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Ferro Cemento 119
A "pirate attack" took place on Cuban waters, a 57 mm recoilless machine gun was used in an attack on an unarmed fishing boat from and may have also sunk a second vessel. A Norwegian freighter rescued four Cubans from a raft and a rowboat before dawn Thursday off the Cay Sal Banks and brought them to Miami. With them was a dead companion, who bled to death when a bullet from the automatic weapon almost tore off his arm. They told the FBI agents here that a "bluish pirate yacht" had caught them at nightfall Monday and riddled their 60-foot fishing boat, Ferro Cemento 119. Prior to the time they were attacked, according to the FBI, they had seen two other boats in the distance. They believed that one vessel, like theirs, was an unarmed fishing boat from Cuba. "They heard automatic fire before they were attacked," said Ed Sweeney regional director of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service. They only saw the vessel that attacked them, and think the attack on the other vessel was sunk too. An anonymous telephone call claimed that the Cuban National Liberation Front (FLNC) and Brigade 2506 made the attack. Ed Kaiser and Ramon Orozco were members of these groups, and they had made plans in attacking Castro's fishing boats under William Pawley. It wasn't the first such assertion. On October 3, 1973. these men sent a "war communique" to Miami newspapers and radio claiming responsibility for sinking of fishing fleet boats off Cuban Cayo Romano on the Northeast Cuban coast. They wanted to start a war, still, Castro wouldn't bite. At that time the Cuban government accused Cuban exiles for the attack and said Roberto Torna Mirabal, a Cuban fisherman had been killed.

Get the truth on an upcoming book called "ASSASSINS" A Man Without A Country. Never before released information guaranteed to blow your mind!
Paraphrased from a letter my father wrote in 1973, my father writes, "I asked if Pawley would ask Nixon to help, but I heard no answer. The boat he gave us was to infiltrate Cuba with, Raymond wanted to attack Castro's fishing boats. Pawley paid me 700.00 dollars this is the most I made in one day and the first time I received so much. I'm not sure if I'm able to trust him, Pawley once said, spending my money on getting rid of Kennedy was my best investment."

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