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My heart waves heavy
I honestly believed my father's death was an accident, or, at the very least wanted to believe it. I suppose, my mother always knew it wasn't, perhaps, it was a woman's intuition. I wanted to believe it was an accident because there was no real investigation by local or federal authorities. And, the more I looked into it, the more I discovered the only person who was really looking into it was an attorney my mother hired, he too was forced to stop his investigations. No one would stop me. I learned eight years ago it was no accident, however, the federal government did all they could do to make it appear as though it were. I then swore and promised my father and myself I would whatever it took to find the bastards involved.

There is much information I've been hanging unto that I have not released, and there's a reason for that, I just didn't feel the time was right, now, not only do I feel the time is right, but if there's anyone still alive today whom I'm naming, they should be held accountable as this was an endeavor between them all, and they knew my father had to be silenced because had my father testified at the HSCA he would have had to testify at a Federal Grand Jury, and they didn't want my father testifying.

All this didn't start happening until they found out my father had the photos that head of CIA security in Dallas contacted head of security in Miami in 1974. Watergate was now over and McCord resigned his position as Chief of Security for the CIA. The information went to counter-intelligence and head of security who was James Jesus Angleton.

For those of you who think I'm on here or posted at any other forum in the past blowing smoke just to try and sell my updated book when it becomes available, then, it's you who's blowing smoke and eating shit. I don't have to post this information, I could just as easily kept all my information strictly exclusive then sell my book, and for those of you who have doubted me, I don't care, my only mission is to bring down the company who has killed my father. Now, I know that not every single person in the company is bad, but it is the company who is responsible for my father's death, and I want revenge. Someone once told me that revenge is a dangerous motive.

Well, I can't seem to figure out what's more dangerous, my father who was suppose to testify, or my revenge.
Over the years, many have come out about some story regarding Kennedy's assassination or someone knowing someone who knew Oswald which led to Kennedy's assassination, and guess what? It was just their story. Overtime, no one really knew what to believe anymore as story on top of story started to pile up that it began to spin out of control. That is, if only someone could not just present a story, but back it by compelling evidence.

How many stories has the FBI discredited and still blame Oswald? Of all the stories I've read, truthfully, none have the compelling evidence and facts I have to back the story, now you know.

I don't care what the average thinking person may say. I'm not presenting a theory, I'm not presenting my opinion, and I'm not just presenting a story, what I am presenting is 343 pages of, I told you so.
The photos my father starting showing around in Miami is noted as early as 1973, Dallas contacted Miami regarding these photos in 1974, if the photos had anything to do with Watergate there would have been no need for Dallas to contact Miami, Watergate was over, and, why would Dallas be interested in Watergate? Dallas was only interested in one thing, and it's this that I expose, no one can discredit me, not the FBI or any three letter agency, no one.
Although Watergate was over, the HSCA was about to begin.
The letter that was sent to Aldo Vera by the Cubanos Unidos requesting Vera to appear in Miami from Puerto Rico for a meeting was in regard to a subgroup called M-7, or, M7, that subgroup to the Cubanos Unidos was called "Mega-7," or, "Mega7," this group was birth after the reorganization of the Cubanos Unidos in 1974. The new leader of the Cubanos Unidos was Captain Edwardo Sotolongo.

Mega-7, or, Mega7 whose original members consisted of seven had changed it's subgroup name to Omega7. The meaning behind the name was, [the ending of a new terrorist group birth from the Cubanos Unidos.] (Omega,) the ending, men, who preferred to act alone.

Now you know.

I will expose information no one has ever known, and if you think I was kidding about exposing Watergate and JFK... Well, I'm not kidding. I am doing this on behalf of my father, and when it's all said and done, then, I will put this all behind me and say, it is finished.
As I've said before, Accion Cubana or Cubana Unida were earlier names of groups my father belonged too, these names were used as early as 1962, but, the FBI contends the group, Cubanos Unidos was birth in 1969, however, the group Cubanos Unidos was formed of members by Accion Cubana or Cubana Unida and Alpha 66, including DRE which would later make the Cubanos Unidos.

Now,.... you know.
Aside from my father belonging to Accion Cubana, Cubana Unida, he also says there are more than 500 different Cuban revolutionary organizations in the Miami area. Kaiser has been affiliated with the following organizations since he has been in and prior to moving into Miami.

Alpha 66
Cubanos Unidos
Brigade 2506
The Torriente Plan
The Golden Hawks

For your information, aside from Senator Smathers who sponsored Frank Sturgis, I have a lot to say about him in my update, finally, the dots are connected, and as far as I'm concerned, as Gerald Posner would say, "Case closed!"
Now, you know.
My bad, but, I also forgot to mention that members of MRR and the Torriente Plan had also joined the Cubanos Unidos, (United Cubans.) When I called Gustavo Villoldo and spoke to him on the phone the first thing he said is, I don't do interviews anymore, however, I told him I wasn't interested in interviewing him, I was just interested if he knew the group Cubanos Unidos? And, if he knew my father Edwin Kaiser or Wilfredo Navarro?

He replied, no, I'm sorry but I can't help you, I don't know the group Cubanos Unidos, nor have I ever heard of your father. Our phone conversation was quite brief, and just as soon as it got started, it was over.

After my conversation I began to ponder, how could Gustavo not know who the Cubanos Unidos were when it was he who went to the FBI to inform them that Navarro and others were involved in the burglary of a boat from a shipyard. Most importantly, how could he not know who Edwin Kaiser was if both he and Kaiser was apart of the Torrirnte Plan?
If you think of the JFK assassination and Watergate similar to Agolo and how it can summarize these events into accurate information, then, anyone who calls themselves an expert on either subject without this knowledge is really no expert at all right? I mean, how could anyone have information, or a [newsfeed] from Reuters, but not understand the source, where it came from, or the groups involved? For example, like Agolo, if one takes pertinent information that leads to other connecting dots, then it will begin to conform into a picture right? There's really no other way of explaining it, however, if one just takes a story that leads to nowhere, then how could anyone possibly connect the dots right? (Not picking on any specific author, but, I'm certain you have a few in mind.) It really is a simple equation, any thinking person who wants to push their knowledge will further understand.

Like Agolo, if one discovers the connecting dots, it will certainly lead you to others right? However, if someone provides you with an interesting story that has no connecting dots, it will lead you to nowhere right? In other words, if the names found in my father's address book leads to other connecting dots that are the [same] members who were in New Orleans in 1962 who also encountered Lee Oswald, yet, they were also apart of my father's group, and ended up in my father's address book, with the word [DALLAS] now we have a connection.

Would I be more inclined to believe the man who said I shot Kennedy, or, the man who has provided connecting dots that's led to Kennedy's assassination? But, why would I not believe the first person, yet, inclined to believe the second? Is it because the fist person is still alive and the second isn't, or would it be because the fist person never considered any harm to come to his family, but the second did? There is a concept I believe should be followed.

What do I mean exactly? It's called, "connecting the dots between information to build content that allows for a superior summary." Now, you get the picture! You begin to turn that information into knowledge and instantaneously begin to broaden the picture by eliminating all these other stories that leads to nowhere. Get the picture? This is how you'll know who's telling the truth, and who's not.

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