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The Postmodern War on Democracy Using Democracy
Whatever information and interpretation must be put through a very fine filter of skepticism.

For example, there are now YouTubes coming out by Steve Pieczenik claiming his is part of a counter-revolution to the Clinton coup of the US Gov. This is a very clever and appealing narrative in which he claims to be a part of group of good guys who are fighting the bad guys -- the Clintons. We have to be suspicious that the convenient leaking by Wikileaks is a kind of black op to manipulate consciousness.

We should remember that Julian Assange was the victim of Monarch Programming and is quite likely functioning out of that programming, despite his claims that he broke free from it. This is not to say that his email dumps are not real. I suggest that they are useful for purposes difficult to discern. More later.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
I agree that great care is needed with this Youtube video, Lauren. It is very curious indeed.

Meanwhile, harking back to my days of mind control research, there never was any evidence that Project Monarch was real or part of MK-ULTRA umbrella programme. I remember (and this was about 2 decades ago) that Martin Cannon (who led the mind control research field at the time) looked into these Monarch stories and came away convinced the whole thing was fabricated by Phillips and O'Brien.

I believe I'm right in saying there is no CIA or other US intelligence documentation suggesting otherwise.

I remain utterly certain that Julian Assange is no more mind controlled than I am. And during several years of investigation into the subject I met or spoke to several people who claimed that honour. Assange is far too rational and objective. In fact, I would say that the story he has been subject to such a programme very clearly was designed to damage his credibility.

PS, I tried to find an essay from Martin about Monarch in LOBSTER (see HERE) where Martin raises the spectre in the first place. In looking back I think it was probably a series of correspondence I had with him about Monarch that he made his views known. However, it is quite easy to gain a brief peek into LOBSTER's editor, Robin Ramsay's perspective. In his typical direct manner, Robin eviscerates Jim Keith's book "Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness" in LOBSTER 41. The magazine is locked behind a paywall for digital copies, so here's the breif summary of Robin's book review:

Quote: Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness (Book review)[Lobster #41 (Summer 2001)]
... his sources for this? John Coleman, he of the 'Committee of 300' fantasies, and writers from La Rouche's EIR. Even worse, we get 30 pages on Project Monarch, the alleged CIA sex-slave mind control programme, and first-hand accounts from some of Monarch's alleged subjects. This is all total twaddle. There is no evidence of ... existence and Keith provides none. The testimony of the likes of Brice Taylor, given a chapter here, is manifestly nonsense. For reasons I don't understand, Keith is unwilling to say this, even when the 'subjects' of these 'experiments' utter things like this (p. 169): 'I was part of the Illuminati function within ...
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Former British Ambassador, Craig Murray, recently wrote on the subject of the DNC email leak and very clearly states that it did not come from Russia. The Spunik article on this is below. William Binney had earlier made exactly the same point.

But Craig Murray went one further and states that he discovered "what the source was when attended the Sam Adams whistleblower award in Washington".

Note that Murray uses the word "what" and not "who" the source was. As a former UK Ambassador, Murray will be precisely aware of the exact meaning of words and their correct usage in a sentence. Thus his use of "what" and not "who" was no mistake but very purposeful.

Murray further adds that the source "of these email come from within official circles in Washington DC" (listen to the Radio Sputnik interview)

Quote:EXCLUSIVE: Source of DNC, Podesta Leaks 'Comes From Within Washington' © REUTERS/ Brian Snyder

US 12:02 02.11.2016(updated 12:18 02.11.2016) Get short URL8317627916513 According to former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, the now infamous Podesta and Democratic National Committee emails were not leaked by Russian hackers, but by a Washington insider. In an exclusive interview with Sputnik, Mr. Murray said: "The source of these emails and leaks has nothing to do with Russia at all. I discovered what the source was when I attended the Sam Adam's whistleblower award in Washington. The source of these emails comes from within official circles in Washington DC. You should look to Washington not to Moscow." When asked about whether or not WikiLeaks have ever published information at the behest of Moscow, Mr. Murray said: "WikiLeaks has never published any material received from the Russian government or from any proxy of the Russian government. It's simply a completely untrue claim designed to divert attention from the content of the material." The Podesta leaks are a trove of emails that have been dropped almost daily by WikiLeaks and consist of emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign manager John Podesta. The leaks, along with the DNC troves, have provided insight into the inner workings of the Clinton campaign, leaving the presidential nominee red-faced. Clinton's allies have accused the whistleblowing website and Russia of working in cahoots with the Trump campaign. © AFP 2016/ BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI Clinton advisers Jake Sullivan (L), Nick Burns (2L) and John Podesta (2R) wait with Clinton Campaign Chairman, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for a meeting with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on September 19, 2016 in New York. The role of WikiLeaks as a thorn in the side of the US government dates further back than the Podesta and DNC leaks. The whistleblowing site is renowned for leaking information on sensitive US policy positions, such as the much excoriated relationship with the monarchy of Saudi Arabia. During her tenure as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton is quoted as saying in reference to Mr. Assange, "can't we just drone this guy?" © AP PHOTO/ WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange While a nuisance to Washington, the WikiLeaks revelations have often been hailed as a champion of accountability. "I think whistleblowers have become extremely important in the West because the propaganda model as Chomsky puts it has been reinforced to the extent that people don't get any true information out of the media at all. It's worth saying that Julian Assange and WikiLeaks are publishers; they publish what whistleblowers leak to them," Mr. Murrary told Sputnik. Yet, whistleblowers in the US continue to be subject to lengthy prison sentences. A prime example is Chelsea Manning, who was sentenced on August 21, 2013 to a thirty five year sentence for providing WikiLeaks with sensitive military and diplomatic documents highlighting, among other things, US military conduct in Iraq. © FLICKR/ TORBAKHOPPER Whistleblower Chelsea Manning Mr. Murray also mentions the case of John Kiriakou, a former investigator of international terrorism with the CIA who turned whistleblower. "The only person from the CIA who was jailed over the CIA use of torture was John Kiriakou. John was jailed for blowing the whistle on CIA torture." "The people who did the torture have suffered no comeback at all," adds Mr. Murray. © AP PHOTO/ CLIFF OWEN Former CIA officer John Kiriakou The recent leaks come on the heels of increased tensions between the West and Russia, especially over the conflict in Syria. A host of officials and journalists in the West have prophesied over a doomsday scenario. For example, former British general with NATO Sir Alexander Richard Shirreff is quoted as saying that, "under President Putin, Russia has charted a dangerous course that may lead inexorably to a clash with NATO." "There is no chance whatsoever that Russia is going to ever attack the United States, that simply isn't going to happen," Mr. Murray told Sputnik. "Just as Russia is not going to attack the United Kingdom. There never has been a chance that Russia would ever attack either of these two countries. But of course the narrative is all to do with power and funneling huge amounts of American taxpayer money into the defense industry and the security industry and these people are both from the class that benefits." It's an extremely dangerous game, says Mr. Murray, and it feeds into a foreign policy that is completely mad. "In Syria and I should say I'm no fan of the Assad regime at all but the idea that backing assorted groups of jihadists to tear the country apart is a better solution is crazy and it's especially crazy when we've already messed up Iraq, Afghanistan and now we're doing exactly the same thing again and you can see it doesn't work, it only works in terms of promoting continued instability and continued spending for the military and the security services." EXCLUSIVE: 'WikiLeaks Did Not Publish Any Emails From Russia' Mr. Murray also believes that the public can't get clear analysis of these issues from mainstream media, because they are part of the same money/power nexus.

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The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Lauren Johnson Wrote:...a kind of black op to manipulate consciousness....

Couldn't help but notice on BBC last week & the week before, 1st, a report about the measure of Hillary's support being driven by bots, then the next week it was the measure of Trumps support being driven by bots. Then there's that claim of Googles malgorithms tending to favour the Hillary:

Google has power to control elections, can shift millions of votes to Clinton' Robert Epstein - Published time: 1 Nov, 2016 03:51-

The broadcastnewsthesedaysisveryfrothy&trendy.... Couple of months ago it was all "sinkholes" all of a sudden. Then they seemed to suss that 'sinkholes' happen.
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."

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