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Bloomfield / Osborne
I was interviewed yesterday by Len Osanic from Black Ops radio about my recent court case regarding the Bloomfield collection at Library and Archives Canada and a story I wrote about Albert Osborne a few years ago. If anyone is interested in listening to it, the link is below.
Mr. Kowalski:

Just finished listening to your terrific interview on black ops radio. I have the following comments, observations and questions:

1. You state that Bloomfield knew the Rothschilds. How did he happen to know them and was there any correspondence with them? And there presumably was, so what was it about?

2. You state that Bloomfield knew Prince Bernard of the Netherlands. Same questions in re Prince Bernard.

3. Bloomfield was a member of the Sonneborn group. This group arranged for Israel to get the atomic bomb. Was there any correspondence with this group or any of its members such as General Julius Klein?

4. Was there any correspondence with General Julius Klein, the Jewish War Veterans, General John B. Medaris or any others in that group?

5. Was there any corresondence with Roy Cohn? How about with any German expatriates like Wernher von Braun? I would almost bet five bucks that Bloomfield and Cohn were associates or at least close acquaintances.

6. You casually mentioned that Bloomfield corresponded with George H W Bush. Why was he doing that? What did he write about?

7. I agree with you that Ferenc Nagy was not a fascist or necessarily a spy for the CIA or anyone, but he was very, very likely involved in fomenting the Hungarian Uprising in 1956. That was claimed by the Soviet press at the time and is almost a slam dunk as being the truth. Were there any direct letters between Ferenc Nagy and Bloomfield and if so, of what nature?

8. Jim Garrison did not mention Permindex in his first book "Heritage of Stone" in 1969 but he did mention Permindex in "On The Trail of the Assassins" written in 1988. Was there any mention of Permindex in the 1967-1969 Clay Shaw investigation and trial that you know of? You talked a lot about that in the interview, ie. Garrison's beliefs about Permindex.

9. If someone is personally acquainted with Prince Bernard and the Rothschild's, and he is one of 20 members of the Sonneborn group and he is heavily involved with the Permindex company, and his files are locked up for fifty years, then where there's smoke, there's fire. A person would probably conclude that Bloomfield was so well connected, that he probably gave orders to the CIA rather than taking orders from them. That's not being a CIA asset, but what's the difference?

10. Is there any information about Bloomfield and the FBI internal security function? Specifically, the DISC (domestic internal security command)?

11. Did Bloomfield correspond with J Edgar Hoover? Was there any truth to the allegations that he and Hoover were closely associated due to their mutual gay lifestyles?

12. Was there any correspondence with any people like Clay Shaw who, (like Hoover and Shaw), seemingly capitalized on their gay connections as it fit together with intelligence work?

13. Since you mentioned letters to George H W Bush, which other famous people did Bloomfield correspond with?

14. Since Bloomfield's widow is still living, do you have to tread on thin ice regarding her cooperation with your work (or non-cooperation)?

15. Permindex was allegedly kicked out of Italy for trying to reinstate the Monarchy there. Was Bloomfield involved with Prince Bernard and UK intelligence due to any monarchist leanings or special monarchist skills and talents? (I am in the middle of watching "The Crown" on Netflix (?) and I could easily see Bloomfield fitting into that scene).

16. Is there anything else you thought of after the interview that you wished you could have been asked about or forgot to mention?

The interview was extremely professional and credible and did great justice to your efforts and the JFK research mission in general.

Thanks for that!

James Lateer
Hi James:

Below is the answer to your questions and a letter from Bloomfield to Edmond de Rothschild and a letter to Nagy.

1. You state that Bloomfield knew the Rothschilds. How did he happen to know them and was there any correspondence with them? And there presumably was, so what was it about?

He met them through a man named Priester, who Bloomfield brought to Canada in 1940. Bloomfield states that he is friends with some of the Rothschilds and had acted for them. By acting, I am assuming that he did legal work for them. Attached is a letter to the Rothschilds concerning a company called Promotex.

2. You state that Bloomfield knew Prince Bernard of the Netherlands. Same questions in re Prince Bernard.

Do not know how they met and do not have any of their letters but Prince Bernhard was connected to the World Wildlife Fund and Bloomfield was also donated papers about the WWF.

3. Bloomfield was a member of the Sonneborn group. This group arranged for Israel to get the atomic bomb. Was there any correspondence with this group or any of its members such as General Julius Klein?

Do not have anything for Klein or Sonneborn group.

4. Was there any correspondence with General Julius Klein, the Jewish War Veterans, General John B. Medaris or any others in that group?


5. Was there any corresondence with Roy Cohn? How about with any German expatriates like Wernher von Braun? I would almost bet five bucks that Bloomfield and Cohn were associates or at least close acquaintances.


6. You casually mentioned that Bloomfield corresponded with George H W Bush. Why was he doing that? What did he write about?

Appendix 9 of my book review on Knnedys and King has all of his letters to Bush.

7. I agree with you that Ferenc Nagy was not a fascist or necessarily a spy for the CIA or anyone, but he was very, very likely involved in fomenting the Hungarian Uprising in 1956.
That was claimed by the Soviet press at the time and is almost a slam dunk as being the truth. Were there any direct letters between Ferenc Nagy and Bloomfield and if so, of what nature?

Ferenc Nagy was a CIA asset and offered Permindex as a front company for the CIA. Attached is a letter from Bloomfield to Nagy.

8. Jim Garrison did not mention Permindex in his first book "Heritage of Stone" in 1969 but he did mention Permindex in "On The Trail of the Assassins" written in 1988. Was there any mention of Permindex in the 1967-1969 Clay Shaw investigation and trial that you know of? You talked a lot about that in the interview, ie. Garrison's beliefs about Permindex.

"On the Trail of the Assassins" does not devote much space to Bloomfield which suggests that Garrison may not have been too interested in him. Much has been written about Garrison's attempt to subpoena people to testify at trial but I have not seen any evidence that he tried to question Bloomfield.

9. If someone is personally acquainted with Prince Bernard and the Rothschild's, and he is one of 20 members of the Sonneborn group and he is heavily involved with the Permindex company, and his files are locked up for fifty years, then where there's smoke, there's fire. A person would probably conclude that Bloomfield was so well connected, that he probably gave orders to the CIA rather than taking orders from them. That's not being a CIA asset, but what's the difference?

Bloomfield did not give orders to anyone in the CIA. He is well connected and knows many wealthy people but this does not mean that he is involved in intelligence operations.

10. Is there any information about Bloomfield and the FBI internal security function? Specifically, the DISC (domestic internal security command)?


11. Did Bloomfield correspond with J Edgar Hoover? Was there any truth to the allegations that he and Hoover were closely associated due to their mutual gay lifestyles?


12. Was there any correspondence with any people like Clay Shaw who, (like Hoover and Shaw), seemingly capitalized on their gay connections as it fit together with intelligence work?


13. Since you mentioned letters to George H W Bush, which other famous people did Bloomfield correspond with?

Canadian political figures such as John Diefenbaker.

14. Since Bloomfield's widow is still living, do you have to tread on thin ice regarding her cooperation with your work (or non-cooperation)?

Have not been able to confirm if she is still alive but if she is I am not concerned.

15. Permindex was allegedly kicked out of Italy for trying to reinstate the Monarchy there. Was Bloomfield involved with Prince Bernard and UK intelligence due to any monarchist leanings or special monarchist skills and talents? (I am in the middle of watching "The Crown" on Netflix (?) and I could easily see Bloomfield fitting into that scene).

Have no evidence that he was involved with UK intelligence but Bloomfield was a conservative so he may have supported a constitutional monarchy.

16. Is there anything else you thought of after the interview that you wished you could have been asked about or forgot to mention?


Attached Files
.jpg   Rothschild.jpg (Size: 1.64 MB / Downloads: 4)
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John, I listened to you on BlackOpRadio and while I think your research and legal action is interesting, you seem to give Bloomfield a little to much 'of a pass' as not being a CIA [or other intel agency] lawyer. His connections alone puts him into that box IMHO, yet you seem to see 'no smoking gun'. He obviously destroyed or had his classified papers placed elsewhere, and not put in the library/archive. He knew and communicated with a lot of fascists and fascist groups who in turn had connections to intel agencies. You don't get to do that without clearance. It always struck me as strange that someone in the Montreal area was peripherally involved in the major assassinations. Just as there are approved 'CIA doctors' and 'CIA shrinks', there are 'CIA lawyers' and yes, they also do non-CIA legal work, but have clearances to do 'stuff' as needed with people in the 'Dark World' as needed. Everything about him seems to fit that m.o. and description....right down to placing a 20 year hold on release of his vetted papers. His knowing Osborne, to site just one example, is a coincidence too far. Nagy another, CMC and Permindex over the line - and when taken together with other people and organizations, beyond the pale. IMO.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
John: I just read some (IMHO) ignorant posts on education forum maligning your efforts in the Bloomfield case. Your critics (excluding Mr. Lemkin) are "mind-reading" in regards to your motives or the authenticity of your work. That is a very bad character flaw and Senator Joseph McCarthy was the all-time best "mind-reader" and a jerk, too (IMHO).

I would compare your approach (with which I am totally in agreement), to that of Donald H. Carpenter in his research of Clay Shaw in his book Man of a Million Fragments. Carpenter just kept to the facts in the papers of Shaw.

I know you have to be extremely conservative in any conclusions you draw because that is just what you have to do when delving through personal papers in an archive. My only comparable experience with that was going through the 110 file folders of James Dombrowski at the Wisconsin Historical Society on behalf of Dr. Jeffrey Caufield (who wrote the book General Walker...). If you want the cooperation of the archivists, you can't just peddle paranoid beliefs based on their papers. Plus, the papers tend to speak for themselves.

Salting in wild claims just detracts from the import of the papers in the (narrow) minds of the readers. That said, I would suggest that you seek any and all information from followers about what might be in the papers which might point you in a valuable direction.

In the following link, you will find mention of the Sonneborn group which is set out the book The Bomb In The Basement by Michael Karpin. The book mentions Samuel Zachs as a fellow member of the Sonneborn Group as well as Bloomfield. The Sonneborn group, although organized in New York, described itself as an "international" group (because it also included some prominent Canadians).

IMHO this arrangement is pretty much unique. I can't think of any other such group combining Canadians and Americans. And I am familiar with quite a few pseudo-intelligence groups like the Anti-Bolshevik Nations group, etc. etc.etc. which involved people like Judge Robert Morris and Senate staffer David M. Martin (and the American Security Council).

The question is did you find any correspondence with Samuel Zachs? And more important, what papers did you find regarding any membership or cooperation with international Zionist groups wishing to support Israel?

Bloomfield's activities in the Sonneborn group seems to lend credibility to the Dope, Inc. and Lyndon LaRouche material when they connect Bloomfield to Zionist activities. Personally, I think that the LaRouche information is CIA disinformation and I have a detailed chapter in my book The Three Barons which explains the connection between LaRouche and the JFK disinformation activity and CIA disinformation.

Reading between the lines, your extensive discussion of Albert Osborne (when you suggested your suspicion that he might have been a spy for the UK) seems to be a back-door way of suggesting that Bloomfield was possibly a UK spy. Or at least that's the way it came across to me.

Canada had no intelligence agency until June of 1984. Therefore, internal security matters in the WWII era and the 1950's and 1960's were handled by the RCMP. So then you have the question of whether there was any correspondence from Bloomfield to or from the RCMP, especially regarding fascists, communists, etc.?

Regarding the WWII North American internal security problem, there are two excellent books by Raymond Batvinis. He describes in detail the cooperation at the highest level in WWII between J Edgar Hoover and the RCMP. It would seem to me that Bloomfield would have surely had a role in North American internal security, especially when one reads the book about (UK spy) William Stephenson and the BSC. Of course, Stephenson had 300 employees in the US during WWII, but he took all of his records to Canada and burned them after WWII.

The education forum people refer to a Bloomfield letter involving Isadore G Alk who had a background in "Trading With The Enemy" issues. That also points to Bloomfield working on North American internal security in the WWII period. That would also tend to connect Bloomfield to the I G Farben lawsuit involving JFK, RFK and the brother-in-law, the fascist-connected Prince Radziwill.

As I mention in The Three Barons, there is information from Thomas Purvis on the internet which connects Clay Shaw to the IG Farben Case. It was by far the biggest "Trading With The Enemy" case at that time. And of course you also have Prescott Bush involved in "Trading With The Enemy" activity in the WWII era.

Please continue keeping Deep Politics Forum up-to-date on your latest discoveries. You are at the forefront of JFK assassination discoveries right now (IMHO).

James Lateer
John: I just read the two letters you attached above--they sent chills down my spine.

First, the request for a confirmation for the Amsterdam Overseas Corporation shows that Bloomfield represented that firm and the AOC owed money to the Rothschilds.

Bloomfield also represented Heinekins Breweries. The long-time CEO of Heinekins was Dirk Stikker, who published his memoir Men of Responsibility which is a great read. Stikker was Secretary-General of NATO when NATO people murdered JFK (IMHO).

In the Rothschild letter, Bloomfield talks about "Bernard". That really, really creeped me out. Bernard, of course, was Prince Bernard of the Netherlands who founded the Bilderburg Group and was a former SS Officer from the 1930's.

In World War II, Bernard and his wife Queen Juliana were the royal family of the Netherlands and spent World War II in exile in Canada. Obviously, they were involved personally with Bloomfield because he calls the former "Bernard" almost like he was family.

When I googled Amsterdam Overseas Corporation, I got the bio of G. Peter Fleck who was a Rothschild-employed banker and who was involved with financing Texas Instruments, Litton Industries and Federal Express. He was a "trusted advisor" of the Rothschilds.

Like I have said before, Bloomfield was obviously so well-connected that he would be giving orders to the CIA, not taking orders from them. IMHO, the Rothschilds and the Bilderburgs and their associates are the ones who give the marching orders to the U.S. National Security State a/k/a "The Deep State".

James Lateer
Peter Lemkin Wrote:John, I listened to you on BlackOpRadio and while I think your research and legal action is interesting, you seem to give Bloomfield a little to much 'of a pass' as not being a CIA [or other intel agency] lawyer. His connections alone puts him into that box IMHO, yet you seem to see 'no smoking gun'. He obviously destroyed or had his classified papers placed elsewhere, and not put in the library/archive. He knew and communicated with a lot of fascists and fascist groups who in turn had connections to intel agencies. You don't get to do that without clearance. It always struck me as strange that someone in the Montreal area was peripherally involved in the major assassinations. Just as there are approved 'CIA doctors' and 'CIA shrinks', there are 'CIA lawyers' and yes, they also do non-CIA legal work, but have clearances to do 'stuff' as needed with people in the 'Dark World' as needed. Everything about him seems to fit that m.o. and description....right down to placing a 20 year hold on release of his vetted papers. His knowing Osborne, to site just one example, is a coincidence too far. Nagy another, CMC and Permindex over the line - and when taken together with other people and organizations, beyond the pale. IMO.


I agree that Bloomfield was associated with 2 companies, Permindex and CMC, that were both connected to the CIA and to fascists. But I am not convinced that Bloomfield himself, had anything to do with any wrong doing these companies were involved in. He was hired by some shareholders to look after their interests. How do we know that he was involved in any of these company's more nefarious activities? He is guilty by association only. The accusations against Bloomfield are rooted in Garrison's investigation of Clay Shaw, and his suspicion about Bloomfield and Permindex are sourced from an article in Le Devoir and Italian media. The Le Devoir article that mentions Bloomfield does not even get his name right, he spells his name L.H. Blumfield, not L.M. Bloomfield. The article states that he was with the OSS, what is his source for this information? The article, written in French, is attached. I did not translate it but it would be interesting to find out if the author provides a source for his information about Bloomfield being with the OSS.

Attached Files
.pdf   Le Devoir Mar 16 67.pdf (Size: 185.71 KB / Downloads: 2)
James Lateer Wrote:John: I just read some (IMHO) ignorant posts on education forum maligning your efforts in the Bloomfield case. Your critics (excluding Mr. Lemkin) are "mind-reading" in regards to your motives or the authenticity of your work. That is a very bad character flaw and Senator Joseph McCarthy was the all-time best "mind-reader" and a jerk, too (IMHO).

I would compare your approach (with which I am totally in agreement), to that of Donald H. Carpenter in his research of Clay Shaw in his book Man of a Million Fragments. Carpenter just kept to the facts in the papers of Shaw.

I know you have to be extremely conservative in any conclusions you draw because that is just what you have to do when delving through personal papers in an archive. My only comparable experience with that was going through the 110 file folders of James Dombrowski at the Wisconsin Historical Society on behalf of Dr. Jeffrey Caufield (who wrote the book General Walker...). If you want the cooperation of the archivists, you can't just peddle paranoid beliefs based on their papers. Plus, the papers tend to speak for themselves.

Salting in wild claims just detracts from the import of the papers in the (narrow) minds of the readers. That said, I would suggest that you seek any and all information from followers about what might be in the papers which might point you in a valuable direction.

In the following link, you will find mention of the Sonneborn group which is set out the book The Bomb In The Basement by Michael Karpin. The book mentions Samuel Zachs as a fellow member of the Sonneborn Group as well as Bloomfield. The Sonneborn group, although organized in New York, described itself as an "international" group (because it also included some prominent Canadians).

IMHO this arrangement is pretty much unique. I can't think of any other such group combining Canadians and Americans. And I am familiar with quite a few pseudo-intelligence groups like the Anti-Bolshevik Nations group, etc. etc.etc. which involved people like Judge Robert Morris and Senate staffer David M. Martin (and the American Security Council).

The question is did you find any correspondence with Samuel Zachs? And more important, what papers did you find regarding any membership or cooperation with international Zionist groups wishing to support Israel?

Bloomfield's activities in the Sonneborn group seems to lend credibility to the Dope, Inc. and Lyndon LaRouche material when they connect Bloomfield to Zionist activities. Personally, I think that the LaRouche information is CIA disinformation and I have a detailed chapter in my book The Three Barons which explains the connection between LaRouche and the JFK disinformation activity and CIA disinformation.

Reading between the lines, your extensive discussion of Albert Osborne (when you suggested your suspicion that he might have been a spy for the UK) seems to be a back-door way of suggesting that Bloomfield was possibly a UK spy. Or at least that's the way it came across to me.

Canada had no intelligence agency until June of 1984. Therefore, internal security matters in the WWII era and the 1950's and 1960's were handled by the RCMP. So then you have the question of whether there was any correspondence from Bloomfield to or from the RCMP, especially regarding fascists, communists, etc.?

Regarding the WWII North American internal security problem, there are two excellent books by Raymond Batvinis. He describes in detail the cooperation at the highest level in WWII between J Edgar Hoover and the RCMP. It would seem to me that Bloomfield would have surely had a role in North American internal security, especially when one reads the book about (UK spy) William Stephenson and the BSC. Of course, Stephenson had 300 employees in the US during WWII, but he took all of his records to Canada and burned them after WWII.

The education forum people refer to a Bloomfield letter involving Isadore G Alk who had a background in "Trading With The Enemy" issues. That also points to Bloomfield working on North American internal security in the WWII period. That would also tend to connect Bloomfield to the I G Farben lawsuit involving JFK, RFK and the brother-in-law, the fascist-connected Prince Radziwill.

As I mention in The Three Barons, there is information from Thomas Purvis on the internet which connects Clay Shaw to the IG Farben Case. It was by far the biggest "Trading With The Enemy" case at that time. And of course you also have Prescott Bush involved in "Trading With The Enemy" activity in the WWII era.

Please continue keeping Deep Politics Forum up-to-date on your latest discoveries. You are at the forefront of JFK assassination discoveries right now (IMHO).

James Lateer


Thank you for your kind comments about my work. There is someone on the Education Forum who has made some nasty comments about me but I will not let that stop me from posting my views.

Am very careful about what I say and I prefer to let the documents speak for themselves. There is a lot of information out there about JFK's assassination but not all of it is true.

There is not much correspondence between Bloomfield and the RCMP except for his complaint about Larouche, and I did not see any letters addressed to Samuel Zacks.

Have made a note of the books you mentioned and am especially interested in the one about RCMP and the FBI. When NARA released its documents in 2017 I was saw a lot of requests for information sent from the FBI to the RCMP. I have also requested all of the RCMP JFK investigative files. The files they sent me were small in number so no doubt they held back many of them.

Bloomfield's collection does have material pertaining to a number of Zionist and Jewish organizations. Do not have copies of these documents.

The Bernard that Bloomfield is referring to in the letter is not prince Bernhard but his brother Bernard.

How was James Dombrowski associated with the Walker shooting?

Attached is a copy of the archives finding aid for the Bloomfield collection. Thought that you might find it interesting because it provides the names of many organizations he was connected to.

Attached Files
.pdf   Finding Aid.pdf (Size: 119.28 KB / Downloads: 2)
Mr. Kowalski--thanks for the index--wrong Bernard--how embarassing--that will teach me--got to be more circumspect and conservative in connecting dots. More to follow.

James Lateer

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