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The Election Was Rigged
Lauren Johnson Wrote:That has been my starting point in thinking about this election for POTUS. I am convinced that no one can be allowed to be the POTUS who does not get the nod from those who make these decisions. Therefore, I am not here to argue the case. I say it is just a fact.

I admit that I saw Trump as the guy who would get Hillary elected. Given my starting point, I can no longer hold that opinion obviously. She lost; he won. It can easily be argued that this is circular reasoning, that my starting point is not falsifiable. True. But nevertheless this is where I start.

Given this starting point, I have to ask Why The Donald? My answer is: I don't know, obviously. I do suspect that something significant is going on beneath the surface and the statements that Trump will put an end the the Establishment are bogus.

Here are three general possibilities: 1) Trump will continue on with the NWO agenda while pretending to struggle mightily to make America great again blaming someone for his troubles. Two, and this is the more serious, Trump is being put into place for great catastrophic false flag that will require a strong leader, with the consequent elimination of civil rights and his use of emergency powers to run the country as a dictator of sorts. Or a third possibility, he has been put in place to be a punching bag causing further damage to the trust in government and the disillusionment of the right wing populace. He might even be assassinated by some dark logic to inflame a revolution. (There is a saying: I will lead the revolution that destroys me.)

The imaginative can think of other possibilities -- probably better ones. But I invite members to think in terms of Trump being yet another sock puppet of the Establishment under disguise for purposes yet undisclosed.

Thank you for starting this thread, Lauren -- we need to get this right.

The ruling elite in America is bi-polar, and both power centers are "Proto-Autocracies".

When people refer to the New World Order they're referring to the folks who want to make the world safe for bankers -- the Globalist Proto-Autocracy.

Those are the folks behind Clinton.

The other Proto-Autocracy is based in right wing christian evanglicalism -- the Dominionist Proto-Autocracy.

While the Globalist have a base in both parties, the Dominionists are strictly Republican.

Trump led the Dominionist take-over of the Republican Party and then the country running as anti-establishment.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

With the help of foreign actors the Dominionist Proto-Autocracy is making it's play for a Christian Republic, an unabashed fascist state.

Folks have long hated the rock that was America's politics -- well, that rock got kicked over and just wait and see what crawls out.
Lauren Johnson Wrote:
John Knoble Wrote:We haven't had a major depression since the 1930s. Before that they happened on a regular basis for centuries about every 60 years. One of the things beneath the surface is probably preparation for the next one, which has been delayed by international credit expansion, government debt expansion and whatever creative things they did to save the Fed and the big banks back around 2008.

There's no doubt a lot of jostling for position between major financial centers. The beefing-up of domestic security and the various pretexts to do so were probably a prelude to a crisis that could cause civil unrest.

If you assume Trump has been casted for a role, it could be to negotiate down foreign-owned federal debt, blame the next economic crisis on the public's bad judgment to elect a non-politician, etc.

That's intriguing for sure.

I now presume that GWB was made POTUS for the purpose of over-seeing the 9/11 aftermath -- to be the war president as he liked to call it. Did he know? My guess is no. But he was cast for that role, as I fear and suspect that Trump is.

Dubya was made POTUS because his brother scrubbed 90,000 voters -- mostly Democrats -- from the Florida voter rolls in 2000.

We need to get this stuff right, folks.

The Kaucasian Khristian Kaliphate is upon us, we must see it for what it is and attack.

This is Information War and we gotta get it right.
Now I'm gonna go outside and yell at tourist buses on Haight St.

"Trump is not my President!"

Beats watching cable news all day.::cuckoo::
Emphasis added:

R.K. Locke Wrote:Trump was mentored by Roy Cohn so he is not likely to be naïve about the machinations of the deep stats. My interpretation of this election is that Clinton was initially set up to win but another power bloc (the public face of which is Rupert Murdoch and his media empire) decided that it couldn't be allowed to happen. By that time, Trump was the only game in town.

I welcome any further discussion or criticism of this interpretation, which is also elucidated by Michel Chossudovsky on a recent interview on Guns & Butter.

Yeah, there's another power bloc, folks.

Right-wing, nasty, murderous.

They badly want to bomb Iran.

They think only white folks should rule.
Cliff Varnell Wrote:
Lauren Johnson Wrote:That has been my starting point in thinking about this election for POTUS. I am convinced that no one can be allowed to be the POTUS who does not get the nod from those who make these decisions. Therefore, I am not here to argue the case. I say it is just a fact.

I admit that I saw Trump as the guy who would get Hillary elected. Given my starting point, I can no longer hold that opinion obviously. She lost; he won. It can easily be argued that this is circular reasoning, that my starting point is not falsifiable. True. But nevertheless this is where I start.

Given this starting point, I have to ask Why The Donald? My answer is: I don't know, obviously. I do suspect that something significant is going on beneath the surface and the statements that Trump will put an end the the Establishment are bogus.

Here are three general possibilities: 1) Trump will continue on with the NWO agenda while pretending to struggle mightily to make America great again blaming someone for his troubles. Two, and this is the more serious, Trump is being put into place for great catastrophic false flag that will require a strong leader, with the consequent elimination of civil rights and his use of emergency powers to run the country as a dictator of sorts. Or a third possibility, he has been put in place to be a punching bag causing further damage to the trust in government and the disillusionment of the right wing populace. He might even be assassinated by some dark logic to inflame a revolution. (There is a saying: I will lead the revolution that destroys me.)

The imaginative can think of other possibilities -- probably better ones. But I invite members to think in terms of Trump being yet another sock puppet of the Establishment under disguise for purposes yet undisclosed.

Thank you for starting this thread, Lauren -- we need to get this right.

The ruling elite in America is bi-polar, and both power centers are "Proto-Autocracies".

When people refer to the New World Order they're referring to the folks who want to make the world safe for bankers -- the Globalist Proto-Autocracy.

Those are the folks behind Clinton.

The other Proto-Autocracy is based in right wing christian evanglicalism -- the Dominionist Proto-Autocracy.

While the Globalist have a base in both parties, the Dominionists are strictly Republican.

Trump led the Dominionist take-over of the Republican Party and then the country running as anti-establishment.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

With the help of foreign actors the Dominionist Proto-Autocracy is making it's play for a Christian Republic, an unabashed fascist state.

Folks have long hated the rock that was America's politics -- well, that rock got kicked over and just wait and see what crawls out.

Except that Trump himself hasn't the slightest familiarity with Christianity. His Biblical illiteracy is just astounding, like somebody who last went to church at the age of 10.

Lifestyle-wise, Trump is a pimp. He has more in common with a mob leader than anything else. No, it won't be a Dominionist takeover, it will be more like Tony Soprano.

I guess I can't post the nude lesbian photos of Melania here. She won't be able to swan around Mar Lago and spend her days shopping and entertaining herself with young boyfriends like she surely does now.

Tracy Riddle Wrote:
Cliff Varnell Wrote:
Lauren Johnson Wrote:That has been my starting point in thinking about this election for POTUS. I am convinced that no one can be allowed to be the POTUS who does not get the nod from those who make these decisions. Therefore, I am not here to argue the case. I say it is just a fact.

I admit that I saw Trump as the guy who would get Hillary elected. Given my starting point, I can no longer hold that opinion obviously. She lost; he won. It can easily be argued that this is circular reasoning, that my starting point is not falsifiable. True. But nevertheless this is where I start.

Given this starting point, I have to ask Why The Donald? My answer is: I don't know, obviously. I do suspect that something significant is going on beneath the surface and the statements that Trump will put an end the the Establishment are bogus.

Here are three general possibilities: 1) Trump will continue on with the NWO agenda while pretending to struggle mightily to make America great again blaming someone for his troubles. Two, and this is the more serious, Trump is being put into place for great catastrophic false flag that will require a strong leader, with the consequent elimination of civil rights and his use of emergency powers to run the country as a dictator of sorts. Or a third possibility, he has been put in place to be a punching bag causing further damage to the trust in government and the disillusionment of the right wing populace. He might even be assassinated by some dark logic to inflame a revolution. (There is a saying: I will lead the revolution that destroys me.)

The imaginative can think of other possibilities -- probably better ones. But I invite members to think in terms of Trump being yet another sock puppet of the Establishment under disguise for purposes yet undisclosed.

Thank you for starting this thread, Lauren -- we need to get this right.

The ruling elite in America is bi-polar, and both power centers are "Proto-Autocracies".

When people refer to the New World Order they're referring to the folks who want to make the world safe for bankers -- the Globalist Proto-Autocracy.

Those are the folks behind Clinton.

The other Proto-Autocracy is based in right wing christian evanglicalism -- the Dominionist Proto-Autocracy.

While the Globalist have a base in both parties, the Dominionists are strictly Republican.

Trump led the Dominionist take-over of the Republican Party and then the country running as anti-establishment.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

With the help of foreign actors the Dominionist Proto-Autocracy is making it's play for a Christian Republic, an unabashed fascist state.

Folks have long hated the rock that was America's politics -- well, that rock got kicked over and just wait and see what crawls out.

Except that Trump himself hasn't the slightest familiarity with Christianity. His Biblical illiteracy is just astounding, like somebody who last went to church at the age of 10.

Lifestyle-wise, Trump is a pimp. He has more in common with a mob leader than anything else. No, it won't be a Dominionist takeover, it will be more like Tony Soprano.

I guess I can't post the nude lesbian photos of Melania here. She won't be able to swan around Mar Lago and spend her days shopping and entertaining herself with young boyfriends like she surely does now.

Bible-thumping Dominionists are to Christianity what ISIS is to Islam.

Of course they'd pick a pedophile rapist as they're leader!

Of course they'd pick a guy who has memorized exactly one phrase from the Bible and one only -- an eye for an eye.

Of course they'd pick someone who lies as readily as he breathes.

But Hillary had...e-mails!::vomit::

Of course the Dominionists are taking over -- think they can't be gangsters just because they wave the bible?
R.K. Locke Wrote:Trump was mentored by Roy Cohn so he is not likely to be naïve about the machinations of the deep stats. My interpretation of this election is that Clinton was initially set up to win but another power bloc (the public face of which is Rupert Murdoch and his media empire) decided that it couldn't be allowed to happen. By that time, Trump was the only game in town.

I welcome any further discussion or criticism of this interpretation, which is also elucidated by Michel Chossudovsky on a recent interview on Guns & Butter.

I think a major part of the answer is here, RC:

Two separate worlds

by Thierry Meyssan


During a very important meeting of the Security Council not even mentioned in the Western Press on 28 October, the United States voted against UNO cooperation with regional organisations which include Russia, and therefore also China. By refusing to work with others, and thus to admit that other powers are their equals, Washington has taken the path towards a division of the world into two distinct spheres and the end of economic globalisation.

Quote:Moscow called for a special meeting of the Security Council on 28 October 2016, to debate the cooperation between the UNO and the certain regional organisations. Ambassador Vladimir Churkin, who was then presiding the Council, invited the representative of the Commonwealth of Independent States (the Russian Sergey Ivanov, CIS), the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (Russian General Nikolai Bordyuzha, CSTO) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (Tajik Rashid Alimov, SCO).

The three General Secretaries presented the work of their organisations - cooperation between the states of the ex-Soviet Union for the CIS, a military alliance for the CSTO, and a regional cooperation to stabilise central Asia for the SCO. They stressed their contribution to the UNO concerning the fight against drug trafficking and terrorism two subjects which are unanimously approved by the international community, although everyone knows that these plagues are created and controlled by the United States.

Although everything started well, and the different ambassadors who are members of the Security Council were congratulatng one another on this breath of fresh air, the meeting took a turn for the worse after the presentations by the ambassadors of Ukraine and the United States. Concerned about preventing these three organisations from troubling the monopoly of NATO and the European Union, they accused Russia of all sorts of crimes, and denounced these organisations as covers intended to mask Russian expansionism. The US ambassador concluded that, in these conditions, it was not possible to envisage any form of cooperation of the UNO with these organisations, including the SCO, in other words, also with China.

We find here the position held by various participants during Geneva Conference 2 while everyone is in theory united against terrorism, Washington does not see this problem as being a priority, but puts the demands of its own imperialism first. Except that this time, it has not attacked Syria, but offended both Russia and China.

The world is therefore paying for the fog that has surrounded the fight against terrorism since 2001. Let us remember that terrorism is not an enemy in itself, but a method of combat used by enemies.

Washington has thus closed the only exit that was open to it. The Obama administration refuses to rcognise the development of Russia, the world's major conventional military power, and of China, the world's major economic power. It refuses to let go of the unipolar organisation of the world which was set up after «Desert Storm», in 1991, and pursues its wars in the Levant and in Ukraine with the unique aim of cutting the two land supply routes from China to Western Europe.

Given that its position is untenable in the short term, and that it does not want a World War, Washington is preparing to separate the world in two. This does not mean a replay of the Cold War, where the world was one, even if it was administered by two powers, but a new structure on one side a unipolar world governed by the United States alone, and on the other a number of independent and refractory states cooperating together around Russia and China, and with the fewest possible number of bridges between these two worlds. This implies the end of world free trade, the organisation of world commerce, and economic globalisation, and thus constitutes a gigantic step backwards.

If Washington persists in this direction, it will have to withdraw militarily from Syria and allow peace to return except on the Iraqi border, where it will maintain its interdiction of the Silk Road. Because of the United States this time, an impenetrable barrier will circle the globe and divide Humanity, just as the Berlin Wall separated the population of the ex-capital of Germany, dividing its families for almost half a century. It will therefore become very difficult for the Syrians, who fled to foreign lands to escape the jihadists, to return home and join with their families again. And it will become impossible for a Westerner to spend his holidays in Moscow or buy Chinese computers.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Quote:And it will become impossible for a Westerner to spend his holidays in Moscow or buy Chinese computers.

China owns 3 trillion dollars of American debt.

American consumers are an enormous engine of Chinese economic growth.

And we're to believe this is all going away because of US pique with Putin?
Published on Thursday, November 10, 2016

I Would Love to Share in Your Incredulity

byThomas S. Harrington

Quote:I would love to share, my liberal friend, in your sense of incredulity about the election of Donald Trump to the presidency of United States. I would love to stand with you in the sense of woundedness that, while certainly painful up front, carries with it the secondary compensation of a warm and nurturing solidarity. I would love to sit with you and fulminate in righteous anger about the unparalleled vulgarity and cruelty of Trump and his followers.

As much as I'd like to do these things, I won't. Why?

Because I know you, perhaps better than you even dare to know yourself. I know you well because I have watched you with great and detailed care over the last three decades and have learned, sadly, that you are as much if not more about image and self-regard as any of the laudable values you claim to represent.

I have watched as you accommodated yourself to most of the retrograde social forces you claim to abhor. I have seen you be almost completely silent before the world's greatest evil, unprovoked war, going so far as to embrace as your presidential candidate this year a person who cold-bloodedly carried out the complete destruction of Libya, a real country with real people who love their children like you and me, in orderas the Podesta emails make clearto further her personal political ambitions.

I watched as you stood silent before this same person's perverse on-camera celebration of the murder by way of a bayonet thrust to the anus of the leader of that once sovereign country, and before the tens of thousand of deaths, and hundreds of thousands of refugees, that war provoked.

I watched during the last eight years as you sought refuge in the evanescent qualities of skin color and smooth speechmaking so as to not to confront the fact that your "liberal" president was almost totally lacking in actionable convictions regarding the values you claim to be about.

I watched as you didn't say a peep as he bailed out bankers, pursued whistleblowers and deported desperate and downtrodden immigrants in heretofore unimaginable numbers.

And I didn't hear the slightest complaint (unlike those supposedly stupid and primitive libertarians) as he arrogated to himself the right to kill American citizens in cold blood as he and he alone deemed fit.

I monitored you as you not only completely normalized Israel's methodical erasure of the Palestinian people and their culture, but made cheering enthusiastically for this campaign of savagery the ultimate litmus test for social and political respectability within your ranks.

I watched as you breezily dispatched the memories of the millions of innocent people destroyed by U.S. military aggression around the world and damaged police brutality here at home in order to slavishly imitate the unceasing orgy of uniform worship set in motion by the right and its media auxiliaries in the wake of September 11th, 2001.

In short, since 1992, I have watched as you have transformed a current of social thought once rooted in that most basic an necessary human sentimentempathyinto a badge of cultural and educational superiority. And because feeling good about yourself was much more important to you than actually helping the afflicted, you signed off, in greater or lesser measure to almost all of the life-sapping and dignity-robbing measures of the authoritarian right.

And now you want me to share in your sense of shock and incredulity?

No, thanks, I'll save my tears for all of the people, ideas and programs you heedlessly abandoned along the road to this day.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Paul Rigby Wrote:
R.K. Locke Wrote:Trump was mentored by Roy Cohn so he is not likely to be naïve about the machinations of the deep stats. My interpretation of this election is that Clinton was initially set up to win but another power bloc (the public face of which is Rupert Murdoch and his media empire) decided that it couldn't be allowed to happen. By that time, Trump was the only game in town.

I welcome any further discussion or criticism of this interpretation, which is also elucidated by Michel Chossudovsky on a recent interview on Guns & Butter.

I think a major part of the answer is here, RC:

Two separate worlds

by Thierry Meyssan


During a very important meeting of the Security Council not even mentioned in the Western Press on 28 October, the United States voted against UNO cooperation with regional organisations which include Russia, and therefore also China. By refusing to work with others, and thus to admit that other powers are their equals, Washington has taken the path towards a division of the world into two distinct spheres and the end of economic globalisation.

Quote:Moscow called for a special meeting of the Security Council on 28 October 2016, to debate the cooperation between the UNO and the certain regional organisations. Ambassador Vladimir Churkin, who was then presiding the Council, invited the representative of the Commonwealth of Independent States (the Russian Sergey Ivanov, CIS), the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (Russian General Nikolai Bordyuzha, CSTO) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (Tajik Rashid Alimov, SCO).

The three General Secretaries presented the work of their organisations - cooperation between the states of the ex-Soviet Union for the CIS, a military alliance for the CSTO, and a regional cooperation to stabilise central Asia for the SCO. They stressed their contribution to the UNO concerning the fight against drug trafficking and terrorism two subjects which are unanimously approved by the international community, although everyone knows that these plagues are created and controlled by the United States.

Although everything started well, and the different ambassadors who are members of the Security Council were congratulatng one another on this breath of fresh air, the meeting took a turn for the worse after the presentations by the ambassadors of Ukraine and the United States. Concerned about preventing these three organisations from troubling the monopoly of NATO and the European Union, they accused Russia of all sorts of crimes, and denounced these organisations as covers intended to mask Russian expansionism. The US ambassador concluded that, in these conditions, it was not possible to envisage any form of cooperation of the UNO with these organisations, including the SCO, in other words, also with China.

We find here the position held by various participants during Geneva Conference 2 while everyone is in theory united against terrorism, Washington does not see this problem as being a priority, but puts the demands of its own imperialism first. Except that this time, it has not attacked Syria, but offended both Russia and China.

The world is therefore paying for the fog that has surrounded the fight against terrorism since 2001. Let us remember that terrorism is not an enemy in itself, but a method of combat used by enemies.

Washington has thus closed the only exit that was open to it. The Obama administration refuses to rcognise the development of Russia, the world's major conventional military power, and of China, the world's major economic power. It refuses to let go of the unipolar organisation of the world which was set up after «Desert Storm», in 1991, and pursues its wars in the Levant and in Ukraine with the unique aim of cutting the two land supply routes from China to Western Europe.

Given that its position is untenable in the short term, and that it does not want a World War, Washington is preparing to separate the world in two. This does not mean a replay of the Cold War, where the world was one, even if it was administered by two powers, but a new structure on one side a unipolar world governed by the United States alone, and on the other a number of independent and refractory states cooperating together around Russia and China, and with the fewest possible number of bridges between these two worlds. This implies the end of world free trade, the organisation of world commerce, and economic globalisation, and thus constitutes a gigantic step backwards.

If Washington persists in this direction, it will have to withdraw militarily from Syria and allow peace to return except on the Iraqi border, where it will maintain its interdiction of the Silk Road. Because of the United States this time, an impenetrable barrier will circle the globe and divide Humanity, just as the Berlin Wall separated the population of the ex-capital of Germany, dividing its families for almost half a century. It will therefore become very difficult for the Syrians, who fled to foreign lands to escape the jihadists, to return home and join with their families again. And it will become impossible for a Westerner to spend his holidays in Moscow or buy Chinese computers.

Obama is apparently rushing to pass the TPP before leaving office. Interesting.
“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
― Leo Tolstoy,

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