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Harvey In Hungary
The usual nay-sayers at the Education Forum are posting that it is ridiculous that two boys would be found by accident and that they would grow up to resemble each other so closely that they would be recruited in to the Harvey & Lee doppleganger program...Those nay-sayers are, of course, correct because it is silly to suggest random boys would accidentally evolve in to identical doubles...However, as usual, no one is stepping up to confront those nay-sayers and tell them that their criticism is a straw man that doesn't go far enough to detect the real situation they are pretending to examine...Yes, it is ridiculous that random boys would grow up to resemble each other perfectly...What the nay-sayers are failing to do is determine what that tells us evidence-wise...

What that tells us is the conspirators knew in advance that the boys would resemble each other perfectly because they had planned it from the start...And the only way they could plan that would be to genetically manipulate the boys from birth with cutting-edge identical twin experimentation...The plotters didn't hope the boys would grow up to perfectly resemble each other - they knew from the start because they made it happen...Identical twins were planned and separated at birth...Harvey was gotten to Hungary at birth and protected by the Hungarian family connected to Gardos...The Deep nature of the people involved protected it...The people already identified as being involved in this all had access at this Deep level...This is the highest level of trade craft and such practices are exploited by Intel because they are so far out no one suspects them... 

Once you understand what the intelligent evidence forces then you realize that Harvey was planted in Hungary in order to have a background in Russian language...Hungary was the correct choice because of its pre-Soviet occupation status and proximity to the USSR...Once Harvey had absorbed Russian influence he was then sent to America to be Americanized...He was sent to US Intelligence infiltrators in Manhattan with a Hungarian background where he then became Harvey Oswald...Paul Jolliffe is making the mistake of thinking Eckdahl and Dulles stumbled on to Harvey at this point and just so happened to recognize his similarity to a boy far away in New Orleans a thousand miles away...That suggestion is ridiculous and only assists the unthinking skepticism of the nay-sayers...Dulles didn't stumble on to this in the 40's...He (or OSS others) planned and protected it from the start...The nay-sayers are not thinking the whole thing out or following where the evidence leads...

The Marguerite Oswald connection has all been figured out...Known Intel assets were recruited in to the program from there and cooperated with this obvious positioning...The original purpose was obviously penetration of the Soviet Union for espionage purposes to take advantage of one person not being able to be in two places at the same time...Marguerite Oswald said openly that Lee was working with Intelligence...Lee is brought to Manhattan to test the twins in close proximity and start mixing their official records, merging them in to one identity...
After writing the above I realized the Nazis occupied Hungary during the early 40's so Harvey was probably planted in Hungary either just before or after...

Somehow identical twins were gotten or planned...It was well within cutting edge 1930's science to create identical twin embryos (think Mengele)...However this scheme could be done with natural identical twins as well...The nay-sayers on the Education Forum are ignoring this...
The majority of pompous researchers say they don't believe in Harvey & Lee however that same majority believe in the bogus Prayer Man theory...One of the things I enjoy the most is seeing Armstrong and those credible researchers who believe in Harvey & Lee discovering new evidence that proves Armstrong's controversial theory to be correct...

Jim Hargrove has discovered an obscure Hungarian cartoon book entitled 'Circus Maximus' in Oswald's possessions...It turns out that 'Circus Maximus' was translated in to English by Grace Gardos, who was the wife of Emil Gardos...Gardos was the man that the frantic caller to the Tippits of Connecticut, warning of a nest of communist spies who were related to Oswald, was referring to...Armstrong says Gardos was a US Intelligence fake communist who was tasked with raising Harvey...This is material evidence of the Hungarian, Manhattan-raised Harvey...It begs the question that 'Circus Maximus', published in 1963, was sent to Harvey by his Intel "parents" therefore providing material evidence of Armstrong's claim...

The "Anonymous Phone Call To The Tippits" thread discussing this is presently trending on the Education Forum and is worth a look...

This is an incredible break-through and the nay-sayers have gotten awfully quiet...

It was not beyond the range of science in the 1930's to figure out how to create identical twins...Cohen and the other doubters on the Education Forum are trying to force the suggestion that somehow Eckdahl and Dulles accidentally stumbled on to Harvey and then somehow noticed that he perfectly resembled Lee Oswald a thousand miles away in New Orleans...If that was what Armstrong was claiming I would agree that it was ridiculous...The nay-sayers are using this straw man as an excuse to deny Armstrong...

What the nay-sayers are doing is putting words in Armstrong's mouth that he never said and then using it to deny the Harvey & Lee theory...The nay-sayers are deliberately avoiding admitting that the evidence shows that the planners of the Oswald Project witnessed by Wilcott knew Harvey would resemble Lee so much that they would be mistaken for each other...Intel is not going to waste its time with such a well organized deep project unless it is certain of the results...Armstrong has shown that Harvey went back to an age with the Gardos's that was too young to not be identical twins being raised under the full expectation that they would resemble each other perfectly...You can complain all you want but this evidence speaks the loudest and the boy was under the control of known spooks at an age that is too young to not evidence identical twins within a greater project...Don't forget that Marguerite was on FBI's radar at the time with the Bund when Harvey & Lee were this incriminating age...In 1948 the Gardos's moved to Hungary with their son "John" (see: Matt Cloud on the EF) ...Harvey was being sheep-dipped with Russian culture at the time of the Soviet Occupation of Hungary...The planners of the Oswald Project knew the boys would be identical from the start because they used the best spook science to make it happen...It is the only way it can be from the evidence if you honestly evaluate it...Otherwise there is no reason to be involved with young boys of that age (the nay-sayer's logic is a double-edged sword) - especially if you honestly admit the rest of what followed ala Armstrong...Marguerite Oswald suddenly took her southern boy son Lee to the urban metropolis of New York City...The very place that Gardos was raising Harvey...The program was on at that point and the boys were being tested in close proximity in order to start mixing their identities...

If you back-track from Laura Kittrell you understand that Intel somehow created exact doubles that could be mistaken for each other so much that Lee could actually show up in place for Harvey...The nay-sayers are failing to answer their own logic therefore that, indeed, just as they say, this could not be done randomly...The nay-sayers are therefore failing to follow the evidence and account for how this was done?...The only answer is premeditated identical twins...

The fact that Oswald possessed a book that was heavily associated with the Gardos's in 1963 (the year it was published) can only be interpreted as the Gardos's maintaining their relationship with Harvey in Dallas...This is irrefutable material evidence and a hard link showing the relationship described by Mr Armstrong that can only point to a validation of his theory and confirmation of that relationship...

Perhaps that book was part of the framing of Lee Harvey Oswald and was meant to lead back to the communist 5th Column underground in America that was later dropped like many of the other overt attempts to associate Oswald with the communists...
The 1930's were the Mengele era so it doesn't take much imagination to consider that the cutting edge of such experimentation would be well within the reach of the most bizarre of Intel practices...Don't pretend you are not aware of the ghoulish envelope Mengele was pushing...Such practices would be considered highly immoral and would bear strong social implications so they would not be advertized...They would not be mentioned simply because they were being used for Intel strategy and therefore were secret...But hashing this out made me realize that the same result could be gotten by finding naturally-born identical twins and swapping them in at birth...This method would leave a DNA fingerprint however that would extend to relatives and their progeny...The way to investigate this is to pursue the analytical pathways that would evidence this...Offering gratuitous skepticism and ridiculing doubt is not how you would resolve this...We have already excluded the analysis method of the nay-sayers because the evidence does not suggest randomly similar Oswald's that showed up by chance since that would be impossible and the nay-sayers are just using it as an excuse to avoid really pursuing the evidence...It is a deliberate playing dumb and underestimating of Intel's capabilities and what the evidence shows...Intel knew from the start that the boys would be identical...

'Krokodil' was Russian and Oswald would have a reason to subscribe to it in order to maintain his false defector image...What you haven't adequately answered here Alex is how and why Oswald would be in possession of a strictly Hungarian publication that would have a very narrow route of access and provenance...Just like Albert Schweitzer College you have fallen conspicuously short of explaining how Oswald knew about that obscure publication or how he obtained it...You see Mr Wilson, competent research involves honest pursuit of these kind of evidence details and the answers to them and isn't just a matter of ridiculing deflections...You're in a tight corner here since 'Circus Maximus', published in 1963, just like the young age of Harvey & Lee when adopted by the Gardos's, forces certain unavoidable conclusions that your failure to answer stands out on you in a less than impressive way...Unless you can explain how Oswald came in to possession of that book then we can assume Armstrong's explanation has been backed-up by this highly incriminating evidence because it is clearly the better explanation and is backed-up by the rest of the greater Harvey & Lee evidence...Why, when Oswald was a Russian false defector, would he order a strictly Hungarian book that just so happened to have strong connection to his covert parents in Manhattan?...You can't get away with ignoring the fact that FBI gave the game away by mis-spelling Gardos as "Kardos" exactly because of their awareness of his dangerousness...Gardos took Harvey to Hungary because Gardos was Hungarian...A useful coincidence that would avail itself to Russian exposure of Harvey...Saying "Krokodil" is evasive and is irresponsible towards answering all of this - as any responsible researcher would...

If Emil took Harvey to Hungary in 1948 he would be 10 years old...

You are aware as I am that a file was found referencing Marguerite Oswald as being involved with the Nazi Bund camps in western New Jersey at that time...That would make Marguerite spooky and would therefore make her more likely to be involved in other spook programs like Harvey & Lee...

Wilcott was a pay master...Compartmentalization would keep him from the most critical details about Harvey & Lee...Which is why he talked because he was unaware of the extreme significance of those details...

Kittrell saw both Harvey & Lee close up and noticed the difference...You seem to be short on an answer for that...Such perfect doubles had to be planned so therefore the nay-sayer's straw man of random identical twins has to be wrong by logic...

I never said that Harvey, who spent his first 10 years in Manhattan, wasn't an English speaker...I don't see what point you think you are making there...With all due respect your argument style is mostly equivocating bluster sans substance and it is overly flowery, yet non responsive, entries like this that only serve to bolster the veracity of Armstrong...Hargrove is really on to something here...
The Education Forum is offering a pure example of its epic stupidity right now...

   Sandy Larsen and Paul Jolliffe are confused and asking how Elizabeth Bentley could have known that Harvey was being called Lee Harvey Oswald while he was being raised by Gardos...

   The answer is simple...She witnessed Gardos grooming Harvey for the Oswald Project...Perhaps when Lee came to Manhattan and the Project really got going...It is also possible that Harvey was called Lee Harvey Oswald from the start...This stuff isn't difficult to figure out...

   Right now Jolliffe and Larsen are suggesting Harvey was a war orphan who just by miracle resembled Lee Oswald and that somehow he got noticed and word got to Allen Dulles...Harvey & Lee theory was hatched from there...That suggestion is ridiculous for anyone with common sense and is leading to criticism of the Harvey & Lee theory...Larsen and Jolliffe don't have the research skill to realize that Harvey & Lee were planned from birth and the boys were somehow made to perfectly resemble each other from the start...It's the only way it could be because random perfect identical twins are impossible...Larsen & Jolliffe lack a good sense of tradecraft and don't see that the Oswald Project was planned from birth and Harvey wasn't "noticed"...

    Because of the pure ignorance and stupidity of Mark Knight and James Gordon, Jolliffe and Larsen don't realize that the answer they calling for was already given by a guy that the Education Forum is going out of its way to silence and destroy...The beauty of Elizabeth Bentley's witnessing of Gardos raising Lee Harvey Oswald is that she didn't know it wasn't the real Oswald...She didn't realize it was Harvey...When she called the Connecticut Tippits she thought she was revealing a serious secret...She thought Harvey was Lee - which only makes her witnessing all the more credible...

There's nothing dumber than unqualified pompous moderators banning the guy who not only gave the answers they were looking for but cracked the case by doing so...Nothing more definitive of their stupidity, corruption, and failure...Censoring the answers they were calling for and not noticing the difference...
Hargrove found out that Marguerite Oswald rented an apartment from Mary Fuhrman when she took Lee to Manhattan in the 1950's...

Fuhrman was the wife of John Edward Pic and she had a Hungarian background...

These coincidences are too close to the Gardos Hungarian network to be dismissed to chance and seem to me to be strong evidence hits for Harvey being raised by Hungarian communists in Manhattan...Obviously the Oswald Project was on when Marguerite took Lee to Manhattan to be mixed in with his identical double Harvey...

The Hungarian raising and Russia-fying of Harvey has strong interconnections with Marguerite, Eckdahl, and Lee...
Hargrove, Joliffe, and Kowalski have made some interesting progress over on the Education Forum...They appear to have tracked "Harvey" to Hungarian communists in Manhattan...This Gardos connection could be a real find and could un-bare some of the deepest darkest secrets of the Harvey & Lee Project...

Anyhow, I realized that the strong Hungarian ties Hargrove is uncovering might have been evidenced by Marina who said she thought Oswald was from Belarus because of his Belarus accent when speaking Russian...Belarus borders with The Ukraine, and, in turn, The Ukraine borders with Hungary...I'm assuming a Hungarian-trained Russian speaker would tend to have a Belarus accent and this could be a real find...

Apparently there is a new order on the JFK internet of sulking moderators and administrators bearing personal grudges and enforcing silence...Those people are directly responsible for this important new evidence not getting the legs it deserves...Gordon, Parker, and his trolls couldn't have better partners...The real measure of those people is how they defend their positions on free websites where they don't possess the moderator button...How they come out and defend their evidence claims per say out in the unguarded open where they can't ban the opposition...Where is Sandy Larsen in these threads or that bum DiEugenio?...You won't see them come over here because they exclusively stay in the places where they control the posting with moderator censorship...That's all you need to know about them and they trade having the only word for credibility...It's not about the research with them...It's about the power...

Some creep (probably ROKC) is stalking me and Gilbride and giving everything we post a 1 star review...Which just goes to show the level these people deal at...

The Education Forum is getting away with the trick of moderating strictly under the guise that an academic research record of JFK Assassination research is being collected for future reference...That cheap ruse is being abused in order to justify hostile moderation and getting rough with certain individuals who post the better evidence...Too much emphasis is being placed on superficial style and politeness in order to mask the fact the administration doesn't know what it is doing research wise...Mediocre researchers are being advanced to moderator and given a badge to enforce this draconian standard and they seize the opportunity to have forced power that the quality of their research failed to gain...Who do they think they are fooling?...The American researchers who participate in that anti-free speech process should be ashamed of themselves...

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