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Project - Locating the bullets/bullet holes in Dealey Plaza
sth:trytofly: west windows at the time.....i do believe b

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here's the west end the dillard and a moorman showing west end windows open b:trytofly:

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the murray may show them best

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Bernice Moore Wrote:sth:trytofly: west windows at the time.....i do believe b

This is the number one thing I wanted right now Bernice. Info on the open windows on the West side of the TSBD "at the time."

Thank you!
Bernice Moore Wrote:the murray may show them best

I agree. Paul referred me to the Murray manhole sequence at Robin's photo site and I think that's the best material on the possible bullet at that location. Hell, the pix even show the time on the clock on top of the TSBD. See attached example. That's a helpful little detail.

So it's clear that within nine minutes of the shooting the hatless mystery "agent" in the suit was combing the grass for stray bullets that would never be entered into evidence. Was he johnny on the spot or what?

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.jpg   6-1240pm-James Murray photo of Deputy Sheriff Buddy Walthers (dark hat) & Patrolman J. W. Foster.jpg (Size: 98.46 KB / Downloads: 7)

I find it also very strange that the man who wasn't there, also requested two photographs of the man hole sewer cover area.....

19. CSS Form (Crime Scene Section), by J. C. Day. Form concerning a request for photographs by FBI Agent Robert M. Barrett, (Original), 05/28/64. 00002622 1 page 09 04 019 2622-001.gif

21. CSS Form (Crime Scene Section), by J. C. Day. Form concerning a request for photographs by FBI Agent Robert M. Barrett, (Original), 06/03/64. 00002624 1 page 09 04 021 2624-001.gif

The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:
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FBI Agent : Bullet : Sewer Hit

DPD J.W Foster, who stood on the Overpass with the RR workers on Nov,22/63 made his way eventually to the South side of Dealey to see if he could find any other signs of shots, that had hit. He also had become involved in the Tague hit information.
When asked by the WC about such, he said yes he had found one that had hit the grass ,on the concrete corner of the manhole cover…

Mark Oakes interviewed him in 91 , and he confirmed his testimony in his interview.

Foster was joined by D.S Buddy Walters, and another man, and investigated the area, this is when Murray and Allen’s photographs were taken….showing the gathering of men around the manhole cover…

On page 46, of D.P.Chief Jesse Curry’s, book “Assassination Files “.an FBI agent Walthers and another police officer examine the area for bullet fragments .Showing the photo.
.Malcolm Summer, an eyewitness, put Oakes in touch with Buddy Walthers partner.
Former D.S Al Maddox, confirmed Curry’s statement in a video tape interview at the J.F.K centre. He stated Buddy Walthers had told him he knew him, and he was an FBI Agent.

He shows the Nov. 23rd 1963 (copy above, showing photo) of the Fort Worth Star Telegram, where it states one of the assassins rifle bullets, that was fired at the President, lies in the grass across Elm St from where the assassin was hiding.

In the Dallas Times Herald, dated Nov.24/63 reported that DP LT J .C. Day estimated the distance, at 100 yards, from the TSBDs snipers window, where one of the bullets was recovered . Found by Researcher Stan Walters…He spoke to Buddy Walthers widow, by telephone, when he asked her about the man with her husband, she said,” you mean the man who picked up the bullet? “He had not been able to obtain a video interview with her.

In a telephone interview with D.S Al Maddox, he confirmed that a bullet was picked up on the South side, and stated the same before dinner, at the JFK Assn
And Information Centre in Dallas…before the presentation. Deputy Sheriff Maddox then put him in touch with an FBI agent.

He then along with his collogue Frank Surzon ( phonics …sp) working together, obtained the same information, they were in touch with a well known FBI Agent, who did not want his name mentioned, but when asked, affirmed that the man was FBI Robert M .Barrett…..they now, have in their possession a document, that confirms this information…Barrett had worked on several commission exhibits, and had personally investigated another mark in the grass that was reported by Mr.& Mrs. Hartman ( see photo below), that ran 18 to 24 inches under said grass on the South side of Elm Street….the document ,on one line states, ,” the hole was in line with the TSBD”…. Mark Oakes has also interviewed the Mr. & Mrs. Hartman in 91..

The photo of Robert Barrett , Mark states is from 1990, not 91 that is marked on such, that is posted…..In June of 92,, Mark Oakes called Robert Barrett, to try to get a general description of him as he appeared in 1963…. He told him that he collected autographs, from witnesses and police, which is true…….
He did match the description of the man in the photo, and when asked described his hair as a light sandy colour…when asked he replied that he parted his hair on the left side..

Then asking if he would sign some photos that he thought were of him, he sent them in the mail…….within 7 days he got the photos back unsigned, and the original letter that he had sent along with them, with a note attached, reading,


This is a photo of me, sorry.

Yours truly
Bob Barrett.”

He was then confuse, on how a man of such background could make such a mistake..he called Mr. Barrett…and asked him about the note, and his reply was..

On audio tape….

He says “ I should have said it is not”..”It’s not a photograph of me”….asking who, he states..
“ I haven’t got the slightest idea ,I have never seen that photograph before.”

Asking why he was at the Texas Theatre, at the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, he states..

“right” to Mark,
Mark: “ you had to sign a report or something “…”.no, I had to make sure the report was correct”…”…for Oswald’s civil rights to be protected…...asked if he heard a radio call, he says “I was at the Tippet shooting
when we heard that there had been a……there’d been a suspicious character going into the theatre .”

In relation to the young1950 black and white photograph, of Robert M. Barrett, this was found by Stan Surzon..(phonics sp)…..
And later a better copy found by Jerry Robertson, was sent to Mark, which he shows…shown above…..

Re the 1950 photo of Barrett,……… at the “The Last Down Symposium” he showed and spoke to Jack White, he said there were some similarities..

He then contacted Mr. Robert P. Gemberling, a personal friend, and Barrett’s supervisor in Dallas…before the 1992 Symposium he went to speak to Mr. Gemberling, and shows a video tape of the interview, and what he had to say about the discovery…

When shown the photo of the man investigating the area on the South side of Elm, ,
Gemberling states “ This is not the first time I have seen this picture…a Bob Barrett and Ivan Lee were two agents that worked closely together ……and were responsible for a section of the first report I wrote in Nov. 30th of 63, which was about a multiple page section containing photographs of all the various locations of Oswald’s escape route from the Texas School Book building….. And ah, they both worked on that and I know Bob Barrett very well.
Now this picture was shown to me or was sent to me, in a magazine and I was not positive, it was a smaller, but it did look like Bob Barrett.
And a, I was never interviewed by anybody then as to whether it was Bob Barrett or not. Although Ike Lee sent it to me and said I would be probably be contacted, and never was. Ike did not say it was Bob Barrett he more or less left it up to me, now when I look at this picture, before you even mentioned that Bob Barrett had said it was him, I think I mentioned to you earlier that of all the agents that worked on the case, it resembles Bob Barrett, although I know he parted his hair on the left side an his hair was similar to that , and I would say that it very possibly is Bob Barrett.” snip..

Gemberling when asked, was he at the scene of Oswald’s arrest….he said “Yes, he (Bob Barrett) was at the scene of the arrest (of Oswald) yes.”

After less than 20 days later Gemberling sent Mark Oakes a letter, reversing his statements, and retracting his statements in his video taped interview, with a copy sent to Mr. Robert Barrett.

He then shows another photo of Bob Barrett ( BS) of the 1950 graduate class, Univ. of Washington, ( he was the Secretary of the Interball Sports )with fellow classmates, brought forward by Jerry Robertson. Mark and
Stan and he are still trying to find a 1963 photo of him. He shows a document that shows that Bob Barrett was in Dealey Plaza, on Nov, 22/63, right after the assassination. To do with his investigation of the Pascal film and being given a copy of such by her lawyer a Mr. Bruner, but has also has a blackened out section, but this document pertains to the fact that he, Bob Barrett, noticed himself and saw himself in the Pascal film ..Before giving it back to the lawyer….
And yet another document from the Assassination Information Centre that pertains to the fact that Barrett was in Dealey Plaza, before he went to the Tippit shooting and the Oswald arrest.

He received further correspondence from Gemberling. He was very adamant with Mark, that he had used him for a “fishing trip” into the assassination, He has also stated that he was not a supervisor, when he took over the Investigation for Gordon Shanklin in 63, but Agent Hosty, testified to such, at the Oversight Committee gave such testimony and Mark shows that clip from that Committee. Gemberling confronted Mark before the Dallas symposium in 93….very upset, and Mark did and does admit that he secretly taped that confrontation, and plays such. Mark tells him that Chief Curry, says in his book that it was a FBI agent, but Gemberling does not know of such.

He received a letter after from Dorothy Walthers, Buddy’s widow, she wrote about the bullet that was found on the South side of Elm St on Nov. 22/63……”Again it was great to meet you, By the way, Mark, I really don’t recall just when Buddy told me. About finding that bullet------after he was killed in 69, a lot of things are just a blur! Sorry.”

He then shows a photo showing the men at the site of the bullet hit on the South side.
And states they will keep trying, to find a report of what happened to the finding.

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Here is the man in a

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Myra Bronstein Wrote:
Bernice Moore Wrote:the murray may show them best

I agree. Paul referred me to the Murray manhole sequence at Robin's photo site and I think that's the best material on the possible bullet at that location. Hell, the pix even show the time on the clock on top of the TSBD. See attached example. That's a helpful little detail.

So it's clear that within nine minutes of the shooting the hatless mystery "agent" in the suit was combing the grass for stray bullets that would never be entered into evidence. Was he johnny on the spot or what?

Clean-up crew [part]. That the WC never tried to identify or question this man, alone, condemns that 'august' [cough, cough, vomit] body!
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"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

First I've heard of that video by Mark Oakes. Thank you Bernice. I found it on ebay:

"ON THE TRAIL OF THE MYSTERY F.B.I. MAN, by Mark Oakes is a 1 hour and 4 minute VHS. You will see documented evidence and interviews about the bullet that was recovered on the south side of Elm Street 10 minutes after the assassination of JFK, it was never submitted into the official record, These exclusive interviews by Mark Oakes have never been seen on any documentary before. FBI agent Robert Barrett denied for years it was him in those damning photos taken 10 minutes after the assassination. Mark Oakes confirms it was Robert Barrett."

Robert Barrett... Very good to know.

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