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Blatburst-Roy, Carpenter and Holland
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Bart: That isn't the original one.

The original one came out earlier than this one.

And this confirms Blatburst/Roy as who he is.

The first one was declassified in 1992 and had an origin date of 1967 signed by analyst Marguerites Stevens at the time. It said that Sullivan was granted a covert security clearance, for QKEnchant and so was Shaw.

As Marchetti said, you don't need a covert security clearance for the business contact program.

Further, E Howard Hunt also had that clearance. What businessman contact service was he in? He was a covert operator all the way. This convinced Marchetti that Shaw was actually a part of Tracy Barnes DOD outfit aligned with Hunt.

So, sorry, no thanks to Blatburst/Roy aka Mr. Whitewash.

Jim, do you have a link to the original one?
All of my files have been transferred to Bill Davy.

He is doing a massive rewrite of his sterling Let Justice Be Done.

So right now I don't have it. But its excerpted in Bill's book.

BTW, I have to note this memo that Blatburst/Roy links to is largely made up of Agency cross talk about Shaw. It actually says that Shaw probably wasn't really cleared for QK Enchant. When back in 1967 Stevens actually had his covert clearance number.

This memo is pretty obviously damage control. They were really worried that with Hunt and Shaw having the same project cryptonym, the logical deduction would have been that they both worked for DOD.

And I cannot help but note that in Haldeman's The Ends of Power, there is that memorable phone call which everyone ignores. Toward the end, when everything was darkening, Nixon called Haldeman and asked him about Hunt and the Mullen Company. Words to the effect :

Did you know that Hunt worked there before he came to the White House?

Did you know Mullen Company was a CIA front?

Did you know Helms placed him there?

Did you know Robert Bennett pushed him on Colson?

Nixon and Haldeman didn't know what hit them until it was too late. Hunt and McCord were both infiltrators in the White House working for Helms.
Item 11
The document says Shaw was connected to Permindex but then doesn't make too much effort to find out how? It simply says the Pravda article was wrong and Shaw was never in Italy.

Of course Shaw's New Orleans Trade Center activities and their relationship to the Kennedy assassination are what counts here. That's why the memo leaves that out and says it appears the charges are untrue.
Bart, that is a reference to the earlier document unearthed by Stevens.

And I love how the CIA tries to make out like the Permindex story is a creation of Pravda.

In my first version of DB, I use State Department memos to show Shaw's association with the entity.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Bart, that is a reference to the earlier document unearthed by Stevens.

And I love how the CIA tries to make out like the Permindex story is a creation of Pravda.

In my first version of DB, I use State Department memos to show Shaw's association with the entity.

Thanks for the pointers Jim, I will dig out DB again.
CIA says Shaw was never in Italy but then ignores that Shaw himself listed himself as being on the board of Permindex.

This is typical of CIA information.
Its actually even worse than that. Regis Kennedy knew that Shaw had done work for the CIA in Italy for about five years. (Destiny Betrayed, second edition, p. 386)

BTW, one of the things that clued me in about Roy/Blatburst--one of several--was when he tried to say that Dean Andrews didn't really describe Shaw to a T in his WC testimony.

I replied that well, what do you expect, the guy was fearful for his life.

With a straight face, Roy/Blatburst tried to say there really was no reason for that.

I had to go through the litany of Lane, Garrison, Summers all interviewing him and him saying he had been threatened.

How bad is this guy? When Martin Hay dragged out the final piece of evidence that Shaw was Bertrand, that is a long buried interview that Weisberg did with Andrews in which Harold said he would not surface the contents of the disclosure until after he was dead, well Roy/Blatburst tried to dismiss that also! Because Andrews said Bertrand was Shaw. That piece of evidence corroborates about 14 or 15 others that I collected in the second edition of Destiny Betrayed. (See pgs. 387-88) Today this is simply undeniable. To everyone except Carpenter and Roy/Blatburst.

BTW, if you need anything else to cinch Roy/Blatburst as a troll, take a look at the Education Forum and see that DVP, Mr Irrational Man, has started two nonsense threads. (And BTW, he also uses that 59 % figure of doubters of the WR which was an outlier. There are three other polls that came out which were all at 75%.) Well, who comes to his aid, good ole Roy/Blatburst who says as he alway does when people question other researchers motives, well that is Tin Hat land.

LOL. Oh really like John McAdams, with his CIA commercials on his acapella radio station?

But yet, with all those newbies over there, Roy/Blatburst still suckers some people. And this of course, aids Von Pein.

Incredible that no one sees through this act over there.
Roy says that anyone who suspects him of having an agenda is borderline tin foil hat paranoid.

These men are disinformationists whose job it is to argue deliberately deficient information with great aplomb.
Yeah, I saw that too and I added to my post above about it.

Wow, what chutzpah.

And man now the EF has fallen: Von Pein and Roy. Bad cop, good cop.

BTW, Roy/Blatburst is also pushing the whole line of rigamarole about him being a careful researcher.

This is the guy who wrote that when the cut Z frames are inserted into the Z film at around 207 forward, that still does not prove a conspiracy.


See, those excised frames clearly show Kennedy's head buckling from an impact. And when Groden first showed them at Harvard in 1993, the audience was shocked since it was on a big screen with very good resolution.

Everyone realized why Hoover had cut those frames. Because the WC wrote that Oswald could not have gotten a shot off at that point since his vision was blocked by the branches of an oak tree. If you can believe it even Dunacan McRae said it looked like he was hit before he went behind the sign. (DVP went nuts when he said that, of course.) The HSCA photo panel also said this was the case.

But not that "careful researcher" Roy/Blatburst. The troll who feels fine at Max Holland's site.

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