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The Crimes of Quillette
Mark A. O'Blazney Wrote:
Tom Scully Wrote:
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:But I am at a loss to explain how you fell for Carpenter. This is a guy who writes for Max Holland. I stopped reading his book when I saw how he covered up the military record of Thrasher who Shaw worked for.

And that is not all. Carpenter ignores the cover up within the CIA about Shaw's contract agent status. ....

I no longer see continuity in the Garrison Investigation debate.For example, Jim, what would you say to Nicholas B Lemann in a debate, considering his family ties?
If Garrison had been transparent with Joan Mellen or his autobigraphy editor Zachary Sklar, either would have been empowered
to call out Nicholas B Lemann for what he is....a useful idiot or an agenda driven professional disiformationalist with no relationship to ethical journalism. Lemann obviously had no fear of Garrison disclosure.:

The Rise and Fall of Big Jim G.


By Nicholas Lemann, [B]February 6, 1974 ....

Expanding on my last post, first with author Joan Mellen's take on the Lemann and Baldwin influence on the Garrison Investigation. I disagree that it is settled
that David Baldwin was the source William R Martin described having lunch with, resulting in Martin's memeo of 24 May, 1967, to NODA Jim Garrison.:

[Image: StephenLemannBaldwinMellen.jpg]

[Image: LemannWDSUFCC022067.jpg]

Stephen B Lemann's brother is Thomas Lemann, father of Nicholas B. Lemann. The stepmother of Stephen and Thomas Lemann was Mildred Crumb Lyons Lemann.
Her daughter, also named Mildred Lyons, was stepsister of Stephen and Thomas Lemann after her mother married their father Monte Lemann in 1947.
In 1945, Mildred Lyons married David Baldwin. (See first article image inthis post...)

Considering until 2015 no one ever publicly revealed that David Baldwin was a first cousin of Garrison's wife, Liz Ziegler, or that Anti-Garrison attack dog Nicholas Lemann's
step-aunt Mildred Lyons Baldwin was the wife of David Baldwin, readers should think twice about Stephen Roy's (aka Blackburst's) attempt to trivialize relationships deliberately
concealed by both Garrison and Shaw, and by lack of disclosure of Nicholas B Lemann.

[Image: StephenRoyCarpenter021316a.jpg]

Monday 12/30/1991Journalist Nicholas Lemann, movie critic David Denby, and co-screenwriter Zachary Sklar debate Oliver Stone's movie "JFK"
as well as the facts surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Quote:03:14Nicholas Lemann: this case, what the movie is really about, the center storyof the movie, the star who's on this screen the whole time isKevin Costner playing Jim Garrison.I am a non-fan of Jim Garrison.Jim Garrison did the worst thing a public official can do, whichis use the power of the state to take a man who was innocent andwho I think he knew was innocent and put him ontrial, charge himwith a crime to make a larger point about society.That's exactly what Joe McCarthy did andwitch hunters throughouthistory did.
04:30Charlie Rose: And if you were doing that, how can you tell the truth? Here's a man who's a reporter from--04:37Zachary Sklar: I don't agree with what he just said.04:39Charlie Rose:That Jim Garrison put Clay Shaw on, knowing thathe did not have the facts to convict him?

Garrison's name and the name Mrs Harry Raworth, the mother of David and Edward Baldwin, appear in the 1968 obit of Harold Ziegler, father-in-law of Jim Garrison.:
[Image: HaroldZieglerObit072768.jpg]

"They" still don't get it, do they, Tom? What hath Oliver wrought? And why is his progeny over on the RT side? 2019 shall be the year of the cyberwars. But you didn't hear it from me, see?

Your turn, Jim (that's DiEugenio, not Garrison). Janney described Tom Scully as a "DiEugenio protege'" in his later diatribes concerning Ms. Pease's rather long response to Peter's tome. No doubt that Tom is ruffling many feathers in the highest bloodlines of this affair. Hope you have the courage to change your perspective in 'l'affaire Garrison', and that today finds you well in the City of Angels.
Tom Scully Wrote:Jim, your ass kissing of the past few days in support of the handpicked successor of the guy who made special exceptions
of both of us....
circumventing the rather democratic disciplinary deliberation process he himself instituted and once took
pride your case resulting in your banning with no prewarning steps formerly accorded to even the likes of Morrow and
Rago, along with intentional deletion of at least 4500 of your posts is a sight to observe. You had your reasons for going back
there after such abuse, related I assume to your assessment of your own best interests. However, your defense of the thin
skinned, revised price of participation there is beyond the pale.

Only if you think access to an internet forum owned by a private citizen is a right and not a privilege.

Greg Burnham banned me from his forum, deep sixing some really good stuff. I don't beef. If I lost anything it was because I foolishly failed to back it up.

Same thing when Dave Reitzes got booted from the Ed Forum late '13. Thread gone, didn't back it up valuable posts?...Oh well...I refused to decry a transgression of free speech when Tom Scully said I oughta.

Following the 2016 election I came close to getting kicked off Deep Politics. Wouldn't have beefed if I had. Lots of people are put off by my stuff and I spend few winter eves sweatin' over it.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:Tom, I like you personally and I think you usually do good work and I defended you when people were attacking your approach at EF.

But I am at a loss to explain how you fell for Carpenter. This is a guy who writes for Max Holland.....


I'll Do the Thinning Around Here, Baba Looey


Well, enough time has passed now to reliably observe that Jim did a "drive by" on me. (Imagine how different this might have gone down if he did not like me....)

Isn't another way of saying what Jim conveyed to me?
Quote:Tom, I like you personally.... unfortunately you are stupid enough to fall for the pronouncements of Max Holland's lackey, Donald Carpenter...

"Shooting the messenger" is a metaphoric phrase used to describe the act of blaming the bearer of bad news.
Until the advent of modern telecommunication, messages were usually delivered by human envoys. For example, in war, a messenger would be sent from one camp to another. If the message was unfitting, the receiver might blame the messenger for such bad news and take their anger out on them.....

Anybody else discern a double meaning in Edward Baldwin's televised aside to his first cousin's, Liz Ziegler's husband, Jim Garrison?

Unredacted Episode 1: Transcript of Interview with Joan Mellen
Joan Mellen is the author of A Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFK's Assassination, and the Case That Should Have Changed History. This interview was conducted on 22 Feb 2006.
.......JOAN: when Baldwin was present, he was a CIA asset, his brother worked for the International Trade Mart and Clay Shaw, David Baldwin, and these, these are CIA people. Malcolm O'Hara is sitting there he doesn't know what hit him and eventually Strate did not cooperate, and he went up there, and he attacked Sheridan of course, Sheridan had immunity nothing anyone could say about Sheridan whether in court, affidavits signed against Sheridan, Sheridan had immunity as a National Security Agency asset, cleared for FBI work, cleared for CIA work, working for the Department of Justice -…....
[Image: BaldwinEdwardGurvichJimsGotAfamily_1of2.jpg]
[Image: BaldwinEdwardGurvichJimsGotAfamily_2of2.jpg]

Pretty slow activity here lately. Summer doldrums. Lots more readers than posters.

Lotsa clamoring by late 1966 to reopen the Warren "investigation".... not so much after the Clay Shaw trial and verdict,
"brought to you by" one family... the matriarch of which was Mrs. Monte Lemann, aka Mildred Crumb Lemann...
Mildred had two stepsons, Stephen B Lemann and Thomas B Lemann. Thomas's son is Nicholas B. Lemann. Mildred had a daughter,
also named Mildred, AKA Mrs. David Baldwin. David had a brother. Edward Baldwin... The Baldwin brothers' mother was Mrs. Harry (nee Adele Xiegler) Raworth....
Quote:[URL=""]Zachary Sklar Charlie Rose
[/URL][URL=""] › guests

Lists all of Zachary Sklar's appearances on the Charlie Rose program on ... Nicholas [B]Lemann[/B], David Denby, and Zachary Sklar debate Oliver Stone's movie ...

Tom Scully Wrote:.....
Garrison's name and the name Mrs Harry Raworth, the mother of David and Edward Baldwin, appear in the 1968 obit of Harold Ziegler, father-in-law of Jim Garrison.:
[Image: GarrisonHaroldZieglerObit.jpg]
Jim DiEugenio's reaction to these troubling relations comes down to publicly dismissing me as an unwitting, Max Holland stooge. I guess that'll teach me (AND OTHERS) not to unearth and present inconvenient facts!!
Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.

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