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When will the CIA assassinate Donald Trump's hair-type substance?
The need is plainly pressing given a) The Trumper's Nixonite approach to Russia*; and b) his poll lead over the CIA's preferred candidate, Bush the 103rd. But there's no need to eliminate the man - only that powerful symbol of Trumpness, his hair-type substance:

*Would a Donald Trump Presidency Be Good for Russia?
Trump's non-ideological, deal-making nature could make him an ideal partner for Putin

By Jay Vogt

10 July 2015

Quote:He's brash! He's bold! He's bald! (maybe), and now the Donald, according to a new poll, is leading the Republican pack nationwide in the 2016 presidential primaries.

Mr. Trump is a man for all seasons - real estate tycoon, casino mogul, womanizing playboy, best-selling author, reality-tv star, and much, much more. Any way you cut it, the man has been wildly successful in life. "I'm really rich," said Trump when he announced his presidential bid in June of this year. Now, the man who has it all is looking to trade it all in for a little more - the leadership of the western world.

There are many things that make Trump stand out among the rest of the mediocre, half-witted drones seeking the Republican nomination. He doesn't have to play by the same rules they do; he doesn't have to worry about maintaining a certain image; he is free to speak his mind; he has far more executive experience and life accomplishments under his belt; and, most importantly, he is a helluva lot smarter than anyone opposing him (though that's not saying much). These realities combine to nullify any negative effects that would ordinarily stem from the ostentatious billionaire's propensity for making outlandish and bombastic displays of public absurdity on a regular basis; and that is very dangerous to his opponents, as well as to the existing political establishment as a whole.

Another distinguishing characteristic about the Donald is that he harbors none of the ridiculous and hysterical Russophobia, which of course is a hallmark of every other Republican candidate. Trump has never spoken harshly about Putin; and there is good reason for this: He likes him. Or if he doesn't like him outright, at minimum, he admires and/or respects him.

If this is suprising, it shouldn't be. For a man who wrote a book entitled Think Big and Kick Ass in Business and Life, the big-thinking, ass-kicking Vladimir Putin is an obvious source of admiration. No national leader makes world-changing mega deals with greater frequency than Mr. Putin, and he would seem to be a natural partner for a coldly-pragmatic global dealmaker like Trump.

One need look no further than the Donald's first post-announcement interview with Bill O'Reilly to see how he views a potential relationship with the Russian president.

O'Reilly: Putin. What do you do to Putin?

Trump: Well, Putin has no respect for our president whatsoever. He's got a tremendous popularity in Russia. They love what he's doing; they love what he represents. So we have a president who is absolutely…you look at him, the chemistry is so bad between those two people. I was over in Moscow two years ago, and I will tell you, you can get along with those people, and get along with them well. You can make deals with those people. Obama can't. He's not…

O'Reilly: So you could make a deal with Putin to stop his expansion?

Trump: I would, I would be willing to bet I would have a great relationship with Putin. It's about leadership.

O'Reilly: Based on what?? You're two macho guys? I mean, you know, come on.

Trump: Based on - no, no, no. Based on - a feel. Ok? You know, deals are people. I make a lot of…

O'Reilly: You sound like George W. Bush. He, he looked into his soul and said he was a good guy. Come on.

Trump: Bush, Bush didn't have the IQ. Look, let me just tell you…

O'Reilly: You know what I'm picking up from this? You'd buy Putin. You'd buy him off.

Trump: I wouldn't buy him. I wouldn't buy him at all. I would be able to get along, in my opinion, with Putin. Now it's possible not; I'm not saying 100%, but I think I would have a very good relationship with Putin. And I tell you what: it's actually important for this country to do that. You can't have everybody hating you. The whole world hates us. And one of the things that I heard for years and years: Never drive Russia and China together; and Obama has done that.

If Donald Trump - who despite his current lead in the polls, is still a longshot - manages to win the presidency, it would almost certainly spell an end to the absurd sanctioning and isolation' of Russia by the West. The reason? They're bad for business. First, foremost, and above all, Donald Trump is a businessman - an entirely practical negotiator and dealmaker. As president, it is entirely likely that he would scrap the insane anti-Russia policies pursued by the incompetent Obama administration and usher in a new era of mutual cooperation. Could we expect anything less from the man behind The Art of the Deal?

"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
An Austrian perspective:

Why Donald Trump Is In Danger

Quote:The beaten establishment fights on both sides of the Atlantic against President-elected Donald Trump: there are demonstrations in the US funded by George Soros and petitions on Soros-supported platforms everybody could sign adressing f.e. the Electoral College. The media better called the war propaganda machine play a key role in the U.S. as well as in Europa, and so do social media. When you are familiar with crowds chanting „no border no nation" in Europe (which really means give the state up) wearing the rainbow flag and communist symbols videos and pictures from the U.S. seem like a flash back.

And when critical interviewers try to ask these people why they hate Trump the same strange collection of phrases comes as reply as we know when folks are against government and for „refugees" (illegal immigrants) „welcome". Very often each kind of political fact-based discussion is denied, either in the streets, at debate meetings, press conferences or in the net. Together with the function of media as part of a war machine it seams clear that a generation of political analphabets falsely claim to be political thinkers and relies completely on the filter bubble it lives in. From the world's perspective a few days of Donald Trump as President-elected have done more for peace than eight years of Obama presidency. Trump and Putin can and will cooperate on a fair and equal base as both are clever strategists (see this German analysis).

Trump is framed by the propaganda machine (the „echo chamber" as John Pilger puts it) like Vladimir Putin or the Hungarian President Viktor Orban, who was the first European leader to congratulate him. There is always a set of negative habits and features to draw an image which should distract the audiences attention from hard facts: lunatic, arrogant, narcistic, crazy, unreasonable, unexperienced, unfit to serve and of course homophob, racist, misogynist, right wing populist. When it comes down to political positions it turns out Trump has more „leftist" offers for the working class (as Mr. Orbans party Fidesz as a Hungarian MP told me recently). When portrayed as dark as possible, the inhibition level is dramatically sinking to wish someone you don't know personally the worst possible which explains all these death threats to Trump.

It should be taken seriously that media (the war machine) reports in an easy, mocking tone about threats on twitter as the same „media" are furious when some frustrated folks without the possiblity to take action post against candidates of the globalists. For those who still wonder why „transatlantic media" are suddenly „anti-american" a short explanation: the globalists of course are „transatlantic" but belong to the „deep state", the shadow government of the military industrial complex, the think tanks, the neocons, the intelligence agencies (with some important exceptions), George Soros and others. At the moment this „deep state" is stronger in Europe than in the U.S. which makes clear why German chancellor Angela Merkel and others now seem to be critical while being silent on the drone war, extraordinary rendition, mass surveillance, the coup in the Ukraine, Libya, Syria etc.

While the propaganda machine focuses f.e. on „Trumps sexism" and moans that women still don't have the chance to break through the glass ceiling (sometimes „white women voting for Trump" get the blame) intelligence insiders like Steve Pieczenik tell us another story: Clinton is not only a symbol for a corrupt elite (watch Clinton Cash) she serves foreign interests and the interests of globalists like George Soros. Her „right hand" Huma Abedin is identified by the intelligence community as being carefully planted beside Hillary Clinton and working for the Saudis (who are important donors for the Clinton campaign as well as for the Clinton Foundation). As HRC has Parkinsons Disease Abedin practically would have been the President of the United States together with others like Tim Kaine (runned as Vice President) who has Soros-ties as the Clintons themselves.

It might be like a cold shower for feminists that Hillary is a complete fake but Pieczenik has some comfort as „men and women" in the intelligence community responded to the „Clinton coup" with a „counter coup" f.e. in supplying Wikileaks with a constant stream of leaked e-mails. These people were ready to organize protests against Clinton if she were elected despite all the leaked information and FBI / NYPD investigations. What we experience now is the color revolution scheme carried out in the U.S. by Soros straw men. It is important to understand that on our side of the ocean the „Soros youth" cries „no border no nation" and that the so-called civil society is completely taken over. I showed various Soros-links through NGOs, projets, networks on national, European, international level, sponsoring of conferences, inviting „experts" working for Soros, influential persons on the boards of Soros-foundations (Open Society Foundations, Pasos, Project Syndicate etc.)

All these Soros activities pursue the goal of abandoning borders and nation states as everybody should live whereever he or she wants to live. This is the end of state sovereignty, of civil liberties and ecomonic security as no state structure can provide all immigrants with housing, welfare, education, jobs. People protesting against Trump and against reasonable European politicians demonstrate against themselves and their fellow citizens, they are anti: anti American, anti German, anti Austrian… Soros and his front organizations tell them „no human is illegal" and „all are just humans" and have to get everything from us except they are citzens in need. Soros is against citizenship and identity as a (male or female) person and as a citizen which is covered in LGBT-, pro choice -, against „hate speech", „welcome refugees„- and other activities. The goal is destabilisation in the U.S. also by keeping the war machine going, in Europe by letting welfare systems collapse in feeding illegal immigrants.

As Canadian Premier Justin Trudeau (see Twitter screenshot above) the new Austrian chancellor Christian Kern (who was welcomed by „welcomers" when he entered office in May 2016) has Soros-ties. Alexander Soros, who works for his fathers aims, visited him in July and posted this on Instagram. Neither the chancellors office nor the Social Democrats were willing to comment though I offered them informations on Soros activities I had collected over several months. It seems that Kern (like many others) tries to get through the turmoil of these days without being too clear on the globalists side where be belongs to. Kern was pushed and favored by the war propaganda machine called MSM because chancellor Werner Faymann wanted to stop illegal immigration (in Europe a complete stop of this kind of Soros-supported immigration is impossible as fences are only partly existing).

The „own" joung Social Democrats (completely taken over) labelled Faymann and the new defense minister Hans Peter Doskozil being responsible for death in the Mediterrian Sea which is some safe (mostly EU) countries away. Scenes from protests against Faymann on the 1st of May in Vienna are similar to pictures of „anger" about Trump in the U.S. It is necessary to know that there is one always slightly differing blueprint for all kind of regime change or color revolution actions. Pictures and videos (see here some from an „open the borders"-manifestation in Vienna) are easy to understand everywhere and Google Translate etc. help with articles. The political analphabets or Pawlows dogs in the streets of America and Europe and in the net live in a bubble where the creation of safe space for words helps against everything. People who have lost their jobs just should not „envy" immigrants what they get or are „afraid", and these manipulated kids think a pedagogic approach instead of practical improvement could „heal" them.

Trump is for a new Glass-Steagall banking law, he does not endorse the official 9/11 conspiracy theory and in contrast to the war machine's „media" the relations to Russia are far better since election day. The massive NATO build up against Russia was a severe threat to the future of the European population which might be one reason why the anti Trump propaganda was and is so massive in Europe. As a result only a few said in surveys Trump could win and few think at the moment he can be a good president. Of course the harsh reaction of the globalist owned German „government" (and that chancellor Merkel should now be „the last Liberal„) should hurt Trump on a personal level as he is of German descent. This parallels behaviour against Putin who also speaks German as he was once stationated in Leipzig and likes Germany and Austria.

The „journalíst" who called for a „presidential assassination" has in the meantime been fired by the „Guardian" but others remain unconfronted. Perhaps these naive brainwashed people now realize death threats are no joke and get them in the focus of the Secret Service, which already has advised Trump to wear bulletproof vests. When Austria (military neutral by constitutional law since 1955) had a defense minister who was against the missile shield (directed against Russia), didn't believe the official 9/11 story like Mr. Trump and was against Austrian participation in combat missions (and as a Social Democrat against deregulation, social cuts and interventionism see the „third way" of Blair and Schröder) threats were also part of the game in the shadow: Norbert Darabos (now Social Secretary in the region Burgenland and still under pressure) was not from the always very transatlantic/globalist red youth organisations but began his career on the community level in his village, one of several with a high percentage of croatian population.

He was a very successful election campaign manager who gained the Presidency and the Chancellor for his party. This brought him as a „reward" into the defense ministry where he was denounced by the globalist media from the first moment. At the age of 24 he was civil servant because he critized the army as being under covert NATO influence; as a Member of Parliament he was active in the Defense Committee (this didn't count). The negative image of Darabos should cover up that he was sealed off, under total surveillance and threatened (character assassination and that he should fear for his and his childrens „health").

The war propaganda machine successfully lied about his true situation with the picture of a former civil servant who has „no interest" in the military so even the chief of staff had no direct contact to him. It is revealing that a diplomatic cable from US embassy Vienna he was described as „ambitious" (what could be next if he is yet Defense Secretary? Chancellor?) and they mentioned that his son suffered from injuries after a car accident (a warning?) five month before the cable was written in the U.S. The globalists influence in Austria is so total that I as a real journalist was the only one writing about Darabos situation and trying to make the office of public prosecutor act (of course in vain). Darabos and I have the same ememies as President-elect Donald Trump so I knew very well what is at stake for a President who wants no war and respects other countries sovereignty.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
A Russophile Serbian perspective:

Soros gathered a group of rich people in order to overthrow Trump

17:12 11/14/2016.

Quote:Billionaire George Soros, one of the main sponsors of the campaign Hillary Clinton, can not be reconciled with the victory of Donald Trump's presidential election in the United States. American businessman of Hungarian origin gathered a large number of extremely rich liberals in Washington, where the luxurious "Mandarin Oriental" at the three-day meeting trying to find ways to sabotage Trump's presidency, says the prominent magazine "Policy".

The conference began on Sunday, as quoted by a newspaper "Politika", the main sponsor of the meeting is influential club "Democratic Alliance", also known as the DA (Democratic Alliance). In addition to the overwhelming antitrampovski minded businessmen, the meeting is attended by political officials, such as Nancy Pelosi, head of the Democrats in the Senate, Senator Elizabeth Warren and others.

These meetings detail the strategy of sabotage Trump plan on the first 100 days of the term of office, which the group considers "terrible attack on the achievements of Barack Obama."

Democratic Alliance is in many ways the last decade has created the appearance of institutional Left, as the Democratic Party represents (urprkos numerous actions that have nothing to do with the political orientation), and Hillary Clinton rose to the position of the central figure of the Democratic Party.

"Democratic Alliance" is the computer that created the campaign on the basis of the threat of climate change, the rights of women and minorities be enough to defeat the Clinton Trump in the elections, but it happened quite the opposite.

- Do not lose the election in which everyone expected victory in the elections with such a role, unless they make some big mistakes, both in the assumptions, as well as the strategy and tactics. We will not rush into anything, but we will resist Trump administration - said Gara Lamarche, President of DA at the welcome dinner at the hotel "Mandarin" on Sunday.

This statement indicates that its something serious has to change, both among Democrats, and the "Democratic Alliance", and that the main funders for moves large table to agree on what to do.

It was announced that "major offensive" to return to power and confidence of voters, primarily in the countries in which the Tramp took key wins - Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin ...

Source: News online
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
The video he mentioned I had never seen before. I kind of doubt, being friends with Giuliani, that he is actually a 9/11 truther, but who knows?

Quote:First, foremost, and above all, Donald Trump is a businessman - an entirely practical negotiator and dealmaker.

Who built a business model based on stiffing his business associates.

Fun to watch the gullible buy the con!

Who doesn't like a good caper story?
Quote:The beaten establishment fights on both sides of the Atlantic against President-elected Donald Trump: there are demonstrations in the US funded by George Soros and petitions on Soros-supported platforms everybody could sign adressing f.e. the Electoral College.

Hate to break it to ya but a lot of those demonstrators would have been out on the street protesting Hillary if she'd won.

I was calling for the start of a Nov. 9 anti-war protest movement (assuming a Hillary win) months ago.

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