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Germany/Switzerland-Death of Rainer Barschel 1987 in Geneva
Helen Reyes Wrote:Bob Gates is definitely a Bush-man and was clearly involved in October Surprise in some capacity. He's one of those inner Bush-men the family gives nicknames, but can't remember his.
Is there any chance in hell that it was Spider Man?
Or did anybody ever hear that nickname/codename in relation to Iran-Contra/arms dealing/assassination?

Dirk Stoffberg mentions it in the papers from the Lübeck Staatsanwaltschaft on Barschel.

The most relevant literature regarding what happened since September 11, 2001 is George Orwell's "1984".
Carsten Wiethoff Wrote:That case really deserves a thread of its own. Thanks again, Helen, for bringing it up.
The "doctor" who treated her was obviously this one: (from NYTimes)
William S. Kroger, 89, Pioneer In Use of Hypnosis as Treatment

Hi Carsten - what's your source for Kroger being "Marshall Burger" or "Gilbert Jensen" - the shrinks who allegedly programmed Candy Jones?
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Jan, you will laugh out loud.
Its Wikipedia.
Quote:During a lengthy United Service Organizations (USO) tour in the Philippines, Jones fell ill in 1945, and was treated by a doctor who was still alive when Candy publicised her mind-control claims; Donald Bain gave this doctor the pseudonym "Gilbert Jensen". According to researcher Martin Cannon, who interviewed Jones before she died in 1990, the "Marshall Burger" pseudonym in Bain's book who worked with Jensen on the Jones case was actually Dr. William Kroger.
The most relevant literature regarding what happened since September 11, 2001 is George Orwell's "1984".
Carsten Wiethoff Wrote:Jan, you will laugh out loud.
Its Wikipedia.
Quote:During a lengthy United Service Organizations (USO) tour in the Philippines, Jones fell ill in 1945, and was treated by a doctor who was still alive when Candy publicised her mind-control claims; Donald Bain gave this doctor the pseudonym "Gilbert Jensen". According to researcher Martin Cannon, who interviewed Jones before she died in 1990, the "Marshall Burger" pseudonym in Bain's book who worked with Jensen on the Jones case was actually Dr. William Kroger.

:rofl: :top:

Actually, my source is Martin Cannon, and his source is - essentially, the research notes of John Marks, who did not identify Kroger in his Search for the Manchurian Candidate.

Cannon's unpublished manuscript is well worth reading in its entirety. His analysis of the Candy Jones case is below:

Quote:I refer to the case of Candy Jones.

Her story has filled at least one book 114 and ought, one day, to give rise to another. Obviously, I cannot here give all the details of this fascinating and frightening narrative. But a precis is mandatory.

Ms. Jones (born Jessica Wilcox) achieved star status as a model during World War II, and later established her own modelling agency. An FBI man requested her to allow her place of business to be used as a "mail drop" for the Bureau and "another government agency" (presumably, the CIA); Candy, deeply patriotic, accepted the proposition gladly. Toiling on the fringes of the clandestine world, Candy eventually came into contact with a "Dr. Gilbert Jensen," who worked, in turn, with a "Dr. Marshall Burger." (Both names are pseudonyms.) Unknown to her, these doctors had been employed as "spy-chiatrists" by the CIA. Using a job interview as a cover, Jensen induced hypnosis, found Candy to be a particularly responsive subject - and proceeded to use her as other scientists would use a rhesus monkey. She became a test subject for the CIA's mind control program.

Her job - insofar as it is known - was to provide a clandestine courier service.115 Estabrooks had outlined the basic idea years earlier: Induce hypnosis via a disguised technique, give the messenger information to memorize, hypnotically "erase" the message from conscious memory, and install a post-hypnotic suggestion that the message (now buried within the sub-conscious) will be brought forth only upon a specific cue. If the hypnotist can create such a courier, ultra-security can be guaranteed; even torture won't cause the messenger to tell what he knows - because he doesn't know that he knows it.116 According to the highly respected Dr. Milton Kline, "Evidence really does exist that has not been published" proving that Estabrooks' perfect secret agent could be successfully evoked.117

Candy was one such success story. Success, in this context, means that she could be - and was - brutally tortured and abused while running assignments for the CIA. All the MKULTRA toys were brought into play: hypnosis, drugs, conditioning - and electronics. Using these devices, Jensen and Burger managed to:

install a "duplicate personality,"
create amnesia of both the programming sessions and the field assignments,
turn Candy into a vicious, hate-mongering bigot, the better to isolate her from the rest of humanity (previously, her associates considered her noteworthy for her racial tolerance; her modelling agency was one of the first to break the color barrier), and
program her to commit suicide at the end of her usefulness to the Agency.
The programming techniques used on her were flawed. She breached security when she married famed New York radio personality John Nebel,118 who, using hypnotic regression, elicited the long-repressed truth. Eventually, the "Other Candy" was bade farewell, and the programming broken.

Skeptics might find Candy's story as incredible as the abduction accounts - after all, an amateur had conducted her hypnotic regression, and the possibility of confabulation always lurks. Nevertheless, I feel that the veracity of her narrative has been established beyond reasonable doubt. In her hypnotic regression sessions, she recalled being programmed at a government-connected institute in northern California - which, as John Marks' investigators later proved, was indeed heavily involved with government-funded brainwashing research.119 Marks himself believes Candy's story - not least, because the details of the programming methods used on her were substantiated by documents released AFTER her book was published.120 Interviews with Milton Kline, Dr. Frances Jakes, John Watkins and others provided the testimony that the programming of Candy Jones was feasible - and Deep Trance substantiated the story.121

Recently, the case has received important "indirect" confirmation: Investigators interested in follow-up research have filed FOIA requests with the CIA for all papers relating to Candy Jones. The agency admits that it has a substantial file on her, but refuses to release any part of it. If her tale is false, then why would the CIA be so reluctant to deliver the information? Indeed, why would they have a file in the first place?122

The final confirmation of Candy's tale requires a revelation - one which I make with some trepidation, even though the individual named is dead.

"Marshall Burger" was really Dr. William Kroger.123

Kroger, long associated with the espionage establishment, had written the following in 1963:

...a good subject can be hypnotized to deliver secret information. The memory of this message could be covered by an artificially induced amnesia. In the event that he should be captured, he naturally could not remember that he had ever been given the message... however, since he had been given a post-hypnotic suggestion, the message would be subject to recall through a specific cue.124

If Candy confabulated her story, why did she name this particualr scientist, who, writing theoretically in 1963, predicted the subsequent events in her life?[125]

After l'affair Jones, Kroger transferred his base of operations to UCLA - specifically, to the Neuropsychiatric Institute run by Dr. Louis Jolyon West, an MKULTRA veteran. There he wrote HYPNOSIS AND BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION,126 with a preface by Martin Orne (another MKULTRA veteran) and H.J. Eysenck (still another MKULTRA veteran). The finale of this opus contains chilling hints of the possibilites inherent in combining hypnosis with ESB, implants, and conditioning - though Kroger is careful to point out that "we are not concerned that man might be conditioned by rewards and punishments through electronic brain stimulation to be controlled like robots."127 HE may not be concerned - but perhaps WE ought to be.

The control of Candy Jones gives us much information useful to our "alien abduction" hypothesis.

Her torture sessions - inflicted during her programming by her CIA masters, and on missions by as-yet mysterious persons - seem strikingly like the otherwise senselessly painful "examinations" allegedly conducted aboard alien spacecraft.
Her personality shifts roughly parallel those experienced by certain UFO abductees.
Despite her brutalization, she remained "loyal" to Drs. Jensen and Burger. This bewildering behavior reminds me of my first abductee interviews, during which I heard ghastly descriptions of UFO torture sessions - followed by protestations of limitless love for the alien pain-mongers.
Like many abductees, Candy had to attend regular "conditioning" sessions. Repeated exposure to the programming is necessary to effect continuous control.
To maintain their hammerlock on her mind, Candy's handlers programmed her to remain isolated. Specifically, they instilled a deep paranoia toward other human beings; "outsiders" were probable enemies, out to use or abuse her. I have seen this pattern consistently in my own work with abductees.128 Skeptics would argue that unreasonable abductee fears probably indicate paranoid schizophrenia - one symptom of which can, indeed, be hallucinatory experiences. But most abductees are easily hypnotized, while paranoid schizophrenics are extremely difficult to "put under," according to Dr. Edward Simpson- Kallas, a psychiatrist with wide experience in the area of forensic hypnosis.129 If, however, those unreasonable fears had been hypnotically induced, the contradiction is resolved.
Candy was the product of an unhappy childhood, hence her propensity toward multiple personality.130 Many of the "repeater" abductees I have interviewed had similarly depressing family histories.131
The story of Candy Jones also has what we might call a "negative relevance" to the abduction accounts. Because the Controllers did not establish a hypnotic cover story, or pseudomemory, the true facts of the case managed to percolate into her conscious mind. No matter how thorough the posthypnotic amnesia, leaks will occur - hence the need for a false memory, to fill the gap of recollection. The CIA learns from its mistakes. Candy's hypno-programming broke down in early 1973 - the year the "alien disguise" became (if my hypothesis proves correct) standard operating procedure.132 (Milton Kline accepted the Candy Jones story, but considered the job amateurish and inconsistent with the best work done at that time.133 Perhaps the major fault was the lack of a pseudomemory cover story?)


114. Donald Bain, THE CONTROL OF CANDY JONES (Chicago, Playboy Press, 1976).

115. The use of hypnotized couriers in warfare goes back to the 19th century.

116. Estabrooks, HYPNOTISM, 193-214.

117. John Marks interview with Milton Kline, December 22, 1977 (Marks files). In another interview, Professor Clare Young (a colleague of Estabrooks' at Colgate University) confirmed that Estabrooks' hypnosis work for the government has never been published.

118. Or could her marriage have been part of the program? "Long John," as he was popularly known, was famous in UFO circles, and had provided a forum for such early-day contactees as Howard Menger. He also knew Jackie Gleason, a prominent (if unlikely) name in the "crashed disc" rumor vaults. Could Candy have been assigned to discover what Nebel knew?

119. Marks files. John Marks did excellent work on the Candy Jones story; he erred - almost unforgivably - on the side of conservatism when he refused to include information about this incident in his book. I know the name of the institute involved; however, since Candy saw fit to keep this aspect of her story secret (probably for sound legal reasons), I shall follow her lead.

120. Scheflin and Opton, THE MIND MANIPULATORS, 446-447.

121. Interviews, Marks files. One of Marks' informants offered the interesting speculation that Candy's torture sessions were not conducted in the field, but in the lab - her entire mission might have been a hypno-programmed fantasy.

122. The information about Candy's CIA files stems from a telephone interview with Candy Jones. A problem looms here: CIA cover stories unravel like the skin of an onion; once you remove the outer layer, the next lie is revealed. In the case of Candy Jones, the substrata of buncombe involves allegations that she WILLINGLY complied with the CIA, and used Jensen's hypnosis experiments as a rationalization for her compliance. Such is the explanation offered by certain of Marks' informants; alas, Opton and Scheflin seem to have bought this line. Anyone familiar with the vile acts of self-degradation to which Candy's programmers subjected her will laugh this story out of court. No one, short of a severely psychotic masochist, would willingly undergo what she went through.

123. Marks files.

124. William Kroger, CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL HYPNOSIS (Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1963), 299.

125. Recently, ufologist Jim Moseley, an acquaintance of Candy's, has claimed that an unidentified source on Nebel's "inner circle" once, off-the-record, pronounced Candy's story "a crock." This assertion deserves careful and respectful consideration. Still, Moseley won't identify his source, and we have no way of telling if this insider spoke from instinct or certain knowledge, or indeed, what he really meant. Did he feel Candy was fantasizing or fibbing? If the former, why did her hallucinations match details of MKULTRA released only after publication of her book? If the latter, how are we to explain the many hypnotic regression tapes, at least some of which were made available to outside investigators? (Fairly elaborate, for a hoax.) In any case, how could Candy have known the fact (confirmed by Marks' associates) that Kroger taught "Jensen" at a certain West-coast institute? Why, if the story was "a crock," would Candy risk libel suits by naming - to associates and investigators, if not to the general public - real-life hypnotherapists? All in all, I would suggest that Moseley's "insider" was speaking glibly, and did not know the true facts.

126. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1976.

127. Ibid., 415.

128. Similar paranoid outbreaks led to the dissolution of Dr. Richard Neal's UFO abductee group in Los Angeles, according to a phone interview I had with Dr. Neal.

129. Affidavit of Dr. Simpson-Kallas in the case of Sirhan-Sirhan, 1973; see Bowart, OPERATION MIND CONTROL, 225.

130. All true MPs have experienced some form of abuse or trauma, psychological or physical, during childhood.

131. One was ritually abused in an occult setting. If I were a "spy-chiatrist" scouting potential fodder for mind control experiments, I would seek out abused children from military families. (A military background would ensure that the "right" doctor gets access to the child.) Abduction researchers should look for such a pattern.

132. I refer here to the vast upsurge in alien abductions which took place that year; see generally Kevin Randle, THE OCTOBER SCENARIO (Middle Coast, 1988). Of course, abductions (or, according to my hypothesis, disguised mind control operations) occurred previous to this year.

133. John Marks interview with Milton Kline, December 22, 1977 (Marks files).
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Quote:118. Or could her marriage have been part of the program? "Long John," as he was popularly known, was famous in UFO circles, and had provided a forum for such early-day contactees as Howard Menger. He also knew Jackie Gleason, a prominent (if unlikely) name in the "crashed disc" rumor vaults. Could Candy have been assigned to discover what Nebel knew?
The problem here is that CIA could expect Nebel to pick and pry. Nebel was very sceptical, more so than Art Bell, who sort of modelled himself on Nebel and is a fan, I believe.

I guess the chances are pretty slim that Candy's unnamed institution in Northern California was the same place George Moscone earmarked for debriefing the Jonestown massacre survivors. SF Board of Supervisors gets up to some pretty clandestine stuff though. NSA listening posts in downtown SF, secret seed vaults... Not to mention the Bohemian and Commonwealth Clubs.
Mossad accused over 1987 death of German politician

ISRAEL’S MOSSAD secret service has been accused of involvement in the unsolved death of German politician Uwe Barschel in October 1987.
Mr Barschel’s lifeless body was found in the bath of a Geneva hotel just weeks after the state governor was forced out of office in disgrace.
A postmortem revealed a lethal dose of barbiturates in his system, leading to the assumption that the politician had killed himself.
However, one of the toxicologists involved in the case says he has new evidence suggesting that Mr Barschel was force-fed a sophisticated cocktail of drugs.
“The chemical results indicate a murder,” said Dr Hans Brandenberger to Welt am Sonntag newspaper.
“Due to the complexity of the murder scene, a professional team that was at work, not a single person.”
The claim has revived claims that Mr Barschel was murdered by Mossad because he threatened to go public about an alleged illegal sale to Iran by Israel of military aircraft, a deal reportedly funnelled through Germany.
Mr Barschel was the influential governor of Germany’s northernmost state, Schleswig-Holstein when he was forced from office at the end of September 1987.
The Christian Democrat (CDU) politician had denied involvement in a dirt-digging campaign against his Social Democrat (SPD) rival during a recent state election, but had to go when incriminating evidence emerged of his involvement.
On October 11th, 1987, his body was found in a bath of icy water in room 317 of Geneva’s “Beau-Rivage” hotel. Swiss police ruled the death a suicide, but doubts about that version events soon began to emerge.
The crime scene was contaminated, fingerprints and photographs of the hotel room were useless and Basler Zeitung daily, citing “very reliable information”, claimed that Bonn had told Swiss authorities “it would be in everyone’s interest if the case could be classified as suicide”.
Twenty-three years on, doubts persist about the official version of events.
German newspapers suggest Mr Barschel was a bit-player in the Iran-Contra scandal and that, at the time he died, Geneva was crawling with agents from several secret services.
A fresh investigation was opened into the case in June 1998 but was put on ice nine years later when no definitive evidence to prove either the murder or suicide theories.
Dr Brandenberger’s new evidence is based on fresh computer analysis of the 1987 autopsy results.
His attention was caught by a fast-working sleeping agent, Noludar, found barely metabolised in Mr Barschle’s system.
“It borders on certain that Barschle was given Noludar shortly before his death through the rectum,” said Dr Brandenberger, at which point the politician was already unconscious.
The toxicologist’s claim are backed up in a report by rogue Mossad agent Viktor Ostrovsky. In a 1994 book, he claimed that Mr Barschle was given drugged wine before a Mossad team pumped a cocktail of drugs via a tube into this stomach.
To boost the drugs’ effect, he wrote, a hypnotic suppository was administered. The German toxicologist said he was unaware of the 1994 book until approached by Welt am Sonntag .
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Quote:A postmortem revealed a lethal dose of barbiturates in his system, leading to the assumption that the politician had killed himself.

Purely coincidence naturally but:

Quote:Joseph Daniel Casolaro (June 16, 1947–August 10, 1991) was an American freelance writer who came to public attention in 1991 when he was found dead in a bathtub in room 517 of the Sheraton Hotel in Martinsburg, West Virginia, (


Quote:Police are investigating the murder of a man believed to be a British spy, who was found dead in a sports bag in the bath of a flat near to MI6 headquarters in central London. (

Dangerous things baths.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Thanks Magda for posting this.

Before I continue, an apolgy: Due to some unexplained effect in my head I had the first name of Mr. Barschel wrong, when this thread was started. The correct first name has always been Uwe.

For people who read German here is the article in "Welt am Sonntag" which contains the claims by Prof. Brandenberger.

Also, for people interested, Victor Ostrovsky's book "The other side of deception" is on scribd here. The decription of Barschel's death begins on page 232.
The most relevant literature regarding what happened since September 11, 2001 is George Orwell's "1984".
The black hand of the shadow government appears again.

Funny how Jimi Hendrix and Barschel were both found fully-clothed and dead from causes of death where being fully-clothed doesn't make sense.

This is why CIA needs to be destroyed. It's either them or us at this point. Time for the teeth of democracy to bare themselves and show what they were designed for.
David Guyatt Wrote:Dangerous things baths.

I suspect there's a social hierarchy at work here.

Street drug dealers use toilets to flush the evidence away.

Intelligence wet squads use baths.....

"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

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