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Orlando, Fla. (home of giant theme parks) has 2 high profile murders in under 24 hours
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The Orlando Shooting and our Reptilian Minds

By Mark Taliano
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[Image: 8076664951_2fa0a30833.jpg]
(image by Michael Fleshman)
Theshooting in Orlando, Florida, is not about homosexuals, or Muslims, or assaultrifles.
It is aboutwaging aggressive warfare overseas, empowering the domestic police state, andelecting a warmongering President.
Dr. Graeme McQueen, founding member ofthe Centre for Peace Studies at McMaster University, Canada and authorof The 2001 Anthrax Deception, argues that the prime suspects in any such case should be intelligenceagencies.
We don'thave to go far to see the dirty hand of intelligence agencies in thiscatastrophe. The shooter himself was an employee of G4S , described by journalist Alex Emmons as "agiant, often controversial global contracting corporation that providesmercenary forces, prison guards and security services."
Additionally, the shooter's fatheris said to be a CIA asset.
Given that Intelligence agencies are well-positioned toengineer synthetic terror threats, author Naomi Wolfargues that it is "crazy" not to question news events, since "spectacles" drive"outcomes". Further, she observes thatpropagandizing the public includes films (i.e. "Zero Dark Thirty" -- arguingthat the Pentagon must have "signed off" on it ) which indirectly seek to"normalize" intelligence operations such as torture and mass surveillance.
Intelligenceoperatives know that synthetic terror events shock and anesthetize the public;that they make people susceptible to manipulation; and that they lay thegroundwork for the terror event to be easily politicized.
Naomi Kleindescribes the same dynamic in The Shock Doctrine. When people are shocked by a real or man-madeevent, they can be easily manipulated to support wars, or neoliberal marketschemes, or any number of toxic agendas.
A simpleformula underpins these operations: problem, reaction, solution.
The problem from the perspective ofcriminal warmongers is that the public doesn't want war or a police state. The intended reaction of the operationisthat thesynthetic terror eventwill induce people to seekprotection from the state, coupledwith aggressive war to bomb the threat out of existence. The solution, or intended result, isalready occurring. Engineered fear andracism have set the stage for the public to be manipulated to accept a covertagenda that it would otherwise reject.
CuiBono? Who benefits? The police stateapparatus, War Inc., and a warmongering Presidential agenda all benefit.
Themanipulation of the public is further enabled by an amendment to the NationalDefence Authorization Act (NDAA) which negates the Smith-Mundt Act (SMA) of1984 which prohibits government agencies from propagandizing domestic populations.
Susan Poselexplains in "How the NDAA Allows US Gov to UsePropaganda Against Americans": "SMA defines the prohibition of domestic access toinfluence information through a variety of means, from broadcast to publishingof books, media, and online sources by restricting the State Department.
[Image: 7285939320_2a78b29a67.jpg]
(image by PandaUnite)
The BroadcastingBoard of Governors wascreated from SMA. This agency claims to "inform, engage, and connect peoplearound the world in support of 'freedom and democracy'. They omit that theirspecialty is making sure propaganda is added to the informational flow we alldepend on."
Instead ofsuccumbing to the shock of terror events, instead of allowing our "reptilianminds" to overrule rational decision-making processes, we need to decode theOrlando shooting, and other terror events, within the "problem, reaction,solution" framework, and be conscious of how they are being manipulated andpoliticized to suit covert agendas that do not serve the public interest. The"therapy" for the shock will allow us to subordinate our "reptilian" mindsets,and to act rationally. A rational mindsetwill reject the racism, hatred, and warmongering which are intended off-shootsof these terror events.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Psychologist: I never evaluated Orlando shooter Mateen


The global security firm that employed Orlando shooter Omar Mateen is facing additional scrutiny over whether it adequately screened his fitness to be a gun-carrying licensed security guard, this time from a psychologist who says she never administered a key mental health evaluation of him when he was hired in 2007. Dr. Carol Nudelman said in a statement to NBC News that she had nothing to do with the psychological evaluation of Mateen that the security firm submitted to the state of Florida on Sept. 6, 2007. The firm stated in its submission that Nudelman had conducted the test.

The form, which certifies that "the employee is mentally and emotionally stable" is required under state law, and cleared the way for Mateen to obtain a Class G permit and carry a firearm as part of his duties as a private security guard. Last Sunday Mateen mowed down more than 100 people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, killing 49 in America's worst mass-shooting attack. In her statement, Nudelman said she never administered the test to Mateen, that she was no longer practicing at her Florida office at the time of the test, and that she had sold her practice more than a year prior to the test. "I was not living or working in Florida [in Sept. 2007]," she said. "I was not performing any work for Wackenhut, and I did not administer any type of examination to Omar Mateen. Any statement to the contrary is absolutely false." The Wackenhut Corporation was the security company that hired Mateen prior to G4S Secure Solutions USA buying the firm.

But the form that G4S submitted to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in Sept. 2007 lists Nudelman as the doctor administering the test, called an MMPI. G4S, which does work in more than 100 countries, has come under criticism in the past for allegations of lapses in the way it screens its employees. On Saturday, G4S issued a statement describing the use of Nudelman's name as a clerical mix-up, and said a different third-party vendor had actually done the evaluation. "Dr. Nudelman did not score Mateen's evaluation," the G4S statement said. "She sold her practice In 2007. Mateen's MMPI was scored by HQPE (Headquarters for Psychological Evaluation). A clerical error failed to note the change in vendors scoring the exam."

The MMPI is a psychological evaluation that is commonly used to evaluate police officers and is the benchmark for psychological assessments. The G4S spokesman described it as a written test that is a scored by a psychologist, but that does not include an in-person interview. Mateen achieved an above average rating on the MMPI and had a favorable recommendation for employment as an armed security officer, the spokesman said. G4S did not name the individual who did administer the test to Mateen, or say whether Nudelman's name appears on any other forms for other guards submitted after she wasn't doing exams for the firm. "A test was administered," a G4S spokesman said. "The name of the reviewing psychologist was wrong on the firearms license, due to a clerical error."

NBC News reported on Thursday that G4S didn't make Mateen undergo any additional psychological exam at any time after he was hired, even after two FBI inquiries into his claims of terror ties and complaints about odd behavior. NBC News also reported earlier in the week that complaints about Mateen's inflammatory comments in 2013 prompted G4S to transfer him from an armed security position at St. Lucie County Courthouse to one as an unarmed ID checker at a South Florida gated retirement community.

The G4S spokesman said that while applicants for Armed Security Officer positions are required by G4S to complete the MMPI test, there is no requirement for them to undergo one after they are hired. "G4S does not do psychological exams of Protection Officers after they are hired. Mr. Mateen complained of harassment and acknowledged to G4S and the FBI that he made inflammatory remarks in anger. It is not our policy nor the policy of any security provider or law enforcement agency that we are aware of to demand psychological exams in such situations.''

Several security experts told NBC News that even if such a test is not required, that G4S should have conducted one given Mateen's behavior. Mateen claimed to colleagues that he not only had ties to the Al Qaeda and Hezbollah terror groups, but that he also had ties to the Tsarnaev brothers, who detonated bombs at the Boston Marathon in 2013. Mateen admitted making at least some of the comments, but claimed he made them in anger after courthouse colleagues harassed him about his "Middle Eastern" background, the G4S spokesman said. He said Mateen claimed he was the victim of workplace harassment.

In 2014, the FBI investigated Mateen's ties to another South Florida man who became an ISIS sympathizer and blew himself up in a suicide attack in Syria. The FBI closed both probes without filing criminal charges and GS4 said it never knew of them until Mateen mentioned his interviews with the FBI as part of his workplace harassment complaint.

Edit: I cant find anything on this alleged company HQPE (Headquarters for Psychological Evaluation). Anyone know anything about it?
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Drew Phipps Wrote:Edit: I cant find anything on this alleged company HQPE (Headquarters for Psychological Evaluation). Anyone know anything about it?

Headquarters For Psychological Evaluation

7685 SW 104th St # 100, Miami, FL, 33156 United States

(305) 666-9960

(305) 666-9980

About Headquarters For Psychological Evaluation

Offices of Mental Health Practitioners (except Physicians) (NAICS 621330)


Headquarters For Psychological Evaluation is located in Miami, FL and was founded in 2005. The company is categorized under the Offices of Mental Health Practitioners (except Physicians) industry. This industry comprises establishments of independent mental health practitioners (except physicians) primarily engaged in (1) the diagnosis and treatment of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders and/or (2) the diagnosis and treatment of individual or group social dysfunction brought about by such causes as mental illness, alcohol and substance abuse, physical and emotional trauma, or stress. These practitioners operate private or group practices in their own offices (e.g., centers, clinics) or in the facilities of others, such as hospitals or HMO medical centers.

Headquarters For Psychological Evaluation can be more broadly classified into the Ambulatory Health Care Services sector, defined as companies that provide health care services directly or indirectly to ambulatory patients and do not usually provide inpatient services. Health practitioners in this sector provide outpatient services, with the facilities and equipment not usually being the most significant part of the production process.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
From Kurt Richard Haskell (FB):

Quote:Here is my very short take on The Orlando false flag from everything I have seen and heard this week. I am pretty sure this is close to the truth of what happened:1. A drill was taking place that went live.
2. Orlando PD thought it was a drill and stood down.
3. There were 3 shooters that killed some people but not everyone listed.
4. Omar Mateen is a CIA asset and is still alive.
5. The chief medical examiner was hired on condition that he cover this up.
6. This was a CIA/FBI plot.
7. The shooters were trained in the Muslim school in Orlando with James Wesley Holmes (the Santa Monica guy) and his co-conspirator. Such school is run by the CIA to train CIA assets for their upcoming missions.
8. This was to be a joint false flag with Santa Monica.
9. Crisis actors were used solely to spin the narrative.
10. Real people were injured but they have been threatened to not talk or they will be killed (Remember, they just witnessed people being killed).
11. The death toll was greatly exaggerated to make this the "worst shooting ever"
12. The owner of the club was in on it and offered her club for the drill on a promise that it would be rebuilt new after the drill.
13. The hospital is also in on the plot. The hospital was told that some of the injured went to other hospitals so it can't confirm the official numbers. Also, as it was part of the drill, it signed a confidentiality agreement.
14. The calls Omar Mateen made during the event were to his handlers.
15. The motives for this plot were many.

16. The guns and ammunition were brought into the club ahead of time as part of the drill.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Lauren Johnson Wrote:From Kurt Richard Haskell (FB):

Quote:Here is my very short take on The Orlando false flag from everything I have seen and heard this week. I am pretty sure this is close to the truth of what happened:1. A drill was taking place that went live.
2. Orlando PD thought it was a drill and stood down.
3. There were 3 shooters that killed some people but not everyone listed.
4. Omar Mateen is a CIA asset and is still alive.
5. The chief medical examiner was hired on condition that he cover this up.
6. This was a CIA/FBI plot.
7. The shooters were trained in the Muslim school in Orlando with James Wesley Holmes (the Santa Monica guy) and his co-conspirator. Such school is run by the CIA to train CIA assets for their upcoming missions.
8. This was to be a joint false flag with Santa Monica.
9. Crisis actors were used solely to spin the narrative.
10. Real people were injured but they have been threatened to not talk or they will be killed (Remember, they just witnessed people being killed).
11. The death toll was greatly exaggerated to make this the "worst shooting ever"
12. The owner of the club was in on it and offered her club for the drill on a promise that it would be rebuilt new after the drill.
13. The hospital is also in on the plot. The hospital was told that some of the injured went to other hospitals so it can't confirm the official numbers. Also, as it was part of the drill, it signed a confidentiality agreement.
14. The calls Omar Mateen made during the event were to his handlers.
15. The motives for this plot were many.

16. The guns and ammunition were brought into the club ahead of time as part of the drill.

A few of the above seem like leaps into the unknowable without some proofs I've not yet seen. There was a drill in October of last year for nurses et al. simulating mass casualties - haven't yet heard of any ongoing at the time of the incident, nor that the shooter is alive et al. I'll agree it was in part false flag; but to then imply that every part of it was faked, without proofs, can do harm to the research community - though everyone is free to speculate and believe in what they believe.

How the officials can explain away [for example] the crisis actors moving a 'wounded' person TOWARD the club [not away] and then when they think they are out of camera range putting the 'wounded' man down on his feet [and dancing around and LAUGHING - defies logic that this event was as presented or a totally 'real' event. Also, that many of these 'helpers' of the wounded are known actors with facebook pages is MORE than suspicious. Other aspects also make the official version obviously faked or wrong, in whole or in part; however, I think we need to be careful as to what we alternatively believe actually happened. Rejecting the official version is, I believe, warranted - however, EXACTLY what did happen is far from yet established, IMHO. Suspicion and doubt are called for....but supporting any alternatives with evidence or facts will go a long to convincing the public and keeping credibility for those who challenge the official versions of 'terror' attacks.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
You're right Pete. More facts are required.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
I agree with your assessment of Haskel's conclusions. I have one question, though, if the response to this event was stage-managed with crisis actors and the like, how come the plotters didn't provide competent cameramen? If the cameramen accidentally filmed something they weren't supposed to film, how come their "editors"/superiors permitted the accidental footage to reach the internet? Or are the folks that staged a "false flag attack" just not very smart?

There is a third alternative, at least for that particular footage: Some not very bright reporter, or other fame-seeking wannabe, got bored looking at the blinking lights and hired some nearby spectators to enact a heroic "rescue the wounded" scene.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."
Drew Phipps Wrote:I agree with your assessment of Haskel's conclusions. I have one question, though, if the response to this event was stage-managed with crisis actors and the like, how come the plotters didn't provide competent cameramen? If the cameramen accidentally filmed something they weren't supposed to film, how come their "editors"/superiors permitted the accidental footage to reach the internet? Or are the folks that staged a "false flag attack" just not very smart?

There is a third alternative, at least for that particular footage: Some not very bright reporter, or other fame-seeking wannabe, got bored looking at the blinking lights and hired some nearby spectators to enact a heroic "rescue the wounded" scene.

I can't explain the footage that shows them putting the 'injured man' down - it appeared a week or so later. It is an out-take and was NOT a part of the footage originally shown. The 'injured man' also has no blood on his leg or tourniquet. They are advancing TOWARDS the club and NOT AWAY from it. In addition at least two of the men there and others in other interviews first broadcast are actors by profession with facebook pages. One even has a credit for a show a year ago or more with the name Orlando [incident - I forget the wording]. I think it is more than a normal/real TV crew looking for some back slapping from their boss. One of these crisis actors has appeared at another such terrorist incident as a 'witness'. When you throw in the odd fact that one is wearing a US flag smells of planned propaganda to me.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
I think all the talk and footage of 'crisis actors' is largely BS. I'm not sold that what I'm seeing on those videos is unexplainable in other ways. The guy on with Stephanopolous is an actor, but so what? And the credit for the short about 'Orlando' was all a bunch of nothing. He wasn't in the video, the credit is not on his page, and the video has nothing to do with Orlando or shooting per se. I'm sure if I tracked down other anomalies one by one they'd end in the same dead ends. All of this is a distraction from the real story-which is likely intelligence agencies screwing up.
I'd bet the number of victims killed by friendly fire is another thing authorities don't want to discuss

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