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Allen Dulles' "Indonesian Strategy" and the Assassination of JFK
And CNN presents CIA straight, according to their own word, and lets them do propaganda shows telling us how good they are and how much we need them for our "national security". The whole time they are murdering presidents and international peace organization leaders with impunity.
"In the early 1960's, two important events also took place which Poulgrain's research now shows to have been inked wit disturbing similarity to, both with Indonesia: first came the tragic death of United Nations General Secretary Dag Hammarskjold in 1961: and then the plan of US President John F. Kennedy to visit Indonesia in early 1964-- a visit from which a political landscape of Indonesia and Southeast Asai would have resulted utterly different from what we see today-- instead ended with the assassination in November, 1963.

That we all know. But how many of us realize that all (repeat all) of these events were actually closely related to each other? Perhaps not many of us do"

Baskara T. Wardaya
Sanata Dharma University
Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Forward to Greg Poulgrain's The Incubus of Intervention: Conflicting Indonesia Strategies of John F. Kennedy and Allen Dulles (2015)
Magda Hassan Wrote:Yes, some one needs to invent a sarcasm font. It will be very handy on the net.

Must say this book is out of most worlds.

Eclectic mix. Stuff on Dulles and the Baron in Russia 1919 that may or may not be new but was newly clarified.

He describes Allen Dulles as more Machiavellian than ANYONE would have imagined and does so without changing fonts. How is this possible, given that most see Allen as pretty darn Machiavellian? Well, imagine Newman and Gleason shooting Indonesian Islands instead of pool in The Hustler. He even has Allen hustling his brother, but he is not the only about the amount of oil and gold in West New Guinea and how Allen/Standard managed to keep this a secret until that one dropped into the Rockefeller corner pockets.

Equally important is the way this book describesAllen Dulles going "around" the State Department formal channels with his own network inside the State Dept to undermine Ambassador Allison (whose later bio was called Allison In Wonderland, in no small part because of Allen Dulles) This CIA round about is described in much greater detail than similar round abouts of CIA e.g. when Colby was in Italy, (rounded about by Angleton and Clare Booth Luce as per Prados). The details about how Allen fed sources to his brother and blocked off Alison's very different descriptions of Sukarno and the Indonesian situation in 56-58 are equally important for the comparative light they shed on Vietnam and how CIA was developing separate diplomatic channels via the State Department. Incredible book. Must get.
Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Tracy Riddle Wrote:
Scott Kaiser Wrote:
Quote:strategy of ending conflict throughout Southeast Asia and assisting the growth of democracy in newly liberated post-colonial countries worldwide.

Before there could be an uprising growth in democracy for all countries worldwide, there would need to be a revolt against all communist countries worldwide.

Scott, there were relatively few communist countries in 1961-63. Most of the Third World was still struggling to overcome the effects of decades or centuries of being ruled over by European empires.

My understanding of Scott's viewpoint is that he is very sympathetic to the old Cold Warrior mindset -- you're either with us or against us. The so-called third world countries were basically socialist and needed to be treated as such. JFK was standing in the way of progress and even helping the other side. It's just as well some Cuban patriots rubbed him out. Sad, but necessary. Right Scott?

I'm sorry I didn't answer your question Lauren, I wasn't trying to avoid you or ignore you, I just over looked it. To answer your question, no. I'm not sympathetic to the Cold Warrior's mindset, whatever that may be. You're confusing me with my father. Also, I believe you have me confused with either the lone assassin theorists, or the conspiracy theorists when you say; "you're either with us or against us." Again, I do not choose sides, I'm not for one side or the other. I do however agree with your ending statement that Kennedy was rubbed out by some Cuban, American, and foreign American patriots who were trained by the CIA, and like most if not all "patriots" who found themselves in a situation, always found their way out through the company, do I really need to post names to provide an example? Or, would you take my word for it?
You know, it's kinda ironic to think that I could actually hear William Pawley telling my father, Kennedy got what he deserved.

I always thought Pawley was a nice guy, guess I was wrong.
Did I ever mention that Bill, sorry, I mean William Pawley owned two German Shepherds, and whenever Bill would bring out the vacuum he'll tell his dogs " off the carpet" I remember those dogs always went into the kitchen, and there they would stay until Bill told them it was okay to go back on the carpet, I thought that was the coolest thing, in fact it was Bill that taught me how to bait my fishing rod first time I caught some fish was with him and my father, I'll never forget what I caught, fish I've never seen before, then again, I was just a kid, Bill said "those are sheephead" first time I ever gut, fried and ate the fish I caught that night with Bill and my father, those were good times.

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