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F. William Engdahl
Quote:My new book is called "The Lost Hegemon". A hegemon is the dominate power, the super-power. The US has been the global hegemon since 1945 and, accordingly, this book is about the USA today and their lack of clear strategy besides spreading war and destruction. The reason behind such is that they have ruined their domestic economy though the accumulation of debt and the bank scandals of 2007 and 2008. The boring old patriotic people like David Rockefeller or George Soros share the delusion that they actually own the US and can use it to beat up anybody in the world. But they are losing power.
The specific focus of my book itself is the relationship between the CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood for the past six decades in this context. A large part of the book deals with the role of the CIA in creating someone called "Fethullah Gulen", a 75-year-old Turk who lives in exile in a beautiful mountain fortress in Pennsylvania. He supervises a world-wide organization of schools and training centers that were worth more than 50 billion dollars in 2007. These schools act like the Church of Scientology in America. They have very influential business networks yielding money for the central organization while everything is hidden from view, as there is no central office or headquarters to find. Everything is just mysterious.
What Gulen has done in Turkey which this book documents is something that has been worked on for almost three decades: the infiltration the Turkish military, the guardian of the state and the Constitution since the time of Ataturk. Gulen's networks have also infiltrated the judiciary branch, where judges came to be heavily influenced by Gulenists. In addition, Gulen infiltrated the national police. When Gulen and co. were politically allied to Recep Erdogan's party, they demanded in return for their support nomination for education minister so that they could control education. After all, if you control education, then you can control the next generation of leadership.
Independent journalists have quite well documented the role of the Gulenists in the coup d'etat in Turkey. That the Turkish military was infiltrated by Gulen to such an extent was even shocking to most Turks. Many soldiers themselves felt miserable in executing the coup since enough of the Turkish military was patriotic and nationalist and did not support the coup. There are also reports that General Campbell, the former head of the US military operation in Afghanistan, and the leading Turkish officers who served in Afghanistan with Campbell, had distributed two billion dollars through Algerian UCB Bank to buy off generals who they thought could launch the coup and would be willing to kill their fellow Turks in the name of money.
The coup backfired enormously because most Gulenists are not confident military strategists. The effort also collapsed because the CIA's men tried to run it all. Former vice chairman of the National Intelligence Council of the CIA, Graham E. Fuller, was on Princess Island 20 minutes from Istanbul the entire night of the coup, monitoring developments until the coup collapsed.
Fuller himself was the mentor of Fethullah Gulen's worldwide operation. He even said in one of his books: "Now that the Cold War is over, let us use Islam against Russia and China because it worked so well in Afghanistan." This man was the puppet master who gave the green light for Gulen all these years even after the objection of the US State Department in 2007 who said that he was financed by the CIA. All of this is documented.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"
Joseph Fouche
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Paul Rigby Wrote:One interpretation of the puzzling nature of the attempted coup that can reconcile the inconsistencies is this - that the real target of its US sponsors was not Erdogan, but the Turkish military. In allowing Erodgan to survive, vengeance against the military, the historic guarantor of the nation's increasingly imperiled secularism, was guaranteed and is duly in train.
The cloaked objective of Washington's deep state, therefore, is the collapse of the Turkish nation-state, presumably in favour of a pseudo-Caliphate.
Seems they've twigged and are curtailing the purge of the military. If so, good news:
Quote:On the other hand, there is the process of reforming of the army. In this issue, we need to be careful. Turkey needs a stable and strong army, especially in the conditions of its war on terrorism. However, after the coup some politicians wanted to punish the Army. But they should remember that the majority of it came against the coup and supported the legitimate authority. Thanks to the loyalty of the army, the coup plotters failed to carry out their plan. We need a strong, stable army. Its weakening is lucrative to Gulen followers and America.
Gulen allied Davutoglu would have assumed power post-Coup Turkey
August 4th, 2016 - Fort Russ News -
- Katehon - By: Mehmet Perinçek
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"
Joseph Fouche
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Boyan Chukov
Originally appeared at A-specto, 28 July 2016, translated by Borislav exclusively for SouthFront, 01.08.2016
Quote:The political picture of the world is changing very dynamically and dramatically. Recent events in Turkey are further evidence of this. An analysis of a situation that is similar to the one in Turkey, usually reflects the following: either someone has devised a savvy strategy that lays the foundation for the stable development of the situation with a minimal risk, or volatility is expected due to a lack of strategy. So far there wasn't a third option. But life shows that there is something else after all. A third way. We observe the emergence of a new stage of strategic planning and forecasting, as instability and risks are becoming not only the background, or an obstacle to the realization of a strategic line. On the contrary, they take the form of a basic instrument for the strategy itself. What I think we see in Turkey is namely the third option. The US, Russia, China, EU, ​​Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran, Syria, and not the least of all Erdogan, played and continue to play out the instability in our southeastern neighbor, depending on their strategy. That is to say, multiple projects are superimposed in Turkey. They mix, sometimes overlapping or disagreeing with each other, and thus is formed the picture in the country, the region, and why not in the world. Each actor "holds at gunpoint" their target, which tolerates a certain fluctuation to the changes in Turkey.
The unsuccessful coup attempt in Turkey is a vivid illustration of the above. As a result of the putsch in our southeastern neighbor, certain economic and military alliances can collapse, or someone's geostrategic plans can be ruined. The dramatic events in Turkey illustrate different strategies of the new generation. They are not the most important intermediate or even the ultimate goals of one or another action. Today, the objectives may change at any time depending on developments. The most important are the benefits the "player" receives due to the artificially induced chaos. The profound changes in the principles of building strategies, impose new requirements on political analysis and expertise. First, it is necessary to part with "collective selective amnesia," that at first glance seems unexplainable. Second, we must categorically reject the analytical approach "a horse with blinders," which more closely resembles a highly unintelligent propaganda. Like for example, that Vladimir Putin has organized the attempted coup in Turkey, using the Russian military intelligence in Syria. This was first written in Ukrainian media and was later repeated on national media by a supposedly serious Bulgarian politician, an expert on issues of special services, and exposing their intellect to serious danger.
Its complicated to solve Erdogan's puzzle consisting of Islamists, Kemalists, Gülenists, turkomani, Arabs, Sufi orders, Christians, Kurds, Ezidis, Kurds, Muslims, Assyrians, Satanists of DAESH, Uighurs and whatever else comes to your mind. Everything is geopolitics and geo-economics! Everybody talks about the legacy of Kemal Ataturk, but forgets that modern Turkey was founded with the blessing of Soviet leaders. They knew that if there is Turkey, there is also the Montreux Convention, which guarantees security on the southern border of the USSR. A question of literate geopolitical thinking.
Some forgot, that on the eve of the putsch, Russian geopolitician and Eurasianist Aleksandr Dugin was on a several-day visit to Turkey. His presence on the evening of July 15th at a Turkish airport, is perceived as a fun coincidence that doesn't deserve attention. But in fact he was in Turkey as a guest of Turkish nationalists-Eurasianists of the organization "Ergenekon", which a decade ago tried to overthrow Erdogan. The organization consists of Turkish military-Eurasianists, most of whom were then rounded up by the Turkish authorities to jail. Aleksandr Dugin was again in Turkey, just before "Ergenekon" members were arrested. What a coincidence! Through such people, messages are usually transmitted. Henry Kissinger also performed such missions. The name of Aleksandr Dugin always causes hysteria among supporters of the Euro-Atlantic geopolitical side. Worldwide and in our country. Because he is one of the most prominent ideologues of the Eurasian Union.
Just before the attempted coup in Turkey, other key events occurred. Ankara sharply improved its relations with Moscow and Tel Aviv. Left aside is the fact that Turkey's improved its relations with a key country in the Arab world Egypt.
When it comes to Turkey, external factors have for years played with the theme of Ataturk's "Heritage". This happens whenever there is a suspicion that Ankara could change to some extent its geopolitical orientation. The organizers of the coup also played with the theme of "Ataturk". The committee "Council for Peace in the country", who spoke on behalf of the coup, is an allusion to the famous speech of Kemal Ataturk. During the park Gezi events in 2013 in Istanbul, there was again a reference to Ataturk. Recep Tayyip Erdogan did not officially blame Fethullah Gülen back then. The demonstrations at Gezi were associated with the team around John Kerry. But we have to consider the following. The topic of "Ataturk" is very important for Turkish people, but it is necessary to monitor who uses the topic. Opponents of Erdogan, the organizers of the coup, rather overeplayed the confrontation between Erdogan and Ataturk. Turkish intellectuals felt this delicate moment. Now any attempt to talk obsessively about this subject from abroad, is perceived as manipulation. Whenever the confrontation sounds like its coming from outside, the Turkish intelligentsia sees it as "someone trying to mess with us."
The behavior of the media group "Dogan" was also significant, as it can not be accused of supporting Recep Erdogan. The "Hurriyet" newspaper, which belongs to this media group and is not controlled by Erdogan, supported the Turkish president. The "Dogan" media group give a platform to the president during the most critical moment in the dramatic events. This media group has nothing to do with the typical media grant-feeders, that are rampant in the Balkans. It is purely national, and a part of the Turkish establishment. The head of the media group supported Erdogan with an impassioned speech just in the nick of time. Something absolutely unthinkable before the attempted coup.
If Erdogan's power is reinforced in the coming months, we will see an Islamist republic within NATO. With an established dictatorship regime. The head of Turkey will be an unpredictable and ambitious president who will command all three branches in the country. Will it continue to pursue its neo-Ottoman revanchist plans? To clarify the Justice and Development Party is in the big family of the "Muslim Brotherhood". It includes "Hamas", the Syrian "Brothers" who are fighting against Bashar al-Assad, and the Egyptian "Brothers" who wage war against the regime of General Sisi in Egypt. There is an abundance of information about the events in Turkey. At the same time, its very difficult to "filter" information about the actual processes taking place in the Turkish military and political elite. What is happening in Turkey, determines not only the present and future of the country, but also the balance of the geopolitical vectors Balkans, Europe, Asia, and the world. From the internal Turkish processes, depend Ankara's relations with Brussels, Washington, Moscow, Beijing, Tehran, Riyadh, Doha, and not to mention Sofia.
Even early in the bloody events in Turkey, it became clear that the leadership of the main Turkish special service MIT, gave the word to a "speaker" in the structure. There is an ongoing purge of the leadership of MIT. Apparently, the Turkish president is planning a radical change of the management of key Turkish special services. There was a rumor that the longtime head of MIT, Hakan Fidan, considered to be close to Erdogan, but an American graduate, would be sent away as an ambassador to Japan. Then it turned out that he is still in his post. The possible trip abroad, was on hold. Whether because of the complicated internal political situation or because his personal wish is to go to the US. Deputy head of MIT, Ismail Hakki Musa has already been appointed Ambassador to Paris. Although France is a prestigious and symbolic for Ankara, this is a case of an honorable exile before retirement. Deputy head of MIT was previously the Turkish ambassador in Brussels. There he coordinated the operations of the Turkish intelligence that was eradicating leaders of the PKK in Western Europe. After a successful overseas mission, he returned to the center of the managerial position. Ismail Hakki Musa as deputy chief of MIT attempted to reach a truce with the PKK. But after the failure of negotiations, the physical liquidation of PKK people began again. This time in Turkey. According to unconfirmed data Ismail Hakki Musa is the organizer of the noisy terrorist act in Suruch, where Kurdish activists were killed. The case was blamed on DAESH, but the Kurds began to kill Turkish police and military for revenge. Ismail Hakki Musa, according to the Russian Institute for Middle East, recruited jihadists them and send them to Syria, or used them in Turkey. Two years ago he attempted to create a Kurdish "Taliban" in northern Syria by recruited agents of PKK cadres in Turkish prisons. This attempt was stopped by the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party.
Obviously, Erdogan is freeing himself from the leadership of MIT, which to date works to solve the Kurdish problem in a "hard" way, by using jihadists in Syria. The Kurdish factor is central to the Turkish state. Maybe the Turkish President will seek to change his Kurdish policy. But only after a referendum amending the constitution. Otherwise it will cause dissatisfaction of a significant part of his electoral base. Davutoglu and Fidan have long offered this policy change with the Kurds, but Erdogan rejected it because of its inexpedience to him personally. But he did not reject it due to principle.
Interesting facts came around the failed coup about the former Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu before the Turkish president relinquished him of his services. It turned out that during his last visit to the US he had to-one meetings with bankers from Wall Street and made commitments behind Recep Erdogan's back.
Ankara's warm up in relations with Moscow and Tel Aviv are also relevant for the planned, upcoming and crucial for Erdogan referendum which aims to transform Turkey from a parliamentary to a presidential republic. The EU did not provide visa-free regime for the Turks, Berlin acknowledged the Armenian genocide and Brexit reinforced the impression that the Turkish policy in the west was wrong, and so Erdogan needs a different foreign policy. It's no secret that the Turkish president and the Israeli prime minister are not "darlings" of the power group around Hillary Clinton which has very serious positions in the Pentagon and the CIA. United States have shown that as a "strategic ally" they have no scruples when they need to remove one of its allies around the world. For example, Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and Zine El Abidine Ben Ali of Tunisia. Both were swept away in 2011 by organized coups by the gentle name Arab Spring.
Especially interesting is that only hours after the start of the putsch in Turkey, rumors began to spread that Recep Tayyip Erdogan is frightened, fleeing or had already fled to Berlin, Paris, London and others. This is a classic technique to discredit the national leader in front of people and to disillusion his supporters. Absolutely the same formula was applied in the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt. At the outset reports came out that he had fled abroad with his family. This is the same handwriting that the organization of the coup came from outside. There's hardly anyone left that believes in the spontaneity of the Arab Spring. And there is hardly a sane person who would believe that Recep Erdogan himself spread these rumors. Just a classic stereotype to discredit a leader.
At the time of writing this analysis there is not enough verified information about events in Turkey. But it is clear that the coup failed. The names of the senior Turkish officers who took part in the putsch are not yet announced. It is not known whether Chief of General Staff Hulusi Akar was involved in the coup. But it is known that at the end of May, two emissaries of the General visited Damascus and met with Assad on his behalf. Who are they? These are the former head of military intelligence and the nationalist Dogu Perenchek. Both suspects in the case of "Ergenekon". Both hosts of the last visit of Alexander Dugin in Turkey. Anyway, Hulusi Akar so far has not returned to his post.
Judging by observations during the first hours of the coup, almost all the military command of Turkey was against Erdogan, or was on the side of the plotters. Who with their actions. Who with their silence, or inaction. They were waiting for the answer to the main question: Is Erdogan killed or not? Once they understood that the president has survived, higher military ranks distanced themselves from the rebels. This shows that Erdogan still has serious opposition among the military, and more specifically among the old elite. What led to the coup? There are serious reasons to believe that in the last 1-2 months, Erdogan was preparing a sharp change of foreign policy in the country. Currently, all are concentrated in the triangle US-Turkey-Russian Federation. As for Russia's policy towards Turkey, it is abundantly clear. Russia knows that Turkey is a major "player" in the American geopolitical strategy "Anaconda", which aims at strangulation of the Russian Federation, to fragment and return it to the times of Boris Yeltsin. Baltic-Black Sea rim, which make up the United States begins from the Baltic and passes in Poland, Romania and Bulgaria and ends with Turkey.
Therefore, the removal of Turkey from the US strategy "Anaconda" is a major geopolitical goal of Moscow. This is why Russia reacted swiftly to the attempted coup and supported the government in Ankara. Radical changes in Turkish foreign policy are about to rearrange the geopolitical mosaic in favor of the Kremlin. The change in US policy toward the Kurds and the desire of certain circles in the United States to overthrow Recep Tayyip Erdogan, push the Turkish president to seek a warming of relations with the Kremlin. Whether this trend will continue or will be stopped, it will become clear over time. But only through this prism concerning the strategy "Anaconda", may we seriously evaluate the actions of Vladimir Putin regarding Turkey. This is the prism of real geopolitics. There is no room for sentimental irrational tirades that are far from realpolitik.
There is also a radical change in the relationship in another triangle, USA-Turkey-China. The leader of the Uighur movement for the creation of East Turkestan Rabia Kadir is in America. He is one of the big figures of the pan-Turkic movement that is apparently supported by the United States. On the other hand, Fethullah Gülen is engaged in active educational activities within the Turkic countries in the Caucasus and Central Asia, but also among Turkic and Muslim communities in South Asia and Africa. The movement for the creation of East Turkestan on the territory of China Sindzyan- Uighur autonomous region is a natural part of pan-Turkic movement. In mid-2015, Turkey was anti-China with the support of the expatriate community of Uighurs. At the end of the same year China began to work out opportunities for the active involvement of Turkey in the "economic belt of the Silk Road" through the construction of a transport corridor involving Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey and Ukraine. It should be emphasized that on June 29, 2016, ie shortly before the coup in Turkey, the Chinese and Turkish energy Ministers, signed preliminary agreements for cooperation in nuclear energy. It was a breakthrough that the Americans did not like. Even earlier, on June 24, Turkey spoke against India's participation in the Nuclear Suppliers Group, which is essentially supporting the Chinese position. At the beginning of July 2016 contacts between Ankara and Beijing aimed at discussing the construction of railway communications within the "economic belt of the Silk Road" sharply intensified. It is quite clear that a seizure of power by the military and Gülenists, and a sharp destabilization of Turkey would negatively affect the dynamically developing Turkish-Chinese relations. Moreover, such destabilization would be sped up with activity of supporters for the creation of East Turkestan in China. Which serves US geopolitical strategy in Asia. Keeping in mind that the movement of Fethullah Gülen, "Hizmet" held a conference in Taiwan on December 2012 at an event named "Hizmet Movement" the thoughts and teachings of Fethullah Gulen contributions to multiculturalism and the global world." It was attended by leading Taiwanese universities. "Hizmet" already created their own school in the Taiwan port Haosyun.
The publication US Foreign Policy also shed light on the event, as it has a particular political orientation. Editor David Rodkopf wrote articles at the end of last year, about what a remarkable politician Hillary Clinton is. About Foreign Policy has a colorful audience, from different parties. There are many military personnel from military institutes working in the field of American military strategy, politics in the Middle East and others. Between them there is a consensus. All are against Donald Trump. It is important to analyze the way in which the publication analyzes issues in recent times. Key personnel in the Pentagon who were close to John Kerry were replaced with people of David Petraeus, the former head of the CIA. After this replacement, there was a change in the line of Foreign Policy. The theme of the Kurds started to be commented in a different way, and the formula "Great Kurdistan" began to be used. No longer is there talk about the "suffering Kurdish people" but instead the "future Kurdish state" is discussed. And not just for Turkish Kurds, but for all Kurds in the region. In other US publications there are also analyzes about Great Kurdistan by authors close to the team of the Bush clan. After the overthrow of Ahmed Davutoglu, Foreign Policy published articles that this valuable Turkish politician didn't unite his supporters and didn't opposed Recep Erdogan, and that he left the Turkish political scene unfairly. Comments containing a mixture of sympathy and contempt. Foreign Policy, however, fails to mention the contacts of Ahmed Davutoglu with bankers from Wall Street. They also didn't mention his intrigues in the Turkish Parliament, when he failed to perform the requested constitutional change that Recep Erdogan demanded (to shift from parliamentary to a presidential regime). Foreign Policy assessment of the current situation in Turkey is "sad". Behind Foreign Policy stands a round of US institutes and think-tanks. One of them is Stanford University, which actively discusses the topic "how to elect Hillary Clinton as president." How to avoid someone else from being elected. These are working groups that bring together Republicans and Democrats. At Stanford University, professors close to David Petraeus and Hillary Clinton are invited as honorary members. Both are accused of the emergence of the Islamic state. To the group can be added the newly formed Center for a New American Security. The current president of the center is Michelle Angelique Flurnoa, who is rumored to head the defense Ministry if Hillary Clinton wins the presidential election. Another representative body behind Foreign Policy is The Truman National security project in which the main and symbolic figure is Madeleine Albright. This structure held joint events with the US-Turkish alliance and with a forum that is used by Fethullah Gülen. On May 3, 2016 Truman National Security Project held an event attended by many generals to discuss the situation in Turkey. The topic was: What to do and how to not allow changes? The event involved a prominent figure General Mark Welsh, former Chief of Staff of the US Air Force. Previously, he was an adviser to the heads of the CIA David Petraeus and Leon Panetta. In an attempt to realize a coup against Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a key role played namely the Turkish Air Force base in Incirlik, where the USAF (US Air Force) is at home. There is no doubt that at the base there is a CIA team. There was even the opinion that the leader of the coup is the chief of the Turkish Air Force.
French analyst Philippe Grasse wrote that a former Belgian pilot who has done work years ago in "General Dynamics" (producer of F-16s) as a representative in Ankara, shared an interesting information. Turkey is the base for US "exports" in the region, and the conducting of "delicate operations". According to the former Belgian pilot the "Turkish Air Force is a direct extension of USAF (US Air Force) a fact that was not known in Europe." Against the background of this information, the idea that the pilot of the Turkish F-16s which took down the Russian Su-24, and the pilot that targeted the Turkish president during the coup as being one and the same, is not quite devoid of logic.
New York Times published a scandalous article on May 5, 2016. In it there the deputy adviser of Obama's National Security Ben Rhodes, is harshly criticized, because he harms US-Saudi relations, and lobbied for deals with Iran that aren't favorable to the US. In the article, Leon Panetta has many curse words towards Ben Rhodes.
On the eve of the coup on July 13, 2016 two key figures in Turkey said that the country can negotiate with Bashar Assad, even though Saudi Arabia wants to overthrow him at any cost. The Foreign Policy reacted quickly. It reported that between Moscow and Ankara, there are secret channels of communication, which are operated by suspicious people. The name of Dogu Pirinchek is mentioned, toward whom Armenians are negative about. That is why in Armenian mass media, the version that Erdogan himself has organized the coup was promoted.
Several centers of power in Washington are very interested in Ankaras relations with Tel Aviv. On the same day, when the New York Times defamed Ben Rhodes, a very influential political figure arrived in the Stated from Saudi Arabia Prince Turki al-Faisal, the former head of Saudi intelligence. He attended an event of the Institute for Near East Policy, as a speaker. There were three main points. First, if the United States continues to make concessions to Iran, then Riyadh will acquire a nuclear bomb. Second, Trump is unacceptable as president of the United States. And third, Netanyahu is also unacceptable, and must be replaced. After the event on the Internet was posted a photograph of Prince Faisal, who shook hands with the Minister of defense of Israel, Moshe Ayalon. Just a week later, Moshe Ayalon was kicked out of Bibi Netanyahu's cabinet. Which ended rumors that the current Israeli prime minister may be replaced by his defense minister. Another coincidence. Some time ago, 51 employees of the State Department, wrote an open letter calling for ground troops in Syria and to make changes in American Middle East policy. Just then, the Defense Minister of Saudi Arabia Prince Salman had arrived in the United States. The pressure was strong, but eventually the plans to change US policy on Syria, failed. Additionally, the UAE left the Yemen coalition, which dealt another blow on the same power center in the US and Saudi Arabia. A simultaneous failure of those around Prince Faisal and those around Clinton. On July 23, 2016 Foreign Policy posted a comment explaining why the White House does not comply with the suggestions from those 51 officials from the State Department. And from that moment Hillary Clinton stopped pressuring Barack Obama to introduce a "no-fly zone in Syria." She was convinced that Recep Erdogan will not fall from power, and began to publicly support him. Obviously, at that time, Hillary Clinton seems to have abandoned the "simple hard decisions" offered by the people from the power structures around her. But only for now. Until the US presidential election, there is a small "time window" for Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Vladimir Putin. Now they are on the move. What they have decided, we will understand after the meeting in St. Petersburg on August 9, 2016.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"
Joseph Fouche
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05-08-2016, 05:19 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-08-2016, 06:07 AM by Peter Lemkin.)
F. William Engdahl
Quote: Former vice chairman of the National Intelligence Council of the CIA, Graham E. Fuller, was on Princess Island 20 minutes from Istanbul the entire night of the coup, monitoring developments until the coup collapsed.
Surely just another of those 'funny' coincidences.....surely, Mr. Fuller had an innocent reason to by chance be there then....a relaxing holiday, perhaps? People like Fuller should have electronic ankle bracelets to inform the World of where the next coup is likely to take place. ::trenchcoatspy:: If he was there then, one wonders how he got off the island without being donkey cart and submarine? It is no easy trick to come/go from these islands undetected during or just after a coup. Ironically, they were used to imprison past Sultans after they were overthrown.
Quote:During the summer months the Princes' Islands are popular destinations for day trips from Istanbul. As there is no traffic on the Islands, the only transport being horse and cart, they are incredibly peaceful compared with the city of Istanbul. They are just a short ferry ride from Istanbul.
By the way, I just started Engdahl's latest book. It is very good and more than interesting!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
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F. William Engdahl
Quote:My new book is called "The Lost Hegemon". A hegemon is the dominate power, the super-power. The US has been the global hegemon since 1945 and, accordingly, this book is about the USA today and their lack of clear strategy besides spreading war and destruction. The reason behind such is that they have ruined their domestic economy though the accumulation of debt and the bank scandals of 2007 and 2008. The boring old patriotic people like David Rockefeller or George Soros share the delusion that they actually own the US and can use it to beat up anybody in the world. But they are losing power.
The specific focus of my book itself is the relationship between the CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood for the past six decades in this context. A large part of the book deals with the role of the CIA in creating someone called "Fethullah Gulen", a 75-year-old Turk who lives in exile in a beautiful mountain fortress in Pennsylvania. He supervises a world-wide organization of schools and training centers that were worth more than 50 billion dollars in 2007. These schools act like the Church of Scientology in America. They have very influential business networks yielding money for the central organization while everything is hidden from view, as there is no central office or headquarters to find. Everything is just mysterious.
What Gulen has done in Turkey which this book documents is something that has been worked on for almost three decades: the infiltration the Turkish military, the guardian of the state and the Constitution since the time of Ataturk. Gulen's networks have also infiltrated the judiciary branch, where judges came to be heavily influenced by Gulenists. In addition, Gulen infiltrated the national police. When Gulen and co. were politically allied to Recep Erdogan's party, they demanded in return for their support nomination for education minister so that they could control education. After all, if you control education, then you can control the next generation of leadership.
Independent journalists have quite well documented the role of the Gulenists in the coup d'etat in Turkey. That the Turkish military was infiltrated by Gulen to such an extent was even shocking to most Turks. Many soldiers themselves felt miserable in executing the coup since enough of the Turkish military was patriotic and nationalist and did not support the coup. There are also reports that General Campbell, the former head of the US military operation in Afghanistan, and the leading Turkish officers who served in Afghanistan with Campbell, had distributed two billion dollars through Algerian UCB Bank to buy off generals who they thought could launch the coup and would be willing to kill their fellow Turks in the name of money.
The coup backfired enormously because most Gulenists are not confident military strategists. The effort also collapsed because the CIA's men tried to run it all. Former vice chairman of the National Intelligence Council of the CIA, Graham E. Fuller, was on Princess Island 20 minutes from Istanbul the entire night of the coup, monitoring developments until the coup collapsed.
Fuller himself was the mentor of Fethullah Gulen's worldwide operation. He even said in one of his books: "Now that the Cold War is over, let us use Islam against Russia and China because it worked so well in Afghanistan." This man was the puppet master who gave the green light for Gulen all these years even after the objection of the US State Department in 2007 who said that he was financed by the CIA. All of this is documented.
That kind of puts paid to Fuller's argument proclaimed in his article earlier in this thread that it was simply Erdogan who did it. And if he were present on that island guiding the coup, then that argument itself was almost certainly prepared in advance in case of failure.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge. Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
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F. William Engdahl
Quote: Former vice chairman of the National Intelligence Council of the CIA, Graham E. Fuller, was on Princess Island 20 minutes from Istanbul the entire night of the coup, monitoring developments until the coup collapsed.
Surely just another of those 'funny' coincidences.....surely, Mr. Fuller had an innocent reason to by chance be there then....a relaxing holiday, perhaps?
Undoubtedly true. Anyone who concludes otherwise is a tinfoil-hat wearing conspiraloon with no place in a civilized public forum.
There, that's telling us.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"
Joseph Fouche
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Boyan Chukov
Originally appeared at A-specto, 28 July 2016, translated by Borislav exclusively for SouthFront, 01.08.2016
Quote:The political picture of the world is changing very dynamically and dramatically. Recent events in Turkey are further evidence of this. An analysis of a situation that is similar to the one in Turkey, usually reflects the following: either someone has devised a savvy strategy that lays the foundation for the stable development of the situation with a minimal risk, or volatility is expected due to a lack of strategy. So far there wasn't a third option. But life shows that there is something else after all. A third way. We observe the emergence of a new stage of strategic planning and forecasting, as instability and risks are becoming not only the background, or an obstacle to the realization of a strategic line. On the contrary, they take the form of a basic instrument for the strategy itself. What I think we see in Turkey is namely the third option. The US, Russia, China, EU, ​​Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran, Syria, and not the least of all Erdogan, played and continue to play out the instability in our southeastern neighbor, depending on their strategy. That is to say, multiple projects are superimposed in Turkey. They mix, sometimes overlapping or disagreeing with each other, and thus is formed the picture in the country, the region, and why not in the world. Each actor "holds at gunpoint" their target, which tolerates a certain fluctuation to the changes in Turkey.
The unsuccessful coup attempt in Turkey is a vivid illustration of the above. As a result of the putsch in our southeastern neighbor, certain economic and military alliances can collapse, or someone's geostrategic plans can be ruined. The dramatic events in Turkey illustrate different strategies of the new generation. They are not the most important intermediate or even the ultimate goals of one or another action. Today, the objectives may change at any time depending on developments. The most important are the benefits the "player" receives due to the artificially induced chaos. The profound changes in the principles of building strategies, impose new requirements on political analysis and expertise. First, it is necessary to part with "collective selective amnesia," that at first glance seems unexplainable. Second, we must categorically reject the analytical approach "a horse with blinders," which more closely resembles a highly unintelligent propaganda. Like for example, that Vladimir Putin has organized the attempted coup in Turkey, using the Russian military intelligence in Syria. This was first written in Ukrainian media and was later repeated on national media by a supposedly serious Bulgarian politician, an expert on issues of special services, and exposing their intellect to serious danger.
Its complicated to solve Erdogan's puzzle consisting of Islamists, Kemalists, Gülenists, turkomani, Arabs, Sufi orders, Christians, Kurds, Ezidis, Kurds, Muslims, Assyrians, Satanists of DAESH, Uighurs and whatever else comes to your mind. Everything is geopolitics and geo-economics! Everybody talks about the legacy of Kemal Ataturk, but forgets that modern Turkey was founded with the blessing of Soviet leaders. They knew that if there is Turkey, there is also the Montreux Convention, which guarantees security on the southern border of the USSR. A question of literate geopolitical thinking.
Some forgot, that on the eve of the putsch, Russian geopolitician and Eurasianist Aleksandr Dugin was on a several-day visit to Turkey. His presence on the evening of July 15th at a Turkish airport, is perceived as a fun coincidence that doesn't deserve attention. But in fact he was in Turkey as a guest of Turkish nationalists-Eurasianists of the organization "Ergenekon", which a decade ago tried to overthrow Erdogan. The organization consists of Turkish military-Eurasianists, most of whom were then rounded up by the Turkish authorities to jail. Aleksandr Dugin was again in Turkey, just before "Ergenekon" members were arrested. What a coincidence! Through such people, messages are usually transmitted. Henry Kissinger also performed such missions. The name of Aleksandr Dugin always causes hysteria among supporters of the Euro-Atlantic geopolitical side. Worldwide and in our country. Because he is one of the most prominent ideologues of the Eurasian Union.
Just before the attempted coup in Turkey, other key events occurred. Ankara sharply improved its relations with Moscow and Tel Aviv. Left aside is the fact that Turkey's improved its relations with a key country in the Arab world Egypt.
When it comes to Turkey, external factors have for years played with the theme of Ataturk's "Heritage". This happens whenever there is a suspicion that Ankara could change to some extent its geopolitical orientation. The organizers of the coup also played with the theme of "Ataturk". The committee "Council for Peace in the country", who spoke on behalf of the coup, is an allusion to the famous speech of Kemal Ataturk. During the park Gezi events in 2013 in Istanbul, there was again a reference to Ataturk. Recep Tayyip Erdogan did not officially blame Fethullah Gülen back then. The demonstrations at Gezi were associated with the team around John Kerry. But we have to consider the following. The topic of "Ataturk" is very important for Turkish people, but it is necessary to monitor who uses the topic. Opponents of Erdogan, the organizers of the coup, rather overeplayed the confrontation between Erdogan and Ataturk. Turkish intellectuals felt this delicate moment. Now any attempt to talk obsessively about this subject from abroad, is perceived as manipulation. Whenever the confrontation sounds like its coming from outside, the Turkish intelligentsia sees it as "someone trying to mess with us."
The behavior of the media group "Dogan" was also significant, as it can not be accused of supporting Recep Erdogan. The "Hurriyet" newspaper, which belongs to this media group and is not controlled by Erdogan, supported the Turkish president. The "Dogan" media group give a platform to the president during the most critical moment in the dramatic events. This media group has nothing to do with the typical media grant-feeders, that are rampant in the Balkans. It is purely national, and a part of the Turkish establishment. The head of the media group supported Erdogan with an impassioned speech just in the nick of time. Something absolutely unthinkable before the attempted coup.
If Erdogan's power is reinforced in the coming months, we will see an Islamist republic within NATO. With an established dictatorship regime. The head of Turkey will be an unpredictable and ambitious president who will command all three branches in the country. Will it continue to pursue its neo-Ottoman revanchist plans? To clarify the Justice and Development Party is in the big family of the "Muslim Brotherhood". It includes "Hamas", the Syrian "Brothers" who are fighting against Bashar al-Assad, and the Egyptian "Brothers" who wage war against the regime of General Sisi in Egypt. There is an abundance of information about the events in Turkey. At the same time, its very difficult to "filter" information about the actual processes taking place in the Turkish military and political elite. What is happening in Turkey, determines not only the present and future of the country, but also the balance of the geopolitical vectors Balkans, Europe, Asia, and the world. From the internal Turkish processes, depend Ankara's relations with Brussels, Washington, Moscow, Beijing, Tehran, Riyadh, Doha, and not to mention Sofia.
Even early in the bloody events in Turkey, it became clear that the leadership of the main Turkish special service MIT, gave the word to a "speaker" in the structure. There is an ongoing purge of the leadership of MIT. Apparently, the Turkish president is planning a radical change of the management of key Turkish special services. There was a rumor that the longtime head of MIT, Hakan Fidan, considered to be close to Erdogan, but an American graduate, would be sent away as an ambassador to Japan. Then it turned out that he is still in his post. The possible trip abroad, was on hold. Whether because of the complicated internal political situation or because his personal wish is to go to the US. Deputy head of MIT, Ismail Hakki Musa has already been appointed Ambassador to Paris. Although France is a prestigious and symbolic for Ankara, this is a case of an honorable exile before retirement. Deputy head of MIT was previously the Turkish ambassador in Brussels. There he coordinated the operations of the Turkish intelligence that was eradicating leaders of the PKK in Western Europe. After a successful overseas mission, he returned to the center of the managerial position. Ismail Hakki Musa as deputy chief of MIT attempted to reach a truce with the PKK. But after the failure of negotiations, the physical liquidation of PKK people began again. This time in Turkey. According to unconfirmed data Ismail Hakki Musa is the organizer of the noisy terrorist act in Suruch, where Kurdish activists were killed. The case was blamed on DAESH, but the Kurds began to kill Turkish police and military for revenge. Ismail Hakki Musa, according to the Russian Institute for Middle East, recruited jihadists them and send them to Syria, or used them in Turkey. Two years ago he attempted to create a Kurdish "Taliban" in northern Syria by recruited agents of PKK cadres in Turkish prisons. This attempt was stopped by the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party.
Obviously, Erdogan is freeing himself from the leadership of MIT, which to date works to solve the Kurdish problem in a "hard" way, by using jihadists in Syria. The Kurdish factor is central to the Turkish state. Maybe the Turkish President will seek to change his Kurdish policy. But only after a referendum amending the constitution. Otherwise it will cause dissatisfaction of a significant part of his electoral base. Davutoglu and Fidan have long offered this policy change with the Kurds, but Erdogan rejected it because of its inexpedience to him personally. But he did not reject it due to principle.
Interesting facts came around the failed coup about the former Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu before the Turkish president relinquished him of his services. It turned out that during his last visit to the US he had to-one meetings with bankers from Wall Street and made commitments behind Recep Erdogan's back.
Ankara's warm up in relations with Moscow and Tel Aviv are also relevant for the planned, upcoming and crucial for Erdogan referendum which aims to transform Turkey from a parliamentary to a presidential republic. The EU did not provide visa-free regime for the Turks, Berlin acknowledged the Armenian genocide and Brexit reinforced the impression that the Turkish policy in the west was wrong, and so Erdogan needs a different foreign policy. It's no secret that the Turkish president and the Israeli prime minister are not "darlings" of the power group around Hillary Clinton which has very serious positions in the Pentagon and the CIA. United States have shown that as a "strategic ally" they have no scruples when they need to remove one of its allies around the world. For example, Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and Zine El Abidine Ben Ali of Tunisia. Both were swept away in 2011 by organized coups by the gentle name Arab Spring.
Especially interesting is that only hours after the start of the putsch in Turkey, rumors began to spread that Recep Tayyip Erdogan is frightened, fleeing or had already fled to Berlin, Paris, London and others. This is a classic technique to discredit the national leader in front of people and to disillusion his supporters. Absolutely the same formula was applied in the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt. At the outset reports came out that he had fled abroad with his family. This is the same handwriting that the organization of the coup came from outside. There's hardly anyone left that believes in the spontaneity of the Arab Spring. And there is hardly a sane person who would believe that Recep Erdogan himself spread these rumors. Just a classic stereotype to discredit a leader.
At the time of writing this analysis there is not enough verified information about events in Turkey. But it is clear that the coup failed. The names of the senior Turkish officers who took part in the putsch are not yet announced. It is not known whether Chief of General Staff Hulusi Akar was involved in the coup. But it is known that at the end of May, two emissaries of the General visited Damascus and met with Assad on his behalf. Who are they? These are the former head of military intelligence and the nationalist Dogu Perenchek. Both suspects in the case of "Ergenekon". Both hosts of the last visit of Alexander Dugin in Turkey. Anyway, Hulusi Akar so far has not returned to his post.
Judging by observations during the first hours of the coup, almost all the military command of Turkey was against Erdogan, or was on the side of the plotters. Who with their actions. Who with their silence, or inaction. They were waiting for the answer to the main question: Is Erdogan killed or not? Once they understood that the president has survived, higher military ranks distanced themselves from the rebels. This shows that Erdogan still has serious opposition among the military, and more specifically among the old elite. What led to the coup? There are serious reasons to believe that in the last 1-2 months, Erdogan was preparing a sharp change of foreign policy in the country. Currently, all are concentrated in the triangle US-Turkey-Russian Federation. As for Russia's policy towards Turkey, it is abundantly clear. Russia knows that Turkey is a major "player" in the American geopolitical strategy "Anaconda", which aims at strangulation of the Russian Federation, to fragment and return it to the times of Boris Yeltsin. Baltic-Black Sea rim, which make up the United States begins from the Baltic and passes in Poland, Romania and Bulgaria and ends with Turkey.
Therefore, the removal of Turkey from the US strategy "Anaconda" is a major geopolitical goal of Moscow. This is why Russia reacted swiftly to the attempted coup and supported the government in Ankara. Radical changes in Turkish foreign policy are about to rearrange the geopolitical mosaic in favor of the Kremlin. The change in US policy toward the Kurds and the desire of certain circles in the United States to overthrow Recep Tayyip Erdogan, push the Turkish president to seek a warming of relations with the Kremlin. Whether this trend will continue or will be stopped, it will become clear over time. But only through this prism concerning the strategy "Anaconda", may we seriously evaluate the actions of Vladimir Putin regarding Turkey. This is the prism of real geopolitics. There is no room for sentimental irrational tirades that are far from realpolitik.
There is also a radical change in the relationship in another triangle, USA-Turkey-China. The leader of the Uighur movement for the creation of East Turkestan Rabia Kadir is in America. He is one of the big figures of the pan-Turkic movement that is apparently supported by the United States. On the other hand, Fethullah Gülen is engaged in active educational activities within the Turkic countries in the Caucasus and Central Asia, but also among Turkic and Muslim communities in South Asia and Africa. The movement for the creation of East Turkestan on the territory of China Sindzyan- Uighur autonomous region is a natural part of pan-Turkic movement. In mid-2015, Turkey was anti-China with the support of the expatriate community of Uighurs. At the end of the same year China began to work out opportunities for the active involvement of Turkey in the "economic belt of the Silk Road" through the construction of a transport corridor involving Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey and Ukraine. It should be emphasized that on June 29, 2016, ie shortly before the coup in Turkey, the Chinese and Turkish energy Ministers, signed preliminary agreements for cooperation in nuclear energy. It was a breakthrough that the Americans did not like. Even earlier, on June 24, Turkey spoke against India's participation in the Nuclear Suppliers Group, which is essentially supporting the Chinese position. At the beginning of July 2016 contacts between Ankara and Beijing aimed at discussing the construction of railway communications within the "economic belt of the Silk Road" sharply intensified. It is quite clear that a seizure of power by the military and Gülenists, and a sharp destabilization of Turkey would negatively affect the dynamically developing Turkish-Chinese relations. Moreover, such destabilization would be sped up with activity of supporters for the creation of East Turkestan in China. Which serves US geopolitical strategy in Asia. Keeping in mind that the movement of Fethullah Gülen, "Hizmet" held a conference in Taiwan on December 2012 at an event named "Hizmet Movement" the thoughts and teachings of Fethullah Gulen contributions to multiculturalism and the global world." It was attended by leading Taiwanese universities. "Hizmet" already created their own school in the Taiwan port Haosyun.
The publication US Foreign Policy also shed light on the event, as it has a particular political orientation. Editor David Rodkopf wrote articles at the end of last year, about what a remarkable politician Hillary Clinton is. About Foreign Policy has a colorful audience, from different parties. There are many military personnel from military institutes working in the field of American military strategy, politics in the Middle East and others. Between them there is a consensus. All are against Donald Trump. It is important to analyze the way in which the publication analyzes issues in recent times. Key personnel in the Pentagon who were close to John Kerry were replaced with people of David Petraeus, the former head of the CIA. After this replacement, there was a change in the line of Foreign Policy. The theme of the Kurds started to be commented in a different way, and the formula "Great Kurdistan" began to be used. No longer is there talk about the "suffering Kurdish people" but instead the "future Kurdish state" is discussed. And not just for Turkish Kurds, but for all Kurds in the region. In other US publications there are also analyzes about Great Kurdistan by authors close to the team of the Bush clan. After the overthrow of Ahmed Davutoglu, Foreign Policy published articles that this valuable Turkish politician didn't unite his supporters and didn't opposed Recep Erdogan, and that he left the Turkish political scene unfairly. Comments containing a mixture of sympathy and contempt. Foreign Policy, however, fails to mention the contacts of Ahmed Davutoglu with bankers from Wall Street. They also didn't mention his intrigues in the Turkish Parliament, when he failed to perform the requested constitutional change that Recep Erdogan demanded (to shift from parliamentary to a presidential regime). Foreign Policy assessment of the current situation in Turkey is "sad". Behind Foreign Policy stands a round of US institutes and think-tanks. One of them is Stanford University, which actively discusses the topic "how to elect Hillary Clinton as president." How to avoid someone else from being elected. These are working groups that bring together Republicans and Democrats. At Stanford University, professors close to David Petraeus and Hillary Clinton are invited as honorary members. Both are accused of the emergence of the Islamic state. To the group can be added the newly formed Center for a New American Security. The current president of the center is Michelle Angelique Flurnoa, who is rumored to head the defense Ministry if Hillary Clinton wins the presidential election. Another representative body behind Foreign Policy is The Truman National security project in which the main and symbolic figure is Madeleine Albright. This structure held joint events with the US-Turkish alliance and with a forum that is used by Fethullah Gülen. On May 3, 2016 Truman National Security Project held an event attended by many generals to discuss the situation in Turkey. The topic was: What to do and how to not allow changes? The event involved a prominent figure General Mark Welsh, former Chief of Staff of the US Air Force. Previously, he was an adviser to the heads of the CIA David Petraeus and Leon Panetta. In an attempt to realize a coup against Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a key role played namely the Turkish Air Force base in Incirlik, where the USAF (US Air Force) is at home. There is no doubt that at the base there is a CIA team. There was even the opinion that the leader of the coup is the chief of the Turkish Air Force.
French analyst Philippe Grasse wrote that a former Belgian pilot who has done work years ago in "General Dynamics" (producer of F-16s) as a representative in Ankara, shared an interesting information. Turkey is the base for US "exports" in the region, and the conducting of "delicate operations". According to the former Belgian pilot the "Turkish Air Force is a direct extension of USAF (US Air Force) a fact that was not known in Europe." Against the background of this information, the idea that the pilot of the Turkish F-16s which took down the Russian Su-24, and the pilot that targeted the Turkish president during the coup as being one and the same, is not quite devoid of logic.
New York Times published a scandalous article on May 5, 2016. In it there the deputy adviser of Obama's National Security Ben Rhodes, is harshly criticized, because he harms US-Saudi relations, and lobbied for deals with Iran that aren't favorable to the US. In the article, Leon Panetta has many curse words towards Ben Rhodes.
On the eve of the coup on July 13, 2016 two key figures in Turkey said that the country can negotiate with Bashar Assad, even though Saudi Arabia wants to overthrow him at any cost. The Foreign Policy reacted quickly. It reported that between Moscow and Ankara, there are secret channels of communication, which are operated by suspicious people. The name of Dogu Pirinchek is mentioned, toward whom Armenians are negative about. That is why in Armenian mass media, the version that Erdogan himself has organized the coup was promoted.
Several centers of power in Washington are very interested in Ankaras relations with Tel Aviv. On the same day, when the New York Times defamed Ben Rhodes, a very influential political figure arrived in the Stated from Saudi Arabia Prince Turki al-Faisal, the former head of Saudi intelligence. He attended an event of the Institute for Near East Policy, as a speaker. There were three main points. First, if the United States continues to make concessions to Iran, then Riyadh will acquire a nuclear bomb. Second, Trump is unacceptable as president of the United States. And third, Netanyahu is also unacceptable, and must be replaced. After the event on the Internet was posted a photograph of Prince Faisal, who shook hands with the Minister of defense of Israel, Moshe Ayalon. Just a week later, Moshe Ayalon was kicked out of Bibi Netanyahu's cabinet. Which ended rumors that the current Israeli prime minister may be replaced by his defense minister. Another coincidence. Some time ago, 51 employees of the State Department, wrote an open letter calling for ground troops in Syria and to make changes in American Middle East policy. Just then, the Defense Minister of Saudi Arabia Prince Salman had arrived in the United States. The pressure was strong, but eventually the plans to change US policy on Syria, failed. Additionally, the UAE left the Yemen coalition, which dealt another blow on the same power center in the US and Saudi Arabia. A simultaneous failure of those around Prince Faisal and those around Clinton. On July 23, 2016 Foreign Policy posted a comment explaining why the White House does not comply with the suggestions from those 51 officials from the State Department. And from that moment Hillary Clinton stopped pressuring Barack Obama to introduce a "no-fly zone in Syria." She was convinced that Recep Erdogan will not fall from power, and began to publicly support him. Obviously, at that time, Hillary Clinton seems to have abandoned the "simple hard decisions" offered by the people from the power structures around her. But only for now. Until the US presidential election, there is a small "time window" for Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Vladimir Putin. Now they are on the move. What they have decided, we will understand after the meeting in St. Petersburg on August 9, 2016.
Very interesting also. I wonder what deal Davutoglu made with Wall Street? Besides that there is much in the above to ponder.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge. Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
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05-08-2016, 09:37 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-08-2016, 10:24 AM by Peter Lemkin.)
Paul Rigby Wrote:Peter Lemkin Wrote:Paul Rigby Wrote:THE CIA WASTED $2 BILLION ON RIFFRAFF PUPPETS
F. William Engdahl
Quote: Former vice chairman of the National Intelligence Council of the CIA, Graham E. Fuller, was on Princess Island 20 minutes from Istanbul the entire night of the coup, monitoring developments until the coup collapsed.
Surely just another of those 'funny' coincidences.....surely, Mr. Fuller had an innocent reason to by chance be there then....a relaxing holiday, perhaps?
Undoubtedly true. Anyone who concludes otherwise is a tinfoil-hat wearing conspiraloon with no place in a civilized public forum.
There, that's telling us.
John Judge, when often challenged that he was not a 'valid' political nor deep political researcher - but only a conspiratorial 'quasi-researcher', he often used to answer that he was a 'coincidence researcher' most covert operations and actions are presented in such as way that the events and personages, locations of persons at a particular time, apparent actions and 'synchronicity' et al. if looked at logically are really nothing but coincidences. Nothing to look at there....go back to your TV sheeple! ::darthvader::
Below is admittedly from a pro-AK media source, so needs to be read with that in mind. All this need independent verification. It may be that the helicopters that fled to Greece and sought asylum there were to remove the CIA/NATO involved from the Princes Island too....
Quote:Coup plotters in Turkey aimed to whisk Graham Fuller to Greece: MP
The 8 coupists, who fled to Greece by helicopter on July 15 coup night, were supposed to escape with former CIA chief, Graham Fuller, a Turkish MP says
Editor / Internet18:20 AÄŸustos 01, 2016Yeni Åžafak
2[FONT=ys !important]2
![[Image: resized_e1cae-fb66aaedmaxresdefault.jpg]]( [COLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)][/COLOR]
Eight soldiers, who fled Turkey after the abortive coup attempt, actually intended to help the ex-CIA chair Graham Fuller from Istanbul where he was coordinating the coup plot on July 15, an AK Party MP said.
"They were trying to whisk Fuller away that night. The helicopter was also going to take him to Greece, not only the pro-coup soldiers," Orhan Deligöz, an AK Party deputy in Erzurum, the eastern province which is hometown of Fetullah Gülen, wanted for forming and running terror organisation.
Deligöz has given insight into what Fuller had intended to do in Istanbul before his unplanned departure from Turkey. "On that night, Fuller was holding a meeting with experts at the hotel he was staying. He even had requested technical equipment installed to make a speech to the United States via a video link. If the coup attempt had reached its aim, he would have contacted the States for discussions over the pro-coup era and unfolding events following the coup."
Graham Fuller, the former CIA station chief in Istanbul, is said to have gone to Turkey a few days before the failed coup plot and spent his days in the Splendid Palace Hotel in Büyükada, also known as Prinkipo, the largest of the Princes' islands near İstanbul. Fuller had reportedly checked into the hotel with a passport issued in the name of Henry Barkey.
Deligöz believes that U.S.-based terrorist Fetullah Gülen, cloaking himself as a Muslim cleric, has been collaborating with CIA for nearly five decades. "In 1964, Fuller was assigned as CIA station chief in Istanbul. Two years later, Gülen began establishing his religious community. In later years, Gülen has been given a residence permit in the States with the help of Fuller," the MP explained. "This is not a newly-planned project, his followers had been training for this purpose since the 1960s."
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Peter Lemkin Wrote:Paul Rigby Wrote:Peter Lemkin Wrote:Paul Rigby Wrote:THE CIA WASTED $2 BILLION ON RIFFRAFF PUPPETS
F. William Engdahl
Surely just another of those 'funny' coincidences.....surely, Mr. Fuller had an innocent reason to by chance be there then....a relaxing holiday, perhaps?
Undoubtedly true. Anyone who concludes otherwise is a tinfoil-hat wearing conspiraloon with no place in a civilized public forum.
There, that's telling us.
John Judge, when often challenged that he was not a 'valid' political nor deep political researcher - but only a conspiratorial 'quasi-researcher', he often used to answer that he was a 'coincidence researcher' most covert operations and actions are presented in such as way that the events and personages, locations of persons at a particular time, apparent actions and 'synchronicity' et al. if looked at logically are really nothing but coincidences. Nothing to look at there....go back to your TV sheeple! ::darthvader::
Below is admittedly from a pro-AK media source, so needs to be read with that in mind. All this need independent verification. It may be that the helicopters that fled to Greece and sought asylum there were to remove the CIA/NATO involved from the Princes Island too....
Quote:Coup plotters in Turkey aimed to whisk Graham Fuller to Greece: MP
The 8 coupists, who fled to Greece by helicopter on July 15 coup night, were supposed to escape with former CIA chief, Graham Fuller, a Turkish MP says
Editor / Internet18:20 AÄŸustos 01, 2016Yeni Åžafak
2[FONT=ys !important]2
![[Image: resized_e1cae-fb66aaedmaxresdefault.jpg]]( [COLOR=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.498039)][/COLOR]
Eight soldiers, who fled Turkey after the abortive coup attempt, actually intended to help the ex-CIA chair Graham Fuller from Istanbul where he was coordinating the coup plot on July 15, an AK Party MP said.
"They were trying to whisk Fuller away that night. The helicopter was also going to take him to Greece, not only the pro-coup soldiers," Orhan Deligöz, an AK Party deputy in Erzurum, the eastern province which is hometown of Fetullah Gülen, wanted for forming and running terror organisation.
Deligöz has given insight into what Fuller had intended to do in Istanbul before his unplanned departure from Turkey. "On that night, Fuller was holding a meeting with experts at the hotel he was staying. He even had requested technical equipment installed to make a speech to the United States via a video link. If the coup attempt had reached its aim, he would have contacted the States for discussions over the pro-coup era and unfolding events following the coup."
Graham Fuller, the former CIA station chief in Istanbul, is said to have gone to Turkey a few days before the failed coup plot and spent his days in the Splendid Palace Hotel in Büyükada, also known as Prinkipo, the largest of the Princes' islands near İstanbul. Fuller had reportedly checked into the hotel with a passport issued in the name of Henry Barkey.
Deligöz believes that U.S.-based terrorist Fetullah Gülen, cloaking himself as a Muslim cleric, has been collaborating with CIA for nearly five decades. "In 1964, Fuller was assigned as CIA station chief in Istanbul. Two years later, Gülen began establishing his religious community. In later years, Gülen has been given a residence permit in the States with the help of Fuller," the MP explained. "This is not a newly-planned project, his followers had been training for this purpose since the 1960s."
Fascinating corroborative detail which explains the somewhat improbable flight of Turkish coup plotters to, of all places, Greece.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"
Joseph Fouche
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05-08-2016, 11:16 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-08-2016, 11:47 AM by David Guyatt.)
Henry Barkey is the co-author of a book with Graham Fuller titled Turkey's Kurdish Problem - although the spelling is presented as Henri J Barkey ( HERE). And HERE is the genuine Henri J Barkey. His bio, brief as it was, shouted CIA to me, so a quick Google effort was called for.
Apparently Henri Barkey is a former CIA type and his wife, Helen is a highly placed officer in the CIA.
Adding an interesting twist to the story is ScottNet website, which has a story credited to Istanbul police saying that both Fuller and Barkey were involved in the planning of the coup and that Barkey used to be CIA:
Quote:Turkey names second American coup plotter, CIA's Henri Barkey, held secret meeting in Istanbul on night of coup
Yeni Safak
Tue, 26 Jul 2016 16:58 UTC
Henri J. Barkey, former CIA personnel and the current Director of the Middle East Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, known as the policy maker for U.S. authority, was the second top American figure who orchestrated the coup attempt in Turkey.
According to Istanbul Police's Intelligence, Counter Terror, Cyber Crime and Criminal Units, Barkey was holding a meeting with 17 top figures, most of them foreign nationals, at a hotel on Istanbul's Princes Island on July 15, the day of the failed coup attempt in Turkey.
Barkey was staying in the Splendid Hotel, which was used as a British Military Headquarters during the days of occupation in 1919, between July 15 and 17.
According to the hotel management, Barkey had held a meeting that lasted hours in a special room.
"Barkey and his entourage had been holding a meeting 'till the morning on July 16 in a special room. They have been following the coup attempt over TV channels," the hotel personnel told police.
They said that Barkey welcomed the attendees of the meeting, most of them either foreign policy analysists or academicians, in groups of two or three persons at the hotel entrance.
After receiving all guests, they went into a special room and held the "secret" meeting, according to police.
Meanwhile, Barkey also told the hotel management, "I will make a live interview with CNN International at 4 p.m. and with Voice of America at 6 p.m.," requesting them to arrange "all necessary infrastructure."
Barkey was accused of making several telephone conversations on the coup night.
The police units, who launched a search operation in the hotel, said Barkey was carrying an ex-model cell phone void of internet connection technology, as well as a laptop and smart phone.
Police are investigating the "log" registrations of internet connections and computers of the hotel.
CCTV footage of the hotel, roads and the island's piers are also being investigated.
The coup attempt on July 15, which has been foiled by popular resistance, was organized by a group of Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) members who infiltrated the Turkey's military.
Fetullah Gülen, the U.S.-based leader of FETÖ who has been working with the CIA for several years to design Turkey's political arena, was the mastermind of the coup attempt and Turkey demands his extradition from the U.S.
In early statements, the U.S. repeated denied Turkey's allegations and rejected the extradition request. And now, the U.S. authority is trying to protect him by indicating to form an international commission rather going through direct legal process.
Following the failed coup attempt, millions of Turkish nationals, regardless of their religious identity, political views and ethnic background, are standing united against the coup plotters as well as FETÖ terror group.
All political parties voiced their solidarity with the government and urged the U.S. to extradite Gülen and support Turkey's legal process against coup plotters.
Main squares and streets across the country are filled with people from every age and parts of the society, as they continue celebrating in the evenings the victory of Turkish democracy for the 11th day.
But Barkey tried to cast a shadow on the victory of Turkish people, government and democracy.
"This is a coup attempt where you have no winners. Everybody loses, including the government that survived it," he told the American National Public Radio (NPR) at 3.30 a.m. local time on July 16 from Istanbul.
He also accused that Turkey would be enter in a more chaotic environment though the country entered into a more strong and more democratic environment.
"But I will submit to you that this president [ErdoÄŸan] has been weakened much more now. Even though he will probably have extra constitutional powers, he's weakened, because the face that he projected of an impregnable confident leader is now not there anymore. So he's will be looking over his shoulder all the time. He's going to be less trusting. He already was not trusting of the opposition. I suspect that relations will become much tenser in Turkey, and he will not be able to govern with consensus. Instead, he's going to be governing more and more by dictate, and that is..." he said.
Barkey, an academic from Pennsylvania University, is widely known in Turkey with his book "Turkey's Kurdish Question," which he prepared with former CIA vice chairman, Graham Fuller.
Fuller is also known for his unfaltering support to Gülen and his organization, for he requested the U.S. authority not to extradite Gülen to Turkey.
Barkey has been toiling on recent developments in Turkey and the Middle East. He met PKK terror leader Abdullah Öcalan in Italy and suggested him to stay there before being arrested by Turkey's authority.
His wife Elen Barkey has been working in a high position in the CIA for several years.
Besides writing a book with Graham E Fuller, Barkey has written an article with Morton Abramovich who was earlier also named as a former CIA officer and one of those who signed for Gulen to get his Green Card in the US ( HERE).
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge. Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14