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The New Releases
This has not been handled very well in a number of ways.

First, why was the date moved up to July from late October?

Especially why was it moved up if they were not ready? Because they have released documents which are still being withheld in full. Plus there are King documents in the batches. And some withheld documents are not being released yet.

Secondly, it is pretty clear that many of these should not have been withheld at all. They are not legally exempted. The exemptions as I understood them were dealing with an agent in place, or an ongoing operation. Many of these documents cannot claim that. The ARRB is not looking good right now.
Wow! You have no idea how much I really needed to take a break, I suppose no one read what I wrote a few years ago about this, as folks probably don't read much of what I write anyways, that's okay, you're forgiven.

Don't blame the AARB when I've already said don't expect these documents to be released, the sooner everyone can accept that the sooner you can keep digging for answers. The one thing I do know is that the SENSITIVE documents that were released they probably thought no one would find them, someone did, the facts to what happened is already out, you just want to keep making a big stink about it, hey... look, I've really never had a full blown conversation with any researcher about this except for interviews I did and answers I gave to their silly questions, and please don't ask what were the questions if they don't even understand the answers.

Fact is, a few years ago I said they're not going to release the rest of what needs to be released, it's just not going to happen, perhaps, a few may tickle out here and there, but that's it!

If I can't even get the REST of my father's FILES do you honestly believe you're gonna get what you want just because of an ACT drawn up in 92? Don't forget, there's also clauses in that act to prevent those files from ever seeing the light of day...

This reminds me of what my father use to say, "you can wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up faster."
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:This has not been handled very well in a number of ways.

First, why was the date moved up to July from late October?

Especially why was it moved up if they were not ready? Because they have released documents which are still being withheld in full. Plus there are King documents in the batches. And some withheld documents are not being released yet.

Secondly, it is pretty clear that many of these should not have been withheld at all. They are not legally exempted. The exemptions as I understood them were dealing with an agent in place, or an ongoing operation. Many of these documents cannot claim that. The ARRB is not looking good right now.

The sum of all fears is slowly rearing its ugly head. One step forward, two steps backward. IMO that's been the predictable strategic ploy all along, a "limited hangout" dose of non-consequential crumbs amid a crafty smoke-screen of legitimacy.

It's too bad that men like Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, etc. aren't available in this modern age to take a certain Agency to task about the proper ranking of the People versus the State.

Your keen observations, Mr. DiEugenio, regarding the curious move up date; the sprinkling of King documents in the batches; and the realization that what's being "released" does not even bear any significance anyway is indicative of someone not so easily fooled.

Their self-serving tactics only serve to further incriminate the real culprits behind the coup d'état carried out on Friday, November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas.
Mr. Kaiser makes a legitimate point at the built in clauses that may prevent some revealing revelations from ever seeing the light of day. Sadly, the Langley Liars are "investigating" themselves... f#$%!@ clowns.
I mentioned this in the other thread -

The document titled


is represented by just a single page,
Document Withdrawal Notice, Release Delayed Pending Coordination.

Anthony Thorne Wrote:I mentioned this in the other thread -

The document titled


is represented by just a single page,
Document Withdrawal Notice, Release Delayed Pending Coordination.

After you've learned it was Richard Poyle. I will still accept your quite, yet humble apology, it's just that some of us are one step ahead.
Alan Ford Wrote:
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:This has not been handled very well in a number of ways.

First, why was the date moved up to July from late October?

Especially why was it moved up if they were not ready? Because they have released documents which are still being withheld in full. Plus there are King documents in the batches. And some withheld documents are not being released yet.

Secondly, it is pretty clear that many of these should not have been withheld at all. They are not legally exempted. The exemptions as I understood them were dealing with an agent in place, or an ongoing operation. Many of these documents cannot claim that. The ARRB is not looking good right now.

The sum of all fears is slowly rearing its ugly head. One step forward, two steps backward. IMO that's been the predictable strategic ploy all along, a "limited hangout" dose of non-consequential crumbs amid a crafty smoke-screen of legitimacy.

It's too bad that men like Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, etc. aren't available in this modern age to take a certain Agency to task about the proper ranking of the People versus the State.

Your keen observations, Mr. DiEugenio, regarding the curious move up date; the sprinkling of King documents in the batches; and the realization that what's being "released" does not even bear any significance anyway is indicative of someone not so easily fooled.

Their self-serving tactics only serve to further incriminate the real culprits behind the coup d'état carried out on Friday, November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas.
Mr. Kaiser makes a legitimate point at the built in clauses that may prevent some revealing revelations from ever seeing the light of day. Sadly, the Langley Liars are "investigating" themselves... f#$%!@ clowns.

This is true Mon'Amie.
No doubt, Mr. Kaiser

Sadly, there are just too many decent and honourable researchers stateside and around the world who deserve so MUCH better than having their intelligence insulted any further.

Where was the populace when these madmen lurking in the shadows stole our once free Republic? Were we all asleep? Or, simply too trusting of our institutions? A combination of both?

Release the Files already! IF you serve the People, then serve them openly & in a transparent manner. When did the State trump the People?! Enough! already. CIA (Chicken smit, Illegitimate public servants, Assassination cover up experts extraordinaire). F%$#!@ clowns.
Quote:Sadly, there are just too many decent and honourable researchers stateside and around the world who deserve so MUCH better than having their intelligence insulted any further.

Again, I agree mon ami, even my little gray cells have exhausted their stay. It was time for a break so that evidence can be found, Diaz wasn't the only one that Cuesta told about what happened in Texas. Poyle was also very much well aware of all the information, he certainly played his part. Imagine that, he even stayed beneath the floor of Santo to make sure he knew very little, he even shared a cell with Cuesta no one knew about, like the others and what they would say. "I didn't know that" what part did Poyle play you ask? He was the mystery man in that city no one knew about, much like the sixth burglar everyone heard of, but no one knew. You see mon ami even the sixth man knew what Poyle did, and why Pawley got involved, and so it has been told mon ami that even that agency fully aware of it's actions would say they do not condone the actions of others, and so the cover-up began. But! They did help to exfiltrate them from Dallas that day (14) in total and this I know to be a fact! Now that more facts have been discovered it makes the story quite clear wouldn't you say mon ami?

Do not let this post confuse you, it is not meant to be so.

Have a good day mon ami.
There are times, Mr. Kaiser, when I wonder if even the folks involved had no idea how big or complex the full reach of those lurking in the shadows pulling the strings extended. The words of J. Lee Rankin, the former General Counsel of the Warren Commission, aptly noting the curious dynamics surrounding the institutions charged with "investigating" themselves ---->

"It just raises doubt about the way our government has been conducted and the fact that it seems to be more important to people that they protect their particular agency or bureau than their own country...." -- 1976 Senate Select Committee hearing

Years earlier, in an televised interview, President Kennedy's Vice-President (Lyndon Johnson) echoed the above sentiments, even intimating that the wrongfully accused was MUCH more than a loner ----> "But he was quite a mysteries fellow and he did have connections that bore examination and the extent of the influence of those connections on him, I think history will deal with much more than we're able to now."

Even Mr. Johnson suspected it would take considerable time for those still employing stalling tactics down to this day to eventually come clean.

At least Mr. Eugenio and Mr. Newman, in their scheduled joint presentation later this Fall, will shed some light on those connections and the extent of the same, entitled "The JFK Assassination: Unveiling the New Documents"...

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9166&stc=1]

Enjoy your day, Mr. Kaiser, appreciate the exchange sir.

#!%&#@ Langley Liars Club


Attached Files
.jpg   AFJFK PresentationOrSeminarBatchDiEugenioAndNewman.jpg (Size: 101.26 KB / Downloads: 29)
My letter to Martha Murphy and John Mathis at NARA:

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