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Moderator Sandy Larsen
About 7 years ago James Gordon's Vichy servant Sandy Larsen posted a beautiful photo analysis of the man going up the extension in Couch/Darnell showing that the plaid pattern in his shirt precisely matched the plaid pattern on Lovelady's shirt in the Martin Film...Issue over...

However Sandy read my posts that explained that once you prove the man going up the extension is Lovelady then you have to determine when exactly in Frazier's description of events the Couch/Darnell scene occurred...

Sandy was equally useful in his discovery that Gloria Calvery is seen going up the front steps in Couch/Darnell so therefore the scene seen in Couch/Darnell is shortly after Shelley & Lovelady spoke to Calvery at the base of the steps and, as Sandy proved with his photo analysis, Stanton turned to Frazier to tell him what Calvery had shouted...

When I posted that, with his establishment of the timing in Couch/Darnell according to Lovelady's location, Sandy had indeed proven that Couch/Darnell is shortly after Stanton turned to Frazier to tell him "I think she said the president has been shot" - I posted that it was at this very moment that Frazier said he and Stanton were "staring at each other in shock for the longest time"...One look at Couch/Darnell shows Frazier and Prayer Man staring at each other for the entire 4 second clip...In fact Frazier and Prayer Man are the only two people who don't move for the entirety of the clip...

Larsen read my post and went back to the Education Forum and deleted his photo analysis...He got rid of the proof and his dirty dues-stealer partner Gordon aided him by pretending not to notice...(Gordon is so inept that he probably just didn't notice out of ignorance)...That excellent photo analysis was posted on the Education Forum and was seen by all the members...Those cowardly members, who serve the malicious dictator Gordon under threat of banning, saw Larsen's photo analysis post and saw what it proved but with me censored and unable to call them on it they are currently pretending not to notice while the head-hunters seek member prey for their self-serving, draconian rules...

Bear in mind that Sandy is now making a captive audience endure his sanctimonious lectures on how he despises dishonesty while he threatens members as a proxy for Gordon in his Vichy Police Captain position...The ass-kissing Gordon shill Mark Knight is keeping me off the forum because he knows if I am let back on they will be condemned by their exposure for being worse rules violators than the people they sanctimoniously punish...Knight knows I am not guilty of any rules violations so he kept me from re-admission to the forum on the grounds that I called Kathy Beckett a bad name on another site...Knight is just there to enforce Gordon's wrong actions and is desperate to keep me off because he knows what is coming...He's a fraud and cowardly censor of truth...He's abusing his moderator position against an innocent person in order to serve those who run the site over good evidence...He's Sandy's partner and Sandy will never face any boasting tribunal where he is held accountable for his dishonest deleting of his own Prayer Man-refuting evidence...

The JFK research internet are cowards and hypocrites...If you input Prayer Man for Jenkins in the exact same framework of site rules analysis that moralizing Sandy attempts they are all equally guilty as hell as Speer if not more so...It just depends on which hypocrite is applying the "rules" and how...All made to disappear and go away by means of cowardly ignoring, censorship, and banning...These people have destroyed JFK research and they seem to be proud of it and banning anyone who points it out...
James Gordon is more present than ever on the Education Forum in his new body as Sandy Larsen...Sandy is drunk on his power, like Gordon, and giving people suspensions for "disrespecting a moderator"...This carries on James Gordon's British rule that the moderator must always be respected no matter how many goofy violations of his own rules he commits...It is amazing how many researchers will jump in to those sorry shoes once given the opportunity...I see however that honest Sandy failed to apply the same rule to moderator Mark Knight who openly mocked and ridiculed Sandy in his post about Pat Speer's suspension...The clique is in charge of the JFK internet; that is how things are decided and not by facts and evidence (Thanks to DiEugenio); and how much moderation is applied depends on your caste level...

There is only one way to judge this and it is the same every time...Look at the offending moderator and ask yourself how he would fare if his moderator avatar were taken away...Ask yourself how well he would do and how much respect he would get if he had to live by his wit and skills alone without the ability to enforce it with the moderator/blocking button...Ask how he would do on a truly, fairly moderated website...JFK internet moderators have way too much power and it is all too easy to hide a personal agenda and grudges behind moderation...

Mark Knight lied when he said I was not being allowed back on to the Education Forum because I called Kathy Beckett a bad name on another website (which has nothing to do with anything and Kathy isn't even an Education Forum member any more)...Knight lied because the real reason he is denying me my earned right to post amongst my peers is because he doesn't want me refuting the Prayer Man theory...So Knight is protecting bad claims worse than Speer and he is abusing his moderator power to do it...I don't see pro-Prayer Man Sandy applying the same rule to Knight...These people are just bullies who gang up on people in a cowardly way in order to prevent being disproven...
As Mark Knight said above, he was inclined to retire when I came on as admin. But he promised to stay on as long as I needed him, for which I will be eternally grateful. "

   Mark Knight did not let me back on the Education Forum because he said I called Kathy Becket a bad name on McAdams' forum...I never violated any rules on the Education Forum...Meanwhile Knight himself is allowed to call people bad names when he called me a "Shit-Poster" who would never be let back on the forum....Knight used that appellation to censor the researcher who discovered one of the most important evidence discoveries in 60 years...OK for him - I get banned for life and one of the most important discoveries in research history gets ignored...Good work Sandy, Mark and Gordon...

   Sandy is a pro-Prayer Man moderator who has a clear bias on the subject so he is grateful to Knight who does his dirty work and keeps the correct Prayer Man evidence from the forum...No resistance on that wrongful moderation from Sandy or sanctimony about guarding standards of truth...

   Which only further proves my point that Sandy is even more guilty than Speer in ignoring correct evidence and supporting provably wrong evidence on the forum...Something he moderated Speer for but then openly practices himself with the Prayer Man subject...And now he embarrasses himself by groveling to Gordon - the guy who is the worst violator of all of Sandy's truth standard and the guy who banned the researcher with the correct evidence on Prayer Man...

     All James Gordon has is the threat to ban...He isn't capable of anything else...

    Look at Sandy get on his knees to Gordon...It is kind of nauseating...
It is kind of poetic justice that Sandy put his faith in that crook Gordon and Gordon responded by demoting Sandy...The best post-analysis of this tells you that Sandy got his job as moderator, after Gordon withdrew for stealing member's dues, because Sandy was a known staunch Prayer Man promoter...He could be relied upon to defend Gordon's worst research offense so he was given the nod for moderator...

What Sandy failed to fathom was that the Education Forum's main way of maintaining itself was to keep Knight and Gordon in total power and always support them just like Knight always supports Gordon as his main yes man...Sandy fell for the moderator syndrome that most moderators fall for...That they are somehow special because they were promoted to moderator...Sandy fell for his own bullshit, which is why it is poetic justice, and thought that his special-ness would carry him in his moderation campaign...Having deluded himself, Sandy failed to detect that he was headed for a bad ending on the forum because he committed the one offense that is not tolerated - that is, holding any of the main members or moderators accountable for their actions on a fair, objective, credible, academic, fact-based basis...Sandy made the fatal mistake of threatening Gordon's dictatorial brute power and stepping between him and his reliable yes man Knight...Sandy was also dumb enough to praise Knight and thank him for his assistance shortly before Knight helped Gordon chop Sandy's head off...The second mistake Sandy made was he failed to fathom that the Education Forum is a Lone Nutter disinformation site run from Britain...Disinformationists like Speer are an essential part of the program there of giving equal weight to Lone Nutter lies as conspiracy truth...When you sign on to the Education Forum you sell your soul to this devil...Sandy was demoted because he broke his contract with the devil that Gordon is the chief administrator of...He demanded truth...  

What you are looking at here with Sandy knuckling under to Gordon and wimpishly letting him get away with it is the same lack of judgment that led to Larsen endorsing the Prayer Man theory - and, even more so, failing to recognize the correct evidence even when it became undeniable...It is a case of pure poetic justice that Sandy was demoted due to Mark Knight...The same Education Forum crook who denied me re-admission to the forum...Being a pro-Prayer Man researcher, after I was denied, Sandy posted a pat statement saying that someone had applied for re-admission to the Forum and been justly denied due to the fair processing of the moderators and the site rules...Sandy was talking about myself and he was endorsing Knight's rejection...It is a case of pure poetic justice that Sandy, with all his drunkeness on his own power and self-approval for being moderator, failed to detect the situation he was in and how it related to my rejection by Knight...Sandy fell out of Grace by the poison of his own prejudices...He failed to register the crooks he had fallen in to the ranks of...He trusted those bastards and learned a hard lesson from it...

The worst thing that is happening here is Sandy is flooding the Education Forum with moralizing over the wrongness of all this...Both Sandy and Gordon are posting comments telling people how committed they are to good website oversight and the best moderation methods...Sandy is posing himself as a martyr for truth and a person who will not tolerate lies...He even goes so far as to protest that certain Education Forum members are sacred cows to whom the rules do not apply...The problem with that is that sword cuts both ways and Sandy is equally guilty on all counts of ignoring the facts on the Prayer Man issue and supporting the lies...He's guilty of honoring Knight's scurrilous lies about the reason for my denial for re-admission...And he is guilty of ignoring and disallowing the correct evidence on Prayer Man and therefore protecting lies just as badly as Speer...

Sandy did one good thing...He did what the Education Forum has needed since its inception...He held some of the Lone Nutter liars accountable for their claims on an objective factual basis and showed that the Conspiracy evidence was the valid evidence it is and that the Lone Nutters the site promotes are in violation of it...It tells you all you need to know about the English crook Gordon that he demotes the one moderator who demanded that the website be maintained on a credible basis by forcing the truth (like any debate board is supposed to) and that the regular disinformationists be made to account for their non-truth...Only Sandy did not apply that to Prayer Man, where he was equally guilty...

It is amazing how dumb/cowardly the Education Forum members are that they don't see what an intolerable fraud and phony Gordon is...He takes a little too much pleasure coming in and speaking as a eloquent king straightening out his subjects...What a fraud...He disgusts me and the fact they let him get away with it disgusts me even more...The members are dumb enough, or so corrupted by being exclusive members, that they don't see through that phony act where Gordon hides his aggressive threateningness behind a screen of concern that the subjects have gone astray and need correction...Gordon uses the best manners and well-chosen words to come in and reset the forum towards malfeasance and corruption and punish those who do the right thing research-wise...Sandy was demoted in order to re-install a moderator who backed Speer's lies and Sandy was dumb enough to praise...Karma is a bitch and for those who used dirty tactics to deny the real Prayer Man evidence what goes around comes around...Stealing a year's worth of dues is OK for Gordon, as is banning the researcher with the correct Prayer Man evidence...So OK that he can come in and demote moderators that finallly demand the truth...

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