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Is the US Destined to Become a Military Junta?
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Interesting, but I take an even darker view then he.....that we have long since passed beyond a 'fascistic democracy' into cypto-fascism. It is real fascism, only hidden (to most) behind a facade of non-existent stage-prop 'democracy'.......this has been the move since the end of WWII and was sped up with the JFK and other major political assassinations and the start of major wars for profit sold the the nation on lies such as those in SEA and elsewhere (rise in power of NSS and intelligence agencies), more by Nixon, more by Reagan, more by Bush I and Iran-Contra, more by Bush II and the totally phony false-flag 9-11-01 and the endless 'war on terror'.......the Constitution [or at least major parts of it] were secretly suspended on 9-11, and have been further undone by the [un]Patriot Act and other legislation such as NDAA et al. It is a full-blown military fascist state...not something that might happen....sorry to say.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Interesting, but I take an even darker view then he.....that we have long since passed beyond a 'fascistic democracy' into cypto-fascism. It is real fascism, only hidden (to most) behind a facade of non-existent stage-prop 'democracy'.......this has been the move since the end of WWII and was sped up with the JFK and other major political assassinations, more by Nixon, more by Reagan, more by Bush I and Iran-Contra, more by Bush II and the totally phony false-flag 9-11-01 and the endless 'war on terror'.......the Constitution [or at least major parts of it] were secretly suspended on 9-11, and have been further undone by the [un]Patriot Act and other legislation such as NDAA et al. It is a full-blown military fascist state...not something that might happen....sorry to say.

Agree, but don't forget Obama. In his calm, dead-eyed appearance gives many liberals fits of love. They really think he cares.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Interesting, but I take an even darker view then he.....that we have long since passed beyond a 'fascistic democracy' into cypto-fascism. It is real fascism, only hidden (to most) behind a facade of non-existent stage-prop 'democracy'.......this has been the move since the end of WWII and was sped up with the JFK and other major political assassinations, more by Nixon, more by Reagan, more by Bush I and Iran-Contra, more by Bush II and the totally phony false-flag 9-11-01 and the endless 'war on terror'.......the Constitution [or at least major parts of it] were secretly suspended on 9-11, and have been further undone by the [un]Patriot Act and other legislation such as NDAA et al. It is a full-blown military fascist state...not something that might happen....sorry to say.

Agree, but don't forget Obama. In his calm, dead-eyed appearance gives many liberals fits of love. They really think he cares.

Oh, I left out Clinton and Obama and other Presidents and incidents. They all need to be included. It has been a one way ratcheting up toward a police/national security state based on profit for a few and lies/propaganda/downward mobility for the many. The camps and NorthCom are all ready for us. DHS no doubt has my (and others) names are on a list and camp assignments if/when martial law is declared and it will be sometime soon after the 'right' invented scenario or reaction to some real one, as rare as they are these days. What is clever and sinister is the hidden nature of the Fascist Police State that the USA is now and many 'friendly nations' follow in our footsteps if a few steps behind for the most part. Just as the execution/special election of 11.22.63 was disguised to look like the work of a lone nut and not a coup d'etat, so the Fascist state still has elections, the semblance of a democracy and media estate, etc. Oligarchs, Warriors, Corporations, Fascist plotters in high places, Banks and Financiers, the Uber Rich and the secret spy state that work for the aforementioned decide what is done - not the Demos/Citizens. It is a very sad state that one can see, if a student of history, goes back all the way to 1776 and before; but again in its modern form and current form comes from the perception that the USA was the strongest bully on the 'block' after WWII and why squander that position and let anyone else even come close...why we did away with the East Bloc and any independent nation or national leaders - inside or out - that wanted to have a real bottom up democracy or follow another path. At first we turned against mostly those outside the USA, but now the 'Permanent War' is I think equally against all 'perceived threats' whether inside or out.

I listened closely to Obama's recent speech at the United Nations and it was a great speech with lofty goals and morality - a great sermon. However, it was full of deception and lies as the USA and even his administration did not/do not follow these precepts as he said they do. They don't even try. I have no way of knowing if Obama is mildly progressive in his heart of hearts (I'm inclined to believe he is), but he is damn certainly unable to effect much of it and no important National Security/Foreign Policy aspects and he knows it. He is only a figurehead allowed to pose as having the Constitutional Presidential Powers as long as he keeps his finger on the dictated script. He and other Presidents, Congress and others know the limits in which they can operate - or are selected because they think within those boundaries or will act remaining within them. Democracy is long dead as are separation of powers and Constitutional Rights and Freedoms. Serfdom is back and increasing. Police and Military/Secret State powers are out of control and still increasing. American citizens can be and have been disappeared into black sites, tortured, not allowed legal representation and even executed all in secret. We are all spied upon. The police are militarized and the military once not allowed to operate in the USA, now are and do. Detention camps are everywhere waiting, the laws (sic) for total suspension of rule of law and Constitution and implementation of total Police State are on the books - some openly - some in secret. It is a very bleak time. American and the World can still be saved if the People will awake and resist....but with some 30-40% currently OK with a police state and more likely willing to agree under some invented new 9-11-like scenario (as phony as the last); with most progressive groups denied their leaders and infiltrated by intelligence goons; with most of the levers of democracy denied us; with the propaganda and lies so pervasive, we have a very small core of awake and active persons....but it is still possible......yet the window to do so is very small and the forces arrayed against us are quite huge...but we have nothing to loose in trying but our chains.

For the long and true history of the battle and reactionary counter-forces for bottom up democracy in the USA, may I strongly suggest watching Plutocracy II Most are aware of the more modern attempts, movements and events. This has been a long and bloody battle throughout history by the two main forces within societies - the powerful elites attempting to maintain power and wealth; and the People, determined for a fair deal in life and their rights, dignity and democracy.

"Power never concedes anything, without demand."
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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