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NameBase Source List

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At the end of the title is the publication date, and then the number of citations (names of individuals, groups, and corporations) from that title that are indexed in NameBase.

AIFLD. Field Personnel List. 1986-01-15 31
AIPAC. Annual Policy Conference. 1994 134
Aarons,M. Loftus,J. Unholy Trinity. 1992 221
Adams,J. Secret Armies. 1988 141
Adams,J.R. Frantz,D. A Full Service Bank. 1992 268
Adams,S. War of Numbers. 1994 133
Afghanistan Relief Committee. Financial Statement. 1987 31
Agee,P. Inside the Company: CIA Diary. 1975 315
Agee,P. On the Run. 1987 214
Agee,P. Poelchau,W. Whitepaper Whitewash. 1981 46
Agee,P. Wolf,L. Dirty Work. 1978 881
Air America Association. Directory. 1997-10 1443
Air America Club. Mailing Roster. 1987-01-18 694
Alibek,K. Biohazard. 2000 125
Allen,M.P. The Founding Fortunes. 1989 326
Alterman,E. Sound and Fury. 1992 230
Alterman,E. What Liberal Media? 2004 331
American Enterprise Institute. Scholar Directory. 1991-06 41
American Security Council. Strategy Board. 1984 73
Anderson,J. Peace, War, and Politics. 1999 455
Anderson,S.& J. Inside the League. 1986 338
Andrew,J. Power to Destroy. 2002 535
Anson,R. They've Killed the President! 1975 86
Anti-CIA Club of Diplomats. Spooks in U.S. Foreign Service. 1983 189
Ashman,C. The CIA-Mafia Link. 1975 122
Ashman,C. Wagman,R. The Nazi Hunters. 1988 245
Asia Foundation. Annual Report. 1985 144
Assn. Former Intelligence Officers. Board Nominees. 1990 21
Assn. Former Intelligence Officers. Directory Update. 1991 66
Assn. Former Intelligence Officers. Membership Directory. 1983 1659
Assn. Former Intelligence Officers. Membership Directory. 1984 253
Assn. Former Intelligence Officers. Membership Directory. 1987 197
Assn. Former Intelligence Officers. Membership Directory. 1991 708
Assn. Former Intelligence Officers. Membership Directory. 1994 516
Assn. Former Intelligence Officers. Membership Directory. 1996 2491
Assn. Former Intelligence Officers. Periscope 720
Assn. Former Intelligence Officers. Sixteenth Convention. 1990 20
Assn. National Security Alumni. Unclassified 1119
Atlantic Institute. Board of Governors. 1987-12 123
Atlantic Monthly 74
Aufderheide,P. Beyond PC. 1992 148
Auletta,K. The Highwaymen. 1997 351
Auletta,K. Three Blind Mice. 1991 337
Back Channels 262
Baer,R. Sleeping with the Devil. 2004 186
Bagdikian,B. The Media Monopoly. 1990 111
Bain,D. The Control of Candy Jones. 1976 48
Bainerman,J. The Crimes of a President. 1992 537
Baltimore Magazine 20
Baltimore Sun 56
Bamford,J. Body of Secrets. 2001 539
Bamford,J. The Puzzle Palace. 1982 331
Bamford,J. The Shadow Factory. 2008 329
Barlett,D. Steele,J. America: What Went Wrong? 1992 166
Barlett,D. Steele,J. America: Who Stole the Dream? 1996 156
Barnet,R. Cavanagh,J. Global Dreams. 1995 299
Barnet,R. Mueller,R. Global Reach. 1974 323
Barron,J. Breaking the Ring. 1987 68
Barron,J. KGB Today. 1983 205
Barron,J. KGB. 1974 1566
Baum,D. Citizen Coors. 2000 191
Bearden,M. Risen,J. The Main Enemy. 2004 263
Beaty,J. Gwynne,S.C. The Outlaw Bank. 1993 324
Bellant,R. Old Nazis. 1989 339
Bellant,R. The Coors Connection. 1990 292
Bellett,G. Age of Secrets. 1995 264
Ben-Menashe,A. Profits of War. 1992 246
Beresford,P. Book of the British Rich. 1990 237
Berkeley Barb 45
Berlet,C. Right Woos Left. 1991-12-16 182
Bernstein,R. Munro,R. The Coming Conflict With China. 1997 134
Bethell,N. Betrayed. 1984 144
Bilderberg Group. Meeting Participants. 1999 117
Bill,J. The Eagle and the Lion. 1988 466
Bird,K. The Chairman. 1992 568
Bird,K. The Color of Truth. 1998 464
Birmingham,S. The Right People. 1969 127
Birnbaum,J. The Lobbyists. 1992 286
Birns,L. The End of Chilean Democracy. 1974 58
Black,E. IBM and the Holocaust. 2001 185
Black,I. Morris,B. Israel's Secret Wars. 1991 263
Black,J.K. United States Penetration of Brazil. 1977 270
Bledowska,C. Bloch,J. KGB/CIA. 1987 171
Blitzer,W. Territory of Lies. 1990 119
Bloch,J. Fitzgerald,P. British Intelligence and Covert Action. 1984 377
Blum,H. Out There. 1990 69
Blum,H. Wanted: The Search for Nazis in America. 1977 104
Blum,W. Killing Hope. 1995 124
Blum,W. The CIA: A Forgotten History. 1986 367
Blumenthal,S. Rise of the Counter-Establishment. 1988 269
Blumenthal,S. Yazijian,H. Government by Gunplay. 1976 238
Boettcher,R. Gifts of Deceit. 1980 168
Bonner,R. Waltzing With a Dictator. 1987 227
Bonner,R. Weakness and Deceit. 1984 150
Borjesson,K. Into the Buzzsaw. 2002 478
Borosage,R. Marks,J. The CIA File. 1976 110
Bower,T. Nazi Gold. 1998 296
Bradlee,B. A Good Life. 1995 589
Branch,T. Propper,E. Labyrinth. 1983 99
Brand,S. The Media Lab. 1987 140
Bray,H. The Pillars of the Post. 1980 92
Brewton,P. The Mafia, CIA, and George Bush. 1992 825
Briarpatch Magazine (Canada) 101
Broad,W. Star Warriors. 1985 86
Broad,W. Teller's War. 1992 174
Brockman,J. Digerati. 1996 99
Brogan,P. Zarca,A. Deadly Business. 1983 98
Brookings Institution. Directory of Scholars. 1991 84
Brown,F. Slick Willie. 1992 92
Brownstein,R. Easton,N. Reagan's Ruling Class. 1983 135
Bruck,C. The Predators' Ball. 1989 267
Burleigh,N. A Very Private Woman. 1999 249
Burnham,D. A Law Unto Itself. 1989 299
Burnham,D. Above the Law. 1996 429
Burrows,W. Deep Black. 1988 121
Business Week. CEOs of 1000 Top Companies. 1991-11-25 984
Byrne,J. Chainsaw. 2003 180
CIA. FOIA Release to USC Library. 1981 20
CIA. Hitz Report on Contras and Cocaine. Volume II. 1998-04-27 263
CIA. Report on Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro 1967-04-25 85
CIA. Studies in Intelligence: Index 1955-1992 251
CIA. Studies in Intelligence: Website Index. 2006 503
COHA. Resource Center. NED: A Foreign Policy Branch Gone Awry. 1990 198
CPJ. CIA Officials in Japan. 1976 149
Caldwell,M. Ten Years Military Terror in Indonesia. 1975 100
Canadian Covert Activity Analyst 103
Cantwell,A. AIDS and the Doctors of Death. 1988 71
Cantwell,A. Queer Blood: The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot. 1993 103
Carroll,P. Big Blues. 1994 175
Castillo,C. Harmon,D. Powderburns. 1994 142
Center for Strategic and International Studies. Specialists. 1986 55
Center for Strategic and International Studies. Telephone List. 1988 239
Chamorro,E. Packaging the Contras. 1987 181
Chang,I. The Rape of Nanking. 1998 128
Chasey,W. Pan Am 103: The Lockerbie Cover Up. 1995 200
Chatterjee,P. Iraq, Inc. 2004 315
Chenoweth,N. Rupert Murdoch. 2002 351
Chernow,R. The House of Morgan. 1990 556
Chernyavsky,V. The CIA in the Dock. 1983 150
Chester,E. Covert Network. 1995 254
Choate,P. Agents of Influence. 1991 412
Chomsky,N. Herman,E. The Washington Connection. 1979 196
Christianity and Crisis 20
Christic Institute. Sheehan Affidavit. 1987-01-31 131
Christic Institute. Sheehan Affidavit. 1988-03-25 389
Christie,S. Stefano Delle Chiaie. 1984 203
Church of Scientology. Freedom Magazine 107
Civil Air Transport Association. Membership Directory. 1997-06 289
Clark,J. Netscape Time. 2000 116
Clarke,T. Tigue,J. Dirty Money. 1975 132
Cleroux,R. Official Secrets. 1990 177
Cockburn,A. Silverstein,K. Washington Babylon. 1996 667
Cockburn,A.& L. Dangerous Liaison. 1991 360
Cockburn,L. Out of Control. 1987 232
Codevilla,A. Informing Statecraft. 1992 278
Colby,G. Dennett,C. Thy Will Be Done. 1995 866
Colby,G. DuPont Dynasty. 1984 186
Coleman,P. The Liberal Conspiracy. 1989 125
Coll,S. Ghost Wars. 2004 274
Colodny,L. Gettlin,R. Silent Coup. 1992 147
Columbia Journalism Review 110
Constantine,A. Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A. 1995 505
Contemporary Marxism 1982-W 198
Cookridge,E.H. Gehlen: Spy of the Century. 1972 469
Cooney,J. The American Pope. 1984 330
Copeland,M. The Game Player. 1989 215
Copetas,A.C. Metal Men. 1986 103
Corn,D. Blond Ghost. 1994 443
Cornwell,R. God's Banker. 1984 168
Corso,P. The Day After Roswell. 1997 91
Corson,W. The Armies of Ignorance. 1977 125
Corson,W. Trento,S.& J. Widows. 1989 227
Corvo,M. The O.S.S. in Italy, 1942-1945. 1990 269
Council for National Policy. Mailing List. 1984 636
Council for National Policy. Member Participants. 1984 223
Council on Foreign Relations. Annual Report. 1988 907
Council on Foreign Relations. Annual Report. 1990 162
Council on Foreign Relations. Annual Report. 2001 207
Council on Foreign Relations. Membership Roster. 1985 448
Council on Foreign Relations. Membership Roster. 1992 367
Council on Foreign Relations. Membership Roster. 1995 223
Council on Foreign Relations. Membership Roster. 1997 418
Council on Foreign Relations. Membership Roster. 2001 502
Council on Foreign Relations. Membership Roster. 2004 4224
CounterSpy 3080
CounterSpy. Jordan. 1977 33
Covert Action Information Bulletin 4947
Covert Action Quarterly 2133
Crawford,A. Thunder on the Right. 1980 215
Crile,G. Charlie Wilson's War. 2003 211
Cummings,R. The Pied Piper. 1985 311
Currier,C. The World's Richest People. 1991 81
D'Souza,D. Illiberal Education. 1992 341
DNI Open Source Conference. 2008 985
Davis,D. Katharine the Great. 1987 144
Davis,J. Mafia Dynasty. 1993 326
Davis,J. Mafia Kingfish. 1989 322
Davis,S. Unbridled Power. 1998 168
DeCamp,J. The Franklin Cover-up. 1994 320
DeForest,O. Chanoff,D. Slow Burn. 1991 55
Deacon,R. The French Secret Service. 1990 258
Dealy,F. The Power and the Money. 1993 358
Denton,S. Morris,R. The Money and the Power. 2001 380
Detroit Free Press 14
DiEugenio,J. Destiny Betrayed. 1992 318
DiEugenio,J. Pease,L. The Assassinations. 2003 881
DiFonzo,L. St.Peter's Banker. 1983 123
Diamond,E. Behind the Times. 1994 419
Diamond,S. Compromised Campus. 1992 289
Diamond,S. Spiritual Warfare. 1989 563
Dickson,P. Think Tanks. 1972 279
Dillon,S. Comandos. 1991 110
Dinges,J. Landau,S. Assassination on Embassy Row. 1981 207
Dinges,J. Our Man in Panama. 1990 231
Dinges,J. The Condor Years. 2004 232
Domhoff,G.W. Bohemian Grove. 1975 43
Domhoff,G.W. The Higher Circles. 1971 286
Domhoff,G.W. Who Rules America? 1967 269
Donner,F. Protectors of Privilege. 1990 353
Donner,F. The Age of Surveillance. 1981 400
Dorman,W. Farhang,M. The U.S. Press and Iran. 1987 74
Dorril,S. MI6. 2000 1423
Dorril,S. Ramsay,R. Smear! 1992 415
Drosnin,M. Citizen Hughes. 1985 193
Dublin,M. Futurehype. 1992 109
Duffy,J. Ricci,V. The Assassination of John F. Kennedy. 1992 563
Duignan,P. The Hoover Institution. 1989 381
Duzan,M.J. Death Beat. 1994 147
Dye,T. Who's Running America? 1983 311
EIR. Dope, Inc. 1992 955
EIR. The Ugly Truth About the ADL. 1992 191
Edstrom,J. Eller,M. Barbarians Led by Bill Gates. 1998 121
Ehrenfeld,R. Evil Money. 1992 235
Ehrenfeld,R. Narco-terrorism. 1990 174
Ellsberg,D. Secrets. 2002 223
Emerson,S. Secret Warriors. 1988 174
Emerson,S. The American House of Saud. 1985 355
Endicott,S. Hagerman,E. The U.S. and Biological Warfare. 1999 200
Epstein,B. Forster,A. The Radical Right. 1967 198
Epstein,E. Deception. 1989 206
Epstein,E. Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer. 1996 219
Escalante,F. The Secret War. 1995 327
Esquire 137
Evans-Pritchard,A. The Secret Life of Bill Clinton. 1997 472
Evanzz,K. The Judas Factor. 1992 267
Eveland,W.C. Ropes of Sand. 1980 135
Ewen,S. PR! A Social History of Spin. 1996 208
Executive Intelligence Review 803
Executive Intelligence Review. List of MI6 Agents. 1999-05-14 116
Facts On File 116
Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR). Extra! 437
Fallows,J. Breaking the News. 1996 205
Federal Staff Directory. 1992 394
Feitlowitz,M. A Lexicon of Terror. 1998 161
Fensterwald,B. Coincidence or Conspiracy? 1977 179
Finder,J. Red Carpet. 1983 400
Findley,P. They Dare to Speak Out. 1989 494
Finkbeiner,A. The Jasons. 2006 121
Fitch,R. Solidarity for Sale. 2006 464
Fitzgerald,A.E. The Pentagonists. 1989 480
Fitzgerald,F. Way Out There in the Blue. 2000 302
Fletcher School. Conference on the Philippines. 1986-10 306
Follett,K. On Wings of Eagles. 1984 87
Fonzi,G. The Last Investigation. 1993 296
Forbes 400 Richest Americans. 1985 525
Forbes 400 Richest Americans. 1991 541
Forbes 400 Richest Americans. 1995 548
Forbes 400 Richest Americans. 1998 460
Forbes 400 Richest Americans. 2001 397
Forbes 400 Richest Americans. 2004 400
Forbes Foreign Billionaires. 1995 312
Forbes Foreign Billionaires. 1999 174
Foreign Intelligence Literary Scene 329
Forster,A. Epstein,B. Danger on the Right. 1964 360
Francis,D. Controlling Interest: Who Owns Canada? 1986 369
Frazier,H. Uncloaking the CIA. 1978 248
Freed,D. Death in Washington. 1980 269
Freney,D. Get Gough! 1985 90
Friedman,A. Spider's Web. 1993 225
Friedman,R. Red Mafiya. 2000 328
Friedman,R. Zealots for Zion. 1992 324
Friedman,S. Berliner,D. Crash at Corona. 1992 146
Friel,H. Falk,R. The Record of the Paper. 2004 175
Frost,M. Gratton,M. Spyworld. 1994 41
Furgurson,E. Hard Right: The Rise of Jesse Helms. 1986 153
Furiati,C. ZR Rifle. 1994 216
Galiullin,R. The CIA in Asia. 1988 144
Garrison,J. On the Trail of the Assassins. 1988 191
Garwood,D. Under Cover. 1985 126
Geheim Magazine (Germany) 374
George Magazine 69
Giancana,S.& C. Double Cross. 1992 161
Gibbs,D. The Political Economy of Third World Intervention. 1991 154
Gibson,J. The Perfect War: Technowar in Vietnam. 1986 238
Gill,S. American Hegemony and the Trilateral Commission. 1991 270
Global Affairs 1988-W 74
Goddard,D. Coleman,L. Trail of the Octopus. 1993 220
Godson,R. American Labor and European Politics. 1976 60
Godson,R. Intelligence Requirements for the 1990s. 1989 87
Goines,D. The Free Speech Movement. 1993 526
Golinger,E. The Chavez Code. 2006 195
Good,T. Above Top Secret. 1988 194
Good,T. Alien Contact. 1993 185
Goodell,J. The Cyberthief and the Samurai. 1996 107
Goodwin,J. Brotherhood of Arms. 1985 163
Goulden,J. The Death Merchant. 1985 104
Goulden,J. The Superlawyers. 1972 380
Granatstein,J.L. Stafford,D. Spy Wars. 1990 259
Granma Weekly Review (Havana) 89
Grant,D. Wilderness of Mirrors. 1991 106
Grant,Z. Facing the Phoenix. 1991 159
Green,F. American Propaganda Abroad. 1988 112
Green,M. Selling Out. 2002 330
Green,S. Taking Sides. 1984 168
Greider,W. Secrets of the Temple. 1989 112
Greider,W. Who Will Tell the People. 1993 290
Gritz,J. Called to Serve. 1991 223
Groden,R. Livingstone,H. High Treason. 1990 483
Guardian (New York) 477
Gurwin,L. The Calvi Affair. 1984 193
Gutierrez,C. The Dominican Republic. 1972 34
Haas,L. The Washington Almanac. 1992 355
Hafner,K. Markoff,J. Cyberpunk. 1992 135
Halberstam,D. The Best and the Brightest. 1973 15
Halperin,M... The Lawless State. 1976 93
Hanahoe,T. America Rules. 2003 367
Harper's Magazine 146
Harris,D. Dreams Die Hard. 1982 11
Harris,R. Paxman,J. A Higher Form of Killing. 1982 61
Hartung,W. And Weapons for All. 1994 343
Hartung,W. How Much Are You Making on the War, Daddy? 2003 194
Hatfield,J.H. Fortunate Son. 2000 449
Hauser,T. Missing. 1982 59
Havill,A. Deep Truth. 1993 206
Hawks,J. For a Good Cause? 1997 327
Heidenry,J. Theirs Was the Kingdom. 1993 377
Heilbrun,C. The Education of a Woman. 1995 320
Heiner,K. Without Smoking Gun. 2004 138
Hendrickson,K. Collins,M. Profiles in Power. 1993 210
Hepburn,J. Farewell America. 1968 334
Heritage Foundation. Telephone List. 1986-11-17 108
Heritage Foundation. Telephone List. 1988-10-05 142
Herman,E. Brodhead,F. Rise and Fall of Bulgarian Connection. 1986 226
Herman,E. O'Sullivan,G. The Terrorism Industry. 1989 344
Hersh,B. The Old Boys. 1992 538
Hersh,S. Against All Enemies. 1998 69
Hersh,S. Chemical and Biological Warfare. 1969 110
Hersh,S. The Dark Side of Camelot. 1997 533
Hersh,S. The Price of Power. 1983 254
Hersh,S. The Samson Option. 1991 217
Hershman,D.J. Power Beyond Reason. 2002 179
Hertsgaard,M. On Bended Knee. 1988 301
Hicks,S. The Big Wedding. 2005 262
Higham,C. American Swastika. 1985 197
Higham,C. Trading with the Enemy. 1984 97
Hinckle,W. If You Have a Lemon, Make Lemonade. 1990 224
Hinckle,W. Turner,W. The Fish is Red. 1981 522
Hirsch,F. Fletcher,R. The CIA and the Labour Movement. 1977 115
Hirsch,F. Our AFL-CIO Role in Latin America. 1974 62
Hitchens,C. Blood, Class, and Nostalgia. 1990 227
Hitchens,C. The Trial of Henry Kissinger. 2001 186
Hoehne,H. Zolling,H. The General Was a Spy. 1972 80
Honegger,B. October Surprise. 1989 307
Honey,M. Barry,T. Global Focus. 2000 203
Hopsicker,D. Welcome to TerrorLand. 2004 228
Hougan,J. Secret Agenda. 1984 204
Hougan,J. Spooks. 1979 269
House Foreign Affairs Committee. Staff Report on OPD. 1988-09-07 54
House and Senate. Iran-Contra Committee Members and Staff. 1987 201
Houston Post 112
Huck,S. Legal Terrorism. 1989 226
Huffington,A. [url=http:...
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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