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Was the Followup Car Blocking a Shot at Z313?
I know that some of the members live in Dallas, or close to Dallas, while others, such as myself, live many thousands of miles away. For this reason, I am putting forward an idea and hoping someone, with better access to Dealey Plaza than myself, might want to test it out.

What got me going on my "quest" was a post, on another forum, by a fellow who claimed he and his friends were in Dealey Plaza late one night and, with very little traffic going through, decided to do some tests of their own. What they did was get one guy positioned at the z313 location on Elm St. and, estimating the distance the follow up car would have been behind the limo, had the other guys stand in the position the SS agents would have been in. The guy playing JFK then looked back at the Sniper's Nest and discovered his "SS agents" were blocking his view of the SN.

Now, I know this was not exactly a scientific method of testing a theory, and they likely had a few beers in them by this point, but the basics still intrigued me. As you all know, not a single reenactment or animation has ever included the follow up car behind the limo, and perhaps there is a good reason for this.

However, there is more to this than that. I'm not sure how many of you have seen this before but, long before the Single Bullet Theory made its debut, the FBI believed they knew exactly when and where all three shots occurred, and their interpretation bore no resemblance to the SBT.

On January 20, 1964, the FBI sent a 65 page report, including a visual aids brochure of the 3-D model they had made of Dealey Plaza, to the Warren Commission, who gave it the designation Commission Document 298. Below is one of those slides. Anyone wishing to see the other slides can find them at this link:

[Image: PageImage?mode=getPage&fileName=nary-wcd...=landscape]

As it states, the FBI believed this to be the location of the second shot, and they also believe this shot struck only John Connally. They place this shot 262 feet from the Sniper's Nest which, coincidentally, is only 3 feet less than where the WC placed the head shot at z313, at 265 feet. As noted, the FBI determined the down hill angle of this shot to be 18°.

The next two slides show where the FBI determined the third shot, that struck JFK in the head, occurred. Note that it occurred close to the Grassy Knoll steps, right where several witnesses claimed it occurred.

[Image: PageImage?mode=getPage&fileName=nary-wcd...=landscape]

[Image: PageImage?mode=getPage&fileName=nary-wcd...=landscape]

The FBI placed the head shot at 307 feet from the Sniper's Nest, not at 265 feet, as claimed by the WC. This is rather startling when one considers the FBI supposedly had access to the same Zapruder film you and I have access to. The film we have seen clearly shows the head shot at z313, and a straight line from z313 to the 6th floor SE window definitely measures out to 265 feet. This fact alone is, in my view, definite proof of alteration of the Zapruder film. How else could the FBI place the explosive head shot 45 feet further down Elm St. from z313, if they were not watching an unaltered version of the Zapruder film?

Considering the serious risk they were taking in moving the head shot 45 feet up the road to z313, should the contents of CD 298 ever be revealed to the public, the obvious question, to me anyways, is WHY would they move the head shot 45 feet closer to the TSBD? At z313, Oswald might have been a bit hurried to get the last shot off but, at 307 feet, he had all the time in the world to take careful aim at JFK. So, why move it?

I believe the answer lies in the request I have made of the members here. At 262 feet, the angle of the shot was 18°, while at 307 feet, that angle had diminished to 15°. What if it eventually dawned on one of the geniuses at the FBI that, at such a low angle, the view a shooter in the Sniper's Nest had of JFK might have been blocked by the occupants of the follow up car? An important thing to also remember about Elm St. is that it slopes downhill to the Triple Underpass at an angle of 3.13° (5.46% grade) and this would place JFK that much lower than the follow up car and its occupants. How much lower? One very sharp fellow at another forum has determined the drop from the pavement in front of the steps of the TSBD, to the position of z313, to be 11.76 feet.

So, any of you Dallasites interested in testing this out? Without the beer, of course.
Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.

Warren Commission testimony of Secret Service Agent Clinton J. Hill, 1964
[/FONT]Bob - I've been talking about WCD298 for a few years now, glad you are embracing it... we need to rememeber that the info in these docs is made up to confuse the issue.
They do not match with the West survey data at all... and infact the contradictions are humorous. The info in WCD298 was the FBI's first presentation of the shots and the lie they were going to stick to until Tague comes along.

The Evidence IS the Conspiracy my dear friend... and in no greater measure than the Zfilm/DP related measuremenats and conclusions...

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6668&stc=1]

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6669&stc=1]

April27, 1964


TO: J. Lee Rankin

FROM: Norman Redlich

The purpose of this memorandum is toexplain the reasons why
certainmembers of the staff feel that it is important to take certain
on-sitephotographs in connection with the location of the approximate
pointsat which the three bullets struck the occupants of the

Our report presumably will state thatthe President was hit by
thefirst bullet, Governor Connally by the second, and the President
bythe third and fatal bullet. The reportwill also conclude that the
bulletswere fired by one person located in the sixth floor southeast
cornerwindow of the TSBD building.

As our investigation now stands,however, we have not shown
thatthese events could possibly have occurred in the manner suggested
above. All we have is a reasonable hypothesis whichappears to be
supportedby the medical testimony but which has not been checked out
againstthe physical facts at the scene of the assassination. (DJ: it's the end of April already... with the conclusion stated above, why bother checking at all?)

Our examination of the Zapruder filmsshows that the fatal
thirdshot struck the President at a point which we can locate with
reasonableaccuracy on the ground. We can do thisbecause we know the
exactframe (no. 313) in the film at which the third shot hit the
Presidentand we know the location of the photographer. By lining up
fixedobjects in the movie frame where this shot occurs we feel that
wehave determined the approximate location of this shot. This can be
verifiedby a photo of the same spot from the point where Zapruder was

We have the testimony of Governor andMrs. Connally that the
Governorwas hit with the second bullet at a point which we probably
cannotfix with precision. We feel we haveestablished, however, with
thehelp of medical testimony, that the shot which hit the Governor
didnot come after frame 240 on the Zapruder film. The governor feels
thatit came around 230, which is certainly consistent with our
observationsof the film and with the doctor's testimony. Since the
Presidentwas shot at frame 313, this would leave a time of at least 4
secondsbetween the two shots, certainly ample for even an

Prior to our last viewing of the filmswith Governor Connally
wehad assumed that the President was hit while he was concealed
behindthe sign which occurs between frames 215-225. We have expert
testimonyto the effect that a skilled marksman would require a
minimum2 seconds between shots with this rifle. Since the camera
operatesat 18 1/3 frames per second, there would have to be a minimum
of40 frames between shots. It is apparent,therefore, that if
GovernorConnally was even as late as frame 240, the President would
haveto have been hit no later than frame 190 and probably even

Wehave not yet examined the assassination scene to determine
whetherthe assassin in fact could have shot the President prior to
frame 190. We could locate the position on the groundwhich
correspondsto this frame and it would then be our intent to establish
byphotography that the assassin would have fired the first shot at the
Presidentprior to this point. Our intention isnot to establish the
pointwith complete accuracy, but merely to substantiate the
hypothesiswhich underlies the conclusions that Oswald was the sole

I had always assumed that our finalreport would be
accompaniedby a surveyor's diagram which would indicate the
approximatelocation of the three shots. We certainly cannot prepare
such adiagram without establishing that we are describing an
occurrencewhich is physically possible. Ourfailure to do this will,
inmy opinion, place this Report in jeopardy since it is a certainty
thatothers will examine the Zapruder films and raise the same
questionswhich have been raised by our examination of the films. If
wedo not attempt to answer these observable facts, others may answer
themwith facts which challenge our most basic assumptions, or with
fancifultheories based on our unwillingness to test our assumptions
bythe investigatory methods available to us.

I should add that the facts which we nowhave in our possession, su
bmitted to us in separate reports from the FBI and SecretService, a
re totally incorrect and, if left uncorrected, will present acompletely misleading picture.

[FONT=Times New Roman]
It may well be that this project shouldbe undertaken by the
FBIand Secret Service with our assistance instead of being done as a
staffproject. The important thing is that theproject be undertaken

Attached Files
.jpg   The problem with the survey data of dealey plaza by West for the FBI and SS.jpg (Size: 995.35 KB / Downloads: 38)
.jpg   FBI shot recreation cd298 - and actual measurements - Tree not the same as 224.jpg (Size: 317.02 KB / Downloads: 37)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Bob Prudhomme Wrote:I know that some of the members live in Dallas, or close to Dallas, while others, such as myself, live many thousands of miles away. For this reason, I am putting forward an idea and hoping someone, with better access to Dealey Plaza than myself, might want to test it out.

What got me going on my "quest" was a post, on another forum, by a fellow who claimed he and his friends were in Dealey Plaza late one night and, with very little traffic going through, decided to do some tests of their own. What they did was get one guy positioned at the z313 location on Elm St. and, estimating the distance the follow up car would have been behind the limo, had the other guys stand in the position the SS agents would have been in. The guy playing JFK then looked back at the Sniper's Nest and discovered his "SS agents" were blocking his view of the SN.

Now, I know this was not exactly a scientific method of testing a theory, and they likely had a few beers in them by this point, but the basics still intrigued me. As you all know, not a single reenactment or animation has ever included the follow up car behind the limo, and perhaps there is a good reason for this.

However, there is more to this than that. I'm not sure how many of you have seen this before but, long before the Single Bullet Theory made its debut, the FBI believed they knew exactly when and where all three shots occurred, and their interpretation bore no resemblance to the SBT.

On January 20, 1964, the FBI sent a 65 page report, including a visual aids brochure of the 3-D model they had made of Dealey Plaza, to the Warren Commission, who gave it the designation Commission Document 298. Below is one of those slides. Anyone wishing to see the other slides can find them at this link:

[Image: PageImage?mode=getPage&fileName=nary-wcd...=landscape]

As it states, the FBI believed this to be the location of the second shot, and they also believe this shot struck only John Connally. They place this shot 262 feet from the Sniper's Nest which, coincidentally, is only 3 feet less than where the WC placed the head shot at z313, at 265 feet. As noted, the FBI determined the down hill angle of this shot to be 18°.

The next two slides show where the FBI determined the third shot, that struck JFK in the head, occurred. Note that it occurred close to the Grassy Knoll steps, right where several witnesses claimed it occurred.

[Image: PageImage?mode=getPage&fileName=nary-wcd...=landscape]

[Image: PageImage?mode=getPage&fileName=nary-wcd...=landscape]

The FBI placed the head shot at 307 feet from the Sniper's Nest, not at 265 feet, as claimed by the WC. This is rather startling when one considers the FBI supposedly had access to the same Zapruder film you and I have access to. The film we have seen clearly shows the head shot at z313, and a straight line from z313 to the 6th floor SE window definitely measures out to 265 feet. This fact alone is, in my view, definite proof of alteration of the Zapruder film. How else could the FBI place the explosive head shot 45 feet further down Elm St. from z313, if they were not watching an unaltered version of the Zapruder film?

Considering the serious risk they were taking in moving the head shot 45 feet up the road to z313, should the contents of CD 298 ever be revealed to the public, the obvious question, to me anyways, is WHY would they move the head shot 45 feet closer to the TSBD? At z313, Oswald might have been a bit hurried to get the last shot off but, at 307 feet, he had all the time in the world to take careful aim at JFK. So, why move it?

I believe the answer lies in the request I have made of the members here. At 262 feet, the angle of the shot was 18°, while at 307 feet, that angle had diminished to 15°. What if it eventually dawned on one of the geniuses at the FBI that, at such a low angle, the view a shooter in the Sniper's Nest had of JFK might have been blocked by the occupants of the follow up car? An important thing to also remember about Elm St. is that it slopes downhill to the Triple Underpass at an angle of 3.13° (5.46% grade) and this would place JFK that much lower than the follow up car and its occupants. How much lower? One very sharp fellow at another forum has determined the drop from the pavement in front of the steps of the TSBD, to the position of z313, to be 11.76 feet.

So, any of you Dallasites interested in testing this out? Without the beer, of course.

The Secret Service agents on the right side of the follow-up car were to the right and probably beneath the trajectory of a head shot from the sniper's nest.
Hi Dave

I should point out to everyone that if you had not posted material about WCD 298 a while back, I likely would still not have heard about it, and I am eternally grateful to you for this. As I tell people, though, I am a slow learner, and it often takes me a while to fully "embrace" information, as you put it so well.

So, am I to understand, from Redlich's memo to Rankin, that, as of April 27, 1964, the WC was still supporting the concept of three bullets making three separate hits on Connally and JFK? The switcheroo over to the SBT must have taken place almost over night, as it was not long after this that the WCR was released, wasn't it? Small wonder so many of the commissioners had doubts about the SBT, outside of the fact it was physically impossible.

As I said in my first post, the thing I finally clued into about WCD 298 (and it took me long enough) was, how did the FBI identify the position down by the steps, 307 feet from the Sniper's Nest, as the location of the head shot? As the head shot was so graphic and unmistakable, does this prove the FBI was watching a different version of the Z film than we are allowed to see? How else could trained investigators get the head shot location so wrong?
Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.

Warren Commission testimony of Secret Service Agent Clinton J. Hill, 1964
Herbert Blenner Wrote:
Bob Prudhomme Wrote:I know that some of the members live in Dallas, or close to Dallas, while others, such as myself, live many thousands of miles away. For this reason, I am putting forward an idea and hoping someone, with better access to Dealey Plaza than myself, might want to test it out.

What got me going on my "quest" was a post, on another forum, by a fellow who claimed he and his friends were in Dealey Plaza late one night and, with very little traffic going through, decided to do some tests of their own. What they did was get one guy positioned at the z313 location on Elm St. and, estimating the distance the follow up car would have been behind the limo, had the other guys stand in the position the SS agents would have been in. The guy playing JFK then looked back at the Sniper's Nest and discovered his "SS agents" were blocking his view of the SN.

Now, I know this was not exactly a scientific method of testing a theory, and they likely had a few beers in them by this point, but the basics still intrigued me. As you all know, not a single reenactment or animation has ever included the follow up car behind the limo, and perhaps there is a good reason for this.

However, there is more to this than that. I'm not sure how many of you have seen this before but, long before the Single Bullet Theory made its debut, the FBI believed they knew exactly when and where all three shots occurred, and their interpretation bore no resemblance to the SBT.

On January 20, 1964, the FBI sent a 65 page report, including a visual aids brochure of the 3-D model they had made of Dealey Plaza, to the Warren Commission, who gave it the designation Commission Document 298. Below is one of those slides. Anyone wishing to see the other slides can find them at this link:

[Image: PageImage?mode=getPage&fileName=nary-wcd...=landscape]

As it states, the FBI believed this to be the location of the second shot, and they also believe this shot struck only John Connally. They place this shot 262 feet from the Sniper's Nest which, coincidentally, is only 3 feet less than where the WC placed the head shot at z313, at 265 feet. As noted, the FBI determined the down hill angle of this shot to be 18°.

The next two slides show where the FBI determined the third shot, that struck JFK in the head, occurred. Note that it occurred close to the Grassy Knoll steps, right where several witnesses claimed it occurred.

[Image: PageImage?mode=getPage&fileName=nary-wcd...=landscape]

[Image: PageImage?mode=getPage&fileName=nary-wcd...=landscape]

The FBI placed the head shot at 307 feet from the Sniper's Nest, not at 265 feet, as claimed by the WC. This is rather startling when one considers the FBI supposedly had access to the same Zapruder film you and I have access to. The film we have seen clearly shows the head shot at z313, and a straight line from z313 to the 6th floor SE window definitely measures out to 265 feet. This fact alone is, in my view, definite proof of alteration of the Zapruder film. How else could the FBI place the explosive head shot 45 feet further down Elm St. from z313, if they were not watching an unaltered version of the Zapruder film?

Considering the serious risk they were taking in moving the head shot 45 feet up the road to z313, should the contents of CD 298 ever be revealed to the public, the obvious question, to me anyways, is WHY would they move the head shot 45 feet closer to the TSBD? At z313, Oswald might have been a bit hurried to get the last shot off but, at 307 feet, he had all the time in the world to take careful aim at JFK. So, why move it?

I believe the answer lies in the request I have made of the members here. At 262 feet, the angle of the shot was 18°, while at 307 feet, that angle had diminished to 15°. What if it eventually dawned on one of the geniuses at the FBI that, at such a low angle, the view a shooter in the Sniper's Nest had of JFK might have been blocked by the occupants of the follow up car? An important thing to also remember about Elm St. is that it slopes downhill to the Triple Underpass at an angle of 3.13° (5.46% grade) and this would place JFK that much lower than the follow up car and its occupants. How much lower? One very sharp fellow at another forum has determined the drop from the pavement in front of the steps of the TSBD, to the position of z313, to be 11.76 feet.

So, any of you Dallasites interested in testing this out? Without the beer, of course.

The Secret Service agents on the right side of the follow-up car were to the right and probably beneath the trajectory of a head shot from the sniper's nest.

Sure they were, Herb. Why not show us how you arrived at that conclusion.
Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.

Warren Commission testimony of Secret Service Agent Clinton J. Hill, 1964
I'd be happy to drive to Dallas (4 hrs and change) and do the test. It occurs to me that you need at least 2 people. I have an idea about the methodology as well.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Bob Prudhomme Wrote:
Herbert Blenner Wrote:
Bob Prudhomme Wrote:I know that some of the members live in Dallas, or close to Dallas, while others, such as myself, live many thousands of miles away. For this reason, I am putting forward an idea and hoping someone, with better access to Dealey Plaza than myself, might want to test it out.

What got me going on my "quest" was a post, on another forum, by a fellow who claimed he and his friends were in Dealey Plaza late one night and, with very little traffic going through, decided to do some tests of their own. What they did was get one guy positioned at the z313 location on Elm St. and, estimating the distance the follow up car would have been behind the limo, had the other guys stand in the position the SS agents would have been in. The guy playing JFK then looked back at the Sniper's Nest and discovered his "SS agents" were blocking his view of the SN.

Now, I know this was not exactly a scientific method of testing a theory, and they likely had a few beers in them by this point, but the basics still intrigued me. As you all know, not a single reenactment or animation has ever included the follow up car behind the limo, and perhaps there is a good reason for this.

However, there is more to this than that. I'm not sure how many of you have seen this before but, long before the Single Bullet Theory made its debut, the FBI believed they knew exactly when and where all three shots occurred, and their interpretation bore no resemblance to the SBT.

On January 20, 1964, the FBI sent a 65 page report, including a visual aids brochure of the 3-D model they had made of Dealey Plaza, to the Warren Commission, who gave it the designation Commission Document 298. Below is one of those slides. Anyone wishing to see the other slides can find them at this link:

[Image: PageImage?mode=getPage&fileName=nary-wcd...=landscape]

As it states, the FBI believed this to be the location of the second shot, and they also believe this shot struck only John Connally. They place this shot 262 feet from the Sniper's Nest which, coincidentally, is only 3 feet less than where the WC placed the head shot at z313, at 265 feet. As noted, the FBI determined the down hill angle of this shot to be 18°.

The next two slides show where the FBI determined the third shot, that struck JFK in the head, occurred. Note that it occurred close to the Grassy Knoll steps, right where several witnesses claimed it occurred.

[Image: PageImage?mode=getPage&fileName=nary-wcd...=landscape]

[Image: PageImage?mode=getPage&fileName=nary-wcd...=landscape]

The FBI placed the head shot at 307 feet from the Sniper's Nest, not at 265 feet, as claimed by the WC. This is rather startling when one considers the FBI supposedly had access to the same Zapruder film you and I have access to. The film we have seen clearly shows the head shot at z313, and a straight line from z313 to the 6th floor SE window definitely measures out to 265 feet. This fact alone is, in my view, definite proof of alteration of the Zapruder film. How else could the FBI place the explosive head shot 45 feet further down Elm St. from z313, if they were not watching an unaltered version of the Zapruder film?

Considering the serious risk they were taking in moving the head shot 45 feet up the road to z313, should the contents of CD 298 ever be revealed to the public, the obvious question, to me anyways, is WHY would they move the head shot 45 feet closer to the TSBD? At z313, Oswald might have been a bit hurried to get the last shot off but, at 307 feet, he had all the time in the world to take careful aim at JFK. So, why move it?

I believe the answer lies in the request I have made of the members here. At 262 feet, the angle of the shot was 18°, while at 307 feet, that angle had diminished to 15°. What if it eventually dawned on one of the geniuses at the FBI that, at such a low angle, the view a shooter in the Sniper's Nest had of JFK might have been blocked by the occupants of the follow up car? An important thing to also remember about Elm St. is that it slopes downhill to the Triple Underpass at an angle of 3.13° (5.46% grade) and this would place JFK that much lower than the follow up car and its occupants. How much lower? One very sharp fellow at another forum has determined the drop from the pavement in front of the steps of the TSBD, to the position of z313, to be 11.76 feet.

So, any of you Dallasites interested in testing this out? Without the beer, of course.

The Secret Service agents on the right side of the follow-up car were to the right and probably beneath the trajectory of a head shot from the sniper's nest.

Sure they were, Herb. Why not show us how you arrived at that conclusion.

Cut the nonsense. Everybody knows that the standing Secret Service agents were on the running boards on both sides of the follow-up car. In fact the famous Altgen's photograph shows four agents standing on their assigned stations.
Herbert Blenner Wrote:
Bob Prudhomme Wrote:
Herbert Blenner Wrote:
Bob Prudhomme Wrote:I know that some of the members live in Dallas, or close to Dallas, while others, such as myself, live many thousands of miles away. For this reason, I am putting forward an idea and hoping someone, with better access to Dealey Plaza than myself, might want to test it out.

What got me going on my "quest" was a post, on another forum, by a fellow who claimed he and his friends were in Dealey Plaza late one night and, with very little traffic going through, decided to do some tests of their own. What they did was get one guy positioned at the z313 location on Elm St. and, estimating the distance the follow up car would have been behind the limo, had the other guys stand in the position the SS agents would have been in. The guy playing JFK then looked back at the Sniper's Nest and discovered his "SS agents" were blocking his view of the SN.

Now, I know this was not exactly a scientific method of testing a theory, and they likely had a few beers in them by this point, but the basics still intrigued me. As you all know, not a single reenactment or animation has ever included the follow up car behind the limo, and perhaps there is a good reason for this.

However, there is more to this than that. I'm not sure how many of you have seen this before but, long before the Single Bullet Theory made its debut, the FBI believed they knew exactly when and where all three shots occurred, and their interpretation bore no resemblance to the SBT.

On January 20, 1964, the FBI sent a 65 page report, including a visual aids brochure of the 3-D model they had made of Dealey Plaza, to the Warren Commission, who gave it the designation Commission Document 298. Below is one of those slides. Anyone wishing to see the other slides can find them at this link:

[Image: PageImage?mode=getPage&fileName=nary-wcd...=landscape]

As it states, the FBI believed this to be the location of the second shot, and they also believe this shot struck only John Connally. They place this shot 262 feet from the Sniper's Nest which, coincidentally, is only 3 feet less than where the WC placed the head shot at z313, at 265 feet. As noted, the FBI determined the down hill angle of this shot to be 18°.

The next two slides show where the FBI determined the third shot, that struck JFK in the head, occurred. Note that it occurred close to the Grassy Knoll steps, right where several witnesses claimed it occurred.

[Image: PageImage?mode=getPage&fileName=nary-wcd...=landscape]

[Image: PageImage?mode=getPage&fileName=nary-wcd...=landscape]

The FBI placed the head shot at 307 feet from the Sniper's Nest, not at 265 feet, as claimed by the WC. This is rather startling when one considers the FBI supposedly had access to the same Zapruder film you and I have access to. The film we have seen clearly shows the head shot at z313, and a straight line from z313 to the 6th floor SE window definitely measures out to 265 feet. This fact alone is, in my view, definite proof of alteration of the Zapruder film. How else could the FBI place the explosive head shot 45 feet further down Elm St. from z313, if they were not watching an unaltered version of the Zapruder film?

Considering the serious risk they were taking in moving the head shot 45 feet up the road to z313, should the contents of CD 298 ever be revealed to the public, the obvious question, to me anyways, is WHY would they move the head shot 45 feet closer to the TSBD? At z313, Oswald might have been a bit hurried to get the last shot off but, at 307 feet, he had all the time in the world to take careful aim at JFK. So, why move it?

I believe the answer lies in the request I have made of the members here. At 262 feet, the angle of the shot was 18°, while at 307 feet, that angle had diminished to 15°. What if it eventually dawned on one of the geniuses at the FBI that, at such a low angle, the view a shooter in the Sniper's Nest had of JFK might have been blocked by the occupants of the follow up car? An important thing to also remember about Elm St. is that it slopes downhill to the Triple Underpass at an angle of 3.13° (5.46% grade) and this would place JFK that much lower than the follow up car and its occupants. How much lower? One very sharp fellow at another forum has determined the drop from the pavement in front of the steps of the TSBD, to the position of z313, to be 11.76 feet.

So, any of you Dallasites interested in testing this out? Without the beer, of course.

The Secret Service agents on the right side of the follow-up car were to the right and probably beneath the trajectory of a head shot from the sniper's nest.

Sure they were, Herb. Why not show us how you arrived at that conclusion.

Cut the nonsense. Everybody knows that the standing Secret Service agents were on the running boards on both sides of the follow-up car. In fact the famous Altgen's photograph shows four agents standing on their assigned stations.

And that proves........??
Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.

Warren Commission testimony of Secret Service Agent Clinton J. Hill, 1964
Drew Phipps Wrote:I'd be happy to drive to Dallas (4 hrs and change) and do the test. It occurs to me that you need at least 2 people. I have an idea about the methodology as well.

I'm all ears, buddy. Not sure you noticed or not but, I'm kinda making this up as I go. Smile
Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.

Warren Commission testimony of Secret Service Agent Clinton J. Hill, 1964
There's really only one SS guy that could possibly have been in the way: Jack Ready. Right and front in the chase car.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."

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