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Hillary to be arrested?
From Lew Rockwell:

Quote:Writes Graham Dugas:

Comey has an insurrection on his hands beyond the ability of anyone to control. These mutinous senior FBI agents have enough dirt to toss Obama, Comey, Hillary and others in jail. They also loathe the idea of being subjected to Clinton in the future as they know they will be forced to perpetrate more cover-ups and stain the bureau even more. They presented Comey and Obama with a choice… "give us Hillary's head on a platter and we will be silent on Obama's complicity in federal crimes [effectively a Nixon type pardon by omission of pursuit] and we will allow Comey to quietly be succeeded by a person of our choosing on an incoming Trump Administration." OR ELSE THEY WILL GO PUBLIC. Comey could have been silent until after the election no matter what they found on Weiner's laptop because they already have seen ALL the emails including the deleted ones. The fact that Comey is taking this action indicates that his hand is being forced and that he [and Obama] have accepted the terms offered by the insurrectionists in exchange for the face saving terms offered. This also dovetails with Assange saying his next batch [the FBI knows the contents of ALL of Podesta's emails] will result in the arrest of Hillary. The FBI cannot weather another PR storm revealing them complicit in a cover-up. They also must be proactive and use Hillary's arrest/indictment/forced withdrawal from the race as a lightning rod to quell a furious public by granting them their pound of flesh'. No one likes Hillary, and don't think that the Pentagon is going to silently sit still as one of their 4-Star generals get ramrodded for MUCH less than Hillary did. They are aligned with the insurrectionists at the FBI. Comey and Obama's hand is being forced. Hillary is toast and going to jail. You will know this is true within a few days because the sheriff is about to slap the cuffs on Hillary. Weiner's laptop is just a cover story.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Wouldn't that be nice if true. I'd break out the champagne all round. But I bet it's not true. Sadly.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
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Who Will Win The Election? FBI, NSA, CIA!

By Rob Kall
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[Image: 28048181871_f9b244c1ba.jpg]
FBI director James Comey

In a TV interview today I was asked,considering the new FBI revelations about Hillary's emails, who would win theelection. I replied that the FBI would be the winner, that the USA'sintelligence agencies would be deciding who would win-- an outrageous,traitorous situation.
On Monday, I had dinner with three heroic NSAwhistleblowers-- Bill Binney, Thomas Drake and Kirk WIebe-- after they'd sharedthe stage in a panel discussion presented at West Chester University.
[Image: screen-shot-2016-10-30-at-2-21-25-am-png...30-739.png]
Whistleblowers Thomas Drake, William Binney, Kirk Wiebe and moderator/organizer West Chester professor Jana Nestlerode
(image by Rob Kall) License DMCA
I came away with the clear conclusion that theUS Intelligence community is a major threat to democracy. The whistleblowersstated that NSA tracks the signal intelligence-- phone calls, emails, creditcard transactions, medical bills, automated toll payments-- for every Americanand for billions of people -- seven billion nodes. The intelligence agenciestrack every member of congress and all their family and friends. They track allthe people in the White House, all the people in the Supreme court, allexecutives of corporations. All it takes is one brother-in-law selling drugs orhiding a criminal record to get a job and that puts a person of power incongress, the White House, wherever, at risk of coercion. That's why privacy isso important to all of us, even if we have something to hide. We can beblackmailed because we love someone who has something to hide.
Remember, Ed Snowden was able to access theinformation. Actually, there may be thousands of private contractors-- employeesof big corporations-- who have access to all or part of the massive data trove.There's even a name for one of the things they do. Remember, "Sig-Int" is theterm used to refer to signal intelligence-- anything that can be picked upelectronically. These contractors and intelligence agency officers engage inwhat is called "love-Int," basically spying on wives and girlfriends to findout if they are cheating. The abuse of the system is dangerously, rampantly outof control.
The recent disclosures of nebulous informationabout Hillary Clinton's emails are an outrageous, screamingly transparenteffort to influence the election. There is no way to justify the timing. Thisis just the latest stretching beyond the boundaries by an intelligence agencyleader. It has to stop. FBI head Comey should be charged with whatever lawsapply which relate to using government power to unlawfully influence elections.
It is clear that the FBI as well as the NSA,which surely has had all of the missing emails all along, have used theircontrol over and selective analysis of them to influence the election. Thisshould not have happened. It can never happen again. The presidency of theUnited States must not be determined by the head or heads of a spy agency. Andit looks like that's what we're seeing.
Whether you support Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Gary Johnson or Jill Stein, this process should be horrifying to you.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
No doubt there are many national strategies undisclosed to the public that bridge decades and administrations. It follows there would be concerns about potential elected leaders who would rock the boat. Does the tail wave the dog and influence who comes within striking distance of the Oval Office? Is subtle pressure applied to elected leaders by the career national security types? Do they perceive Hillary as a threat? She's been an insider for a long time, are they concerned that she's kept views on certain policies under wraps? Are they worse than the concerns about Trump?

I can imagine there are tensions between her progressive Ivy league-type internationalist crowd and those who have devoted their lives to making sure we are free from international interference and keeping valuable information from leaking.

Did she keep the private server because she didn't trust some of the people around her at State?

Good luck finding out.

Don't like the Presidential choices? You can still support a write-in protest campaign in several states. See @JLK32387 on Twitter.
  • Carlos Danger
  • Cockgate
  • Dickyleaks

"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Lauren Johnson Wrote:From Lew Rockwell:

Quote:Writes Graham Dugas:

Comey has an insurrection on his hands beyond the ability of anyone to control. These mutinous senior FBI agents have enough dirt to toss Obama, Comey, Hillary and others in jail. They also loathe the idea of being subjected to Clinton in the future as they know they will be forced to perpetrate more cover-ups and stain the bureau even more. They presented Comey and Obama with a choice… "give us Hillary's head on a platter and we will be silent on Obama's complicity in federal crimes [effectively a Nixon type pardon by omission of pursuit] and we will allow Comey to quietly be succeeded by a person of our choosing on an incoming Trump Administration." OR ELSE THEY WILL GO PUBLIC. Comey could have been silent until after the election no matter what they found on Weiner's laptop because they already have seen ALL the emails including the deleted ones. The fact that Comey is taking this action indicates that his hand is being forced and that he [and Obama] have accepted the terms offered by the insurrectionists in exchange for the face saving terms offered. This also dovetails with Assange saying his next batch [the FBI knows the contents of ALL of Podesta's emails] will result in the arrest of Hillary. The FBI cannot weather another PR storm revealing them complicit in a cover-up. They also must be proactive and use Hillary's arrest/indictment/forced withdrawal from the race as a lightning rod to quell a furious public by granting them their pound of flesh'. No one likes Hillary, and don't think that the Pentagon is going to silently sit still as one of their 4-Star generals get ramrodded for MUCH less than Hillary did. They are aligned with the insurrectionists at the FBI. Comey and Obama's hand is being forced. Hillary is toast and going to jail. You will know this is true within a few days because the sheriff is about to slap the cuffs on Hillary. Weiner's laptop is just a cover story.

Ah, the fever dreams of the Dominionist gold bug...
David Guyatt Wrote:Wouldn't that be nice if true. I'd break out the champagne all round. But I bet it's not true. Sadly.

The Dominionists within the American side of the Anglo/American Security State would never allow a President Trump to re-set relations with Russia.

Vladmir Putin would be the first one Trump would stab in the back.

The rest of Trump's neo-Nazi agenda would pass muster, no doubt.
Paul Rigby Wrote:
  • Carlos Danger
  • Cockgate
  • Dickyleaks


"Carlos Danger" was sexting a bloke, I belatedly discover, who shared the same name as Australia's most notorious gay club: Sydney Leathers.

Is there no end to the pleasure to be derived from this election?
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Paul Rigby Wrote:
Paul Rigby Wrote:
  • Carlos Danger
  • Cockgate
  • Dickyleaks


"Carlos Danger" was sexting a bloke, I belatedly discover, who shared the same name as Australia's most notorious gay club: Sydney Leathers.

Is there no end to the pleasure to be derived from this election?

Yum yum...
Oh for the days of Jimmy Carter, who felt contrite for lusting in his heart.

Don't like the Presidential choices? You can still support a write-in protest campaign in several states. See @JLK32387 on Twitter.

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