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US/UK state brainwashing/torture/murder
Facebook is working on ways to read thoughts, job adverts suggest Daily Telegraph, 12 JANUARY 2017 10:28AM
Facebook already has your name, your friends and your photos: now it might want your thoughts.
Job adverts posted in California suggest that the social network is planning telepathic technology that can read brain waves and send them between people, a way of sharing that would go far beyond liking status updates or sharing holiday photos.
The vacancies at Facebook's secretive "Building 8" division, spotted by Business Insider, include PhD-level roles for a "brain-computer interface engineer" and a "neural imaging engineer", for a two-year project that will "accomplish bold things".
Another advert for the same two-year period describes building a "communication and computing platform of the future". The roles include analysis of "neuroimaging and electrophysiological data" and "developing novel non-invasive neuroimaging technologies".
The idea of Facebook being able to read minds may sound like a science-fiction fantasy, and could potentially be the ultimate privacy nightmare. But it is not the first indication the company has given that it wants to make telepathy a reality.
Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's billionaire founder, has previously described telepathy as the "ultimate communication technology" and a way to capture feelings "in its ideal and perfect form".
"One day, I believe we'll be able to send full rich thoughts to each other directly using technology. You'll just be able to think of something and your friends will immediately be able to experience it too, if you'd like. This would be the ultimate communication technology," he said in 2015.
Last year he said that the world would move beyond the current vogue, virtual reality, towards even more immersive ways to communicate.
"What I think we're going to get to... past VR, is a world where more than just being able to capture what's going on in a scene, I think you're going to be able to capture a thought, what you're thinking or feeling, in its kind of ideal and perfect form in your head and be able to share that with the world," Zuckerberg said.
"Of course it's really important that people have the power to do this in the way that they want, to be able to share that with other people."
While Zuckerberg has said that such technology is decades away, the job adverts suggest Facebook is not waiting around. The company has a history of getting ahead when it comes to new technology that could represent a threat to its dominance of social media: buying photo app Instagram and virtual reality company Oculus.
Mind reading technology is in its early days, but researchers have made breakthroughs in decoding brainwaves. Scientists at the University of Washington last year demonstrated that they could detect whether a subject was looking at a photo of a face or of a house. Prior to that, linked human brains managed to play a game of 20 questions.

The report in the 'paper differed a bit:

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
It's getting busy on shitehound front;
I called-in to the Town Hall a few days ago to thank them for their letter regards RIPA & drop-off to them for their files a copy of my own to the police about them having called to say RIPA had been enacted upon my home, asking if that was the case, & mentioning the adverse effect this had had on my mother in the twilight of her life:
A day or two later, a couple of cops called round saying that No.18 was saying I was "harassing" them with me knocking on their wall. (Remember, I've stated absolutely clearly that when No.18 moved-in, just a few weeks after I'd moved back from N-u-T, they'd stood below my window, 3 of them, him' & 2 others I've not seen again, lad & lass, having a conversation' steeped in references to me & my life in quite loud voices my window was open. At this point, considering the previous 18months+ & being aware of the tactics they use, I sussed the gig so had gone-out & made a point of walking past them one of whom, the lad, was wearing a T-shirt with a clowns face on it, with the right eye gouged-out, & like I've said, this is another common theme/viz reference & a definite part of the influencing' that by (possibly optogenetics) [& a neuralgic has suddenly set-in to just in front of the top of my right ear] there is all the appearance of by thousands of evidences' such as have convinced me that it's the case, that they are actually tapped-in to my vision unit', my own visual cortex (just a couple of days ago, they played this trick again, 6:40am, Monday23Jan, in bed, reading Hitlers Furies', p171, a click' to the right ear at "until investigators came knocking", then +5mins, p172 to "asocial", in the context of deportations east from das Reich, a click to the left ear; this reticence to use tricks that I've sussed & mentioned many times is standard I haven't had this particular gig in any quantity for a while, tho' it used to be very very frequent as part of the shutting-down of the mind & senses & propagate their godbluff' it doesn't take a genius to figure that if apophenic' refs are coming at you' in all ways at all times to anything & everything & non of them are nice - au contraire, that with this gig, yer hardly inclined to keep-up with yer reading; same with the refs from tv & radio & even, via the cortical modem, to using your own fucking mind. Tthen there's 18's gig of being a springboard hub for very broad surveillance; I have over 10lbs of notes detailing these effects & wall-thumps to "die muthafukka die" etc., from there. I remember one day where I got pissed at all the noise coming from there & banged on the wall back; this brought a shriek & a louder return from her', returned by me, then an enormous shriek, stamping feet across their room, down the stairs, out the front door, across the pavement, & hammering on our front door; when I answered it, she was making like the offended party, blabbing-on very energetically; he then came out & walked towards me saying "You want to start something?" quote; my hands were in my pockets & remained there, but I had to take a step forward off my doorstep, & replied "Sucj as what?" quote. They both fucked-off after that, but the shit about them being harassed by me is very funny/shit. Each morning they knock on the wall 2' behind my head, often so sharp (this is the favoured auditory) that it makes me jump (this is the intent of the sharp, favoured auditory). Sometimes it's very quiet, in fact the difference in volume' is great. More often than not, it's an odd number of times that it happens, so it's not a light switch, cos that would be an even number. A while ago, I determined that to every single sodding deliberate apophenic', I'd reply, which I've not kept-up with (as I mentioned a while ago, the rumbling thru' what sounded like their understair I obviously let go, & I often have cats on me) & a) they've been quiet recently, & b) I've been very slack on that days & days & days with nothing. But their reason for being there in No.18, is to get at me, & that late night bedtime reminder' is very much a part of the program', in the same way as I wake at the tail-end of a dream choreography, to the tinnitus suddenly starting & hitting a crescendo, to the inevitable, loud, clear, (recently single-), auditory >click<, so that the program, much reduced, is still 24/7, very much including the early/mid evenings beasting' of a half or an hours apophenics, to the news "Syria/ISIL/dead/Trump/Bobama/-", the usual.
This amuses me.
These coppers anyway, they were very decent (tho' I'm not sure I appreciate them asking 3x's to be in "Or we could just discuss it here on the pavement (where everyone can see)" I'm far beyond giving a shit about that, but for all I know, these are good, decent, not at all those u-bent' coppers, so "Yeah, k". (So, the investigators came knocking', huh?).
If I'd had my wits about me, & the spare photocopies, they'd got my letters to Northumbria & Darlo copshop, so that as I have to presume before knowing better', they'd know something egregious was afoot. One of them at one point, let out a little silent burp; me, noticing, nodded & smiled & said "Yeah bit windy myself" which got a smile; when & if I fork-out £10 for Darlo cops records of our communications, I'd hate (tho' can't be surprised to expect) to read "He seems like a riiight king cnut". Sadly, I had to apologise as they left, for not having offered em a cuppa simply slipped my mind.
I see the head of GCHQ's just resigned; last night I got a thump 18-side to BBC4's Rich Hall on California "The military chief of the army resigned" & a neuralgic as I noted it; I'd read about the GCHQ bod a day or 2 before, & filed it in the depths of memoriesville; the shitehounds (I presume), were all over it this is very SOP, that hoary muddle of monobrowed imagineerings & presumptions by proxy.
Which reminds me: there's some very regular thumps from 18-side thru' the night to various apparent conveniences of which I have a list (ie, last Tues night; 10:44pm, "There's much more of this to come" & "Darkness Descends" from the EPG at 11pm).
According to BBC txt today (nothing to do with Shitlers Furies):
MI6's Q' is a lady; Britain doesn't do torture (to Trump); Bob Stewrat used to practice the 5-Techniques' in NI (I like this guy, & the shitehounds know it); & a "fraudster" has got £329 return on a tv he didn't even buy (last night, I wrote in my notes "& now to feed the ducks", at which point, I lost all tv channels).
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Don't know if I'm blacklisted from contacting the Police & Crime Commissioner, or the Police & Crime Commissioner's blacklisted from contacting me:

Good morning,
Today I spoke to Durham Professional Standards regarding an investigation IO Hill undertook on my behalf, on a small sample of multiple accusations by me into criminal behaviour by DL ‘police’.
From Sept2017 I made repeated requests for an appointment at DL station to inform them of their criminal behaviour (the use of SDS-type agents provocateurs, domestic surveillance, organised gang-stalking, etc.).
I have tried multiple times to contact the PCC (incl. In person at Aykley Heads, postal letter, text message, recorded ‘phone call, ‘phone call, via their site, & multiple deliveries to DL station with the request to forward: I have over 30 receipts for information I’ve delivered to DL station, for themselves & for forwarding, incl. To IOPC & HMIC) not a single one of which has had any response.
It took 20months to be given an appointment at DL station, c.June2018, which was held in a cell. Sgt Louise Guest & inspector Chris Knox being present, & which lasted approx 90minutes. Nothing came of this.
Subsequent to this, twice I drafted documents listing my accusations: the first with PC Clarkson 2902, in which I’d requested speaking to a cop, in an interview room, during which I’d asked to be recorded [siren goes-off outside – this is the electronic surveillance, 3:30pm, 7Feb] which he did on body cam, during which I asserted the crux of this letter/complaint, presented a print-out which was signed & declared as testimony. Nothing came of this with no record being made, the document binned & I assume the video deleted. I did much the same thing shortly after with Acting Sgt Banks, who I believe forwarded the document up the chain of command or to the PCC. Nothing came of this.
The agents provocateurs was ‘Lisa Round’, 18 Eskdale St, DL3 7DG, June2013-c.June2018, immediate neighbour to mum’s home, 20 Eskdale St. I assume the name was false (an Amazon delivery) as per a ‘legend’. This was the same set-up I had experienced in NuT, May2011-Ap.2013, 23 The Pines, immediately above my flat, No.17.
The basics of what is being applied to me amounts to terminal blacklisting – psychological corrosion, indoctrination, injurious attacks & novel technologies. The use of ‘cutouts’ used to be prominent, but soon after moving back to DL, what I call the plausible deniability of the ‘outhouse’ was moved in-house (ie., reduced general stalking, to increased specific police stalking).
The above represents virtually nothing of what has & is being implemented against me, but there’s a very interesting feature about it – that I believe even within the ‘police’, there are indications of what I’m told is a “layer cake/onion” to the actions being taken against me, ie., different degrees of information being supplied to those working against me (the press would refer to this as ‘monstering’): I am certain that Knox knew more than was supplied to Guest: agents provocateurs provoke; this was the case with ‘Lisa Round’ very frequently wall-knocking (for eg., or door-slamming, or shouting, etc.) in time with the domestic surveillance & towards corrosive psychological operations (the ‘pressurised environment’ that ‘menticide’ – mental murder, operations require – of being watched & ‘commented’ upon, constantly, by the ‘apophenic’ wall-knocking): I was accused of noise harassing her, when the fact was the reverse: Sgt Guest was informed of my misdeeds, in the absence of knowledge of the fact that it was in fact me being noise harassed. Sgt Guest acted in good faith upon information supplied to her in bad faith. I believe inspector Knox was fully cognisant of this, as per that “layer cake”, & is the cause for so many of my complaints being simply ignored. (Example: I had cause to make a written complaint during the covid lockdown about the behaviour of Thorpe(?) on reception at DL station; 2 weeks later at 9pm one night, sitting quietly in my home, a sudden BANG-BANG-BANG-BANG-BANG on my window – 3 transit vans & coppers at my door for a “reported breech of covid lockdown rules”). This, & the 4:32am sudden lights & siren drive-by’s past my home to the line on tv “We’re taking you down”, has the tendency to – as they say, “send a message”.
As I say, there is far far more to this, but this is something to be going with (NOTE that for years I had no Password function on my email – even the tech-bod at Darlington Library who I was friendly with couldn’t find it: this I am told, is “bubble/landscape of lies”), so I have no expectation of you receiving this, or me receiving any legitimate reply from yourselves – as over 30 receipts for given information supplied to DL station by me I think attests.
Almost every single time I make such accusations in person, I receive the response, including from Knox, “Where’s the evidence/no evidence”. (The fella on reception at Aykley Heads was clear about something: “car” is an old & ‘strong’ reference theme for which I can expect a siren to suddenly go-off within hearing distance, as & when it appears on tv/radio/YouTube; he told me that he was a retired cop, but had been formerly involved in investigating fatal car/road accidents - “-but only the fatal ones”, which struck me as odd: I’ve had countless instant sirens sound-off to the likes of “You’re going to your own funeral”. I have daily incident logs for the last 8yrs or so, with thousands of these weaponised ‘coincidences’.
Knox called me “psychotic” during that appointment, & lied to IO Hill about it, simply denying it. An hour after this appointment, he ‘phoned me saying he’d spoken to someone & they’d suggested I read a book, ‘The Day the Voices Stopped’.
My mum died of a stroke; agents provocateurs purpose is to cause stress; stress [siren outside 4:09pm] contributes to strokes. PC Horner had called some months earlier stating that RIPA had been applied to mum’s home because of the ‘noise harassment’; mum spent the last yr of her lie watching tv with the subtitles on & the sound down because of this – she wasn’t anything like hard of hearing. PC ‘Don Estelle’ Horner lied & denied this.
The blokes at DL station seem to be very different to the women, & there’s an interesting series of news stories consistent with this currently & for some time (Banks is a ‘WPC’ too, & unlike Clarkson – she did the right thing: Clarkson took it upon himself to put the kaibosh on my accusations – surely grossly unprofessional conduct).

I’d very much appreciate an in-person meeting.

Yours sincerely,

Fairly comprehensive list of 3yrs priming towards menticide>indoctrination (torturing-in "very important information", rather than interrogating/torturing it out), to be posted shortly. This is the crux of their "I wrote his biography" - (specifically of "Roland the Headless Thompson-Gunner", but it's more general). There's no doubt this is from the blackstate in Brit, terminal human experimentation - it's old stuff, but technology marches on & their ways & means expand: the brain-mind-body access is total ('dreams of being on an out of control Waltzer (appropriately - Walts), with extreme acceleration, deceleration, changes in vector, 3D, with no visual or auditory cues, for eg.: I'd been goading for a "really scary DC" dream choreography; after 5months, that seems to have been it - all shook-up

To any coffee-table psychiatrists, should be interesting to see how it's done, inverting people thru' 180, where 2004, to a fella in OK (gaming pal, Irish heritage) - "The Troubles in Northern Ireland were illegitimate in a democracy", becomes my new ID as "Traitor, Republican, terrorist, Stakeknife, "Albert"-"walker"-baker" (Albert Wallace Baker), Nelson - Brian, kneecapped, Shankill Romans ('To do evil so that good may come'), then AQ, then ISIL in 2014, but the program was dead by then.

Also, "Rachel - nickle - Colin - stag/hart - Jack - RIPA - etc
- Cambridge - spies - Kim - Blake - etc
- & so on. 

A "landscape of lies" as they said, 2012.
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."

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