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A BALLAD OF DRUGS AND 9/11 Peter Dale Scott
[B]Thought I would put some of PDS excellent poetry here as it is often overlooked for his more widely known historical and political essay writings. Edit: some of the formatting (in italics) didn't transfer well.

[B]Peter Dale Scott



[B]The truth shall make you free[/B]

At the First Emperor's Tomb
the Chinese People's Republic
shows you a preliminary movie
in which this monument of empire

is seen through the eyes of peasants
who rose up in rebellion
and smashed the terra cotta statues
we have come so far to see.

I tried asking whether the government
is more in favor of the tomb
or of its being smashed? The guide answered
Both! We think the tao of history

contains both the bright yang of order
and the dark yin of revolt.
So I said, Does that mean
that in the present phase of history

the yin is the Falun Gong?
A short silence. Then
You must understand that in China
there are some things we do not think about.

I know why I'm remembering this.
There are things we don't think about in America
things I don't want to think about myself
like this flood of emails from Russians

whom I have never met
about Far West, Ltd.
a meta-group almost unknown
and yet so powerful

it can apparently manipulate states
for the ends of the drug traffic
spreading violence in an organized route
from Afghanistan to New York Scott '05

a group which brought its partners --
a Venezuelan close to FARC Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces
an Israeli advising Tkaçi chief KLA commander
and a Turk close to al-Qaeda and the CIA

to meet near Nice in Khashoggi's villa
with Voloshin (Berezovsky's man
under Yeltsin in the Kremlin)
and also Basaev the Chechen terrorist

who then blew up Moscow buildings
as described by John Dunlop
shortly after the U.S. and the KLA Kosovo Liberation Army
took over Kosovo Scott '05

Dunlop is a reputable scholar Dunlop
Why did he present the meeting
as a mere plan for a Russian 9/11
at the behest of Yeltsin's Kremlin

ignoring the role at the villa
of men like Sosnaliev and Tsveiba
from Abkhazia which now has become
a key heroin transiting point? Sida/Cornell Caspian '02

Why did he suppress what his source
said about Surikov and Fritz Ermarth,
the Turk and the CIA
the Israeli and the KLA?

Was it because just like myself
he did not want to think
about who was involved in opening
the new Kosovo drug route

after the mad dash of Russian troops
one month before the meeting June 11, 1999
to seize the Prishtina airport in Kosovo Judah 279, 284-85
without (it is said) the knowledge of Yeltsin Shevtsova 285, fn. 11

just as Al McCoy and myself
both promptly forgot the terrorized vet
who broke his promise to talk about drugs
after they firebombed his Jag. McCoy xii, Scott '89 147-48,
Scott '04 38-40

There are two kinds of businesses:
those which flourish from peace
and the strengthening of law
and those which require the opposite

zones of incessant chaos
like Chechnya Colombia Afghanistan
where drugs can be grown or trafficked
under the watch of PMCs. private military companies

The CIA knew what it was doing
when in 2001
they brought back "Mr. Ten Percent" Haji Mohammed Zaman
at the top of the heroin trade

from Dijon to Jalalabad Smucker 9
and arranged for the release
of Haji Ayub Afridi from prison Raman
(the same men who in the '80s

had organized the heroin trail
to the Soviet troops --
i.e. to the clique who became Far West --
with the blessings of the CIA) Raman

thus restoring the Afghan
opium economy
after two years of prohibition
under the Taliban. Scott '03 33, 43-44

and pushing America and Russia
still further down the path
of increasing superwealth
and declining average income

(my starting salary in '61 $7250.00
could buy a third of a good Berkeley house
while a starting salary today
would pay for perhaps a twentieth)

increasing income disparities
the sign our state is declining
the homeless we no longer support
and have grown used to not thinking about

as we step across them
towards our ATMs
what Sallust and Arnold discerned
in Rome and Victorian London

privatim opulentia
publice egestas Sallust, Arnold
until the republic is suborned
by these forces we cannot see

for which the intellectual price
is a shrinkage of our culture
towards the trivialities
of narcotic distractions and suburban poets.

and expansion of our costly empire
thanks to facilitations from al Qaeda
until now there are American troops
from Kyrgyzstan and Georgia to Kosovo.

Starting in 1998
Surikov, the Venezuelan, and the Turk
had their own PMC Far West
connected with the secured transport

of commercial shipments from Afghanistan Filin '05
and with representatives in the Emirates,
Afghanistan, Colombia, Kosovo
as well as contracts with Halliburton --

Far West's leader Vladimir Filin
the suspected chief narcobaron Kaledin '03
announced that "a well-known American corporation
is a co-founder of our agency" Filin '05

while Filin and Far West
worked on the Georgian project,
financed by KBR Halliburton, apparently
with the approval of CIA) Yasenev '04

and with Diligence Middle East a PMC
with success in securing contracts
from Neil Bush, the President's brother Financial Times, 12/11/03
headed by Joe Allbaugh Financial Times, 12/11/03;
Asia Times, 5/20/04

who in 2000 organized
both the Bush-Cheney campaign
and the "19th floor riot" that
stopped the recount in Miami-Dade County Floridagate

and then was made head of FEMA
the agency that with Cheney and Rumsfeld Mann 139; Bamford 72
had developed "Reagan's Secret Coup Plans"
in the 1980s "Reagan's Secret Coup Plans"
Progressive Review, June 2004

the plans for COG Continuity of Government
the plans for an anti-constitutional takeover
in a time of crisis Progressive Review, June 1998. Cf. NY Times, 11/18/91
which were implemented on 9/11 9/11 Report 38; Bamford 66

after Bush had entrusted
Cheney, FEMA, and Allbaugh
to set up a terrorism task force
to deal with terrorist attacks Houston Chronicle, 5/9/01; Ruppert, 412-18

which is said to have changed the rules
making it far more complicated
to deal with hijacked planes 9/11 Report, 17; cf. fn. 101, 458.
just weeks before they attacked Ruppert, 412-18

and required FEMA to hold exercises
as it planned for September 12 in New York
so that one day before
WTC-7 collapsed World Trade Center 7

without being hit by al-Qaeda Griffin 25-32
FEMA had already moved out
into a larger temporary headquarters
from which the New York clean-up was directed.

It is too much. I think of Petrov
blown up in his car in Cape Town
after taping his quarrel with Surikov
at the Hotel Bristol in Vienna Petrov '04

and I think of Indira Singh
who lost her job at J.P. Morgan
after she notified the FBI
about Ptech the hi-tech Islamist firm

(bankrolled by Yasin al-Qadi,
a wealthy Saudi investor
who has been officially designated
as a terrorism financier) Boston Herald, 1/18/04

with contracts at FAA
the White House the Secret Service
and links to the local Al Kifah al-Qaeda support group
followed by a Treasury raid

on Ptech and then the immediate Boston Globe, 12/7/02; WBZ4, 12/9/02
firing of Paul O'Neill Secretary of the Treasury
Singh spoke publicly about Ptech
the FBI agents themselves

basically indicated to me
that absolutely no investigation was going on
at which point my hair stood on end NPR Radio, 12/8/02
adding as an aside

when I ran into the drugs
I was told that if I mentioned
the money to the drugs around 9/11
that would be the end of me. Indira Singh testimony

We do not think about 9/11 and drugs
The 9/11 Report denied the connection 9/11 Report 171
ignoring the drug money for Ramzi Yousef
from an I.S.I. agent in the Philippines

for a plot covered up
according to an Embassy security official
by high-ranking officers
of the CIA and Secret Service Alexander Cockburn; Ressa 33

or the speech by Bonner of Customs
on the Jafar organization out of Detroit Bonner; cf. Farah 171-72
shipping hash and heroin to the United States
for almost half a century Goddard and Coleman 24

Khalid Jafar's bag (said NBC)
was placed on Pan Am 103
without passing through inspection
as part of a DEA undercover operation Guardian 11/1/90

I remember the defeat and fear
in the face of Allan Francovich
the last time he contacted me
via a cut-out a mutual friend

one year before Allan dropped dead
while going through U.S. Customs Independent 4/28/97
whose film on Pan Am 103 and Jafar
could be shown in Britain but not this country Ganser 49

though he has since been posthumously vindicated
by a police chief's signed statement
that key evidence in the Lockerbie trial
was planted by the CIA Scotsman 8/28/05

and what happened to Danny Casolaro Goddard and Coleman 352-55
also researching the so-called Octopus Beaty and Gwynne 224-25
until suicided in a West Virginia motel Buffalo News 8/27.93
with my name and number in his notebook

Forgive me if I do not want to think
of how they destroyed L
(the Republican businessman
whose mistake was to tell the FBI

about the Nicaraguan drug lord
who picked up the dinner tab
at the fundraiser in San Francisco
L had arranged for the Contras

after which L got a death threat
over the phone while waiting
in Senator Kerry's outer office
for a secret rendez-vous)

and of what N said to me -- that Carlos Lehder
was released from his hundred-year sentence
to peddle cocaine to Russia
his name in the Lafayette phone book

and that Gary Webb had been hounding
herself with false incriminating emails
(I replied I suspected both of them
were being targeted with disinformation).

But perhaps neither of them were to be trusted
and should I now be trusting V
this Russian with reports on Far West
corroborated now by Filin's admission

that he himself went to Kosovo
and got Tkaçi's clearance for the dash
of Soviet troops to Prishtina airport
authorized by Voloshin at the Kremlin? Surikov 2006

One is never sure whom to trust
as I learnt years ago at a Washington Center International Center
researching for Senator Kerry's investigation for Development Policy
into Contra support operations and drugs

I think of the secret memo in two copies
I had my secretary a student intern
hand-deliver from the Center
to Brian Barger and a Bob Parry cf. Terrell 297-324, Parry 15

who phoned back to say he was furious
(There are things you don't write down in Washington)
and somehow Secord's lawyer got hold of it Richard Secord
to file as a Court Exhibit in the Christic case

and what about Jack Terrell at the Center
a man intimate with the mercenary "community" Nation 8/15/87
who had fought for the whites in Rhodesia
who had earned the confidence of the Miskitos

by shooting thirteen of their prisoners
with their hands tied behind their backs
and who knew about the military coup in Fiji Nation 8/15/87
that night before anyone in the press

Jack was shown to have told the truth
about the Contra cocaine operation
disguised by imports of frozen fish Kerry Report 438, Scott and Marshall 131
in the memo he prepared for Senator Kerry Kerry Report ZZ

which was stolen for the Reagan Justice Department Scott and Marshall 151
after which Oliver North
classified Terrell as a "Terrorist Threat" Terrell 463, Scott and Marshall 142-43
and our Center was put under FBI surveillance Scott and Marshall 148ss,
cf. Kerry Report 163, Terrell 384

So later when Jack said he wanted
to bring his wife to the United States
I (knowing his childhood story
of how he had once stolen a car

and on the instruction of his father
was sentenced to 18 years in adult federal prison) Scott and Marshall 127
gave him the money he needed
for return airfare to Manila

after which I got a call from the Center:
Why did you finance Terrell's scheme
to destroy Manglapus (who had been expected Philippine Foreign Secretary
to succeed Cory in the Philippines?) Aquino, cf. Time 10/28/91, Terrell 424-32

In this way naïve good will
implicated me in the defeat
of the one candidate committed to removing
the U.S. military bases.

Jack himself still later invited me
to think he might have been the "Carson"
who led Bill Pepper to the wild lie
discrediting his book on Martin Luther King. Pepper 368, 426-30

so that we still do not know for certain
who was behind King's murder
(or for that matter the Kennedys')
any more than who Jack was really working for

though he claimed that he was told by phone
to penetrate North's Contra support effort
by Donald Fortier and the NSC National Security Council, Terrell 38
Oh Jack! Though I knew enough

never completely to trust you
I still thought of you as my friend - cf. Terrell 455-60
and that like me you were fighting the traffickers
not just your enemy Oliver North.

The American dilemma: to heal this world
we must become intimate with it
but the search for political truth
will lead one deeper and deeper into falsehood

so we all become like the good Germans
not thinking about who caused the Reichstag Fire
or the hundreds of people we do not know
taken off to secret camps or distant countries.

It is a dilemma: Part of me
needs to agree with the left
that we have to wake up America
that it is knowledge will make us free

(the idea being that truth
unites us in thinking together
even though these truths of darkness
have been known to destroy

those who have published them Gary Webb, Independent 10/8/05
and I myself can share with no one
except those who like myself
have become distanced from the crowd).

Part of me just meditates
on the new and more flourishing wildlife
that is improving Point Reyes
ten years after the Mount Vision fire San Francisco Chronicle 10/2/05

From the glories of the Tang Dynasty
I recall only one date: the year
of the usurper An Lushan
who drove both Wang Wei and Du Fu

far from the corrupt court
into the mountains
where for the first time they were free
to write the only poems we remember.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Matthew Arnold, Culture and Anarchy,
James Bamford, A Pretext for War: 9/11, Iraq, and the Abuse of America's Intelligence Agencies
(New York: Doubleday, 2004).
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Jonathan Beaty and S.C. Gwynne, The Outlaw Bank: A Wild Ride into the Secret Heart of BCCI
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October 8, 2004,
Douglas Farah, Blood from Stones: The Secret Financial Network of Terror (New York: Broadway Books, 2004).
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Donald Goddard with Lester K. Coleman, Trail of the Octopus: From Beirut to Lockerbie--Inside the DIA
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(Northampton, MA: Olive Branch Press/Interlink, 2004).
Shireen T. Hunter, Islam in Russia: The Politics of Identity and Security (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2004).
Henry Hurt, Reasonable Doubt: An Investigation into the Assassination of John F. Kennedy
(New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1985).
Tim Judah, Kosovo: War and Revenge (New Haven: Yale UP, 2002), 279, 284-85.
Nikita Kaledin "Geroinovyi tur," Stringer-news, November 4, 2003
Kerry Report: U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations. Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics,
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Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1989.
Paul Klebnikov, Godfather of the Kremlin: Boris Berezovsky and the Looting of Russia
(New York: Harcourt, 2000).
Peter Klebnikov, "Heroin Heroes," Mother Jones, January/February 2000,
James Mann, The Rise of the Vulcans: The History of Bush's War Cabinet (New York: Viking, 2004).
Alfred W. McCoy, The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Traffic
(Chicago: Lawrence Hill Books/ Chicago Review Press, 2003).
The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks
on the United States, Authorized Edition (New York: W.W. Norton, 2004).
NPR Weekend, All Things Considered, December 8, 2002.
Robert Parry, Secrecy & Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq
(Arlington, VA: Media Consortium, 2004).
William F. Pepper, Orders to Kill: The Truth Behind the Murder of Martin Luther King
(New York: Carroll and Graf, 1995).
Petrov Audio Recordings, Petrov Audio Recordings,
B. Raman, "Assassination of Haji Abdul Qadeer in Kabul," South Asia Analysis Group, Paper No. 489,
Maria A. Ressa, Seeds of Terror: An Eyewitness Account of Al-Qaeda's Newest Center of Operations
in Southeast Asia (New York: Free Press, 2003).
Michael C. Ruppert, Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil
(Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers, 2004).
Sallust, Bellum Catilinae,
Peter Dale Scott, Coming to Jakarta (New York: New Directions, 1989).
Peter Dale Scott, Drugs, Oil, and War (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2003).
Peter Dale Scott, "The Global Drug Meta-Group: Drugs, Managed Violence, and the Russian 9/11,"
Lobster, 10/29/05,
Peter Dale Scott, "The Sleep of Reason: Denial, Memory-Work, and the Reconstruction of Social Order,"
Literary Responses to Mass Violence (Waltham, MA: Brandeis University, 2004).
Peter Dale Scott and Jonathan Marshall, Cocaine Politics: The CIA, Drugs, and Armies in Central America
(Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1991).
Lilia Shevtsova, translated by Antonina Bouis, Putin's Russia (Washington: Carnegie Endowment
for International Peace, 2003).
SIDA/Cornell Caspian Consulting, "The South Caucasus: A Regional Overview," 2002,
Indira Singh testimony, 9/11 Citizen's Commission, 130,
Philip Smucker, Al Qaeda's Great Escape: The Military and the Media on Terror's Trail
(Washington: Brassey's, 2004).
Anton Surikov, Crime in Russia: the International Implications (London: Brassey's for the Centre
for Defence Studies, University of London, 1995).
Anton Surikov, "The Government of the United States Is Seriously Concerned about the Safety of CIA Analyst," 2006,
Jack Terrell with Ron Martz, Disposable Patriot: Revelations of a Soldier in America's Secret Wars
(Washington: National Press Books, Inc., 1992).
Yuri Yasenev, "Rossiyu zhdet oranzhevaya revolytsiya" ("An Orange Revolution is in Store for Russia"),
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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