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The Deceptions and Disguises of Noam Chomsky
My essay dedicated to the subject of the mental gymnastics of Mr. Chomsky.

To many of you the info here is probably new. And if so, its probably shocking. Especially considering the zealotry of his acolytes. Who ignore it all.

But the work of Ray Marcus is especially relevant considering the JFK case. In fact its invaluable.
Thanks for this Jim. I read a lot of left-leaning blogs and often see articles or comments that disparage Kennedy using the Chomsky/Cockburn line. I didn't know about the Pol Pot and Holocaust denial stuff concerning Chomsky.

There seems to be very little recognition of how JFK was fighting the national security establishment on third world nationalism, military intervention in SE Asia and the Cold War in general. They still have an image of Kennedy as an unrepentant cold warrior and even blame him for stuff like Agent Orange which Kennedy did authorize as a selective and carefully controlled joint program of defoliant operations in Vietnam starting with the clearance of key routes and proceed thereafter to food denial only if the most careful basis of resettlement and alternative food supply has been created. The program was not widely expanded until the escalation of the war under LBJ in 1965. And the contamination of Agent Orange with dioxin was not even known until 1969 (same link as above). Yet, I have seen Kennedy blamed for this time and time again on left-leaning blogs.

Another sore point is the missile gap, which Kennedy did (to his later regret) emphasize in his campaign. But he was hardly the only one to believe it was true or to use it for political purposes. No one ever seems to acknowledge that Eisenhower and Dulles kept secret the fact that the US had a big advantage in missiles and other strategic sources because they didn't want to reveal how they knew that (U2 overflights and the first spy satellites).

And yeah, Democracy Now thinks the Chomsky is an irrefutable source on, well, everything. That's one of the reasons I rarely listen to it anymore although I must point out that I did once hear Amy Goodman ask Oliver Stone who killed JFK. So there's that.
I think that chart speaks for itself as to volume. Second, JFK was misled on the missile gap, he said that in a recent declassified tape.

Write Amy Goodman and have her ask Chomsky how Robert Faurisson's research is doing lately. And if her buddy has figured out yet how all those Jews died without begin gassed.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:I think that chart speaks for itself as to volume. Second, JFK was misled on the missile gap, he said that in a recent declassified tape.

Write Amy Goodman and have her ask Chomsky how Robert Faurisson's research is doing lately. And if her buddy has figured out yet how all those Jews died without begin gassed.

Ahhhhh…… l'affaire Faurisson.

They made mincemeat out of Chumpsky here in France when this was all happening. Free speech? Noam sayin'?
Btw, I have to add Phil:

Its not enough that Kennedy was the only guy in the room arguing against combat troops in November 1961.

Its not enough he told McNamara to begin a withdrawal program in 1962.

Its not enough that McNamara was executing the withdrawal program in May of 1963.

Its not enough that Kennedy had Prouty and Krulak write the McNamara Taylor report in September of 1963 so he could base NSAM 263 on it.

Its not enough that Kennedy then rammed NSAM 263 through his advisors in October of 1963.

Its not enough that he then had McNamara go and tell the press about it, and told him on the way out, "that means the helicopter pilots also."

All of that is outweighed by Agent Orange? And that negates the fact that we would have been out of Vietnam in fall of 1965 and that would have saved the lives of about 4 million people? And 1.7 million in Cambodia?

This is why I left Pacifica, and I now call Chomsky and his crew the loony left. And I don't listen to Amy Goodman. BTW, its an interesting story how she hijacked the Pacifica donor list.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Btw, I have to add Phil:

Its not enough that Kennedy was the only guy in the room arguing against combat troops in November 1961.

Its not enough he told McNamara to begin a withdrawal program in 1962.

Its not enough that McNamara was executing the withdrawal program in May of 1963.

Its not enough that Kennedy had Prouty and Krulak write the McNamara Taylor report in September of 1963 so he could base NSAM 263 on it.

Its not enough that Kennedy then rammed NSAM 263 through his advisors in October of 1963.

Its not enough that he then had McNamara go and tell the press about it, and told him on the way out, "that means the helicopter pilots also."

All of that is outweighed by Agent Orange? And that negates the fact that we would have been out of Vietnam in fall of 1965 and that would have saved the lives of about 4 million people? And 1.7 million in Cambodia?

This is why I left Pacifica, and I now call Chomsky and his crew the loony left. And I don't listen to Amy Goodman. BTW, its an interesting story how she hijacked the Pacifica donor list.

I don't know if the problem is they know all that stuff and its not enough for then or that they just don't know because they don't bother to read anything new on the subject or they've already made up their minds about Kennedy and don't want to be confused by the facts. I used to get into some comment wars on those sites but I rarely bother any more because its like arguing with a brick wall. Its really a shame because the one guy the Democrats have had in the past 50+ years that really tried to fight the MIC and corporate/Wall St establishment, and got his head blown off because of it, is tarred by false mythology (JFK's quote on mythology being worse than lies was quite prescient) while liberal Dems cry rivers over Hillary Clinton.

I haven't heard the story about Goodman and the donor list. I'll have to look into that one.

I was really kind of stunned by that Faurisson story once I read a few articles about it.

There is a good web site called The Chomsky Hoax that has some very good articles about the whole Faurisson affair on it. I would have never been able to write my piece without it.

How Chomsky's followers discount this, and Cambodia, just amazes me.

You were in France at that time?
I should add, this is the number one rated article at right now.

I am gratified by that.

The more people who learn the whole story about this guy the better for us all.

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