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Bill O'Reilly, JFK liar EXPOSED
What a month for JFK! First McA gets it in the neck, now Bill O'Reilly!

Couldn't happen to two nicer sacks of shit.

Note to Reitzes, von Pein, et al: read it and weep boys!

Posner next.......
What really needs to be exposed is the system and media that allowed O'Reilly to feel confident writing that defamation propaganda work Killing Kennedy.

Don't fall for the sacrificing of individual reporters while the major liars get away unexposed.

The point that Huffington avoids is that DeMohrenschilt was probably murdered by CIA in order to cover up their assassination of Kennedy.
Love that the news clip is there so you hear him saying this. He's so full of shit. Fonzi's wife has the taped calls from Billo from Dallas that day. I hate the title of this article and this book was not his "biography", it was his inside story of HSCA. "The Last Investigation".
Great book.
I'm guessing nothing will happen to O'Reilly because he is backing government lies.

Meanwhile Brian Williams will be hung out to dry because he's a useful scapegoat for Sniper Swiftboating.
I'm nobody, and no one has heard of my father until recently, but please allow me to say, I TOLD YOU SO!
Albert Doyle Wrote:What really needs to be exposed is the system and media that allowed O'Reilly to feel confident writing that defamation propaganda work Killing Kennedy.

Don't fall for the sacrificing of individual reporters while the major liars get away unexposed.

The point that Huffington avoids is that DeMohrenschilt was probably murdered by CIA in order to cover up their assassination of Kennedy.

You just can't please some people! Jeez.:Sad:
Albert Doyle Wrote:What really needs to be exposed is the system and media that allowed O'Reilly to feel confident writing that defamation propaganda work Killing Kennedy.

Or more accurately, the system that encouraged and funded O'Reilly's propaganda.
Richard Coleman Wrote:You just can't please some people! Jeez.:Sad:

Might want to check out the name of the forum you are posting in. ;-)
Dawn Meredith Wrote:Love that the news clip is there so you hear him saying this. He's so full of shit. Fonzi's wife has the taped calls from Billo from Dallas that day. I hate the title of this article and this book was not his "biography", it was his inside story of HSCA. "The Last Investigation".
Great book.

Dawn: My respect for HuffPo has been in steady decline for a year or so. About the time it was sold to AOL or thereabouts. The other day they posted a scurrilous article that MUST have been dictated by the State Department - one long lie.

On Venezuela HuffPo sounds like Fox. O'Reilly in fact. Feh.
The two most obvious lies in Killing Kennedy (the movie) are that a) Oswald was standing up when he shot JFK and b) that the window was all the way open. I haven't read the book, but the book excerpts available don't even mention this. It is inexcusable that O'Reilly would so badly mangle the basic facts of the assassination that have been well known (and accepted by everyone) since November 1963.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."

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