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A Party Political Announcement
A Party Political Annulment, er, Announcement, on Behalf of the Conservative & Unionist Paedophile Party

I am speaking to you today on behalf of the Conservative & Paedophile Party. As you know, an election is due and it is, therefore, proper and right for us to highlight the failings of our current government partners, the Liberal Democrats and Paedophile Party, as well as making the public aware of the Labour Party's shortcomings in their manifesto failings of the paedophile element in their last government under the ever-grinning and delayed back pocket stuffing premier, Tony Blair.

Consequently, you, the vpubic, will be rightly shocked to see in your daily TV Disney news broadcasts and printed news-comics, numerous stories concerning a long dead senior member of the Liberal & Paedophile Party, as well as breaking news regarding the terrible indulgences of an as yet, undead, member of the Labour Paedophile Party.

We are able to highlight this astounding news simply because our own last surviving major paedophile offender, and senior government minister, Lewd Leon Brittan, passed away in his sleep on 21st January this year from terminal cancer. The pillow held over his nose and mouth didn't help either.

Paedophilia is a terrible thing. It so infects British elite and political life that we, the Conservative government, have had to beg the services of a New Zealand judge to hold our inquiry into this matter in order to insure impartiality. We had earlier put forward other well respected and compiant British judges, to hold this responsible and important position, but the British people, quite rightly, saw through our buggery. And Lord Brittan was still alive at that time, which complicated things quite seriously and, obviously, inhibited our choices.

But everything is fine and dandy now. Please vote for us and put an aching knob back where it belongs.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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