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DARPA mind control chips
Article popped-up on RT's Watching the Hawks last week, sounded familiar. Quick search thru' and there's alot that's familiar here. This tech was active in 2011; it's used to torture and murder people, tho' it's not the physical torture implant; I'm getting an awful lot of pain in this area, both the usual long aches, but recently, shorter pains as per apophenic referencing). The link with the F-35 is as I'd presumed it to be, and the placing of the chip, is exactly at the focal point of the (what I usually call-) 'EM hissing'. Things got a bit hazy for a while as the schiz 'triaing' took effect, but I lost a full 24hrs back there in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, at the tail-end of 2011/begining of 2012 - they can knock you out flat with radio-frequencies; an odd message I got was "We're grateful that you smoke hash", I guess they had their fun. I notice there's a '9 Goals of Mind Control' list; I'd assumed all the '9' refs were 'Intelligence School 9', but they love it when some reference is multi-, it plays directly to the schiz 'training', and amuses 'them' with hidden language of the initiated. "Gold" is another, and there's that echo there:
US spy chief Clapper defends Prism and phone surveillance [Archive ... ‎
1 Aug 2013 ... ...... Members of the
Intelligence Committees in the House and Senate said that ...... Keith Vaz,
chairman of home affairs select committee, says spy chief Andrew Parker has
been summoned to give evidence ...... "This is the golden age of spying.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7969&stc=1]
(img pilfered from a site linked to Alex Jones which isn't a good sign, but it stands - )
[size=12]DARPA Launches New Program to Connect Brains to Computers with Implantable Chip
TOPICS:DARPAHYPERLINK ""MilitaryHYPERLINK ""Nicholas West January 23, 2016 By Nicholas West
For additional background to the latest press release from DARPA posted in full below, I encourage you to read the following selection of linked articles where I discuss the scope and chronology of what is being studied. Therein, you will find that the U.S. BRAIN Initiative and its European counterpart, the Human Brain Project, are not spending multi-billions of dollars on neuroscience research simply to help people with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and organic brain dysfunction. It is, perhaps first and foremost, a military endeavor that has wide ramifications if even 1/10th of what is being studied comes to fruition. In short, it's more about mind control than it is about brain restoration and improvement. Please keep this in mind when you read DARPA's emphasis on "new therapies."
Obama Doubles Down on BRAIN Project and Military Mind Control
Mind Control Scientists Find New Memory Manipulation Technology
Secret DARPA Mind Control Project Revealed: Leaked Document
The 9 Goals of Mind Control: Interim Report
New Mind Reading Research Aims to Synchronize Humans
Nanoparticles Enable Remote Control Brains Via Magnetic Field: New Study
DARPA Press Release
A new DARPA program aims to develop an implantable neural interface able to provide unprecedented signal resolution and data-transfer bandwidth between the human brain and the digital world. The interface would serve as a translator, converting between the electrochemical language used by neurons in the brain and the ones and zeros that constitute the language of information technology. The goal is to achieve this communications link in a biocompatible device no larger than one cubic centimeter in size, roughly the volume of two nickels stacked back to back.
The program, Neural Engineering System Design (NESD), stands to dramatically enhance research capabilities in neurotechnology and provide a foundation for new therapies.
"Today's best brain-computer interface systems are like two supercomputers trying to talk to each other using an old 300-baud modem," said Phillip Alvelda, the NESD program manager. "Imagine what will become possible when we upgrade our tools to really open the channel between the human brain and modern electronics."
Among the program's potential applications are devices that could compensate for deficits in sight or hearing by feeding digital auditory or visual information into the brain at a resolution and experiential quality far higher than is possible with current technology.
Neural interfaces currently approved for human use squeeze a tremendous amount of information through just 100 channels, with each channel aggregating signals from tens of thousands of neurons at a time. The result is noisy and imprecise. In contrast, the NESD program aims to develop systems that can communicate clearly and individually with any of up to one million neurons in a given region of the brain.
Achieving the program's ambitious goals and ensuring that the envisioned devices will have the potential to be practical outside of a research setting will require integrated breakthroughs across numerous disciplines including neuroscience, synthetic biology, low-power electronics, photonics, medical device packaging and manufacturing, systems engineering, and clinical testing. In addition to the program's hardware challenges, NESD researchers will be required to develop advanced mathematical and neuro-computation techniques to first transcode high-definition sensory information between electronic and cortical neuron representations and then compress and represent those data with minimal loss of fidelity and functionality.
To accelerate that integrative process, the NESD program aims to recruit a diverse roster of leading industry stakeholders willing to offer state-of-the-art prototyping and manufacturing services and intellectual property to NESD researchers on a pre-competitive basis. In later phases of the program, these partners could help transition the resulting technologies into research and commercial application spaces.
To familiarize potential participants with the technical objectives of NESD, DARPA will host a Proposers Day meeting that runs Tuesday and Wednesday, February 2-3, 2016, in Arlington, Va. The Special Notice announcing the Proposers Day meeting is available at More details about the Industry Group that will support NESD is available at A Broad Agency Announcement describing the specific capabilities sought is available at:
DARPA anticipates investing up to $60 million in the NESD program over four years.
NESD is part of a broader portfolio of programs within DARPA that support President Obama's brain initiative.
For more information about DARPA's work in that domain, please visit: - The 9 Goals of Mind Control: Interim Report
TOPICS:ConsciousnessHYPERLINK ""mind controlHYPERLINK ""Nicholas West September 19, 2013 Nicholas West Activist Post
Mind control was once reserved only for the farthest corners of conspiracy research. No more. The establishment has re-named mind control as neuroscience, and it is receiving massive funding through initiatives such as Obama's BRAIN project.
It is a comprehensive plan to map the human brain for purposes of determining how degenerative conditions arise, how thoughts are formed, and how behavior can be reverse engineered to the source of its gestation. Once determined, scientists intend to intervene and control the mind through a variety of methods, both direct and indirect.
The Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies(BRAIN) Working Group has now issued its "Interim Report" in a search for continued funding through 2014. It is appropriately titled, as we have arrived at a critical juncture where the arrival of full-fledged, broad-scale direct mind control could become part of our future. Or, the vast complexities of the human brain could be revealed as an insurmountable task to decode, regardless of the amount of funding or wishful thinking of transhumanists and technocrats alike.
There certainly have been a plethora of advertised advancements released in the scientific community indicating that the brain can be altered in very significant ways. So far, the animal research is out in the open, but every announcement is freely coupled with the plan to apply these findings to humans once legal and ethical concerns are overcome. Now might be the time where the public is being conditioned to see the totality of what is being suggested as not only inevitable, but desirable.
[size=12]First it is important to refer to the very latest that has been revealed by would-be mind control scientists. The following chronology covers a span of just more than two months. These articles clearly show that the theoretical has become quite practical, and it's ramping up:
[/SIZE]July 11, 2013: New Video Game Helps Map Your Every Thought
July 19, 2013: Literal Smart Dust Opens Brain-Computer Pathway to "Spy on Your Brain"
July 29, 2013: Secret DARPA Mind Control Project Revealed: Leaked Document
July 31, 2013: Brain-to-Brain Control Established Between Humans and Animals at Harvard
August 8, 2013: Hardware and Software Combining to Replicate the Human Brain
August 10, 2013: The DNA Nanobots Have Arrived
August 21, 2013: DARPA Issues Request For Information to Create a Computer Brain

August 24, 2013: DARPA Wants Portable Brain Recorders "In Every Classroom in America"
August 28, 2013: Remote Controlled Humans Via Internet Now a Reality
August 29, 2013: Mind Control and Narrative Psy-Ops
September 13, 2013: Mind Control Scientists Find New Keys to Unlock Memory
With these developments as background information from our own reports of where we stand, let's have a look at what the BRAIN project has issued as their 9 core research priorities to be funded in 2014.
There is a bit of technical language used here, but pay particular attention to the recurring assertion of theoretical applications in humans, as well as the repeated language about circuit manipulation.
That "circuit" is the wiring of your brain and, they hope, your thoughts and behavior.
#1. Generate a Census of Cell Types. It is within reach to characterize all cell types in the nervous system, and to develop tools to record, mark, and manipulate these precisely defined neurons in vivo. We envision an integrated, systematic census of neuronal and glial cell types, and new genetic and non‐genetic tools to deliver genes, proteins, and chemicals to cells of interest. Priority should be given to methods that can be applied to many animal species and even to humans.
#2. Create Structural Maps of the Brain. It is increasingly possible to map connected neurons in local circuits and distributed brain systems, enabling an understanding of the relationship between neuronal structure and function. We envision improved technologiesfaster, less expensive, scalablefor anatomic reconstruction of neural circuits at all scales,such as molecular markers for synapses, trans‐synaptic tracers for identifying circuit inputs and outputs, and electron microscopy for detailed reconstruction. The effort would begin in animal models, but some mapping techniques may be applied to the human brain, providing for the first time cellular‐level information complementary to the Human Connectome Project.
#3. Develop New Large‐Scale Network Recording Capabilities.We should seize the challenge of recording dynamic neuronal activity from complete neural networks, overlong periods, in all areas of the brain. There are promising opportunities both for improving existing technologies and for developing entirely new technologies for neuronal recording, including methods based on electrodes, optics, molecular genetics, and nanoscience, and encompassing different facets of brain activity, in animals and in some cases in humans.
#4. Develop A Suite of Tools for Circuit Manipulation. By directly activating and inhibiting populations of neurons, neuroscience is progressing from observation to causation, and much more is possible. To enable the immense potential of circuit manipulation, a new generation of tools for optogenetics, pharmacogenetics, and biochemical and electromagnetic modulation should be developed for use in animals and eventually in human patients. Emphasis should be placed on achieving modulation of circuits in patterns that mimic natural activity.
#5. Link Neuronal Activity to Behavior. The clever use of virtual reality, machine learning, and miniaturized recording devices has the potential to dramatically increase our understanding of how neuronal activity underlies cognition and behavior. This path can be enabled by developing technologies to quantify and interpret animal behavior, at high temporal and spatial resolution, reliably, objectively, over long periods of time, under a broad set of conditions, and in combination with concurrent measurement and manipulation of neuronal activity.
#6. Integrate Theory, Modeling, Statistics, and Computation with Experimentation. Rigorous theory, modeling and statistics are advancing our understanding of complex, nonlinear brain functions where human intuition fails. New kinds of data are accruing at increasing rates, mandating new methods of data analysis and interpretation. To enable progress in theory and data analysis, we must foster collaborations between experimentalists and scientists from statistics, physics, mathematics, engineering and computer science.
#7. Delineate Mechanisms Underlying Human Imaging Technologies. We must improve spatial resolution and/or temporal sampling of human brain imaging techniques, and develop a better understanding of cellular mechanisms underlying commonly measured human brain signals(fMRI, Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI), EEG, MEG, PET)for example, by linking fMRI signals to cellular‐resolution population activity of neurons and glia contained within the imaged voxel, or by linking DWI connectivity information to axonal anatomy.Understanding these links will permit more effective use of clinical tools for manipulating circuit activity, such as deep brain stimulation and transcranial magnetic stimulation.
#8. Create Mechanisms to Enable Collection of Human Data. Humans who are undergoing diagnostic brain monitoring or receiving neurotechnology for clinical applications provide an extraordinary opportunity for scientific research. This setting enables research on human brain function, the mechanisms of human brain disorders, the effect of therapy, and the value of diagnostics. Meeting this opportunity requires closely integrated research teams including clinicians, engineers, and scientists, all performing according to the highest ethical standards of clinical care and research (as if this is somehow routine within these fields?? N.W.). New mechanisms are needed to maximize the collection of this priceless information and ensure that it benefits people with brain disorders.
#9. Disseminate Knowledge and Training. Progress would be dramatically accelerated by the rapid dissemination of skills across the community. To enable the broadest possible impact of newly developed methods, and the rigorous application, support should be provided for trainingfor example, summer courses and course modules in computational neuroscience, statistics, imaging, electrophysiology, and optogeneticsand for educating non‐neuroscientists in neuroscience. (Source and full report)
The recent breakthroughs alluded to previously, and this suggestive interim report, barely scratch the surface as the pace increases toward the dizzying. Add in a type of "living" transistor that uses DNA merged with graphene, plus the advent of quantum computing applied to advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence, and the architecture of the genuine matrix is being designed before our very eyes … and quickly.
As the BRAIN project figuratively pauses for their interim report, it would be wise for us to seriously pause and reflect about the potential implications of these experiments. For those who have genuine concerns about the potential for abuse, as well as runaway consequences similar to what we have seen with GMO and Big Pharma in general, it is time to use any method possible to communicate that this research must be put forth in the public domain for full scrutiny and review, with proper limitations codified.
Already, as with all things science and tech related, DARPA the military research arm of the U.S. government has their tentacles all over this research. But, this time, even with their intent to control and use this technology with historically less than peaceful intentions, nanotech has the means to move beyond anyone's control. The merging of the biological brain and a nearly infinite computational overlay is indeed the final frontier and must gain our full attention while we still have any wits left of our own.
What are your thoughts? Is it inevitable that science will decode the human brain so completely that we will be at the mercy of mad scientists to play us like a version of The Sims? Or is humanity in fact greater than the sum of its parts; non-quantifiable and forever as free and boundless as it wishes to be?
10 Modern Methods of Mind Control7 Future Methods of Mind Control this seems to be a very good source, but it dosn't 'copy'; sirens at 5:39pm as I read it, coincidentally. They always couch these things in terms of convieniet utopias, rather than a tortured living hell.

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Modem, "Everything you think & say is coming-up on our screens", synthetic telepathy, and an F-35 story - just like I figured. The day I was induced to attempt suicide, I could hear & sense what I thought was about 30 people, tuning-in, to watch, 15April2013, I could hear their excited shufflings and whisperings. The reference-by-sight whilst reading fits too - that schiz 'training' of 'ideas of reference'. The F-35 thing; 10yrs ago or so, there was a ballyhoo about Brit not being allowed to maintain the software of their F-35's - that they wouldn't have sovereignty of their own aircraft. I figured it was a man-machine interface thing.

DARPA Cortical Modem connects brain directly to computer for 'electronic telepathy and telekinesis'

By Anthony Cuthbertson February 18, 2015 14:15 GMT

DARPA's cortical modem implant could restore sight loss and provide eyes with a heads-up displayGetty Images
A brain-computer interface has been developed by the US Defence Research Projects Agency (DARPA) that is capable of laying a heads-up display over a user's natural vision.
The "cortical modem" also holds the potential to cure sight loss and enable "electronic telepathy and telekinesis" according to noted futurist Peter Rothman, writing for H+ Magazine.
While still a long way from production, the direct neural interface (DNI) chip would be shaped like a coin, around 1cm wide, and could conceivably cost as little as $10 (£6.50).
As outlined at the Biology is Technology conference in Silicon Valley last week, the interface provides a direct link between the brain and an external device or software through manipulation of the visual cortex.
Phillip Alvelda, chief of DARPA's Biological Technologies, told the conference how the device could replace all virtual reality glasses, such as the Oculus Rift, by bypassing the visual sensory system entirely
The project builds on the work of Karl Deisseroth in the field of optogenetics, according to H+ Magazine which was in attendance at the California conference.
Optogenetics involves the controlling of light-responsive proteins within the brain through targeted light emission.
DARPA has led the way in a number of futurist and transhumanist projects, including a tiny implant that assists the body's organs in healing themselves when injured.
The secretive agency was established by the US Government in 1958 in response to the launch of Sputnik by the USSR.
DARPA described its purpose in a 2005 document as follows: "DARPA's original mission, established in 1958, was to prevent technological surprise like the launch of Sputnik, which signalled that the Soviets had beaten the US into space.
The mission statement has evolved over time. Today, DARPA's mission is still to prevent technological surprise to the US, but also to create technological surprise for our enemies."
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
[size=12]Neural lace has been invented to organically connect your brain with a computer -[/SIZE]By Mary-Ann Russon June 16, 2015 18:04 BST [This is similar to what I'd previously assumed to be inside my head, an aerial/receiver/reflector type device' working on locally targeted and/or background radio-frequency transmissions].

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7976&stc=1]
This tiny electronic mesh sensor is thin and flexible enough to be injected into the brain and gentle enough to integrate fully with brain cells, making human cyborgs a possibilityLieber Research Group, Harvard University
Scientists from China and the US have found a pioneering way to inject a tiny electronic mesh sensor into the brain that fully integrates with cerebral matter and enables computers to monitor brain activity.
Researchers from Harvard and the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology in Beijing have succeeded in inventing a flexible electrical circuit that fits inside a 0.1mm-diameter glass syringe in a water-based solution.
When injected into the brains of mice, the mesh unfurled to 30 times its size and mouse brain cells grew around the mesh, forming connections with the wires in the flexible mesh circuit. The biochemical mouse brain completely accepted the mechanical component and integrated with it without any damage being caused to the mouse.
The mice who received the implants are thriving and while today they need to be connected by a wire to the computer so their brain activity can be monitored, in the future this could be wireless, and the same technique could be used to integrate an electric mesh with a human brain.
The research, entitled Syringe-injectable electronics, is published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology. [surely not easy to covertly surgically implant devices'; aside from the oddly straight 18"-2' horizontal line of a blood smear on my mattress one morning in 2012, I've noticed nothing]
What is neural lace?
Neural lace is a concept first coined in The Culture, a series of sci-fi books written by Iain M Banks [old frequent ref, bank/banks], where humans living on another planet install genetically engineered glands in their brains that can secrete stimulants, psychedelics and sedatives any time they like.
The concept has proved so popular that even the Halo video game plotlines feature soldiers who have had neural lace implanted into the base of their skulls, so they show up on radar as friends or foes. [I've had pipsqueak' refs, ie. old Battle of Britain era, term for IFF transponder several times, closely followed by a copper walking passed and a single beep' being emitted from him]
At the moment, electric shock treatment is available for patients suffering from severe muscle spasms, whereby long wires are inserted deep into the brain, but this approach is only used in worst case scenarios, as any type of incision risks damaging the brain. [a lot of this research claims Parkinsons disease as a motive; I get a lot of muscle spasms as per apophenic references]
But if the neural lace is able to completely integrate with the human brain, this would enable doctors to treat all sorts of neurodegenerative diseases that are currently difficult to cure.
The beginning of the true human cyborgs
But there's also the sci-fi element of cyborgs humans that have electronic parts in them becoming a reality, as well as the concept of humans having brains that can instantly tap into infinite knowledge, such as the plot in the Scarlett Johansson film Lucy.
So-called cyborgs do exist in the world, but only to the extent of being patients fitted with bionic limbs or people who choose to have microchips implanted into their bodies, whereas an electronic mesh in the brain connected to a computer would be another ballpark completely. [Seems likely]
According to The Smithsonian, the US Air Force has funded part of the study as part of its Cyborgcell programme, which wants to create small-scale electronics for the "performance enhancement" of cells.
Charles Lieber [both refs], a nanotechnologist at Harvard University and co-author of the study, said: "We're trying to blur the distinction between electronic circuits and neural circuits."
More about neural-machine research
· Electric dreams: If we download our knowledge and neural connections to a computer will that be us?
· Paralysed woman flies F-35 fighter jet using only her mind
· User Intention Decoding: £20 Camera System Lets You Control a Wheelchair With Your Eyes
· DARPA Cortical Modem connects brain directly to computer for 'electronic telepathy and telekinesis'
· BrainGate brings wireless computer mind control to paralysed people

DARPA dreams: cortical modems and neural RAMplants for restoring active memory -

A compelling encore to inventing the Internet appears more elusive for DARPA with each passing day. But what if they could put the Internet in your brain? That might turn some heads. Before anyone gets around to that, it would seem prudent to try to put just a single idea into a mind a single memory, skill, or replay of some notable event. With a news release announced yesterday, DARPA intends to do just that.
The solicitation is for a two-year research program to develop what they are calling RAM Replay, or implants for Restoring Active Memory'. This concept has not been hatched in full form out of thin air, but rather builds on a succession of recent projects to build an interface that is active at the level of the conscious mind a cognitive implant, if you will. Just this February DARPA sponsored a meeting in the Silicon Valley area where they discussed futuristic conceptions for what they call a cortical modem.
In its rawest form, they imagine such a cortical modem might be a $10 device the size of a couple of coins. It would enable a visual impression to be perceived by appropriate stimulation of the visual cortex. [I had this in late 2011/early 2012, at night, eyes shut, and the fractured, shard-like fractal' across my right eye in the colours of oil on water that I've mentioned, I suspect was the same, daylight eyes open; they seem to have this thing' about coercing people into gouging-out their own eyes] That's a tall order, but perhaps a bit more modest then their previous REMIND (Restorative Encoding Memory Integration Neural Device) project, which would be nothing short of a full-blown memory prosthesis that jacks into the hippocampus.
For various reasons, the idea of an implant to restore memories in the sense of actually reconstructing lost memories is not just premature, but downright preposterous. Once a memory is gone, anything put back could hardly be reliable. The more modest goal restoring the ability to store memories would be difficult enough even if one had access to the entire brain, to say nothing of the difficulty of trying to do it just from the hippocampus alone. [Oddly enough, they' seem more intent on destruction, not creation or restoration. All the masses of PTSD' refs I've had, seem to be about creating it, presumably under the guise of curing' it, which has a certain logic]
On the other hand, a mere replay of some event, in the form of a visual overlay with the resolution of, say, a digital alarm clock, might be something one could work with. At this point we would need a more descriptive term for exactly what it is we are talking about. If we restrict ourselves out of convenience to deal with vision alone, and reserve the term virtual reality to mean those artificially presented external simulations that replace our normal visual world, then the combination of normal vision and virtual reality is already something we are familiar with. That would simply be a visual overlay or a HUD' [ref "the mirror has two faces"], a heads up display.
But here we are not talking about an overlay for the eye, but rather an internal display manufactured from the wetware of the brain itself. That totality, i.e. normal vision, plus any virtual reality overlay, plus internally generated visual perceptions, we would propose for our purposes here to call the visuosphere'. How does one then create a visuosphere, and do it safely, reversibly, and in a way that retains some measure of coherence with reality? Furthermore, how does one localize that window to a specific place in the mind's eye, like one would a toast' or notification on their smartphone? Those are the questions I think DARPA is asking.
Our purpose here is to describe something that is no less than an open-ended solicitation for an impossibly futuristic transhumanist device. What better way to do that then to submit such a proposal ourselves? To that end, we would start with the premise that any implant with the capability to generate part or all of a visuosphere should first and foremost do no harm' to the user. [on the contrary, use these things to completely & wholistically destroy thru' pain, fear & trauma, direct psyche and phys torture] To be consistent with that ideal, one would have to be crazy to use anything like the currently-envisioned devices that are simply plunged into the cortex proper itself.
The most advanced cortex implants money can now buy are made by a company called Blackrock [that would be ironic one of my favourite films, Bad Day at Black Rock'; don't remember any unusual' refs tho' when I've watched it]. Their devices are behind some of the most successful brain-computer interfaces that have been used to date. They can do once-fantastical things like get paralyzed people to command a robotic arm to give them food or drink. But at the end of the day, these are not forever devices; when these pincushion arrays are eventually removed from the cortex, they leave their mark.
What we would propose instead is not to stimulate the cortical gray matter, but rather the white matter, the axons that project out of the cortex. The reasons for this would be as follows:
1. Safety. Axonal overstimulation is more survivable for the cell. You may kill the axon, or just that axon branch, but generally not the whole neuron. In principle and practice, the so-called initial segments and periodically spaced nodes of axons are much more excitable and therefore controlled by lower currents. The new optocapacitance' technique we recently discussed is a good example of a way to stimulate axons without high currents or questionable optogenetic manipulations.
2. Access. A neuron's activity is accessible at each point along the axon, rather than just at one point near the cell body. That means you can potentially get two or more redundant reads on a cell to determine the direction and potential connectivity of its projection. To actually target axons relevant for vision, the place you want to put your hardware is inside the lateral ventricles of the brain. The axons that bring information from the thalamus (and ultimately the retina) to the visual cortex line the walls of this area. Furthermore, the return projections, which is what you may really want to target to keep the primary visual inputs unmolested, is actually 10x numerically enriched relative to the upstream projection.
optic radiations
3. Reversibility. If companies have learned anything in the neural implant business, it's that there is no real market for brain implants for just the few handicapped persons that need them most. Just ask anyone walking around today with a useless orphan brain implant manufactured by a now-defunct company. A successful implant business needs to make implants that are for everyman. That means that when they are taken out, it's back to business as usual for the brain. An implant that targets white matter axons from inside the ventricles can not only be easily removed, but also the cell it accesses doesn't even have to know it is there when it is being used. The neuron can go on integrating local visual cortex information on its dendrites and sending out its own pulses. But the implant can intercept them, commandeer them, and change them to whatever it desires all with the cell body being no worse for the wear.
Obviously we have made several simplifying assumptions in all this. But the idea of a white-matter access point for visual, memory, or any other implants is an idea whose time has come [audio, visual, video, cognitive', read and feed/feed and read, wi-fi, hi-fi bullshit bingo']. The return visual projections we mentioned specifically above do have their own important unique role in the visual system that would need to be taken into consideration in the design of any implant. However, when compared with the alternative of blasting away at the visual cortex itself, targeting these anatomically defined byways first would seem like a good initial strategy. We would claim that any research effort that does not recognize and begin with these obvious truths, is devoid of any real focus, and ultimately, perhaps even bogus.

[And the fantacists say "People have to be responsible for their actions" - would that it were so]

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
I don't think you can access the brain's neural circuits with a chip or implant for purposes of monitoring or control.
John Knoble Wrote:I don't think you can access the brain's neural circuits with a chip or implant for purposes of monitoring or control.

I can only say what I'm observing empirically and theorize on what fits with that. The 'control' is/has been a psychological attack, largely trauma-based kontrol where you're stripped of your autonomy and are afeared of "gods" and "ghosts" und "züperdooper'eros". The mind influencing read'n'feed aspect is a tool in that. Granted, it's very difficult for someone who hasn't experienced something like this to understand it, I've no doubt. As I've said, it's a sythesis of techniques & technologies. I'd be interested to know how you'd tend to explain away some of the aspects I've related of the attack on me, like the apophenics to eye-tracking as I'm reading, for eg. - I don't mind if you care to explain it away as psychoses or similar - the shitehounds get around, but I'm sure you'd be hard-pushed to offer alternatives to mental illnesses, and that's the point, it's the psychiatric hospital or bust, and I'm sure as shit not waddling along there compos mentis, tah very much for the offer. At the start of the attack against me, I'd txt'ed the i-paper about an "EM attack", then it started falling into place when I read about pulse-modulations & microwaves - and I'd already known about submarine comms, and then reading about 'ideas of reference' (of schiz-) and the apophenics fall into place. If the BBC's apparently working on a unit that uses your mind to change tv channels, then a machine can at least 'understand' that modified signal, and a machine can send similar back to you. No, I think you're on top of this, but I don't blame you for considering it very 'dark'; I was considering yesterday how such a capability/scientific 'advancement' represents a regression/devolution in the human condition, but I'm a bit blunt for philisophising.
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
John Knoble Wrote:I don't think you can access the brain's neural circuits with a chip or implant for purposes of monitoring or control.

Take this morning; not long after sleep, a dream choreography (taken from the STALKER pc game which I played to death) of me messing around with assault rifles; the 'dc's can be a 'simple' feed - a video, or interactive/autonomous-against-the-background-'diktation' of that dc. So that plays to the endless 'Syria' refs; then as I'm waking, a 'feed' of point scoring infants in a beauty contest where I'm - of course 'responsible' for that too, for no other reason than it's in my head, regardless of them having put it there with no autonomous input from me. Then, the first word in my mind as I wake, "neural mesh" and a siren goes-off instantly, 1pm (I've only had 4 or 5hrs sleep, what with all the interruptions in my own autonomous rhythms. I get-up, and BBC text has several stories about grooming by the likes of Romanians (an old ref there from c.2009 where a fella I vaguely knew in real-world - 'pisscloud'/LR, was planning to fuckoff to Romania to see his new 'g/f' there and was selling his Steam account, as told me by 'Ben' - all creating a web - or as I was 'told' in the early days, a landscape of lies'). These psycho-nutters get a real kick out of manipulating ppl - ftw, and that is what it's all about, playing with the mind, the direct mind access technology playing a part in it, rather than being the actual crux of the b/s. It all creates a picture painted in shades of brown from which the game hangs; there's the 'hard' mind manipulations and indoctrinations of direct inputs, ad the 'soft' manipulations of Derren Brown-style psychological games. Anything goes when you're being tortured/brainwashed/murdered, because you're being tortured/brainwashed/murdered, it's a fully multi-faceted attack for effect - there is only one aim - destruction of the 'target', nothing else, and anything goes.

The mind access allows the shitehounds to 'see' what works as stressers and anxiety accelerators. The mind access, such as the 'dc' can be in the form of (as I've earlier said) indoctrinating messages & words that roll accross your closed-eyes vision as you're sleeping or in their induced hypnogogic state as per a ticker tape to bolster the 'actual' dream choreography that you've just had, or had last night, or 4 & a half years ago and every other night since. You've only got to look at the stated & accepted effects that trolling/cyber bullying has on people (prog the other day on this on BBC3, not a bad prog, but they seemed to me to catch a litterbug and call him a serial killer - and that sounds very familiar to me). And after a 'dc', they rouse you with a radio frequency from the 'floating lead'/hypnogogic state, so that you can recognise and muse what you've just been thinking..

With me it started-off (except for the 'phone/pc hackings and a mass raft of scene-settings and early word/concept plantings) as dream choreographies of heights - I don't like heights, or the one where I'd accidentally shat myself in a neighbours swimming pool (obvious psychological responses there for them to read-off and quantify). These were well before the 'program' proper started, - I've done nothing at all to deserve this, but it was convenient, and possibly they just wanted to do it to someone who was of my intelligence level, with my interests and background knowledge etc etc - maybe I just presented a 'nice' target. So they tell me I'm a troll, they tell me I'm a bully, they tell me I'm a groomer/stalker, they tell me I'm a villain, and racsist, misogynist, anti-Semite, far-right-nazi and all the rest of it, and they do this so often, that 'm supposed to be 'wealer' minded than I am and accept their drivvel - much of which comes-in so intimately, that it does so in my dreams... And it's simply, fucking horseshit - because that's what the shitehounds do. So that part of the traumatising for purpose of control is about guilt, with the multiple voices inside my head telling me that everyone accepts that I'm guilty, and so it's an established fact, except they're talking shit again; those voices inside my head, that's not microwave auditory - tho' it canbe; but I'm talking about actually inside my head, the voices of teenage psychopaths and the wretch 'boy "powwerr"', because they do like to gloat - and threaten and the rest of it.

So when their established cue words, 'trigger' words, like death, pain, murder/ered, suicide and the rest, turn-up on tv, then you suddenly get a neuralgic pain in your head (if they've already started the actual physical torture of synthetic 'trigeminal/migrainous' neuralgias, then you recognise that 'quality' of pain, and it dosn't take a cratin to accept there's a stress factor there, and they're associating it with words and sounds and the things that they pop into your head specifically for that purpose), or your muscles - specific single, muscles twitch, or you cough suddenly or sneeze, or the person next to you is either one of them, or is oblivious but irradiated with that 'bio-machine' coughing cue, and they do it to your friends and your family, weaponising them too. (I've read that they can wlak around cats like robots; I suspect this is true; those muscle twitches I get, they can only be caused one of three ways I think; a directed/targeted radio-frek; the activation of an implant at source; or - and this is the interesting one, that every muscle has it's own signal that activates it, hence the cats, hence the civil sideline to the tech, of a cure for Parkinsons. This is just from an empirical observation, but it just seems so - so next time I'm taking a train journey, I'll not stand too close to the edge of the platform, tah very much, just in case I involuntarily lurch forward.

So, they'd already decided to torture-murder me, and anything goes in that; now that I'm firmly telling them to go fuck themselves and I think getting closer to the means they use, their imperative gets greater, their embarassment grows, the danger of me spreading the word - it getting out, grows too, and lets not be forgetting that the people who do this are the absolute scum of the earth - and as I keep getting told recently, "angry". So, they enjoy watching from extremely close the effects of their torture-murder schemes, -thats how they actually get their kicks, that's their baag, maan, and they're "angry" with me .. -now... Maybe that's why all the physical attack/injury refs are back on the table. 180days/nights of 6-12hrs/day of the most awful, excruciating pain, and now, they're "angry" - and at me the fucking retards.. - AT ME! >burps< There's some very funny people about. Actually, even more than the attack/injury refs, the 'pain' refs are tops atm - more physical torture, and "yeah", unsurprisingly, it's really really bad, really just, awful, but fuck 'em, scum. They've already done the worst that's available for anyone to do to a person, and just because it amuses them to so do, so what's more pain?, especially when "pain is only in the mind", as they like to taunt.

-No surrender to Joseph Mengele wibble.

A wee extra note; their references/cues/triggers/whateverr; after getting these for a long time, thru' the various means, you 'learn',are 'trained'... to register them, to see them, and to see them coming to some extent; these are 'ideas of reference'; and you've just been trained to display a diagnostic symptom of schizophrenia. All the traumatising/afearing thet goes with it, intended to make you paranoid, that's diagnostic symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia you're now showing/experiencing. And that microwave auditory, and the 'actual' voices in your head from the synthetic telepathy, and the apophenics? - welcome to the completely unfunny farm. I had a couple of meeting with shrinks/community psychiatric nurses rather, to demonstrate that I was boss of my own mind; they agreed. I have an awful feeling tho', that they're to some extent at least, in on it, or more knowledgable about the extent to which RF/EM means can induce/train-in/replicate profound psychiatric conditions. - and I grew-up with the Soviet monster playing this sort of stupid shit tricks. This can be done without the mind machine, see 'Zersetzung'; the point is, that with the mind machine, it's now de rigeur in the west, in Britain, and surely the US, to play this sort of dirty rotten game, because of the success, 'guaranteed' in playing it. They took my atheism and my "being English is indelible, even tho' I think there's alot wrong with my country" as challenges to beat, by afearing me of false & malevolent 'gods' and turning me into a Musselmann playing silly buggers in ISIL-land. I'm chuffed to be able to say "Go take a flying shit, shitehounds".
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
A word on the mind invasion on the train that I keep mentioning, where they inculcated me into actually having a memory of being on a train with a bomb (along this line, I've had refs to being taken to a RN ship in the Med, for questioning I suppose, but like I said to the walls, "what the fuck would be the point in that" - you arseholes - 4yrs of RF/EM * etc. bullshit - what would you hope to get out of that?); it's not really occurred to me before, but this is a creation of a false memory that if you look at 'DARPA chips' is very prevalent; it wasn't mine, but I remember it - they use a higher power transmission to override your own [click] brain energy use so that it powers it's way into your mind/consciousness, even thru' getting-on a train and searching for a seat, which I presume when you're not taking them every day, has it's own quite high level of brain attention - it shouts itself and thereby gives itself away (thing is tho' whilst I'm not 100% about then, bit now, me knowing what I do of their ways and means, they can do anything that they want - there's no need for a rigourous discipline in their apophenics for eg., 'cos I'm well onto that, so they've switched from actually trying-on the schiz 'training', to harrassment - just being total arseholes.

Other things happened of course on the train & associated; waiting outside, smokin' a tab one time, two fellas came-up to me, asking where the well signposted 'Metro' was; they stood absolutley geometrically straight in front of me, not 'organically' stopping to ask-; they had that characteristic I'm knowing these days, of being hi-energy, very confident [click] but twitchy, big grins all round, blokies about 30yrs old. I'd pointed the way, but they stayed to engage, asking (paraphrase) "so I can walk that way and find it there?" - the direct opposite of where it was, and where there's no Metro; the point I think simply flaunting themselves, in a sense. Another time, a few blokies sat opposite, very loud conversations full of refs, the only one I remember being to one of their 'Auntie ****', an uncommon name, of which I'd had one; they'd come-in after me and sat direct to the side. The usual Zersetzung-type of tactics, these. Another time, busy train, fella behind me kept counghing as I was reading the 'paper, and there was something else there too, possibly a day-out for the mind machine again, it could've been a decent 'test', it being such a busy train - I shouldn't think it was my sixth sense - I don't really have one, but I was getting the 'feeling' alright; the 'paper, The Guardian, had a big inside-page headline, very similar to "I won't run and I won't hide", which I held aloft, and kept there. I've never noticed anything at the returning station.

Thing is, I'm not supposed to've gone back to N-u-T, it's not in the script; it's supposed to be 'keep-on-the-move' tactics, which is probably why I get Cardiff & London; I get everything including Afghanistan & the gardens of Soudan (sic) (oops, just come over all Ian Dury there a bit). Cupid stunts. "This is bigger than Watergate". (there were alot more 'clicks' thru' this, but comes a time yer just can't be arsed - to note it; I think the idea of the DARPA chips plus trauma/schiz 'training', is to quite literally create a bio/cyborg robot, hence that 'Boat5' gaming nick o' mine; quite a few of the DARPA docs seem to say the basic senses have been appropriated and wi-fi'd, which is what I've said all along, sheep-dipped silver bullets - they're quite insane).
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
My blog post - 12-08-2014 on an effect across my vision; it's constant with the cortical modem -

DARPA Launches New Program to Connect Brains to Computers with Implantable Chip -
TOPICS:DARPAMilitaryNicholas West January 23, 2016

For additional background to the latest press release from DARPA posted in full below, I encourage you to read the following selection of linked articles where I discuss the scope and chronology of what is being studied. Therein, you will find that the U.S. BRAIN Initiative and its European counterpart, the Human Brain Project, are not spending multi-billions of dollars on neuroscience research simply to help people with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and organic brain dysfunction. It is, perhaps first and foremost, a military endeavor that has wide ramifications if even 1/10th of what is being studied comes to fruition. In short, it's more about mind control than it is about brain restoration and improvement. Please keep this in mind when you read DARPA's emphasis on "new therapies."
Nanoparticles Enable Remote Control Brains Via Magnetic Field: New Study
A new DARPA program aims to develop an implantable neural interface able to provide unprecedented signal resolution and data-transfer bandwidth between the human brain and the digital world. The interface would serve as a translator, converting between the electrochemical language used by neurons in the brain and the ones and zeros that constitute the language of information technology. The goal is to achieve this communications link in a biocompatible device no larger than one cubic centimeter in size, roughly the volume of two nickels stacked back to back.
The program, Neural Engineering System Design (NESD), stands to dramatically enhance research capabilities in neurotechnology and provide a foundation for new therapies.
"Today's best brain-computer interface systems are like two supercomputers trying to talk to each other using an old 300-baud modem," said Phillip Alvelda, the NESD program manager. "Imagine what will become possible when we upgrade our tools to really open the channel between the human brain and modern electronics."
Among the program's potential applications are devices that could compensate for deficits in sight or hearing by feeding digital auditory or visual information into the brain at a resolution and experiential quality far higher than is possible with current technology This is what they've been doing to me for over 4yrs
Neural interfaces currently approved for human use squeeze a tremendous amount of information through just 100 channels, with each channel aggregating signals from tens of thousands of neurons at a time. The result is noisy and imprecise. In contrast, the NESD program aims to develop systems that can communicate clearly and individually with any of up to one million neurons in a given region of the brain.
Achieving the program's ambitious goals and ensuring that the envisioned devices will have the potential to be practical outside of a research setting will require integrated breakthroughs across numerous disciplines including neuroscience, synthetic biology, low-power electronics, photonics, medical device packaging and manufacturing, systems engineering, and clinical testing. In addition to the program's hardware challenges, NESD researchers will be required to develop advanced mathematical and neuro-computation techniques to first transcode high-definition sensory information between electronic and cortical neuron representations and then compress and represent those data with minimal loss of fidelity and functionality.
To accelerate that integrative process, the NESD program aims to recruit a diverse roster of leading industry stakeholders willing to offer state-of-the-art prototyping and manufacturing services and intellectual property to NESD researchers on a pre-competitive basis. In later phases of the program, these partners could help transition the resulting technologies into research and commercial application spaces.

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Since the last DARPA posting yesterday, it's been quite busy on the shitehound front; more sirens last night than in the last month (only 4 or so, possibly apophenics, they seemed to be), and again this morning; woke slowly but 'suddenly' (...) 2-3hrs after sleep, very slow 'floaty' (hynagogic) to a load of things, sirens, words/sentences/other noises - whistles, calls; last night, watching RT I think it was, a list one-by-one of armed faction groups in and around Syria; 'Al Nusra' popped-up as I was catching-up with the list and I made some exclamation coincident, but I was actually catching-up to the rest of 'em; one of the things that 'drifted' into my mind, surel what I call an 'ELF whisper', was something along the lines of "Al Nusra lays-out the welcome mat"; certainly it was similar to that, but I remember thing as the siren went off, "I wouldn't've put it like that/odd language/phraseology". The night before, I'd got the floor-thumping refs from 22 to something in a film, 'The East', "prosopagnosia" - the inability to recognise everyday objects, or your own face in the mirror. I'd not caught the word on the film, it was the thumping really that drew my attention; a bit of brain-crunching, and I had a vague memory of it from Cruel Britannia, Ch4, A Barbaric Assault on the Mind. The scan of that page is below, read from [click] the middle of the page is of interest too; that 'Al Nusra' thing; I read the bit about 'sleep learning', 'hypnopaedia', and was instantly reminded of the ticker-tape all-but-invisibley scrolling across my vision 2x's when I've been drifting from deep sleep into that half-awake state, like a very dark grey on top of the blackness of the ordinary closed-eyes 'vision'; all this stuff I've long suspected, and like No.18 had oh-so-apo-pathetically referenced a couple of weeks ago, "lab rat", it's almost nice to 'see' the same thing coming-thru' in a verbal/audio or cognitive 'whisper'. And of course, what they get from this, is a superdooper'ero tag, justification for their ways & budget, operational research, and the training-up of shitehounds, and the salesman psychiatrists're 'appy too [click], 'cos they get to look smart and justify their existence - everyone's a winner. 'Cept me, who gets a cortical modem for purpose of being driven insane & physically [oh big siren] torture-murdered to death, and yer don't half torture-murder someone to death.

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The reddot there is precisely at the point I'm starting - recently - to get alot of individual pains as per apophenics; the sore neck & acheing from there I've had for years, and the 'EM hissing' is focused at that exact same point. There's a cover there of PTSD therapy, but my guess is that how they're intending to learn more about the physiology of it, is by creating it and pushing it to destruction, and those muscle spasms I get, that'll be the Parkinsons disease/bio-robotic cyborg bit; I think this is half where their "slave" refs come in, that they're intending to 'slave' the bodys motor controls (& etc.) to command functions, so that ultimatley, they're looking at using 'penal battalions' in the field, 'slaved' to soldiers in a warehouse a long way away.

Not sure how one of several overt references today fits-in with all this - from 'Porridge' film, "Desert Island Disks". Fuck that for a game of soldaten - dieR taP. Mind how you go.

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Remote Controlled Humans Via Internet In Real-Time Now A Reality (Update) -
TOPICS:Activist PostMind Control AUGUST 8, 2013 Activist Post
Bold notes & underlining is true; italics emphasis are all mine: & more than this was possible in >2011
Every day seems to bring new revelations in the area of neuroscience.

image: University of Washington
Over the past year we have learned that scientists have been working on "neural dust" to create a remote-controlled computer pathway to the brain; that scientists have been successful implanting false memories in mice; an experiment at Harvard enabled a human to remote control a mouse by thought alone; and the world's first "telepathic e-mail" was sent.

However, when it was announced last year that remote-controlled humans via the Internet became a reality, it was still met with disbelief. The research team from the University of Washington who conducted this experiment is now announcing that they not only have duplicated their original experiment, but believe that they have moved a step closer to making this a viable technology that could be rolled out in the not-too-distant future. Their full press release with video follows our initial report below.

We recently reported on the release of a secret DARPA mind control program at Arizona State University. Part of that research was focused specifically on the attempt to replicate through language the same results obtained with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, which is a way to directly control movements, speech, and one's perception of reality via electromagnetic waves aimed at the cerebral cortex. Julie Beal also reported on DARPA's solicitation for portable brain recorders that could eventually be used in every classroom in America. Clearly there is a will to put research into action. Internal EEG & no TMS, unless it's subtle & local.

But so far, the ability to remote control an object from a distance with the mind alone has been limited to video games, drones, and the above-mentioned mouse. However, as you can see in the video below, a human-to-human remote link has been established. A researcher was able to control the hand movements of a person jacked in to the "brain net" in a completely different building: - jack/Jack' is a very frequent reference I get; plays to the schiz training' as there are so many confusatory separate meanings.

As is typical, researchers are downplaying the technology by stressing that this type of stimulation is only possible through consenting participants. NO they add it surreptitiously to food and/or put you in a radio-frek induced deep sleepstate, break in to your home, and implant the victim'. Yet they repeatedly tout how wonderful it is because it is "non-invasive." With nanotechnology such as that used in neural dust, a pathway can easily be opened non-invasively (or surreptitiously), and control can be achieved wirelessly. Julie Beal has speculated that perhaps this type of wireless control over another human being's brain contributed to the strange "short circuits" that have been seen in many news reporters. It's no longer beyond the realm of possibility. ?

What once was the craziest of conspiracies has now entered the daily news cycle. And there is more to come:

"The Internet was a way to connect computers, and now it can be a way to connect brains," said researcher Andrea Stocco, assistant professor in psychology at the University of Washington.
Rao noted that his study managed "a one-way flow of information." It's firewalled; it's 1-way or 2-way by command, A/V

"The next step is having a more equitable two-way conversation directly between the two brains," he said. This is fully established as of at least <2012. This is synthetic telepathy; they' spend 24/7/52/+4 sitting inside your mind, 1-way; they can see what you see, hear what you hear, and are tapped-into the mind itself; the 2-way channel is opened as part of a scheme to drive you out of your own mind, by "malevolent god" impersonators, who reference, by auditory effects and pains everything msg'ful' that you see, hear and think, even the very act of thinking is referenced for purpose of shutting-down the autonomy of your own mind. Every time the tv mentions "death", or when you read the word "suicide" or anything at all related to anything at all bad', you get a reference to it, usually by neuralgic pain, or sharp pain to the eye, or click', or muscle spasm, or an echo/'whisper' inside your mind. Words & pictures both; conversations with friends & family. AI bots substitute similar sounding words on tv instantly (tv reception is on a slight delay); pic/sound breaks to death, suicide, buried, drowned, enemy, ice/fire, thirst/hunger etc. I've actually had conversations' via subvocalising, & via vocalising out, and getting the words in clear, and the notions' back, in the early days, 2012, but pathologically deranged psychopaths who blab-on about how "powerrr"ful & "evil" they are are on the other end as it's a murder program, and they have nothing at all that I want to hear everything they say is shit. A lot of this research is under the PTSD cover; what they intended doing to me, is instilling PTSD to destruction by commanded suicide. AI research is involved too.

The future is now; all that remains to be answered is whether or not ethical considerations will evolve along with the technology, or will simply be bypassed altogether. Given that the U.S. Army is funding this research, those who are skeptical of this technology only being used in a beneficial way have quite a bit of historical precedent upon which to base their concern. Ethical considerations act as a blueprint for what not to do. This is a part of a much greater program, where the operators' use pages from law books as toilet paper, for effect to kill; stalking, poisoning, physical as well as psyche torture, break-ins, tainted food with volatile aromatics, electric shocks, full-body static charging, neighbours who watch you in your own home (and shower) and also ref "death" etc from tv with wall-thumps, Derren Brown tactics the full Zersetzung and much much more.

UW study shows direct brain interface between humans
by Michelle Ma

(Activist Post emphasis added)
In this photo, UW students Darby Losey, left, and Jose Ceballos are positioned in two different buildings on campus as they would be during a brain-to-brain interface demonstration. The sender, left, thinks about firing a cannon at various points throughout a computer game. That signal is sent over the Web directly to the brain of the receiver, right, whose hand hits a touchpad to fire the cannon. Mary Levin, U of Wash.
Sometimes, words just complicate things. What if our brains could communicate directly with each other, bypassing the need for language? As I say, this program' & the technology, were beyond this document in 2011.

University of Washington researchers have successfully replicated a direct brain-to-brain connection between pairs of people as part of a scientific study following the team's initial demonstration a year ago. In the newly published study, which involved six people, researchers were able to transmit the signals from one person's brain over the Internet and use these signals to control the hand motions of another person within a split second of sending that signal. This is potentially an infinite' number of people-to-one in realtime, at the same time, with full read'n'feed' audio/vis & more. The day I was induced' to attempt suicide, I sensed what I thought to be 30 of them', tune-in to experience death from inside my mind & senses they were excitable, I heard their whispers, giggles and foot shuffleings.

At the time of the first experiment in August 2013, the UW team was the first to demonstrate two human brains communicating in this way. The researchers then tested their brain-to-brain interface in a more comprehensive study, published Nov. 5 in the journal PLOS ONE.

"The new study brings our brain-to-brain interfacing paradigm from an initial demonstration to something that is closer to a deliverable technology," said co-author Andrea Stocco, a research assistant professor of psychology and a researcher at UW's Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences. "Now we have replicated our methods and know that they can work reliably with walk-in participants." I suspect this refers to the successful wi-fi/directed energy implantation of cognitive feed into ppl who have not been implanted/impregnated (with nano-tech); I see' this a lot, genuinely ordinary ppl who suddenly use words/phrases that I've been primed/'trained' to recognise as trigger' words, cues and refs., as well as being induced to cough & sneeze it's very much the realization of the dark side of the likes of MK Ultra/Manchurian Candidate/IPCRESS File programs that they can actually put things into ppls minds without them knowing it. As for me, I'm science-minded I knew from the first, that even tho' I'd never heard of any technologies along this line, that what was happening certainly wasn't malevolent gods. Zeros & ones are very plastic, and I knew something about millimetre waves & submarine ELF microwave communications, & one or two other things. Ch4 of book Cruel Britannia is good on the psyche attack methods; Tim Rifat on whale/to is good on the ELF microwave mind control -
Collaborator Rajesh Rao, a UW professor of computer science and engineering, is the lead author on this work.

The research team combined two kinds of noninvasive instruments and fine-tuned software to connect two human brains in real time. The process is fairly straightforward. One participant is hooked to an electroencephalography machine that reads brain activity and sends electrical pulses via the Web to the second participant, who is wearing a swim cap with a transcranial magnetic stimulation coil placed near the part of the brain that controls hand movements.
A transcranial magnetic stimulation coil is placed over the part of the brain that controls the receiver's right hand movements. Mary Levin, U of Wash.
Using this setup, one person can send a command to move the hand of the other by simply thinking about that hand movement. I'm sure that this is so, but they've been guarded on one or two things; glances, smiles/grins; so they set something up in the street, and can induce' a sudden glance sideways at it. I suspect the more in control of your mind that you are, the fewer effects are delivered, but that's a moot point with myself - it means accepting there was a loss of autonomy.

The UW study involved three pairs of participants. Each pair included a sender and a receiver with different roles and constraints. They sat in separate buildings on campus about a half mile apart and were unable to interact with each other in any way except for the link between their brains.

Each sender was in front of a computer game in which he or she had to defend a city by firing a cannon and intercepting rockets launched by a pirate ship. But because the senders could not physically interact with the game, the only way they could defend the city was by thinking about moving their hand to fire the cannon.
The sender is hooked to an electroencephalography machine that reads brain activity. A computer processes the brain signals and sends electrical pulses via the Web to the receiver across campus. Mary Levin, U of Wash. Internal EEG cap

Across campus, each receiver sat wearing headphones in a dark room with no ability to see the computer game with the right hand positioned over the only touchpad that could actually fire the cannon. If the brain-to-brain interface was successful, the receiver's hand would twitch, pressing the touchpad and firing the cannon that was displayed on the sender's computer screen across campus. Cochlear implant, right ear a slight knock to that side of my head causes a long, very hi-pitch tone.

Researchers found that accuracy varied among the pairs, ranging from 25 to 83 percent. Misses mostly were due to a sender failing to accurately execute the thought to send the "fire" command. The researchers also were able to quantify the exact amount of information that was transferred between the two brains.

Another research team from the company Starlab in Barcelona, Spain, recently published results in the same journal showing direct communication between two human brains, but that study only tested one sender brain instead of different pairs of study participants and was conducted offline instead of in real time over the Web. Regular refs; misdirections.

Now, with a new $1 million grant from the W.M. Keck Foundation, the UW research team is taking the work a step further in an attempt to decode and transmit more complex brain processes. Much more as of >2011

With the new funding, the research team will expand the types of information that can be transferred from brain to brain, including more complex visual and psychological phenomena such as concepts, thoughts and rules.

They're also exploring how to influence brain waves that correspond with alertness or sleepiness. Eventually, for example, the brain of a sleepy airplane pilot dozing off at the controls could stimulate the copilot's brain to become more alert. As very deep trance-like unconsciousness can be induced by RF, so too can instant wakefulness (& sleep dep.) by e-caffeine', so that you can be woken to orchestrated skits' or emergency vehicle sirens each day for 6weeks, precisely.

(Read a Scientific American article by Rao and Stocco about possible uses of sending thoughts directly between brains.) Where thought becomes a crime, they can confer on you a death sentence, where, like with me, there is no crime: schiz training', godbluff', psychological & neural research' to destruction, just like Herr Doktor Mengele.

The project could also eventually lead to "brain tutoring," in which knowledge is transferred directly from the brain of a teacher to a student.

"Imagine someone who's a brilliant scientist but not a brilliant teacher. Complex knowledge is hard to explain we're limited by language," said co-author Chantel Prat, a faculty member at the Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences and a UW assistant professor of psychology.

Other UW co-authors are Joseph Wu of computer science and engineering; Devapratim Sarma and Tiffany Youngquist of bioengineering; and Matthew Bryan, formerly of the UW.

The research published in PLOS ONE was initially funded by the U.S. Army Research Office and the UW, with additional support from the Keck Foundation.

They practice on mental patients because no-one will believe them I have a schiz friend, I see them at play inside his mind, taunting me. They can also of course, connect sane minds to chaotic & profoundly insane minds, to force-in the mental disintegration that they work towards achieving; they've done this to me, and I knew what they were doing.

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."

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