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3rd part of the Mexico Trip series at CTKA

Part 2b is now up at CTKA with the final piece almost finished.
I hope you enjoy and will be ready for my tying it all together in the last article - Looks to me that there was no Oswald on those buses, no Oswald at the hotel, and a completely different person at the Embassies in Mexico, if at all. Sept 28th simply did not happen.

We will show in this and the last segment who did what in Mexico to create this evidence and how the FBI, CIA and State seemed to work together to perpetrate this fraud...


Thanks again to Jim D for his help in bringing this research to light...
Your comments and observations are appreciated

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6532&stc=1] [Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6533&stc=1]

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.jpg   CIA shows that no photos were taken Oct 1 - yet claims there were in this letter.jpg (Size: 508.46 KB / Downloads: 35)
.jpg   CIA Chronology of Photos taken - Russ Holmes - 104-10413-10094.jpg (Size: 146.07 KB / Downloads: 34)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Híjole! Qué onda?

When you take a close look at the so-called evidence, Oswald's Excellent Adventure in Mexico really falls apart like a stale taco. Thanks to DJ's continuing saga/evidence dump, this whole thing is beginning to smell as bad as the rifle evidence and the Magic Bullet, and that's really saying something!

Guess our good ole U.S. of A. evidence fakers prayed the Mexican authorities were just too dumb to notice that "O.H. Lee" really didn't look a whole lot like our genuine fake "Lee Harvey Oswald"--though, in fairness, U.S. attorneys, a former DCI, and our Chief Justice appeared to be even dumber... I mean... patriotic. Gotta love that disappearing Flecha Rojas evidence, and the disappearing back up evidence. Is it too late to check out the Paine's garage one more time?

Keep up the good work, David!
Jim Hargrove Wrote:Híjole! Qué onda?

When you take a close look at the so-called evidence, Oswald's Excellent Adventure in Mexico really falls apart like a stale taco. Thanks to DJ's continuing saga/evidence dump, this whole thing is beginning to smell as bad as the rifle evidence and the Magic Bullet, and that's really saying something!

Guess our good ole U.S. of A. evidence fakers prayed the Mexican authorities were just too dumb to notice that "O.H. Lee" really didn't look a whole lot like our genuine fake "Lee Harvey Oswald"--though, in fairness, U.S. attorneys, a former DCI, and our Chief Justice appeared to be even dumber... I mean... patriotic. Gotta love that disappearing Flecha Rojas evidence, and the disappearing back up evidence. Is it too late to check out the Paine's garage one more time?

Keep up the good work, David!

Appreciated Jim - glad you enjoyed it.

Check that "Mexican Visa is a Fraud" post as well... I think that too was "created" after the fact by CASH in Mexico for a number of reasons.
There is no photo related to the application or visa... and the app itself says it's for an FM-5 not the FM-8 given Oswald

As I've said... I think that there was no Oswald impersonator traveling to and from in the manner offered. That LEE or the impersonator if there was one exited by Auto and entered the same way as was the plan to associate Oswald with a Cuban conspiracy and paint him pro-Castro in the media - which they did all summer in New Orleans.

Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Mexico City November 25,1963 (UPI) - The newspaper Excelsior said
Oswald crossed the border at Laredo,Tex., on Sept.26 and drove to
Mexico City, where on Sept.28 he called on the consulate general of
Cuba and ask for a transit visa to Moscow by way of Havana.
The United States customs service at Laredo confirmed this crossing.
A spokesman said, "there are records to establish this." The records
also showed Oswald reentered the United States Oct 3.
Harry Dean Wrote:Mexico City November 25,1963 (UPI) - The newspaper Excelsior said
Oswald crossed the border at Laredo,Tex., on Sept.26 and drove to
Mexico City, where on Sept.28 he called on the consulate general of
Cuba and ask for a transit visa to Moscow by way of Havana.
The United States customs service at Laredo confirmed this crossing.
A spokesman said, "there are records to establish this." The records
also showed Oswald reentered the United States Oct 3.

Where did the source info come from Harry? The only document which contains both dates would be the FM-11 or the bogus FM-8 with the stamps of Maydon and Chapa.
The 28th is the Saturday and we have Duran telling us that no one was allowed in on Saturday and that these calls were not made that day.

Peter Kihss Mexico City NY Times wrote on Dec 2nd that this evidence was found and he took the trip to and from on TRANSPORTES FRONTERA... which we both know is false.

The information which reaches the FBI on Nov 23 and 24 comes from photostats of 3x5 cards of what Tijerina wrote what was on the FM-11 and given to CASH then to CHAPMAN. (I posted these in my other thread on Mexico)
The original FM-11 is ??

US Customs at Laredo was CASH
Tijerina is a Asst Chief of Immigration at Nuevo Laredo

The cards he typed do not show a mode of transport for his entry.
Someone called the Russian compound for a transit visa to ODESSA on Sept 27th
Someone went to the Cuban compound to see if a transit visa thru Cuba would help him get to Russia faster yet the Russians were already processing a Visa for Marina and her husband. Both Duran and Azcue tell us this was NOT the Oswald Ruby killed - nor did he look like an Oswald at all.

I truly appreciate that you have inside info on all this yet if you read any of the three pieces I've written so far you'd know the travel evidence is a fraud, the visa is a fraud and not the correct form, the application for the visa was probably an impersonator or LEE, and the rest of the evidence for his leaving Mexico is a joke in the same vein as the Tague and the Single bullet - "Oh you have proof one of the bullets missed? then I guess he was only hit with 2 of the 3 shots which we are saying were fired"

Remember please that if it was our Oswald or a plan to incriminate Oswald with this trip, the evidence trail related to this travel betrays this conclusion by not being as easy to follow as the many others who supposedly took the trip with him. for THEM we can find proof of travel, just not for Oswald.... that's why we have thousands of pages of interviews and speculation about who may have seen him, sat near him, heard him etc... as opposed to offering the actual physcial evidence which they finally do get around to and in turn is their undoing.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6561&stc=1]

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.jpg   CE2121 page 30 - NY Times on Dec 2 says Frontera was busline in AND out.jpg (Size: 304.77 KB / Downloads: 26)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
The guy in the picture noon Oct. 2 and Oct 4 cannot be the same guy as the "Oswald" who crossed the border back into Texas on Oct. 3. Based only on my personal experience (in the late 70's) riding a bus across Mexico, you would have had a very hard time leaving Mexico City after noon on Oct. 2 by bus and arriving in Nuevo Laredo in time to cross the border at 2:00 AM on Oct. 3. The trip would have taken several hours longer than that. It's more than 700 miles.

Wasn't there a bus passenger that said Oswald got on the bus in Monterrey (not Mexico City), which is more than halfway (at least 500 miles) to Nuevo Laredo? Also, didn't the Mexican bus authorities state in the Warren Investigation that Oswald's "return ticket" was a fake?

If someone was setting the real Oswald up, why not have him cross the border and go to a different destination? You get the best of both worlds there, a solid border/customs record of entry and exit, as well as the freedom to impersonate him in Mexico City.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
David Josephs Wrote:
Harry Dean Wrote:Mexico City November 25,1963 (UPI) - The newspaper Excelsior said
Oswald crossed the border at Laredo,Tex., on Sept.26 and drove to
Mexico City, where on Sept.28 he called on the consulate general of
Cuba and ask for a transit visa to Moscow by way of Havana.
The United States customs service at Laredo confirmed this crossing.
A spokesman said, "there are records to establish this." The records
also showed Oswald reentered the United States Oct 3.

Where did the source info come from Harry? The only document which contains both dates would be the FM-11 or the bogus FM-8 with the stamps of Maydon and Chapa.
The 28th is the Saturday and we have Duran telling us that no one was allowed in on Saturday and that these calls were not made that day.

Peter Kihss Mexico City NY Times wrote on Dec 2nd that this evidence was found and he took the trip to and from on TRANSPORTES FRONTERA... which we both know is false.

The information which reaches the FBI on Nov 23 and 24 comes from photostats of 3x5 cards of what Tijerina wrote what was on the FM-11 and given to CASH then to CHAPMAN. (I posted these in my other thread on Mexico)
The original FM-11 is ??

US Customs at Laredo was CASH
Tijerina is a Asst Chief of Immigration at Nuevo Laredo

The cards he typed do not show a mode of transport for his entry.
Someone called the Russian compound for a transit visa to ODESSA on Sept 27th
Someone went to the Cuban compound to see if a transit visa thru Cuba would help him get to Russia faster yet the Russians were already processing a Visa for Marina and her husband. Both Duran and Azcue tell us this was NOT the Oswald Ruby killed - nor did he look like an Oswald at all.

I truly appreciate that you have inside info on all this yet if you read any of the three pieces I've written so far you'd know the travel evidence is a fraud, the visa is a fraud and not the correct form, the application for the visa was probably an impersonator or LEE, and the rest of the evidence for his leaving Mexico is a joke in the same vein as the Tague and the Single bullet - "Oh you have proof one of the bullets missed? then I guess he was only hit with 2 of the 3 shots which we are saying were fired"

Remember please that if it was our Oswald or a plan to incriminate Oswald with this trip, the evidence trail related to this travel betrays this conclusion by not being as easy to follow as the many others who supposedly took the trip with him. for THEM we can find proof of travel, just not for Oswald.... that's why we have thousands of pages of interviews and speculation about who may have seen him, sat near him, heard him etc... as opposed to offering the actual physcial evidence which they finally do get around to and in turn is their undoing.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6561&stc=1]
This above from Chicago Tribune, Tuesday,
November 26,1963
What a sad example this is of how the Lords of Print were an integral part of this crime!

Mexican authorities bent over backwards to cooperate with U.S. authorities (just ask Sylvia Duran about that)! U.S. dailies thoughtlessly printed so-called "evidence" that couldn't stand the light of even a cursory examination. (How 'bout a certain money order for an Italian rifle that was never deposited or paid or processed in any way?)

The FBI, after the secret transfer of Oswald's possessions from Dallas to Washington on 11/23/63, created scores of false documents which were secretly returned to Dallas police on 11/26/63. Major U.S. news outlets have never reported, to take just one example of these OBVIOUSLY forged documents, that Oswald's infamous 1956 Income Tax return did not include his income from the USMC? (Why? Because the Dept. of the Navy didn't disclose his 1956 USMC income until 9/15/64, long after the document was forged.)

If Oswald really went to Mexico City, why wasn't the CIA able to produce his mug shot in front of the Cuban and Russian offices from all those pulse cameras and backup cameras? Why did even J. Edgar Hoover tell LBJ that the voice of "Oswald" in Mexico City was from an "imposter." And how did "Oswald" break all those land speed records on his way up to Texas?

DJ has made an excellent case that these documents are bs, but the Lords of Print don't even bother to consider it. How sad it all is.

Quote:This above from Chicago Tribune, Tuesday,
November 26,1963

Very funny Harry...

Where do you suppose they got that information? US sources... Mexican? FBI? CIA?
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Drew Phipps Wrote:The guy in the picture noon Oct. 2 and Oct 4 cannot be the same guy as the "Oswald" who crossed the border back into Texas on Oct. 3. Based only on my personal experience (in the late 70's) riding a bus across Mexico, you would have had a very hard time leaving Mexico City after noon on Oct. 2 by bus and arriving in Nuevo Laredo in time to cross the border at 2:00 AM on Oct. 3. The trip would have taken several hours longer than that. It's more than 700 miles.

Wasn't there a bus passenger that said Oswald got on the bus in Monterrey (not Mexico City), which is more than halfway (at least 500 miles) to Nuevo Laredo? Also, didn't the Mexican bus authorities state in the Warren Investigation that Oswald's "return ticket" was a fake? (DJ - They said there was a change of buses in Monterrey yet the bus driver claims the relief driver was tired and he simply drove all the way to Laredo... Oswald was not on these buses. The travel times as I mention below are 11 hours to Monterrey and 4 hours to Nuevo Laredo. The Mexican bus authorities are all at a loss for how anyone could conclude Oswald was on these buses given the evidence and what occured "soon after the assassination" in Mexico City, Nuevo Laredo, Monterrey, and Laredo TX.)

If someone was setting the real Oswald up, why not have him cross the border and go to a different destination? You get the best of both worlds there, a solid border/customs record of entry and exit, as well as the freedom to impersonate him in Mexico City. (DJ - if someone was setting him up, why not just buy a round trip ticket from New Orleans to Mexico to Dallas on Greyhound-Del Norte-Greyhound instead of piece-mealing every stop and every ticket... ) go to CTKA and read my articles and find out...)

You make very good points Drew... and I address them all in my last article of the series.... one of the key documents which addresses your exact point follows.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6563&stc=1]

The photos are from 12:22pm Oct 2nd (actually the one published in the WCR is from Oct 4th).
The FRONTERA BUS leaves at 2pm
I show the evidence that states a complete and thorough search of Del Norte produced no evidence realted to Oswald but only the del norte bus leaves at 8:30am Oct 2nd to travel thru Monterrey and arrive at Laredo before 3am Oct 3rd.
I do not know where they get their info... it's about 11 hours from Mexico City to Monterrey and another 4 hours from Monterrey to Laredo.
CE2577 is the applicable bus schedule which the FBI used to determine which bus he needed to take after they found there was no evidence for his traveling on ANY of these buses. Someone claiming to be Oswald left by car.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6564&stc=1]

But there are more problems than answers here.

Changes of buses or not, a men named Voorhees, RUIZ, Del Rio and Van Der Vorm, and the fact that 13688 was never issued which in turn could not have been the basis for the Greyhound exchange order also showing the wrong date for the original purchase of the ticket... which was Sept 30th

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6566&stc=1]

The stamp says Oct 1 as well - The same agency listed above on Sept 30 is the one which filled out and gave our traveler this form 43599 dated Oct 1st.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6565&stc=1]

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.jpg   FBI report on Frontera has wrong times for Laredo arrival and in turn Dallas arrival - why.jpg (Size: 355.07 KB / Downloads: 26)
.jpg   CE2577 Greyhound bus schedule Laredo - San Antonio - Dallas cropped.jpg (Size: 365.61 KB / Downloads: 26)
.jpg   Del Norte to Greyhound International Exchange order for 13688 arrival in Laredo.jpg (Size: 270.21 KB / Downloads: 25)
.jpg   WCE 2530 - complete receipt for del Norte bus from Mexico to Laredo for Oswald.jpg (Size: 485.29 KB / Downloads: 26)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

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