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Conspiracy in the larger context
3 talks by Michael Parenti

JFK Assassination: Michael Parenti reflects, 50 years on -

Conspiracy and Class -

The Gangster Nature of the State -
Of course not being a full time researcher in this but only an interested layman I don't have all the answers and only an opinion, but this is not the major theme of this post.

There are so many books on who killed Kennedy, and Ive read many of them, which might alone protects the murderers from ever being exposed. It's a simple well worn methodology of the elite masterminds behind the acts of societal sabotage that they often do…that is to flood the conversation with such a volume of information (true and false and in-between) on some incident such as the assassination that it would take a super computer to sort it all out and even then you'd only get a long list of possibilities you already had!

Personally of all the books I've read the one I think is the most credible, in terms of who did it, was the Johnny Roselli book I read years ago, that strangely enough, as I recall, didn't say the mob alone did it (an absurd notion imo that the mob could do this alone) but said that it was a vast conspiracy involving all the usually named parties: the mob, CIA, MI, the Cubans, and others in the government apparatus of intelligence.

"After Roselli's death, journalists Jack Anderson and Les Whitten published an editorial stating that Roselli had told associates that individuals he had recruited to kill Castro had been turned by the Cuban leader to assassinate President John F. Kennedy.[SUP][7]"[/SUP]

What's strange though is I don't remember the name of the book and so far can't even find it! I use to own it but not anymore.
I'm not saying it's some conspiracy here, I'm saying I just now can't find the book on the market. Or it's in the market but its been so long I can't identify it.

I recall it was a book on the assassination, so he certainly had a co-writer involved, and not merely a biography of Roselli where he had the assassination plot in the book. Though that may be the case. In his biography there are co-writters.

But to my memory this was a book specifically on the assassination.

From Jim Marrs early book, Crossfire, to the recent Ventura piece and many others including a few claiming Johnson did it, and of course the great book, Deep Politics and the Death of JFK, which I read years ago, imo the book with Rosseli's was the most credible by far.

Anyone remember this book?
Do you mean the biography of Roselli, by Charles Rappleye?
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Do you mean the biography of Roselli, by Charles Rappleye?

No, I specifically recall a paperback with Roselli on the cover and the assassination being the topic…though possibly I'm not recalling that it was the biography. The thing is I wouldn't be interested in his biography. It also may have been another author with this as the main topic.

I'll continue to look for it.
Just wanted to say I read Destiny Betrayed, written in 93 by Jim and think its one of the best JFK books.

Great Work!

I went to the library to try to get the Johnny Rosseli's book where I read years ago his confession on it. I think it must have been his biography.

They didn't have the book but I got Destiny Betrayed and read it and it's outstanding.

Question to Jim

What is your take on the Tippet murder?

And comment

In the book one of the many scoundrels, someone I always disliked because of his mob obsession, is Robert Blakely who I think was co-opted by the CIA to derail that the HSCA investigation.

If the mob won't even kill a cop I don't think they would kill a president on their own
Along with 911 the Kennedy assassination is an example of my theory of EYES WIDE SHOT: The tendency of the American people to be blind….and deliberately blind because of their love of the rich and powerful.

Undoubtedly the JFK operation was the first EWS black operation in this country.

You wonder how an intelligent man like Vincent Bugliosi who could pen a courages book on the Iraq war and advocate the impeachment of Bush and utilize exquisite logic and sense in supporting this idea; he could a few years later write a monstrosity advancing the veracity of the Warren Commissions clear and blatant lies!
[B]Bugliosi obviously has courage in that he supported Bush's' impeachment but then what's up with his crazy JFK book: Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy[/B]

[B]I must confess I didn't read the book. It wasn't necessarily the 1600 pages (Im just getting through for the third time one of the greatest books of the 20th century imo, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer which is 1500 pages!) so that page count is no big thing its just I cant easily read, what I know because of years of intense research, is lies and distortions.[/B]

How could he do this?

Well I'll tell you...

It's the aphrodisiac of power and the attachment to it that befuddles and lures the person, who might ordinarily exhibit sound logic yet when it comes to determining the prerogatives of power in the case of the JFK operation for example; some kind of emotional blindness takes over.

The book by Gerald Posner Case Closed is another case in point…. Here we have is perhaps a morally challenged character, no offense to him, but his inclination to plagiarism may be indicative of his lack of dedication to the facts which imprints on his soul a great desire to curry favor with the powerful…the pat on the back by the powerful and elite must of felt goooood to him!

Men like Bugliosi aren't like that, though he is guilty of (a come to save the day complex) as if he's some kind of knight in shinning armor come to dispel the darkness of uncertainty of the masses with his enlightening masterpiece on the JFK murder.

Thus he appears with a sledge hammer of a journal as if it's the Sword of Excalibur to dispel all doubt regarding the divisive issue and expecting all supplicants to kiss his ring in salute to his greatness.

These two psychological traits for supporting blatant and clear lies of the powerful are the most dangerous since these types are at the crest of power and in any tyranny would be all for the tyrants.

The ordinary people have slightly similar psychologies but like the two above characters their idolatry of the rich, powerful and famous is what fuels their blindness as well as ordinary ignorance.

It's actually a deep emotional thing to refuse the clarity of reality for the darkness of delusion.

As long as this mentality is prevalent then this case, 911, and many other type cases will never be solved, imho.
I started to read Kennedy-books about 5 years ago. I have read quite a few, and the most enlightening imho so far is a book I read last week. It's called "Regicide" by Gregory Douglas. (ebook version).
I think it gives logical answers to many aspects of the case. What do you guys think? Am I just stupid for feeling this?
O. Austrud Wrote:I started to read Kennedy-books about 5 years ago. I have read quite a few, and the most enlightening imho so far is a book I read last week. It's called "Regicide" by Gregory Douglas. (ebook version).
I think it gives logical answers to many aspects of the case. What do you guys think? Am I just stupid for feeling this?

Thanks for the recommendation. I'll check the book out.

No you're not stupid for having an opinion. One person's opinion is as good as anyone's.

Kennedy's murder was an official government job in all but name.

Sort of like Caesar's murder but this was easier since they wanted a war whereas Caesars murderers didn't want a war but they got one.

Another difference is we don't have a Marc Antony

Then again I imagine all the writers who exposed the lying Warren commission are the Marc Antony of today

to all of them

Hail Caesar!
Might I suggest that you be extremely careful about Regicide, as it contains documents of uncertain origin, which are also semi-widely regarded as forgeries. Even as a best case scenario, the documents "originated" with R.T. Crowley, a DDO at the CIA (on his deathbed), so you should be wondering about their validity, and the possibility of deliberate disinformation. Many intelligence guys seem to retire with a best seller or two to their credit: Prouty, Corso, etc.

Unfortunately, it is usually supposed that the author of Regicide forged the supporting documents. I further think that the "Operation Zipper" documents are simply "too good to be true;" which, to me, means they're not.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Thanks for liking Destiny Betrayed Ishaq.

The book Regicide is a fraud by a veteran counterfeiter, check below:

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