but close enough). She repeated the "filter" thing, with me responding "How is it, you think, that a psychotropic's going to filter-out radio-frequencies like microwave auditory effect?" She'd stopped, leant back in her chair, sighed, & said "Yes, you're right I know that they can do these things", adding after a pause, "So, what you're saying is then, that this is some sort of operation gone wrong?" "Yes" I'd replied, "It's obviously exactly that; I know what they're trying to do, & I know how they're trying to do it, but it's fine, I'm on top of it, I've got it sussed. I'm fine".
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
I watched a daft program last night, Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy theory' show; it said S2E5 on the EPG, but Wikip-s flagging it as S2E4, "Police State", "Ventura is joined by conspiracy-talk radio host Alex Jones and looks into the plans and procedures in place by the government for declaring martial law. They investigate new law enforcement "fusion centers" that may be in control of rumored internment camps for rounding up U.S. citizens who are deemed a threat to national security. Note: This episode was removed for a time from the second season episode list on after a controversy.[SUP][21] [/SUP]".

I DO NOT usually watch this sort of prog, but I think JV's very likely one of the good guys & there was precisely fuck-all else on. Turned-out to be quite interesting, even tho' I spontaneously baulked at Alex Jones.

Thing is, I've had "fusion" refs. I'd not heard of these camps before, but as I watched it, I started noting some of the refs I'd had that were in the prog. besides which, the actual 'narrative' was familiar;

"Fusion" "centre(s)"; "concentration camps" any & every concentration/death camp on tv gets ref'ed too & any related img; The "thought police" are alleged to "target" "demonstrators"; a fella, "Mike" "German", ex-"FBI"; "internment"; these Fusion Centres are alleged to be set-up as a "contingency" "plan" for "civil" "unrest" in case of "emergency(s)" such as a "financial" "collapse" etc.; "ICE"; "Halliburton/Burton(s)"; Hercules"; FEMA' in the sense of the word fema/'phema', meaning lightweight, cheap & nasty or ephemeral'; "influenza", as in a flu outbreak; "Bill" "sponsored" by "Congress".

Curious thing; it struck me ages ago as odd when I came across the names of two apparently linked US & UK operations, each with the name of a civil war battle in that country (thought it was Edgehill & Bull Run (I get a lot of bull'…). But that's tentative).

(ignore the bold below, it won't shift-)

This Ventura prog., - Censored Jesse Ventura Show On FEMA Camps [TruTV was forced to pull the show] it was TruTv' I saw it on 1[SUP]st[/SUP] time for everything.

It struck me as being very much in sych with the referencebollocks I get so much of; I get a lot of "Obama/America/ & ad nauseum-", & it's always quick. I kinda wonder if British sovereignty has been sold, as a muse, to a debased & devolved US-Neocon fantasyland of degenerate & self-serving cess-heads. Seems to me, if these Fusion Centers' are as real as they seem, they'd be politically unviable in Britain, hence the implant-torture-murder-by-microwave-&-psychological attack. [click…click… right ear]

Fucking retards.

Oh yeah, I also get "purge(d)", & "future", & "Darwin" & "legacy" very Third Reich. Very Aktion [click, right ear] Reinhard/Aktion T4. [click crunch', right ear at-] "Incident type: Forced euthanasia", from - that fits very well.

Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."

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