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More on Shenon

This is a nice expose on two sources that Shenon used, and how he made sure he went no further than that.
BTW, its good that Hardway and Kelly have joined the ramparts against Shenon.

And they have enlisted Newman also to show that Samuels was hardly just a State Department employee, and the so called Twist Party was apparently not at the time Oswald was there.

There were some in our community who seemed to welcome Shenon just because he was MSM and suggested some kind of conspiracy.

To me that has never been good enough. Especially after fifty years; and the plot he was suggesting was the CIA's--and David Phillips'--
fall back plan from day one: Fidel was in on it.

To which I reply: bullshit.
Jefferson Morley, the former Wash Post reporter currently suing the CIA for JFK records, runs a website called

He recently ran the following survey, as he described it:

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Two weeks ago, I posted a conspiracy theory survey asking readers to choose between the competing interpretations of two JFK Facts authors:. Robert Morrow, who posits a CIA-military plot from within the U.S. government, and Phil Shenon, who suggests Lee Oswald had pro-Castro Cuban accessories.
Which conspiracy theory won?
Among the 214 readers who responded as of May 22,, Morrow prevailed handily. getting support from 160 (75 percent). Shenon was favored by 11 people (5 percent).
Fourteen percent said "neither" and 6 percent said "other."

========================== QUOTE OFF =============================

At least among people who probably tend to be knowledgeable about the case, Shenon's hatched job gets exactly the respect it so richly deserves. Thanks for the link, Jim!

Chief Justice Earl Warren: "Full disclosure was not possible for reasons of national security." – 1964
CIA accountant James B. Wilcott: Oswald received "a full-time salary for agent work for doing CIA operational work." – 1978
HSCA counsel Robert Tanenbaum: “Lee Harvey Oswald was a contract employee of the CIA and the FBI.” – 1996
Thanks Jim.

I hope we get even more on this from Newman himself.

When I told him about Shenon's ideas about Castro, he was really upset.

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