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Morales assassins: Bolivia gang "fought in Balkans"
Translation into Googlish:

Quote:Migration asks Rada to clarify alleged flight of Branko Marinkovic

La Paz, 9 Ene (Erbol).- E

Government Minister Alfredo Rada announced it will request a detailed report to the National Directorate of Immigration on the alleged flight from the country's former president of Santa Cruz Civic Committee, Branko Marinkovic.

The authority, told reporters in the city of La Paz, said the oil producers employer also allegedly left the country to evade proceedings initiated against him.

He indicated that the courts will respond by legal measures implemented to avoid possible solution to Brazilian soil of former civic leader, a staunch opponent of President Evo Morales.

Marinkovic leakage was revealed by sources close to the former departmental authority consulted by the news agency ANF and qualifying for anonymity
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
A very brief summary of this thread:

Eduardo Rozsa-Flores was an assassin and ethnic cleanser, who ran a notorious Croatian dirty tricks squad during the Balkan Wars of the 1990s. Rozsa-Flores was already an Opus Dei protege by this time, and the neo-fascist butcher Tudjman made him an honourary Croatian citizen for his false flag crimes against humanity.

By the C21st, Rozsa-Flores was an active member of Jobbik, the Hungarian far right group which effectively lobbies for the ethnic cleaning of the Roma (gypsy) people. He was also a leading National Anarchist.

Judging by its leading lights, National Anarchism is most likely a deep political intelligence operation to penetrate and control the neo-Nazi, mystically inclined, elements of white working class populations, primarily in Europe and North America.

By his own account, Rozsa-Flores was returning to the country of his birth, Bolivia, prepared to wage a war on behalf of the white colonial European landowning class of resource-rich Santa Cruz against President Evo Morales. This white elite contains many Nazi families, including German and Croatian, spirited to Bolivia through the ratlines at the end of WW2.

The MO of Rosza-Flores, demonstrated in his Balkan days, is false flag assassinations and atrocities with fabricated evidence.

Pure Gladio Strategy of Tension.

Before their plan could be implemented, Rozsa-Flores and his band of European dogs of war were gunned down, possibly in a firefight, by the secret service of Evo Morales.

Now, prominent Santa Cruz landowner Branko Marinkovic, allegedly from a Croatian Ustasa family, and accused of being a key sponsor of the Rozsa-Flores operation, has fled Bolivia.

Marinkovic will probably turn in America soon, granted political asylum, with or without the overt assistance of the US "Ambassador for Ethnic Cleansing", Philip Goldberg.


Abudant evidence for all these assertions exists in this thread and elsewhere.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
From January 2009, translated into Googlish, some of it allegations, other parts documented from Marinkovic's own mouth:

Quote:Bolivia: The Croatian who declared war on Evo Morales

Branco Marinkovic represents the racist elites of Santa Cruz that are endangering their privileges

Landlords, bankers, industrial, political.

Branco Marinkovic (1967, Santa Cruz, Bolivia), is present in the life of the Santa Cruz region from all directions. His family, of Croatian origin, made landfall in eastern Bolivia after World War II.

Today Branco is the visible face, white and successful, the powerful local bourgeoisie. Calls for autonomy, but is accused of secession, balkanization of Bolivia want richer from his Department. It is the Croatian war with the Indians. It is the nemesis of President Evo Morales.

But who is Marinkovic?

His parents, Silvio and Radmila fled Tito's Yugoslavia, having supported the Nazi regime in Croatia.

"They escaped 50 years ago. When I was a kid, going to Yugoslavia and there was the radicalism of the Communist regime," says Marinkovic.

The very idea of socialism touted by Evo Morales was choking. He admires the U.S., where he studied engineering, and despises Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez.

Marinkovic is the visible face, white and successful of the powerful bourgeoisie of Santa Cruz. His family came with nothing to Bolivia and made the Americas a few years. The right-wing governments, especially the military, and gave them benefited repayable loans, land and social privileges to the elite of Santa Cruz. Silvio Marinkovic was linked to them and in less than a generation, raised an entrepreneurial empire.

Branco is his heir. Its properties now include some 10,000 hectares for each of their crops (rice, soybean, sunflower and corn), along with some 15,000 head of cattle. Only IOL oil factory employs 400 people and move $ 100 million annually. To this list we add the property Marinkovic Bank Economic and annual revenue of about $ 300 million.

Everyone knows that Marinkovic is who has the scepter of power in Santa Cruz. From the strategic seat position as president of the Santa Cruz Civic Committee, added to their business role, his face darkens its predecessor, the prefect (governor) Ruben Costas. If Evo Morales indigenous embodies the new spirit prevailing in Bolivia and demanding an end to centuries of exploitation, Marinkovic is the guru who leads the souls of Santa Cruz, concerned about maintaining their historic privileges.

The government accuses him of having illegally seized 26,951 hectares of land

In East barons, power in Santa Cruz yesterday and today, researchers Ximena Soruco, Wilfredo Plata and Gustavo Medeiros identified the Civic Committee as "the fundamental political arm of the intellectual elite," which is based on the idea of belonging Santa Cruz community. An identity that, in the service of the Statute of Autonomy passed in 2008 by referendum illegal as Evo Morales, a local society articulates behind the interests of its ruling class. The objective of this elite is to perpetuate their privileges.

Racism toward Indians

To this end, the intellectuals, who "profess antiindio visceral racism", they appropriated indigenous symbols and blanched at Camba (Indian) into the result of crossbreeding with the Creoles. Today, many indigenous cruceños look in the mirror and see a camba. Insult Aymara (indigenous group), their own roots, to affirm the identity blancocéntrica. In contrast, represents the vision Marinkovic civilized, modern, productive and local elite globalization that presents itself.

In fact, the core pillars of the statute is the chapters on natural resources. It is a mechanism for halting land reform that seeks to eliminate the large estates that Morales' goal is mere rhetoric because its implementation is impossible, at least for the time and control the gas revenues, of which 80% is concentrated in Tarija and Santa Cruz.

"Of course it is a shield against the reforms," says sociologist Claudia Peña. A shield against the new constitution to be submitted to referendum on 25 January, and enshrines indigenous land rights, recognition of their language and culture. It also provides that estates can not exist (does not define its extension) or unproductive land.

This is a chapter that reveals to Marinkovic. According to the Vice Ministry of Lands, Santa Cruz leader has illegally seized 26,951 hectares for the communal lands of Guarayos. The same charge depends on other estates, obtained from persecution and enslavement of Chiquitano and Quechua.


"If the government continues unabated, there will be civil war. They now have the word," cried Marinkovic this year. His threats give strength to those who accuse him of being at the head of an army in Santa Cruz to balkanize and divide the Bolivian territory if it moves the Constitution of La Paz. Marinkovic denies. But again threaten: "If they attack us, what I think will not happen, they must run away from our city. This I guarantee.

Outside the military course, Marinkovic funds and rules over the so-called Santa Cruz Youth Union (UJC). This vigilante group, which moves in modern 4x4 trucks with the Nazi swastika, is dedicated to attacking those who reject the model proposed by the civic autonomy.

On the streets of the wealthier areas of Santa Cruz is common to read graffiti reading "do patriot, kill an Indian." Nobody removed. Some are worn of old. Here, whiteness is a privilege. Branco is the whitest of all.

The Unionists are back. Also of roadblocks and attacks by Indians. This promotion of racism has been denounced by the International Federation of Human Rights, based in Paris. But Marinkovic, who has criticized the red ponchos with the alleged armed wing of Evo Morales, justified the action of the UJC. After each battle, and some of them ended with deaths, such as Sunday, June 4 during the day of voting Marinkovic Staff responded that Gore has responded to a "provocation."

FEDERICO PEÑA - BUENOS AIRES - 05/01/2009 08:00 Federico Peña - BUENOS AIRES - 05/01/2009 08:00
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Quote:Bolivia: general who capured Che Guevara questioned in destablization plot

The retired general who captured legendary guerilla leader Ernesto "Che" Guevara in 1967 was summoned March 19 by Bolivian authorities for questioning in an alleged plot against President Evo Morales. Ex-Gen. Gary Prado Salmón allegedly exchanged "ultrasecret" encrypted e-mail with Eduardo Rozsa Flores, a Bolivian-born Hungarian who was killed in an April 2009 raid by an elite police unit in the eastern city of Santa Cruz. Authorities maintain that Rozsa and two others killed in the raid—an Irishman and an ethnic Hungarian from Romania—were involved in a conspiracy to create a separatist right-wing militia in the eastern Santa Cruz region. Morales said after the raid that a plot to assassinate him had been foiled.

Prado denied any link to an anti-government conspiracy, and said he would refuse to travel from his home in Santa Cruz to La Paz for questioning. He told Fides Radio that his only contact with Rosza came when he asked Prado for an interview, saying he was a foreign journalist. "What 'ultrasecret' communication did I have with Rosza, other than that interview? None," Prado said. "I did not have anything to do with that group."

Also summoned was Prado's son, Gary Prado Araúz, who is running for mayor of Santa Cruz. He said the allegations were worse than a "bad soap opera," and pledged: "They will have to take me by force, because I won't go willingly." Santa Cruz rancher Svonko Matkovic Rivera was also detained for questioning in the case. Prosecutors say his "Z" ranch served as a staging ground for the conspiracy. Matkovic also denies any link to Rosza. (AP, Diariocrítica de Bolivia, March 19; El Dia, Santa Cruz, March 9)

On March 17, former Santa Cruz opposition leader Branko Marinkovic's longtime personal assistant Juan Judelka confirmed that Marinkovic was financing Rozsa's "La Torre" group that is accused of masterminding the conspiracy. Judelka declared under oath before a prosecutor in La Paz that Marinkovic had on several occasions given him money in closed envelopes to deliver to Rozsa. Judelka said, "If I did not testify earlier it was because of pressure by Mr. Marinkovic's lawyer." He said that Rozsa went by the code-name "Germán." The government accuses Santa Cruz opposition leaders of diverting some of the $40 million they collected to finance the regional autonomy campaign into hiring foreign mercenaries in the destabilizaiton effort. (Bolivia Weekly, March 18)
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
My emphasis in bold, as the location where the weapons were found is significant:

Quote:Bolivia probes into arms trade from USA

La Paz: Bolivia has started an investigation into the relation between trade of 60 war rifles from the United States and the terrorist cell neutralised April last year in eastern Santa Cruz department.

Attorney General Marcelo Soza, in charge of the case, said they would ask the Foreign Ministry to request a report from the US judicial authorities.

"We are going to see the scope of its relation with the case we are investigating. We are not ruling out anything, but will establish if there is any relation to adopt relevant measures later," he clarified.

Soza also said the group of foreign mercenaries, led by Croatian-Bolivian Eduardo Rozsa Flores, who was killed in the operation on Apr 16 2009, used to buy weapons and kept them in deposits in Santa Cruz, Beni and other regions in the Andean country.

The day of the operation that dismantled the separatist group, they also found one of the arms deposits at the Santa Cruz telephone Cooperative (COTAS) stand, he recalled.

On Sunday, Bolivian Vice President Alvaro Garcia said the probe into arms trade is a "delicate" issue that compromises the Multinational State security.

Garcia said they had confirmation that the group was planning to ship over 60 war rifles.

From earlier in this thread (post #92):

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:From IKN in South America:

Quote:El Gaviero today picked up on reports from Bolivia that dead mercenary gang leader, Eduardo Rozsa Flores, was hired under a false name by the Santa Cruz COTAS telephone company. Why is this significant? Let me count the ways:

1) Why hire somebody under an assumed name if there's no skullduggery going on?

2) Note that arsenal of weapons found after the shootout and death/arrest of the gang of five? Yep, they were found hidden at a trade fair in the COTAS stand (the C-4 wisely in the fridge, considering the heat this time of year). Funny that, innit?

3) Remember those secret, unofficial and non-associated masonic lodges in Santa Cruz I wrote about last week? Well surprise surprise, it's well-known that COTAS is controlled by the very same people that head up those two "Toborochi" and "Caballeros del Oriente" lodges.

4) Some claim that COTAS is under one lodge's control, some claim the other. Some note that the two lodges split with each other after a spat in the early 1980's, other say they've mended relations and work in cahoots nowadays. Some say that Ruben Costas heads up Caballeros del Oriente, but nearly everyone says that Branko Marinkovic is the head guy at Toborochi.

So slowly but surely, the investigation is, unsurprisingly, homing in on the secret societies that run Santa Cruz and the fascists running those groups. The same secret societies that have been the subject of confessions from ex-members saying that they are actively trying to destabilize their country.

Nuff said. That poor sap Dwyer really had no idea of the trouble he was letting himself in for.

There are links to investigations of the "lodges", in Spanish, at the url above.

Continued in next post...
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Post #97 in this thread:

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:In googlish, but interesting.

Gladio meets P2 - held together by, um...... PAPERCLIPS? :hello:

Quote:Book summary
“LOGIAS EN SANTA CRUZ” "Lodge in Santa Cruz"
Fondo de Ediciones Municipales Municipal Fund Issues
The secret organizations in Santa Cruz.

THE EYE OF DATA BOOK 1994 (14 years) and does not describe the ascent AND CONSOLIDATION Branko MARINCOVIC AS HEAD OF THE LODGE "Toborochi" AND "GREAT coordinator" of the Lodges Cruceños in the company of "Grand Master" RUBEN COSTAS.

It is essential to classify the secret societies that have acted or act in our city into two classes:
1. 1. Masonic Organizations
2. 2. Secret organizations
Organizations belong to the first Universal Masonry, in theory have aims primarily philosophical, moral and mutual aid. But in practice acted like the latter.
Second-class organizations, incorrectly called "lodges", are real secrets of power groups, whose goals are political and economic characterized by its regional character. Groups before speculative, operational partnerships, whose purpose is power.
This kind of secret agencies membership of the lodge "Sword of the East" and "Toborochi"

La Logia “Caballeros del Oriente”: The Lodge "Knights of the East":
The idea of forming a secret group Cruz was born to the late
seventies with the advent of democracy. The impending rise to power
of Communists of "UDP" and how to address the main
Cruz institutions that were, according to them, in "serious danger".
Faced with these threats, Cruz proposed the creation of organizations which are not political parties, acting as such, as the traditional political parties were insufficient
because the aim of his case could mean "lost vote" in thick sectors of the population from the interior.

The initial group of the Lodge "Knight of the East" had a relatively
public, and that the organization sponsored meetings - dinner at the restaurant
“Floresca”. "
In the "social flash" of the morning show "The World" dated Thursday 10
September 1981 there were two photos with some of those members in which Juan Dr. Sixto distinguish Nelson Fleig, Dr. Orestes Harnas, Jorge Flores Franco, Juan Carlos Limpias, Alejandro Gutiérrez, Stanley Landivar Stanley and others.
Draws attention to the fact that at that time, in full military dictatorship, this group are made public, then, a year, with the advent of Democracy in October 1982 to become secret groups. This small detail
reveals the undemocratic nature of the group, which the military allegedly
felt protected, but with democracy felt threatened and resorted to
capuchas. hoods.
The core of the lodge "Knight of the East", was made up of
following individuals: Walter Castro Luís Balcazar, Juan Carlos Antelo, Oreste Harnez, Lorgio Talavera, Sixto Nelson Fleig, Nicanor Jordán, Marcelo El-Hage, Edgar (son), Edgar Terrazas, Federico Fernández, Enrique Galván, Alejandro Gutiérrez, Bernardo Canario, Carlos Soruco Perrogón and a German citizen boliviano.
It is symptomatic that these groups are not organized to fight against the military dictatorships, as it seems their interests were well protected by them. But plunging into the night, in the darkness of secrecy
just when the sun of democracy beginning to emerge.

Lodges "regionalist" born as a defense mechanism and the search for power
seeking mechanisms to maintain local power in the hands of terrtenientes and industry.
The Lodge "Knight of the East" acts with various political parties and there is
part of its force, and which have been branching across all parties, although generally conservative or centrist parties. They are enemies of communism, because the margin of violating the "Cruz" generally links with the political forces of the interior. The versatility to accommodate all political parties explains why, who climb up or fall, the lodge always stays around for the circles of power.
The Lodge "Knight of the East", suffered a split within the organization,
due to differences in building construction Cordecruz. CORDECRUZ.

La Logia “Toborochi”: The Lodge "Toborochi:
Abruptly terminated the meeting at which the rupture occurred, the vast majority of the Lodge remained with the "prince". Where they took the decision to refundar la organización. Cruz society organized into cooperatives, establishment of democratic theory, but the choice of authors is headed by a permanent hegemonic economic groups.

El Comité Cívicotambién
The Committee Cívicotambién adopted as the basis of its elective system to corporatism, the same happened with professional and almost all regional organizations.

Expansion of both Lodges and the Division of Institutions Cruceños:
These rules were well used by those already in lodges en la September 1982 to combine three Cooperatives of public services in City of Santa Cruz and three professional schools: the architects, engineers and the division of médicos.Ante raised, despite the hostilities, agreed to settle the two lodges
dividing the disputed control of the institutions:

La Logia “Caballeros del Oriente”,

The Lodge "Knights of the East", was driving the Cooperative
Teléfonos Automáticos – COTAS, y el Colegio de Arquitectos Telephone - COTAS, and the College of Architects

La Logia “Toborochi”,
The Lodge "Toborochi" took charge of the Cooperative Utilities
SAGUAPAC”, and the Cooperative Rural Electrification - CRE College. And the Medical Society of Engineers.

Cooperatives had enjoyed full freedom and the people had full confidence
because they had been created and run by remarkable people, from noble
career as a great gift Liders Young, Placido Molina Barbery, Oswaldo
Gutiérrez, Juan Franco, Oscar Gasser, Pedro Ribero Mercado and others, but time now curiously began to be managed by a set of people, always the same, with no alternative or replacement.
From there on a permanent questioning of its structure undemocratic, its high utility costs, and even their businesses.

At that time, in 1985 Congress passed the Organic Law of Municipalities,
that regulate the services offered by cooperatives to the people. This Act,
transferring custody exercising the Ministries of Energy, Urban Development, Transportation and Communication, the municipalities, whose government would be elected in each city. This obviously meant to control the mayorships. Cooperatives, not the same as anyone because control from central government ministries was symbolic and does not really exist. The possibility that both the City departments such as the Mayor may inspect
the pricing of the services of Cooperatives, shocked the "furious".

One might ask what led to this strange behavior, and the answer is easy: if a neighbor wants to complain because they have risen to the bill CRE from 30 to 150 bolivianos, not going to go to La Paz the claim. But if this control is done in Santa Cruz, nothing is going to the Mayor and make complaints.

The first allegations about the existence of Lodges:
The magazine "Reflection" of Santa Cruz, was the first to denounce the existence of lodges. El Dr. Carlos Hugo Molina, through
articles called "The pujuso y la perestroika”, denounce the corporate institutions Cruz.
Under the title "The lodges in Santa Cruz" Ms. Susana Seleme published the first article which gave an outline of the Lodges.
In the year 1989, also in "Reflections," Fernando Prado Arq wrote
"In Praise of the lodges", made an interesting analysis of the real motivations
prompted the formation of lodges.

Institutional landscape of the Santa Cruz Civic Election 1989:
“Caballeros del Oriente” "Knights of the East"
Control: Comité Pro - Santa Cruz
Federación de Fraternidades
Federación de Profesionales
Federation of Private Entrepreneurs
Chamber of Industry and Trade
National Forest

“Toborochi” "Toborochi"
Control: CRE

Incursion into the Political Parties:

As the lodges could not do anything that defines where the vote is democratic, The secret societies have launched the slogan to infiltrate political parties, although some of its militants had prior commitments and supporters.
This was the limit of the expansion of lodges. Tenían The whole structure, Institutional Cruz, now began the struggle for political power, not at all easy,
taking into account the objectives Autonomist and regionalists of both companies.
The militants of the lodge "Knights of the East" who through their parties entered the government structure, are:
Zvonko Matkovic
Jorge Robledo
Miguel Angel Parada Feeney
Jorge Aguilera
Herman Salvatierra Zankis
Juan Manuel Chaín
Freddy Terrazas
Luis Fernando Terrazas
Mauro Alberto Bertero
Luis Chavez del Rio
Jorge Landivar Roca
Carlos Dabdoud Arrien
José Serrate
Jose Mario Serrate
Enrique Antelo Gil
We clarify that in this tentative list of members of the lodges in the embedded política, has many missing names.

Unity between the two Lodges:

Are associated in general to defend business interests to secure benefits
in their activities, and despite legal mandates by personality or social
económicos, dare to violate the law to set targets by which example: "Santa Cruz has the mayor it deserves."


Post #98 in this thread:

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Quote:Summary based on articles from page

• The fascists of World War II. Those who have served Hitler against their countries and then the failure to have fled to various countries including Bolivia.


• Hans Ertl, cameraman of the Third Reich, who was collaborating with leftist groups up in arms. His daughter died fighting for the ELN.


• Croats. "USTACHA" a criminal organization REJECTED EVEN IN ARGENTINA, but accepted in Bolivia.

• The year 1971 these groups come to power through an army colonel, of German descent, Hugo Banzer Suárez

• ADN , Acción Democrática Nacionalista, fue la versión boliviana del fascismo. • DNA, Nationalist Democratic Action, was the Bolivian version of fascism. Colors black, white and red are a clear allusion German

• COLONIA YUGOSLAVA , bringing together Serbs, Croats, Bosnian, Macedonian and alvanos without distinction.

The colony was not considered Yugoslav reactionary. Most of its members filled administrative positions in universities.Many of them even joined the armed groups, (Ivo Stambuck, Oruro)

Once dissolved Yugoslavia. Bolivian Croats have played an important role in the Civil War in Yugoslavia to have reached that important items of materiel for the Army of Bolivia are diverted with the help of Bolivian Consulate in Hamburg to Croatia. Then a family of Jaime Paz led the Consulate. Because of this scandal, the consulate was closed for a period of almost a year.

The Croatian group is one of the most active in the process of disintegration of Bolivia. Has prompted the creation of various secessionist groups, including the most active is the "Camba Nation." Has taken the symbol of the Crescent, in reference to the Croatian Crescent, in the year 1482 became the last bastion of Europe against the expansion of the Ottoman Empire. This time the Crescent defend "civilization" against the enemies of globalization and progress, the Collas.

Their motivation is reduced to fighting racism anti colla "and is not rational or logical. Are organized around the UJC (Cruceños Youth Union), cells in the neighborhood, mostly in Santa Cruz (75) and Montero (20). (Now they have grown in Tarija, Beni, Pando and Cochabamba)


Another important group of fascists who arrived in Bolivia was the Italian. In 70 years, Bolivia was involved in a number of problems of the Cold War secret. The implementation of "Toto" Quintanilla, the Bolivian consul in Hamburg by Monica Ertl using Italian revolutionaries led to the cooperation of the Bolivian intelligence with the intelligence and the Italian fascists. Result of this collaboration came to Bolivia and other characters as Diodato fascist Italians suspected of numerous acts of terrorism in Italy. We all know that Diodato formed special units in the Bolivian army. Comandos Commands for immediate action, sniper units, commands "silent break", etc.. Diodato married a niece of the Banzer.


Another consideration is foreign force of the American presence. The Americans have three different types of forces stationed in the country. . Bolivians squads, former members of the repressive forces, unreliable and limited action, Latin American residents as sources of information, mostly business people and the Rapid Action Squads, including a very large hidden between Mennonites and Argentine residents.


* Mirtha Quevedo Acalinovic follows to the letter the orders of Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada who has managed to turn the MNR in a group without form or content, in favor of transnational oil and looting of Bolivia.

• Andrés Petricievic, which recently has become a banker, agribusiness, and a builder of the largest landowners in the eastern and western Bolivia, the main driver of the crescent. He was former minister of transport of Paz Estenssoro and amassed a fortune in road construction of several roads and the present building of the Palacio de Telecomunicaciones.

• Svonko Marincovic. They say that when he was prefect of Santa Cruz on behalf of the dictator Banzer won nearly 300 hectares near Puerto Bush. Its ties with companies such as EBX has become clear in recent months. He was president of the CAINCO.

• Branko Marincovic - Businessman lands livestock that are illegal in that department, has accompanied the government of Jaime Paz, Gonzalo Sanchez and Hugo Banzer.


The face is the organization's management politico-business Committee Pro Santa Cruz (CPSCZ), led by Germán Antelo.

• GONZALO SANCHEZ DE LOZADA. • Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada. COMSUR

Member of the U.S. CFR. Have U.S. citizenship, served in the U.S. military. Owner of numerous mines and other property in person, partner or shareholder of companies. Appropriated, under the influence of their families, the mine "Porco" and the "relocation of the mine" Colquiri. Shareholder "Don Mario", "Inti Raymi", "San Cristobal", etc..

His brother Antonio Sanchez de Lozada, was appointed Comptroller of the Republic.

• JORGE “TUTO” QUIROGA • Jorge "Tuto" Quiroga

Member of the U.S. CFR. Studied in the U.S.. Heredero de ADN. Has a direct stake in Banco Mercantil de Bolivia.

• EMPRESAS PETROLERAS TRANSNACIONALES • transnational oil companies

PETROBRAS, (which is minority BRAS), British Petroleum, Total and British Gas, associated with Repsol - YPF in the Pacific LNG Consortium .... Have formed a syndicate based in Santa Cruz, the "Chamber of Hydrocarbons"


Shock groups, "young" daughter Equipetrol "Cambo-Collas, lumpens and others. It is the cannon fodder to enforce the PARO - KIDNAPPINGS the Pro Santa Cruz Civic Committee.

• LA FUL – Santa Cruz

As the FUL, hundreds of grassroots organizations controlled by the militants of UJC or the Camba Nation. Let us not forget that in the recent conflict on the Mutún, the FUL exibió open arms to threaten the government of Evo Morales.


Periódicos como “El Deber, “El Mundo”, “El Nuevo Día”, canales de TV como UNITEL, GIGAVISION y un centenar de radioemisoras son de propiedad directa de “empresarios cruceños” y reproducen a diario la ideología de la “Nación Camba ” y “Autonomía” y son el puntal de la guerra mediática en contra del gobierno. Newspapers such as "Duty," The World "," El Nuevo Día ", TV channels as UNITEL, GIGAVISION and a hundred radio stations are owned directly" Cruz businessmen "and reproduced on a daily basis the ideology of the" Camba Nation " and "autonomy" and are the mainstay of the media war against the government. UNITEL belongs to the family Monasterios (Landowners). This is compounded by the press as the trans PRISMA Group of Spain that has interests in oil.


Are responsible for organizing groups to confront the shock source and prevent the Landless Movement act. Within this group may include those who exploit wood and semi precious stones in Gaiba: The bolivianita.

• LAS LOGIAS • the Lodges

Lodges in Santa Cruz, have taken over the CRE Cooperative Light, Water SAGUAPAC phones COTAS and then deploy their tentacles invisible co-professionals, businessmen, union leaders, political leaders in order to control the spaces of power in the region .

At this time these secret organizations also have designed a new plan is to seize the cultural and education they have structured a strategic plan to "help" to the culture, festivals, support for research, publishing books, etc. For this course have a team of professionals who work mainly for the foundation created by NOVA COTAS.

A continuación detallamos la lista de algunos miembros de las LOGIA TOBOROCHI y CABALLEROS DEL ORIENTE según el libro de Reymi Ferreira “Las Logias en santa Cruz” 1994: Here are a list of some members of the Lodges and Toborochi as KNIGHTS OF THE EAST Reymi Ferreira's book "The Lodge at Santa Cruz" 1994:

Juan Carlos Antelo Salmón Juan Carlos Antelo Salmon
Guillermo Aguilera Ramírez Guillermo Ramirez Aguilera
David Antelo Gil David Antelo Gil
Percy Añez Percy Añez
Alejandro Aguilera Ramírez Alejandro Aguilera Ramírez
Edgar Arteaga Edgar Arteaga
Luís Bravo Hurtado Luís Bravo Hurtado
Walter Balcázar Walter Balcazar
Bernardo Canario Bernardo Canario
Guido Chazal Palomo Guido Chazal Palomo
Nataniel Paz Jordán Nataniel Jordan Peace
Víctor Hugo Rau Eyzaguuirre Victor Hugo Eyzaguuirre Rau
Mario Rioja Mario Rioja
Diógenes Ureña Diogenes Ureña
Jorge Valdez Jorge Valdez
Rony Velarde Rony Velarde


Lorgio Fleig Arias Lorgio Fleig Arias
José Luís Vélez Ocampo Jose Luis Velez Ocampo
Wilmar Stelzer Wilmar Stelzer
Alfonso Moreno Alfonso Moreno
Héctor Justiniano Hector Justiniano
Freddy terrazas Salas Freddy Salas terraces

Side Note .-
It is necessary to note that differences exist between the "lodges" and the traditional Masonic Cruz. The first have only one objective, to corner spaces of political and economic power and assume a large extent, the role of a racist and exclusionary, most of all by what they call "the subjugation colla. The "Camba Nation" and "Civic Committee" are, presently, its policy instruments.

Of the Masonic lodges in the form only to reproduce and rituals that out of context, are a ridiculous oath-taking ceremony and the like. Their "range" is no longer limited to cooperatives (though there are its core), have extended their influence to political parties, media and, as the author, including some unions, building the warlords and bureaucrats turn.


Carlos Valverde Barbery. It is, as is commonly said, the "power behind the throne." Author of several publications in which it develops its racist ideology, is the ideological basis on which they settle the argument of the Camba Nation and its movement in general. Falangist recognized activist (although the Camba Nation refuses to acknowledge) during the dictatorship because of their "effectiveness" as a paramilitary, Carlos Valverde Barbery was minister Banzer.

Sergio Antelo . Architect and former mayor of the city. It is the visible head of the Camba Nation at present. Tireless (and intragable) expositor of the ideals of Camba Nation as an opportunity to him. You can not avoid including every three words, his intent to get to use force to "defend the sacred designs of our region. That if, in the Lodges who plunder our cooperatives are not addressed or half word.

Carlos Dabdoub Arrién. Cruz known doctor of Arab origin Her recent interest in questions "historical" turns, along with other members of Camba Nation, the "living history" of that movement. Do not cease to be interesting to their personal assessments relating to the lodges. Became one of the "escribidores" Camba Nation. He was the spokesman of the Civic Committee once again demonstrated that Cívicos, Camba Nation and logieros are the same.

Paula Peña young professionals, from a family of German-Jewish immigrants, educated under strict standards of discipline and regionalism influenced by his father, the renowned sports leader Edgar Gutiérrez Peña, and his uncle Aldo Peña, enthusiastic follower of the Nation Camba. Bachelor degree in History at the Catholic University of Uruguay, a teacher at the State University of Santa Cruz, where it is known as the "general" for his dictatorial nature and not allow the confrontation of ideas with his thinking and his interpretation of history, especially regionally. One of the favorite topics to teach his chair is the book "My Life" by Adolph Hitler. He wrote the book "The Construction of the Permanent Cruceños" to help lay the groundwork for the formation of the Camba Nation. Thanks to its link with the "power groups" was screened as regards regional responsibility for disseminating the vision of the Camba Nation on the "history" of Santa Cruz, presented in the media under the label of "history", but since the time venturing into politics, that is being "Camba Nation" embarrassed but it hides his ability to be truly historian has been postponed. In short, do ideological work and livelihood is the voice of the thought of the lodges that the Civic Committee for Santa Cruz is projected

• Prefects Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, La Paz, Beni, Pando and Tarija,
These groups are the remnants of power created by the revolution of 52 and the traditional parties are "diminished in the vote" but with enough power to be transformed into "citizen organizations" have the task to thwart the government of Evo Morales fail and the Constituent Assembly. In its design power is estimated wear Tuto Quiroga and empowerment of Manfred Reyes Villa.
These 6 prefectures, have organized a union and prefects have traveled together United States and not just tourism.
His first action is co-based organizations all possible. Leaders of Transport, OTBs, Mayor (Quillacollo, Sacaba, Cotoca, etc..), To build a social support later in the streets of Bolivia to the secessionist project.

Continued in next post....
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Post #147 in this thread:

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:The involvement of the old fascist Bolivian military with Rozsa Flores' dirty tricks assassination gang is becoming clearer.

There are also intriguing links to events in the Balkan false flag civil war, and to the betrayal of Che Guevara. Especially interesting, given Eduardo Rozsa Flores' father's claims to have been a compadre of Che, and his son's spooky role as Carlos the Jackal's "translator".

Oh yeah, and a Bolivian "security" company named "Templars". :aetsch:

It's looking more and more like a Baby Condor.

The prosecution says the "military ring" of the cell Rózsa
Updated 03/06/2009

prosecutor Marcelo Soza spoke with reporters yesterday at the Institute of Forensic Research. Investigators are seven general, a lieutenant colonel and a lieutenant, serving all liabilities. The Prosecutor evaluates the levels of participation of each former soldier in this case to cite to testify.

The prosecutor Marcelo Soza investigates nine former officers of the Armed Forces who may have formed a "military ring" of the group led by Eduardo Rózsa Flores: It is on the trail of seven general service liabilities, and two other minor graduation were discharged from bottom of the military institution.

Researchers are the retired generals Añez Lucio Rivera, Gary Prado Salmon, Gelafio Santiesteban Hurtado Camacho Herles Mancilla, Moses Shriqui Bejarano, Raul Pacheco Ganti and Bernardo Ortiz Chávez also Zoilo Salces of Lieutenant Colonel and Lieutenant Oscar Sepúlveda Zabala, both retired the Armed Forces.

The morning of April 16, police intervened in the fourth floor of the Hotel Las Americas, where he died and his cronies Rózsa Flores Michael Martin Dwyer, Irish, and Árpád Magyarosi, Romanian, and who were captured alive, the Croatian Mario boliviano Astorga Tadic and the Hungarian elodes Tóásó.

The statements of the witness "key" of the Public Ministry, Vargas Ignacio Villa, known as the "Old", linked to the military retirees Añez, Prado, Camacho and Santiesteban, while further research, as Soza, related to the other former officers Rózsa with the militia.

The email addresses of retired generals Ganti Pacheco Ortiz and Chavez were allegedly found in some emails sent by the alleged mercenaries, like the Aroldo Urquiola Robles attorney and former lieutenant Oscar Zabala.

According to official Carmelo Crespo and Rene Aqueron, the United States National Guard, the former general Chavez Ortiz was involved in the first half of the last decade in a case of smuggling of 390,000 guns and 30 million rounds of ammunition, in According to the indictment, had spent the war in the Balkans, for which Rózsa Flores was a hero.

The open process by the prosecution came to an end not because the Kosovo Force, which were theoretically intended, never confirmed the receipt of shipment or negotiations.

Some of these weapons were seen in the recent disturbances in the hands of members of the Youth Union Cruceños as an expert on war materiel Samuel Montaño.

During the demonstrations of the "crescent" raised between August and September last year, Salces was checked by the then deputy minister of internal governance, Rubén Gamarra, of army deserters, who commanded a group of 200 or 300 persons " took by force the offices of the Departmental Service of Education (Seduce) in Trinidad.

According to the newspaper La Razón published on July 18, 1999, Zabala was part of the Immediate Reaction Force Army (FRIE) established by the now-fugitive Marco Marino Diodato.

Zabala was the expulsion of the deceased general Luis Iriarte, one of the hostesses of former President Hugo Banzer, had signed a document in which he asked the Italian civil Avagnina Andrea to coordinate with the "master Diodato" demonstration apparatus sophisticated communications for the Government Palace. The commander of the Armed Forces, Admiral Jorge Zabala, said the military judge found responsible for some of the ten members of the FRIE, among whom was Zabala.

He subsequently organized a security company, Templars, in Santa Cruz.

Lucio Añez provided statements to the prosecutor in Santa Cruz Soza, which had argued that "some defense in the event that announced a lay siege on the capital Santa Cruz farmer.

Gary Prado said before several media in Santa Cruz, in her capacity as an officer of the Army, could not be part of a support group to a computer illegally.

Prado was one of the captors of Ernesto Che Guevara.

The current mayor of Trinidad, Moises Shriqui, said last night the press: "I am aware that you do not want to make any comment, I will first wait for what the prosecutors say. I know nothing, I will ask about it, I will be attentive to any call I make the competent authorities and shall have no objection to going to testify. "

He added: "I have nothing to do with being part of a group much less connected with other comrades."

Shriqui regretted that involve "people with whom we have defended our homeland throughout his military career of more than 35 years."

According to the testimony of Villa Vargas, "the contact (the militia) in La Paz was the general Gelafio Santiesteban.

To ascend to the rank of general in 2005, won a constitutional Santiesteban.

This officer acted in 2003 the command of the Ninth Army Division, based in Ibuelo, Chapare, during which a lot was stolen weapons without their porters, who were in the tanks of the military division.

Having been denounced for trafficking in military weapons, the Public Prosecutor for investigation, raided his home without finding the missing materiel.

Senator Félix Rojas of the Movimiento Al Socialismo (MAS), said on July 17 last year that Santiesteban collect military information for the CIA.

However, consulted on the matter, the legislators did not recall the issue and pledged to review their documents, "because memory is fragile."

Herles Camacho was commander of the Bolivian Air Force in 2002 and after service liabilities was appointed in 2006, Public Safety Officer of the City of Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

The prosecutor argued that Soza assesses the degree of responsibility for each retired officer to call to testify.

He clarified that evaluates the contents of 27,678 sheets stored in the archives of electronic equipment to the hostages in the Las Americas hotel in the booth Cotas.

Deputies located the vehicle of the cell

The multi-party commission that is investigating the case of alleged terrorist identified the vehicles they moved the members of the disrupted cell April 16 at the Hotel Las Americas, Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

The Toyota Land Cruiser trolley green, 1994 model, registered in Warnes, Santa Cruz, is in the name of José Giovano NA

Another is a motorized trolley Nissan, Japan, Pathfinder model, color clears wine, made in 1997, and which corresponds to the right owner Carlos AC

The third unit is another trolley of Japanese industry, brand Daihatsu, Terios model, green and silver plate of 1304-KGI control, built in 2001, recorded in Santa Cruz and belongs to Marianela VA

In these cases is not known whether the power was given or if it was not sold and the corresponding transfer minuta saving 3 percent of the amount, which corresponds to paying the transaction tax (IT).

The fourth car is a Hyundai brand, color lead, model 1993, which belonged to the lawyer Cruz Carlos Alberto Guillén, Blooming club vice president, who said that a person named Jorge Hurtado Flores addressed the company's lawyer to Buy Pereyra Alejandro Melgar the car. The transaction was made at $ 3500 and Guillen hopes to sell at $ 70,000 to "hurt" Cotoca fifth in a transaction that had operated on April 21, five days after the police operation in the Las Americas hotel that killed Rózsa Flores .

Velarde, multiple man

Juan Carlos Velarde Roca, president of the Telecommunications Cooperative of Santa Cruz (Cotas), is a person with many activities in Santa Cruz and is identified by deputies César Navarro, president of the multi-party commission of the Lower House, which investigates the case the alleged terrorist, as one of the main "sponsors" of the irregular cell led by Eduardo Rózsa Flores and comprises four other foreigners.

In 2001 he was dismissed along with other people's case "bancovínculos" in which executives were involved in the Banco Internacional de Desarrollo Sociedad Anónima (Bidese) because no proof against him.

Also exercised the general management of the Exhibition Fair in Santa Cruz (Fexpocruz) and alternate director of the Chamber of Industry, Trade, Services and Tourism of Santa Cruz (CAINCO).

The 24 Dimensions of ombudsmen who provided statements to the Office in La Paz pointed to Velarde Roca as solely responsible for the suspected mercenaries had taken the stand in the exhibition Cotas Cruz.

"On December 9 last year, the President of the cooperative Mario Herrera ordered the manager to install internet in the booth Fexpocruz, and this led to the investigation Landívar Hugo Paz, head of maintenance and custody of that space. Upon receiving the order, he directed the technical Fernando Hevia to do the work, which actually was. "

Navarro questioned whether any other services cooperative the owner of the Governing Council meets minimum topics such as installing an internet point.

Asked leave to hold office on April 21, five days of the police operation in which died boliviano-Croatian-Hungarian Rózsa Flores, in addition to Romanian and Irish Magyarosi Árpád Michael Martin Dwyer. According to the statutes of the institution, the period of leave can not exceed 60 days.

The adviser was quoted on two occasions to testify to the Public Prosecutor of La Paz, but not responded to the call. The prosecutor Marcelo Soza, who leads the investigation of this case, consider, now, by quoting edicts before issuing an arrest warrant.

Nayar requires judge decides

In press conference yesterday, the president of the Federation of Livestock Santa Cruz (Fegasacruz) and first deputy chairman of the Committee for Santa Cruz, Guido Nayar Parada, demanded that the judge Marcela Siles, who knows the case of alleged terrorism, "which chicanerías not continue, that does not move desktop documents and to resolve "the remedy of injunction made by the judge Luis Hernando Tapia Pachi to declare that" competent or decline jurisdiction "and the case lies in the Court of Santa Cruz .

The statement provided Nayar Parada was stopped in La Paz, he said, because they raised the same appeal and it was not because it must continue to learn on Tuesday which is also leader of the exhibition of Santa Cruz.

He regretted that the case had "passed from hand to hand," according to its terms, and requires that "a judge decide."

Under the duty, the legal battle that had begun by the institutions Cruz's return to terrorism in Santa Cruz is now in the hands of the judge Siles La Paz Marcela. However, even Siles approach has not delivered on this request, which was taken to La Paz for Guido Nayar, vice president of the Committee and Fegasacruz.

According to the president of the Superior Court of District of Santa Cruz, Osvaldo Céspedes, Siles need to have a say in this. "There must be a first pronouncement of the judge Siles, because no one can predispose something that has not happened." He added that if Siles is declared competent, generate competition and conflict "the Court is obliged to act."

The state attorney general, Mario Uribe Melendres, meanwhile, said that the superior courts of La Paz and Santa Cruz must resolve this conflict of jurisdiction and not to do the Plenary Chamber of the Supreme Court, sitting in Sucre.


The multi-party commission of the Lower House, which investigates the case of suspected terrorist was preparing to make statements to authorities and the Executive Branch of the National Police.

The Member of National Unity (UN) Peter Maldonado member of this committee, indicated that the interviews are scheduled with Minister of Government, Alfredo Rada, Defense Minister Walker San Miguel, the Commanding General of Police, Victor Hugo Escobar; Director of Intelligence and others. Not yet released the schedule of the call.

Rada Escobar and should give explanations of the police operation on April 16 at the Las Americas hotel in Santa Cruz, where he hit a shot to the alleged terrorist Eduardo Rózsa, Árpád Magyarosi and Michael Dwyer, and two others were arrested, and elodes Tóásó Mario Tadic.

The congressman said that there are significant advances in research that the committee began a month ago, when they took statements from a key witness Tadic and the Prosecutor, Ignacio Villa Vargas, "Old." Early findings could be known within about two weeks.

Maldonado, as ANF, said that one of the preliminary findings is that the militia Eduardo Rózsa was designed to form a military or paramilitary group which has not yet identified the people who financed the group illegal.

Questioned about the trip to the United States Bernardo Montenegro deputy, who is vice president of multi-party commission, his assistant explained that his wife is a U.S. citizen and his transfer was due to family reasons and not to seek to "autoexiliados.

More statements

Two administrative officials Fegasacruz give statements to the Prosecution.

This is Nancy and Marbel Lugo Villarroel, who must be submitted in the morning.

Fegasacruz other officials were notified to appear tomorrow.

The prosecutor said yesterday that Marcelo Soza not summoned to testify in July Cardinal Terrazas.

Although he did not rule out convening, you do so as a victim, it still discussed.

If the Cardinal interview, investigators could be moved to Santa Cruz.

The Minister of Justice, Celimar Torrico demanded that the state involved in La Paz.

He criticized the alleged pressure to move the investigation to the jurisdiction of Santa Cruz.

ANF Torrico said that "he who does nothing, fears nothing, should help in the investigation."

Over thirty Cruz personalities have been interviewed by the Prosecution.

Post #157 in this thread:

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:From a Russian "online culture" site.

However, more accurately, I suspect this is a Bolivian intelligence briefing of a Russian intelligence organ.

So spooky... but with a certain ring of truth.... :vroam:

Quote:It was evident that the organiser and head of the group destroyed in Santa Cruz was Eduardo Rozsa Flores, killed in the hotel “Las Americas.” Rozsa is regarded as a national hero in Croatia. This character with an adventurist strain had always yearned to be in the focus of attention, purposefully building up an image of a romantic selfless champion of any just cause. He was born in Santa Cruz, with his father a Hungarian and his mother – a Spaniard. Rozsa came to the Balkans in 1991 to cover armed conflicts in the region for the Spanish newspaper “La Vanguardia” and the BBC. However, the role of a passive viewer soon bored him, so he joined the Croatian National Guard, becoming its first-ever foreign volunteer. Some time later he was entrusted with formation of the First International unit in the Croatian army. He was given the rank of colonel and by the personal order of Croatian president Tujman he became a citizen of Croatia.

Rozsa wrote books, and was shot in an apotheosis film about his fight with “Serbian aggressors.” But Rozsa was silent about some of the episodes of his biography. It was known that he had something to do with the killings of two journalists – the Swiss Wurtenberg and Briton Jenks. There was serious evidence, but “war wiped it all out.”

Before leaving for Bolivia, just in case Rozsa gave an interview to a journalist of the state Hungarian MTV channel, saying: “Should something happen to me, air the news immediately!” Rozsa was not too open in his interview, but there was something of interest. In particular he said: “We are all set to declare independence of (several riotous Bolivian autonomous provinces) and the establishment of a new country.” Rozsa admitted that he had been “invited“to Santa Cruz by middlemen acting on errands of local authorities for the purpose of “organising defence” in connection with the threat of violence on the part of the central authorities. Of course Rozsa did not tell anything concrete about his contacts in Santa Cruz, the sources of funding and the channels of weapons delivery, just dropping a hint that the rioters would act using “peaceful means, but demonstrating their strength.”

By then the tensions in Bolivia were at its highest. The government’s dialogue with the regional opposition was severed. In the north of the country near the city of Pando the Peruvian and Brazilian mercenaries attacked the manifestation of the supporters of president Morales, killing 35 people and wounding at leas 100 others. The organisers of the massacre, including the Pando prefect fled to Brazil. Confrontation was also growing in other “riotous” departments.

Rozsa and his group penetrated Bolivia using secret paths from Brazil. Losing no time in the conditions of conspiracy work began to consolidate the semi-military formations made up of mainly young people connected with the “Civil Committee for the Defence of Santa Cruz.” This ultra-rightist organisation was set up by Branco Marinkovic, a major land-owner of the Croatian descent. According to the Bolivian counter-intelligence, no other than him invited the former militants of the First international unit of the Croatian army to Bolivia. He did that on the basis of the confidential recommendation of the US Ambassador to Bolivia Phillip Goldberg. The US diplomat knew what he was talking about being one of the operators of the blood-letting in the Balkans. He had to his credit the “successful” mission in Kosovo that in many respects facilitated the victory won by the Albanian separatists. Goldberg assured Marinkovic that the US secret services and their European partners would not oppose the mobilisation of militants.

As is known, Evo Morales declared Goldberg persona non grata for his subversive activities against the legally elected Bolivian government in the worst spirit of “cold” war. Several spy scandals broke out during his stint in La Paz, with all evidence showing that the US Embassy had a finger in them), the “matrimonial duo” of bombers, the US citizens was put under arrest on charges of making explosions in several Bolivian hotels. Goldberg would spend days and nights in the “riotous” departments of Santa Cruz, Beni, Taiha and Pando. At times one could be under the impression that the Ambassador tried to show he ignored Morales, as if to send a signal to conspirators: “The sooner you get rid of him, the better for you and the United States.”

The Rozsa group closely watched the movements of Morales and the key ministers of the Cabinet. The shadowing was detected by his guards, who managed taping several conversations Rozsa had with his group. Once he pitied the “untimely” obtaining of information about the session Morales had with his ministers on board a naval vessel on Lake Titikaka, saying: “We could have exploded the boat and do away with their Marxist government once and for all.”

The secret services also identified the pavilion “Cooperative de Telecommunicaciones” (Cotas) at the permanent exhibition complex in Samta Cruz, that was the terrorists’ base station. Regardless of the word “Cooperative”, Cotas is a private company, and its role in the anti-government conspiracy could be compared to that of the Chilean ITT radio and TV company that was involved in the preparations of the overthrow of Salvador Allende. The Cotas warehouses stored firearms, grenades, C-4 explosives, nitroglycerine and other ordnance. One of the rooms was a shop where bombs were made. Another stored note-book computers and maps marking facilities for sabotage and lists of the pointed victims. After the operation at the hotel Las Americas the hideouts were opened to deliver the things in them to investigators. Later they were shown to journalists. Mass media was also given a video showing the bodies of the terrorists killed in the attack – Rozsa, his Irish bodyguard Michael Dwyer, and an explosives expert, Romanian Magiarosi Arpak.

The surviving terrorists, Hungarian Elod Toaso and Mario Tadic Astorga of the Bolivian-Croatian descent agreed to cooperate with investigators and are now making evidence. The search for the members of the clandestine Rozsa organisation is going on all over the country. Europeans that came to Bolivia starting 2008 are thoroughly inspected. The “Argentinean” trace is also closely investigated.

It has been discovered that Rozsa was in contact with the retired Argentinean army officers, the “carapintados” discussing potential joint armed “guerrilla operations” in Bolivia. Assistance to Rozsa in establishing contacts with Argentineans was rendered by Penia Esclusa, the head of the NGO “UnaAmerica” funded by the United States. Small wonder, as Esqlus was a mature (the best description) CIA agent whom his organisation attempted to introduce into the inner circle of Hugo Chavez at the start of his political career (“Beware of Esqlus, - ho wrote to his friends – “as he goes out of his way to wriggle into favour”).

The financiers and suppliers of arms are already under arrest. Radio and TV broadcast statements calling for those who are still hiding to surrender. The res0onse to those so far was nil, not to speak about a telephone call from the United States Hugo Acha, a Rozsa connection, made to a TV channel. Shortly before that time Aca (dubbed “Superman”)was a Human Rights Watch (HRW) representative in Bolivia, thus being able to meet US diplomats on a regular basis. Besides, he was a leading lecturer at the Bolivian Higher School for Military Investigations, being in close contact with the upper army echelon, and could visit Defence Minister Walker San Miguel. “Superman” denies his cooperation with terrorists, even admitting meeting them “illegally.” Aca has no intention of returning to Bolivia, explaining g this by his distrust of “the current Bolivian justice.” But the real reason behind his flight is he is still the connection of CIA residents who guided Rozsa. This agent was just deactivated for reasons of the threat of his disclosure.

EDIT 1: Aca in the last paragraph refers to Hugo Acha.

EDIT 2: The self-styled "Human Rights Foundation/Watch" in Bolivia has actively supported the European/Nazi ratline/landowner separatist movements against indigenous Aymara and Quechua. Its name is a textbook example of doublespeak.

And now we have the following from the Irish Times on April 16, 2010:


IN THE latest twist to his sprawling investigation the Bolivian prosecutor in charge of the case last week claimed Eduardo Rozsa Flores was working for a web of powerful right-wing separatist groups in Santa Cruz controlled through a Masonic lodge called The Knights of the East, which plotted to kill President Evo Morales and have Santa Cruz secede from Bolivia.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
More than funny handshakes went down in that hotel in Santa Cruz. They seem to be ubiquitous when it comes to gladio type operations don't they?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:More than funny handshakes went down in that hotel in Santa Cruz. They seem to be ubiquitous when it comes to gladio type operations don't they?


Cue MSM describing the Bolivian assertions as a "conspiracy theory".....
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Where's Ruben when you need him?He can verify that these Fascists are all humble and truly "self-made men".

Viva Los Guacamole!!!!!!!!(with clenched fist)

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller

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