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CAPA, successor to COPA
CAPACitizensAgainst Political AssassinationsWashington,DC

DearFriends and Associates:

Asa researcher and/or student of the JFK assassination, you may beaware that The JFK Act of 1992 requires the release of all governmentrecords on the assassination of President Kennedy by October 2017.The president of the United States at that time will be responsiblefor its enforcement.

Ourrecently formed nonprofit organization, Citizens Against PoliticalAssassinations (CAPA), will continue the fight we started decades agoto get the law passed and see this Act is enforced as well asundertake similar national initiatives on other politicalassassinations to ensure the truth is revealed and justice prevails.To do this we need your help and support.

CAPAplans to pursue the release of the remaining JFK records, fileFreedom of Information Act requests for more records, take legalactions to enforce the law and undertake public education efforts toensure that the forces that orchestrated such assassinations will nolonger be able to influence government policies.

Theseinitiatives require funding to be effective. Please help by joiningus and providing whatever financial support you can afford,volunteering your time as part of a CAPA Committee, contacting yourcongressional representatives, and spreading the word on social mediaabout CAPA, our mission, programs and legal initiatives.Time isrunning out to do something about these horrific crimes andcover-ups.

Thereis power in numbers so join this worthy endeavor to bring truth andjustice to those who have been killed for their beliefs. Thank you.

TheCAPA Board of Directors: Dr. Cyril Wecht, Andrew Kreig, LarrySchnapf, Esq., Jerry Policoff, Michael Nurko, Bill Kelly and BenWecht.

CAPABoard of Advisors: Professor Peter Dale Scott, Dr. John Newman, MarieFonzi, David Talbot, Alan Dale, Bill Simpich, and Dr. Gary Aguilar.

Addyour name to ours, become a CAPA member and serve on a CAPA board orcommittee. Join us: Send check or money order - $50 yearly dues or adonation to: CitizensAgainst Political Assassinations - CAPA P.O. Box 7641, Lancaster,Pa., 17604-7641

Oryou can become a member on line via Pay Pal at our web site. For moreinformation on participating, please visit us on line: like us at: for emergencies and breaking news and updates:

Ifyou have further questions please contact us at (609) 425-6297
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Thank you Peter, and Maggie for setting up our web site and Frankie for social media sites on Facebook and Twitter. We have a heavy agenda and a number of projects including a Mock Trial at a major Houston law school that will narrow the evidence and set the stage for an official Texas Court of Inquiry that could legally exonerate Oswald.

Dr. Wecht will be appearing on Black Op Radio this week (Thursday 9 PM EST) to discuss CAPA and our agenda and three of our board members will be making presentations at the Left Forum at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City May 21-22.

I am preparing a newsletter that will be out soon, and we look forward to working with those we have worked with in the past and continue the work we started decades ago, even though some of those brave souls who picked this fight are no longer with us.

We also hope to expand to incorporate the international community and to include all political assassinations in our work.

I hope to be on line more frequently so I can comment and respond more often.

All the best,

Bill Kelly
For more info you can contact me at:

List of Withheld Records - A Preliminary Report

Note - this is a first draft - I will add more links and graphics ASAP. - BK




"It may seem to those nourished on the exploits of James Bond ,…that journalistic activities have little to do with intelligence work. But intelligence is a mosaic. General material about background and people's interrelationships can be both illuminating and important. Quite often missing pieces of the mosaic emerge that make a previously incomprehensible picture unexpectedly clear." Mary Bancroft (Autobiography of a Spy, William Morrow, 1983 p. 150)

A nation's history and its official secrets are often considered the Family Jewels, and America's secret records of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy are considered the most precious secrets that the government refuses to give up, even reveal to its own citizens.

The real Deep Political secret records never see the light of day and are Deep Sixed so they are forever gone, though occasionally one will float to the surface and be saved and placed on a shelf in a secure and temperature controlled vault where many of the nation's most precious secrets are stored.

Among the official archival records there is the JFK Collection at the Archives II industrial warehouse of records in College Park, Maryland. The JFK Collection was instituted by the JFK Act of 1992 a bill passed by Congress and signed into law by President George W. H. Bush. It requires all of the government's records on the assassination of President Kennedy be released to the public by October 2017, a fast approaching date that the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) says it will meet despite the reluctance of other agencies of government.

The only way an official record can still be withheld beyond that date is by an order of the President of the United States, whoeverf he or she may be, and this is an issue that is certain to be brought to the attention of each of the candidates for that office.

But we don't have to wait until October 2017 to get a glimpse of these Family Jewels because, thanks to the determined efforts of a few intrepid researchers we have a new document which purports to be a list of the over 3,000 JFK assassination records still being withheld that are scheduled to be released in 2017.

Both independent researcher Michael Ravnitzky and reporter Bryan Bender can be credited for seeking this document and breaking this story. Ravnitzky first requested the document, and had it posted at Russ Baker's WWWW web site. Bryan Bender who wrote about this story for the Boston Globe and now does so for the digital journal Politico, also requested the document under the Freedom of Information Act and has followed up with a series of FOIA requests for other records. So far Jefferson Morley at and the British Daily Mail have followed up with additional stories.

This list of withheld JFK assassination records is like a small port-hole window through which we can shine a little light into the dark world of secrets being kept in the government's vault. Though we will have a much better picture window view of them on stage, under the lights and in great detail when all of the records are released to the public for everyone to read, this one document gives us some insight into what we will find.

The new document purports to answer a lot of questions concerning the withheld records but actually creates fresh doubts and sparks new questions - like how many records are still being withheld? And why isn't the JFK Act being strictly enforced by Congressional oversight, as it should be?

At first glance the 146 page spread sheet list of RIFs Record Identification Forms, for the most part lists their topic, agency of origin and how many pages they are gives us some concrete numbers that have thus far been missing. 3, 603 and 3,063 still with held documents have been the most frequent numbers thrown about but Raymon Herrera, who has put together a program to reconfigure the documents in a more readable form says that there are actually 3,568 RIF records listed.

If you use the NARA's hopelessly outdated digital data base you come up with tens of thousands of records that are listed as withheld in full or in part but in fact are readily available as they were released in a number of earlier data dumps, sometimes accelerating the release of the records years before they were required to.
The dumping of tons of documents into the public domain at one time is also a deliberate obstrufustion tactic in which the really significant gems of informative facts are included among useless information, thus insuring it won't be found for years, at least until some intrepid researcher requests it or accidently stumbles across it, discovers it and recognizes its significance. One small piece of the Dealey Plaza Mosaic, as Mary Bancroft would put it, a piece that makes it all so unexpectedly clear.

At first glance a quick survey of the new list of still withheld JFK assassination records requires the creation of a new list of issues this document raises, beginning with the total number of records still being withheld.
Then there's the question of exactly how many are being withheld by each agency of government? Is it really 3, 568 or is that a number that will change over time as we sift through the records.

This document gives us the names and subject matter that is the topic of each document, at least some of them, and discloses or explains why some of the records are being withheld, many under (b)(3) 26 U.S.C. &6103 the IRS personal privacy law. Does this law trump the JFK Act? Will it be used to keep records withheld beyond October 2017 even without a presidential order?

Some of William Manchester's records are also among these records, including interviews with Jacqueline and Robert Kennedy. Manchester has placed a personal time of release that is beyond the JFK Act, so which one rules? Will William Manchester's personal last will and testament over rule the JFK Act, or will that issue be used to continue the withholding of the records with or without the president's approval?

The list indicates a few things right off the bat including the fact that hundreds of the documents are identified as being "illegible," meaning you can't read it, which begs the question - why the agencies of government would withhold a record that can't be read, and why would the ARRB approve the withholding of such a record?

Another thing that jumps out of the list is the fact that there are many Warren Commission documents still being withheld, when it was previously alleged by the NARA that all of the Warren Commission era records had been released.

In addition, while the House Select Committee on Assassination (HSCA) MLK records were not included in the JFK Act, there are many MLK and MLK assassination records on the list, as well as a number of records concerning racial riots, anti-war demonstrations and the 1968 Democratic National Convention, all of which occurred years after the assassination. Why are these documents being included among the JFK Assassination Records Collection?

Some of the withheld records, such as the Collins Radio documents are labeled "NBR" Not Believed Relevant, yet they most certainly are as Collins Radio made the Air Force One radios and operated the relay station that broadcast the signals. This begs the question as to why they would include dozens of irrelevant records on political demonstrations that occurred years after the assassination, yet try to with hold the most significant records that are directly connected to the assassination?

Of the ONI records being withheld, it is noteworthy that the ONI Defector Files are not among them, which indicates that they have been deliberately excluded from the JFK Collection, not given a RIF number and are simply being withheld without being included among the official list of records being with held.

Other ONI records, such as the 119 Reports we know exist or did exist at one time, and the assassination records of ONI chief Admiral Rufus Taylor, are not listed either, so they are not being withheld, and won't be released in October 2017, but must be considered missing, lost, stolen or intentionally destroyed. Why is there is no investigation into what became of these missing records?

Most noteworthy is the fact that some of the records listed as being withheld have already been released, though in most cases, in redacted form.

The Subjects-Topic of the documents on the list can be broken down into four categories names of individuals, organizations, places and record types. I have listed as many of the individuals mentioned as I can at JFKCountercoup2 - - allposts/postNum=2

I have previously reviewed some of the background off Judd McIlvaine, the University of Missouri Journalism grad who specialized in Central and South American news and whose interview with the Church Committee is among the list of withheld records. It was quickly established that McIlvaine had also been interviewed at length by others and there are related government records already released, so whatever it is in this record that is being suppressed is probably already available from other sources.

As some researchers have noted, some records being withheld by one agency have already been released by another agency. If you want to get some deep background on a particular record that's listed you can go to the NARA or data base and type in the first two groups of the RIF number and it will lead you to other documents in that field, sometimes even the exact document that's listed as being withheld has already been released and is available on line.

One series of documents on the list relates to JFK advance man John Byrne and one Bill Turner - not the recently deceased former FBI agent, but the Exalted Ruler of the Fort Worth Elks Club. He sked JFK's advance man John Byrne if the president would stop to visit his club house, a request that was politely rejected. But apparently he generated a half dozen reports and official documents that have been officially deemed so secret that they must be kept from the curious and reading public in order to maintain the nation's security.

But you can read about Byrne's successful and fateful advance trip to Fort Worth in the article "The Day Before Dallas" that he wrote for Prologue, the glossy NARA magazine, in which he mentions the requests he received from various Texas civic leaders, including Bill Turner, the Exalted Ruler of the Elks. Maybe there was a plot to kill the President at the Elks Club, or some other issue of national security, one that we will learn the answer to come October 2017.

Whether the JFK Collection contains all of the official records as required is yet to be seen but one thing is for certain, there will be another data dump come that day, and the most precious of secrets will be made available to the public for all to see, but it will be up to the researchers, historians, journalists and reporters who will have to dig through the morass to find the real gems that are the final pieces to Mary Bancroft's Mosaic, the total picture of what really happened at Dealey Plaza.

Bancroft was also fond of quoting her uncle C.W. Barron, who often reminded her, "Remember that facts are not the truth. They only indicate where the truth may lie!"

So `the Top Ten Issues this document presents and the questions they pose are:

1) How many records are still being withheld?
2) How many agencies are involved and how many are being withheld from each agency?
3) Why are there so many described as "illegible"? Why were they withheld and why did ARRB agree to withhold them?
4) How many Warren Commission records are still being withheld? The zero answer previously provided by NARA is clearly incorrect.
5) Why are MLK assassination records, race riots and the DNC 1968 records, clearly unrelated to the assassination included in the JFK Collection when they are clearly NBR?
6) Why are the Collins Radio records described as NBR when theyv are relevant?
7) How come the ONI Defector and ONI Director Files are not listed among the still withheld records when they are still being withheld?
8) Why are there so many records listed as withheld when in fact they have been released and are available?
9) What about the records we know exist that are not among the JFK Collection ONI 119 Reports, ONI Director Files, Richard Sprague's HSCA records, the original Air Force One radio tapes and other such records? Is the NARA actively searching and seeking these records?
10) Will the AOTUS Mr. Ferraro ever get around to publishing an index and guide to the JFK Collection as the JFK Act law requires?

And finally, when will the appropriate committee of Congress hold public hearings on the JFK Act, inquire as to why there are so many missing and possibly destroyed records, and see to the strict and proper enforcement of the JFK Act?

After all, these records - the Family Jewels are the history of America our history, our nation, and they do not belong to any secret government agency, classified redactor or petty bureaucrat they belong to the citizens who paid for them and legally own them, as the secrets of the assassination are all our secrets.

And as Dan Ellisberg asked, once we learn the secrets, what are we going to do with that new knowledge?

Bill Kelly can be reached at

and if not familiar with it check out lots of good things on Bill Kelly's blog HERE
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
CAPA Newsletter #1

Attached Files
.pdf   CAPA Newsletter1.pdf (Size: 8.55 MB / Downloads: 5)
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Quote:Among the official archival records there is the JFK Collection at the Archives II industrial warehouse of records in College Park, Maryland. The JFK Collection was instituted by the JFK Act of 1992 a bill passed by Congress and signed into law by President George W. H. Bush. It requires all of the government's records on the assassination of President Kennedy be released to the public by October 2017, a fast approaching date that the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) says it will meet despite the reluctance of other agencies of government.

The biggest misconception about the 1992 JFK Act, and the most overlooked clause by researchers and journalist of all kinds is the fact that Bush made sure these documents would never get exposed or see the light of day. NARA, is an agency determined and focused on these other agencies to have all the withheld documents promptly disclosed [in-full] it's not going to happen. I have been preaching this for years now, although,it's healthy to remain optimistic, it's also equally important to grasp reality!

Just look at the millions of documents already released and stored in a 1.5cb million sq ft. facility, of all these documents which have NOW been released, have ALL of them been released in-full? No!

The CIA contends there is still more then 1-2 percent or roughly 50,000 to 60,000 thousand documents still withheld, and you mean to tell me that after fifty plus years they still need more time? What about the fifth volume on the Bay of Pigs, surely, if the CIA won that battle what makes you think that by October 17, 2017 they're just going to release incriminating evidence implicating themselves regarding Kennedy's assassination? If you're a top researcher, or an outstanding journalist, may I make a suggestion? Perhaps, you should evaluate some of the information I've already given you? As it is, if I were to just come right out with it without baiting my hook no one would bite, but imagine, throwing in a little bit of food into a pond of hungry sharks, and each shark nibbles on a little something until each has had it's fill, then, even folks like Jim will get it and won't be so attached to himself. No one can ignore facts right? Yet, ya'll rely on documents for answers? SMH....

By the way, the clause I speak of in the 1992 JFK Act is if the then president of the United States which will be Clinton and not Trump whose already shown some conspiracy belief with Raphael Cruz, by the way, funny how somethings just die out quickly, but! JVB says Oswald told her that Cruz was also apart of his team! And, the president believes that disclosing this information could cause retributive harm while posing a threat to national security, then, that president may [withhold] this information indefinitely. Get it now?!?

I get tried of preaching the same thing over and over!
Quote:NARA, is an agency determined and focused on these other agencies to have all the withheld documents promptly disclosed [in-full]

Or, NARA is nothing more than a smokescreen, put in place to appease the ever growing public's curiosity of Kennedy's assassination while disclosing some information, and what's the president of the United States doing? Laughing his sick f***** ass off!
Quote:"It may seem to those nourished on the exploits of James Bond ,…that journalistic activities have little to do with intelligence work."

Perhaps, the questions should be, are there any intelligent journalists out there willing to investigate the information I've already given you, however, you should know that I'm not going to make this easy. If I did, there'd be no need to get my update which I have spent more than eight years on exposing information no one has ever seen before. And, not every father represented a James Bond image but I could also say, very few to none has done what my father did. I also have evidence of James Angleton who was head of "counter-intelligence" believed there to be a mole within the CIA who worked his way into the target association and did steal photographs, well now, this makes the whole thing a bit more clearer now doesn't it? To date, not a single person has proved me wrong, but jump all over JVB, Jame Files, researchers attacking researchers, but to date I'm still not proven wrong? Why is that?
Notice.... I said "prove" me wrong, I don't give a shit about your opinion.

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