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Blatburst-Roy, Carpenter and Holland
Oh for sure. Von Pein is the prime example of the Warren Commission Crazies or kamikazes.

I mean, see there was never any evidence that Oswald ever picked up the handgun used to shoot Tippit at Railway Express. In fact, even more exculpatory, there was never any evidence that the FBI even went there. So how did the transaction happen?

According to Von Pein, the post office kept a separate box for REA transactions and a separate container for the money. Remember this is in 1963. Before the proliferation of private mailers like Fed Ex and UPS. Of which REA was a forerunner. The USPS was a competitor with REA. He has them doing a collection for them.

Not kidding. He said that.

This is how apoplectic the guy is about the Commission. But see you have to be afflicted in order to buy that BS today.
Mr Blackburst is protesting the criticism against him on Amazon. He doesn't understand the hostility:
Sometimes even books that support the official story can contain little nuggets of gold, which is why read many of them back in the day. Here is an example from William Manchester's 1988 edition of DEATH OF A PRESIDENT:

"…genuine detente with the Russians had begun…Kennedy had inherited a small US commitment to South Vietnam, but after much waffling he realized that it was failing, and he was cutting American losses….His withdrawal operation, which had already begun at the time of his death, would have ended this country's Vietnam commitment in 1965 with the evacuation, as he had put it to me, of the last helicopter pilot.' After his funeral Johnson countermanded these orders."
From what I read, that was not the case with Carpenter. Its a book Clay Shaw would have authorized.

Roy/Blatburst or whatever his name is, will be just as bad if not worse. When a writer posts a review on Max Holland's site, that says it all. I mean that is where McAdams trashed the Douglass book.

I asked Roy/Blackburst if he thought Oswald did it, and I did so more than once. He never answered.

Now he has. No honest, objective, intelligent person can believe that today. Not with all the evidence of the ARRB.

And because he would not answer the question, and now he has, I am even more convinced his book will be agenda driven from the first page, like Carpenter's.

Its hard to comprehend, but the cover up now continues, after 51 years.
Let's not forget that Clay Shaw was a highly paid asset of the CIA, until 1956 so they say. Page 2 item 7
The book is designed to dilute Clay Shaw's poisonous CIA doings in a feel-good description of his life and person. It is sort of like doing a personal profile of Hitler or Goebbels and trying to say there was another warm family or cultural side to them. This is typical CIA damage control propaganda the likes we have seen from many other authors like Dallek, Caro etc. The unstated theme is that the fascist cabal of CIA-oriented persons who assassinated Kennedy were not all bad guys.

Shaw was mixed in with Permindex. He was an old reliable Angleton, WWII intel player. The European Permindex theater was a hot one and one of the most important theaters of the Cold War, which shows Shaw's true status and its relationship to the Kennedy assassination. Carpenter wants to show us Shaw the interior decorator.
Hi Albert
Did you actually read the book?
No, and I'm not going to. I've read DiEugenio and others' criticisms of it. I trust them and have seen it before. You should be able to fathom that from Blackburst's responses. There's only one book you need to read: Destiny Betrayed

Was there something I said that was incorrect?
Bart Kamp Wrote:Let's not forget that Clay Shaw was a highly paid asset of the CIA, until 1956 so they say. Page 2 item 7

This is a key point.

See, the CIA always denied this. And CIA assets like McAdams would use this to say that Garrison was really wrong about Shaw.

Well with the ARRB, there were two pieces of evidence that now emerged to counter the whole thing about Shaw just being a businessman interview.

The QK ENCHANT document which said Shaw had a covert security clearance, and the memo Bart describes above.

Now, I was in possession of correspondence by Gordon Novel in which he stated that the CIA instituted a cover up about Shaw almost from day one and it was ordered by Howard Osborne of the office of security. Well, when these memoranda were declassified by the ARRB, it bolstered Gordon's credibility a lot. I mean, he was right. How did he know that way back then? Maybe because he was in contact with Dulles and Helms during his attempted infiltration of Garrison's office?

Gordon was a difficult guy to read because you really had to do your homework about him. I had one of my largest files on Gordon. Because I kept on running into him in my investigation. I did not do that on purpose. But he was just there.

In the nineties, he tried to publish an expose of the CIA and his work for it; it was called something like CIA vs. America. I got in contact with the agent. And I could not get a straight answer as to why it was shelved. But the important point is that after that, Gordon decided to STFU. Or if he talked, it was obvious disinfo. I know this for a fact. Because one night he tried to tell me that Watergate was mixed up with Area 51. This suggests that the CIA had a hand in deep sixing the book. And that made Gordon reconsider and work a deal with them. Which, I also had evidence of. If they would leave him alone, he would not talk anymore. Or it would be limited hangouts.

This is the Novel that Roy/Blatburst talked to before he died. And I have no doubt at all, he will print this disinfo verbatim without doing any background work on Novel. A la McAdams.

After publishing on Holland's web site, Roy/Blatburst has now exposed himself as nothing but a disguised Oswald did it shill e.g. McAdams, Reitzes.

Who needs this crap today?
Roy just seems to be a mush machine who starts with the premise of seeing all sides and ends up at that destination. He's a mud-maker and little else. Useless towards finding evidence of covert intrigue as an intended purpose.

It would be nice to get a manuscript of CIA vs America.


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