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CIA Targets Education Forum, Conspiracy Section.
Some just don't get it.

The operations in question were controled out of the Pentagon at the direction of the White House and the National Security Staff.

The CIA even though they new of these operations.., and in some cases, so did the FBI, the NSC and a host of other alphbet people and in some cases military commands who worked around these operations and had no active roll in planning those operations.

It was a White House operation and White House directives passed down via the Pentagon to those military units involved. In some cases the CIA did not even know why or what it was all about. In some cases they, (CIA) even if they wanted to, could not stop the operation because it was a specialized operation conducted by the White House through the Pentagon and that chain of command.

Sometimes that chain of command refused to even bring the CIA into the loop and in some cases the CIA was purposely kept OUT of the loop, because they could not be trusted. In many cases the CIA acted as logistical support only and did not question the machanics or orgin of the operation.

I am not defending the CIA, so do not read this wrong... I am only trying to get it throught somes thick heads you got it all wrong... think out of the BOX...... The mess we are trying to untangle is what happens when politicians try to run operations and interfer in matters and events, that are best left to the military and various intelligence agencies... politicians intentions are to manipulate events for political gain or position. If you want to hang it in someones ear then go to the right source..., the source who created the problem... go beyond what seems to be obvious and then, and only then, will you perhaps untangle the delicate web that has been cast upon the truth by the special interest lobbiest and their political pawns.
Tosh Plumlee Wrote:Some just don't get it.

The operations in question were controled out of the Pentagon at the direction of the White House and the National Security Staff.

The CIA even though they new of these operations.., and in some cases, so did the FBI, the NSC and a host of other alphbet people and in some cases military commands who worked around these operations and had no active roll in planning those operations.

It was a White House operation and White House directives passed down via the Pentagon to those military units involved. In some cases the CIA did not even know why or what it was all about. In some cases they, (CIA) even if they wanted to, could not stop the operation because it was a specialized operation conducted by the White House through the Pentagon and that chain of command.

Sometimes that chain of command refused to even bring the CIA into the loop and in some cases the CIA was purposely kept OUT of the loop, because they could not be trusted. In many cases the CIA acted as logistical support only and did not question the machanics or orgin of the operation.

Everything is shrouded in a deep black and duplicitous fog but...

My own sense is that Tosh is essentially correct here.

There are Players - often very well known & identifiable - who set most of the balls into play.

Every Bush Presidency has had a cabal of relatively visible Players within special "departments" at the White House pursuing a strategy of tension. Amorally, viciously, ruthlessly.

But even they are probably the Bishops & Castles (heheh) rather than the Kings & Queens.

Glimpses of a permanent global Gladio, parallel and distinct, entwined and separate, Knights of Malta, Die Spinne, Operation Condors & United Fruit Companies.


Those at the operational coalface are frequently not aware of quite who they're playing for, or how their actions fit into some bigger picture.

A fine example of the deep black and duplicitous fog is Lee Harvey Oswald himself. Almost certainly a product of deep black programmes, including the possibility that Oswald was one of the first graduates of MK-ULTRA to be tested in the field, he was involved in so many plots and counter-plots, simultaneously involved with so many individuals who should have been cutting each other's throats, that Lee Harvey (or Lee and Harvey) ultimately did not know who the fuck was running him.

Until his handler(s) led him into the patsy trap: the book depository, the cinema, the police basement.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Some observations about the AMCARBON research and its trajectory

A persistent misapprehension in the discussion of AMCARBON-3 and how that material emerged has led my friend Peter Lemkin to suggest that I share the trajectory of my research on the subject.

In the course of the research for "A Farewell to Justice," around 1999, I discovered a batch of CIA documents recounting how an investigator for Jim Garrison went to Miami where he interviewed in his office at the Miami Herald a reporter for the Miami Herald. CIA describes visits not only to Don Bohning, but to another Miami reporter as well.

Driving from Los Angeles to San Simeon, I interviewed that investigator, whose name was Emory Carl McNabb. During our two days together, McNabb recounted how he had gone to Miami to "recruit" soldiers of fortune for a foray into Biafra. In fact, his aim was to photograph these people so that Jim Garrison might identify a Cuban from a photograph he had of Lee Harvey Oswald outside the trade mart in New Orleans.

McNabb went under the name of "Jim Rose" when he worked for Garrison, and he told me of his visit to Bohning's Miami Herald office. McNabb's details conformed exactly to the CIA's version of the event in the AMCARBON documents.

I spent several days in San Simeon, followed by multiple phone calls with McNabb.

I then went to Miami where I interviewed Don Bohning in the cafeteria of the Miami Herald. He said he did not know the cryptonym "AMCARBON-3," even as he remarked that he lunched every week with CIA's Jake Esterline. I had the documents with me, but he did not ask to see them. As by now we all know, some of these documents also offer details of Bohning's CIA clearances.

I met again with McNabb for a weekend in San Francisco and re-confirmed the information.

Several years later another author cited my research on AMCARBON-3(without mentioning my book). I am offering this information for the historical record, and because it appears that despite not only my own, but the efforts of others, historians and researchers who should know better persist in denigrating Garrison, either with disinformation, by focusing on the inevitable dead ends he encountered during his investigation, or by ignoring the many times when history has now revealed him to have been correct.

Joan Mellen
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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