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Why Hoover covered for the CIA in Mexico by creating false evidence of the trip
As I researched Mexico's travel evidence I concluded it was created - in some cases more than once - reviewed, and found to be wrong, and re-created again to conform to necessary time contraints.

I feel very strongly about this evidence being a fraud yet knew about the following note from Hoover and wondered why, in the months that followed, did Hoover do everything in his power to offer a convincing tale of Mexico City travel.

In the midst of the JFK investigation and still prior to the FBI "discovering" the Mexico trip evidence and replacing it a few times in March and April
Hoover scribbled this note ackowledging the CIA's false story about Mexico and Oswald

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7769&stc=1]

My theory is such: Oswald was acting in his capacity as an FBI informant (as discussed in the Exec Sessions of 1/22 & 1/27) and traveled to Odio's with two Cubans between Sept 24 and 27, stayed in Dallas that weekend and ultimately the rest of that week. He calls Marina from this YMCA on Ervay...

The YMCA is less than 1/10th of a mile from FBI HQ at 505 N Ervay in 1963.

The FBI report record is non-existent between Sept 24 and Oct 31 for where Oswald was.... and even on Kaack's report from Oct 31st does not mention Mexico even though this is 3 weeks after the 10/10 cable to the FBI talking about Oswald in Mexico and it is the Paine's who tinally tell the FBI where OSwald is. As I theorized in my Mexico work, Hoover must have known this 10/10 cable to be a false report the second he read it since he knew about the Odio play.

It is for this reason alone IMO that the FBI creates and discards evidence which attempts to get Oswald in and out of Mexico.
It is for this reason Odio was kept at such arm's length since she and her sister represented strong evidence that Ruby's Oswald was at their home the same weekend Oswald is at the Sports Drome in Dallas and at the YMCA on Oct 4th when he calls Marina.

Once Odio is seen as accurate, Mexico could not have happened. Without Mexico happening, Oswald COULD be at Odio doing his FBI gig for $200/month on badge 172 or 179.

By proving Mexico did not happen as offered I think we can readily conclude Odio and sister to be reliable and it was Ozzie in Dallas all that week.

For those who care - LEE, on the hand, was impersonating Harvey while driving around southern Texas with a woman and two small kids... (Google: Oswald in Aliceland)

Oswald in Aliceland?
A Tale of Two Days: A Tale of Two Oswalds

At this stage it remains a theory yet the circumstantial evidence is mounting. this explanation perfectly explains the activities from that weekend as well as the desperate need of the FBI to CYA with a MExico Trip for thier little informant.


Attached Files
.jpg   64-01-15 Hoover written notes about the CIA lie about Oswald in Mexico.jpg (Size: 135.46 KB / Downloads: 22)
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

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