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Quote:Excerpt from Wednesday's State Department press briefing:
"QUESTION: And so this is properly classified as a military coup?
SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL ONE: Well, I mean, it’s a golpe de estado. The military moved against the president; they removed him from his home and they expelled him from a country, so the military participated in a coup. However, the transfer of leadership was not a military action. The transfer of leadership was done by the Honduran congress, and therefore the coup, while it had a military component, it has a larger – it is a larger event."
As far as I can tell, a golpe de estado occurred when the fascist military overthrew Allende in Chile in 1973.
Of course that was part of Operation Condor, so it was a Yankee-sanctioned coup d'etat.
Is that the real meaning of this State Department doublespeak?
Yes, it's a golpe d'estado, but it's our golpe d'estado - OK!
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."
Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon
"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
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Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Quote:Excerpt from Wednesday's State Department press briefing:
"QUESTION: And so this is properly classified as a military coup?
SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL ONE: Well, I mean, it’s a golpe de estado. The military moved against the president; they removed him from his home and they expelled him from a country, so the military participated in a coup. However, the transfer of leadership was not a military action. The transfer of leadership was done by the Honduran congress, and therefore the coup, while it had a military component, it has a larger – it is a larger event."

As far as I can tell, a golpe de estado occurred when the fascist military overthrew Allende in Chile in 1973.
Of course that was part of Operation Condor, so it was a Yankee-sanctioned coup d'etat.
Is that the real meaning of this State Department doublespeak?
Yes, it's a golpe d'estado, but it's our golpe d'estado - OK!
...not to mention the time we kidnapped Aristide in Haiti...and a few tens of dozens of other such..
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
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Reports are still sketchy and unconfirmed at the moment and there's no link of worth to give you, but word coming in from Honduras is that tens of thousands of people are now marching in separate protests through the streets of Tegucigalpa protesting against the coup d'etat and demanding that President Manuel Zelaya is reinstated. Protest marches are also supposedly happening in other cities in Honduras. Expect the Washington Post to mention minor disturbances on page 427 tomorrow.
The protests are going ahead despite the curfew orders, the stripping of basic rights via the suspension of articles in the constitution and the "welcoming committee" of heavily armed miliary, part of which you see protecting the Presidential palace this morning. Also, last night a bomb reportedly exploded in restaurant just 100m from the capital's airport. The welcoming committee's way of greeting Insulza as he lands today, I suppose.
UPDATE: Avoiding Honduras media that insists all is quiet in the capital (as TV station directors report they've been under military occupation for the last 100 hours), and avoiding Prensa Latina that thinks there are a million pro-Zelayans marching right now, here's Notimex with a bit of coverage that talks about the area around the Presidential palace as a 'battleground' right now and that two military helicopters are firing into the crowd. It's still very difficult to get reliable word on what's going on, but something big is clearly happening.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
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Chambers of Commerce Court conspired to blow
Publicado por espectrods on 7/3/09 Published by espectrods on 7/3/09
Este mensjae me llego al correo electronico tomen el tiempo en leerlo This brings me mensjae mail to take the time to read
______________ ______________
Estimados(as) Amigos(as): Dear (as) Amigos (as):
La actual Presidenta de la Camara de Comercio e Industrias de Cortes, Lic. Aline Flores (Gerente General de Corporacion Flores), ha girado una nota entre todos los grandes, medianos y pequeños empresarios para que "aporten", para patrocinar las Farsas Marchas Por la Paz, que se han estado dando en diferentes ciudades del Pais, para hacerles creer a todos que el "Pueblo", esta a favor del gobierno de facto del golpista y dictadors Roberto Michelletti Bain. The current President of the Camara de Comercio e Industrias de Cortes, Mrs. Aline Flores (Corporación Flores General Manager), has turned a note to all large, medium and small entrepreneurs to "make" to sponsor marches Farsa Peace, who have been taking place in different cities, to make them believe all that the "People", is in favor of the government's de facto coup and dictadors Roberto Michelletti Bain.
Aline Flores esta pidiendo una "Pequeña", colaboracion a los empresarios, esta colaboracion esta divida de la siguiente manera: Aline Flores calling this a "small" business partnership, this collaboration is divided as follows:
Grandes Empresas: $5000.00 Enterprise: $ 5000.00
Mediana: $3000.00 Median: $ 3000.00
Pequeña: entre $2000.00 y $1000.00 Small: between $ 2000.00 and $ 1000.00
en dicho comunicado se lee tambien que esta "Pequeña" colaboracion sera deducida del Impuesto sobre la Renta, que ellos pagan, cuando quieren y lo que quieren. in that press release also says that this short contribution is deducted from income tax, they pay when they want and what they want.
Hondureño, pasa este mensaje, no es justo que los mismos de siempre, nos quieran seguir marginando, de todos es sabido que empresas como Grupo Intur, no pagan impuestos, que son miles de $, lo que el Pais, deja de persibir, por culpa de este grupo de burqueses que han manejado el Pais a su antojo, han hecho lo que quieren con el fisco, este grupo, dueños tambien de Televicentro, supermercados la colonia, banco ficohsa y otras, son las empresas que no pagan energia, los que han lucrado a costillas nuestras. Hondureño, pass this message, it is not fair for them to always want to continue to marginalize us, everyone knows that companies like Group Intur not pay taxes, which are thousands of $, so that the country stops persibir by Because of this group of burqueses that have driven the country at will, have what they want to tax this group, also owners of Televicentro, the Cologne supermarkets, bank Ficohsa and other companies are not paying energy, who have profited to our ribs.
Este fue el principal delito de Manuel Zelaya Rosales, tocar los intereses de los grupos de poder, querer darle al pueblo una vida mas digna, hacer que los ricos y poderosos pagen lo que tienen que pagar de impuestos, para darle a Honduras mas Hospitales, para abastecer de medicamentos los centros de salud y hospitales de toda Honduras, para contratar mas medicos, para abrir mas escuelas, para contratar mas maestros, para reparar las carreteras, etc. This was the main crime of Manuel Zelaya Rosales, touching the interests of power groups, wanting to give the people a more dignified life, to make the rich and powerful pagen what they have to pay taxes, but to give Honduras Hospitals, to supply medicines for health centers and hospitals across Honduras, to recruit more doctors, open more schools to hire more teachers, to repair roads, etc..
Esto no puede seguir pasando, es tiempo de alzar nuestra voz y de hacer que se respeten nuestros derechos, Digamos NO a los grupos de poder! This can not continue happening, it's time to raise our voice and enforcing our rights groups say no to power!
Viva la verdadera Democracia! Viva true Democracy!
Viva Honduras! Viva Honduras!
Fuera el gobierno golpistas y los grupos facticos! Outside the government and groups putschists factual!
Pathetic. People who want real democracy will do it for nothing because it is in their hearts.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
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Independent Media Center - Chiapas, Mexico
Honduras: Políticos, empresarios y militares: protagonistas de un golpe anunciado Honduras: Political, business and military players in a coup announced
9:52am Jueves 2 Julio 2009 / Thursday 02 Jul 2009 9:52 am Thursday, 2 July 2009 / Thursday 02 Jul 2009 autor(a): Leticia Salomón Author (a): Leticia Salomón
Imprimido / Printed: 6:59pm Miércoles 31 Diciembre 1969 / Saturday Jul 4 '09 Printed / Printed: 6:59 pm Wednesday, 31 December 1969 / Saturday Jul 4'09
© Centro de Medios Independientes. © Independent Media Center. Todo el contenido de este sitio es libre de ser republicado y retransmitido en el web o cualquier otro lado, para uso no-comercial, a menos que lo indique la/el autor(a). All content on this site is free to be republished and rebroadcast on the Web or elsewhere, for non-commercial use, unless you specify / el author (a). © Independent Media Center. © Independent Media Center. All content is free for reprint and rebroadcast, on the net and elsewhere, for non-commercial use, unless otherwise noted by author. All content is free for reprint and rebroadcast, on the net and elsewhere, for non-commercial use, unless otherwise noted by author.
Resumen / Summary Abstract / Summary
Excelente análisis de antecedentes del Golpe de Estado Hondureño Excellent background to the coup d'état Hondureño
El domingo 28 de junio de 2009, un contingente de militares rodearon la residencia del Presidente de la República, Manuel Zelaya Rosales (2006-2010), lo detuvieron, lo trasladaron a la Fuerza Aérea Hondureña y lo enviaron a Costa Rica, en un acto similar al que realizaban los militares en el pasado cuando querían deshacerse de los antiguos Jefes de las Fuerzas Armadas. Sunday June 28, 2009, a contingent of soldiers surrounded the residence of the President, Manuel Zelaya Rosales (2006-2010), arrested him, took him to the Honduran Air Force and sent him to Costa Rica, in an act similar to that performed by the military in the past when they wanted to get rid of the old heads of the Armed Forces. El detonante principal fue la convocatoria a una encuesta de opinión a realizarse ese mismo día, promovida por el Presidente de la República, a través de la cual se le consultaría a la ciudadanía si deseaba que en las elecciones de noviembre se colocara una cuarta urna (las otras tres corresponden al Presidente, a los diputados ya los alcaldes) para votar por la instalación de una Asamblea Nacional Constituyente en el 2010, cuyo fin primordial sería la elaboración de una nueva Constitución de la República. The main trigger was the announcement of an opinion poll conducted the same day, promoted by the President of the Republic, through which he would consult with the public if they wanted in the November elections was placed fourth urn ( the other three relate to the President, deputies and mayors) to vote for the installation of a National Constituent Assembly in 2010, whose aim would be to draft a new Constitution of the Republic.
El golpe de Estado se venía gestando desde varios días atrás, alimentado por una confrontación creciente entre los tres poderes del Estado, específicamente entre los poderes Legislativo y Judicial contra el Poder Ejecutivo. The coup d'état had been gestating since several days ago, fueled by a growing confrontation between the three branches of government, specifically between the legislature and judiciary against the executive. Una de las manifestaciones más evidentes fue el desconocimiento por dos poderes del Estado, de la decisión del Presidente de la República de destituir al Jefe del Estado Mayor Conjunto, General Romeo Vásquez Velásquez, por negarse a cumplir una orden del Ejecutivo, facultad establecida en la propia Constitución de la República que se enmarca dentro de la subordinación jerárquica de las Fuerzas Armadas al poder legítimamente constituido. One of the most obvious was the lack of two branches of government, the decision of the President to dismiss the Chief of Joint Staff, General Romeo Vasquez Velasquez, for refusing to comply with a direction of the Executive power in the Constitution of the Republic which is part of the subordination of the armed forces to power legitimately constituted. La restitución del mencionado General en su cargo en una operación relámpago por parte de la Corte Suprema de Justicia y similar acción por parte del Congreso Nacional, que llegó al extremo de declarar héroe nacional al militar, constituyó un atentado a la independencia de poderes y llevó al límite la negativa de ambos poderes a realizar una consulta ciudadana. The return of the General's office said in a lightning operation by the Supreme Court, and similar action by the National Congress, which went so far as to declare a national hero to the military, was a violation of separation of powers and carried refusal to limit the powers of both to perform a citizen.
La decisión de consumar el golpe de Estado se tomó el jueves 25 de junio cuando el mismo Presidente del Congreso pidió al pleno declarar deshabilitado al Presidente de la República para continuar desempeñando su cargo, y procedió a constituir una Comisión de Dictamen cuya resolución no se produjo con la celeridad que se esperaba, lo que unido a la cautela del Embajador de los Estados Unidos para apoyar la inhabilitación, impidió que el golpe de Estado se consumara ese mismo día. The decision to consummate the coup d'etat was made on Thursday June 25 when the President asked Congress to declare full disabled the President to continue in office, and proceeded to establish a Commission opinion whose resolution was not with the speed expected, which together with the caution of the Ambassador of the United States to support the ban, which prevented the coup d'etat was accomplished that day.
3. 3. EL DESENCADENANTE The trigger
La Constitución vigente en Honduras data de 1982 y en ella no se contemplan los mecanismos para revisarla y crear una nueva. The Constitution in force in Honduras in 1982 and there are no mechanisms for review and create a new one. Los constituyentes de la época, conscientes de las debilidades de los partidos políticos tradicionales, establecieron un conjunto de artículos denominados “pétreos” y una advertencia encaminada a considerar como delito cualquier intento de reformarla. The constituents of the time, aware of the weaknesses of traditional political parties, established a series of articles called "stone" and a warning to consider as a crime any attempt to reform it. La iniciativa del Presidente Zelaya de impulsar una consulta/encuesta ciudadana para preguntarle a la ciudadanía si quería que se colocara una cuarta urna en las elecciones generales de 2009, para decidir sobre la instalación de una Asamblea Nacional Constituyente que se encargaría de reformar la constitución, recibió una reacción adversa de la clase política que recordaba constantemente que en el pasado autoritario esa propuesta llevaba implícita un golpe de Estado y, derivado de ello, el empeño continuista del Presidente de la República. President Zelaya's initiative to promote a consulting / public survey to ask citizens if they wanted to be placed fourth in the general election ballot box in 2009, to decide on the establishment of a National Constituent Assembly that would reform the constitution, received an adverse reaction from the political class that constantly reminded that in the authoritarian past that proposal implies a coup and hence, the continuing efforts of the President of the Republic. A partir de ese momento, todo intento del Presidente para realizar la consulta chocaba con la oposición del Poder Legislativo, primero, y del Poder Judicial, después. From that moment on, any attempt by the President to conduct consultations with the opposition came from the Legislature, first, and the judiciary, then. Ambos intensificaban su oposición emitiendo constantes y veloces fallos de ilegalidad a las iniciativas del poder Ejecutivo, relacionadas con la cuarta urna, ya sea en la fase de consulta o en la fase de encuesta. They intensified their opposition emitting constant and rapid failure of illegality to the initiatives of the executive, on the fourth ballot box, either at the consultation stage or at the stage of inquiry.
Lo anterior permitió la confluencia de intereses diversos: This allowed the confluence of diverse interests:
1. 1. intereses político-partidarios, que aglutinaron a seguidores del Presidente del Congreso Nacional, Roberto Micheletti, candidato perdedor en las elecciones primarias del partido Liberal, con un fuerte resentimiento con el presidente del Poder Ejecutivo por no haberle dado el apoyo suficiente para asegurar su triunfo; militantes del partido Nacional, que vieron la iniciativa del Presidente Zelaya como una amenaza al triunfo del candidato de su Partido, Porfirio “Pepe” Lobo; diputados de dos de los tres partidos pequeños, Pinu y Democracia Cristiana, que se posicionaron al lado del presidente del Congreso Nacional en la confrontación de poderes del Estado (la excepción la constituyó el partido Unificación Democrática de tendencia izquierdista y con muy poca representación en el parlamento). partisan political interests, which brings together supporters of the President of Congress, Roberto Micheletti, losing candidate in a primary election of the Liberal Party, with a strong resentment to the chairman of the Executive Branch for not giving him enough support to ensure its success; militants of the National Party, which saw President Zelaya's initiative as a threat to win his party's candidate Porfirio "Pepe" Lobo; Members of two of the three small parties, Pinu and Christian Democracy, which is positioned next to the president National Congress in the confrontation of state power (the exception was the Democratic Unification Party left-leaning and with very little representation in parliament).
2. 2. Intereses político-institucionales, en torno a los que se agruparon las siguientes instituciones: a) Corte Suprema de Justicia, de cuyos miembros ocho son del partido Liberal, incluido su presidente, y siete son del partido Nacional. Political and institutional interests, around which were grouped by the following institutions: a) Supreme Court, eight of whose members are the Liberal Party, including its chairman, and seven are from the National Party. Todos ellos fueron nombrados por el Congreso Nacional a propuesta de una Junta Nominadora, pero todos guardan un alto nivel de subordinación hacia el partido que votó por ellos y, en el caso del Presidente (de la Corte Suprema) mantiene una relación de dependencia directa con respecto al Presidente del Congreso Nacional b) Ministerio Público, dirigido por el Fiscal General, perteneciente al partido Liberal, y el Fiscal General Adjunto, del partido Nacional, ambos nombrados recientemente por el Congreso Nacional luego de fuertes negociaciones entre las bancadas en las que el presidente Micheletti jugó un papel activo c) Procuraduría General de la República, liberal nombrada por el Congreso Nacional y con fuerte dependencia de su partido d) Comisionado Nacional de los Derechos Humanos, reelecto por el Congreso Nacional luego de intensas negociaciones con el partido Liberal ye) Tribunal Supremo Electoral, organismo altamente partidizado cuyo presidente pertenece al partido Liberal y mantiene vínculos directos con el presidente del Congreso. All were appointed by Congress a proposal for appointing a board, but all have a high level of subordination to the party that voted for them, and in the case of the President (of the Supreme Court) has a direct relationship of dependency with the President of Congress b) Public Ministry, headed by the Attorney General, a member of the Liberal Party, and the Attorney General, the National Party, both recently appointed by Congress after negotiations between the strong banks in the Micheletti president played an active role c) Attorney General of the Republic, a liberal appointed by Congress and his party's heavy reliance d) the National Commissioner for Human Rights, elected by the National Congress after intense negotiations with the Liberal party ye ) Supreme Electoral Tribunal, a body highly partidizado which belongs to the Liberal party president and maintains direct links with the Congress president.
3. 3. Intereses económicos, que juntaron a dirigentes empresariales de las organizaciones gremiales, Consejo Hondureño de la Empresa Privada (COHEP) y Asociación Nacional de Industriales (ANDI), que estaban disgustados con la decisión presidencial de aumentar unilateralmente el salario mínimo en diciembre anterior, a pesar de la negativa empresarial a aumentarlo. Economic interests, which together with business leaders from trade associations, Honduran Council of Private Enterprise (COHEP) and National Association of Industrialists (ANDI), who were displeased with the president's decision unilaterally to increase the minimum wage in the previous December, despite the refusal of business to increase.
4. 4. Intereses mediáticos, que hicieron confluir a los principales dueños de medios de comunicación a) Rafael Ferrari, del Partido Liberal, dueño de canales de televisión 3, 5 y 7, y de una cadena de radio y varias radios menores, b) Carlos Flores, también del Partido Liberal, ex presidente de Honduras y dueño de Diario La Tribuna, de mucha influencia en la zona central del país y padre de la Vicepresidenta del Congreso Nacional a quien colocó por su amistad con Roberto Micheletti, entonces Presidente del Congreso Nacional, con una relación de dependencia hacia el ex presidente; c) Jorge Cañahuatti, del Partido Nacional, dueño de los diarios El Heraldo y La Prensa, con fuerte influencia en la zona central el primero y nacional el segundo, confrontado con el gobierno desde el inicio, por cuestiones partidarias y por quedar excluido de los contratos del gobierno. Media interests, which brought the major media owners a) Rafael Ferrari, Liberal Party, owner of TV channels 3, 5 and 7, and a radio station and several smaller radii, b) Carlos Flores, also of the Liberal Party, former president of Honduras and owner of La Tribuna, a lot of influence in the central area of the country and father of the Vice-President of Congress who placed his friendship with Roberto Micheletti, President of Congress, with a dependent relationship to the former president; c) Jorge Cañahuatti, the National Party, who owns the newspapers El Heraldo and La Prensa, with strong influence in the central zone, the first and second national confronted with the government from the beginning, partisan issues and be excluded from government contracts. Desde dos años atrás el presidente comenzó a señalar a los "poderes fácticos" que lo presionaban para conseguir beneficios económicos, dentro de los cuales se encontraban los empresarios de medios de comunicación y otras actividades económicas, que se han señalado. Since two years ago the president began to draw to the "powers" that press for economic benefits, among which were the entrepreneurs of the media and other economic activities that have been identified.
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1. 1. El presidente quería imponer la democracia participativa The President wanted to impose participatory democracy
La clase política del país, representada en el Congreso Nacional a través de los partidos actualmente constituidos, ha manifestado una resistencia creciente a aceptar nuevas formas de democracia, como la participativa, argumentando que la democracia representativa es la única forma de ejercicio de la democracia y que los diputados al Congreso Nacional son los únicos facultados para opinar sobre los asuntos públicos. The political class in the country, represented in Congress by parties currently constituted, has shown a growing resistance to accept new forms of democracy such as participation, arguing that representative democracy is the only form of exercise of democracy and that Members of Congress are the only ones entitled to comment on public affairs. La idea de consultar a la ciudadanía para opinar sobre un asunto de trascendencia nacional, como la creación de una nueva Constitución adaptada a los cambios que ha experimentado el contexto nacional e internacional luego de 28 años de haber sido emitida, alteró la calma legislativa y sus diputados comenzaron a argumentar que la Constitución de la República no se podía cambiar porque los constituyentes que emitieron la Constitución de 1982, actualmente vigente, decidieron que habían artículos pétreos que hacían imposible que la Constitución fuera reformada. The idea of consulting the public to comment on a matter of national importance, such as creating a new constitution adapted to the changes experienced by the national and international context after 28 years of being issued, legislative change and its calm Members began to argue that the Constitution could not be changed because the constituencies that gave the 1982 Constitution currently in force, they decided that they had items that did not rock the Constitution was reformed.
2. 2. El Presidente desobedeció las órdenes judiciales President disobeyed orders
La insistencia del Presidente de la República de continuar adelante con la idea de la cuarta urna, pese a la oposición del Poder Legislativo, secundada por el Poder Judicial, llevó al límite la confrontación entre los poderes del Estado y todos ellos terminaron con argumentaciones y contra argumentaciones jurídicas que evidenciaron la politización partidaria del Poder Judicial que se posicionó al lado del Poder Legislativo en el conflicto entre Poder Legislativo y Poder Ejecutivo. The insistence of the President to continue with the idea of the fourth ballot box, despite opposition from the Legislature, supported by the judiciary, led to limit the confrontation between the authorities and they all ended up with arguments against legal arguments that showed the partisan politicization of the judiciary that was positioned next to the Legislature in the conflict between legislature and executive. De esta manera, lo que pudo haber sido un conflicto exclusivamente jurídico, que debía resolverse en los tribunales de Justicia, se convirtió en un problema esencialmente político que se manejó públicamente como problema jurídico, aunque privadamente, a través de negociaciones entre el Poder Ejecutivo y la alianza político-económica-mediática, se manejó como un problema político. In this way, what could have been an exclusively legal conflict that should be resolved in courts of justice, became an essentially political problem that was handled as a legal problem publicly, but privately, through negotiations between the Executive and political-economic alliance-media was maintained as a political problem.
3. 3. El Presidente pretendía continuar en el poder The President intended to continue in power
El argumento del continuismo comenzó a ser utilizado por el Congreso Nacional, secundado por los dueños de medios de comunicación, la empresa privada, sectores conservadores, personas y grupos interesados, y militares retirados que comenzaron a plantar la idea de que el presidente quería continuar en el poder, a pesar de su reiterada afirmación de que él estaría en el gobierno hasta el último día de su mandato y que la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente sería tarea del nuevo gobierno que iniciaría en el 2010. The argument of the continuity began to be used by Congress, supported by media owners, private business, conservative, individuals and interest groups, and retired military officers who began to plant the idea that the president wanted to continue in power, despite its repeated assertion that he was in government until the last day of his mandate and to the National Constituent Assembly of the new government would work to begin in 2010. En esta percepción pudieron influir declaraciones iniciales contradictorias por parte de funcionarios allegados al Presidente de la República, que pudieron contribuir a confundir a los sectores en confrontación sobre este tema, aunque el mismo adquirió su propia dinámica y comenzó a repetirse una u otra vez por parte de todos los componentes de la alianza política-económica-mediática, hasta lograr un alto nivel de manipulación y desinformación. This perception may have influenced initial contradictory statements by officials close to the President of the Republic, which could contribute to confusion for the sectors in conflict on this issue, although it acquired its own momentum and began to repeat one time or another by all components of the alliance-political-economic media, to achieve a high level of manipulation and misinformation.
4. 4. El presidente quería instaurar el comunismo en el país The president wanted to establish communism in the country
La cercanía del Presidente Zelaya con los países integrantes de la Alianza Bolivariana de las Américas (ALBA) y Petrocaribe, le creó una imagen de centro izquierda que incomodó a empresarios y políticos que comenzaron a asociar todas las decisiones gubernamentales con acciones encaminadas a instaurar el comunismo en el país, situación que fue hábilmente manipulada por los medios de comunicación y repetida insistentemente por los militares retirados que adquirieron un protagonismo creado y estimulado por las fuerzas opositoras al gobierno. President Zelaya of the proximity with the member countries of the Bolivarian Alliance of the Americas (ALBA) and Petrocaribe, he created an image of the center-left who are uncomfortable with businessmen and politicians began to involve all government decisions with actions aimed at establishing communism in the country, which was skillfully manipulated by the media and repeated insistence by the retired military officers who became a role created and stimulated by the forces opposing the government. La cercanía a los países de la ALBA, en particular, Venezuela, Nicaragua y Cuba, les llevó a estigmatizar a gobierno y ciudadanos de estos países, ya considerar que la presencia de sus diplomáticos en el país constituía una amenaza para la democracia. Proximity to the ALBA countries, particularly Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, it took them to stigmatize government and citizens of these countries, considering that the presence of its diplomats in the country constituted a threat to democracy.
5. 5. El Presidente ha incumplido sus funciones The President has failed to fulfill its functions
El tema de la cuarta urna desplazó a todos los otros temas de la agenda nacional, acaparando la atención de legisladores, funcionarios y medios de comunicación, al extremo que medios de comunicación de la alianza político-económica-mediática dedicaban espacios casi completos a cuestionar el tema y, por supuesto, el gobierno utilizaba el canal del Estado y un par de canales más, para defender su posición en torno a la cuarta urna. The theme of the fourth urn went to all the other items on the national agenda, attracting the attention of legislators, officials and media, to the point that the media-politico-economic alliance media space devoted almost entirely to the question subject and, of course, the government used the state channel and a pair of channels, to defend its position on the fourth ballot box. La alianza opositora continuó cuestionando la insistencia presidencial en mantener el tema y decidieron cuestionarlo por la falta de atención, que según ellos, le restaba a la fiebre AH1N1, inundaciones y terremotos. The opposition alliance has continued to question the presidential insistence on keeping the issue and decide questions about the lack of care, which according to them, he remained at fever AH1N1, floods and earthquakes.
Conforme avanzaba la confrontación entre poderes del Estado, en una evidente crisis de ingobernabilidad política, la alianza opositora comenzó a acercarse al Jefe del Estado Mayor Conjunto, General Romeo Vásquez Velásquez, ya la Junta de Comandantes, para pedirles que no obedecieran las órdenes del presidente de la República, de repartir las cajas para la encuesta de opinión en todo el país. As we move the confrontation between branches of government, in an apparent crisis of political governance, the opposition alliance began to approach the Head of the Joint Staff, General Romeo Vasquez Velasquez, and the Board of commanders to ask them not to obey the orders of the president of the Republic, to distribute funds for the survey of opinion across the country. A la vez que negociaba con la cúpula militar en privado, colocaba en la agenda pública a militares retirados, protagonistas de la década de los ochenta, formados en plena guerra fría, reafirmando posiciones anticomunistas, incitando a la desobediencia y haciendo llamados a la insubordinación de los militares activos. As well as negotiating with the military leadership in private, placed on the public agenda for military retirees, protagonists of the eighties, formed in the Cold War, anticommunist reaffirming positions, prompting calls to disobedience and insubordination of the military assets. La crisis permitió que personajes sumados en el anonimato adquirieran visibilidad y se convirtieran en referentes notables para los medios de comunicación de la alianza opositora, militarizando la agenda de los medios y polarizando la sociedad en dos grupos fuertemente enfrentados, los que estaban a favor y los que estaban en contra. The crisis allowed characters together in anonymity gain visibility and become outstanding relating to the media of the opposition alliance, militarizing the agenda of the media and polarizing society into two sharply opposing groups, those who were in favor and they were against. La destitución del Jefe del Estado Mayor y la renuncia del Secretario de Defensa, Edmundo Orellana, fue una consecuencia lógica de la presión político-jurídica a que se vieron enfrentados los militares durante varios días de confrontación. The dismissal of the Chief of Staff and the resignation of Secretary of Defense Edmundo Orellana, was a logical consequence of political and legal pressure to be faced by the military for several days of confrontation.
Hasta ese momento las Fuerzas Armadas aparecían como víctimas de la polarización civil en el plano político. Until then the armed forces appeared to be victims of polarization in the political calendar. A partir de ahí y luego de la restitución político-judicial del General en su cargo, y después de su reconocimiento público en el Congreso Nacional como “héroe nacional”, por haberle desobedecido al Presidente de la República, el militar comenzó a participar en marchas y protestas callejeras, ya dar entrevistas para los medios opositores, definiéndose claramente del lado de la alianza político-económica-mediática. From there and after the return of political-judicial-General's office, and after his public recognition at the National Congress as "national hero" for having disobeyed the President of the Republic, the military began to participate in marches and street protests, and giving interviews to media opponents, clearly defining the side of the political-economic alliance media. La Junta de Comandantes, constituida por los Jefes de las tres fuerzas y el Inspector General, además del propio Jefe del Estado Mayor Conjunto, decidió involucrarse en la confrontación tomando partido por la alianza opositora y ejecutando el golpe de Estado de la mañana de 28 de junio. Commanders of the Board, consisting of the heads of the three forces and the Inspector General, in addition to the Joint Chief of Staff, decided to get involved in the confrontation by taking a stand for the opposition alliance and executing a coup on the morning of 28 June. Muchos años de profesionalización y creciente subordinación militar a los gobiernos legítimamente constituidos fueron echados por la borda por los Comandantes militares que prefirieron anteponer sus intereses y rencores particulares, y sucumbir ante el poder económico y político, cometiendo uno de los errores más grandes que marcarán negativamente a su institución. Many years of increasing professionalization and military subordination to the legitimately constituted governments were thrown overboard by military commanders who preferred to put their private interests and grudges, and succumb to the economic and political power, committing one of the biggest mistakes that will negatively his institution. En estos 28 años de construcción democrática, las Fuerzas Armadas lograron construir paso a paso una fuerte legitimidad ante la sociedad, al grado que aparecían en las encuestas con un nivel de aceptación similar al de la iglesia católica. In these 28 years of building democracy, the armed forces constructed step by step a strong legitimacy in the eyes of society, to the extent shown in the polls with a similar level of acceptance at the Catholic church. Verlos en la calle, al lado de la Policía, persiguiendo y golpeando a ciudadanos hondureños que se plantaron para rechazar el golpe de Estado, representa un retroceso grave por el cual pagarán su precio ante la historia y ante la sociedad. Seeing them on the street, next to the police chasing and beating that Hondurans were planted to reject the coup, represents a serious setback by which the price paid to history and to society.
Lo ocurrido en el Congreso nacional durante el domingo 28 de junio pasará a la historia del país como un ejemplo de los extremos a los que puede conducir la combinación de intolerancia, manipulación del significado de la democracia, intereses personales, ideologización del conflicto político y rivalidades intrapartidarias. What happened in Congress during the Sunday June 28 will move to the country's history as an example of the extremes to which the combination can lead to intolerance, manipulation of the meaning of democracy, personal, ideological conflict and political rivalries intrapartidarias. Lo más lamentable es la reproducción de los viejos métodos militares que combinaban mentiras sostenidas como verdades, silencio oficial ante la situación crítica, sometimiento de los medios de comunicación opuestos al golpe, desinformación, ausencia de información sobre lo que ocurre, intervención de teléfonos, detención de funcionarios, represión de manifestantes, interrupción del fluido eléctrico, intento de controlar la comunicación electrónica y auto proclamación como defensores de la nación. Most unfortunately, the reproduction of the old military methods that combine sustained lies as truths, official silence before the critical situation, subjecting the media opposing the coup, misinformation, lack of information about what is happening, telephone tapping, detention officials, repression of protesters, interruption of electric power, attempt to control the electronic communication and self proclaimed defenders of the nation. Lo anterior dio lugar a una serie de contradicciones en que incurrieron los diputados y allegados, reproducidas fielmente por los medios de comunicación, las cuales se resumen en lo siguiente: This led to a series of contradictions that were incurred Members and associates, faithfully reproduced by the media, which are summarized as follows:
1. 1. La carta de renuncia del Presidente del Ejecutivo The letter of resignation from the Chairman of the Executive
La justificación del golpe de Estado fue la renuncia que supuestamente había firmado y sellado el presidente de la República el domingo 28 de junio, en la que indicaba que lo hacía por razones de salud y para preservar la paz de la nación. The justification of the coup d'état was the resignation that he had allegedly signed and stamped the president on Sunday, June 28, which indicated that it was for health reasons and to preserve the peace of the nation. La carta presentaba fecha del jueves 25 de junio, fecha en que se había planificado el golpe de Estado como producto de las conversaciones entre el presidente del Congreso Nacional y el Jefe del Estado Mayor Conjunto y en la cual esperaban inhabilitar al Presidente de la República. The letter dates from Thursday June 25, when he had planned the coup d'etat as a product of discussions between the chairman of the National Congress and Chief of Joint Staff and in which waited off to the President of the Republic.
2. 2. Sustitución versus derrocamiento Replacement versus overthrow
La argumentación central utilizada por los diputados del Congreso Nacional es que ante el vacío dejado por la renuncia del Presidente de la República, el Congreso Nacional se ve obligado a sustituirlo por el Presidente del Congreso, a quien le toca constitucionalmente la sucesión en el cargo. The central argument used by Members of Congress is that before the void left by the resignation of the President, Congress is forced to replace it by the President of Congress, whom he plays constitutionally succession in office. Sin embargo, ellos mismos y sus allegados han caído en contradicciones al repetir que el presidente ha sido derrocado, relevado de su cargo, inhabilitado o separado del mismo por incumplir órdenes judiciales. However, they and their families have fallen into contradictions with repeated that the president has been overthrown, dismissed, or separate from it disqualified for breaching court orders. El Decreto Legislativo estableció improbar la actuación del Presidente de la República y separarlo de su cargo. The Act established reject the action of the President and removed from office.
3. 3. Espíritu de cuerpo versus intereses partidarios Spirit versus partisan interests
El Congreso Nacional ha asumido posiciones bastante homogéneas ante el golpe de Estado. The National Congress has taken up positions at the fairly homogenous coup. Ha aparecido como un poder del Estado confrontado con otro poder del Estado, sin distinciones partidarias entre liberales y nacionalistas, aunque a nivel individual cada uno apuesta a sus propios intereses, como la distribución de cargos públicos en los siete meses que faltan para que el Presidente Zelaya termine su período presidencial, y la distribución de cargos en el Congreso Nacional, una vez que inicie el próximo gobierno. Has emerged as a state power when confronted with another state power, without partisan distinctions between liberals and nationalists, but at each individual bet on their own interests, such as the distribution of public positions in the seven months remaining for the President Zelaya finish his presidential term, and the distribution of seats in Congress, once you start the next government. Los nacionalistas apostaron al golpe confiando que esta crisis ahondaría las diferencias del partido Liberal y les haría perder las elecciones de noviembre. Nationalists pushed the coup confident that this crisis ahondaría Liberal party differences and make them lose the November elections. Los liberales apostaron al golpe pensando que el control del gobierno por siete meses les permitirá disponer de recursos públicos para financiar su campaña y ganar los comicios de noviembre. Liberals believe that bet-coup government control for seven months they will provide public funds to finance his campaign and win the polls in November.
4. 4. De candidato perdedor a presidente de facto Defeated candidate for president de facto
La pérdida de las elecciones primarias de su partido ante su opositor Elvin Santos, no fue un obstáculo para incorporarlo como socio menor en el proceso de golpe de Estado, porque esa alianza lo fortalecía frente al Presidente quien lucía aislado de su partido. The loss of the primaries of his party before his opponent Elvin Santos, was not an obstacle for incorporation as junior partner in the coup, because the alliance is strengthened against the President, who wore isolated from his party. El resentimiento generado como resultado de sus frustradas aspiraciones presidenciales por la vía legal, se vio compensado ante la posibilidad de ser presidente por la vía ilegal, como producto de un golpe de Estado. The resentment generated as a result of his presidential aspirations dashed by legal means, to offset the possibility of becoming president through illegal, as the product of a coup.
Es indudable que la crisis político-institucional que desembocó en el golpe de Estado del 28 de junio, tiene raíces en la estructura del sistema político y en sus debilidades para enfrentar adecuadamente los retos que supone la construcción de la democracia en nuestro país, entre las cuales podemos señalar las siguientes: Clearly, the political-institutional crisis that led to the coup of June 28, has roots in the structure of the political system and its weaknesses to address adequately the challenges of building democracy in our country, between which we note the following:
1. 1. Politización partidaria de las instituciones Partisan politicization of the institutions
Todas las instituciones del Estado son políticas por naturaleza, pero imprimirle un sello partidario excluyente, subordinado e irrespetuoso, traspasa los límites de lo aceptable y se convierte en una debilidad que puede convertirse en una amenaza para el fortalecimiento democrático. All state institutions are political in nature, but make it a partisan stamp exclusionary and disrespectful subject, beyond the limits of what is acceptable and becomes a weakness that can become a threat to the strengthening of democracy. La falta de independencia y la limitación de la autonomía para desempeñarse frente a la ciudadanía se convierte en una fuerte debilidad que ha aflorado en esta crisis con dimensiones tan grandes que deben motivar a una profunda reflexión. The lack of independence and limit the autonomy to act against the public becomes a strong weakness that has emerged in this crisis with such large dimensions that should motivate a deeper reflection.
2. 2. Candidatura presidencial de los Presidentes del Poder Legislativo Presidential candidacy of the Presidents of the Legislative Branch
En los últimos años se ha observado una creciente tendencia a la confrontación entre los poderes Legislativo y Ejecutivo, particularmente en los dos últimos años de gobierno, cuando comienzan a definirse los precandidatos y candidatos a la Presidencia de la República. In recent years there has been an increasing trend of confrontation between the legislative and executive powers, particularly over the last two years in office, when they begin to identify the candidate and candidate for President of the Republic. Un factor explicativo clave es el lanzamiento de las candidaturas presidenciales de los presidentes del Congreso Nacional que lleva al parlamento a poner distancia ante el poder Ejecutivo e inclusive confrontarlo, para obtener una mayor aceptación popular o para comenzar a ejercer el poder antes de obtenerlo. A key explanatory factor is the launch of the presidential candidacies of the chairmen of the National Congress that leads to the parliament to put away the executive branch to confront and even, for greater popular acceptance or to begin to exercise the power before you get it. En años pasados se realizó una reforma encaminada a impedir que este tipo de candidaturas se pudieran lanzar sin antes haber renunciado a su cargo, pero la misma politización de las instituciones, en particular del Sistema Judicial, ha hecho que los dos últimos presidentes de ese poder del Estado hayan lanzado sus candidaturas a pesar de la prohibición derivada de una reforma constitucional. In past years there was a reform aimed at preventing this kind of applications could be launched without having resigned his post, but the politicization of institutions, particularly the Judiciary, has the last two presidents of this power State have launched their candidacy despite the ban stemming from a constitutional reform.
3. 3. Incapacidad política para lograr acuerdos Inability to reach political agreements
De manera creciente se ha observado la incapacidad política para articular consensos y alcanzar acuerdos, característica que libró en el pasado a nuestro país de los enfrentamientos bélicos que se produjeron en otros países de Centroamérica. So there has been a growing political inability to articulate and reach consensus, a characteristic that in the past to rid our country of the military conflicts that occurred in other countries in Central America. Esta tendencia ha llegado a su máxima expresión en la crisis que condujo al actual golpe de Estado, situación que pudo evitarse si hubiera existido voluntad política para ceder en las dos partes en conflicto, mayor disposición a la negociación y mejor preparación para la solución pacífica de los conflictos. This trend has reached its maximum expression in the current crisis which led to the coup, which was avoided if there had been political will to compromise on both sides of the conflict, more willing to bargain and better preparation for the peaceful resolution of conflicts.
4. 4. Recurrencia a poderes arbitrales Recurrence arbitration powers
Una gran debilidad del sistema político hondureño, muy vinculada a la anterior, es la constante búsqueda de poderes arbitrales para solucionar los conflictos. A major weakness of the Honduran political system, closely linked to the previous one, is constantly searching for arbitration powers to resolve conflicts. La recurrencia a las Fuerzas Armadas es la actitud que lo ha caracterizado históricamente, aunque esta decisión ha terminado siempre, como ahora, en golpes de Estado, luego de otorgarles un protagonismo político que no les corresponde. The recurrence of the Armed Forces is the attitude that has historically characterized, although this decision has ended forever, as now, in coups d'état, after giving them a political role that is not theirs. Una nueva manifestación de esta tendencia se expresa en la recurrencia a las iglesias como factor mediador y arbitral, papel que tampoco les corresponde por la condición laica del Estado hondureño. A new manifestation of this trend is reflected in the recourse to the churches as a mediator and arbitration, nor their role in the secular status of the Honduran State. En este proceso de polarización y posterior golpe de Estado, las iglesias hondureñas, tanto la católica como las evangélicas, no sólo fallaron en su papel mediador sino que se inclinaron por una de las fuerzas en conflicto, exacerbando los ánimos e intensificando la polarización. In this process of polarization and subsequent coup, the churches in Honduras, both the Catholic and the Protestant, not only failed in its role as mediator, but they settled on one of the forces in conflict, exacerbating the moods and intensify the polarization. Esta tendencia es negativa porque le concede protagonismo político a dos instituciones que no deben tenerlo porque ocupan y deben ocupar espacios que no deben estar contaminados por la política. This trend is negative because it gives prominence to political institutions that should not have it because it must occupy space and should not be polluted by politics.
5. 5. Cultura de la intolerancia, el irrespeto y la confrontación Culture of intolerance, disrespect and confrontation
Una característica relativamente nueva del sistema político hondureño es la intolerancia a los que son y piensan diferente; el irrespeto al otro, incluidas las máximas autoridades de nuestro país; y la tendencia a convertir diálogos en confrontación. A relatively new addition to the Honduran political system is intolerant to those who are and think differently; disrespect to the other, including the highest authorities of our country and the tendency to turn into confrontational dialogue. Esta situación se ha observado con mucha preocupación en la crisis actual tanto en el ámbito político como en el ámbito social. This situation has been observed with great concern the current crisis in both political and social matters. Llama la atención que la confrontación llegó al límite, provocada y estimulada por los medios de comunicación de la alianza opositora, impregnando a la sociedad de lo que hasta ahora ha sido una característica de los medios de comunicación en general: ofensas, lenguaje soez, gritos, invasión de la privacidad, agresión, acusaciones infundadas. Striking that the confrontation reached the limit, caused and stimulated by the media of the opposition alliance, pervading a society which has hitherto been a feature of the media in general offenses, foul language, yelling , invasion of privacy, assault, allegations unfounded. Todo ello se vio en este proceso, lo que imposibilita más la búsqueda de consensos y la solución pacífica de los conflictos. All this was in the process, making it impossible for most to seek consensus and peaceful resolution of conflicts.
Si no fuera por el drama provocado por el golpe de Estado, la detención y expulsión del Presidente de la República, la represión de manifestantes, las violaciones a las garantías individuales y los controles a la libertad de expresión, provocaría hilaridad la forma en que los políticos hondureños definen la democracia, el orden democrático y el fortalecimiento institucional. If not for the drama caused by the coup, the detention and expulsion of the President, the repression of demonstrators, violations of individual rights and controls on freedom of expression, hilarity lead the way in which Honduran define political democracy, and democratic institution building. Mantienen el viejo concepto ideologizado de democracia que colocaba a los militares como sus máximos defensores, consideran orden democrático al castigo impuesto al Presidente de un poder del Estado por atreverse a desafiar al Congreso Nacional y denominan fortalecimiento institucional a la rapidez con que nombran a su sustituto ya su nuevo gabinete. Ideologized maintain the old concept of democracy that places the military as its greatest defenders, democratic order to consider punishment to the President the power of the state for daring to challenge the National Congress and called for strengthening the speed with which his replacement is named and his new cabinet. La situación se volvería más hilarante si los escuchamos razonando sobre porqué lo sucedido no puede definirse como un golpe de Estado: no lo es, dicen, porque siguen existiendo los tres poderes, no se ha roto el orden constitucional y no hay militares al frente de las instituciones del Estado. The situation would become more hilarious if you listen to the reasoning about why it happened can not be defined as a coup d'etat: no, they say, because there are still the three powers, has not broken the constitutional order and there is at the forefront of military State institutions.
Los políticos hondureños le han dado un fuerte golpe al proceso de construcción democrática que se ha venido gestando en los últimos 28 años, demostrando intolerancia, irrespeto a la independencia de poderes, autoritarismo, ignorancia de los cambios que se han producido en el contexto internacional, ambiciones desmedidas, subordinación a los grupos económicos y un profundo irrespeto al Estado de Derecho. Honduran politicians have given a strong blow to the democratic process of building that has been brewing over the past 28 years, demonstrating intolerance, disrespect for the independence of power, authoritarianism, ignorance of the changes in the international context, inordinate ambitions, subordination to the economic groups and a profound disrespect for the rule of law.
Las Fuerzas Armadas se volvieron cómplices del rompimiento del orden constitucional y le provocaron un profundo daño a su imagen institucional, sustituyendo su condición profesional, apolítica y no deliberante, por la condición peyorativa de gorilas con que se les conocía hasta la década de los ochenta. The Armed Forces have become accomplices of breaking the constitutional order and caused a deep hurt your image, replacing its professional, apolitical and non-deliberative, the pejorative status of gorillas that were known until the eighties. Se sumaron al juego de los protagonistas de la alianza político-económica y mediática, y se convirtieron en instrumento para que ellos lograran sus objetivos y se quedaran con la gloria, mientras la institución se quedaba con la ignominia. Joined the game of the protagonists in the political and economic alliance, and media and became a tool for them to achieve their goals and they were the glory, while the institution is left with the shame.
Todas las personas, grupos y políticos tienen derecho a apoyar o rechazar sistemas ideológicos que caracterizan a los países de nuestro continente; a lo que no tienen derecho es a imponer su criterio particular como criterio general de la sociedad, a impedir que un presidente termine su mandato constitucional porque no comparten con él sus simpatías personales con otros presidentes ya impedir que la ciudadanía sea consultada sobre cualquier tema, incluyendo la elaboración de una nueva Constitución. All persons, groups and politicians are right to support or reject ideological systems that characterize the countries of our continent, what is not entitled to impose its particular approach as a general criterion of society, to prevent a president finished his constitutional because it did not share with him their personal sympathy with other presidents and to exclude the public is consulted on any issue, including development of a new constitution. Manifestarse sobre estos y otros temas, es también un derecho de todos, pero expresar públicamente nuestras preferencias y gritarlas con toda la fuerza que podamos, no nos hace superiores a los otros. Comment on these and other issues, is also a right for all, but to publicly express our preferences and shouted with all the strength that we can not make us superior to others.
• Consultar a la ciudadanía no puede ser nunca un acto ilegal: cuando los integrantes de la alianza política-económica y mediática asuman el significado de esta frase, será un gran indicador de avance en cultura política democrática. • Consult the public can never be an illegal act when members of the economic and political alliance-media assume the meaning of this phrase, it will be a great indicator of progress on democratic political culture.
• Reconocer y respetar la coexistencia de personas, partidos y países que son o piensan diferentes, será un gran indicador de que las Fuerzas Armadas hondureñas superaron su condición primitiva y atrasada. • Recognize and respect the existence of people, parties and countries that are different or think will be a major indicator of the Honduran armed forces overcome their primitive and backward.
[align=left][FONT=arial,helvetica]• Emitir una opinión no implica obligatoriamente estar a favor o en contra, cu
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
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Well, in keeping with their entry into the twilight zone the Honduran dictator has expelled the OAS from Honduras so there is no need for the OAS to consider whether or not to have Honduras expelled. Totally isolated and filled with their own delusions and hallucinations they would rather persist with their fantasy than deal with the fact that they are soon going to come to a grinding halt. Chavez has suspended oil exports to Honduras Borders are closed to trade. Food shortages are already happening. Honduras has a narrow production base mainly bananas and coffee. There is only so many bananas the coffee growers will buy and vis a versa before they need outsiders to trade with them. The oligarchy will be screaming in self inflicted pain soon. If the dictator and his littler soldier helper have half a brain between them they will be making arrangements with the US ambassador for a long holiday in Miami and slink out the back door before Zelaya, Insulza, Correa and Kirchner arrive. But are they really that bright?
Well, it's official! The Organization of American States (OAS) doesn't need to bother suspending Honduras from the OAS because the coup government has decided it is withdrawing from the most important regional body in the Americas. Roberto Micheletti, the dictator who was sworn in as de facto president in Honduras on Sunday, after the democratically elected president Manuel Zelaya was kidnapped at gunpoint by masked soldiers and forced into exile, has said, "to hell with you OAS", "we don't need you either!" During Secretary General of the OAS, Jose Miguel Insulza's visit to the Central American nation to hand deliver the 72-hour ultimatum demanding the coup government step down or face suspension (the most severe sanction the OAS can impose), coup leader Roberto Micheletti gave a speech before supporters and later issued a formal statement withdrawing Honduras from the OAS, declaring, "we don't have to respond to anybody, we are a sovereign nation". The OAS visit was intended to reach some kind of dialogue or solution to the crisis in Honduras since the coup occurred on early Sunday morning, yet the coup government held tight to its position of power.
On Saturday, the OAS will convene a new meeting to review the results of its failure in Honduras and the decision of the coup government to defiantly ignore the regional body's intentions to resolve the conflict peacefully (if that is even possible at this point). Several presidents, such as Cristina Fernandez of Argentina and Rafael Correa of Ecuador will travel to Washington for the special OAS follow up meeting to the Honduran crisis.
President Zelaya had hoped to return Saturday to his elected post, yet the situation in his country, post-coup, is more complicated than originally imagined. Hondurans supporting Zelaya marched cross the nation to the capital, Tegucigalpa, on Friday to send a message to the OAS General Secretary that they are waiting for their legitimate president to return.
If the Obama administration doesn't formally sanction the coup government in Honduras and suspend all relations, as every other country around the world has done so far, a terrible precedent will be set in the hemisphere, allowing for coups that produce "friendly" results for Washington. The United States is pleased with the outcome of Sunday's coup, which deposed a leftist president aligned with countries like Venezuela, Cuba and Bolivia, but at the same time is not happy with the method - a military coup- to achieve the end goal. However, if Washington continues without firmly condemning the coup government's actions and withdrawal from the OAS, Obama will lose all credibility in Latin America.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
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04-07-2009, 04:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-07-2009, 05:01 PM by Peter Lemkin.)
I have a bad feeling if he attempts a return.....something out of 'Jonestown'....I hope I'm wrong.......
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
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Statement of Pres. Zelaya on his Return Tomorrow, Calls for Non-Violent Demonstrations
Here is the translation to English of the Statement of President Manuel Zelaya, issued July 4:
Compañeros and compañeras, fellow Hondurans, your president, Manuel Zelaya Rosales, speaks to you. I want to tell you that my destiny is tied to the destiny of the Honduran people. On the morning of June 28, while I was preparing to exercise my vote in a nationwide survey, I was the victim of assaults, abuses, violations and kidnapping, I was taken captive and expelled from my country by Honduran military forces. By these military forces that today have put themselves in the service of and in complicity with the voracious elite that squeezes and asphyxiates our people, obeying their orders and not defending our nation or our democracy. This is a blow to the Honduran nation and has made clear to the world that in Honduras there is still a kind of barbarity, and people who are unaware of the harm they cause to our country and to future generations.
Through these means of communication, I call for you to continue the participation of the people. The people are the principle actors of our democracy and of the solutions that must be found to the grave problems of poverty and inequality in our country.
As Hondurans, we have faced major problems and we have always know how to come together to move forward, and this is a huge opportunity to show the world that Hondurans are capable of confronting these problems in spite of the attacks by a criminal sector that today seeks to appropriate the fate of our nation and of our children.
I speak to the coup leaders, traitors, Judases that kissed me on the cheek to then carry out this major strike against our country and democracy: You must rectify your actions as soon as possible. You are surrounded, the world has isolated you, all the nations of the world have condemned you, without exception. There is general repudiation of your actions, your actions will not be ignored because international tribunals will hold you accountable for the genocide you are carrying out in our country by repressing basic freedoms and by repressing our people.
I am organizing my return to Honduras and I ask all campesinos, housewives, city-dwellers, indigenous peoples, youth and all the groups of workers, businesspeople and politicians that I have throughout the nation--mayors, legislators--that you accompany me on my return to Honduras. This is the return of the elected president, elected by the sovereign will of the people, which is the only form of electing presidents in Honduras. Let us not lose our rights and not permit that certain individuals begin to make decisions that should be made by the Honduran people, through their legitimacy and their popular will.
I am willing to make any effort and sacrifice to obtain the freedom that our country needs. We will either be free or we will be permanent slaves unless we have the courage to defend ourselves. Do not take arms, practice what I have always taught-- non-violence. Let them be the ones who bring violence, arms and repression. Make the coup responsible for every life of every person, for the physical integrity and dignity of the Honduran people.
We are going to arrive in the International Airport of Honduras in Tegucigalpa with several presidents and members of the international community. On Sunday we will be in Tegucigalpa, we will be accompanying you and embracing you to defend what we have always defended, which is the will of God through the will of the people.
Greetings fellow countrymen and women, may God protect you and bless you all.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
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Honduras Coup General Was Charged in 1993 Auto Theft Ring
Posted by Al Giordano - July 4, 2009 at 4:15 pm By Al Giordano
![[Image: vasquez1.jpeg]](
General Romeo Vásquez Velásquez, who appeared on stage this week with Honduran coup “president” Roberto Michiletti, and who ordered the kidnapping and forced deportation of P resident Manuel Zelaya last Sunday, was charged with grand auto theft in 1993, Narco News has learned.
On February 2, 1993, the front page of the Tegucigalpa daily El Heraldo included this headline: “Eleven Members of the Gang of 13 Go to Prison”:
“Eleven individuals arrested for their alleged participation in the theft of 200 luxury automobiles… were sent to prison yesterday… (including) Colonel Wilfredo Leva Caborrea and Major Romeo Vásquez Velásquez, accused as alleged participants…”
(Narco News makes the document available for download by press and public here, including two interior pages of the newspaper that report on the case, each mentioning the then-major, now commander of the military coup in Honduras.)
![[Image: blue-graphs-LG.jpg]](
The newspaper report further stated:
“…Major Romeo Vásquez Velásquez, connected to the theft of luxury cars in the ‘Gang of 13,’ will be imprisoned in the Central Penitentiary (PC, in its Spanish initials).”
Prior to his criminal acts, Vásquez attended the US School of the Americas in 1976 and 1984, when the school was located in Panama, but he did not graduate.
It was the same Honduran Congress that endorsed, after the fact, last Sunday’s military coup, and named Roberto Micheletti as the country's "president," that promoted this common car thief as head of the Armed Forces.
Memo to the General: Objects in the rear view mirror are closer than they appear...
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
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Snipers positioned in the vicinity of the airport
Publicado por espectrods on 7/4/09 Published by espectrods on 7/4/09
Tags: cardinal, gopistas, Honduras, michelleti, resistance
El gobierno de facto dirigido por nuestro Dinosaurio golpista ha apostado a sus franco tiradores en las cercanías de el aeropuerto internacional toncontin de Tegucigalpa , los mismos fueron vistos el día de hoy cuando los manifestantes se acercaban al mismo, estos mismos se esperan sigan en su misma posición de inmediación solo que esperamos no dirijan o mejor aun que no se les gire una orden desde los golpistas y dirijan sus rifles en dirección al pueblo, y hagan lo que adelanta lo que la iglesia (que mas que iglesia parece voceros del gobierno, hasta cadenas nacionales les brindan) católica "si vuelve mel esto sera un baño de sangre" si esto es lo que hace el gran cardenal Oscar Rodriguez , como es posible que un clérigo haga semejantes aseveraciones y aun así tenga conciencia para dirigir un a iglesa ...y habla de paz cuando queremos denunciar que se ha confirmado con un periodista de Radio Progreso fue victimado pro las fuerzas golpistas compañero tu vida no se perderá en el olvido... The de facto government headed by our Dinosaur coup franc has bet their shooters in the vicinity of the international airport in Tegucigalpa Toncontin, they were seen today when the protesters came to it, these are expected to continue in the same position of immediacy that we hope will not only direct or better still they are not turn an order from the putschists and direct their guns toward the town, and do it advances what the church (which seems more than church government spokesmen to give them national chains) Catholic "if it will be back mel a bloodbath" if this is what makes the great Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez, as a cleric may make such statements and still have a conscience to lead a church .. . and talk about peace when we claim that is confirmed by a journalist for Radio Progreso was the victim of the coup forces your life partner will not be lost in oblivion ...
Esperamos que para el dia de mañana retorne el presidente constitucional a la nación , y este sera acompañado con pro diferentes mandataros del continente y mas que ellos el pueblo de HONDURAS tambien estara presente como el mejor y puro comite de bienvenida. We hope that by tomorrow to return the nation to constitutional president, and this will be accompanied by pro mandataros different continent and most of the people they HONDURAS also be present as the best pure and welcoming committee.
Como el presidente Correa menciono Honduras es el mejor lugar para dejar la vida, esta la tierra de Moraban , la patria de Lempira , así están SIETE MILLONES Y MEDIO de HONDUREÑOS dispuestos ha dejar sus ideales plasmados en piedra con su propia vida con el propósito de expulsar de este mundo si es posible a estos dinosaurios que han querido no mas que asegurar sus intereses económicos en el país . As the president mentioned Honduras Correa is the best place to leave life, dwelt in this land, the homeland of Lempira, and are seven and a half million has HONDURAN willing to leave their ideals embodied in stone with his own life with the purpose of out of this world if it is possible that these dinosaurs have wanted no more to secure its economic interests in the country.
Los hondureños ya no estamos en la época antigua, no nos quedamos callados, encerrados y solo asintiendo nuestras cabezas... Hondurans and not in ancient times, we were not silent, locked up and only our heads nodding ... la renitencia popular acompañada por la razón le quitara la cabeza al tirano dictador que con violencia y sin respetar el estado de derecho y las luchas históricas ha querido saciar su sed de poder tomando al presidencia del país , derrocando al único candidato que fue electo por la población . accompanied by the popular renitencia reason you remove the head to the tyrant dictator who violently and without the rule of law and the historical struggles wanted to quench their thirst for taking the presidency of the country, overthrowing the only candidate who was elected by the population.
Honduaras unido jamas sera vencido, Zelaya amigo el pueblo esta contigo, gorilas bastardos su tumba no esta largo, tiranos traidores EL PUEBLO SON LOS POBRES Hondu united will never be defeated, Zelaya friend is with you people, gorillas bastards his grave is not long, treacherous tyrants PEOPLE ARE POOR
Se que es casi imposible que la comunidad Hondureña se de cuenta de lo que realmente sucede puesto que el cerco mediatico sigue levantado... It is almost impossible for the Honduran community to realize what actually happens as the media continues to fence up ... esto se lo dedicamos a la comunidad internacional que tienen acceso a el.. This is dedicated to the international community to have access to the .. mi pueblo de honduras podrá verlo cuando la justicia prevalezca y los golpistas desaparezcan del país ... honduras my people can see it when justice prevails and the putschists disappear in the country ...
Honduras sera libre, Michelleti sera consumido por su propia consciencia ... Honduras will be free Michelleti will be consumed by his own conscience ...
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.