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Can anyone tell me if the doc is real or fake?
I "borrowed" this document from someone in Miami. What can anyone tell me about it?


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Question not necessarily directed to you, but would 'McCord' be James McCord of Watergate fame? Does anyone know if he ever held the position 'Deputy Director Security' in the CIA? I know you may not be free to reveal the source, but approximately when did the source acquire it?
His official title was "Chief of Security", however, reading his file, I have noticed that other titles were used such as Director and Deputy Director. McCord is still alive and into his 90's like Eugenio Martinez whom I have spoken too. I am trying to track down McCord threw Martinez. My end goal is to have McCord speak on record, meaning I will tape our conversation. I can only surmise that this is the same James McCord, and because the document does not refer to the author's first name AJ Weberman believes this document to be a fake. I will keep you posted with the end results, have been eagerly working on it daily.
To the best of your knowledge, Mr. Kaiser, Wouldn't case sensitive information refrain from using subject's real name as oppose to a coded reference?

I'm asking because other than the repeated date sequence ("August 6th and 9th August 1963", which could be a mere typo), this memorandum must be raising more than a few eyebrows.

*Sidebar: Though I cannot recall where at the moment, I have read somewhere an Agency codename-sequence with President Kennedy, his brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy and Oswald all bearing the same heading (if memory serves me correctly Oswald's sequence heading ends with "Floor") <----in fairness, to the best of my recall, I believe it was Oswald's sequence ending, will ty to run it down, but the gist here is wouldn't someone of McCord's stature--if that is indeed his rank as indicated--go with a coded reference as oppose to subject's real name? Who knows with these lying alphabet soup types. Of course, in fairness, perhaps the Agency didn't want the FBI to know it was aware of and/or involved with Oswald, thus the use of his real name to feign disinterest.

Best wishes running down your leads.
Mr. Ford,

I am not familiar with FOIA documents as an expert, however, this document is the second document in the nine years of researching my father I found the word "sensitive" identified on the document. This attached document is in regards to my father. Richard Poyle is the source of information in this document.

Scott Kaiser

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Scott Kaiser Wrote:Mr. Ford,

I am not familiar with FOIA documents as an expert, however, this document is the second document in the nine years of researching my father I found the word "sensitive" identified on the document. This attached document is in regards to my father. Richard Poyle is the source of information in this document.

Scott Kaiser

For future reference, Mr. Kaiser, Alan is suffice, but I do appreciate your decency to start otherwise.

As compared to your initial document marked "Sensitive" in post #1 above, in terms of placement upon the document and the colouring of the same sir, Are both documents marked in similar fashion, meaning the words 'Secret" and "Sensitive" were atop the page on the other document as well?

I see they were (courtesy of you sharing the other one, Thank You)

However, to the best of your knowledge, Are both words simply stamped in bold black or Are they red in colour?

Because you retraced your steps here, and I promised to do so in an earlier post, I feel obliged to share the Agency's prefix heading and respective endings as they relate to President Kennedy, his brother, RFK, and, of course, the wrongfully accused. They are as follows:

GPFloor (Mr. Oswald)
GPIdeal (President Kennedy)

Though RFK's bears the same prefix beginning, GP, I cannot seem to pull it up out of a myriad of "bookmarked" pages here, but in due time I'll retrace my steps and also add his here as well.

Now, with all of that said, I believe if memory serves me well, Mr. DiEugenio (Jim) may be privy to information detailing an instance or instances where GPFLOOR was actually linked to Agency spymaster David Atlee Phillips' code name, PBRUMEN, where both code names (his and the wrongfully accused) appeared jointly upon Agency cables, documents, letterheads, etc.

Yet, we are lead to believe the wrongfully accused is just a malcontent loner who just happens to shoot magical bullets. Right!

Bunch of lying treasonous cowards.
Alan Ford Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:Mr. Ford,

I am not familiar with FOIA documents as an expert, however, this document is the second document in the nine years of researching my father I found the word "sensitive" identified on the document. This attached document is in regards to my father. Richard Poyle is the source of information in this document.

Scott Kaiser

For future reference, Mr. Kaiser, Alan is suffice, but I do appreciate your decency to start otherwise.

As compared to your initial document marked "Sensitive" in post #1 above, in terms of placement upon the document and the colouring of the same sir, Are both documents marked in similar fashion, meaning the words 'Secret" and "Sensitive" were atop the page on the other document as well?

I see they were (courtesy of you sharing the other one, Thank You)

However, to the best of your knowledge, Are both words simply stamped in bold black or Are they red in colour?

Because you retraced your steps here, and I promised to do so in an earlier post, I feel obliged to share the Agency's prefix heading and respective endings as they relate to President Kennedy, his brother, RFK, and, of course, the wrongfully accused. They are as follows:

GPFloor (Mr. Oswald)
GPIdeal (President Kennedy)

Though RFK's bears the same prefix beginning, GP, I cannot seem to pull it up out of a myriad of "bookmarked" pages here, but in due time I'll retrace my steps and also add his here as well.

Now, with all of that said, I believe if memory serves me well, Mr. DiEugenio (Jim) may be privy to information detailing an instance or instances where GPFLOOR was actually linked to Agency spymaster David Atlee Phillips' code name, PBRUMEN, where both code names (his and the wrongfully accused) appeared jointly upon Agency cables, documents, letterheads, etc.

Yet, we are lead to believe the wrongfully accused is just a malcontent loner who just happens to shoot magical bullets. Right!

Bunch of lying treasonous cowards.

Likewise Alan, Scott will do. Some documents I have found at the Mary Ferrell Foundation site, others were sent to me by the United Justice Department, while others were "permanently borrowed." Like father, like son, I suppose. None of the documents had any colouring on them, they were all black and white. You, Jim and several more of you at this forum, the Education forum, and all across this vast frontier of internet space are more privy and familiar with these documents then I am, all I know how to do is pull them, read them, borrow them, and share them. Hope that answers any questions.

Scott Kaiser Wrote:
Alan Ford Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:Mr. Ford,

I am not familiar with FOIA documents as an expert, however, this document is the second document in the nine years of researching my father I found the word "sensitive" identified on the document. This attached document is in regards to my father. Richard Poyle is the source of information in this document.

Scott Kaiser

For future reference, Mr. Kaiser, Alan is suffice, but I do appreciate your decency to start otherwise.

As compared to your initial document marked "Sensitive" in post #1 above, in terms of placement upon the document and the colouring of the same sir, Are both documents marked in similar fashion, meaning the words 'Secret" and "Sensitive" were atop the page on the other document as well?

I see they were (courtesy of you sharing the other one, Thank You)

However, to the best of your knowledge, Are both words simply stamped in bold black or Are they red in colour?

Because you retraced your steps here, and I promised to do so in an earlier post, I feel obliged to share the Agency's prefix heading and respective endings as they relate to President Kennedy, his brother, RFK, and, of course, the wrongfully accused. They are as follows:

GPFloor (Mr. Oswald)
GPIdeal (President Kennedy)

Though RFK's bears the same prefix beginning, GP, I cannot seem to pull it up out of a myriad of "bookmarked" pages here, but in due time I'll retrace my steps and also add his here as well.

Now, with all of that said, I believe if memory serves me well, Mr. DiEugenio (Jim) may be privy to information detailing an instance or instances where GPFLOOR was actually linked to Agency spymaster David Atlee Phillips' code name, PBRUMEN, where both code names (his and the wrongfully accused) appeared jointly upon Agency cables, documents, letterheads, etc.

Yet, we are lead to believe the wrongfully accused is just a malcontent loner who just happens to shoot magical bullets. Right!

Bunch of lying treasonous cowards.

Likewise Alan, Scott will do. Some documents I have found at the Mary Ferrell Foundation site, others were sent to me by the United Justice Department, while others were "permanently borrowed." Like father, like son, I suppose. None of the documents had any colouring on them, they were all black and white. You, Jim and several more of you at this forum, the Education forum, and all across this vast frontier of internet space are more privy and familiar with these documents then I am, all I know how to do is pull them, read them, borrow them, and share them. Hope that answers any questions.


Good evening, Scott

Appreciate your prompt response. Truth be told, I am not in the same league as, quote, "Jim and several more of you at this forum, the Education forum, and all across this vast frontier of internet space are more privy and familiar with these documents", so we both are fortunate they possess this skill-set. My question in respect to the documents being stamped 'Secret" and/or "Sensitive" in red colouring or simply bold black lettering was to determine if there was/is a systematic presentation-stamp in use by the intelligence divisions all across the alphabetical spectrum, which--IF so--would help in determining the authenticity of sensitive documents. Uniformed patterns IMHO would help separate genuine documents from anything less.

Not sure if you may already be familiar with that old Rowley-McCone Memo that began circulating years ago, where supposedly new Agency DCI McCone shares with Secret Service Chief Rowley that Oswald is a "Company" man so to speak, but to keep it hush-hush, yada, yada, yada...well, as much as I personally would want something to that effect to be true, we just have to be careful to do what former President Reagan said, "Trust, but verify".

Wish I could have been of more help. Will insert RFK's GP codename ending sequence here some time tomorrow. Wish you well moving forward, Scott, with securing the answers you seek on this matter.
As promised, Scott, here is RFK's Agency codename, courtesy of the wealth of info @


Again, all the best to you securing the information you seek relative to authenticating the McCord-Memo or not.
Thank you for that sir Alan,

I thought you might be interested in seeing another document, of course it's pure speculation, much like the photos my father had carried around with him that most believe were [just] photos of the Watergaters. I [just] have one question. If these were [just] photos of the Watergaters my father was showing them off in Miami around August 1973, then why was Richard Poyle so upset over the photos? Especially, if the Watergaters were already in prison for the break-ins? I mean, why was everyone upset over the photos if Watergate as we knew it was over, the burglars were locked up and Nixon was on his way to impeachment then resigned in August 1974. So, why was everyone so upset over the photos if Watergate as we knew it was over? Tell you what, we'll get back to that one, I do have the answer to it.

Thought I would also leave you with this bit of information.

To Director CIA (185-267092)

Subject: Edwin Benjamin Kaiser Jr.

Dallas (185-5511) From Miami (185-22264) C O N F I D E N T I AL
Re: Bureau Airtel August 16, 1974, to Dallas, and telephone call August 21, (August 1974? Isn't that when Nixon resigned)?
1974, by Security Supervisor (name unknown) Dallas, to Miami

After several lines of scrubbed blackout information: "It would require a subpoena and about three months effort to obtain the desired info. Miami regards any further effort to obtain origin of this call." Subpoena who or what, and three months to obtain information? What information? As far as I know, my father was never in Dallas Texas. Then again, most everything in which my father was involved was not known to my mother. I only know what he told me before he died, and from accompanying him on certain tasks. Why would the Dallas Director of Security contact the Miami Director of Security with respect to my father? Wasn't the Director of Security at that time James W. McCord? The memo could be in relation to any number of things or instances. There is one scenario that sticks out, and that is my father knew something, or had something they wanted back, photos maybe?

Thank you Mr. Ford, perhaps, I do need all the luck I can get in my quest for the truth, one last thing, hope I don't sound too naive or boastful after saying this, but, it is of my opinion, that after reading theory after theory over the years, that my facts seems to trump them all, perhaps, I'm getting closer to the truth then I'm aware of?

Lots of folks will not understand this post, most will reject it, everyone will overlook it.

Have a good day sir,

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