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throat bullet wound visible
For some reason it's rarely mentioned that you can see the round notch
of the bottom of the frontal throat bullet entry wound on one of the JFK autopsy photos (the "stare-of-death" photo),
below the expanded tracheotomy incision. That should
help clinch the case for the bullet wound not being totally obliterated
by Dr. Perry's tracheotomy incision or its gross widening.
Also, how could Humes have missed that and then say he did not know it was a bullet wound until the next day.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Also, how could Humes have missed that and then say he did not know it was a bullet wound until the next day.

uh, cause he had just finished rearranging JFK's skull and admitting to a frontal shot after creating the evidence for a rear one would not play too well in Galloway's office afterward...

Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Humes did the clandestine surgery in haste -- fifteen minutes,
according to Doug Horne -- and crudely. The big throat
slash is very crude, but he missed the notch. So much
about the medical coverup was done quickly and crudely.

When I read the Manchester book immediately upon
publication in 1967, I was most struck by the near-gunfight
over the coffin with Mrs. Kennedy present. I've come to think that coffin was
probably empty. Having Dr. Rose open it would
have exposed the entire conspiracy, so it was
literally a matter of life and death for O'Donnell
and Kellerman to steal the coffin and not let Rose do the autopsy. There is evidence
the body was removed from Parkland clandestinely
(as I discuss in INTO THE NIGHTMARE). Henry
Wade took the responsibility in my interview
for allowing the coffin to leave the hospital, but
the Secret Service was displaying guns.

Then you have the bullet lodged behind the President's
right ear and not entered into evidence, which the Belmont memo from that night
discusses. Finding that memo was another major
step in my understanding of the case. I tried
to get an article published on the Belmont memo in the 1980s,
but no would publish it. Doug mentions it
in his books, and I discuss it in mine. That single
memo destroys the Warren Commission findings.
I am still surprised it isn't more discussed. And
what it says matches a lot of evidence
from eyewitnesses, etc.

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