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Blatburst-Roy, Carpenter and Holland
That is probably true also, about the compartmentalization.

Phillips probably told Banister to give Oswald an office there that summer as part of the anti FPCC campaign.

But see, that is why it was so key to keep Bishop/Phillips out of the WC volumes. And also to hide the fact that the CIA had that propaganda campaign going on.

Which is why Banister was so upset about Oswald stupidly putting the address on the Lamont flyer.
Just a few visuals to go with the discussion

The SS was also on the "Oswald never at 544 Camp" bandwagon... and never did produce the mentioned follow up report


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[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=6951&stc=1]

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Attached Files
.jpg   544 Camp street collage.jpg (Size: 446.43 KB / Downloads: 31)
.jpg   Oswalds Stamp kit.jpg (Size: 475.79 KB / Downloads: 31)
.jpg   Oswald paycheck stubs from Jaeggers and Reilly Coffee with Stamp the same as FPCC flyer.jpg (Size: 339.25 KB / Downloads: 30)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
I don't think there is any doubt to day that both the Secret Service and the FBI knew that Oswald was there.

The only question is, did the WC guys know he was there?

If they did not, then it shows how bad their inquiry was and how it was controlled by outside forces.

The guy who did most of the New Orleans stuff for the WC was Wesley Liebeler. From what I have been able to ascertain, he was essentially a stooge for whatever the FBI gave him in that regard.

But it would not have made any difference of course. See, when Warren gave the staff that warning about how realities had to override procedure, Liebeler got the message loud and clear, as the others did.

He told Odio that they had orders from Warren to cover up anything they discovered pointing to a conspiracy. So IMO, it likely would have made no difference even if Liebeler had done what Garrison had done. That is, found the flyer with 544 Camp Street on it, then gone to the building and discovered Banister had been there in the summer of 1963. In fact, I don't even think it would have made any difference if he knew that the CIA had ordered the Lamont document back in 1961. And the one Oswald had in the summer of 1963 was dated from 1961.

That is how deep the fix was in with the WC. I talk about this on Len's show tomorrow night, that is the HSCA testimony of McCloy and Cooper. And how they were stilly lying their heads off in 1978 and Blakey and Cornwell let them do it in public.
Liebeler was also too preoccupied with trying to make some time with Silvia Odio. Like Aynesworth hoping to get lucky with Marina. But these are the "experts" we should turn to for the "truth" about the assassination.
I'm not so sure that Wesley was trying to just get it on with her.

I think he made a play for her to see if she would go along so he could tell Warren she was a woman of loose morals. This is how they wanted to discredit her.

As if that would have had anything to do with what she said happened that night.

One of the investigators I talked to told me that this is the reason Warren did not buy Odio. So Wesley probably told Warren that he did make it with her in order to influence him. BTW, Hemmings did the same thing. He tried to discredit her by telling the same stories. That is how badly they needed to get around her.

These guys were shameless. Any inconvenient witness, they tried desperately to discredit. Like say even Connally.

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