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The Plot to Kill John Glenn
  • THE PLOT TO KILL JOHN GLENN: You won't read about this in his obits in the MSM, but on February 2, 1962, as part of Operation Miongoose, Brig. Gen. William H. Craig (attached to the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff; he worked with Brig. Gen. Edward Lansdale) suggested Operation Dirty Trick, to sabotage Glenn's Mercury launch and blame it on the Cubans. This was to be a pretext for invading Cuba, like the Operation Northwoods plan for false-flag domestic terrorism that was proposed to President Kennedy in March 1962 by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Kennedy angrily rejected Operation Northwoods and fired the chairman of the chiefs, Gen. Lyman Lemnitzer. Glenn's orbital flight went off successfully on February 20, 1962. Now it's reported that Glenn resigned from the astronaut corps because President Kennedy wouldn't let him fly in space again. The reason stated in today's NY Times is that Kennedy didn't want to risk the life of an American hero. Perhaps this was a result of Kennedy knowing about Operation Dirty Trick. Glenn became a good friend of Robert Kennedy and his family.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
This was the tip of the iceberg. Now extrapolate the operations JFK wasn't able to stop them from doing to understand the true definition of all the political targets who died since the existence of CIA.
Nice one Joe.

Yes its odd how the MSM wants to avoid that issue about Glenn not flying again.
Joseph McBride Wrote:THE PLOT TO KILL JOHN GLENN: You won't read about this in his obits in the MSM, but on February 2, 1962, as part of Operation Miongoose, Brig. Gen. William H. Craig (attached to the CIA and the Joint Chiefs of Staff; he worked with Brig. Gen. Edward Lansdale) suggested Operation Dirty Trick, to sabotage Glenn's Mercury launch and blame it on the Cubans. This was to be a pretext for invading Cuba, like the Operation Northwoods plan for false-flag domestic terrorism that was proposed to President Kennedy in March 1962 by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Hi There Joe,

I vividly recalling reading about this plot. IIRC, they weren't actually going to sabotage the flight. The plan was that *if* the Atlas booster failed they would blame it on the Russian Trawlers who were always present for any launch. They would claim that the Soviets sent false signals to the Atlas which caused it to fail.

Glenn was originally scheduled to fly a 3rd sub-orbital flight like Shepard and Grissom. The spacecraft and Redstone booster were ready to go. When Titov became the 2nd man in orbit, the US decided it had had enough. They rescheduled Glenn to fly the first orbital mission for the US.

A risky move, but the US was desperate to get a man into orbit to catch up to the USSR. The Atlas rocket had an abysmal record of blowing up shortly after launch so the launch was delayed again and again due to technical issues from December 1961 until late in February 1962.

IMO the US wouldn't have allowed any US sabotage on Glenn's flight - they needed to get a man into orbit. If Glenn's flight failed it would have delayed the next mission, and I can't imagine JFK agreeing to that. I can easily imagine the JCS agreeing to do it, but I think they only proposed scapegoating the Russians in the event of an actual launch failure because they knew they had no chance of getting JFK to agree to cause the flight to fail.

As for Glenn not flying again, there are a great number of factors involved. I have studied the selection and crew assignments of the Mercury astronauts for decades, interviewing them, and many, many key participants. If anyone is interested in the complex story of Glenn's lack of crew assignments, PM me, and I can lay it out for you. It's too long to lay out here.

Thanks for the further information, Tom. Very interesting.
I will dig further into it. Here is a new article by Bill
Kelly on the subject:

Saturday, December 10, 2016

John Glenn and Operation Dirty Trick

Among the government records on the assassination of President Kennedy released under the JFK Act of 1992 is an FBI report on a letter sent to Senator John Glenn of Ohio from a former airman stationed at Lackland AFB in Texas. The New Jersey Air Force veteran asked Glenn if he recalled an incident at Lackland when they both shared an elevator ride during which the airman warned Glenn of a plot to kill the president involving Lee Harvey Oswald.

Glenn turned the letter over to the FBI.

On October 26, 1970 Philip A. Robinson of 80 Passaic Avenue, Passaic, New Jersey, wrote a letter to then Senator John Glenn asking if he recalled meeting "in an elevator in the Lackland Air Force Base hospital on August 2, 1961 wile you were in final checkout for your historical flight and I was in training as a reservist USAF."

"During our conversation," Robinson wrote, "I passed information to you about Lee Harvey Oswald in an attempt to prevent the assassination of your friend President John F. Kennedy. Wituout going into details I might inform you that I also discussed the matter with others from 1961 through 1963."

"Basically, I would deeply appreciate it if you would confirm our conversation, note the name of the gentleman with whom we rode, and if possible tell me what happened with any inquiries put to you as to our conversation, if any, for historical purposes."

The first astronauts did train at Lackland and John Glenn is mentioned in military documents regarding Operation Northwoods, a Pentagon plan to create a false reason to invade Cuba.

If Glenn's historic flight to space and circumnavigate the globe failed and he died the accident would have been blaimed on radio interference from Cuba and thus provide an excuse to invade Cuba - a Northwoods style provacation like the one used to blame the assassination of JFK on Castro.

On March 16, 1962, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff presented Operation Northwoods to President Kennedy. Drawn up by the Joint Chiefs the plan outlined ways to generate public support for US military operations against Cuba, including attacks, some real, some simulated, performed by American forces and then blamed on the Cuban government.

The Northwoods plan was officially rejected by JFK and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs replaced, but aspects of the plan were used in Operation Dirty Trick, in the Dealey Plaza operation that resulted in the death of JFK and at Tonkin Gulf, that fooled Congress to support the war in Vietnam.

Declassified decades later the objective of Operation Dirty Trick was officially described as, "to provide irrevocable proof that, should the (John Glenn) Mercury manned orbital flight fail, the fault lies with the ( Cuban) Communists."

"This to be accomplished by manufacturing various pieces of evidence which would prove electronic interference on the part of the Cubans."

A 1963 Defense Department policy paper outlined the possibility of making it appear that Cuba attacked a member of the Oranization of American States, with the attacked nation requesting American military assistance, giving the US an excuse to invade Cuba in an all out war, similar to the sinking of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor, that sparked the Spanish-American War, and the Venezuelan Arms cache incident that was the last issue JFK delt with before leaving the White House for Texas.

Joseph McBride Wrote:Thanks for the further information, Tom. Very interesting.
I will dig further into it. Here is a new article by Bill
Kelly on the subject:

Saturday, December 10, 2016

John Glenn and Operation Dirty Trick

Among the government records on the assassination of President Kennedy released under the JFK Act of 1992 is an FBI report on a letter sent to Senator John Glenn of Ohio from a former airman stationed at Lackland AFB in Texas. The New Jersey Air Force veteran asked Glenn if he recalled an incident at Lackland when they both shared an elevator ride during which the airman warned Glenn of a plot to kill the president involving Lee Harvey Oswald.

Glenn turned the letter over to the FBI.

On October 26, 1970 Philip A. Robinson of 80 Passaic Avenue, Passaic, New Jersey, wrote a letter to then Senator John Glenn asking if he recalled meeting "in an elevator in the Lackland Air Force Base hospital on August 2, 1961 wile you were in final checkout for your historical flight and I was in training as a reservist USAF."

"During our conversation," Robinson wrote, "I passed information to you about Lee Harvey Oswald in an attempt to prevent the assassination of your friend President John F. Kennedy. Wituout going into details I might inform you that I also discussed the matter with others from 1961 through 1963."

"Basically, I would deeply appreciate it if you would confirm our conversation, note the name of the gentleman with whom we rode, and if possible tell me what happened with any inquiries put to you as to our conversation, if any, for historical purposes."

The first astronauts did train at Lackland and John Glenn is mentioned in military documents regarding Operation Northwoods, a Pentagon plan to create a false reason to invade Cuba.

If Glenn's historic flight to space and circumnavigate the globe failed and he died the accident would have been blaimed on radio interference from Cuba and thus provide an excuse to invade Cuba - a Northwoods style provacation like the one used to blame the assassination of JFK on Castro.

On March 16, 1962, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff presented Operation Northwoods to President Kennedy. Drawn up by the Joint Chiefs the plan outlined ways to generate public support for US military operations against Cuba, including attacks, some real, some simulated, performed by American forces and then blamed on the Cuban government.

The Northwoods plan was officially rejected by JFK and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs replaced, but aspects of the plan were used in Operation Dirty Trick, in the Dealey Plaza operation that resulted in the death of JFK and at Tonkin Gulf, that fooled Congress to support the war in Vietnam.

Declassified decades later the objective of Operation Dirty Trick was officially described as, "to provide irrevocable proof that, should the (John Glenn) Mercury manned orbital flight fail, the fault lies with the ( Cuban) Communists."

"This to be accomplished by manufacturing various pieces of evidence which would prove electronic interference on the part of the Cubans."

A 1963 Defense Department policy paper outlined the possibility of making it appear that Cuba attacked a member of the Oranization of American States, with the attacked nation requesting American military assistance, giving the US an excuse to invade Cuba in an all out war, similar to the sinking of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor, that sparked the Spanish-American War, and the Venezuelan Arms cache incident that was the last issue JFK delt with before leaving the White House for Texas.

Wow! Aug. 2, 1961 is much earlier than most any theory as to when LHO was selected as the assassin and JFK was targeted, to my knowledge!!! This is less than four months after the failed Bay of Pigs. If true, and I have no reason to think that it is not, it shows that many more persons had foreknowledge or at least warnings of the upcoming assassination, and that the plot was in motion with its primary [not only] patsy chosen much earlier than we currently think. Adele Edisen's story also has very early mention of LHO, even giving his address and phone number before any Oswald could have known it himself!

What would really be interesting would be to know if Glenn confirmed and/or remembered this meeting/warning in the elevator!!! That, to me, would certainly verify this incident and that the plot and the patsy were in place and ongoing from such an early date.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Joseph McBride Wrote:Thanks for the further information, Tom. Very interesting.
I will dig further into it. Here is a new article by Bill
Kelly on the subject:

Saturday, December 10, 2016

John Glenn and Operation Dirty Trick


Thanks for the link to BK's story. It confirms the info that I received regarding 'radio interference' from the Soviets would be blamed as the cause of the failure. The Atlas missile carried a self-destruct package to be used in the event of a guidance problem with the missile. If the Atlas had exploded, as happened regularly, or if the self-destruct package was detonated by ground controllers, the plan was to say that the Soviets radio interference activated the destruct package. This gave them the option to announce that it was "intentional" i.e. they murdered a US astronaut, or accidental, which would be slightly less damning.

I discovered this info quite a few a few years ago and posted on several sites. It received zero response which surprised the hell out of me... Glad to see there's some interest now.

Given the hero worship of astronauts at that time, it unquestionably would have created vast public support against Cuba and the USA. Given Glenn's distinguished record as a combat fighter pilot, this would have appealed to all Americans.

Thanks again, JFK for refusing "Northwoods." How many times did he prevent WWIII single-handedly? Imagine Reagan or either Bush in the White House at that time - we know what they would have done...

Is this the same Tom Neal formerly of the EF?
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Is this the same Tom Neal formerly of the EF?
Formerly? Not quite - I still post occasionally. But yes, the same one.

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