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Collins Radio Connection to JFK Assassination - Bill Kelly (revised)
In a graduate level business class in 1975 at Iowa, the professor identified to our class a man who he described as the would-be heir to the Collins Radio company. But the problem was that Collins Radio had recently been sold to Rockwell International.

The professor expressed his admiration for this guy because he was bold enough to wish to work for Collins even though his family had sold out. He suggested that the guy would face some rough sledding, maybe taking s*** from former enemies of his family due to "office politics".

According to one web-site, Michael Collins, the son of Arthur Collins worked for Collins from 1964 to 1967. Michael Collins was born in 1943, so he would have been 32 years old in 1975 (if he were the same person as I recall). Collins Radio was sold to Rockwell International in 1973. The younger Collins (if it were him) would have been working toward an MBA.

I'm not sure why the owner of Collins Radio, Arthur Collins, would have moved to Dallas in the 1960's. Wikipedia says Arthur Collins lived in Dallas following the sale of Collins Radio to Rockwell (which happened in 1973).

This looks more and more like the connection between Louis Bloomfield and Richard Coit, CEO of Texas Instruments of Dallas. I mean, it looks like people who wanted into the Aerospace Industry and wanted contracts had "underground" connections to Dallas. Apparently, the CIA made Dallas into a bee-hive of Defense Contractor/White Russian/Right-wing Extremists/Oil Men/Ex-Nazi/Mafia intrigue.

Maybe even the Dallas underground ran a "shadow government" of a sort, stalking the legitimate government leaders of the U.S. This all fits well with the theory of Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty in his book on the JFK assassination.

The theory was-----I DARE YOU TO GO TO DALLAS!!!!!!

That makes Dallas in 1963, a bizarre, almost Sci-Fi place, with everybody there sniffing the dope of missile and space contracts and the world monopoly of oil.

James Lateer
In December 1969, a call to world public opinion and to all Cubans circulated in Miami from the meeting of "the representatives of the ideological spheres and the sectors [of the exile] to undertake a great political-military plan [with the] objective fundamental that Cuba will once again be a free [and] democratic nation. "

Leading this initiative was the Cuban-American entrepreneur José Elías de la Torriente, who set up his unit action table at the headquarters of the 2506 Brigade with his shift boss, Juan José Peruyero, as well as the presidents deposed (1952) and elect (1958) of the Republic, Carlos Prío Socarrás and Andrés Rivero Agüero, respectively, plus the "constructive mayor" (1947-52) of Havana, Nicolás Castellanos, and a sister of the chemist: Juanita Castro.

Without reason

Since March 1962, in its guidelines for Operation Mongoose, the White House, the Pentagon and the CIA had laid as a seminal premise of any plan against Castro that his " final success will require decisive US military intervention ." Without logical-historical foundation, Torriente planned to collect funds, recruit exiles and train them to overthrow Castro outside the US. The support and bases of operations would be sought in Latin America and the Caribbean.

In "unity rally" of thousands of exiles on the night of Saturday, February 21, 1970, Torriente asked for "a vote of confidence [and] the moral, intellectual and economic support of all Cubans." Thus began to brush among the faithful after the initial contribution of 45 thousand dollars from the Cuban Free Medical Association, chaired by Dr. Enrique Huerta. After clarifying that he could not reveal secrets of war, Torriente said he would seek support in Latin America and riveted that Castro's days were numbered.

However, Torriente himself laid the first stone towards hell with the designation of the Batista general Eulogio Cantillo as military chief of the plan[1] . On March 22, 1970, Prío released on Channel 10 of Miami that would not provide economic aid to Plan Torriente, since Cantillo had not only betrayed him, by plotting in the marzazo in 1952, but later betrayed Batista and finally Castro himself to be a "professional traitor" and thus be the most negative figure among the military exiles.

On June 1, 1970, Torriente radioed part of his tour of Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and the Dominican Republic. At the Roundtable of La Fabulosa (WFAB), Torriente said that he could not "make public many of the procedures", but that the plan was moving forward. When reporting the travel expenses, he stressed that "the revolution is becoming quite cheap".

However, on June 7, 1970, the sister of the Quimdam detonated her cargo to kill rogues on Channel 23: "Torriente signed an agreement, a treaty, I would say, with us. But the document of unity that would come later was never signed [and] Mr. Torriente is being directed by the US Department of State and is serving only and exclusively the interests of the Department of State and the American Government. "


The action unit was cracked, but on July 3, 1970 Torriente released a press release in Madrid announcing the invasion of Cuba with some 15,000 freedom fighters, within the same year and from an unidentified country in Central America. On the 12th of the same month he gave a press conference in Miami, where he stated that in 60 days his liberation army could already be fighting in Cuba.

In the end, the only military action of the Torriente Plan came on October 12, 1971, with a "commando but psychological operation" -according to Torriente himself- that left two dead and one wounded among the guards of the border post plus three wounded between the civilians of the Boca de Samá farmhouse. On October 18, 1971, Torriente amplified this skirmish at a banquet to raise funds from the National Republican Women's Club (New York). There he professed again that shortly the definitive war against Castro would begin.

Since April 23, 1971, Felipe Rivero Díaz, a veteran of the Bay of Pigs and leader of the Cuban Nationalist Movement, had ruled in the Replica magazine that the Torriente Plan was "more than buried" and had served only to entertain and defraud the Cubans, while "Torriente and his intimates benefit from the profits".

On October 1, 1972, Torriente insisted that his plan "continues to work (...) We can start acting at an early date, [but] I would not be surprised if, before we even started, there was some revolt in Cuba " This was said in the radio program "Actualidad" (WQBA, La Cubanísima), but already exile followed Rivero Díaz's warning about "these mummies that still talk, move, produce things, ask for money ...".


On April 12, 1974, around 9 pm, Torriente received a fatal bullet in the head while watching television at home (709 Cremona Avenue, Coral Gables) with his wife. An hour and a half later he died in Doctors Hospital's Emergency Room. Darts were falling on him that the money he was collecting for the cause of Cuba was used in a real estate project of the TMV Land Development Corporation, which associated one of the original partners of the Torriente Plan and the brother of another.

In her information about the murder ( Miami News , April 16, 1974), Hilda Inclán reported: When the plan began, Torriente had retired from his job as vice president of Collins Radio. That is also when the housing project started . " Torriente always denied the accusations of embezzlement, but his assassins left a note that ended as follows: "José Elías de la Torriente, executed for treason, received his zero."

The mission of giving zeros was attributed to Orlando Bosch, who always denied his participation in Torriente's death, but on July 3, 1974, he told Replica that he was far from sorry: "He played with hopes, aspirations and money from town. I could have ordered his death once we had returned to Cuba, but not here. No one else will raise a false flag for fear of losing his own life. "


The Torriente Plan marked the end of the illusion of overthrowing Castro by arms and the departure of many other false flags in times of peace -from plebiscites and national strikes in the air to tables and marches without order- raised by flag bearers they can no longer play with the money of the [Cuban] people, they can do it with the money of the [American] taxpayer and in this way they do not have to fear to lose their own lives.

[1] The minimal history of Torriente with Batista's batten is recounted by Fulgencio Batista himself and his scribe Manuel F. Benítez Rodríguez in A year of conversations about the Torriente Plan: letters from General Fulgencio Batista, misguided public demonstrations of Torriente and answers to them (New York, Hispanic Print, Corp., 1970). In mid-1972, Brigadistas Peruyero, Luis Torné and Alfredo G. Durán still managed the alliance between Prío and Batista against Castro.
The article I posted says that Torriente was shot while watching television, however, that is not true, he was shot while lured outside by someone he knew from another group. An assassin is who fired at him firing four bullets, one missed and hit his house, two in his back, and the fatal shot hit him in the throat, Torriente survived for 45 minutes until he died in the hospital.
Will the truth be told? Yes, will history have to be rewritten? That depends on those who want the truth.
Roman was a Russian that told me once he worked on the Berlin air lift. Mary Farrell connected Roman and LHO's phone book and his work . Roman was in the Immigrant Russian community gatherings that Lee attended with George DeMornshield. Roman was a large man with a big voice and Huge eyebrows. but, very nice to others and seemed to come to work whenever he wanted to.
Mr. Collins had 2 houses on his lot. today they would be about #500,000 or more. I was told he had one house for him and family the other was just exactly like it with no phone. he tore down both and built one to cover both areas .
Collins ,if i remember correctly, also had a supply store. radio and electrical parts store.
After the survey job I went to Texas Instruments. Which had a place down the street from Servery building. But I worked in Richardson.
Small world.
Greg Lewis Wrote:Roman was a Russian that told me once he worked on the Berlin air lift. Mary Farrell connected Roman and LHO's phone book and his work . Roman was in the Immigrant Russian community gatherings that Lee attended with George DeMornshield. Roman was a large man with a big voice and Huge eyebrows. but, very nice to others and seemed to come to work whenever he wanted to.
Mr. Collins had 2 houses on his lot. today they would be about #500,000 or more. I was told he had one house for him and family the other was just exactly like it with no phone. he tore down both and built one to cover both areas .
Collins ,if i remember correctly, also had a supply store. radio and electrical parts store.
After the survey job I went to Texas Instruments. Which had a place down the street from Servery building. But I worked in Richardson.
Small world.

Indeed, very small world my friend, I'm still trying to figure out who this Troy Woodward is in a letter to my mother from her attorney who says Troy was the previous owner of the ship my father was killed on, Troy answered my mother's attorney and said he was not the owner, Troy was also from Richardson Texas. I just keep digging and plugging away until I find what it is I'm looking for. The CIA is very good at covering their tracks. Small world indeed.


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